{ "@context": { "admsapit": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/ADMS/", "dc": "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/", "dcat": "http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#", "dcatapit": "http://dati.gov.it/onto/dcatapit#", "dcterms": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/", "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/", "gr": "http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#", "l0": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/l0/", "owl": "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#", "prov": "http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#", "rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "schema": "http://schema.org/", "vcard": "http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#", "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#" }, "@graph": [ { "@id": "l0:Description", "@type": "owl:Class" }, { "@id": "http://spcdata.digitpa.gov.it/Amministrazione/agid", "@type": [ "foaf:Agent", "dcatapit:Agent", "owl:NamedIndividual" ], "dcterms:identifier": "agid", "foaf:name": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Italian Digital Agency" } ] }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Card", "@type": "owl:Class", "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "stabile" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "stable" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Questa classe rappresenta una carta d'ingresso." }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "This class represents a card." } ], "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "Card" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Carta d'ingresso" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Tessera d'ingresso" } ], "rdfs:subClassOf": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Ticket" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/TI/hasDuration", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "_:N4a14ed473b6644f086911d6e2850b5cb", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "owl:allValuesFrom": { "@id": "_:Nad91a2ebf75e40139bef54a1da4e048f" }, "owl:onProperty": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/TI/hasDuration" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/project/OntoPiA", "@type": [ "admsapit:Project", "owl:NamedIndividual" ], "l0:name": { "@language": "it", "@value": "OntoPiA - la rete di ontologie della pubblica amministrazione italiana" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/hasOffer", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty", "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "stable" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "stabile" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "This property links anything to an offer" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Questa proprietà collega un qualsiasi cosa a un'offerta" } ], "rdfs:domain": { "@id": "owl:Thing" }, "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "ha offerta" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "has offer" } ], "rdfs:range": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Offer" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/MU/Value", "@type": "owl:Class" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/distribution/POT-RDF-XML", "@type": [ "admsapit:SemanticAssetDistribution", "owl:NamedIndividual" ], "dcat:accessURL": { "@id": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/italia/daf-ontologie-vocabolari-controllati/master/Ontologie/POT/latest" }, "dcat:downloadURL": { "@id": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/italia/daf-ontologie-vocabolari-controllati/master/Ontologie/POT/latest/POT-AP_IT.rdf" }, "dcterms:description": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "This is the distribution in RDF/XML of the Price/Offer/Ticket ontology" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Questa è la distribuzione RDF/XML dell'ontologia dei prezzi, offerte e biglietti" } ], "dcterms:format": { "@id": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/RDF_XML" }, "dcterms:license": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/controlled-vocabulary/licences/A21_CCBY40" }, "dcterms:title": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Distribuzione RDF/XML ontologia POT-AP_IT" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "RDF/XML distribution of POT-AP_IT Ontology" } ] }, { "@id": "_:N9de53530220e418390225a932b472ced", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "owl:allValuesFrom": { "@id": "rdfs:Literal" }, "owl:onProperty": { "@id": "l0:description" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/hasEligibleUser", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty", "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "stable" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "stabile" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Proprietà che consente di associare un'offerta per l'accesso a un evento o un luogo ad una tipologia di utente" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Property used to associate an offert for the access to an event or a locations with the type of user" } ], "rdfs:domain": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Offer" }, "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "ha utente idoneo" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "has eligible user" } ], "rdfs:range": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/UserType" } }, { "@id": "prov:wasDerivedFrom", "@type": "owl:AnnotationProperty" }, { "@id": "_:N3fc626b4ee454943ba0d842f0ea86b08", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "owl:onProperty": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/hasPriceSpecification" }, "owl:someValuesFrom": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/PriceSpecification" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/forAccessTo", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty", "owl:inverseOf": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/hasTicket" }, "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "stabile" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "stable" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "Property used to associate a ticket to an event or location" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Proprietà che consente di associare un biglietto a un evento o a un luogo" } ], "rdfs:domain": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Ticket" }, "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "for access to" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "per l'accesso a" } ], "rdfs:range": { "@id": "_:N84a8852f21fe46c484628f2b33177e9b" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/hasPriceSpecification", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty", "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "stable" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "stabile" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "This property is used to link an offer to its price specification." }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Questa proprietà è utliizzata per collegare un offerta a una specifica del prezzo." } ], "rdfs:domain": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Offer" }, "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "ha specifica di prezzo" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "has price specification" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "ha costo" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "ha prezzo" } ], "rdfs:range": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/PriceSpecification" } }, { "@id": "_:N3b3fc82a19434155bc9af9b9f291cb8b", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "owl:allValuesFrom": { "@id": "rdfs:Literal" }, "owl:onProperty": { "@id": "l0:description" } }, { "@id": "_:N29cbf7bd48f5448798ee9a45e302adb7", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "owl:allValuesFrom": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Validity" }, "owl:onProperty": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/hasValidity" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/PriceSpecification", "@type": "owl:Class", "dc:description": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "A price specification provides the information about the cost of an offer.\n\nIt is associated to a currency (e.g., Euro) and a currency value (i.e., a quantity, e.g., 5)." }, { "@id": "http://dati.beniculturali.it/cis/img/priceSpecification.png" } ], "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "stabile" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "stable" } ], "prov:wasDerivedFrom": [ { "@id": "schema:PriceSpecification" }, { "@id": "gr:PriceSpecification" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Rappresenta la specifica del prezzo del biglietto." }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "It represents the price specification of the ticket" } ], "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "Price Specification" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Prezzo" } ], "rdfs:subClassOf": [ { "@id": "_:N892033c3582344529e5ddc1a4a0df56c" }, { "@id": "l0:Characteristic" }, { "@id": "_:N9ed31a37e3a24909a4df3a3b3ecf367e" }, { "@id": "_:Na7700a1416f04d9b8765125639b17213" } ] }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/organization/public-organization/td", "@type": [ "owl:NamedIndividual", "foaf:Agent", "dcatapit:Agent" ], "dcterms:identifier": "TD", "foaf:name": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Team per la Trasformazione Digitale" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Digital Transformation Team" } ] }, { "@id": "l0:name", "@type": "owl:DatatypeProperty" }, { "@id": "dc:description", "@type": "owl:AnnotationProperty" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/VAT", "@type": "owl:DatatypeProperty", "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "provvisoria" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "unstable" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "This property represents the VAT applied to a price specification." }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Questa proprietà rappresenta l'iva applicata alla specifica del prezzo." } ], "rdfs:domain": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/PriceSpecification" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "IVA" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "VAT" } ], "rdfs:range": { "@id": "rdfs:Literal" } }, { "@id": "_:N6325d78a797b4516a39b15c0a6c83798", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "owl:allValuesFrom": { "@id": "rdfs:Literal" }, "owl:onProperty": { "@id": "l0:description" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/hasValidity", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty", "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "stable" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "stabile" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Proprietà utilizzata per specificare una validità di un offerta o di un biglietto." }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Property used to specify the validity of an offer or ticket." } ], "rdfs:domain": { "@id": "_:N8cb4c05d933b47cdbde2952f7a9c2a69" }, "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "ha validità" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "has validity" } ], "rdfs:range": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Validity" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/organization/support-unit/cnr-Z6HZEH/stlab", "@type": [ "owl:NamedIndividual", "dcatapit:Agent" ], "dcterms:identifier": "cnr - Z6HZEH - STLab", "foaf:name": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione del CNR - Semantic Technology Lab (STLab)" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies of the Italian Research Council (CNR) - Semantic Technology Laboratory (STLab)" } ] }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/hasTicket", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty", "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "Property that associates a thing with a ticket." }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Proprietà che associa una cosa ad un biglietto." } ], "rdfs:domain": { "@id": "owl:Thing" }, "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "has ticket" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "ha biglietto" } ], "rdfs:range": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Ticket" } }, { "@id": "_:Nc24256026e0e4cd1815c38bec4a180ce", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "owl:allValuesFrom": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Ticket" }, "owl:onProperty": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/includes" } }, { "@id": "dcterms:license", "@type": "owl:AnnotationProperty" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/UserType", "@type": "owl:Class", "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "stabile" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "stable" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Rappresenta la tipologia di utenti relativa ai biglietti per accedere a un evento o a un luogo. Esempi includono: \"maggiorenni over 25\", oppure \"over 65\", \"bambini\", ecc." }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "It represents the identified type of users related to the tickets used to access an event or location. Examples include: people over 25 years old, people over 65 years old, children, etc." } ], "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Tipo di utente" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "User Type" } ], "rdfs:subClassOf": [ { "@id": "_:N37f143357455427282d6a78580659883" }, { "@id": "l0:Characteristic" }, { "@id": "_:Na0045ea2ca184a02b2c9b5ff4f4691a3" } ] }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/distribution/POT-JSON-LD", "@type": [ "owl:NamedIndividual", "admsapit:SemanticAssetDistribution" ], "dcat:accessURL": { "@id": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/italia/daf-ontologie-vocabolari-controllati/master/Ontologie/POT/latest" }, "dcat:downloadURL": { "@id": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/italia/daf-ontologie-vocabolari-controllati/master/Ontologie/POT/POT-AP_IT.jsonld" }, "dcterms:description": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Questa è la distribuzione JSON-LD dell'ontologia dei prezzi, offerte e biglietti" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "This is the distribution in JSON-LD of the Price/Offer/Ticket ontology" } ], "dcterms:format": { "@id": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/JSON_LD" }, "dcterms:license": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/controlled-vocabulary/licences/A21_CCBY40" }, "dcterms:title": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "JSON-LD distribution of POT-AP_IT Ontology" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Distribuzione JSON-LD ontologia POT-AP_IT" } ] }, { "@id": "_:N8cb4c05d933b47cdbde2952f7a9c2a69", "@type": "owl:Class", "owl:unionOf": { "@list": [ { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Offer" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Ticket" } ] } }, { "@id": "l0:Characteristic", "@type": "owl:Class" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/contact-point/onto-agid", "@type": [ "owl:NamedIndividual", "dcatapit:Organization", "vcard:Kind", "vcard:Organization" ], "vcard:fn": "banche dati e open data", "vcard:hasEmail": { "@id": "mailto:info@dati.gov.it" } }, { "@id": "_:N9ed31a37e3a24909a4df3a3b3ecf367e", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "owl:maxCardinality": { "@type": "xsd:nonNegativeInteger", "@value": "1" }, "owl:onProperty": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/VAT" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/offers", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty", "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Proprietà che consente di associare un agente all'offerta per l'accesso a un evento o a un luogo della cultura." }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Property used to associate an agent with an offer for accessing an event or a cultural institute or site" } ], "rdfs:domain": { "@id": "l0:Agent" }, "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "offers" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "offre" } ], "rdfs:range": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Offer" } }, { "@id": "_:Na0045ea2ca184a02b2c9b5ff4f4691a3", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "owl:allValuesFrom": { "@id": "rdfs:Literal" }, "owl:onProperty": { "@id": "l0:name" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Validity", "@type": "owl:Class", "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "stabile" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "stable" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Questa classe rappresenta la validità di biglietti e di offerte." }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "This class represents the validity for the ticket and offering." } ], "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "Validity" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Validità" } ], "rdfs:subClassOf": [ { "@id": "_:N4a14ed473b6644f086911d6e2850b5cb" }, { "@id": "_:N6325d78a797b4516a39b15c0a6c83798" }, { "@id": "l0:EventOrSituation" } ] }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/TI/TimeInterval", "@type": "owl:Class" }, { "@id": "l0:EventOrSituation", "@type": "owl:Class" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT", "@type": [ "admsapit:SemanticAsset", "owl:NamedIndividual", "owl:Ontology" ], "admsapit:acronym": "POT-AP_IT", "admsapit:hasContributor": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/organization/public-organization/td" }, "admsapit:hasFormalityLevel": { "@id": "admsapit:Formal" }, "admsapit:hasKeyClass": [ { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/PriceSpecification" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Offer" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Ticket" } ], "admsapit:hasOntologyLanguage": { "@id": "admsapit:OWL" }, "admsapit:hasSemanticAssetDistribution": [ { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/distribution/POT-RDF-TURTLE" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/distribution/POT-JSON-LD" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/distribution/POT-RDF-XML" } ], "admsapit:hasTask": [ { "@id": "admsapit:QueryFormulationTask" }, { "@id": "admsapit:AnnotationTask" }, { "@id": "admsapit:SearchTask" } ], "admsapit:last": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/0.3" }, "admsapit:officialURI": { "@type": "xsd:anyURI", "@value": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "admsapit:prefix": "potapit", "admsapit:semanticAssetInUse": [ { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/project/OntoPiA" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/project/DAF" } ], "admsapit:status": [ "catalogued", "published" ], "admsapit:target": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Pubbliche Amministrazioni" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Imprese" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Cittadini" } ], "admsapit:type": { "@id": "admsapit:ServiceOntology" }, "dcat:contactPoint": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/contact-point/onto-agid" }, "dcat:keyword": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "biglietto" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "prezzi" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "offerta" } ], "dcat:theme": [ { "@id": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/data-theme/EDUC" }, { "@id": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/data-theme/SOCI" }, { "@id": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/data-theme/TRAN" } ], "dcterms:accrualPeriodicity": { "@id": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/frequency/IRREG" }, "dcterms:creator": [ { "@id": "http://spcdata.digitpa.gov.it/Amministrazione/agid" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/organization/support-unit/cnr-Z6HZEH/stlab" } ], "dcterms:description": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Questo il profilo applicativo italiano dell'ontologia dei prezzi, offerte e biglietti. L'ontologia può essere usata per rappresentare i dati relativi ai prezzi di un prodotto, le offerte e i biglietti, necessari per partecipare a eventi o aver accesso a determinati luoghi pubblici." }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "This is the Italian application profile of the price, offers and ticket ontologies." } ], "dcterms:issued": { "@type": "xsd:date", "@value": "2017-11-17" }, "dcterms:language": [ { "@id": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language/ITA" }, { "@id": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language/ENG" } ], "dcterms:modified": { "@type": "xsd:date", "@value": "2019-04-24" }, "dcterms:publisher": { "@id": "http://spcdata.digitpa.gov.it/Amministrazione/agid" }, "dcterms:rightsHolder": { "@id": "http://spcdata.digitpa.gov.it/Amministrazione/agid" }, "dcterms:title": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Ontologia dei Prezzi, Offerte e Biglietti - Profilo applicativo italiano" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Price/Offer/Ticket ontology - Italian application profile" } ], "owl:imports": [ { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/l0" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/TI" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/MU" } ], "owl:versionIRI": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/0.3" }, "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "Version 0.3 - Modified on 24 April 2018 - Refactoring of l0:Event in l0:EventOrSituation; Use of w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/ as base URI" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Versione 0.3 - Modificata il 24 Aprile 2019 - Rifattorizzazione l0:Event in l0:EventOrSituation: Uso di w3id.org/italia/onto/POT come URI base" } ], "prov:wasDerivedFrom": { "@id": "http://dati.gov.it/onto/potapit/0.2" }, "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "This is the ontology used to represent price , tickets and offers" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Questa è l'ontologia del profilo applicativo italiano dei prezzi, offerte e biglietti" } ], "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Ontologia dei prezzi, offerte e biglietti" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Italian Price/Offer/Ticket ontology" } ] }, { "@id": "_:Nad91a2ebf75e40139bef54a1da4e048f", "@type": "owl:Class", "owl:unionOf": { "@list": [ { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/MU/Value" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/TI/TimeInterval" } ] } }, { "@id": "_:N84a8852f21fe46c484628f2b33177e9b", "@type": "owl:Class", "owl:unionOf": { "@list": [ { "@id": "l0:EventOrSituation" }, { "@id": "l0:Location" } ] } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/hasCurrency", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty", "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "stabile" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "stable" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "This property is used to connected the Price specification to Currency" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Questa proprietà collega la specifica del prezzo con la classe currency." } ], "rdfs:domain": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/PriceSpecification" }, "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "has currency" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "ha valuta" } ], "rdfs:range": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Currency" } }, { "@id": "l0:Location", "@type": "owl:Class" }, { "@id": "l0:description", "@type": "owl:DatatypeProperty" }, { "@id": "l0:Agent", "@type": "owl:Class" }, { "@id": "_:N892033c3582344529e5ddc1a4a0df56c", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "owl:onProperty": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/hasCurrency" }, "owl:someValuesFrom": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Currency" } }, { "@id": "_:N0fb5474996a8445db229a0de59d3ffbd", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "owl:allValuesFrom": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Validity" }, "owl:onProperty": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/hasValidity" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/includes", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty", "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Proprietà utilizzata per associare un'offerta al relativo biglietto." }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Property used to associate an offer with the relative ticket" } ], "rdfs:domain": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Offer" }, "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "include biglietto" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "includes" } ], "rdfs:range": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Ticket" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/hasCurrencyValue", "@type": "owl:DatatypeProperty", "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "stabile" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "stable" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "Property used to represent the price associated to a specific ticket or a general offer" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Proprietà utilizzata per indicare il prezzo di un biglietto o di una generica offerta" } ], "rdfs:domain": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/PriceSpecification" }, "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "prezzo" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "currency value" } ], "rdfs:range": { "@id": "xsd:double" } }, { "@id": "_:N5c5055f430924468a41ab034c1b67d62", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "owl:onProperty": { "@id": "l0:name" }, "owl:someValuesFrom": { "@id": "rdfs:Literal" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/project/DAF", "@type": [ "admsapit:Project", "owl:NamedIndividual" ], "foaf:name": { "@language": "it", "@value": "Data & Analytics Framework" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Ticket", "@type": "owl:Class", "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "stabile" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "stable" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "It represents an entrance ticket for a Cultural Institute or Site, if required, and for an event" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Rappresenta il biglietto d'ingresso per l'Istitituto e Luogo della Cultura, qualora sia previsto, e per l'evento culturale." } ], "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "Ticket" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Biglietto" } ], "rdfs:subClassOf": [ { "@id": "_:N29cbf7bd48f5448798ee9a45e302adb7" }, { "@id": "_:N3b3fc82a19434155bc9af9b9f291cb8b" }, { "@id": "l0:Object" } ] }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/data/distribution/POT-RDF-TURTLE", "@type": [ "owl:NamedIndividual", "admsapit:SemanticAssetDistribution" ], "dcat:accessURL": { "@id": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/italia/daf-ontologie-vocabolari-controllati/master/Ontologie/POT/latest" }, "dcat:downloadURL": { "@id": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/italia/daf-ontologie-vocabolari-controllati/master/Ontologie/POT/latest/POT-AP_IT.ttl" }, "dcterms:description": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "This is the distribution in RDF/turtle of the Price/Offer/Ticket ontology" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Questa è la distribuzione RDF/Turtle dell'ontologia dei prezzi, offerte e biglietti" } ], "dcterms:format": { "@id": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/RDF_TURTLE" }, "dcterms:license": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/controlled-vocabulary/licences/A21_CCBY40" }, "dcterms:title": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "Distribuzione RDF/Turtle ontologia POT-AP_IT" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "RDF/Turtle distribution of POT-AP_IT Ontology" } ] }, { "@id": "_:Na7700a1416f04d9b8765125639b17213", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "owl:onProperty": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/hasCurrencyValue" }, "owl:someValuesFrom": { "@id": "xsd:double" } }, { "@id": "l0:Object", "@type": "owl:Class" }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Currency", "@type": "owl:Class", "dc:description": { "@language": "en", "@value": "Individuals of the this class represent currency instances (e.g., Euro, US Dollar, Pound, Australian Dollar, etc.); they are always associated with individuals of the class 'Price Specification'.\n\nThis allows modelling Price Specification as a a quantified value, where the value is expressed as an integer and it is quantified in terms of a currency" }, "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "stabile" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "stable" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "This class represents a currency. In our domain currency is typically associated with Price Specification for tickets, and assumes specific values (e.g., Euro)." }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Questa classe rappresenta la valuta per i biglietti di ingresso agli eventi o luoghi della cultura. Nel nostro dominio è associata alla descrizione del prezzo per i biglietti. Assume valori specifici (e.g., Euro)." } ], "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "Currency" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Valuta" } ], "rdfs:subClassOf": [ { "@id": "_:N5c5055f430924468a41ab034c1b67d62" }, { "@id": "l0:Object" } ] }, { "@id": "_:N37f143357455427282d6a78580659883", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "owl:allValuesFrom": { "@id": "rdfs:Literal" }, "owl:onProperty": { "@id": "l0:description" } }, { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT/Offer", "@type": "owl:Class", "dc:description": { "@language": "en", "@value": "Any fare is expressed within the ontology by using instances of the class Offer.\n\nIt is possible to specify:\n * the type of user to whom the offer is applicable (cf. object property cis:hasEligibleUser);\n * the information about the price (cf. object property hasPriceSpecification);\n * the information about the temporal validity of the offer (cf. object property hasValidity);\n * the association with a ticket (cf. object property includes)." }, "owl:versionInfo": [ { "@language": "it", "@value": "stabile" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "stable" } ], "prov:wasDerivedFrom": [ { "@id": "gr:Offering" }, { "@id": "schema:Offer" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "It represents an offer (reduction for specific types of users or base price)." }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Concetto utilizzato per rappresentare offerte (riduzioni per specifiche categorie di utenti o importo intero)." } ], "rdfs:isDefinedBy": { "@id": "https://w3id.org/italia/onto/POT" }, "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "en", "@value": "Offer" }, { "@language": "it", "@value": "Offerta" } ], "rdfs:subClassOf": [ { "@id": "_:Nc24256026e0e4cd1815c38bec4a180ce" }, { "@id": "_:N3fc626b4ee454943ba0d842f0ea86b08" }, { "@id": "l0:Description" }, { "@id": "_:N0fb5474996a8445db229a0de59d3ffbd" }, { "@id": "_:N9de53530220e418390225a932b472ced" } ] } ] }