function loadFile(path, success, error) { //from var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { if (xhr.status === 200) { if (success) success(xhr.responseText); } else { if (error) error(xhr); } } };"GET", path, true); xhr.send(); } function run_from_yaml_file(yaml_file, subs) { function run_yaml_with_subs(story_yaml){ run_yaml(story_yaml, subs); } loadFile(yaml_file, run_yaml_with_subs, console.log) } //require(['text!./story.yaml', 'js-yaml'], function (story_yaml, yaml) { //Assumes jsyaml has been called previously function run_yaml(story_yaml, subs) { //Global variables 'use strict'; var story = jsyaml.load(story_yaml); var start_text = story.begin.text; var substitute_text_dictionary = subs; var previous_substituted_text = []; var new_substituted_text = []; var html_story = document.getElementById("story"); var flags = {}; //Flags set by words. Permanent var text_flags = {}; // Flags set by text Temporary var temporary_flags = {} var word_keys = {} var permanent_styles_list = []; //Defines which styles for the body are permanent ones var temporary_styles_list = ["flash-dark", "flash-red", "get-dark", "flash-blood"]; //Defines which styles for the body are temporary ones, such as dark flashes. var p_styles = []; // Permanent styles applied to the body var t_styles = []; // Temporary styles applied to the body var previous_states=[]; // For undo. var timed_events = {}; //For debugging: var html_story_yaml = document.getElementById("story_yaml"); var editor; ///Helper functions for the story var get_substitute_text = function(story_dictionary, text_keyword, flags, text_flags, timed_events){ var text = story_dictionary[text_keyword]; if (!text){ return text_keyword; } if (text.constructor !== Array){ text = [text]; } var array_text = text; for (var t in array_text){ text = array_text[t]; if (!text.cond || conditions_met(text.cond, flags, text_flags, timed_events)){ return text.text; } } return "."; }; var perform_action_text = function(story_dictionary, text_keyword, flags, text_flags, timed_events){ var text = story_dictionary[text_keyword]; if (!text){ return; } var actions = get_action_function_array(text, story_dictionary, flags, text_flags, undefined, timed_events, undefined); for (var f in actions){ actions[f](); } } var substitute_text = function (text_to_substitute, substitute_dictionary, story_dictionary, previous_substituted_text, new_substituted_text, parent_dummy_span, flags, text_flags, present_text_keys, timed_events) { for (var key in substitute_dictionary){ var text_keyword = substitute_dictionary[key] var to_substitute = '$'+key+'$'; var contains_string = text_to_substitute.includes(to_substitute); if (contains_string){ var substitute_text_content = get_substitute_text(story_dictionary, text_keyword, flags, text_flags, timed_events); add_flags(text_keyword,text_flags); perform_action_text(story_dictionary, text_keyword, flags, text_flags, timed_events); present_text_keys.push(text_keyword); new_substituted_text[key] = substitute_text_content; var new_text_html = get_dummy_word(); = key; new_text_html.innerHTML = substitute_text_content; if(substitute_text_content != previous_substituted_text[key]){ if (previous_substituted_text[key]){ new_text_html.className = 'substituting-text ' } else{ new_text_html.className = 'new-text ' } } else{ new_text_html.className = 'old-text ' } var substitute_text_with_html = new_text_html.outerHTML; if (parent_dummy_span){ var span_tags = parent_dummy_span.split("$"); substitute_text_with_html = span_tags[1]+substitute_text_with_html+span_tags[0]; } new_text_html.innerHTML="$"; var new_dummy_span = new_text_html.outerHTML; substitute_text_with_html = substitute_text(substitute_text_with_html, substitute_dictionary, story_dictionary, previous_substituted_text, new_substituted_text, new_dummy_span, flags, text_flags, present_text_keys, timed_events); text_to_substitute = text_to_substitute.split(to_substitute).join(substitute_text_with_html); } } return text_to_substitute; }; /// Helper functions for generating HTML var action_click_word = function(word_dict_object, text_dict, flags, text_flags, key, timed_events, word_text){ var function_array = []; if (word_dict_object != null &&{ var click_array =; function_array = get_action_function_array(click_array, text_dict, flags, text_flags, key, timed_events, word_text); } if (function_array.length == 0){ return null; } else{ function_array.push(generate_story); return function_array_to_function(function_array); } } var action_auto_word = function(word_dict_object, text_dict, flags, text_flags, key, timed_events, word_text){ var function_array = []; if (word_dict_object != null &&{ var auto_array =; function_array = get_action_function_array(auto_array, text_dict, flags, text_flags, key, timed_events, word_text); } if (function_array.length == 0){ return null; } else{ function_array.push(()=>generate_story()); return function_array_to_function(function_array); } } var get_style = function(styles_array, text_dict, flags, text_flags, key, timed_events){ if (styles_array.constructor !== Array){ styles_array = [styles_array]; } for (var s in styles_array){ var styles_and_cond = styles_array[s]; if (conditions_met(styles_and_cond, flags, text_flags, timed_events)){ var styles = styles_and_cond.s; if (styles.constructor !== Array){ styles = [styles]; } return styles; } } } var get_action_function_array = function(actions_conds_array, text_dict, flags, text_flags, key, timed_events, word_text){ //Key and timed events are only used for timed events var function_array = []; if (actions_conds_array.constructor !== Array){ actions_conds_array = [actions_conds_array]; } for (var s in actions_conds_array){ var actions = actions_conds_array[s]; if ( (!actions.cond || conditions_met(actions.cond, flags, text_flags, timed_events)) && is_useful_word(actions, text_dict, flags, text_flags, timed_events, key)){ if (actions.rm_flags){ function_array.push(()=>remove_flags(actions.rm_flags, flags, timed_events)); } function_array.push(()=>add_to_substitute_dict(actions.subs, text_dict)); if (actions.flags){ function_array.push(()=>add_flags(actions.flags, flags)); } if (actions.tflags){ function_array.push(()=>add_flags(actions.tflags, temporary_flags)); } if (actions.body_class){ function_array.push(()=>add_styles_to_body(actions.body_class)); } if (actions.undo){ function_array.push(()=>undo_story( )); } if (actions.e && actions.time){ function_array.push(()=>add_end_of_timed_event(actions.e, actions.time, key, timed_events, word_text, actions.ce)); } break; } } return function_array; } var dummy_word = document.createElement('span'); //To not create multiple word elements var get_dummy_word = function(){ while(dummy_word.attributes.length > 0) dummy_word.removeAttribute(dummy_word.attributes[0].name); return dummy_word; } var get_word_text = function(key, dictionary_word){ if (dictionary_word == null) { return key; } var word = dictionary_word['word']; if (typeof word == 'undefined') { return key; } if (typeof word == 'string'){ return word; } else if (word.constructor === Array){ if (word.length == 3){ var word_inner = ""; for (var w = 0 ; w<3; w++){ var span_w = get_dummy_word(); span_w.innerHTML = word[w]; word_inner += span_w.outerHTML; } var word_html = get_dummy_word(); word_html.classList.add('cycle3'); word_html.innerHTML = word_inner; return word_html.outerHTML; } } } var substitute_words = function (html_story, dictionary, text_dict, flags, text_flags, timed_events){ var original_text = html_story.innerHTML; var text_to_substitute = html_story.innerHTML; var keys = []; for (var key in dictionary){ var to_substitute = '/'+key+'/'; var contains_string = text_to_substitute.includes(to_substitute); if (contains_string){ var word_text = get_word_text(key, dictionary[key]); keys.push(key); var word = get_dummy_word(); = key; word.classList.add(key); word.innerHTML = word_text; var substitute = word.outerHTML; text_to_substitute = text_to_substitute.split(to_substitute).join(substitute); html_story.innerHTML = text_to_substitute; } } add_flags(keys, word_keys) add_interactivity_to_words(keys, dictionary, text_dict, flags, text_flags, timed_events); add_auto_events_to_words(keys, dictionary, text_dict, flags, text_flags, timed_events); add_styles_to_words(keys, dictionary, text_dict, flags, text_flags, timed_events); } var add_interactivity_to_words = function(word_keys, dictionary, text_dict, flags, text_flags, timed_events){ for (var index in word_keys){ //add on click events var key = word_keys[index]; var word_text = get_word_text(key, dictionary[key]); var words_html = document.getElementsByClassName(key); //Supports multiple words for (let i = 0; i < words_html.length; i++){ var word_html = words_html[i]; var word_click_function = action_click_word(dictionary[key], text_dict, flags, text_flags, key, timed_events, word_text); if (word_click_function){ word_html.classList.add('clickable-word'); word_html.addEventListener("click", word_click_function, false); } } } } var add_auto_events_to_words = function(word_keys, dictionary, text_dict, flags, text_flags, timed_events){ for (var index in word_keys){ //add on click events var key = word_keys[index]; var word_text = get_word_text(key, dictionary[key]); var word_html = document.getElementById(key) var word_auto_function = action_auto_word(dictionary[key], text_dict, flags, text_flags, key, timed_events, word_text); if (word_auto_function){ word_auto_function(); } } } var add_styles_to_words = function(word_keys, dictionary, text_dict, flags, text_flags, timed_events){ for (var index in word_keys){ var key = word_keys[index]; var word_dict_object = dictionary[key]; var word_html = document.getElementById(key) if (word_dict_object != null &&{ var style_array =; var styles = get_style(style_array, text_dict, flags, text_flags, key, timed_events); if (styles){ for (var s in styles){ word_html.classList.add(styles[s]); } } } } } var remove_markers = function(text){ text = text.replace(/\$.*?\$/g, ''); return text; } var proccess_words = function(html_story, text, story_dict, text_dict, flags, text_flags, timed_events){ var text = remove_markers(text); html_story.innerHTML = text; substitute_words(html_story, story_dict, text_dict, flags, text_flags, timed_events); } var clear_class_body = function(){ var body = document.getElementById("text-background"); body.className = " "; } var copy_dict = function(dict_to_copy_from, dict_to_copy_to){ Object.keys(dict_to_copy_from).forEach(function(key) { dict_to_copy_to[ key ] = dict_to_copy_from[ key ]; }); } var apply_styles_to_el = function(temporary_styles_list, permanent_styles_list, el){ var class_list = el.classList; var length_classes = class_list.length; for(var i =0; i1){ var old_state = previous_states.shift(); old_state = previous_states.shift(); text_flags = old_state[0]; flags = old_state[1]; substitute_text_dictionary = old_state[2]; previous_substituted_text = old_state[3]; new_substituted_text = old_state[4]; p_styles = old_state[5]; t_styles = old_state[6]; timed_events = old_state[7]; temporary_flags = old_state[8]; } } var add_to_substitute_dict = function(substitute_dict_object, text_dict){ for (var s in substitute_dict_object){ text_dict[s] = substitute_dict_object[s]; } } var add_flags = function(flags_from_word, flags){ if (flags_from_word.constructor !== Array){ flags_from_word = [flags_from_word]; } for (var f in flags_from_word){ var flag = flags_from_word[f]; var value = 0; var flag_name; if (typeof flag == 'string'){ flag_name = flag; value = 1; } else{ for (flag_name in flag){ value = flag[flag_name] } } if (flags[flag_name]){ flags[flag_name] += value; } else{ flags[flag_name] = value; } } }; var remove_flags = function(flags_to_remove, flags, timed_events){ if (flags_to_remove.constructor !== Array){ flags_to_remove = [flags_to_remove]; } for (var f in flags_to_remove){ delete flags[flags_to_remove[f]]; delete timed_events[flags_to_remove[f]]; } } var decrease_temporary_flags = function(temporary_flags){ for (var f in temporary_flags){ temporary_flags[f]-=1; if (temporary_flags[f]==0){ delete temporary_flags[f]; } } } var add_styles_to_body = function(styles){ if (styles.constructor !== Array){ styles = [styles]; } for (var s in styles){ var style = styles[s]; if (permanent_styles_list.includes(style)){ add_permanent_style_to_body(style); } if (temporary_styles_list.includes(style)){ add_temporary_style_to_body(style); } } } var add_end_of_timed_event = function(endings, time, key, timed_events, word_text, condition_end){ if (timed_events[key]){ //It means that the timed event already exists. return; } //else, let's add it. timed_events[key] = new timed_event_word(key, time, endings, word_text, condition_end); } // Actions helper var add_permanent_style_to_body = function(style){ p_styles.push(style); } var add_temporary_style_to_body = function(style){ t_styles.push(style); } var add_class = function(class_name, el){ setTimeout(()=>el.classList.add(class_name), 10 ); } var add_flags = function(flags_from_word, flags){ if (flags_from_word.constructor !== Array){ flags_from_word = [flags_from_word]; } for (var f in flags_from_word){ var flag = flags_from_word[f]; var value = 0; var flag_name; if (typeof flag == 'string'){ flag_name = flag; value = 1; } else{ for (flag_name in flag){ value = flag[flag_name] } } if (flags[flag_name]){ flags[flag_name] += value; } else{ flags[flag_name] = value; } } }; var is_useful_word = function(click_action, substitute_text_dictionary, flags, text_flags, timed_events, key){ if (text_flags["END"] && !click_action.end){ return false; } if (click_action.m){ return true; } if (click_action.e && click_action.time && !timed_events[key]){ return true; //means that it is a timed event with some time of ending } var subs = click_action.subs; if (subs){ for (var s in subs){ if (substitute_text_dictionary[s] != subs[s]){ return true; } } } var flags_from_word = click_action.flags; var not_flags_from_word = click_action.rm_flags; if(flags_from_word){ if (flags_from_word.constructor !== Array){ flags_from_word = [flags_from_word]; } for (var f in flags_from_word){ var flag = flags_from_word[f]; if (typeof flag == 'string'){ var flag_name = flag; if (!flags[flag_name]){ return true; } } else{ return true; } } } if(not_flags_from_word){ if (not_flags_from_word.constructor !== Array){ not_flags_from_word = [not_flags_from_word]; } for (var f in not_flags_from_word){ var flag = not_flags_from_word[f]; if (typeof flag == 'string'){ var flag_name = flag; if (flags[flag_name] || timed_events[flag_name]){ return true; } } else{ return true; } } } return false; } var conditions_met = function(condition, flags, text_flags, timed_events){ var all_flags = Object.assign({}, flags, text_flags, temporary_flags); var condition_flags = condition.flags; if (condition_flags){ if (condition_flags.constructor !== Array){ condition_flags = [condition_flags]; } for (var f in condition_flags){ var flag = condition_flags[f]; var value = 0; var flag_name; if (flag===true){ continue; } if (typeof flag == 'string'){ flag_name = flag; value = 1; } else{ for (flag_name in flag){ value = flag[flag_name] } } if ((!all_flags[flag_name] || all_flags[flag_name]=value) || timed_events[flag_name]){ return false; } } } var condition_words = condition.words; if (condition_words){ if (condition_words.constructor !== Array){ condition_words = [condition_words]; } for (var f in condition_words){ var word = condition_words[f]; var value = 0; var word_name; if (word===true){ continue; } if (typeof word == 'string'){ word_name = word; value = 1; } else{ for (word_name in word){ value = word[word_name] } } if ((!word_keys[word_name] || word_keys[word_name]condition_prob){ return false; } } return true; } var function_array_to_function = function(function_array){ return function(){ for (var f in function_array){ function_array[f](); } } } var delete_unused_text_flags = function(text_flags, new_substituted_text){ for (var flag in text_flags){ if (! new_substituted_text.includes(flag)){ delete text_flags[flag]; } } } var push_story_state = function(previous_states, text_flags,flags,substitute_text_dictionary,previous_substituted_text,new_substituted_text, p_styles, t_styles){ previous_states.unshift([clone_object(text_flags),clone_object(flags),clone_object(substitute_text_dictionary),clone_object(previous_substituted_text),clone_object(new_substituted_text), clone_object(p_styles), clone_object(t_styles), clone_object(timed_events), clone_object(temporary_flags)]); if (previous_states.length>20){ previous_states.length=20; } } //Functions to help with editing var editing = function(){ html_story_yaml.value=story_yaml; add_functions_to_buttons(); add_functions_to_content_editable(); set_editor(); } function set_editor(){ if (typeof ace !== 'undefined') { editor = ace.edit("editor"); editor.setTheme("ace/theme/monokai"); editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/yaml"); editor.setValue(story_yaml); editor.getSession().setUseWrapMode(true); editor.getSession().setTabSize(2); editor.getSession().setUseSoftTabs(true); editor.setShowPrintMargin(false); add_ctrl_s_editor(document.getElementById("editor"), editor); } } var add_functions_to_content_editable = function(){ html_story_yaml.onkeydown=function(e){ if(e.keyCode==9){ document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, ' '); e.preventDefault(); } } add_ctrl_s(html_story_yaml); } var reload_yaml_from_html = function(){ story = jsyaml.load(html_story_yaml.value); start_text= story.begin.text; generate_story(); } var reload_yaml_from_editor = function(){ story = jsyaml.load(editor.getValue()); start_text= story.begin.text; generate_story(); } var restart_story = function(){ substitute_text_dictionary = {"start": "rooftop-start", "options":"OPTIONS"}; previous_substituted_text = []; new_substituted_text = []; flags = {}; //Flags set by words. Permanent text_flags = {}; // Flags set by text Temporary p_styles = []; // Permanent styles applied to the body t_styles = []; // Temporary styles applied to the body previous_states=[]; // For undo. timed_events={}; generate_story(); } var toggle_editing = function(){ var editing = document.getElementById("editing") editing.classList.toggle('hidden'); } var add_functions_to_buttons = function(){ var reload_button = document.getElementById("reload_yaml2"); reload_button.addEventListener("click", reload_yaml_from_html, false); var reload_button = document.getElementById("reload_yaml1"); reload_button.addEventListener("click", reload_yaml_from_editor, false); var restart_button = document.getElementById("restart"); restart_button.addEventListener("click", restart_story, false); var toggle_button = document.getElementById("toggle_editing"); toggle_button.addEventListener("click", toggle_editing, false); var undo_button = document.getElementById("undo_button"); undo_button.addEventListener("click", ()=>(undo_story(), generate_story()), false); } var add_ctrl_s = function(html_story_yaml){ html_story_yaml.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 83 && (navigator.platform.match("Mac") ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey)) { e.preventDefault(); downloadInnerHtml("story.yaml", html_story_yaml, "yaml"); } }, false); } var add_ctrl_s_editor = function(el, editor){ el.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 83 && (navigator.platform.match("Mac") ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey)) { e.preventDefault(); downloadText("story.yaml", editor.getValue(), "yaml"); } }, false); } var editing_text_helper = function(present_text_keys){ var subs = document.getElementById("subs"); var subs2 = document.getElementById("subs2"); var flags_html = document.getElementById("flags") subs.innerHTML = ""; subs2.innerHTML = ""; for ( var p in substitute_text_dictionary){ if (present_text_keys.includes(substitute_text_dictionary[p])){ subs.innerHTML += "[" + p + " -> "+ substitute_text_dictionary[p] + "]
"; subs2.innerHTML += " "+new_substituted_text[p] + "
"; } } flags_html.innerHTML = ""; for ( var f in text_flags){ flags_html.innerHTML+= "["+f+":"+text_flags[f]+"] "; } flags_html.innerHTML += "
"; for ( var f in flags){ flags_html.innerHTML+= "["+f+":"+flags[f]+"] "; } } var downloadInnerHtml = function(filename, el, mimeType) { var elHtml = el.value; downloadText(filename, elHtml, mimeType); } var downloadText = function(filename, text, mimeType) { var link = document.createElement('a'); mimeType = mimeType || 'text/plain'; link.setAttribute('download', filename); link.setAttribute('href', 'data:' + mimeType + ';charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));; } //Extra helpers var clone_object = function(obj) { if (obj === null || typeof obj !== 'object') { return obj; } var temp = new obj.constructor(); // give temp the original obj's constructor for (var key in obj) { temp[key] = clone_object(obj[key]); } return temp; } //Timed events var clean_timed_events = function(){ for( var index in timed_events){ var event = timed_events[index]; if (event.get_end_event()){ delete timed_events[index]; } } } var timed_run = function (){ //do stuff var timed_html = document.getElementById("timed_words"); timed_html.innerHTML=""; for( var index in timed_events){ var event = timed_events[index]; timed_html.innerHTML+= event.get_word_copy()+" "; event.update_time(0.1); event.update_style(); if (text_flags['END']){ delete timed_events[index]; } else{ event.perform_action(); } } setTimeout(timed_run, 100); } var timed_event_word = function(word_id, max_time, action, word_text, condition_continue){ this.word_id = word_id; this.max_time = max_time; this.action = action; this.time = 0; this.word_text = word_text; this.condition_continue = condition_continue; this.update_style = function(){ var words_html = document.getElementsByClassName(this.word_id); var len_words = words_html.length; for (var i =0; i this.max_time){ // do stuff delete timed_events[word_id]; var my_actions = get_action_function_array(this.action, substitute_text_dictionary, flags, text_flags, this.word_id, timed_events, this.word_text); // Remove it from the timed dictionary: for (var f in my_actions){ my_actions[f](); } this.remove_style(); generate_story(false); return true; } return false; } this.get_word_copy = function(){ var word = get_dummy_word(); word.classList.add(this.word_id); word.innerHTML = this.word_text; return word.outerHTML; } this.get_end_event = function(){ if(!this.condition_continue || conditions_met(this.condition_continue, flags, text_flags, timed_events)){ return false; } return true; } } //Generate story var generate_story = function(push_state){ if(push_state===undefined || push_state == true){ push_story_state(previous_states, text_flags,flags,substitute_text_dictionary,previous_substituted_text,new_substituted_text, p_styles, t_styles); } new_substituted_text={}; var present_text_keys = []; word_keys = {} var text = substitute_text(start_text, substitute_text_dictionary, story, previous_substituted_text, new_substituted_text, undefined, flags, text_flags, present_text_keys, timed_events); previous_substituted_text=new_substituted_text; delete_unused_text_flags(text_flags, present_text_keys); clean_timed_events(); decrease_temporary_flags(temporary_flags); proccess_words(html_story, text, story, substitute_text_dictionary, flags, text_flags, timed_events); var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; //document.getElementById("text-background"); apply_styles_to_el(t_styles,p_styles,body); editing_text_helper(present_text_keys); } timed_run(); editing(); generate_story(); };