◆ 86box : Emulator of x86-based machines based on PCem. ◆ aih2am : Tool to convert apps from appimage.github.io to AM's installers. ◆ antares : An useful SQL client based on Electron.js and Vue.js. ◆ appimagetool : Tool to generate an AppImage from an existing AppDir. ◆ arch-deployer : Script to convert Arch Linux packages to AppDir/AppImage. ◆ btop : A command line utility to monitor system resources, like Htop. ◆ crossmobile : Create native iOS/Android/Windows apps in Java. ◆ figma-linux : First interface design tool based in the browser (graphics). ◆ freac : fre:ac, free audio converter and CD ripper for various encoders. ◆ github2am : CLI to convert apps from any github repository to AM's installers. ◆ nanosaur : Pangea Software’s game, adventure of a cybernetic dinosaur. ◆ streamlink : Command-line which pipes video streams from various services. ◆ supertuxkart : Free kart racing game focused on fun. ◆ topgrade : Upgrade all the things, this is the universal upgrade manager. ◆ ventoy : Tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files. ◆ vivaldi-snapshot : Advanced Web Browser (Testing Version). ◆ vivaldi-stable : Advanced Web Browser (Stable Version). ◆ vscodium : Community-driven, freely-licensed binary distribution of MS VSCode. ◆ zap : Delightful command line AppImage package manager for appimage.github.io. ◆ zmninja : Ionic app for Home/Commerical Security Surveillance.