# Sublime Text Gleam 💫 A Sublime text language package for the [Gleam](https://gleam.run) programming language. ### Features - 🎨 Gleam syntax highlighting. - 👔 Gleam format on save. ![highlighting demo](https://github.com/itsgreggreg/sublime-text-gleam/blob/main/images/highlighting_demo.jpg?raw=true) ## Installation For formatting to work you must have `gleam` installed on your computer. Follow these instructions for installing `gleam`: https://gleam.run/getting-started/ You can get this package on [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Gleam). 1. Open up Sublime text 2. Press `CTRL + Shift + P` inside Sublime Text 3. Type `Gleam` and press enter. Otherwise, go to your `Packages` folder, and execute ```bash git clone git@github.com:itsgreggreg/sublime-text-gleam.git Gleam ``` ## Settings To access setings for this package click on: `Preferences -> Package Settings -> Gleam -> Settings` ### Format on Save `format_on_save` is on for all gleam files by default, you can change this by opening the package settings and changing `format_on_save` to one of the available options. For the full list of options open up the settings for this package. ### Gleam executable absolute path This package will try to find `gleam` automatically in your system but in case it can't or you want to use a specific version of `gleam`, change the `absolute_path` option in your settings file to be the location of the `gleam` executable on your computer. If you know `gleam` is installed but formatting is not working, try running `which gleam` in the terminal and pasting the output of that command into `absolute_path`. ## Contributions Welcome! Feel free to file a bug or make a pull request.