#!/usr/bin/env bash APP=wine SITE="mmtrt/WINE_AppImage" # CREATE DIRECTORIES if [ -z "$APP" ]; then exit 1; fi mkdir -p "/opt/$APP/tmp" && cd "/opt/$APP/tmp" || exit 1 # ADD THE REMOVER echo "#!/bin/sh rm -f /usr/local/bin/$APP /usr/local/bin/wine64 rm -R -f /opt/$APP" > "/opt/$APP/remove" chmod a+x "/opt/$APP/remove" # DOWNLOAD AND PREPARE THE APP # $version is also used for updates printf "%s\n" "$(curl -Ls https://api.github.com/repos/mmtrt/WINE_AppImage/releases | sed 's/[()",{} ]/\n/g' | grep -oi "https.*mage$")" >> ./wine-args printf "Select a URL from this menu (read carefully) or press CTRL+C to abort:\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; sleep 1; select version in $(cat ./wine-args | sort -u | uniq); do test -n "$version" && break; echo ">>> Invalid Selection"; done wget "$version" echo "$version" >> /opt/$APP/version # Use tar fx ./*tar* for example in this line in case a compressed file is downloaded. cd .. mv ./tmp/*mage ./"$APP" chmod a+x "/opt/$APP/$APP" rm -R -f ./tmp # LINK ln -s "/opt/$APP/$APP" "/usr/local/bin/$APP" ln -s "/usr/local/bin/$APP" "/usr/local/bin/wine64" # SCRIPT TO UPDATE THE PROGRAM cat >> "/opt/$APP/AM-updater" << 'EOF' #!/bin/sh APP=wine SITE="mmtrt/WINE_AppImage" if [ -z "$APP" ]; then exit 1; fi version0=$(cat "/opt/$APP/version") tag=$(echo "$version0" | tr '/' '\n' | tail -2 | head -1) version=$(curl -Ls https://api.github.com/repos/mmtrt/WINE_AppImage/releases | grep browser_download_url | grep -i "download/$tag/$app" | grep -i appimage | cut -d '"' -f 4 | head -1) [ -n "$version" ] || { echo "Error getting link"; exit 1; } if command -v appimageupdatetool >/dev/null 2>&1; then cd "/opt/$APP" || exit 1 appimageupdatetool -Or ./"$APP" && chmod a+x ./"$APP" && echo "$version" > ./version && exit 0 fi if [ "$version" != "$version0" ]; then mkdir "/opt/$APP/tmp" && cd "/opt/$APP/tmp" || exit 1 notify-send "A new version of $APP is available, please wait" wget "$version" || exit 1 # Use tar fx ./*tar* here for example in this line in case a compressed file is downloaded. cd .. mv --backup=t ./tmp/*mage ./"$APP" chmod a+x ./"$APP" || exit 1 echo "$version" > ./version rm -R -f ./*zs-old ./*.part ./tmp ./*~ notify-send "$APP is updated!" else echo "Update not needed!" fi EOF chmod a+x "/opt/$APP/AM-updater"