package com.itextpdf.samples.htmlsamples.chapter04; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import; import; import com.itextpdf.html2pdf.ConverterProperties; import com.itextpdf.html2pdf.HtmlConverter; import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfAConformanceLevel; import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfOutputIntent; import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfWriter; import com.itextpdf.pdfa.PdfADocument; /** * Creates a PDF document from an XML file using XSLT to convert the XML to HTML, * introducing customized bookmarks. */ public class C04E06_MovieInvoice { /** * The path to the resulting PDF file. */ public static final String DEST = "./target/htmlsamples/ch04/movie_invoice.pdf"; /** * The Base URI of the HTML page. */ public static final String BASEURI = "./src/main/resources/htmlsamples/html/"; /** * The XML containing all the data. */ public static final String XML = "./src/main/resources/htmlsamples/xml/movies.xml"; /** * The XSLT needed to transform the XML to HTML. */ public static final String XSL = "./src/main/resources/htmlsamples/xml/movies_invoice.xsl"; /** * The path to the output intent file. */ public static final String INTENT = "./src/main/resources/htmlsamples/color/sRGB_CS_profile.icm"; /** * The main method of this example. * * @param args no arguments are needed to run this example. * @throws IOException signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, TransformerException { try (FileInputStream license = new FileInputStream(System.getenv("ITEXT7_LICENSEKEY") + "/itextkey-html2pdf_typography.json")) { com.itextpdf.licensing.base.LicenseKey.loadLicenseFile(license); } File file = new File(DEST); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); C04E06_MovieInvoice app = new C04E06_MovieInvoice(); app.createPdf(app.createHtml(XML, XSL), BASEURI, DEST, INTENT); } /** * Creates the PDF file. * * @param html the HTML file as a byte array * @param baseUri the base URI * @param dest the path to the resulting PDF * @param intent the path to the output intent * @throws IOException signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void createPdf(byte[] html, String baseUri, String dest, String intent) throws IOException { PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(dest); PdfADocument pdf = new PdfADocument(writer, PdfAConformanceLevel.PDF_A_2B, new PdfOutputIntent("Custom", "", "", "sRGB IEC61966-2.1", new FileInputStream(intent))); ConverterProperties properties = new ConverterProperties(); properties.setBaseUri(baseUri); HtmlConverter.convertToPdf(new ByteArrayInputStream(html), pdf, properties); } /** * Creates an HTML file by performing an XSLT transformation on an XML file. * * @param xmlPath the path to the XML file. * @param xslPath the path to the XSL file * @return the resulting HTML as a byte[] * @throws IOException signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws TransformerException the transformer exception */ public byte[] createHtml(String xmlPath, String xslPath) throws IOException, TransformerException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(baos, "UTF-8"); StreamSource xml = new StreamSource(new File(xmlPath)); StreamSource xsl = new StreamSource(new File(xslPath)); TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer(xsl); transformer.transform(xml, new StreamResult(writer)); writer.flush(); writer.close(); return baos.toByteArray(); } }