# Upating charts and values.yaml The charts in the `manifests` directory are used in istioctl to generate an installation manifest. The configuration settings contained in values.yaml files and passed through the CLI are validated against a [schema](../operator/pkg/apis/istio/v1alpha1/values_types.proto). Whenever making changes in the charts, it's important to follow the below steps. ## Step 0. Check that any schema change really belongs in values.yaml Is this a new parameter being added? If not, go to the next step. Dynamic, runtime config that is used to configure Istio components should go into the [MeshConfig API](https://github.com/istio/api/mesh/v1alpha1/config.proto). Values.yaml is being deprecated and adding to it is discouraged. MeshConfig is the official API which follows API management practices and is dynamic (does not require component restarts). Exceptions to this rule are configuration items that affect K8s level settings (resources, mounts etc.) ## Step 1. Make changes in charts and values.yaml in `manifests` directory ## Step 2. Make corresponding values changes in [operator/data/profiles/default.yaml](../operator/data/profiles/default.yaml) The values.yaml in `manifests` are only used for direct Helm based installations, which is being deprecated. If any values.yaml changes are being made, the same changes must be made in the `operator/data/profiles/default.yaml` file, which must be in sync with the Helm values in `manifests`. ## Step 3. Update the validation schema Istioctl uses a [schema](../operator/pkg/apis/istio/v1alpha1/values_types.proto) to validate the values. Any changes to the schema must be added here, otherwise istioctl users will see errors. Once the schema file is updated, run: ```bash $ BUILD_WITH_CONTAINER=1 make operator-proto ``` This will regenerate the Go structs used for schema validation. ## Step 4. Update compiled-in charts Tests of istioctl use the compiled-in charts to ensure that the istioctl binary has the correct version of the charts. To regenerate the charts package, run: ```bash $ BUILD_WITH_CONTAINER=1 make gen-charts ``` ## Step 5. Update golden files The new charts/values will likely produce different installation manifests. Unit tests that expect a certain command output will fail for this reason. To update the golden output files, run: ```bash $ make refresh-goldens ``` This will generate git diffs in the golden output files. Check that the changes are what you expect. ## Step 6. Create a PR using outputs from Steps 1 to 5 Your PR should pass all the checks if you followed these steps.