{ "starting_point_placeholder": "The starting point of your trip", "ending_point_placeholder": "The end of your trip", "waypoint_placeholder": "Somewhere along the way", "waypoint": "Waypoint", "starting_point": "Starting point", "device_connected": "Connected", "device_not_connected": "Not connected", "device_registering": "Registering", "device_registration_generic_error": "Device registration unsuccessful", "quit_registration": "Are you sure you want to quit the registration process?", "close_dialog": "Close dialog?", "or": "or", "scan_your_barcode": "Scan your barcode below", "use_this_serial_number": "Use this serial number", "device_serial_input_mobile": "Enter serial number manually", "device_serial_input_web": "{{deviceName}} serial number", "scan_barcode": "Scan the barcode", "serial_input_options": "You have two ways to add the serial number, either", "device_serial_number_needed": "To start, we need your {{deviceName}}'s serial number", "connect_device_to_ABRP": "Connecting your {{deviceName}} to A Better Routeplanner", "register_device": "Register device", "initial_device_configuration": "Now that the device is registered, take your car for a short five-minute drive so the {{deviceName}} can get to know your car. You should start to see data populate shortly. If data doesn't appear after this first drive, unplug the {{deviceName}} for 30 seconds, then plug it back in and take it for another short five-minute drive.", "device_registration_successful": "Your {{deviceName}} has been successfully registered!", "order_device_here": "Order one here!", "no_device": "Don't have a {{deviceName}} yet?", "device_registration_title": "{{deviceName}} Setup", "registration_intro_copy": "Thank you for connecting your car's data with A Better Routeplanner! We use the data you send us to improve our modelling, and improve the plans we generate for you.", "registration_problems": "Having problems? Send us an email", "registering_device": "Registering {{deviceName}} with serial number {{serialNumber}}", "owned_by_other_user": "This device is already owned by another user", "no_such_device": "No device with this serial number found", "registration_unsucessful": "Sorry, your registration did not succeed", "reattempt_registration": "Re-attempt registration", "yes": "是", "no": "否", "settings": "選項", "start_driving": "出發", "charger": { "zero": "無需充電", "one": "1次充電", "other": "{{count}} 次充電" }, "charges_zero": "無需充電", "charges_one": "1次充電", "charges_other": "{{count}} 次充電", "drives": { "zero": "尚未完成駕駛", "one": "1次駕駛", "other": "{{count}}次駕駛" }, "rides_zero": "尚未完成駕駛", "rides_one": "1次駕駛", "rides_other": "{{count}}次駕駛", "charge": "充電", "drive": "啟程", "step_by_step": "詳細資訊", "my_position": "我的位置", "position_on_map": "地標位置", "car_model": "車型", "select_car_model": "選擇車型", "plan_settings": "規劃選項", "common_settings": "一般選項", "other_settings": "其他選項", "done": "確認", "select_your_car": "選擇愛車", "add_my_car": "新增愛車", "add_my_car_description": "新增並儲存愛車", "battery_and_chargers": "電池與充電樁", "speed": "時速", "road_conditions": "路況", "departure_soc": "啟程電量", "departure_soc_description": "啟程時,車子所顯示的剩餘電量", "reference_consumption": "電耗參考數值", "reference_consumption_description": "本車型普通電耗的參考數值", "fast_chargers": "快充", "slow_chargers": "充電樁", "fast_charger_description": "行程規劃時希望使用的充電樁", "destination_arrival_soc": "抵達電量", "destination_arrival_soc_description": "抵達目的地時允許的最低電量", "charger_arrival_soc": "抵達充電樁電量", "charger_arrival_soc_description": "抵達充電樁或停靠地點時允許的最低電量", "battery_degradation": "電池損耗值", "battery_degradation_description": "新車與目前車子的推算均電池損耗率", "time_charge_port": "充電停留時間", "time_charge_port_description": "充電可停留時間。設定值越高,充電停留次數減少但充電時間增加", "reference_speed": "參考時速", "reference_speed_description": "與路段限速或路段預估限速的時速比例", "maximum_speed": "最高時速", "maximum_speed_description": "即使限速更高,你所允許的最高時速", "max": "最高", "adjust_speed": "調整時速", "adjust_speed_description": "為了抵達下一個充電樁,允許規劃器在某些行程路段降低最高時速", "realtime_traffic": "及時路況", "realtime_traffic_description": "在路線前段使用及時路況計算", "temperature": "氣溫", "temperature_description": "此規劃車外氣溫", "wind": "風速", "wind_description": "風速與方向", "road_conditions_description": "這些因素會增加耗電量", "dry_roads": "乾燥道路", "rain_or_snow": "下雨或下雪", "heavy_rain_or_snow": "下大雨或下大雪", "avoid_on_route": "路線避開", "avoid_on_route_description": "規劃路線中避開高速公路,渡輪與收費路段", "ferries": "渡輪", "highways": "高速公路", "tolls": "收費路段", "extra_weight": "額外加重", "extra_weight_description": "預估車上額外的加重", "add": "增加", "add_waypoint": "新增航點", "treat_as_charger": "列為充電樁", "save": "儲存", "saved": "已儲存", "saved_plans": "已儲存規劃", "replan": "重新規劃", "to_plan": "帶去此規劃", "back": "返回", "invalid_format": "錯誤規格", "log_in": "登入", "create_an_account": "創新賬號", "email": "電郵", "password": "密碼", "repeat_password": "重複輸入密碼", "full_name": "全名", "forgot_your_password": "忘記密碼?", "reset_password": "重置密碼", "reset_password_description": "密碼重置信件已寄出", "reset_plan": "重置規劃", "close": "關閉", "abrp_log_in": "ABRP 登入", "abrp_log_out": "ABRP 登出", "app_settings": "App 選項", "select_your_language": "選擇語言", "units": "單位", "map_settings": "地圖選項", "language": "語言", "standard": "正常", "satellite": "衛星", "hybrid": "綜合", "terrain": "地形", "metric": "公制", "imperial": "美制", "british": "英制", "about_abrp": "關於 ABRP", "routes_planned": "路線規劃次數", "social": "聯絡我們!", "version": "版本", "app_version": "ABRP 版本", "release_notes": "發佈版本通知", "acknowledgements": "致謝", "integrity_policy": "廉正政策", "coming_soon": "即將來臨!!", "coming_soon_description": "此功能我們正在規劃中", "premium_feature": "升級版功能", "premium_feature_description": "你必須成為 ABRP 升級版會員才能用此功能。 可以免費試用哦!", "get_premium": "立刻升級版本", "cancel": "取消", "avoid_charger": "避開此充電樁", "restaurant_nearby": "附近餐廳", "hotel_nearby": "附近飯店", "login_error": "電郵或密碼錯誤", "abrp_account": "ABRP 賬號", "log_out": "登出", "logged_in_as": "已登入賬戶", "forgot_email_sent": "已送出密碼重置信件", "provide_email": "請提供電郵信箱", "provide_fullname": "請提供全名", "password_error": "請選擇一個更強的密碼", "password_mismatch": "密碼不一樣", "register_email_used": "此信箱已在使用中", "register_error": "賬戶註冊失敗", "invalid_addresses": "地址錯誤", "error_one_address": "無法使用單一地址規劃行程", "custom_marker": "自定地標", "elevation": "海拔", "region": "區域", "zoom_level_to_show_chargers": "在什麼縮放等級顯示充電樁", "type_of_chargers": "充電樁類別", "europe": "歐洲", "north_america": "北美", "world": "全球", "country": "國家", "city": "城市", "street": "道路", "planner_error": "規劃工具伺服器錯誤", "invalid_plan": "無法規劃路線 - 以上為試圖規劃", "plan_not_found": "無法規劃路線。 請確認選項。若問題無法排解,可以使用以下按鈕發回報單", "address_not_found": "找不到其中一個地址", "address_different_regions": "你所提供的地址/航點在世界不同的區域。請再次確認你所輸入的地址", "could_not_calculate_plan": "我們無法計算出你的規劃", "car_live_data": "車況及時資訊", "use_live_data": "使用及時資訊", "add_live_data": "增加及時資訊", "left": "left", "max_speed": "最高時速", "already_on_saved_plans": "此規劃已經在儲存規劃中", "save_new_or_replace": "儲存此規劃為新增規劃或取代已儲存規劃?", "save_as_new_plan": "儲存此規劃為新增規劃", "replace_existing_plan": "取代已儲存規劃", "select_plan_to_replace": "請選擇希望取代的規劃", "plan_saved": "規劃儲存成功", "to": "to", "edit_saved_plan": "編輯已儲存規劃", "plan_title": "規劃抬頭", "remove": "移除", "give_feedback": "Support & Feedback", "select_your_vehicle": "選擇車輛", "no_gps_position": "我們無法偵測你的 GPS 位置", "next_steps": "下一步", "planned": "已規劃", "current": "目前規劃", "to_next_stop": "到下一站", "to_destination": "到目的地", "set_home_work_title": "設定住宅與公司地址", "set_home_work_description": "要設定住宅與公司地址時,請長按地圖,或點選在方向格子旁邊的選項符號。點選完畢會出現新的頁面,提供此地址詳細資訊,同時可以設為住宅或公司地址。", "set_as_home": "設定為住宅", "set_as_work": "設定為公司", "home": "住宅", "work": "公司", "edit_car_name": "編輯車名", "vehicle_owner": "車主名稱", "inside_temp": "車內溫度", "outside_temp": "外面溫度", "batt_temp": "電池溫度", "degradation": "電池損耗", "range": "里程", "last_update": "最新更新於", "live_data": "及時資訊", "share": "分享", "share_car": "分享此車", "share_car_description": "你可以分享此車給另個 ABRP 賬號,以方便規劃行程", "delete": "刪除", "charging": "充電中", "power": "Power", "voltage": "電壓", "location": "Location", "link": "連結", "link_tesla": "連結 Tesla", "mytesla_email": "我的 Tesla 賬號電子郵箱", "mytesla_password": "我的 Tesla 賬號密碼", "logout_mytesla": "登出我的 Tesla 賬號", "access_token": "Tesla REFRESH Token - stay logged in until you log out", "actual_access_token": "Tesla Access Token - will expire any time", "unlink": "移除連結", "quick_select_car": "使用快選模式選擇並不儲存車型", "provide_token_instead": "Provide a token instead", "provide_mytesla_instead": "Provide Tesla instead", "link_description": "Link your car to use realtime data for a better planning experience.", "select": "Select", "error": "錯誤", "could_not_login": "無法登入,請確認你的電子郵箱與密碼", "could_not_link_token": "Couldn't link the token. Please double check that you are providing a valid refresh token.", "could_not_set_vehicle": "無法設選車輛", "must_be_logged_in": "你必須登入 ABRP 賬號才能使用此功能", "goto_login": "前往 ABRP 登入", "previous": "上", "next": "下", "map_mode": "地圖模式", "send_to_tesla": "傳去 Tesla", "destination_sent": "目的地已傳送!", "not_set": "尚未設定", "headwind": "headwind", "tailwind": "wailwind", "charger_plan_info": "用此充電樁規劃", "charger_outlets": "Charger outlets", "charge_here": "在此充電", "departure_options": "出發選項", "departure_time": "出發時間", "departure": "出發", "arrival_time": "抵達時間", "arrival_soc": "抵達電量", "change_charger": "改選充電樁", "charge_cost": "充電費用", "eat_here": "在此用餐", "sleep_here": "在此過夜", "actions": "Actions", "charge_up_to": "充到電量於", "change_departure_time": "改變出發時間", "planned_speed": "規劃時速", "time": "時間", "charge_to": "充電至", "charge_at": "Charge at", "must_select_value": "你必須選擇數值", "not_yet": "尚未", "sharing_not_yet": "分享功能尚未施行", "missing_power": "Missing power", "missing_time_or_battery": "Missing time or battery", "invalid_duration": "停留時間輸入錯誤", "invalid_power": "Invalid power", "invalid_battery_level": "電量輸入錯誤", "invalid_departure_time": "出發時間輸入錯誤", "charger_limited_access": "This charger has limited access or function and is not used in automatic planning. Check web page!", "about_1": "A Better Routeplanner (ABRP) is the world's most respected service to plan, learn and dream about Electric Vehicles - EVs.", "about_2": "Simply select your vehicle model, enter your destination and hit plan to get a full trip plan including charge stops and trip duration.", "about_3": "When you are ready to drive it, just go to driving mode and use ABRP as a real-time plan follow-up tool and even navigator, replan as necessary and get continuously updated information about your trip.", "about_4": "ABRP is developed by Iternio, which became part of Rivian in 2023. Go to our website to explore our business APIs!", "about_classic": "Looking for the classic ABRP web service? It has just moved to a new home, http://abetterrouteplanner.com/classic.", "about_signature": "Bo 與 Iternio 團隊", "could_not_update_vehicle": "我們無法更新此車輛", "could_not_logout": "我們無法登出", "could_not_connect_car": "我們無法跟你的車輛連結", "please_link_car_again": "請跟車輛重新連結", "unnamed_car": "無名車輛", "no_effect": "無效", "charging_final_destination_instructions": "Charging at the final destination is not taken into account. Remember that you can change the arrival SoC going to settings and changing 'Destination arrival SoC'", "departure_time_destination_instructions": "You cannot set a departure time on the final destination", "need_to_be_onroute": "You need to be on route", "share_abrp_link": "分享 ABRP 鏈接", "share_map_app": "分享到地圖", "share_external_app": "分享到 App", "calib_ref_cons": "Calibrated reference consumption", "confirm_deletion": "確認刪除", "confirm_deletion_description": "你確定要刪除此車輛嗎?", "reset": "重置", "reset_calibration": "Reset calibration", "reset_calibration_description": "We continuously estimate how your vehicle consumes energy while driving at different speeds. This will reset that estimate to the default consumption model for the car model.", "live_data_not_available": "此時無法讀取及時資訊", "live_data_not_available_description": "We cannot yet fetch live data for this car model.", "mytesla_poll_description": "We will poll your Tesla to see if it is active, but we will never wake it up if it is asleep. At most 24 hours after you use the app, we will reduce polling to a minimum to reduce the risk for vampire drain. This is all to provide you with the best possible service.", "select_tesla": "選擇你的 Tesla", "select_tesla_description": "Select the vehicle you want to get live data from", "set_as": "設為", "avoid_this_charger": "避開此充電樁", "prefer_or_avoid": "更改偏好或避開", "how_to_treat": "你想如何編輯 {{network}} 充電樁的偏好?", "prefer_or_avoid_3": "專用此充電網並加入偏愛", "prefer_or_avoid_2": "專用此充電網", "prefer_or_avoid_1": "設為喜愛", "prefer_or_avoid_0": "無所謂", "prefer_or_avoid_-2": "從此不用此充電網", "display_mode": "顯示模式", "display_mode_dark": "夜間模式", "display_mode_light": "日間模式", "display_mode_system": "裝置設定", "display_mode_automatic": "自動模式 (日/夜)", "network_preferences": "充電網偏好", "network_preferences_description": "可設定某充電網偏好為:避開,偏愛或專屬使用", "no_network_preferences": "你目前並沒有任何充電網偏好。可在地圖或行程規劃中點選並更改。", "allow_this_charger": "允許此充電樁", "offline": "離線中", "charger_url": "充電樁網站", "charts": "圖標", "calendar": "日曆", "duration": "Duration", "distance": "距離", "avg_speed": "平均時速", "avg_voltage": "平均電壓", "export": "Export", "tag": "Tag", "favourite": "最愛", "business": "Business", "pleasure": "Pleasure", "speed_limit": "限速", "edit_on_OSM": "到 OSM 編輯", "full_calendar": "Full Calendar", "average_consumption": "平均電耗", "unknown": "Unknown", "no_saved_drives": "There are no saved drives or charges on this day", "my_drives": "我的行程記錄", "save_my_activity": "Save my activity", "save_my_activity_description": "You'll be able to access your historical drives and charges", "reset_ref_consumption": "Reset consumption", "reset_ref_consumption_description": "Reset the calibrated reference consumption back to the default value", "route_directions": "路線方向", "route_directions_description": "駕駛中顯示路線導航", "share_historical_data": "分享數據記載", "share_historical_data_description": "此用戶可以看到你之前的行程及充電記錄", "shared_with": "已跟此人分享", "new_share": "新的分享", "delete_share": "Delete share connection", "delete_share_description": "Are you sure that you want to delete this sharing connection?", "vehicle": "車輛", "daily_summary": "當日概要", "date": "日期", "automatic_settings": "自動選項", "automatic_settings_description": "Use Live SoC, calibrated reference consumption, weather and traffic.", "realtime_weather": "及時天氣資訊", "realtime_weather_description": "使用及時溫度與天氣資訊。", "charger_information": "充電樁資訊", "route_actions": "路線動作", "mode": "模式", "content_mode": "內容模式", "table": "表格", "chart": "圖標", "north": "北", "rotate": "旋轉", "next_step": "下一步", "destination": "目的地", "3d_perspective": "3D 觀點", "alternatives": "Alternatives", "charger_departure_soc": "充電最高電量", "charger_departure_soc_description": "充電時允許最高的電量", "incorrect_speed_limit_or_map_data": "限速或地圖資訊錯誤?", "edit_on_open_street_map": "Edit on Open Street Map", "copy": "複製", "best_option": "最佳選項", "to_the_charger": "到充電樁", "trip_distance": "路線距離", "charge_duration": "充電時間", "odometer": "碼表", "firmware_version": "韌體版本", "cookies_message": "使用本站即表示您同意我們在 Cookie 中存儲您的設置和匿名 ID 號碼,以便您的設置保留到您下次使用 ABRP.", "cookies_ok": "同意", "realtime_chargers": "充電樁名額", "realtime_chargers_description": "若資訊存在,使用充電樁可用名額(及時與預報)來規劃行程", "charger_busy_low": "不忙碌", "charger_busy_medium": "忙碌", "charger_busy_high": "非常忙碌", "migrate_tesla_title": "Migrate your Tesla", "migrate_tesla_description": "Do you want to save your existing Tesla in the new ABRP version?", "out_of_order": "故障", "our_app": "下載我們的 App!", "crash_message": "Oooops! ABRP crashed, but a report has been sent to the developers and we will fix it as soon as we can.\n\nPlease reload the page or kill the app.", "no_position": "沒有定位", "no_position_description": "We could not access your current position. Make sure you allow geolocation permissions or write a specific address.", "table_heading": [ "Waypoint", "Arrival SoC", "Depart SoC", "Cost", "Charge Card", "Charge duration", "Distance", "Drive duration", "Arrival", "Departure", "Notes" ], "premium": "升級版", "premium_on_app": "要成為升級版會員請前往 A Better Routeplanner 網站.", "manage_subscriptions": "管理 ABRP 會員訂閱", "manage_subscriptions_on_app": "管理訂閱請前往 A Better Routeplanner 網站", "export_excel": "Export to Excel", "suggest_create_an_account": "If you create an account you will be able to save your plans, save you car, and much more.", "abrp_premium_membership": "ABRP Premium membership", "go_premium_description": "The basic ABRP features will always be free. However, you can get many more benefits from the planner by upgrading to Premium.", "daily_summary_export_header": [ "Activity", "Start time", "End Time", "Duration", "Distance", "Start Location", "End Location", "Start SoC", "End SoC", "Energy added", "Start odometer", "End odometer", "Vehicle" ], "on_free_trial": "免費試用 ABRP 升級版", "provide_payment_method_description": "You need to provide a payment method within {{count}} days.\n\nYou can do it now and you will not be charged untill the end of the free trial.", "provide_payment_method_on_app": "To provide a payment method please click this banner on the ABRP website.", "x_days_left": "{{count}} days left on free trial", "not_now": "暫不提供", "provide_payment_method": "請提供付費方式", "timestamp": "時間戳記", "latitude": "緯度", "longitude": "經度", "soc": "電量", "multiple_vehicles": "多數車輛", "multiple_vehicles_1": "全部車輛在一個賬號裡。", "multiple_vehicles_2": "可以全部在地圖上看到,並點選你規劃時要使用哪一輛車。", "my_drives_1": "Save all your activity and access it at any time.", "my_drives_2": "Share historical activities or export them to Excel files", "weather_forecast": "氣象預報", "weather_forecast_1": "Live weather data for planning", "weather_forecast_2": "View the predicted winds and temperatures in the plan and see its effect on your trip.", "realtime_traffic_1": "使用及時路況資訊增加準確度", "realtime_traffic_2": "使用路況規劃時,除了增加行程時間準確度,還可以計算額外用電量", "suc_availability": "Real-time Supercharger availability and forecast", "suc_availability_1": "Use Supercharger availability in the planning, both in real-time and forecasts based on historical use.", "suc_availability_2": "Avoid busy superchargers, and include wait times in in the total trip time. Other charge networks coming soon.", "sharing_vehicle_data": "車輛資訊分享中", "sharing_vehicle_data_1": "Share your live data with another ABRP user.", "sharing_vehicle_data_2": "Perfect for shared cars, or sharing the status of your drive with friends or family.", "apple_watch": "Apple Watch", "apple_watch_1": "Perfect for watching your progress on the go.", "apple_watch_2": "See your most up-to-date charge or drive status on your watch without having to fiddle with your phone.", "abrp_email": "ABRP 賬戶電郵信箱", "share_error": "We could not share with that user - the ABRP account may not exist.", "premium_new_member": "Welcome as a Premium member! If you have not already, have a look below at all the goodies which await you:", "long_break": "Long break", "low_speed": "低時速", "medium_speed": "中等時速", "high_speed": "高時速", "calib_ref_cons_confidence": "Calibrated reference consumption confidence", "calib_ref_cons_confidence_description": "The calibration is based what we measure from the car while driving at different conditions. For example, we need a certain amount of low, medium and high speed driving to get a commplete picture of the consumption. The closer the confidence numbers are to 100% the more certain we are of the consumption.", "not_on_route": "You are not on the route", "owned_by": "Owned by", "reset_settings": "重置選項", "reset_settings_description": "充值選項為預設值", "reset_settings_confirm": "Are you sure that you want to reset your settings?\n\n You will need to log in again.", "verify_email": "驗證電郵信箱", "verify_email_sent": "驗證信件已寄出", "battery_capacity": "電池容量", "new_password": "新密碼", "old_password": "舊密碼", "change_password": "改變密碼", "change_password_failed": "密碼改變失敗", "x_min_to_complete_charging": "{{count}} min to charging complete", "notification_next_stop": "Next: {{duration}} to {{destination}}", "your_car": "Your vehicle", "notifications": "推播通知", "home_notifications": "住宅", "home_notifications_description": "當你的車輛離開或抵達住宅時推出訊息", "work_notifications": "公司", "work_notifications_description": "當你的車輛離開或抵達公司時推出訊息", "car_arrived_location": "{{car}} 已抵達 {{location}}", "car_left_location": "{{car}} 已離開 {{location}}", "no_drives_on_this_day": "當日沒有行程記錄", "add_ferry_line": "Add ferry line", "share_map_app_picker": "What app would you like to use?", "there_is_a_faster_route": "There is a {{duration}} faster route", "view_alternatives": "View alternatives", "plan_no_longer_viable": "This plan is no longer viable", "plan_off_by_time": "Your plan is off by {{duration}}", "always_log": "Always log", "always_log_description": "You have some vehicles with live data. You can activate the 'Save my drives' options to be able to access historical data. You can do that from the car settings page.", "activate_for_all_cars": "Activate for all cars", "understood": "Understood", "use_updated_plan": "Use updated plan", "url_has_been_copied": "The url has been copied to the clipboard", "charging_notifications_premium": "Charging notifications", "charging_notifications_premium_1": "Get notified when there is 10 and 5 minutes left to continue your trip.", "charging_notifications_premium_2": "", "geofence_notifications": "Geofence notifications", "geofence_notifications_1": "Get notified when your car arrives or leaves certain locations.", "geofence_notifications_2": "For example, you home and work address.", "save_advanced_settings": "Keep detailed settings?", "show_setup_description": "Show or hide the cards to re-link your car with A Better Routeplanner", "no_use_default": "No, use default settings", "link_mytesla": "Do you have a Tesla Account?", "link_mytesla_description": "If you do, you can link it so we can fetch live data from your car - it makes planning and driving much smoother.", "advanced": "Detailed", "show_setup": "Show live data instructions", "save_advanced_settings_description": "Do you want to keep the changes you made in detailed settings?", "edit_charger": "Edit in", "month": "month", "sleep": "Sleep", "active": "Active", "you_have_a_valid_payment": "You have a valid payment method", "working_on_it": "Working on it...", "select_this": "Select this", "year": "year", "live_data_comparison": "Live data comparison", "go_to_the_planner": "Go to the planner", "features": "Features", "abrp_map": "ABRP map", "i_will_do_it_later": "I'll do it later", "change_to_monthly": "Change to monthly", "thanks_for_subscribing_2": "You will need to provide a valid payment method within your trial period. We'll not charge you till the end of the free trial.", "thanks_for_subscribing_3": "We hope you enjoy your A Better Routeplanner Premium Membership! Thank you for supporting us.", "thanks_for_subscribing_1": "We are happy that you want to try A BetterRouteplanner Premium membership!", "abrp_premium_features": "ABRP Premium Features", "terms_of_use": "Terms of use", "thanks": "Thanks", "abrp_premium_membership_description": "The basic ABRP features will always be free.
However, you can get many more benefits from the planner by upgrading to Premium!", "yearly": "Yearly", "change_to_yearly": "Change to yearly", "monthly": "Monthly", "shopping": "Shopping", "from_charger": "from charger", "abrp_subscription_login_2": "We will redirect you to ABRP web for login and we will bring you back here as soon as you are done.", "abrp_subscription_login_1": "Please login with your ABRP account to be able to enable Premium services.", "thanks_for_subscribing": "Thanks for subscribing", "annually": "Annually", "14_days_free_trial": "14 days free trial", "about": "About", "car_comparison": "Car comparison", "do_it_now": "Do it now", "no_active_premium_subscription": "No active premium subscription", "go_to_web_and_login": "Go to ABRP web and login", "eat": "Eat", "battery_capacity_description": "Live Data Capacity of the battery measured directly by the car. Remove from live data to revert to degradation.", "this_feature_requires": "This features requires", "configuration_normal": "Normal", "configuration_cargo_top": "Cargo on roof", "x_left_to_y": "{{x}} left to {{y}}", "configuration_bicycle_top": "Bicycle(s) on roof", "configuration_type": "Type of vehicle configuration", "configuration_default": "Standard", "configuration_already_exists": "Configuration already exists", "vehicle_configuration": "Configuration", "configuration_bicycle_back": "Bicycle(s) on back", "configuration_cargo_back": "Cargo on hitch", "configuration_role": "Activity / role", "configuration_trailer_large": "Large trailer / caravan", "add_new_vehicle": "Add a new vehicle to your account?", "continue_to_app": "Continue to app", "continue_to_app_description": "Click 'CONTINUE' to finish your login process on the app", "live_data_notify_me": "Notify me when available", "configuration_tyres": "Special tyres/rims", "charge_for_x_up_to_y_at_z": "Charge for {{x}} up to {{y}} at {{z}}", "multiple_amenities": "Multiple amenities", "confirm_configuration_deletion": "Are you sure that you want to delete this configuration?", "multiple_amenities_description": "You have already selected another amenity stop. To handle multiple amenities stops, you first need to plan. Then go back and add other amenity stops.\n\nIf you are trying to update or replace another amenity stop, please remove it first.", "no_name": "No name", "continue": "Continue", "configuration_name": "Configuration name", "vehicle_configuration_description": "Add configuration (e.g. trailer or ski box)", "add_new_configuration": "Add new configuration", "configuration_trailer_small": "Small trailer", "configuration_other": "Something else", "configuration_trailer_medium": "Medium trailer", "share_google_link": "Open in Google Maps", "charging_complete": "Charging complete!", "dismiss": "解除", "xx_minutes": "{{x}} minutes", "rest_of_drive": "the rest of the drive", "dismiss_for": "Dismiss for:", "selected_vehicle": "Selected vehicle", "my_drives_selected_vehicle": "Select a vehicle which supports the 'My Drives' feature", "choose_referral_code": "Choose referral code", "for": "for", "at": "at", "till": "till", "country_borders": "Country borders", "waypoint_notes": "Notes", "waypoint_notes_placeholder": "Notes, important details, etc.", "need_to_have_an_account": "You need to have an account. Please login or create an account first.", "get_monthly_premium": "Get monthly Premium", "get_yearly_premium": "Get yearly Premium", "add_login_method": "Add login method", "add_login_method_description": "Add another login method", "add_login_method_already_linked_another": "This login has already been linked to another account.", "simple": "Simple", "loading": "Loading", "replanning": "Replanning", "navigate_to": "Navigate to", "permission_request_title": "We really need your permission", "automotive_missing_permission_msg": "ABRP can read the battery status and other important information directly from your car, which makes using ABRP a lot better. But we need your permission to do so.", "permission_request_again": "Request permission again", "permission_nope": "No, really, no", "permission_location_msg": "A Better Routeplanner kindly asks for access to your location to improve your experience.", "search_network": "Type network name", "please_wait_for_networks": "Please wait while loading networks", "set_destination": "Set destination", "no_blocked_chargers": "You have no chargers selected to avoid. Pick a charger from the map to change this.", "charger_preferences_description": "Manage chargers you selected to avoid.", "charger_preferences": "Chargers to avoid", "please_wait_for_chargers": "Please wait while loading chargers", "invalid_plan_check_preferences_title": "Check preferences", "invalid_plan_check_preferences_description": "Your charger or network preferences may prevent a valid plan.", "nearby_amenities": "Nearby amenities", "alt_charger_options": "Alternative charger options", "select_all": "Select all", "deselect_all": "Deselect all", "add_an_amenity_charge_stop": "Add an amenities charge stop", "add_an_amenity_charge_stop_subtitle": "Schedule a stop close to a restaurant, hotel or shopping", "amenities_description": "Search for nearby amenities", "save_plan": "Save plan", "load_plan": "Load plan", "prefer_or_avoid_network": "Prefer or avoid {{name}} network", "charger_information_and_amenities": "Charger information and amenities nearby", "manage_my_subscriptions": "Manage my subscriptions", "no_amenities_found": "No amenities found", "website": "Website", "hotel": "Hotel", "hostel": "Hostel", "campground": "Campground", "stop_after": "Stop after", "and_stay_for": "and stay for", "not_further_than": "not further than", "from_a_charger": "from a charger", "overnight_accommodations": "Overnight accommodations", "food_and_drink": "Food and drink", "restaurant": "Restaurant", "cafe": "Café", "winery": "Winery", "brewery": "Brewery", "distillery": "Distillery", "mall": "Mall", "department_store": "Department Store", "add_a_stop_around_this_waypoint": "Add a stop around this waypoint", "update": "Update", "remove_stop": "Remove stop", "stay_for": "Stay for", "you_must_select_at_least_one_category": "You must select at least one category", "amenity": "Amenity", "north-american": "North american", "american": "American", "mexican": "Mexican", "asian": "Asian", "chinese": "Chinese", "indian": "Indian", "japanese": "Japanese", "sushi": "Sushi", "thai": "Thai", "vietnamese": "Vietnamise", "korean": "Korean", "european": "European", "french": "French", "german": "German", "greek": "Greek", "italian": "Italian", "spanish": "Spanish", "scandinavian": "Scandinavian", "mediterranean": "Mediterranean", "balkan": "Balkan", "south-american": "South American", "african": "African", "general": "General", "pizza": "Pizza", "snacks": "Snacks", "icecream": "Ice Cream", "burgers": "Burgers", "vegetarian": "Vegetarian", "bistro": "Bistro", "steakhouse": "Steakhouse", "international": "International", "type_of_amenity": "Type of amenity", "type_of_food": "Type of food", "all_types": "All types", "device_unauthorized": "Not authorized", "mytesla_mfa_device": "Multi-Factor Auth Device", "mytesla_mfa_code": "Multi-Factor Auth Code", "display_mode_map": "Map follows theme", "select_vehicle": "Select your vehicle", "select_vehicle_description": "Select the vehicle you want to get live data from", "unlink_live_data": "Unlink live data", "charged_energy": "Energy charged", "tronity_description": "Tronity supports live data from a wide variety of vehicles, using the built-in cellular connection of the vehicle. It is free to try!", "voice_output": "Voice guidance", "voice_output_description": "Read directions", "direction_left": "left", "direction_sharp_left": "sharp left", "direction_slight_left": "slight left", "direction_straight": "straight ahead", "direction_right": "right", "direction_sharp_right": "sharp right", "direction_slight_right": "slight right", "direction_left_variant": "on the left", "direction_sharp_left_variant": "sharp left", "direction_slight_left_variant": "slight left", "direction_straight_variant": "straight ahead", "direction_right_variant": "on the right", "direction_sharp_right_variant": "sharp right", "direction_slight_right_variant": "slight right", "direction_return": "back", "direction_return_variant": "back", "direction_uturn": "Make a U-turn", "direction_turn": "Turn {{direction}}", "direction_count_1": "first", "direction_count_2": "second", "direction_count_3": "third", "direction_count_4": "fourth", "direction_count_nth": "{{count}}th", "direction_roundabout": "Drive {{direction}} in the roundabout, {{exit}} exit", "direction_continue": "Continue {{direction}}", "direction_fork": "Keep {{direction}} in the fork", "direction_arrival": "The destination is {{direction_variant}}", "direction_arrival_no_dir": "You are at the destination", "direction_offramp": "Take the off ramp {{direction}}", "direction_to_name": "to {{name}}", "direction_in_distance": "In {{distance}}", "kilometers": "kilometers", "meters": "meters", "miles": "miles", "feet": "feet", "speed_calib_factor": "Speed overreporting factor", "max_distance_from_charger": "Max distance from charger", "long_press_rearrange": "Press and hold handle to rearrange a plan", "retry": "Retry", "live_data_other_sources": "Other live data sources", "live_data_other_sources_description": "Looking for another live data method?", "stop_at": "Stop at", "got_it": "Got it", "accept_terms_and_conditions": "By creating an account you agree to the", "terms_and_conditions": "ABRP Terms of Use", "device_sleeping": "Sleeping", "lost_mytesla_connection": "ABRP lost connection to Tesla, please login again to link your Tesla account.", "chargers_with_amenities": "Chargers with amenities", "latest_plan": "Latest plan", "automotive_missing_permission_positive": "Request permission again", "automotive_missing_permission_negative": "No, really, no", "invalid_amenity_options_title": "Invalid amenity options", "invalid_amenity_options_desc": "Make sure to fill all fields to receive amenities.", "plan": "Plan", "calculating_route": "Calculating route...", "premium_required_cp_description": "Apple CarPlay is an ABRP Premium feature.", "premium_required": "Premium required", "open_premium_page": "Open premium page", "premium_refresh": "I got it. Refresh", "favourites": "Favourites", "recent": "Recent", "search": "Search", "not_ready_yet": "We're not ready yet", "try_again_after_alert": "Plase try again once this alert disappears", "end_navigation": "End navigation", "driving": "Driving", "charger_stops": "charger stops", "launch": "Launch", "route_alternatives": "Route alternatives", "route_details": "Route details", "where_to_go": "Where are you going?", "from": "From", "To": "To", "missing_date": "Missing date", "missing_home": "Missing Home address", "missing_home_description": "You haven't set any Home address yet.", "missing_work": "Missing Work address", "missing_work_description": "You haven't set any Work address yet.", "voice_streetnames": "Include streetnames", "voice_streetnames_description": "Read streetnames too", "navigation_category": "導航", "test_drive_mode_enabled": "Test drive mode enabled - the car follows your plan.", "direction_arrival_charger": "Charge for {{duration}} to {{to_soc}} %.", "add_to_calendar": "Add to calendar", "error_adding_to_calendar": "Error adding to Calendar", "calendar_set_departure_time": "Set a future departure date to export the plan to the calendar.", "all_time": "All time", "subscription_purchased": "Your subscription is now active.", "change_email": "Change email", "change_email_failed": "Change email failed", "new_email": "New email", "current_password_security": "Your password, for security", "email_used": "Email already in use", "missing_password": "Missing password", "wrong_password": "Wrong password", "missing_email": "Missing email", "change_full_name": "Change Full Name", "change_full_name_failed": "Change Full Name failed", "missing_full_name": "Missing Full Name", "yard": "yard", "max_speed_limited": "Stay at max {{speed}} to reach destination.", "import": "Import", "data_source": "Data source", "file": "File", "drag_here_or_click_to_select": "Drag it here or click to select it", "missing_file": "Missing file", "wrong_file_format": "Wrong file format", "json_file_format": "The file needs to be a JSON file.", "missing_data_source": "Missing data source", "reading_aborted": "File reading aborted", "reading_failed": "File reading failed", "import_finished": "Import finished", "import_result": "Summary of the import:\n- Activities added: {{activities_added}}\n- Skipped activities due to duplicates: {{activities_not_added_repeated}}\n- Skipped activities due to data format errors: {{activities_not_added_wrong_format}}", "delete_account": "Delete account", "delete_account_description": "This will permanently delete your ABRP account.\n\n Are you sure?", "delete_account_for_real_description": "Really sure? This will delete your account forever.", "yes_absolutely_sure": "Yes I'm absolutely sure!", "delete_account_error": "Error deleting account, please try again later.", "delete_account_cancel_subscription_first": "You have an active subscription, please cancel it first before deleting your account.", "direction_roundabout_short": "{{exit}} exit", "direction_roundabout_exit": "Exit the roundabout", "direction_next_instruction": "then", "sent_to_android_auto": "Sent to Android Auto.", "available_selected_networks": "Available on selected networks", "apple_carplay": "Apple CarPlay", "apple_carplay_1": "Follow the route from you car's screen using Apple CarPlay.", "waypoint_actions": "Waypoint actions", "coordinates": "Coordinates", "address": "Address", "long_press_set_destination": "Tip: Long press to set as destination.", "charger_stop": "charger stop", "tap_to_view_alternatives": "Tap to view alternatives", "tap_notification_alternatives": "Tap notification to view alternatives.", "alternative_route_tts": "There is a faster route.", "navigating": "Navigating", "invalid_network_replaced": "Network is not valid anymore, please remove it and use {{replaced_by}} instead.", "invalid_network": "Network is not valid anymore, please remove it to avoid planning issues.", "missing_tlm_details": "Sorry your vehicle does not provide enough data to give you more details here.", "yards": "yards", "guidepoint": "Guidepoint", "add_guidepoint": "Add guidepoint", "captcha": "Verification code", "captcha_description": "Type in letters above", "log_in_qr": "Login with ABRP app", "log_in_qr_details": "Log in by scanning this QR code on a device that is already logged in", "charging_trip_notifications": "Charging during trip", "charging_trip_notifications_description": "Get notified when it is 10 and 5 minutes left to continue your trip.", "charging_complete_notifications": "Charging complete", "charging_complete_notifications_description": "Get notified when your car's battery is full.", "geofence_notifications_description": "Receive push notifications when your car arrives or leaves some places.", "error_adding_trigger": "Error adding trigger", "x_location_not_set": "{{name}} location not set", "low_soc_notifications": "Low battery level", "low_soc_notifications_description": "Get notified when your SoC is less than 10%. We'll send you the closest charger wherever you are.", "low_soc_notifications_title": "{{vehicle_name}} battery level is less than 10%", "low_soc_notifications_body": "Closest charger is {} away. Name: {}. Address: {}", "charging_complete_notifications_title": "{{vehicle_name}} battery is full", "charging_complete_notifications_body": "Battery level is 100%", "geofence_notification_body": "Battery level: {}%", "radius": "Radius", "radius_description": "We will notify you when your vehicle enters / leaves this radius. Make sure the parking space is included.", "callout_same_duration": "Same time", "connect_session_title": "Login Remote App", "connect_session_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to allow the remote app to login with this account?", "connect_session_ok": "OK", "connect_session_not_logged_in": "You have log in to approve logging in a remote app", "callout_invalid": "Not drivable", "stops_preference": "充電停止", "charge_break_preference_fewest_stops": "Fewer stops", "charge_break_preference_least_time": "Quickest arrival", "charge_break_preference_shorter_legs": "Shorter legs", "preferred_minimum_nbr_charger_stalls_title": "Minimum charger stalls", "preferred_minimum_nbr_charger_stalls_description": "Preferred minimum number of charger stalls at charging locations", "available": "Available", "in_use": "In Use", "operational": "Operational", "broken": "Broken", "delete_account_premium": "If you have already cancelled your Premium subsciption, you may delete your ABRP account.", "month_names": [ "一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月" ], "month_names_short": [ "1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月" ], "day_names": [ "星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六" ], "day_names_short": [ "周日", "周一", "周二", "周三", "周四", "周五", "周六" ], "today": "今天", "scan_abrp_qrcode_to_complete_login": "Complete log in by scanning the ABRP QR-code", "permission_camera_title": "Permission to use camera", "permission_camera_message": "To scan the barcode, we need permissions to use your phone's camera", "permission_mic_title": "Permission to use audio recording", "permission_mic_message": "To scan the barcode, we need permissions to use your phone's audio", "nearby_chargers": "Nearby chargers", "upload_events_title": "Give feedback", "upload_events_message": "Would you like to upload your latest usage history to help us analyze any problems?", "link_tesla_description": "Please sign in to your Tesla account so we can link your vehicle with ABRP.", "mytesla_login_app_only": "Sign in with Tesla credentials isn't supported on web, please use our ABRP app for Android/iOS or provide tokens instead.", "sign_in_with_tesla": "Sign in with Tesla", "provide_tesla_token": "Provide Tesla token", "corporate_login": "Corporate login", "corporate_login_enter_email": "Enter your corporate or organization email address", "corporate_login_description": "If your company or organization has an integration with ABRP you can log to ABRP using that account.", "corporate_login_no_domain": "Your organization is not yet integrated with ABRP. Please create your own ABRP account", "charging_stops_slider_description": "Move the slider to pick if you want fewer stops with long driving distances or short driving distances and more stops.", "prefer_or_avoid_-1": "Prefer not to use this network", "restart": "Restart", "my_account": "My account", "advanced_settings": "Advanced settings", "vehicle_settings": "車輛", "display_settings": "使用者介面", "battery_settings": "電池", "charger_settings": "充電器與網路", "avoid_named_charger": "Avoiding {{name}} charger, replan to get the new plan without it", "leg_summary": "Leg time:", "delete_other_amenity": "Delete other amenity stop", "maps_settings": "地圖", "support_feedback_description": "Need help with something, have a suggestion or want to report a bug? ", "support_main_premium": "Contact support", "support_main_no_premium": "Give feedback", "support_bug": "Report a bugg", "support_feature": "Suggestions", "support_forum": "Find help in our forum", "home_work_set": "Set", "map_right_click_tip_title": "Right Click to add Waypoint", "map_right_click_tip": "By right clicking on the map you can add a waypoint to your plan", "settings_intro": "Settings are here!", "missing_vehicle": "Missing your car?", "map_native_click_tip_title": "Long press to add Waypoint", "map_native_click_tip": "By pressing longer on the map you can add a waypoint to your plan", "avoid_charger_title": "Avoid Charger", "avoid_charger_text": "You can avoid a charger either for just this trip or for all comming trips.", "avoid_charger_btn_permanent": "All future trips", "avoid_charger_btn_tmp": "Just for this trip", "no_fast_chargers_selected": "You did not select any fast charger type. Make sure to select at least one fast charger type.", "translate": "Correct a translation", "enter_address": "Enter address...", "set_destination_or_waypoint_title": "Destination or Waypoint?", "set_destination_or_waypoint_description": "Do you want to set this address as destination or add it as waypoint?", "detailed_chargers": "Detailed Chargers", "detailed_chargers_description": "Show live status and more chargers", "alternative_routing": "Alternative Routing (beta)", "alternative_routing_description": "Uses a different routing backend", "vehicle_temperature": "Initial vehicle temperature", "vehicle_temperature_description": "Vehicle temperature at the beginning of the plan - accounts for e.g. initial heating.", "no_data": "No data for the selected days", "after": "after", "at_clock": "at", "move_of_amenity_to_step_one": "You are not allowed to move a waypoint with amenity options to the first step", "no_web_support": "This feature is supported on Android or iOS devices running ABRP app only.", "obdble_choose_device": "Make sure your OBD BLE dongle is connected to your car and powered on.", "unknown_device": "Unknown device", "obdble_setup_title": "ABRP OBD Connection", "obdble_disclaimer_title": "Warning", "obdble_disclaimer_message": "You expressly agree that your use of the ABRP OBD Connection feature at your own risk. In no event shall Iternio Planning AB or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with your access or use or inability to access or use the ABRP OBD Connection feature.", "obdble_scanning_no_devices_yet": "No OBD devices found yet, scanning...", "obdble_scanning": "Choose your dongle:", "obdble_checking_connection": "Checking OBD connection", "obdble_connection_status": "BLE connection status", "obdble_car_connection_status": "Car connection status", "obdble_connection_success": "Connection successfully established", "obdble_connection_partial_success": "Connection initialized", "obdble_connection_fail": "Connection is not established", "obdble_connection_established": "ABRP OBD Connection connection established successful!", "obdble_connect_failed_message": "Failed to connect to your OBD BLE dongle, please try again.", "obdble_connect_car_failed_message": "BLE connection established, failed to connect to your car.", "obdble_abrp_link_title": "Read about OBD dongles and security", "obdble_pid_fetch_failed": "Failed to load car configuration.", "obdble_fetching_pids": "Loading car configuration", "success": "Success", "android_auto": "Android Auto", "android_auto_1": "Follow the route from you car's screen using Android Auto.", "minutes_affix": "min", "destcharger_not_included_in_time": "Destination chargers (Level 2) is not included in the total trip time or the total charge time as we assume you do something else while charging.", "exclusive_network_warning": "You have one exlusive network selected under Network preferences", "low_soc_warning": "In your settings you are leaving with less than 15% charge", "high_ref_consumption_warning": "You have set a referens consumtion of your car above {{ref_consumtion}} Wh/km", "high_battery_degradation_warning": "You have set a very high battery degradation", "high_arrival_soc_perc_warning": "You have set a high value for 'Destination arrival SOC' in settings", "low_charger_max_soc_perc_warning": "You have set a low value for 'Charger max SOC' in settings", "high_charger_soc_arrival_perc_warning": "You have set a high 'Charger arrival SOC' in settings", "extra_weight_warning": "You have entered over {{weight}} ton as extra weight", "allow_border_warning": "You are not allowing the route to pass a border", "allow_motorway_warning": "You are not allowing the route to go on a highway", "allow_toll_warning": "You are not allowing the route to go on a road with tolls", "exclude_tesla_warning": "You have exluded Tesla network but have only selected Tesla fast charger types", "plan_error_header": "No valid plan found", "plan_error_description": "We found some possible issues in your settings", "set_default": "Set to default", "automatic_settings_notlm_description": "Use live weather and traffic data as well as default values for reference consumption and SoC.", "report_error": "Report an error to us", "prefer_or_avoid_3_description": "Only use these networks and prefer this one", "prefer_or_avoid_3_warning": " Using this setting may cause plans to fail due to insufficient chargers", "prefer_or_avoid_2_description": "Only use these networks exluding all others", "prefer_or_avoid_2_warning": " Using this setting may cause plans to fail due to insufficient chargers", "prefer_or_avoid_1_description": "Prefer using chargers from these networks", "prefer_or_avoid_0_description": "No preference for these networks", "prefer_or_avoid_-1_description": "Avoid these networks when possible", "prefer_or_avoid_-2_description": "These networks will not be used when planning", "prefer_or_avoid_-2_warning": "Using this setting will always avoid the network, which can cause longer routes", "kilometer": "kilometer", "mile": "mile", "three-quarters": "three quarters of a", "half": "a half", "quarter": "a quarter", "obdble_connect_car_partial_success": "We could connect to your car successfull but failed to fetch all telemetry values we know about. Checkout the reported live data in the setup dialog, if you want you can still link your dongle by pressing the save button.\nFeel free to report a bug to help us improve your car model!", "obdble_bug_report_share_uuid": "In case you want to report a bug we will redirect you to our public bug tracker. Please open up a new bugreport there and paste the id from your clipboard to let us know about your setup issue.", "adjust_speed_text": "Adjust speed to max {{modSpeed}} {{unit}} to reach your next destination", "adjust_speed_text_short": "Max {{modSpeed}} {{unit}}", "merge_automotive_vehicle_title": "We found an identical vehicle on your account", "merge_automotive_vehicle_message": "The {{newVehicle}} vehicle seems to be the same as your {{originalVehicle}} vehicle.\nShould we can merge these and keep only the {{originalVehicle}} vehicle?", "merge_automotive_vehicle_error": "Something went wrong while merging vehicles, please try again.", "charge_cards_no_cards_selected": "Add charging cards you own to your account and we will provide you with advice with what to charge", "add_new_card": "Add New Card", "charging_card": "Charging Card", "cheapest": "Cheapest", "primary": "Primary", "selected": "Selected", "selected_n": "Selected", "prefer_charge_cards_in_plan": "Plan route prefering chargers that are supported by my cards", "primary_card": "Primary Card", "cheapest_option": "Cheapest option", "default_charger_price": "Default price for charger", "please_wait_for_charge_cards": "Please wait for charge cards to be loaded", "card_already_added": "This card is already added to your cards", "added": "✓ Added", "charge_cards_title": "充電卡", "charge_cards_prefer_tooltip": "By selecting this option we will try to only include chargers where you can pay with the charge cards you have added to your account.", "add_charge_card_title": "Add charge cards", "search_card": "Type charge card name", "show_more": "Show more", "show_less": "Show less", "on_arrival": "on arrival", "display_mode_map_description": "By selecting this option the map will automatically follow the color theme of the app.", "recent_plans": "Recent plans", "old": "old", "map_type": "Map type", "remember_to_replan": "Remeber that you have to replan to see the effect of the changes", "set_currency_title": "Currency Code (3 letters)", "set_currency_title_tooltip": "Enter your perfered currency's 3-letter code, eg. USD, EUR, GBP etc.", "unlink_live_data_message": "Are you sure you want to unlink live data?", "do_not_show_again": "Do not show again", "charge_cards_display_title": "Showing charger prices", "frequency_charger_stops_many": "Short but many", "frequency_charger_stops_few": "Few but long", "disclaimer_price": "(prices are indicative)", "proceed": "Proceed", "connected": "connected", "recent_searches": "Recent Searches", "recently": "Recently", "search_results": "Search results", "planning_dots": "Planning...", "add_stop": "Add stop", "exit": "Exit", "start": "Start", "overview": "Overview", "save_current": "Save current plan", "left_side": "Left side", "right_side": "Right side", "layout": "Layout", "sync_appearance_title": "Alignment", "sync_appearance_message": "Update the alignment for left or right side driving.", "color_schema_map": "Map color schema", "satellite_map": "Satellite map", "handle_shared_location_failed": "Sorry we could not handle your shared location, please try to share coordinates or Google Maps links only.", "there_is_a_xx_faster_route": "There is a {{duration}} faster route", "loading_alternatives": "Loading alternatives...", "show": "Show", "ignore": "Ignore", "read_more_manual": "Read the manual", "no_css_but_css_network_perfered": "You have not picked CCS outlets under 'Fastchargers' in settings but have perfered a CCS network.", "sort": "Sort", "sort_by_date": "By date added", "sort_manually": "Yourself", "search_saved_plans": "Search by plan name", "error_fixed": "Fixed", "need_ccs_outside_of_na_error": "Due to a lack of chargers, we propose you allow standard CCS chargers.", "add_ccs": "Add CCS", "stop_avoiding_tesla": "Stop avoiding Tesla", "plans": "Plans", "obdble_device_already_linked": "This dongle is already linked to your vehicle", "set_to_prefer": "Set to prefer", "ok": "Ok", "bt_powered_off": "Bluetooth disabled", "connecting": "Connecting...", "writing": "Writing", "reading": "Reading", "step_arrival_soc_warning": "Note: This is the SoC on arrival", "warning_step_has_high_arrival_soc": "One or more chargers in the plan has high SoC on arrival", "set_to_10percent": "Set to 10 %", "learn_more": "Learn more", "obdble_link_another_dongle": "Link another OBD dongle", "Connected": "Connected", "plan_warning_header": "Some settings may lead to plans failing", "traffic": "Traffic", "type_of_chargers_tooltip": "This is the charging plugs that your car supports or you have available adaptors for", "charge_to_x": "Charge to {{x}}", "hours_affix": "h", "days_affix_one": "day", "days_affix_other": "days", "no_car_selected": "未選擇汽車", "configuration": "Configuration", "edit_settings": "Edit settings", "select_a_new_car": "Select a new car", "not_saved_car": "Not saved car", "disregard": "Remove it", "need_to_save_vehicle": "You need to save your vehicle to perform this action", "obdble_permission_not_granted": "ABRP ODB connection can not work without the denied permission. Please grant them in the system settings.", "feedback_header": "Help us improve your experience", "dont_know": "Don't know", "answer_question_on_phone": "Do you want to answer a question on your phone?", "feedback_rate_charger": "How would you rate this charger and location?", "feedback_has_open_restrooms": "Are there open restrooms at this location?", "feedback_is_trailer_friendly": "Are there chargers which can be used with a trailer attached?", "feedback_has_playground": "Does this location have a kids playground or play friendly area nearby?", "feedback_dog_friendly": "Is this a nice location to walk your dog?", "try_again": "Try again", "high_max_speed_warning": "You have set a high value ({{speed}}) in setting.", "high_speed_factor": "You have a high reference speed ({{speed}} %) in settings. This settings means you would want to drive {{speed}} % of the speed limit, aka much faster than allowed.", "low_speed_factor": "You have a low reference speed ({{speed}} %) in settings. This settings means you would want to drive {{speed}} % of the speed limit, aka much slower than other traffic.", "set_to_x": "Set to {{x}}", "smartcar_description": "ABRP Premium Connection with Smartcar is a service which provides live data through the same interface as your car's app - no extra hardware necessary. This gives you basic SoC and some other data, but is NOT precise or frequent enough for vehicle calibration.", "supported_vehicles": "Supported vehicles", "obdble_title": "ABRP OBD Connection", "smartcar_title": "ABRP Premium Connection", "highmobility_title": "ABRP Premium Connection", "vehicle_info": "Vehicle information", "live_connection_one_premium_title": "One Premium connection", "live_connection_one_premium_description": "With a Premium membership you can connect one Premium live connection to your car. If you want to have this Premium connection for this car you will have to unlink your other car with a Premium connection first.", "live_connection_premium_needed_title": "Premium needed", "live_connection_premium_needed_description": "To use this live data connection you need a Premium account.", "see_premium_benefits": "See other Premium benefits", "connect_with_x": "Connect with {{brand}}", "linked_services": "Current live data connections", "automotive_cant_be_disconnected": "Live data from Automotive cannot be unlinked", "last_tlm_connection": "Latest live data connection: ", "in_car_tlm_title": "In-car live data", "ota_tlm_title": "Over-the-air live data", "no_data_linked": "No live data linked", "obd": "OBD", "in_car_tlm_description": "In-car live data is usually the best option for rich live data, enabling precise vehicle caibration of consumption. Usually this involves a Bluetooth connection to the car or a dongle. In-car live data usually does not work when you are not in the car.", "ota_tlm_description": "Over-the-Air live data means getting data from your car through a cellular connection. This will work even when you are not in the car, but usually gives less detailed data than an in-car connection.", "live_data_automotive": "Android Automotive", "allow_ferry_warning": "You are not allowing the route to travel by ferry", "make_primary": "Make Primary", "removed_from_profile": "Remove from Profile", "about_thanks_to_contributors": "A lot of people, organizations and companies have contributed and collaborate with us to create ABRP. Thank you all!", "about_open_source_routing_machine_description": "A key piece in the ABRP machinery", "allow": "Allow", "remove_from_profile": "Remove from profile", "saving": "Saving", "saved_vehicles": "Saved cars", "search_car_brand": "Search car brand", "settings_includes_charger_type_not_supported": "Your settings includes a charger type which is not supported by this vehicle.", "no_geolocation": "We could not access your current position. Make sure you allow geolocation permissions and disable any addons that could block geolocation access.", "obdble_complete_bonding": "Complete BT pairing to continue linking your OBD dongle", "obdble_boding_failed": "BT pairing failed, reconnect your OBD dongle and retry linking it.", "frequency_charger_stops_many_short": "Short but many stops", "frequency_charger_stops_few_long": "Few but long stops", "clear": "Clear", "eventlog_upload_failed": "Error while uploading events", "eventlog_download_failed": "Error while downloading events", "your_vehicles": "Your vehicles", "manual": "Manual", "seasonal_weather": "Seasonal weather", "seasonal_weather_description": "Use typical seasonal temperature information.", "no_network": "No internet connection", "no_network_description": "We couldn't calculate your plan. Please check your internet connection and try again.", "show_bug_button": "顯示錯誤回報按鈕", "show_bug_button_description": "Show a bug report button to send a log of the app events to the ABRP team for analysis.", "eventlog_title": "App event log uploaded", "eventlog_description": "Please report this bug to our Featurebase page and refer to this uploaded event by the approximate time it was uploaded", "please_remove": "Please remove from settings", "change_ios_appearance": "Change Phone Appearance", "change_ios_appearance_description": "On iOS to change the color mode of the map you need to change between dark or light under appearance in settings", "kind_of_support": "What do you need help with?", "contact_support": "Contact support", "read_manual": "Read the Manual", "faq": "FAQ", "login_issue": "Login Issue", "subscription_issue": "Subscription Issue", "other_issue": "Other issue", "translate_title": "Help us translate ABRP", "report_charger": "Report Charger", "report_charger_information": "Information we need to investigate has been copied to your clipboard. Click 'done' and be redirected to Featurebase where you can create a report and paste in that information", "ferry_departure": "Ferry Departure", "ferry_arrival": "Ferry Arrival", "direction_count_x": [ "first", "second", "third", "fourth" ], "obdble_unknown_device_failed": "This device misses some essential features, we can not use it for OBD connections.", "obdble_unknown_device": "Unsupported device!", "obdble_unknown_device_attempt": "This is an unsupported device, do you still want to try to connect?", "no_network_description_general": "Please check your internet connection and try again.", "read_faq": "Read Our FAQ", "sorry": "Sorry", "unexpected_error": "An unexpected error happened, please try again. For further help, contact our support.", "clear_plan": "Clear plan", "plan_not_found_none_premium": "No working plan could be found. Please check your settings, for example adding additional chager types would greatly increase your chances of getting a plan. Please read or FAQ to find answers to common issues and questions.", "xx_minutes_faster": "{{x}} min faster", "insufficient_charge": "Insufficient Charge", "reroute": "Re-Route", "preview": "Preview", "avoid_traffic": "Avoids traffic ahead", "different_charger": "Different charger", "arrive_at_x": "Arrive at {{x}} %", "missing_parameter_x": "You have a missing parameter needed to be able to calculate a plan. The missing parameter is '{{parameter}}'", "charging_x_kw": "Charging at {{power}} kW", "merge_manual_vehicle_message": "Are you sure you want to merge {{mergeFrom}} into {{mergeTo}}?\n\n{{mergeFrom}} will be deleted and all its data will be combinded with {{mergeTo}}. This actions is irreversible!", "manual_merge_vehicle": "Merge Vehicle Into", "manual_merge_vehicle_description": "Merge this vehicle to another of your saved vehicles", "select_vehicle_to_merge": "Merge to", "scan_qr_phone": "Scan QR code on your phone to open this URL", "direction_turn_ref_destination": "Turn {{direction}} to {{ref}} towards {{destination}}", "direction_turn_destination": "Turn {{direction}} towards {{destination}}", "direction_turn_ref": "Turn {{direction}} to {{ref}}", "direction_fork_ref_destination": "Keep {{direction}} to {{ref}} towards {{destination}}", "direction_fork_destination": "Keep {{direction}} towards {{destination}}", "direction_fork_ref": "Keep {{direction}} to {{ref}}", "direction_offramp_ref_destination": "Take the ramp {{direction}} to {{ref}} towards {{destination}}", "direction_offramp_destination": "Take the ramp {{direction}} towards {{destination}}", "direction_offramp_exit_destination": "Take exit {{exit}} towards {{destination}}", "direction_offramp_exit_ref": "Take exit {{exit}} to {{ref}}", "direction_offramp_exit_direction": "Take exit {{exit}} {{direction}}", "direction_offramp_exit_ref_destination": "Take exit {{exit}} to {{ref}} towards {{destination}}", "eventlog_failed_title": "Bug report upload failed", "log_in_with_app_details": "Select \"{{title}}\" on a device that is already logged in", "login_remote_app": "Login remote app", "extra_weight_exact_warning": "You have entered {{weight}} as extra weight", "collapse": "collapse", "expand": "expand", "more_options": "More options", "favorite_settings_title_charge_stops": "Charge Stops Frequency", "favorite_settings_title_arrival_soc": "Arrival SoC", "favorite_settings_title_charge_cards": "Active Charge Cards", "favorite_settings_title_network_preferences": "Network Preferences", "favorite_settings_title_auto_all_button": "Automatic Settings Button", "edit_view": "Edit View", "edit": "Edit", "all_settings": "All Settings", "simple_settings": "Simple Settings", "favorite_settings": "Favorite Settings", "name": "Name", "role": "Role", "no_email": "No email address", "login_methods": "Login methods", "roles": "Roles", "manage": "Manage", "subscription": "Subscription", "edit_favorite_settings": "Edit Favorite Settings", "no_selected_networks": "No networks selected", "no_selected_charge_cards": "No Charge Cards selected", "active_charge_cards": "Active Charge Cards", "edit_favorite_settings_description": "Select settings that you use often, order the list to order the settings", "charger_stops_title": "Charger Stops", "profile_edit_full_name": "Edit full name", "profile_edit_email": "Edit email", "profile_edit_password": "Edit password", "profile_login_methods": "Login methods", "nearby_chargers_you_are_here": "You are here", "nearby_chargers_go_to": "GO", "nearby_chargers_no_chargers": "No chargers near you", "welcome": "Welcome", "login_continue_email": "Continue with email", "login_with_abrp": "Login with ABRP app", "welcome_back": "Welcome back", "profile_add_login_method": "Add alternative login methods to make it even easier to use the app", "profile_connected_login_methods": "Connected Alternative login methods", "login_welcome_description": "To log in or sign up enter your email address", "not_valid_email": "Please enter a valid email address", "learn_about_premium": "Learn more about ABRP Premium", "verify_email_success": "Email is verified", "my_abrp_profile": "My ABRP Profile", "login_enter_email": "Enter your email", "login_enter_full_name": "Enter your full name", "login_enter_password": "Enter your password", "profile_next_renewal": "Next renewal", "loading_qr_token": "Loading QR login code", "live_data_integrity_policy_msg": "使用這些即時數據選項,您明確同意我們的完整性政策", "charge_session_completed": "Planned charge session completed", "login_success_message": "You where logged in", "route_options": "Route options", "read_more_obd": "Security and OBD", "no_chargers_remove": "Has no chargers, please remove!", "networks_prefer": "Prefer", "networks_avoid": "Avoid", "title_address_input": "Where do you want to go?", "networks_exclude": "Exclude", "carmirror_toggle_to_x": "Toggle to {{x}}", "carmirror_gps_speed": "Show GPS speed", "carmirror_change_vehicle_config": "Change vehicle configuration", "carmirror_available_chargers": "Available chargers", "carmirror_charger_alternatives": "Alt. Chargers", "carmirror_no_waypoint": "No waypoint selected", "carmirror_no_waypoint_title": "No waypoint", "carmirror_more_info_if_charger": "More info displayed here for chargers", "carmirror_show_step_name": "Show step name on battery status indicator", "carmirror_map_display": "Map & Display", "carmirror_map_settings": "Map Settings", "carmirror_display_settings": "Display Settings", "carmirror_route_options": "避免在途中", "carmirror_select_map": "Select a Map", "carmirror_unnamed_config": "Unnamed Config", "carmirror_final_destination": "Final destination", "carmirror_time_until": "Time until", "tronity_disclaimer": "This data comes from TRONITY and is relayed to ABRP. It is governed by the terms of service between you and TRONITY. Activity data will not be stored in ABRP but is available in TRONITY.", "no_better_alternatives": "Sorry we could not find any better alternatives", "edit_car_configuration_title": "Edit car configuration", "add_car_configuration_title": "Add car configuration", "tts_install": "The voice engine needs to be installed. This is needed to read out instructions. Please install the voice engine from play store. If you do not need voice instructions you can click ignore and it will be disabled.", "tts_install_title": "voice engine needed", "tts_install_data": "The voice engine requires additional language data to be downloaded. This is needed to read out instructions. Please install the voice packs for your language. If you do not need voice instructions you can click ignore and it will be disabled.", "tts_install_data_title": "Voice language data needed", "install": "Install", "load_plan_title": "Load plan", "load_plan_description": "Do you want to load and overwrite all plan settings from this plan or only destinations?", "load_plan_destinations": "Destinations only", "load_plan_all": "All plan settings", "saved_destination_title_add": "Add a saved destination", "save_location": "Save this location", "saved_destinations_title": "Saved destinations", "saved_destinations_description": "You can save destinations by clicking on the desired location on the map", "set_home": "Set home", "set_work": "Set work", "more": "more", "edit_saved_destination": "Edit saved destination", "add_new_destination": "Add a new destination", "less": "less", "saved_destinations_select_icon": "Select an icon", "name_required": "Name is required", "show_markers_map": "Show on map", "show_markers_map_description": "Show your saved destinations as markers on map", "hide_nullish_home_work": "Hide unassigned home and work locations", "log_in_failed": "Sorry we could not log you in, please try again.", "carmirror_network": "Network", "direction_roundabout_ref_destination": "Go {{direction}} at the roundabout, {{exit}} exit to {{ref}} towards {{destination}}", "direction_roundabout_ref": "Go {{direction}} at the roundabout, {{exit}} exit to {{ref}}", "direction_roundabout_destination": "Go {{direction}} at the roundabout, {{exit}} exit towards {{destination}}", "reference_consumption_short": "Ref. consumption", "premium_presentation_title": "Get ABRP Premium", "premium_presentation_description": "The basic ABRP features will always be free.\nHowever, you can get many more benefits from the planner by upgrading to Premium!", "premium_option_month": "Monthly", "premium_option_year": "Annually", "premium_trial": "Two weeks free trial.", "premium_first_billing_date": "First billing {{date}}", "premium_option_payment_desription": "then {{price}} every {{duration}}. Canel any time", "premium_skip": "Skip for now", "premium_start_trial": "Start free 14 day trial", "premium_select_plan": "Select your plan", "premium_monthly": "Monthly", "premium_yearly": "Annually", "premium_provider_x": "Provider: {{provider}}", "premium_apple_watch": "Perfect for watching your progress on the go.\nSee your most up-to-date charge or drive status on your watch without having to fiddle with your phone.", "loading_subscription_data": "Loading subscription data...", "premium_change_year_android_title": "Change to annually", "premium_change_year_android_description": "To change your subscription using Android you need to cancel your monthly subscription and when it´s ended add a new annual subscription", "change": "Change", "premium_change_annually_card": "by changing to annual billing", "unsupported_shared_content": "Sorry, we currently do not support the content you shared.", "data_privacy_notice": "Data Privacy Notice", "premium_start_subscription": "Start Subscription", "premium_support": "Premium support", "request_vehicle": "Request a vehicle", "driving_mode_final_destination": "Destination", "driving_mode_next_charger": "Next charging stop", "driving_mode_next_stop": "Next stop", "driving_mode_final_step": "Final step", "driving_mode_next_step": "Next step", "driving_mode_actions": "Actions", "driving_mode_plan_steps": "Plan steps", "driving_mode_charging_next_leg": "Next leg", "driving_mode_next_waypoint": "Next waypoint", "driving_mode_final_waypoint": "Final destination", "charging_time_left": "Time left", "driving_off_route": "You are off route", "driving_no_route": "No route existing", "then": "then", "driving_tlm_not_connected": "No connected telemetry", "driving_mode_vehicle_info": "Vehicle information", "driving_remaining_steps": "Remaining steps", "cookies_ok_all": "接受", "cookies_customize": "自訂", "cookies_customize_select": "Save choice", "cookies_customize_title": "Customize cookies", "cookies_necessary": "Necessary", "cookies_necessary_description": "Necessary cookies are needed for the page to work properly.", "cookies_analytics": "Analytics", "cookies_analytics_description": "Analytics means we can create anonymized statistics on how visitors interact with our website, such as which pages they visit most frequently, and what links they click on, to optimize the user experience.", "cookies_crash_report": "Crash Reports", "cookies_crash_report_description": "Crash reports means we we can collect information about what happened if the app crashes. This information includes your account ID if you are logged in so that we can find the report. With this information, we can detect errors more quickly, fix them more effectively, and ensure that the website runs smoothly on as many devices and browsers as possible.", "required": "required", "disabled": "disabled", "cookies_read_privacy": "請查看我們的隱私通知以獲得更多資訊.", "privacy_settings": "隱私設定", "cookies_privacy_notice_hyperlink": "Please find more information about the cookies we use in our Privacy Notice", "driving_plan": "Plan", "cookies_reject": "拒絕", "driving_arrival": "Arrival", "driving_charging_alternative_chargers": "Find alternative charger", "low_max_speed_warning": "You have set a low maximum speed value ({{speed}}) in setting.", "charging_planned_charge_complete": "Planned charging completed", "dismiss_rest_of_trip": "Rest of drive", "highmobility_description_x": "{{brand}} ABRP Premium Connection offers direct data connection to your car via the {{brand}}'s official over-the-air connection.", "favorite_settings_title_appearance": "Appearance settings", "data_attribution": "Data provided by: ", "feedback_results_toilet_title": "Toilets available", "feedback_results_playground_title": "Kids playground", "feedback_results_dog_friendly_title": "Dog friendly area", "feedback_results_is_trailer_friendly_title": "Trailer friendly", "feedback_results_has_open_restrooms_title": "Has restrooms", "feedback_results_has_playground_title": "Playground", "maybe": "Dont´t know", "feedback_help_improve_title": "Help us improve charger information", "feedback_rate_charger_btn": "Rate charger", "feedback_report_charger_btn": "Report an issue", "rate_a_chager": "Rate a charger", "feedback_form_rating_sub_title": "Tap a star to rate", "feedback_form_rating_title": "How would you rate this location and charger?", "feedback_form_able_to_charge_title": "Were you able to charge?", "feedback_form_restrooms_title": "Are there open restrooms at this location?", "feedback_form_dog_title": "Is this a nice area to walk your dog?", "feedback_form_is_trailer_friendly_title": "Can you charge with a trailer?", "feedback_form_playground_title": "Does this location have a kids playground or play friendly area nearby?", "submit": "Submit", "feedback_charge_error_text_1": "You want to report a more specific issue", "feedback_charge_error_text_2": "please click here", "report_charge_error_no_charge": "Could not charge", "report_charge_error_multiple_attempts": "Took multiple tries to start charging", "report_charge_error_slow_speed": "Slow charge speeds", "report_charge_error_blocked": "Charger blocked", "report_charge_error_stalls_in_use": "All stalls in use", "report_charge_error_incorrect_location": "Wrong charger location", "report_charge_error_other": "Other issue", "report_charge_error_description_title": "Describe the problem", "report_charge_error_description_placeholder": "Try to give us as much details as possible", "report_charge_error_upload": "Upload photo", "report_charge_error_upload_more": "Add more photos", "report_charge_error_photo_access_denied": "Please give us access to your camera. Go to settings -> apps -> A better route planner and change permissions", "report_charge_error_wrong_amount_of_stalls": "The amount of available chargers is not same as in app", "report_charge_error_charger_not_accessible": "Not accessible", "report_charge_error_incorrect_charger_data": "Charger information not correct", "report_charge_error_incorrect_pricing": "Incorrect pricing information", "report_charge_error_incorrect_provider": "Wrong provider (CPO)", "report_charge_error_incorrect_user_ratings": "Not correct information about amenities", "report_charge_error_incorrect_live_data": "Issues with live data", "report_charge_error_issues_charging": "Issues with charging", "amount_affix": "pcs", "report_error_charger_not_accessible_sub_title": "Why is charger not accessible?", "report_error_select_alternative": "Select an option:", "report_error_incorrect_price_input": "What is the correct price:", "report_error_incorrect_price_charge_card_input": "Did you use a charge card, name it?", "type": "Type", "report_error_outlet_used": "Which outlet did you use?", "report_error_issues_charging_select_issues": "Select relevant issues", "report_charger_options_not_operational": "Charger is not operational", "report_charger_options_multiple_attempts": "Took multiple attempts to charge", "report_charger_options_blocked": "Charger is blocked", "report_charger_options_all_stalls_used": "All stalls in use", "report_charger_options_slow_charge_speed": "Slow charge speed", "report_charger_options_issues_payment": "Issues with payment", "report_charger_options_other": "Other issues with charging", "report_error_live_data_title": "Predicted vs real availability", "report_error_incorrect_data_title": "Edit the outlets information (subject for review)", "not_selected": "Not selected", "add_a_outlet": "Add missing outlet", "report_charger_rate_this_charger": "Rate this charger, opens new dialog", "report_charger_amenities_description": "Describe what issues you see with the user provided data. Eg. data shows there is no toilet but there is one newly built. If there is no issue and you just want to rate the charger click the link below.", "report_charger_incorrect_provider_description_current_x": "Please write the new/correct provider below and if possible take a picture to verify this. Current provider is: {{current_provider}}", "report_charger_incorrect_location_description": "Please go to the correct location of the charger and press the button below. This will send your current location to us and we will validate that the charger is in fact placed there.", "report_charger_submit_my_location": "Submit my location as charger location", "report_charger_incorrect_provider_suggest_new": "Suggest new provider", "tlm_connection_successful": "Congratulations, your car live data is now connected to A Better Routeplanner!", "feedback_form_last_visit_date": "You last visited this charger", "unnamed_config": "Unnamed configuration", "save_plan_name": "Name of saved plan", "save_plan_replace_existing": "Replace an existing plan", "not_selected_outlet": "Not selected", "report_error_success_title": "Thanks for reporting!", "report_error_success_description": "We will look into your issue and report back to you with information.", "report_error_failed_title": "Error submitting your issue", "report_error_failed_description": "An unknown error occurred when submitting your issue. Please contact support if the error persists.", "charger_feedback_form_success": "Thanks for rating this charger!", "charger_issues_select_reason": "Select reason(s) for your issue", "report_error_select_topic": "Please select a topic", "driving_chart_planned_soc": "Planned SoC", "driving_chart_actual_soc": "Actual SoC", "chargers_to_avoid": "Chargers to avoid", "network_and_charger_preferences": "Avoid and prefer", "energy_used": "Energy used", "display_theme": "Theme", "user_provided_charger_information": "User provided information", "eventlog_description_fail": "Please test uploading again, if it still does not work still report the issue to us on out Featurebase page.", "charging_speed": "Charging speed", "saved_destination_is_charger": "Charging information will be added to saved destination automatically", "driving_settings_changed": "Settings changed", "driving_settings_changed_description": "A replan is needed to make this changes reflected in your current plan.", "replan_needed": "Replan needed", "saved_destination_charge_at_location": "Charge at this location", "saved_destination_charge_at_location_description": "This information is private and stored only in your account", "open_app_settings": "Open app settings", "ignore_once": "Ignore until next start", "grant_automotive_permissions": "Go to app settings and make sure „Location“ and „Car information“ permissions are granted.", "share_apple_link": "Open in Apple Maps", "delete_all_activities": "Delete saved activities", "delete_all_activities_description": "All saved activities associated with this car will be deleted", "delete_all_activities_dialog": "Are you sure that you want to delete all activities associated with this vehicle?", "delete_activity": "Delete activity", "delete_activity_description": "Are you sure that you want to delete this activity?", "delete_all_activities_warning": "This action cannot be undone", "delete_all_activities_warning_description": "Deleted activities cannot be restored. Are you sure that you want to delete ALL activities?", "premium_annual_save_2_months": "Get 2 months for free", "premium_annual_save_2_months_short": "Get 2 months free", "error_something_went_wrong": "Something went wrong", "rate_short": "Rate", "nearby_chargers_add": "Add", "nearby_chargers_wp_button": "Charger around location", "replace_charger": "Replace charger", "nearby_charger_type_slow": "Only slow", "nearby_charger_type_all": "All", "nearby_charger_type_fast": "Only fast", "nearby_chargers_replace": "Change to", "edit_cookie_consent": "Edit Cookie Consent", "privacy_link_drawer": "Privacy notice", "delete_activities_rejected": "Activities could not be deleted", "deleting_activities": "Deleting activities", "delete_activity_rejected": "Activity could not be deleted", "delete_activity_fulfilled": "Activity was successfully deleted", "charging_session": "Charging session", "open_system_settings": "Open system settings", "feedback_answer_yes": "Yes", "feedback_answer_no": "No", "feedback_answer_dont_know": "Not sure", "feedback_answer_closed_to_public": "Closed to the public", "feedback_answer_wrong_opening_hours": "Wrong opening hours", "feedback_answer_other_with_description": "Other (describe below)", "feedback_answer_price_wrong": "is very wrong", "feedback_answer_price_needs_adjustment": "needs an adjustment", "feedback_answer_live_data_less": "Less busy", "feedback_answer_live_data_more": "More busy", "feedback_answer_live_data_occupied": "All stalls used", "feedback_question_close_button_title": "Close", "profile": "Profile", "carmirror_soc": "Manual SoC adjustment", "report_charger_incorrect_location_description_web": "Find the correct location on a map and copy the longitude and latitude values.", "carmirror_set_soc": "Add/Remove SoC", "waypoint_charger_duration": "Set charge duration", "waypoint_departure_time": "Set departure time", "amenities_stop_for_time": "Stop for", "amenities_stop_at_time": "Stop at", "manage_subscription": "Manage subscription", "manage_old_subscription": "Manage old subscription", "rejoin_premium": "Rejoin premium", "rate_charger": "Rate charger", "premium_monthly_x": "Monthly - {{price}}{{currency}} / month", "premium_yearly_x": "Annually - {{price}}{{currency}} / year", "set_to": "Set to", "prefer": "prefer", "default": "default", "no_gps_location_permission": "GPS denied", "no_activities_month": "No activites for this month", "no_activities_day": "No activities for this day", "apply_settings": "Applying settings...", "display_mode_aa": "Automatic (reported by car)", "reference_consumption_error_dialog_title": "Reference consumption error", "reference_consumption_error_dialog_description_1": "Your reference consumption ({{consumption}}) is to {{status}}. The default reference consumption for your vehicle is {{defaultConsumption}}.", "reference_consumption_error_dialog_description_2": "Please reset your reference consumption in the car details page and reset/restart your live data connection. If this does not help please contact support!", "reference_consumption_error_dialog_description_3": "Read more about this issue in our FAQ", "high": "high", "low": "low", "my_drives_logging_information": "Telemetry data is logged and saved for 24 hours. If you want to save the data longer enable the 'Save my activites'", "send_verification_email": "Send verification email", "update_and_send_verification_email": "Update and send verification email", "rating_results_step_available": "Available", "report_charger_cant_find": "Can't find", "charger_at_wrong_location": "Wrong location", "report_charger_incorrect_location_title": "Have you found the charger but it's at another prosition that in the app or is the charger impossible to find?", "waypoint_action_add_charging_station": "Add charging station", "report_charge_error_new_charging_station": "", "suggest_new_charger_title": "Suggest new charger to add", "add_charger_description": "Add chargers at location, please be detailed and add photos (subject for review)", "add_new_charger_find_network": "What charger network does the chargers belong to?", "add_charger_link_more_information": "Link to charger information", "add_charger_no_stalls_added": "No stalls added", "network_name": "Network name", "unknown_vehicle_delete_description": "This vehicle is incomplete or missing essential information. Would you like to delete it?", "unknown_vehicle_delete_title": "Unknown vehicle", "select_configuration": "Select configuration", "no_image": "No Image", "submit_image_success_title": "Submission successful", "submit_image_success_description": "Thank you for your contribution! Your images have been successfully submitted and are now under review.", "submit_image_fail_title": "Image upload failed", "submit_image_fail_description": "The upload of your images has encountered an issue. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact our support team for assistance.", "report_image": "Report images", "report_image_short": "Report", "report_image_pick_image": "Select images that you want to report", "report_image_reason": "Reason for reporting", "report_image_success_title": "Submission successful", "report_image_success_description": "Thank you for your contribution! The images are now reported and under review.", "report_image_fail_title": "Image report failed", "report_image_fail_description": "The reporting of images has encountered an issue. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact our support team for assistance.", "upload_photos_legal_disclaimer": "By uploading photos, you grant Iternio Planning AB the unrestricted right to use and distribute the content as it sees fit.", "upload_image": "Upload images", "email_verified": "Your email address has been successfully verified", "email_verification_failed": "Email verification failed", "email_verification_failed_description": "Email verification failed. Please try again. If the issue persists, kindly contact our support team.", "round_trip": "Round trip", "back_to_start": "Back to start", "reverse_destinations": "Reverse plan", "new": "new", "report_charge_error_upload_camera": "Take photo", "report_charge_error_upload_library": "Library", "get_networks_failed": "Failed to Retrieve Networks", "get_networks_failed_description": "The attempt to fetch networks has encountered an error.", "direction_offramp_ref": "Take the ramp {{direction}} to {{ref}}", "direction_offramp_exit": "Take exit {{exit}}", "sorted_plans": "Sorted plans", "by_you": "By you", "by_date": "By date", "open_point": "Open details", "go_here": "Go here", "direction_roundabout_nodir": "Take {{exit}} exit", "direction_roundabout_nodir_ref": "Take {{exit}} exit to {{ref}}", "direction_roundabout_nodir_destination": "Take {{exit}} exit towards {{destination}}", "direction_roundabout_nodir_ref_destination": "Take {{exit}} exit to {{ref}} towards {{destination}}", "my_plans": "My plans", "saved_on": "Saved on", "sort_by": "Sort by", "custom": "Custom", "plan_summary": "Plan summary", "suggest_new_charger_success_title": "Thanks for suggesting a new charger!", "suggest_new_charger_success_description": "We will look into your suggestion and add it to the map if it is correct.", "suggest_new_charger_failed_title": "Error submitting your suggestion", "suggest_new_charger_failed_description": "An unknown error occurred when submitting your suggestion. Please contact support if the error persists.", "carmirror_adjust_soc": "Adjust SoC", "show_all_car_models": "Show all", "details_title_charger_characteristics": "Charger characteristics", "details_title_avilable_plus": "Available plugs", "details_title_amenities": "Amenities nearby", "charger_status_available": "available", "charger_status_busy": "busy", "charger_status_unknown": "unknown", "charger_details_plugs": "Available plugs", "submit_image_issue_fail": "Report failed", "submit_image_issue_fail_description": "Reporting of the image failed. Please try again. If the issue persists, kindly contact our support team.", "submit_image_issue_success": "Report submitted", "submit_image_issue_success_description": "Thank you for submitting your report. We will review it promptly and take appropriate action.", "issues": "Issues", "tesla_fleet_live_data": "Tesla Live Data", "tesla_fleet_description": "The official Tesla API supports live data from all Tesla vehicles, using the built-in cellular connection of the vehicle.", "share_plan": "Share plan", "planning": "Planning...", "details_page_charger": "Charger details", "navigate_here": "Navigate", "details_page_marker": "Dropped pin", "details_page_ferry": "Ferry details", "activity": "Activty", "amenity_search": "Amenity search", "point_on_route": "Point on route", "charger_alternatives": "Charger alternatives", "edit_quick_settings": "Edit quick settings", "car_details": "Car details", "add_charger_to_route": "Add to route", "fake_drive": "Fake drive", "volume": "Volume", "avoid_prefer": "Avoid / Prefer", "prefer_avoid_network": "Prefer or avoid network", "main_action_drive": "Drive", "main_action_plan_canceled": "Plan canceled", "action_prefer": "Prefer", "action_avoid": "Avoid", "avoid_x_network": "Avoid {{network}} network", "exclude_x_network": "Avoid {{network}} network", "prefer_x_network": "Prefer {{network}} network", "super_prefer_x_network": "Like and prefer {{network}} network", "charger_stalls": "stalls", "details_title_charger_images": "Charger images", "add_charger_image": "Add a charger photo", "add_charger_image_description": "Help us improve charger information by uploading a picture of the charging site", "there_is_a_better_route": "There is a better route", "save_plan_summary_description": "Select the waypoints you want to save in your plan.", "my_drives_description": "Once you complete a drive, it will be saved here. Check your historical drives and charges.", "view_all": "View all", "configurations": "Configurations", "tronity": "Tronity", "vehicle_settings_description": "Specific settings for your vehicle. You can merge this vehicle with another or reset vehicle consumption data.", "no_saved_plans": "No saved plans", "no_saved_plans_description": "You don't have any saved plans. To save a plan, create a plan and press the save button.", "past_drives_calendar": "Past drives calendar", "synced": "Synced", "connect_live_data": "Connect live data", "connect_live_data_description": "Choose data source to get more accurate consumption and battery status.", "vehicle_name": "Vehicle name", "share_with": "Share with", "email_placeholder": "example@example.com", "connections": "Connections", "danger_zone": "Danger zone", "danger_zone_description": "Once you delete your vehicle, there is no going back, you will have to setup your vehicle again.", "edit_connections": "Edit connections", "share_vehicle": "Share vehicle", "vehicle_sharing": "Vehicle sharing", "vehicle_sharing_description": "Share your vehicle with a family member or friend. They will be able to use your vehicle in their ABRP app.", "delete_vehicle": "Delete vehicle", "remove_shared_vehicle": "Remove shared vehicle", "delete_configuration": "Delete configuration", "delete_configuration_description": "This will permanently delete your configuration.\n\n Are you sure?", "no_response_since": "{{diff}} without OBD data", "welcome_new_premium": "Welcome to ABRP Premium!", "premium_presentation_description_new_premium": "Elevate your ABRP experience with a premium subscription. Explore the exciting new features that come with your subscription below, and make the most out of your journey.", "premium_new_close_button": "Get started with Premium", "change_email_failed_email_used": "The email is already in use", "historical_data_shared": "Historical data shared", "charger_status_unknown_stalls_count_one": "unknown status • {{count}} stall", "charger_status_unknown_stalls_count_other": "unknown status • {{count}} stalls", "start_from_here": "Start from here", "delete_account_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete?", "reference_consumption_tooltip": "Reference consumption is utilized to calculate your consumption and range. The value differs from the mean value displayed in the car. While the car value reflects your historical consumption, this reference serves as a baseline representation.", "reference_consumption_tooltip_unit": "You can switch to a more comfortable unit, which can also be adjusted in the the '{{section}}' section.", "consumption_unit": "Preferred unit for consumption", "reference_consumption_at": "Reference consumption {{at}}", "reference_consumption_short_at": "Ref. consumption {{at}}", "delete_account_chargebee": "By deleting your account, all associated data in Chargebee will be permanently removed.", "details_title_charger_on_route": "Charger on route", "save_destination": "Save destination", "route_charger_title_index_total": "Charging stop {{current}} of {{total}}", "notiffication_settings": "Notification settings", "notification_settings_description": "Customise the notifications you receive from ABRP app.", "notification_type_charging": "Charging completion", "charger_accessibility_under_construction": "The charger is under construction and is not used in automatic planning", "charger_accessibility_is_closed": "The charger has been closed and is no longer included in automatic planning.", "charger_accessibility_none_public": "Charger is not available to the public and is not used in automatic planning", "sort_nearby_chargers_relevance": "Relevance", "sort_nearby_chargers_distance": "Distance", "filter_nearby_chargers_ratings_any": "Any rating", "filter_nearby_chargers_ratings_3": "3 stars﹢", "filter_nearby_chargers_ratings_4": "4 stars﹢", "filter_nearby_chargers_food": "Has food nearby", "find_chargers": "Find chargers", "filter_nearby_chargers_hotel": "Has hotel nearby", "re_center": "Re center", "filter": "Filter", "charger_rating": "Rating", "amenities": "Amenities", "charger_power": "Charger power", "charger_filter_dog_friendly": "Dog friendly", "charger_filter_trailer": "Trailer friendly", "charger_filter_open_restrooms": "Toilets", "charger_filter_playground": "Playground", "live_data_privacy_notice": "By linking your vehicle you accept our Privacy Policy.", "cookies_message_privacy": "This website uses Cookies to improve your browsing experience and analyze site traffic. When cookies are used, very small text files are stored on your device. By clicking 'Accept' you consent to our use of Cookies. If you click on ‘Reject’, we will only use strictly necessary Cookies. By clicking ‘Customize’ you will be able to manage your Cookie preferences. See our Privacy Notice for more information.", "entry_screen_title": "Welcome to A Better Routeplanner", "entry_screen_description": "Optimize your EV journey with A Better Routeplanner! Find efficient routes, manage charging stops, and navigate live for stress-free travel.", "entry_screen_login_button_text": "Log in / Sign up", "entry_screen_option_delimiter": "or", "entry_screen_explore_button_text": "Explore ABRP without an account", "logout_success_message": "You were logged out, bye!", "login_with": "{{provider}} sign-in", "grant_permissions": "Grant permissions", "check_location_service": "Location service are not available, please go to system settings and enable location services.", "open_settings": "Open settings", "no_amenity_to_display": "No amenities for this charger", "leave_edit_mode": "Leave edit", "amenity_search_cleared": "Refreshed Amenity Search", "amenity_search_cleared_description": "We could not find any suitable charger with the requested amenities to add to the plan.", "issues_with_x_tlm_connection": "Issues found with your {{tlm_type}} connection", "tlm_issues": "Connection issues", "arrive": "Arrive", "battery": "Battery", "current_route": "Current Route", "driving_stops": "Stop", "charging_score": "Charging score", "charging_score_provider": "Data provided by Rivian", "average_speed": "average top speed", "charging_score_info": "Charging scores are based on data from Rivian vehicles that visit each site. The score is based on things like success rate and the time it takes to start charging to calcuate an overall score.", "waypoint_options": "Waypoint options", "save_car_title": "Save selected car", "save_vehicle": "Save vehicle", "skip": "Skip", "save_vehicle_question": "Would you like to save selected car?", "save_vehicle_description": "By saving, you will be able to connect it to live data on the next step.", "charger_feature_trailer_friendly": "Prefer trailer-friendly", "charger_feature_trailer_friendly_description": "Prefer chargers which have been reported by ABRP users to be trailer friendly.", "charger_feature_dog_friendly": "Prefer dogs-friendly", "charger_feature_dog_friendly_description": "Prefer chargers which have been reported by ABRP users to be nice for dogs.", "charger_feature_has_playground": "Prefer play area nearby", "charger_feature_has_playground_description": "Prefer chargers which have been reported by ABRP users to have a playground or play friendly area.", "charger_feature_has_open_restrooms": "Prefer restroom availability", "charger_feature_has_open_restrooms_description": "Prefer chargers which have been reported by ABRP users have restrooms nearby.", "edit_destination_order": "Edit the order of destinations", "update_car_model_message": "Please re-select your vehicle model", "charging_score_read_more": "Read more on the Rivian website", "rivian_livedata_account": "Rivian account email", "rivian_livedata_password": "Rivian account password", "rivian_livedata_otp": "One-time password code", "rivian_livedata_description": "The official Rivian connection supports live data from all Rivian vehicles, using the built-in cloud connection of the vehicle.", "enode_livedata_description": "ABRP Premium Connection with Enode is a service that provides live data through the same interface as your car's app - no extra hardware necessary.", "enode_livedata_disclaimer": "This vehicle connection gives you basic SoC and other data, but is not precise or frequent enough for vehicle calibration.", "charging_adapter": "{{charger_type}} adapter", "charge_energy": "Charge energy", "charger_status": "Charging station status", "complete_your_profile": "Complete your profile", "complete_your_profile_create_account_or_login_title": "Create an account or log in", "complete_your_profile_create_account_or_login_description": "Enjoy the full ABRP experience by creating an account or logging in. You can save your settings and preferences, and access your account from any device.", "complete_your_profile_create_account_button": "Create account or log in", "complete_your_profile_email_title": "Verify your email", "complete_your_profile_email_description": "Check your inbox to verify your email", "complete_your_profile_email_button": "Open email account", "complete_your_profile_live_data_title": "Connect live data", "complete_your_profile_live_data_description": "Connect live data to your vehicle to get most accurate plans and driving experience", "complete_your_profile_live_data_button": "Connect", "complete_your_profile_done_title": "Congratulations, your profile is complete", "complete_your_profile_done_description": "Enjoy using the app", "complete_your_profile_done_description_skipped_previous": "You can always add live data to your vehicle in the vehicle settings menu. Enjoy using the app", "complete_your_profile_done_button": "Close", "premium_feature_disclaimer": "ABRP Premium offers a lot more features to make your EV journey even better", "premium_read_more": "See all ABRP Premium features", "real_time_traffic": "Real Time Traffic", "real_time_traffic_description": "Use real time traffic when planning and driving to avoid any surprises", "weather_forecast_description": "Use live and predicted weather forecast when planning and driving", "cancel_anytime": "Cancel anytime", "premium_top_features": "Top features", "premium_live_data": "Premium vehicle live data", "premium_live_data_1": "Connect almost any EV to ABRP.", "premium_live_data_2": "Essential for live navigation with ABRP but also super convenient for planning and checking your charging progress", "premium_charger_features": "Plan with charger features", "premium_charger_features_1": "Make plans with trailer or dog friendly chargers.", "premium_charger_features_2": "Also use forecasts to avoid the busiest chargers at rush hour.", "charge_price": "Charging price", "rivian_eula": "I accept the Rivian Terms of Use, Rivian DPN and Iternio DPN", "any_speed": "Any speed", "calib_confidence": "Confidence", "calib_ref_cons_confidence_soc_only_description": "The calibration is based on what we measure from the car while driving at different conditions. The closer the confidence number is to 100% the more certain we are of the consumption. Your vehicle only reports SoC and no power, which means that the calibration will be less precise than otherwise.", "premium_trial_disclaimer": "Note: Trial can only be started from web", "charger_status_operational": "operational", "enode_connection_error_title": "Connection error", "enode_no_token_title": "No token was generated", "enode_no_token_description": "Please try again and if the issue persists, please contact support.", "upload_photos": "Upload photos", "take_new_photos": "Take new photos", "add_charger_image_detailed_description": "Try to capture the charger and the surrounding area. This will help others find the charger and know what to expect.", "add_charger_image_anonymization": "We will blur license plates and faces automatically.", "speed_camera_category": "Speed Cameras", "speed_camera_premium_title": "Show an alert for an upcoming speed camera", "speed_camera_premium_text": "Locate speed cameras on the map", "speed_camera_on_screen_alert": "On-screen alerts", "speed_camera_on_screen_alert_description": "Display on-screen alerts before a speed camera", "speed_camera_map_markers": "Map markers", "speed_camera_map_markers_description": "Show markers for speed cameras on your planned route", "speed_camera_type_speed": "Speed camera", "speed_camera_type_average": "Average speed control", "speed_camera_type_bus_lane": "Bus lane camera", "speed_camera_type_dangerous_zone": "Speed camera zone", "speed_camera_type_mobile": "Mobile speed camera", "speed_camera_type_red_light": "Red light camera", "speed_camera_type_red_light_and_speed": "Speed and red light camera", "speed_camera_type_regular_mobile_zone": "Mobile speed control zone", "speed_camera_cm_zone_ending_short": "Control zone ending", "speed_camera_cm_zone_starting_short": "Average speed control", "log_in_with_qr_step_1": "Launch the ABRP app on a device where you are already logged in", "log_in_with_qr_step_2": "Go to the settings page", "log_in_with_qr_step_3": "Select your name in the top left", "feedback_charger_image": "Can you take a photo of the charger?", "continue_on_phone": "Continue on your phone", "general_connection_error_title": "Connection error", "general_connection_error_description": "Please try again and if the issue persists, please contact support.", "store_review_title": "Enjoying ABRP?", "store_review_description": "We would like to know if you like the app. Your feedback will help us to make a difference!", "love_it": "Love it", "needs_improvement": "Needs improvement", "rate_us_on_app_store": "Rate us on the App Store", "rate_us_on_play_store": "Rate us on the Google Play Store", "help_us_improve": "Help us improve", "feedback_improve_description": "Your insights help us grow. Tell us what didn't meet your expectations.", "please_share_your_thoughts": "Please share your thoughts...", "store_review_not_available": "Store review is not available on this device.", "unknown_ferry": "Unknown ferry", "oauth_connect_title": "Allow app to connect?", "oauth_connect_description": "The application {{appName}} would like the ability to use your ABRP account.", "oauth_if_you_approve": "If you approve, it will be able to", "oauth_right_read_user_info": "Read your full name and email address", "oauth_right_read_telemetry": "Read your car live data", "oauth_right_send_telemetry": "Send live car data to ABRP", "oauth_right_get_plan": "Get details of your most recent plan", "oauth_right_vehicle_history": "Read all stored data of driving and charging of the selected vehicle", "oauth_select_vehicle": "Please select which of your vehicles you would like to do this for:", "do_you_allow_this": "Do you allow this?", "oauth_connect_description_log_in": "To accept, first log in to your account.", "deny": "Deny", "listening": "Listening", "send_to_rivian": "Send to Rivian", "generic_token": "Generic Token", "generic_token_description": "Thank you for connecting your car's data with A Better Route Planner! We use the data you send us to improve our modelling, and improve the plans we generate for you. This method is for in-development Live Data systems which haven't been added officially to ABRP yet. If you would like to develop this kind of system for your car please contact us!", "account_id_for_support": "Your account ID for support", "copied_to_clipboard": "Copied to clipboard", "log_in_rivian": "Rivian owner account", "rivian_login_description": "Login to ABRP using your Rivian owner account, or connect your existing Rivian and ABRP accounts", "obd_pid_editor": "OBD Pid Editor", "obd_pid_editor_warning": "Warning: This feature is for advanced users only. Use at your own risk!", "obd_pid_init_commands": "Initialization commands", "obd_pid_data_commands": "Data fetching commands", "obd_pid_keep_alive_command": "Keep alive command", "obd_pid_command": "OBD Command", "obd_pid_protocol": "OBD Protocol", "obd_pid_equations": "Equations", "obd_pid_equation": "Equation", "obd_pid_tlm_key": "Telemetry key", "obd_pid_min": "Min", "obd_pid_max": "Max", "obd_pid_data_type": "Data type", "obd_pid_loading": "Loading vehicle obd pids...", "obd_pid_loading_failed": "Failed to fetch pids!", "obd_pid_test_pids": "Test Pids", "obd_pid_delete_title": "Delete custom OBD Pids", "obd_pid_delete_description": "Are you sure you want to delete your custom OBD Pids?", "obd_pid_virtual_pid": "Virtual Pid", "obd_pid_virtual_pid_description": "Virtual Pids use other telemetry keys to calculate a value, e.g. power is often not provided by cars but can be calculated by using voltage and current equation results", "obd_pid_protocol_generic": "Generic", "obd_pid_data": "Raw OBD response", "obd_pid_parsed_response": "Parsed TLM data", "obd_pid_log": "Log", "obd_pid_equation_map": "Map", "obd_pid_new_equation_map_entry": "New Entry", "obd_pid_equation_map_description": "This maps certain equation results to the specified value, use \"default\" to match all equation results you did not specify. Values must be numeric, due to keyboard restrictions on different systems we show the fully featured keybard.", "obd_pid_equation_map_count_zero": "No entries", "obd_pid_equation_map_count_one": "One entry", "obd_pid_equation_map_count_other": "{{count}} entries", "obd_pid_share_verify_first": "Please test your pids first before sharing, thank you!", "obd_pid_share_completed": "Thank you for sharing your pids! We'll review them and make sure everyone benefits from your improvements.", "idle": "Idle", "started": "Started", "succeeded": "Succeeded", "failed": "Failed", "unnecessary": "Unnecessary", "rivian_vehicles_in_account": "These are your Rivian vehicle(s). Would you like to add these to your ABRP account and connect live data?", "rivian_add_vehicles": "Add these vehicle(s)", "skip_for_now": "Skip for now", "abrpobd_connect_failed_tip": "It can help to remove the dongle from the car and reinsert it.", "obdble_connection_established_save": "ABRP OBD connection established successfully! Would you like to save this connection to your vehicle?", "add_charger": "Add charger", "charger_network": "Charger network", "charger_network_placeholder": "Ionity, Tesla, etc.", "link_placeholder": "https://example.com", "add_charger_stalls": "Add a charger stalls", "add_charger_stalls_description": "Enter the number and arrangement of charger stalls to help others understand availability.", "charger_details_pricing": "Pricing", "report_charger_price": "Report wrong price", "view_less": "View less", "price_among_user_charge_cards": "Your charge cards", "you_can_only_select_prices_from_your_selected_charge_cards": "You can only select prices from your selected charge cards", "sign_in": "Sign in", "automotive_welcome_screen_message": "To start using ABRP sign in or choose your car model to use ABRP without signing in", "automotive_car_model_missing": "We could not identify your vehicle, please go to settings and set the car model", "app_update_banner_title": "App update is available", "app_update_banner_description": "Thank you for your patience. We've been working on a new version of ABRP that will make your journey even better!", "app_update_banner_update_button": "Update", "estimated_charger_cost": "Estimated charging cost", "estimated_charger_cost_description": "All prices found below", "default_price": "Default price", "using_charge_card": "Using", "price_details": "Price in detail", "card_subscription_type_x": "Subscription type: {{type}}", "card_subscription_YEARLY": "Yearly", "card_subscription_MONTHLY": "Monthly", "card_subscription_ONE_OFF": "One time fee", "flat_rate_cost": "Start cost", "energy_cost": "Energy cost", "time_cost": "Cost per minute", "parking_cost": "Cost for parking", "session_price": "session", "charger_prices": "Charger prices", "cards_without_subscription": "Cards without subscription", "feedback_suggest_edit": "Suggest an edit", "card_has_subscription": "Card has a subscription fee", "charger_with_parking_fee": "Charger might be subject to parking fees", "sorting_popularity": "Popularity", "sorting_name": "Name", "sorting_price": "Price", "sorting": "Sorting", "add_card": "Add card", "no_user_charge_cards": "No cards available for this charger", "auth_banner_title": "Don't lose your account", "auth_banner_description": "Link your account to another login method for easier access and improved security. Never worry about forgetting your password again!", "auth_banner_add_button": "Add Login Method", "tesla_share_permissions_title": "Permission needed", "tesla_share_permissions_description": "To be able to share to your Tesla, you need to give ABRP permission to control your vehicle in your Tesla account. Click the button below and check \"Allow vehicle commands\".", "tesla_set_abrp_permissions": "Go to Tesla ABRP settings", "include_charger": "Include charger", "title_address_input_first": "Where are you departing from?", "carmirror_navigation_options": "Navigation settings", "add_live_data_streaming": "Add streaming", "streaming": "Streaming", "select_a_vehicle": "Select a vehicle", "group_waypoint_left": "Waypoints left", "group_time_to_arrival": "Time to arrival", "group_charge_time_left": "Charge time left", "vehicles": "Vehicles", "checkout_shared_vehicle": "View vehicle", "share_route_drive": "Share live drive", "open_vehicle_settings": "Open vehicle settings", "live_data_sharing_keys_added_title": "You are viewing a live data sharing group", "live_data_sharing_keys_added_description": "The group has been added to your settings and you can now see vehicles shared in the group. If you want to leave the group this can be done in the settings.", "live_data_sharing_invite_title": "Invite to group", "live_data_sharing_invite_description": "You have been invited to join and share your vehicle live data with a group. Note, until the group expires or you leave the group your vechle will be visible to other group members.", "live_data_sharing_invite_select_vehicle": "Select a vehicle to share live data", "live_data_sharing_join_and_share": "Join and share", "live_data_sharing_group_description_title": "Group description", "live_data_sharing_group_shared_vehicles": "Vehicles you temporarily share", "live_data_sharing_groups_joined": "Groups you view", "live_data_sharing_group_nbr_of_members_x": "There are {{count}} vehicles in the group.", "live_data_sharing_joined_description": "Live data sharing groups you are part of", "live_data_sharing_shared_vehicles_description": "Vehicles shared in live data sharing groups enable group members to access real-time information, such as vehicle locations and data", "live_data_sharing_join_group": "Join live data sharing group", "live_data_sharing_already_added": "You have already joined this live data sharing group", "live_data_sharing": "Live data sharing", "live_data_sharing_add_vehicle": "Add vehicle to live data group", "live_data_sharing_view_description": "You have been invited to view a live data sharing group. By joining the group you will be able to see the vehicles shared in the group on the map. Once the group expires you will automatically be removed from it.", "link_copied_to_clipboard_title": "Link copied", "link_copied_to_clipboard_description": "The link has been copied to your clipboard", "live_data_sharing_link_copied_to_clipboard_description": "This live data share link can be viewed by anyone you share it to and they can follow your drive in realtime.", "live_data_sharing_plan_description": "You have been invited by {{name}} to follow a trip live {{with_vehicleName}}. To view the vehicle and route information, click the vehicle that has appeared on the map.", "live_data_sharing_leave_group": "Stop following this vehicle", "live_data_sharing_vehicle_shared_warning": "Vehicle location shared", "live_data_sharing_charging": "Charging", "live_data_sharing_journey_finished": "Arrived at destination!", "live_data_sharing_vehicle_shared_by_x": "Shared by {{user}}", "live_data_sharing_route": "Route", "live_data_sharing_load_shared_plan": "Load their plan", "live_data_sharing_unknown_name": "Unknown", "live_data_sharing_ended": "Looks like the shared route has ended.", "unknown_name": "Unknown", "live_data_sharing_trip_to": "Trip to {{destination}}", "unknown_destination": "Unknown", "live_data_sharing_joining_group_general_issue": "An unknown issue occured, please retyr and if the issue persist please contact support.", "live_data_sharing_joining_group_ended": "This group has already ended", "live_data_sharing_group_duration_title_ended": "This group will end on", "live_data_sharing_viewing_vehicle_notification": "Viewing shared vehicles", "chargers": "Chargers", "with": "with", "live_data_sharing_ends": "Ends", "api_error": "Service Temporarily Unavailable", "api_error_description": "We're experiencing some technical difficulties. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, feel free to contact our support team.", "tesla_fleet_select_vehicle": "Please select the vehicle you wish to connect to ABRP:", "tesla_fleet_streaming": "Tesla vehicles can stream data to ABRP when the vehicle is active. This enables higher quality live data and vehicle calibration. To enable it, you need to add ABRP's virtual key on your vehicle by clicking the button below.", "tesla_fleet_streaming_key": "Add ABRP virtual key on your Tesla", "tesla_fleet_streaming_unsupported": "Your vehicle does not support streaming. Don't worry, we will poll it for data - no more action needed.", "tesla_fleet_streaming_no_key": "The ABRP key was not installed on your Tesla. The vehicle may not be supporting streaming - this is the case for older Model S and X - if so we will poll data at a slower pace for you anyway.", "tesla_fleet_streaming_key_ok": "If your key was successfully added to your Tesla, press the button below to start streaming live data. If not, don't worry, we will poll data at a slower pace for you anyway.", "tesla_fleet_streaming_start": "Start live data streaming", "live_data_streaming_enabled": "Live data streaming enabled", "cannot_purchase_subscription_title": "Unable to Purchase Subscription", "cannot_purchase_subscription_description": "We're sorry, but we are currently unable to process your subscription purchase.", "subscription_moved_success": "Subscription moved successfully", "move_subscription_warning_title": "Move subscription", "move_subscription_warning_description": "You are about to move your subscription to a different account. This will allow you to use the subscription on the new account immediately. Please note that this action cannot be undone.", "subscription_move_error": "Error moving subscription", "subscription_move_error_description": "We're sorry, but we are currently unable to process your subscription move.", "subscription_connected_to_other_account_description": "You have an active subscription from {{platform}} already, but it is connected to another ABRP account. You may want to login to that ABRP account instead.", "subscription_connected_to_other_account_associated_hint": "To access this ABRP account, you can also use these login methods", "subscription_connected_to_other_account_email_hint": "It is identified by", "move_subscription_button_text": "Move subscription to this ABRP account", "live_data_share_create_group": "Create a group", "live_data_share_group_name": "Group name", "live_data_share_group_name_placeholder": "Enter group name", "live_data_share_group_description": "Group description", "live_data_share_group_description_placeholder": "Enter group description", "live_data_share_group_start": "Start sharing at", "live_data_share_group_end": "Group expires at", "live_data_share_group_name_error": "Please enter a group name", "live_data_share_group_description_error": "Please enter a group description", "live_data_share_group_end_date_error": "Please enter a end date", "live_data_share_group_create_success": "Group created successfully", "live_data_share_group_edited_success": "Group edited successfully", "live_data_share_group_create_error": "Failed to create group, please contact support if the issue persists", "live_data_share_group_view_link": "Share link to let someone view the group", "live_data_share_group_join_link": "Share link to let someone join the group", "live_data_sharing_group_user_created_groups": "Your groups", "live_data_sharing_group_user_created_groups_description": "Live data sharing groups you have created and administer", "live_data_share_group_date_error": "Pick a time in the future", "live_data_share_group_information": "Group information", "live_data_sharing_no_group_association": "You are not associated to any groups", "live_data_share_group_add_your_vehicles": "Add your vehicles to the group", "live_data_share_group_view_group": "View group on the map", "live_data_share_group_view_group_short": "View group", "live_data_share_group_set_start_time": "Select start time", "live_data_share_group_set_end_time": "Select end time", "report_bug_title": "Title", "report_bug_title_placeholder": "Issue title", "report_bug_description": "Description", "report_bug_placeholder": "Issue description", "create_an_issue": "Create an issue", "create_an_issue_description": "This will create a public post on our user feedback site (Featurebase) that anyone can see. Please describe your issue in detail.", "open_featurebase": "Open Featurebase", "view_on_featurebase": "View on Featurebase", "success_report_bug": "Thank you for reporting your issue!", "live_data_share_group_delete_confirm": "Are you sure?", "live_data_share_group_delete_confirm_description": "Are you sure you want to delete this group? This action cannot be undone", "live_data_sharing_groups": "Live data groups", "live_data_sharing_groups_short": "Groups", "live_data_share_group_members_list": "Group participants", "live_data_share_add_vehicle_group": "Add your vheicles to the group", "live_data_share_group_share_vehicles": "Share vehicles", "live_data_share_group_no_members": "This group has no members jet", "no_car_models_found": "It seems like we don't have a car model that you are looking for, please request a vehicle.", "navigation_notification_title": "Navigation ongoing", "car_models_no_car_models_found": "It seems like we don't have a vehicle model that you are looking for. Feel free to submit a request for it if you like.", "charge_cards_no_charge_cards_found": "It seems like we don't have a charge card that you are looking for. Feel free to submit a request for it if you like.", "networks_no_networks_found": "It seems like we don't have a network that you are looking for. Feel free to submit a request for it if you like.", "charge_cards_request_charge_card": "Request a charge card", "networks_request_network": "Request a network", "tts_options": "Voice", "tts_options_description": "Configure navigation voice options", "voices": "Voices", "no_voices_found": "No voices found, using system default", "voice_engines": "Voice engines", "no_voice_engine_installed": "No voice engine installed", "restart_required": "A restart of the app might be required when installing new engines", "please_wait_for_voice_engines": "Please wait for voice engines to be loaded", "please_wait_for_voices": "Please wait for voices to be loaded", "test_tts": "Test voice", "requires_tts_install": "Not installed language files will be downloaded automatically, requires network connection", "no_enhanced_voice_found": "You do not seem to have voices with enhanced quality installed, you can do so by navigating to your voice settings in system settings", "install_voices": "Install voices", "install_voice_engine": "Click {{settings}} to configure TTS engine, or click {{ignore}}, to disable voice output", "card_subscription_fee_per_type": "Subscription: {{fee}} per {{type}}", "reorder_vehicles": "Reorder vehicles", "edit_order": "Edit order", "amenity_form_timing": "Make a stop", "delete_vehicle_reset_account": "Reset account", "delete_vehicle_reset_account_description": "This will delete all your data (including vehicles) permanently. Are you sure?", "delete_non_tlm_vehicles": "Delete non-TLM vehicles", "send": "Send", "navigation_go_home": "Go to home", "departure_soc_description_detailed": "The starting battery level (State of Charge/SoC) of your car when beginning the journey.", "destination_arrival_soc_description_detailed": "The minimum battery level (State of Charge/SoC) allowed when arriving at your final destination.", "charger_arrival_soc_description_detailed": "The minimum battery level (State of Charge/SoC) allowed when arriving at any charging station during your journey.", "charger_departure_soc_description_detailed": "The maximum battery level (State of Charge/SoC) to charge up to at charging stations.", "view_details": "View details", "amenity_add_plan": "Add to plan", "amenity_options": "Amenity options", "add_amentity": "Add amenity", "amenities_wp_button": "Amenity charger around location", "amenities_selection_duration_cost": "{{cost}} to your trip", "amenities_more": "+ {{count}} more {{category}} nearby", "view_charger": "View charger", "amenity_edit_search": "Edit amenity search", "amenity_search_current_of_total": "Amenity serach {{current}} of {{total}}", "amenity_stop": "{{category}} stop", "general_error_message": "An error occurred, please try again.", "tesla_streaming_banner_title": "Tesla streaming action required", "tesla_streaming_banner_description": "From 1st of February 2025, Tesla streaming will be required for all Tesla vehicles. To continue using ABRP with your Tesla, add streaming to your vehicle.", "tesla_streaming_banner_button": "Add streaming", "nearby_chargers_replace_replan": "Change and replan" }