How to read this changelog: The LUGG- prefix refers to JIRA issue numbers; the # prefix refers to Github issue numbers. The Luggage_ISU version number shows the upstream Luggage version it is based on as well as the Luggage_ISU version. For example, Luggage_ISU 3.1.0-3.1 is based on the upstream Luggage release 3.1.0. Luggage_ISU 3.1.1-3.2, 2015-2-25 Drupal 7.34, 2014-11-19 -------------------------- - LUGG-377 - Improve LUGGAGE_ISU_CHANGELOG - LUGG-378 - Clarify branch methodology in Luggage_ISU 3.1.0-3.1, 2015-2-2 Drupal 7.34, 2014-11-19 -------------------------- - LUGG-279/suitcase #16 - News items should have friendly dates - LUGG-314/suitcase #14 - Decreased scope of destructive selectors - LUGG-315/suitcase #13 - Category "menu" lacks contrast - LUGG-318/suitcase #15 - Ensure Iowa State University nameplate alt attribute Luggage_ISU 3.0.0-3.0, 2015-1-13 Drupal 7.34, 2014-11-19 -------------------------- - LUGG-272 - Support Shibboleth authentication - Altered scripts/libs/ to remove Pubcookie and include Shibboleth - LUGG-319 - Remove pubcookie authentication support Luggage_ISU 2.5.0-2.1, 2014-12-30 Drupal 7.34, 2014-11-19 -------------------------- - LUGG-124 - Link to Exchange is changing - LUGG-186 - Long names with hyphens aren't able to wrap - LUGG-239/suitcase #8 - Universal block styling that works for programmatic blocks and views blocks across the suitcase theme - LUGG-259/suitcase #6 - Slider styling fixed for default themes - - LUGG-276 - and formatting being stripped out in suitcase css Luggage_ISU 2.4.2-2.0, 2014-11-27 Drupal 7.34, 2014-11-19 -------------------------- Hot-fixed Drupal Luggage_ISU 2.4.1-2.0, 2014-11-09 Drupal 7.33, 2014-11-07 -------------------------- Hot-fixed Drupal Luggage_ISU 2.4.0-2.0, 2014-10-31 Drupal 7.32, 2014-10-15 -------------------------- - LUGG-117 - Need visual differentiation for news titles - LUGG-172 - Suitcase collapsible menu button should not show up if there are no menu items - LUGG-221 - Book module block 'Book Navigation' styling needs work - LUGG-225 - "Pubcookie User Admin" role should have "Administer pubcookie future roles" - suitcase #4 - Indicate unpublished state