#!/bin/bash # Copyright Istio Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -o errexit if [ "${V}" == 1 ]; then set -x fi # # User defined configuration # # Keep all generated artificates in a dedicated workspace : "${WORKDIR:?WORKDIR must be set}" # Each mesh should have a unique ID. : "${MESH_ID:?MESH_ID not set}" # Organization name to use when creating the root and intermediate certificates. : "${ORG_NAME:?ORG_NAME not set}" # # derived configuration # # Resolve to an absolute path WORKDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${WORKDIR}")" && pwd)/$(basename "${WORKDIR}") # Per-cluster IstioOperator are derived from this common base IstioOperator. BASE_FILENAME="${WORKDIR}/base.yaml" # Description of the mesh topology. Includes the list of clusters in the mesh. MESH_TOPOLOGY_FILENAME="${WORKDIR}/topology.yaml" # Store root and intermediate certs CERTS_DIR="${WORKDIR}/certs" # # helper functions # # Create a the initial mesh topology file. This includes the list of # clusters in the mesh along with per-cluster attributes, e.g. network. create_mesh_topology() { if [ -f "${MESH_TOPOLOGY_FILENAME}" ]; then echo "${MESH_TOPOLOGY_FILENAME} already exists." return fi echo "creating ${MESH_TOPOLOGY_FILENAME} to describe the mesh topology" cat > "${MESH_TOPOLOGY_FILENAME}" << EOF # auto-generated mesh topology file. # Example topology description. # # mesh_id: ${MESH_ID} # contexts: # # 'cluster0' is the cluster's context as defined by the # # current kubeconfig file # cluster0: # # 'network' is a user chosen name of the cluster's # # network, e.g. name of the VPC the cluster is running in. # network: network-0 # # # name of the k8s serviceaccount other clusters will use # # when reading services from this cluster. # serviceAccountReader: istio-reader-service-account # # # multiple clusters can be added. # cluster1: # network: network-1 # serviceAccountReader: istio-reader-service-account # mesh_id: ${MESH_ID} contexts: # add your clusters here EOF } # Create an offline root certificate. This root signs the # intermediate certificates for each cluster. create_offline_root_ca(){ if [[ ! -d "${CERTS_DIR}" ]]; then mkdir "${CERTS_DIR}" fi if [[ -f "${CERTS_DIR}/root-key.pem" ]]; then echo "existing root key found - skipping root cert generation" return fi echo "generating root certs for ${ORG_NAME}" pushd "${CERTS_DIR}" >/dev/null # TODO - use local copy from the release if it were available? curl -sO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/istio/istio/release-1.4/samples/certs/Makefile export ROOTCA_ORG="${ORG_NAME}" export CITADEL_ORG="${ORG_NAME}" make root-ca >/dev/null popd >/dev/null } create_base() { if [ -f "${BASE_FILENAME}" ]; then echo "${BASE_FILENAME} already exists." return fi cat << EOF > "${BASE_FILENAME}" apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1 kind: IstioOperator spec: values: security: selfSigned: false global: mtls: enabled: true EOF } # Prepare the environment for building a multi-cluster mesh. This creates the # mesh's nitial configuration and root certificate prep_mesh() { create_mesh_topology create_base create_offline_root_ca echo "Success!" echo "" echo " Add clusters to ${MESH_TOPOLOGY_FILENAME} and run '${0} apply' to build the mesh" echo "" } # Create an intermediate certificate with a common root for each # cluster in the mesh. apply_intermediate_ca() { echo "creating and installing intermediate certs for ${CONTEXT} in the ${ORG_NAME} org" local CONTEXT="${1}" kc() { kubectl --context "${CONTEXT}" "$@"; } pushd "${CERTS_DIR}" make "intermediate-${CONTEXT}-certs" cd "${CERTS_DIR}/intermediate-${CONTEXT}" kc create namespace istio-system \ --dry-run -o yaml | kc apply -f - kc create secret generic cacerts -n istio-system \ --from-file=ca-cert.pem \ --from-file=ca-key.pem \ --from-file=root-cert.pem \ --from-file=cert-chain.pem \ --dry-run -o yaml| kc apply -f - popd } apply_istio_control_plane() { local CONTEXT="${1}" ic() { istioctl --context "${CONTEXT}" "$@"; } # TODO remove the hub/tag or make it optional and parameterize it. ic x multicluster generate -f "${MESH_TOPOLOGY_FILENAME}" --from "${BASE_FILENAME}" > "${WORKDIR}/istio-${CONTEXT}.yaml" ic manifest apply -f "${WORKDIR}/istio-${CONTEXT}.yaml" } # TODO(ayj) - remove when the istioctl supports the --wait-for-gateway option wait_for_gateway() { local CONTEXT="${1}" kc() { kubectl --context "${CONTEXT}" "$@"; } while true; do if IP=$(kc -n istio-system get svc istio-ingressgateway -o "jsonpath"='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'); then echo "Ingress gateway external IP for cluster ${CONTEXT} is ready: ${IP}" return 0 fi sleep 1 done } create_passthrough_gateway() { local CONTEXT="${1}" kc() { kubectl --context "${CONTEXT}" "$@"; } kc apply -f - <