{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Table of Contents" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "* **ZEROTH LECTURES -- Lectures compatible with *Python Tutor* live.**\n", "\n", " * part A - variables and operators -- (enUS, Python 3) :: [ <access> ](contents/zeroth-lectures/A-variables-and-operators.ipynb) // [<preview> ](contents/zeroth-lectures/lec-0A-ga.png)\n", "\n", " * part B - functions -- (enUS, Python 3) :: [ <access> ](contents/zeroth-lectures/B-functions.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/zeroth-lectures/lec-0B-ga.png)\n", " \n", " * part C - tuples and lists -- (enUS, Python 3) :: [ <access> ](contents/zeroth-lectures/C-tuples-and-lists.ipynb) // [ <preview>](contents/zeroth-lectures/lec-0C-ga.png)\n", " \n", " * part D - 'for' loops -- (enUS, Python 3) :: [ <access> ](contents/zeroth-lectures/D-for-loops.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/zeroth-lectures/lec-0D-ga.png)\n", " \n", " * part E - 'if' conditionals -- (enUS, Python 3) :: [ <access> ](contents/zeroth-lectures/E-if-conditionals.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/zeroth-lectures/lec-0E-ga.png)\n", " \n", " * part F - callbacks -- (enUS, Python 3) :: [ <access> ](contents/zeroth-lectures/F-callbacks.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/zeroth-lectures/lec-0F-ga.png)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "* **MAIN LECTURES -- Lectures making use of the Scipy stack.**\n", "\n", " * AT101-py3 series - lectures on basic topics of Applied Thermodynamics along with detailed comments on the Python3 programming language, SciPy libraries and jupyter notebook tools\n", "\n", " * 1 - On jupyter-notebook, python and the 1st law of thermodynamics -- (enUS, Python 3) :: [ <access> ](contents/main-lectures/1-jupyternotebook-python-1stlaw.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/main-lectures/GA-1.png)\n", "\n", " * 2 - NumPy, matplotlib and isotherms of the van der Waals Equation of State -- (enUS, Python 3) :: [ <access> ](contents/main-lectures/2-numpy-matplotlib-vdW-EoS-isotherms.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/main-lectures/GA-2.png)\n", "\n", " * 3a - Cálculo simples do Volume Molar e Pressão de Saturacao de substância pura a partir de Equação de Estado Cúbica -- (ptBR, Python 3):: [ <access> ](contents/main-lectures/3a-VolumeMolar-PressaoDeSaturacao-EquacaoDeEstadoCubica.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/main-lectures/GA-3a.png)\n", " * 3b - SciPy and calculations of molar volume and saturation pressure of a pure substance using a cubic equation of state -- (enUS, Python 3):: [ <access> ](contents/main-lectures/3b-scipy-MolarVolume-SaturationPressure-CubicEoS.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/main-lectures/GA-3b.png)\n", " * 4 - SymPy and analytical solutions of the van der Waals Wquation of State -- (enUS, Python 3):: [ <access> ](contents/main-lectures/4-sympy-vdWEoS-analytical-solutions.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/main-lectures/GA-4.png)\n", "\n", " * HYD series - lectures on natural gas hydrates models and algorithms\n", " \n", " * HYD1 - Methane hydrates -- (enUS, Python 3):: [ <access> ](contents/main-lectures/HYD1-methane-hydrates.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/main-lectures/GA-HYD1.png)\n", "\n", " * GE series - lectures on excess thermodynamics properties relations and models\n", " \n", " * GE1 - NRTL, graphically -- (enUS, Python 3):: [ <access> ](contents/main-lectures/GE1-NRTL-graphically.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/main-lectures/GA-GE1.png)\n", " * GE2 - Linear algebra based implementation of the NRTL model -- (enUS, Python 3):: [ <access> ](contents/main-lectures/GE2-NRTL-linearAlgebra.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/main-lectures/GA-GE2.png)\n", " * GE3 - Azeotropy in Vapor-Liquid phase equilibrium -- (enUS, Python 3):: [ <access> ](contents/main-lectures/GE3-VLE-azeotropy.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/main-lectures/GA-GE3.png)\n", " * GE4 - Liquid-Liquid phase equilibrium flash algorithm -- (enUS, Python 3):: [ <access> ](contents/main-lectures/GE4-LLE-flash.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/main-lectures/GA-GE4.png)\n", " * GE5 - SciPy optmization toolbox based implementation of the LLE flash -- (enUS, Python 3):: [ <access> ](contents/main-lectures/GE5-LLE-flash-scipy.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/main-lectures/GA-GE5.png)\n", " * GE6 - Analysis of convergence of LLE flash at weak-spots of the current algorithm/initial-guess pair -- (enUS, Python 3):: [ <access> ](contents/main-lectures/GE6-LLE-flash-convergenceAnalysis.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/main-lectures/GA-GE6.png)\n", " * ADS series - lectures on thermodynamics of adsorption\n", " * ADS1 - Calculation of adsorption for pure fluids by Equation of State -- (enUS, Python 3):: [ <access> ](contents/featured-assignments/TPQB-UFRJ-2016.3/Mariana-Amorim-de-Almeida/AdsorptionEoS.ipynb) // [ <preview> ](contents/featured-assignments/TPQB-UFRJ-2016.3/Mariana-Amorim-de-Almeida/GA.png)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "* **FEATURED ASSIGNMENTS -- From undergraduate and graduate students**\n", " * TPQB < UFRJ, 2016.3 -- (ptBR/enUS, Python 3):: [ <access> ](contents/featured-assignments/TPQB-UFRJ-2016.3)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "* **TEXTS LIBRARY -- Supplementary text material**\n", "\n", " * Abreu, C. R. A., Matrix Algebra and Matrix Differentiation Rules Applied to Excess Gibbs Energy Models -- (enUS, pdf ) :: [ <access> ](contents/texts-library/AbreuC.R.A., Matrix Algebra and Matrix Differentiation Rules Applied to Excess Gibbs Energy Models.pdf)\n", "\n", " * Abreu, C. R. A., 2010, COBEQ - Aplicação de álgebra E CÁLCULO MATRICIAIS À PREDIÇÃO DE EQUILÍBRIO LÍQUIDO-LÍQUIDO COM O MODELO COSMO-SAC -- (ptBR, pdf ) :: [ <access> ](contents/texts-library/Abreu, C. R. A., 2010, COBEQ - Aplicação de álgebra ... COSMO-SAC.pdf)" ] } ], "metadata": { "anaconda-cloud": {}, "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python [conda root]", "language": "python", "name": "conda-root-py" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.5.2" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0 }