import re import threading import Queue import argparse import urlparse from sys import stderr from base64 import b64decode as b import requests import bs4 # # Title: # Author: Daxda # Date: 23.02.2014 # Desc: NapalmFTPIndexer is exactly what you think it is, it indexes ftp # links. The bad part about their service is that the ftp links are # encoded and not easy to access probably to prevent the harvesting # of their collected data. # # If you are interessted in the website and want to make a picture fo # yourself, visit it under the following link: # # The process looks about like this: # # - Make the search query and store the search results # - Visit the search result's links and extract an encrypted string # - Decrypt said string and add it to our gathered links # - Repeat the above steps until the end of results is reached, # then print the gathered links to stdout # # class Napalm(threading.Thread): """ Automates the searching and extracting of's encoded ftp links. """ def __init__(self, args): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._queue = Queue.Queue() self._stop_flag = False self._args = args self._session = requests.session() self._configure_session() self._gathered = set() self._page_no = 0 self._lock = threading.Lock() def search(self): """ Initializes the search process. """ try: self._session.get("") # First try to search for the passed keyword to make sure the search # yields results. source = self._get_source({"mode": "Search", "keyword":}) if("No files found." in source): stderr.write("Search query didn't yield any results.\n") stderr.flush() return elif("Keyword too generic, try something more specific." in source): stderr.write("Keyword too generic, try something more specific.\n") stderr.flush() return except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): stderr.write("Failed to establish a connection!\n") stderr.flush() return self._start_workers() # Iterate over each result page and extract the hashes which point to the # page on which the base64 encrypted string resides and put them in the # worker queue. for page_no, i in enumerate(range(0, 50000, 20), 1): self._page_no = page_no try: # get the i-th search result source = self._get_source({"mode": "Result", "keyword":, "index": str(i)}) if not source: raise KeyboardInterrupt # extract the hashes, the hashes are used inside a javascript # file on the site to navigate from the result page to the correct # site which holds the encrypted string we search for. search_results = self._extract_search_results(source) if(not search_results): raise KeyboardInterrupt # Fill the queue with our harvested hashes, the worker threads # will take care of the decryption of the encrypted strings which # reside on the sites the hashes point to. self._fill_queue(search_results) while(self._queue.qsize() > 50): pass except(requests.exceptions.RequestException): stderr.write(e.message+"\n") stderr.flush() break except(KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): self._stop_flag = True break # Wait until all items inside the queue are processed, without this # check the for loop (which iterates over the search result pages) # could end before the queue is empty and thus resulting in lost links. if(not self._stop_flag and self._queue.qsize() > 0): stderr.write("\nAsking all worker threads to finish their work...") stderr.flush() try: while self._queue.qsize() > 0: pass except(KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): pass stderr.write("\n") stderr.flush() # Process the (-p/--parse) flag, the search results will be parsed # to root urls instead of urls pointing to files, thus the amount of links # will be way less than without filtering. if(self._args.parse): filtered = set() for url in self._gathered: parse = urlparse.urlparse(url) url = parse.scheme + "://" +parse.netloc + "/" filtered.add(url) self._gathered = filtered if(not self._lock.locked()): with self._lock: for url in self._gathered: print url def _fill_queue(self, hashes): """ Fills the queue with the passed hashes. """ hashes = list(set(hashes)) [self._queue.put(hash_) for hash_ in hashes if hash_] def _start_workers(self): """ Starts the worker threads. """ for i in range(10): t = threading.Thread(target=self._work) t.daemon = True t.start() def _work(self): while self._stop_flag is False: # Obtain the source of the hash, and extract the encrypted string. # Decrypt it and add it to the results. stderr.write("\rGathered links: {0} - Page: {1}".format(len(self._gathered), self._page_no)) stderr.flush() hash_ = self._queue.get() if not hash_: continue source = self._get_source({"mode": "Content", "hash": hash_}) if not source: self._stop_flag = True # Decrypt the base64 encrypted string and add it to the result link = self._extract_encoded_link(source) if not link: self._stop_flag = True if not self._lock.locked(): with self._lock: self._gathered.add(link) self._queue.task_done() def _configure_session(self): """ Declares the default header information used for each request. """ host = "" user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64;"+\ " rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0" accept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" accept_language = "en-US,en;q=0.5" accept_encoding = "gzip, deflate" dnt = "1" referer = "" headers = {"Host": host, "User-Agent": user_agent, "Accept": accept, "Accept-Language": accept_language, "Accept-Encoding": accept_encoding, "DNT": dnt, "Referer": referer, "Connection": "close"} self._session.headers.update(headers) def _get_source(self, data): """ Returns the source code of the request. The arguments for this method are: url - The url we post the passed data to. data - The data which will be stitched together with the correct format. mode - This argument tells the program what data to add to the post request, possible modes are, Search, Content and Result. """ if(data["mode"] == "Search"): data = {"action": "result", "args": "k={0}&t=and&o=none&s=0".format(data["keyword"])} elif(data["mode"] == "Content"): data = {"action": "content", "args": "type=f&hash={0}".format(data["hash"])} else: # The arguments for the result requests seem to be: # - k = Keyword # - t = Search mode, either 'and' or 'or' # - o and s = Order and sort # - f = Files, used to let the server know which page to display. # It increments by 20. # args = "k={0}&t=and&o=none&s=0&f={1}&d=1".format(data["keyword"], data["index"]) data = {"action": "result", "args": args} # Post the configured data to the server req ="", data=data) if(req.status_code != self._stop_flag = True return return req.text.encode("utf8", errors="ignore") def _extract_search_results(self, source): """ Extracts the search results of the passed source, returns them in a list. """ soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(source) search_results = [] # Filter out each 'p' tag and for each p tag search for 'a' tags # then search the a tags for it's href attribute which contains 'type':'d'. # The type 'd' stands for directory, we want to extract the link # to later visit it via the _get_source method and process the results. for p in soup.find_all("p", class_="filedir"): links = p.find_all("a", href=True) for link in links: if("'content'" in link["href"] and "'type':'f'" in link["href"]): search_results.append(link["href"]) hashes = [] # A value of search_results looks like this: # javascript:go('content', {'type':'f', 'hash':'qac2gjxawqzh54ygs4wtr'}) for js_link in search_results: js_link = js_link[js_link.rindex(":")+1:] # 'qac2gjxawqzh54ygs4wtr'}) js_link = js_link.replace("'", "").replace("})", "") # qac2gjxawqzh54ygs4wtr hashes.append(js_link) return hashes def _extract_encoded_link(self, source): """ Extracts the encoded link from the passed source, the return value of this method is the decoded link, type string. """ if not source: return match ="ct1 = ct1_t = decodeURIComponent\(escape\(decode\('.*'", source) if not match: print("Failed to extract the encoded link") return match ="ct1 = ct1_t = decodeURIComponent(escape(decode(", "") match = match.replace("'", "") return b(match).strip()