#!/bin/sh # AM INSTALL SCRIPT VERSION 3.5 set -u APP=conty-lite SITE="Kron4ek/Conty" # CREATE DIRECTORIES AND ADD REMOVER [ -n "$APP" ] && mkdir -p "/opt/$APP/tmp" "/opt/$APP/icons" && cd "/opt/$APP/tmp" || exit 1 printf "#!/bin/sh\nset -e\nrm -f /usr/local/bin/$APP\nrm -R -f /opt/$APP" > ../remove printf '\n%s' "rm -f /usr/local/share/applications/$APP-AM.desktop" >> ../remove chmod a+x ../remove || exit 1 # DOWNLOAD AND PREPARE THE APP, $version is also used for updates version=$(curl -Ls https://api.github.com/repos/Kron4ek/Conty/releases | sed 's/[()",{} ]/\n/g' | grep -oi "https.*sh" | grep -vi "i386\|i686\|aarch64\|arm64\|armv7l" | grep -i "lite" | head -1) wget "$version" || exit 1 wget "$version.zsync" 2> /dev/null # Comment out this line if you want to use zsync # Use tar fx ./*tar* here for example in this line in case a compressed file is downloaded. cd .. mv ./tmp/*sh ./"$APP" mv ./tmp/*.zsync ./"$APP".zsync 2>/dev/null rm -R -f ./tmp || exit 1 echo "$version" > ./version chmod a+x ./"$APP" || exit 1 # LINK TO PATH ln -s "/opt/$APP/$APP" "/usr/local/bin/$APP" # SCRIPT TO UPDATE THE PROGRAM cat >> ./AM-updater << 'EOF' #!/bin/sh set -u APP=conty-lite SITE="Kron4ek/Conty" version0=$(cat "/opt/$APP/version") version=$(curl -Ls https://api.github.com/repos/Kron4ek/Conty/releases | sed 's/[()",{} ]/\n/g' | grep -oi "https.*sh" | grep -vi "i386\|i686\|aarch64\|arm64\|armv7l" | grep -i "lite" | head -1) [ -n "$version" ] || { echo "Error getting link"; exit 1; } if [ "$version" != "$version0" ] || [ -e /opt/"$APP"/*.zsync ]; then mkdir "/opt/$APP/tmp" && cd "/opt/$APP/tmp" || exit 1 [ -e ../*.zsync ] || notify-send "A new version of $APP is available, please wait" [ -e ../*.zsync ] && wget "$version.zsync" 2>/dev/null || { wget "$version" || exit 1; } # Use tar fx ./*tar* here for example in this line in case a compressed file is downloaded. cd .. mv ./tmp/*.zsync ./"$APP".zsync 2>/dev/null || mv --backup=t ./tmp/*sh ./"$APP" [ -e ./*.zsync ] && { zsync ./"$APP".zsync || notify-send -u critical "zsync failed to update $APP"; } chmod a+x ./"$APP" || exit 1 echo "$version" > ./version rm -R -f ./*zs-old ./*.part ./tmp ./*~ notify-send "$APP is updated!" else echo "Update not needed!" fi EOF chmod a+x ./AM-updater || exit 1