#!/bin/bash # # Uses kubectl to collect cluster information. # Dumps: # - Logs of every container of every pod of every namespace. # - Resource configurations for ingress, endpoints, custom resource # definitions, configmaps, secrets (names only) and "all" as defined by # kubectl. COREDUMP_DIR="/var/lib/istio" # Limit total log size to 100MB by default DEFAULT_MAX_LOG_BYTES=100000000 error() { echo "$*" >&2 } usage() { error 'Collect all possible data from a Kubernetes cluster using kubectl.' error '' error 'Usage:' error ' dump_kubernetes.sh [options]' error '' error 'Options:' error ' -d, --output-directory directory to output files; defaults to' error ' "istio-dump"' error ' -z, --archive if present, archives and removes the output' error ' directory' error ' -q, --quiet if present, do not log' error ' -m, --max-bytes max total bytes, 0=no limit, default='${DEFAULT_MAX_LOG_BYTES} error ' -l, --label if set, dump logs only for pods with given labels e.g. "-l app=pilot -l istio=galley"' error ' -n, --namespace if set, dump logs only for pods in the given namespaces e.g. "-n default -n istio-system"' error ' --error-if-nasty-logs if present, exit with 255 if any logs' error ' contain errors' exit 1 } log() { local msg="${1}" if [ "${QUIET}" = false ]; then printf '%s\n' "${msg}" fi } parse_args() { local max_bytes="${DEFAULT_MAX_LOG_BYTES}" while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do case "${1}" in -d|--output-directory) local out_dir="${2}" shift 2 # Shift past option and value. ;; -z|--archive) local should_archive=true shift # Shift past flag. ;; -q|--quiet) local quiet=true shift # Shift past flag. ;; --error-if-nasty-logs) local should_check_logs_for_errors=true shift # Shift past flag. ;; -m|--max-bytes) max_bytes="${2}" shift 2 ;; -l|--label) pod_labels+="${2} " shift 2 ;; -n|--namespace) namespaces+="${2} " shift 2 ;; *) usage ;; esac done readonly OUT_DIR="${out_dir:-istio-dump}" readonly SHOULD_ARCHIVE="${should_archive:-false}" readonly QUIET="${quiet:-false}" readonly SHOULD_CHECK_LOGS_FOR_ERRORS="${should_check_logs_for_errors:-false}" readonly LOG_DIR="${OUT_DIR}/logs" readonly RESOURCES_FILE="${OUT_DIR}/resources.yaml" readonly ISTIO_RESOURCES_FILE="${OUT_DIR}/istio-resources.yaml" readonly MAX_LOG_BYTES="${max_bytes}" } check_prerequisites() { local prerequisites=$* for prerequisite in ${prerequisites}; do if ! command -v "${prerequisite}" > /dev/null; then error "\"${prerequisite}\" is required. Please install it." return 1 fi done } dump_time() { mkdir -p "${OUT_DIR}" date -u > "${OUT_DIR}/DUMP_TIME" } # mv_unless_max_exceeded src_file dest_file performs mv src_file dest_file unless the global variable stored_log_bytes # would exceed max_log_bytes. # If total not exceeded, file is moved and max_log_bytes updated, otherwise an error is logged. # src_file is always deleted when calling this function. mv_unless_max_exceeded() { local src_file="${1}" local dst_file="${2}" file_size=$(wc -c "${src_file}" | awk '{print $1}') local nsb=$(("${stored_log_bytes}" + "${file_size}")) if (("${nsb}" > "${MAX_LOG_BYTES}")); then log "Not storing ${log_file} because appending its ${file_size} bytes would exceed max logged bytes ${MAX_LOG_BYTES}" rm "${src_file}" else dirn=$(dirname "${dst_file}") mkdir -p "${dirn}" mv "${src_file}" "${dst_file}" stored_log_bytes="${nsb}" fi } dump_logs_for_container() { local namespace="${1}" local pod="${2}" local container="${3}" log "Retrieving logs for ${namespace}/${pod}/${container}" mkdir -p "${LOG_DIR}/${namespace}/${pod}" local log_file_head="${LOG_DIR}/${namespace}/${pod}/${container}" local temp_log_file="${LOG_DIR}/temp_log_file.log" local log_file="${log_file_head}.log" kubectl logs --namespace="${namespace}" "${pod}" "${container}" \ > "${temp_log_file}" mv_unless_max_exceeded "${temp_log_file}" "${log_file}" local filter="?(@.name == \"${container}\")" local json_path='{.status.containerStatuses['${filter}'].restartCount}' local restart_count restart_count=$(kubectl get --namespace="${namespace}" \ pod "${pod}" -o=jsonpath="${json_path}") if [ "${restart_count}" -gt 0 ]; then log "Retrieving previous logs for ${namespace}/${pod}/${container}" local log_previous_file log_previous_file="${log_file_head}_previous.log" kubectl logs --namespace="${namespace}" \ --previous "${pod}" "${container}" \ > "${temp_log_file}" mv_unless_max_exceeded "${temp_log_file}" "${log_previous_file}" fi } copy_core_dumps_if_istio_proxy() { local namespace="${1}" local pod="${2}" local container="${3}" local got_core_dump=false if [ "istio-proxy" = "${container}" ]; then local out_dir="${LOG_DIR}/${namespace}/${pod}" mkdir -p "${out_dir}" local core_dumps core_dumps=$(kubectl exec -n "${namespace}" "${pod}" -c "${container}" -- \ find ${COREDUMP_DIR} -name 'core.*') for f in ${core_dumps}; do local out_file out_file="${out_dir}/$(basename "${f}")" kubectl exec -n "${namespace}" "${pod}" -c "${container}" -- \ cat "${f}" > "${out_file}" log "Copied ${namespace}/${pod}/${container}:${f} to ${out_file}" got_core_dump=true done fi if [ "${got_core_dump}" = true ]; then return 254 fi } # Run functions on each container. Each argument should be a function which # takes 3 args: ${namespace} ${pod} ${container}. # If any of the called functions returns error, tap_containers returns # immediately with that error. tap_containers() { local functions=("$@") if [ -z "${namespaces}" ]; then namespaces=$(kubectl get \ namespaces -o=jsonpath="{.items[*].metadata.name}") fi for namespace in ${namespaces}; do local pods="" if [ -n "${pod_labels}" ]; then for label in $pod_labels; do pods+=$(kubectl get --namespace="${namespace}" -l"${label}" \ pods -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}')" " done else pods=$(kubectl get --namespace="${namespace}" \ pods -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') fi for pod in ${pods}; do local containers containers=$(kubectl get --namespace="${namespace}" \ pod "${pod}" -o=jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}') for container in ${containers}; do for f in "${functions[@]}"; do "${f}" "${namespace}" "${pod}" "${container}" || return $? done done done done return 0 } dump_kubernetes_resources() { log "Retrieving kubernetes resource configurations" mkdir -p "${OUT_DIR}" # Only works in Kubernetes 1.8.0 and above. kubectl get --all-namespaces --export \ all,jobs,ingresses,endpoints,customresourcedefinitions,configmaps,secrets,events \ -o yaml > "${RESOURCES_FILE}" } dump_istio_custom_resource_definitions() { log "Retrieving istio resource configurations" local istio_resources # Trim to only first field; join by comma; remove last comma. istio_resources=$(kubectl get customresourcedefinitions \ --no-headers 2> /dev/null \ | cut -d ' ' -f 1 \ | tr '\n' ',' \ | sed 's/,$//') if [ -n "${istio_resources}" ]; then kubectl get "${istio_resources}" --all-namespaces -o yaml \ > "${ISTIO_RESOURCES_FILE}" fi } dump_resources() { dump_kubernetes_resources dump_istio_custom_resource_definitions mkdir -p "${OUT_DIR}" kubectl cluster-info dump > "${OUT_DIR}/cluster-info.dump.txt" kubectl describe pods -n istio-system > "${OUT_DIR}/istio-system-pods.txt" kubectl get events --all-namespaces -o wide > "${OUT_DIR}/events.txt" } dump_pilot_url(){ local pilot_pod=$1 local url=$2 local dname=$3 local outfile outfile="${dname}/$(basename "${url}")" log "Fetching ${url} from pilot" kubectl -n istio-system exec -i -t "${pilot_pod}" -c istio-proxy -- \ curl "http://localhost:8080/${url}" > "${outfile}" } dump_pilot() { local pilot_pod pilot_pod=$(kubectl -n istio-system get pods -l istio=pilot \ -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') if [ -n "${pilot_pod}" ]; then local pilot_dir="${OUT_DIR}/pilot" mkdir -p "${pilot_dir}" dump_pilot_url "${pilot_pod}" debug/configz "${pilot_dir}" dump_pilot_url "${pilot_pod}" debug/endpointz "${pilot_dir}" dump_pilot_url "${pilot_pod}" debug/adsz "${pilot_dir}" dump_pilot_url "${pilot_pod}" debug/authenticationz "${pilot_dir}" dump_pilot_url "${pilot_pod}" metrics "${pilot_dir}" fi } archive() { local parent_dir parent_dir=$(dirname "${OUT_DIR}") local dir dir=$(basename "${OUT_DIR}") pushd "${parent_dir}" > /dev/null || exit tar -czf "${dir}.tar.gz" "${dir}" popd > /dev/null || exit log "Wrote ${parent_dir}/${dir}.tar.gz" } check_logs_for_errors() { log "Searching logs for errors." grep -R --include "${LOG_DIR}/*.log" --ignore-case -e 'segmentation fault' } main() { local exit_code=0 parse_args "$@" check_prerequisites kubectl dump_time dump_pilot dump_resources tap_containers "dump_logs_for_container" "copy_core_dumps_if_istio_proxy" exit_code=$? if [ "${SHOULD_CHECK_LOGS_FOR_ERRORS}" = true ]; then if ! check_logs_for_errors; then exit_code=255 fi fi if [ "${SHOULD_ARCHIVE}" = true ] ; then archive rm -r "${OUT_DIR}" fi log "Wrote to ${OUT_DIR}" return ${exit_code} } stored_log_bytes=0 main "$@"