@prefix dct: . @prefix adms: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix skos: . @prefix dcatapit: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix xkos: . @prefix clvapit: . @prefix l0: . @prefix dcat: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix ndc: . skos:ConceptScheme a rdfs:Class . skos:Concept a rdfs:Class . dcatapit:Dataset a rdfs:Class . dcatapit:Distribution a rdfs:Class . dcatapit:Standard a rdfs:Class . dcatapit:Organization a rdfs:Class . dcatapit:LicenseDocument a rdfs:Class . vcard:Organization a rdfs:Class . vcard:Kind a rdfs:Class . dcatapit:Agent a rdfs:Class . foaf:Agent a rdfs:Class . dct:Standard a rdfs:Class . dct:LicenseDocument a rdfs:Class . skos:prefLabel a rdfs:Property . skos:notation a rdfs:Property . skos:inScheme a rdfs:Property . skos:narrower a rdfs:Property . skos:broader a rdfs:Property . skos:broaderTransitive a rdfs:Property . skos:narrowerTransitive a rdfs:Property . skos:definition a rdfs:Property . dct:identifier a rdfs:Property . dct:title a rdfs:Property . dct:type a rdfs:Property . dct:description a rdfs:Property . dct:creator a rdfs:Property . dct:publisher a rdfs:Property . dct:rightsHolder a rdfs:Property . dct:conformsTo a rdfs:Property . dct:subject a rdfs:Property . dct:accrualPeriodicity a rdfs:Property . dct:language a rdfs:Property . dct:format a rdfs:Property . dct:issued a rdfs:Property . dct:modified a rdfs:Property . dct:license a rdfs:Property . dct:type a rdfs:Property . dcatapit:referenceDoc a rdfs:Property . dcat:theme a rdfs:Property . dcat:distribution a rdfs:Property . foaf:name a rdfs:Property . dcat:keyword a rdfs:Property . dcat:contactPoint a rdfs:Property . dcat:accessURL a rdfs:Property . dcat:downloadURL a rdfs:Property . owl:versionInfo a rdfs:Property . adms:representationTechnique a rdfs:Property . xkos:numberOfLevels a rdfs:Property . clvapit:hasRankOrder a rdfs:Property . vcard:fn a rdfs:Property . vcard:hasEmail a rdfs:Property . ndc:keyConcept a rdfs:Property . a skos:ConceptScheme , adms:Asset , dcatapit:Dataset ; dct:title "Controlled Vocabulary for Italian Regions"@en , "Vocabolario Controllato delle Regioni d'Italia"@it ; rdfs:label "Controlled Vocabulary for Italian Regions"@en , "Vocabolario Controllato delle Regioni d'Italia"@it ; dct:description "Vocabolario controllato delle regioni d'Italia e relativo codice regione"@it , "Controlled Vocabulary for describing Italy as country"@en ; rdfs:comment "Vocabolario controllato delle regioni d'Italia e relativo codice regione"@it , "Controlled Vocabulary for describing Italy as country"@en ; xkos:numberOfLevels "1" ; ndc:keyConcept "regions" ; dct:type ; adms:representationTechnique ; dct:identifier "agid:D.14"; dct:rightsHolder ; dct:creator , , ; dct:publisher ; dcat:theme ; dct:conformsTo ; dct:language ; dct:accrualPeriodicity ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; dcat:keyword "Regione"@it, "Regioni"@it , "Region"@en, "Regions"@en ; dcat:distribution , , , ; dcat:contactPoint ; skos:hasTopConcept , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dct:issued "2018-04-12"^^xsd:date ; dct:modified "2023-11-19"^^xsd:date ; owl:versionInfo "1.1 - introdotta la Regione non esistente prima del 1948; introdotte le proprietà rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel, skos:notation, skos:inScheme per ciascun concetto del vocabolario controllato"@it . a dcatapit:Agent, foaf:Agent ; dct:identifier "agid" ; foaf:name "Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale"@it , "Italian Digital Agency"@en . a dcatapit:Standard , dct:Standard ; dct:identifier "SKOS" ; dct:title "Simple Knowledge Organization System - SKOS"@en ; dct:description "The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a common data model for sharing and linking knowledge organization systems via the Web"@en . a dcatapit:Organization , vcard:Organization, vcard:Kind ; rdfs:label "Punto di contatto AgID - banche dati e open data"@it ; vcard:fn "banche dati e open data" ; vcard:hasEmail . a dcatapit:Distribution ; dct:title "Distribuzione RDF/Turtle del vocabolario controllato sulle regioni d'Italia"@it , "RDF/Turtle distribution of the Italian regions controlled vocabulary"@en ; dct:description "Questa è la distribuzione RDF/Turtle del dataset Linked Open Data del vocabolario controllato sulle regioni d'Italia"@it , "This is the distribution in RDF/turtle of the Linked Open Dataset of the Italian Regions controlled vocabulary "@en ; dct:format ; dct:license ; dcat:downloadURL ; dcat:accessURL . a dcatapit:Distribution ; dct:title "Distribuzione RDF/XML del vocabolario controllato sulle regioni d'Italia"@it , "RDF/XML distribution of the Italian regions controlled vocabulary"@en ; dct:description "Questa è la distribuzione RDF/XML del dataset Linked Open Data del vocabolario controllato sulle regioni d'Italia"@it , "This is the distribution in RDF/XML of the Linked Open Dataset of the Italian Regions controlled vocabulary "@en ; dct:format ; dct:license ; dcat:downloadURL ; dcat:accessURL . a dcatapit:Distribution ; dct:title "Distribuzione JSON-LD del vocabolario controllato sulle regioni d'Italia"@it , "JSON-LD distribution of the Italian regions controlled vocabulary"@en ; dct:description "Questa è la distribuzione JSON-LD del dataset Linked Open Data del vocabolario controllato sulle regioni d'Italia"@it , "This is the distribution in JSON-LD of the Linked Open Dataset of the Italian Regions controlled vocabulary "@en ; dct:format ; dct:license ; dcat:downloadURL ; dcat:accessURL . a dcatapit:Distribution ; dct:title "Distribuzione CSV del vocabolario controllato sulle regioni d'Italia"@it , "CSV distribution of the Italian regions controlled vocabulary"@en ; dct:description "Questa è la distribuzione CSV del dataset Linked Open Data del vocabolario controllato sulle regioni d'Italia"@it , "This is the distribution in CSV of the Linked Open Dataset of the Italian Regions controlled vocabulary "@en ; dct:format ; dct:license ; dcat:downloadURL ; dcat:accessURL . ##Definition of the content of the controlled vocabulary l0:identifier "01" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "02" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "03" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "04" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "05" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "06" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "07" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "08" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "09" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "10" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "11" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "12" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "13" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "14" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "15" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "16" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "17" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "18" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "19" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "20" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:identifier "00" ; clvapit:identifierType "Codice Regione" ; a clvapit:Identifier . l0:name "Regione non esistente prima del 1948"@it ; skos:notation "00" ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; rdfs:label "Regione non esistente prima del 1948"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Regione non esistente prima del 1948"@it ; skos:inScheme ; skos:definition "L'introduzione di questa regione fittizia si è resa necessaria per la gestione dell'archivio storico dei comuni che comprende comuni istituti a partire dal 1861"@it . l0:name "Piemonte"@it ; rdfs:label "Piemonte"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Piemonte"@it ; skos:notation "01" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste"@it ; rdfs:label "Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste"@it ; skos:notation "02" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Lombardia"@it ; rdfs:label "Lombardia"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Lombardia"@it ; skos:notation "03" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol"@it ; rdfs:label "Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol"@it ; skos:notation "04" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Veneto"@it ; rdfs:label "Veneto"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Veneto"@it ; skos:notation "05" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Friuli-Venezia Giulia"@it ; rdfs:label "Friuli-Venezia Giulia"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Friuli-Venezia Giulia"@it ; skos:notation "06" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Liguria"@it ; rdfs:label "Liguria"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Liguria"@it ; skos:notation "07" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Emilia-Romagna"@it ; rdfs:label "Emilia-Romagna"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Emilia-Romagna"@it ; skos:notation "08" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Toscana"@it ; rdfs:label "Toscana"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Toscana"@it ; skos:notation "09" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Umbria"@it ; rdfs:label "Umbria"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Umbria"@it ; skos:notation "10" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Marche"@it ; rdfs:label "Marche"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Marche"@it ; skos:notation "11" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Lazio"@it ; rdfs:label "Lazio"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Lazio"@it ; skos:notation "12" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Abruzzo"@it ; rdfs:label "Abruzzo"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Abruzzo"@it ; skos:notation "13" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Molise"@it ; rdfs:label "Molise"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Molise"@it ; skos:notation "14" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Campania"@it ; rdfs:label "Campania"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Campania"@it ; skos:notation "15" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Puglia"@it ; rdfs:label "Puglia"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Puglia"@it ; skos:notation "16" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Basilicata"@it ; rdfs:label "Basilicata"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Basilicata"@it ; skos:notation "17" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Calabria"@it ; rdfs:label "Calabria"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Calabria"@it ; skos:notation "18" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Sicilia"@it ; rdfs:label "Sicilia"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Sicilia"@it ; skos:notation "19" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin . l0:name "Sardegna"@it ; rdfs:label "Sardegna"@it ; skos:prefLabel "Sardegna"@it ; skos:notation "20" ; skos:inScheme ; clvapit:hasIdentifier ; a clvapit:Feature, clvapit:Region, clvapit:AddressComponent, clvapit:NamedAddressComponent , skos:Concept ; clvapit:situatedWithin .