/* ==UserStyle== @name YouTube Time Saver 🕒 @namespace https://github.com/ivanaugustobd/youtube-time-saver @homepageURL https://github.com/ivanaugustobd/youtube-time-saver @version 1.6.0 @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ivanaugustobd/youtube-time-saver/master/styles.user.css @description Small CSS set to save you A LOT of time on YouTube 📺 @author ivanaugustobd @license MIT @preprocessor stylus @var checkbox home-videos "Hide videos in home" 1 @var checkbox side-videos "Hide right sidebar" 1 @var checkbox gourmet-lies 'Hide gourmet lies (self proclaimed "fact checking")' 1 @var checkbox description "Hide video description" 1 @var checkbox comments "Hide comments" 1 @var checkbox videowall "Hide videowall" 1 @var checkbox sidebar-subscriptions "Hide subscriptions in sidemenu" 1 @var checkbox subscriptions-as-text "Subscriptions as text-only list" 1 @var checkbox shorts "Hide shorts" 1 ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain("youtube.com") html > body { overflow-y: auto } #cinematics { display: none !important } if comments { .ytd-comments { display: none !important; } } if description { #bottom-row { display: none !important; } } if gourmet-lies { #contents > ytd-info-panel-container-renderer:first-child, #clarify-box { display: none !important; } } if home-videos { ytd-browse[page-subtype="home"] { display: none !important; } } if side-videos { #secondary { display: none !important; } } if sidebar-subscriptions { #sections > ytd-guide-section-renderer:nth-of-type(2) { display: none !important; } } if videowall { .videowall-endscreen { display: none !important; } } if subscriptions-as-text { ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"] { #content, #contents { display: block !important; height: auto !important; } #thumbnail, #thumbnail-underlay, #avatar-link { display: none !important; } ytd-rich-grid-media { max-width: none; } ytd-rich-item-renderer { display: block !important; margin: 0; width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--yt-spec-10-percent-layer); margin-bottom: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; h3.ytd-rich-grid-media { margin-top: 0; } } } } if shorts { #navigation-button-down.navigation-button.style-scope.ytd-shorts, #shorts-inner-container > ytd-reel-video-renderer:not(:first-of-type), #guide-wrapper #items > :nth-child(2), #contents > ytd-rich-section-renderer { display: none !important; } }