Hello world!
2018-09-09, updated 2020-07-26 — personal blog   ⇦Linear Panorama – Portfolio⇨
I've always felt that I am more productive when I share my work or study with others. This caused me to have 3 main blogs/websites in the past.
- 1 was focused in national and international science olympiads informing people about the multiple competitions that there exists, and explaining how to study for them www.olimpiadascientificas.com
- Another explained my own methods of study, motivations and stories related to those same science competitions.
- And later I made a third blog focused on the activities I took part on, such as biking, running or exploring.
This website will focus in projects, HOWTOs and small hacks or suggestion such as command line scripts, easier ways to run programs, suggestions for how to edit pictures, and so on. Or at least that is the intention.
It is written completely in org-mode using a static website generator I made using all the awesome functionality already available in org mode, such as export to html.
You can see the project here: org-export-head. If you decide to use it, let me know! It would make me quite happy.