@prefix dct: . @prefix adms: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix dc: . @prefix skos: . @prefix cpco: . @prefix xkos: . @prefix clvapit: . @prefix l0: . @prefix dcatapit: . @prefix dcat: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix ndc: . skos:ConceptScheme a rdfs:Class . skos:Concept a rdfs:Class . cpco:ParentalRelationshipType a rdfs:Class . dcatapit:Dataset a rdfs:Class . dcatapit:Distribution a rdfs:Class . dcatapit:Standard a rdfs:Class . dcatapit:Organization a rdfs:Class . vcard:Organization a rdfs:Class . vcard:Kind a rdfs:Class . dcatapit:Agent a rdfs:Class . foaf:Agent a rdfs:Class . dct:Standard a rdfs:Class . skos:prefLabel a rdfs:Property . skos:notation a rdfs:Property . skos:inScheme a rdfs:Property . skos:narrower a rdfs:Property . skos:broader a rdfs:Property . skos:broaderTransitive a rdfs:Property . skos:narrowerTransitive a rdfs:Property . skos:definition a rdfs:Property . dct:identifier a rdfs:Property . dct:title a rdfs:Property . dct:type a rdfs:Property . dct:description a rdfs:Property . dct:creator a rdfs:Property . dct:publisher a rdfs:Property . dct:rightsHolder a rdfs:Property . dct:conformsTo a rdfs:Property . dct:subject a rdfs:Property . dct:accrualPeriodicity a rdfs:Property . dct:language a rdfs:Property . dct:format a rdfs:Property . dct:issued a rdfs:Property . dct:modified a rdfs:Property . dct:license a rdfs:Property . xkos:numberOfLevels a rdfs:Property . clvapit:hasRankOrder a rdfs:Property . dcat:theme a rdfs:Property . dcat:distribution a rdfs:Property . foaf:name a rdfs:Property . dcat:keyword a rdfs:Property . dcat:contactPoint a rdfs:Property . dcat:accessURL a rdfs:Property . dcat:downloadURL a rdfs:Property . owl:versionInfo a owl:AnnotationProperty . adms:representationTechnique a rdfs:Property . vcard:fn a rdfs:Property . vcard:hasEmail a rdfs:Property . ndc:keyConcept a rdfs:Property . owl:deprecated a owl:AnnotationProperty . #Metadata DCAT-AP_IT for the controlled vocabulary a skos:ConceptScheme , adms:Asset , dcatapit:Dataset ; dct:title "Parental Relationships Controlled Vocabulary"@en , "Vocabolario Controllato delle Relazioni di Parentela"@it ; dct:description "This is the controlled vocabulary relating to the classification of parental relations that exist between each member of the household and a reference person within the household (in this case the family sheet holder). The vocabulary is derived from the ANPR base registry of the Ministry of the Interior and has been agreed between the Ministry itself and ISTAT."@en , "Questo è il vocabolario controllato relativo alla classificazione dei legami parentali che sussistono tra ciascun membro della famiglia e una persona di riferimento all'interno della famiglia stessa (in questo caso l'intestatario della scheda). Il vocabolario deriva dal contesto ANPR del Ministero dell'Interno ed è stato concordato tra il Ministero stesso e l'ISTAT."@it ; rdfs:comment "This is the controlled vocabulary relating to the classification of parental relations that exist between each member of the household and a reference person within the household (in this case the family sheet holder). The vocabulary is derived from the ANPR base registry of the Ministry of the Interior and has been agreed between the Ministry itself and ISTAT."@en , "Questo è il vocabolario controllato relativo alla classificazione dei legami parentali che sussistono tra ciascun membro della famiglia e una persona di riferimento all'interno della famiglia stessa (in questo caso l'intestatario della scheda). Il vocabolario deriva dal contesto ANPR del Ministero dell'Interno ed è stato concordato tra il Ministero stesso e l'ISTAT."@it ; rdfs:label "Parental Relationships Controlled Vocabulary"@en , "Vocabolario Controllato delle Relazioni di Parentela"@it ; dct:type ; xkos:numberOfLevels "1"; ndc:keyConcept "parental-relationship-types" ; adms:representationTechnique ; dct:identifier "https://w3id.org/italia/controlled-vocabulary/classifications-for-people/parental-relationship-types"; dct:rightsHolder ; dct:creator , ; dct:publisher ; dcat:theme ; dct:conformsTo ; dct:language ; dct:accrualPeriodicity ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; dcat:keyword "Relazione parentale"@it, "Relazione di parentela"@it , "Intestatario scheda anagrafica"@it , "Anagrafe"@it, "Famiglia"@it , "Persona"@it , "Persone"@it , "Intestatario foglio di famiglia"@it ; dcat:distribution , , , , ; dcat:contactPoint ; dct:issued "2019-07-17"^^xsd:date ; dct:modified "2023-03-20"^^xsd:date ; skos:hasTopConcept , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; owl:versionInfo "Current available version specifically used in the Italian Civil Population Registry (ANPR). The following items of the vocabulary have been deprecated as no longer used: 14, 15, 19, 26, 80, 81, 99"@en, "E' l'attuale versione disponibile presso documenti pubblici dell'ANPR. Alcune voci del vocabolario sono marcate come deprecate perché non più utilizzate. In particolare i codici deprecati sono: 14, 15, 19, 26, 80, 81, 99"@it . a dcatapit:Agent , foaf:Agent ; dct:identifier "ISTAT" ; foaf:name "Istituto Nazionale di Statistica - ISTAT"@it , "Italian National Institute of Statistics - ISTAT"@en . a dcatapit:Agent, foaf:Agent ; dct:identifier "PCM-1RSIZZ" ; foaf:name "Dipartimento per la Trasformazione Digitale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri"@it, "Digital Transformation Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers"@en . a dcatapit:Standard , dct:Standard ; dct:identifier "SKOS" ; dct:title "Simple Knowledge Organization System - SKOS" ; dct:description "The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a common data model for sharing and linking knowledge organization systems via the Web" . a dcatapit:Organization , vcard:Organization, vcard:Kind ; vcard:fn "Segreteria Tecnica Istat - Progetto PNRR National Data Catalog" ; vcard:hasEmail . a dcatapit:Distribution ; dct:title "Distribuzione RDF/Turtle del vocabolario controllato sulle relazioni di parentela delle persone"@it , "RDF/Turtle distribution of the parental relationship controlled vocabulary"@en ; dct:description "Questa è la distribuzione RDF/Turtle del dataset Linked Open Data del vocabolario controllato sulle relazioni di parentela delle persone"@it , "This is the distribution in RDF/turtle of the Linked Open Dataset of the parental relationship controlled vocabulary"@en ; dct:format ; dct:license ; dcat:downloadURL ; dcat:accessURL . a dcatapit:Distribution ; dct:title "Distribuzione RDF/XML del vocabolario controllato sulle relazioni di parentela delle persone"@it , "RDF/XML distribution of the parental relationship controlled vocabulary"@en ; dct:description "Questa è la distribuzione RDF/XML del dataset Linked Open Data del vocabolario controllato sulle relazioni parentali delle persone"@it , "This is the distribution in RDF/XML of the Linked Open Dataset of the parental relationship controlled vocabulary"@en ; dct:format ; dct:license ; dcat:downloadURL ; dcat:accessURL . a dcatapit:Distribution ; dct:title "Distribuzione JSON_LD del vocabolario controllato sulle relazioni di parentela delle persone"@it , "JSON_LD distribution of the parental relationship controlled vocabulary"@en ; dct:description "Questa è la distribuzione JSON_LD del dataset Linked Open Data del vocabolario controllato sulle relazioni di parentela delle persone"@it , "This is the distribution in JSON_LD of the Linked Open Dataset of the parental relationship controlled vocabulary"@en ; dct:format ; dct:license ; dcat:downloadURL ; dcat:accessURL . a dcatapit:Distribution ; dct:title "Distribuzione CSV relazioni di parentela delle persone"@it , "CSV distribution of parental relationship controlled vocabulary"@en ; dct:description "Questa è la distribuzione CSV del dataset Linked Open Data del vocabolario controllato sulle relazioni parentali delle persone"@it , "This is the distribution in CSV of the Linked Open Dataset of the parental relationship controlled vocabulary "@en ; dct:format ; dct:license ; dcat:downloadURL ; dcat:accessURL . a dcatapit:Distribution ; dct:title "Distribuzione XLSX relazioni di parentela delle persone"@it , "XLSX distribution of parental relationship controlled vocabulary"@en ; dct:description "Questa è la distribuzione XLSX del dataset Linked Open Data del vocabolario controllato sulle relazioni di parentela delle persone"@it , "This is the distribution in XLSX of the Linked Open Dataset of the parental relationship controlled vocabulary"@en ; dct:format ; dct:license ; dcat:downloadURL ; dcat:accessURL . #Definition of the controlled vocabulary a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "1" ; dct:identifier "1" ; skos:prefLabel "Intestatario della scheda"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "2" ; dct:identifier "2" ; skos:prefLabel "Marito / Moglie"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "3" ; dct:identifier "3" ; skos:prefLabel "Figlio / Figlia"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "4" ; dct:identifier "4" ; skos:prefLabel "Nipote (discendente)"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "5" ; dct:identifier "5" ; skos:prefLabel "Pronipote (discendente)"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "6" ; dct:identifier "6" ; skos:prefLabel "Padre / Madre"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "7" ; dct:identifier "7" ; skos:prefLabel "Nonno / Nonna"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "8" ; dct:identifier "8" ; skos:prefLabel "Bisnonno / Bisnonna"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "9" ; dct:identifier "9" ; skos:prefLabel "Fratello / Sorella"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "10" ; dct:identifier "10" ; skos:prefLabel "Nipote (collaterale)"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "11" ; dct:identifier "11" ; skos:prefLabel "Zio / Zia (collaterale)"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "12" ; dct:identifier "12" ; skos:prefLabel "Cugino / Cugina"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "13" ; dct:identifier "13" ; skos:prefLabel "Altro Parente"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "14" ; dct:identifier "14" ; owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ; skos:prefLabel "Figliastro / Figliastra"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "15" ; dct:identifier "15" ; owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ; skos:prefLabel "Patrigno / Matrigna"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "16" ; dct:identifier "16" ; skos:prefLabel "Genero / Nuora"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "17" ; dct:identifier "17" ; skos:prefLabel "Suocero / Suocera"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "18" ; dct:identifier "18" ; skos:prefLabel "Cognato / Cognata"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "19" ; dct:identifier "19" ; owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ; skos:prefLabel "Fratellastro / Sorellastra"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "20" ; dct:identifier "20" ; skos:prefLabel "Nipote (affine)"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "21" ; dct:identifier "21" ; skos:prefLabel "Zio / Zia (affine)"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "22" ; dct:identifier "22" ; skos:prefLabel "Altro Affine"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "23" ; dct:identifier "23" ; skos:prefLabel "Convivente (con vincoli di adozione o affettivi)"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "24" ; dct:identifier "24" ; skos:prefLabel "Responsabile della convivenza non affettiva"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "25" ; dct:identifier "25" ; skos:prefLabel "Convivente in convivenza non affettiva"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "26" ; dct:identifier "26" ; owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ; skos:prefLabel "Tutore"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "28" ; dct:identifier "28" ; skos:prefLabel "Unito civilmente"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "80" ; dct:identifier "80" ; owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ; skos:prefLabel "Adottato"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "81" ; dct:identifier "81" ; owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ; skos:prefLabel "Nipote"@it . a skos:Concept , cpco:ParentalRelationshipType ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasRankOrder "1" ; skos:notation "99" ; dct:identifier "99" ; owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ; skos:prefLabel "Non definito/comunicato"@it .