#!/bin/bash # This script installs VARNISH Cache along side Apache on cPanel servers. #This script installs VARNISH, changes the Apache port to 82, writes # some config files, starts VARNISH, and terminates. ### Made by Shubham Mathur (itseasy21) #-Colors :D RED='\033[01;31m' GREEN='\033[01;32m' RESET='\033[0m' #--Clearing Your Screen clear echo -e "$GREEN----------------------------------------$RESET" echo -e " $RED W3TooLS Varnish Installer $RESET" echo -e " Version 0.2 " echo -e " http://www.w3tool.blogspot.in/ " echo -e "$GREEN----------------------------------------$RESET" #--Making Sure we have required libs cd /root yum install vim wget lynx sed rpm -y #--CPanel check echo -ne "Searching for cPanel .." if [ -e "/usr/local/cpanel/version" ]; then echo -e "[ $GREEN cPanel Found $RESET ]" else echo -e "[ $RED cPanel Not Found.\n Exiting Install. $RESET ]" exit fi #--Libs Check echo " " echo -ne "Checking for Yum .." if [ -e "/etc/yum.conf" ]; then echo -e "[ $GREEN Found $RESET ]" else echo -e "[ $RED Not Found $RESET ]" exit fi echo -ne "Checking for SED .." if [ -e "/bin/sed" ]; then echo -e "[ $GREEN Found $RESET ]" else echo -e "[ $RED Not Found $RESET ]" exit fi #--Removing Previous Varnish Install yum remove varnish -y #--Change Apache to Listen on Port 82 cd /var/cpanel sed -i 's#apache_port=' ./cpanel.config /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/bin/whostmgr2 -updatetweaksettings /scripts/rebuildhttpdconf service httpd restart #--Install Varnish 4 cd /root #rpm --nosignature -i http://repo.varnish-cache.org/redhat/varnish-3.0/el6/noarch/varnish-release/varnish-release-3.0-1.el6.noarch.rpm rpm --nosignature -i https://repo.varnish-cache.org/redhat/varnish-4.1.el6.rpm yum install varnish -y #-- Config Varnish cd /etc/sysconfig/ sed -i 's#VARNISH_LISTEN_PORT=6081#VARNISH_LISTEN_PORT=80#g' ./varnish cd /etc/varnish/ ip=$(( lynx --dump cpanel.net/showip.cgi ) 2>&1 | sed "s/ //g") sed -i "s#host = \"\"#host = \"$ip\"#g" ./default.vcl sed -i 's#port = "80"#port = "82"#g' ./default.vcl #-- Starting Varnish chkconfig varnish on service varnish start echo -e "$GREEN---------------------------------------------------$RESET" echo -e "$GREEN Varnish Cache Installation Complete $RESET" echo -e "" echo -e "If varnish failed to install or you faced any bugs feel free to post them with install log at $GREEN http://bit.ly/w3tools-varnish-issues $RESET" echo -e "" echo -e "You can monitor varnish cache through this monitoring tool:$GREEN varnishstat $RESET" echo -e "" echo -e "Thanks for using our Varnish Installer for CPanel" echo -e "For more stay tuned at our blog : $GREEN http://www.w3tool.blogspot.in/ $RESET" echo -e "$GREEN---------------------------------------------------$RESET"