#!/bin/sh # AM INSTALL SCRIPT VERSION 3. set -u APP=libreoffice SITE="https://www.libreoffice.org" # CREATE DIRECTORIES AND ADD REMOVER [ -n "$APP" ] && mkdir -p "/opt/$APP/icons" "/opt/$APP/tmp" && cd "/opt/$APP/tmp" || exit 1 printf "#!/bin/sh\nset -e\nrm -f /usr/local/bin/$APP\nrm -R -f /opt/$APP" > "/opt/$APP/remove" printf '\n%s' "rm -f /usr/local/share/applications/$APP*-AM.desktop" >> "/opt/$APP/remove" chmod a+x "/opt/$APP/remove" _release_still() { chooseone=" tail -1 " release=$(wget -q https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download-libreoffice -O - | tr '<' '\n' | grep dl_version | sed 's:.*>::' | tail -1) version=$(wget -q https://appimages.libreitalia.org/ -O - | tr '"' '\n' | grep -oi "libreoffice-.*appimage$" | grep -v ">\|LibreOffice-fresh\|LibreOffice-still" | sort -t- -k1,1V -k2,2V -k3,3V -k4,4V | grep "$edition" | grep "$release" | tail -1 ) } _release_fresh() { chooseone=" head -1 " release=$(wget -q https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download-libreoffice -O - | tr '<' '\n' | grep dl_version | sed 's:.*>::' | head -1) version=$(wget -q https://appimages.libreitalia.org/ -O - | tr '"' '\n' | grep -oi "libreoffice-.*appimage$" | grep -v ">\|LibreOffice-fresh\|LibreOffice-still" | sort -t- -k1,1V -k2,2V -k3,3V -k4,4V | grep "$edition" | grep "$release" | tail -1 ) } # CHOOSE A VERSION read -r -p " Please choose a LibreOffice edition: - STILL is slightly older but tested longer. - FRESH includes all the latest features. - BASIC only supports English (US and GB). - STANDARD includes English (US/GB), Arabic, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (BR/PT), Russian, and Spanish. - FULL includes all supported languages. 1) Still-basic 2) Still-basic with manuals 3) Still-standard 4) Still-standard with manuals 5) Still-full 6) Still-full with manuals 7) Fresh-basic 8) Fresh-basic with manuals 9) Fresh-standard 10) Fresh-standard with manuals 11) Fresh-full 12) Fresh-full with manuals Type a number from the above list and press ENTER: " response case "$response" in 1) rm -f /opt/"$APP"/version edition="basic-x86_64" _release_still 2> /dev/null wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version" -O "$APP" wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version".zsync -O "$APP".zsync 2> /dev/null echo "$version" >> "/opt/$APP/version";; 2) rm -f /opt/"$APP"/version edition="basic.help-x86_64" _release_still 2> /dev/null wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version" -O "$APP" wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version".zsync -O "$APP".zsync 2> /dev/null echo "$version" >> "/opt/$APP/version";; 3) rm -f /opt/"$APP"/version edition="standard-x86_64" _release_still 2> /dev/null wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version" -O "$APP" wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version".zsync -O "$APP".zsync 2> /dev/null echo "$version" >> "/opt/$APP/version";; 4) rm -f /opt/"$APP"/version edition="standard.help-x86_64" _release_still 2> /dev/null wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version" -O "$APP" wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version".zsync -O "$APP".zsync 2> /dev/null echo "$version" >> "/opt/$APP/version";; 5) rm -f /opt/"$APP"/version edition="full-x86_64" _release_still 2> /dev/null wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version" -O "$APP" wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version".zsync -O "$APP".zsync 2> /dev/null echo "$version" >> "/opt/$APP/version";; 6) rm -f /opt/"$APP"/version edition="full.help-x86_64" _release_still 2> /dev/null wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version" -O "$APP" wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version".zsync -O "$APP".zsync 2> /dev/null echo "$version" >> "/opt/$APP/version";; 7) rm -f /opt/"$APP"/version edition="basic-x86_64" _release_fresh 2> /dev/null wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version" -O "$APP" wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version".zsync -O "$APP".zsync 2> /dev/null echo "$version" >> "/opt/$APP/version";; 8) rm -f /opt/"$APP"/version edition="basic.help-x86_64" _release_fresh 2> /dev/null wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version" -O "$APP" wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version".zsync -O "$APP".zsync 2> /dev/null echo "$version" >> "/opt/$APP/version";; 9) rm -f /opt/"$APP"/version edition="standard-x86_64" _release_fresh 2> /dev/null wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version" -O "$APP" wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version".zsync -O "$APP".zsync 2> /dev/null echo "$version" >> "/opt/$APP/version";; 10) rm -f /opt/"$APP"/version edition="standard.help-x86_64" _release_fresh 2> /dev/null wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version" -O "$APP" wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version".zsync -O "$APP".zsync 2> /dev/null echo "$version" >> "/opt/$APP/version";; 11) rm -f /opt/"$APP"/version edition="full-x86_64" _release_fresh 2> /dev/null wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version" -O "$APP" wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version".zsync -O "$APP".zsync 2> /dev/null echo "$version" >> "/opt/$APP/version";; 12) rm -f /opt/"$APP"/version edition="full.help-x86_64" _release_fresh 2> /dev/null wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version" -O "$APP" wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version".zsync -O "$APP".zsync 2> /dev/null echo "$version" >> "/opt/$APP/version";; ''|*) mkdir -p "/opt/$APP/tmp";; esac cd .. mv "/opt/$APP/tmp/$APP" "/opt/$APP/$APP" 2> /dev/null || exit 1 mv "/opt/$APP/tmp/$APP.zsync" "/opt/$APP/$APP.zsync" 2> /dev/null || exit 1 if test -f "/opt/$APP/$APP"; then rmdir ./tmp || exit 1; fi chmod a+x "/opt/$APP/$APP" 2> /dev/null || exit 1 # LINK ln -s "/opt/$APP/$APP" "/usr/local/bin/$APP" # SCRIPT TO UPDATE THE PROGRAM cat >> "/opt/$APP/AM-updater" << 'EOF' #!/bin/sh set -u APP=libreoffice SITE="https://www.libreoffice.org" version0=$(cat "/opt/$APP/version") edition="EDITION" release=$(wget -q https://www.libreoffice.org/download/release-notes/ -O - | tr '>' '\n' | grep -i "^LibreOffice [0-9]*" | grep " Release" | tr ' ' '\n' | grep "^[0-9]" | RELEASE) version=$(wget -q https://appimages.libreitalia.org/ -O - | tr '"' '\n' | grep -oi "libreoffice-.*appimage$" | grep -v ">\|LibreOffice-fresh\|LibreOffice-still" | sort -t- -k1,1V -k2,2V -k3,3V -k4,4V | grep "$edition" | grep "$release" | tail -1 ) [ -n "$version" ] || { echo "Error getting link"; exit 1; } if command -v appimageupdatetool >/dev/null 2>&1; then cd "/opt/$APP" || exit 1 appimageupdatetool -Or ./"$APP" && chmod a+x ./"$APP" && echo "$version" > ./version && exit 0 fi if [ "$version" != "$version0" ] || [ -e /opt/"$APP"/*.zsync ]; then mkdir "/opt/$APP/tmp" && cd "/opt/$APP/tmp" || exit 1 [ -e /opt/"$APP"/*.zsync ] || notify-send "A new version of $APP is available, please wait" [ -e /opt/"$APP"/*.zsync ] && wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version.zsync" 2>/dev/null || { wget "https://appimages.libreitalia.org/$version" || exit 1; } # Use tar fx ./*tar* here for example in this line in case a compressed file is downloaded. cd .. mv ./tmp/*.zsync ./"$APP".zsync 2>/dev/null || mv --backup=t ./tmp/*mage ./"$APP" [ -e /opt/"$APP"/*.zsync ] && { zsync "/opt/$APP/$APP.zsync" || notify-send -u critical "zsync failed to update $APP"; } chmod a+x "/opt/$APP/$APP" || exit 1 echo "$version" > ./version rm -R -f ./*zs-old ./*.part ./tmp ./*~ [ "$version" != "$version0" ] && notify-send "$APP is updated!" else echo "Update not needed!" fi EOF sed -i 's#EDITION#'"$edition"'#g; s#RELEASE#'"$chooseone"'#g; s###g' "/opt/$APP/AM-updater" chmod a+x "/opt/$APP/AM-updater" # ICONS cd "/opt/$APP" || exit 1 mv $(./libreoffice --appimage-extract usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/*.svg) ./icons 2> /dev/null RELEASE=$(ls ./icons | head -1 | rev | cut -c 10- | rev) mv ./icons/"$RELEASE"-base* ./icons/"$APP"-base 2> /dev/null mv ./icons/"$RELEASE"-basic* ./icons/"$APP"-basic 2> /dev/null mv ./icons/"$RELEASE"-calc* ./icons/"$APP"-calc 2> /dev/null mv ./icons/"$RELEASE"-chart* ./icons/"$APP"-chart 2> /dev/null mv ./icons/"$RELEASE"-draw* ./icons/"$APP"-draw 2> /dev/null mv ./icons/"$RELEASE"-extension* ./icons/"$APP"-extension 2> /dev/null mv ./icons/"$RELEASE"-impress* ./icons/"$APP"-impress 2> /dev/null mv ./icons/"$RELEASE"-main* ./icons/"$APP"-main 2> /dev/null mv ./icons/"$RELEASE"-math* ./icons/"$APP"-math 2> /dev/null mv ./icons/"$RELEASE"-startcenter* ./icons/"$APP"-startcenter 2> /dev/null mv ./icons/"$RELEASE"-writer* ./icons/"$APP"-writer 2> /dev/null # LAUNCHERS mv $(./libreoffice --appimage-extract opt/libreoffice*/share/xdg) . 2> /dev/null cd ./xdg || exit 1 for f in *.desktop ; do mv "$f" "$APP-${f%.desktop}-AM.desktop"; done sed -i "s# $(echo $RELEASE | cut -c 12-) # #g; s#Icon=$APP#Icon=/opt/$APP/icons/$APP#g; s#$RELEASE#$APP#g" * sed -i '/Name=LibreOffice/c\Name=LibreOffice' ./*startcenter-AM.desktop cd .. mv ./xdg/* /usr/local/share/applications/ 2> /dev/null rm -R -f ./squashfs-root ./xdg