Vocabulary: http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/voresource/date_role Author: Markus Demleitner Date: 2022-03-07 Superceded-by: VEP-013 New Term: Validated Action: Addition Label: Last validated Description: Dates with this role indicate when the resource has last undergone a non-formal validation. This will usually involve a human ensuring that the resource still works as expectable, both technically and as regards science content. The prototypical case is when tutors ensure a written tutorial still describes the real behaviour of clients and services. Relationships: Used-in: The registry record ivo://edu.gavo.org/hd/gavo_addpms (and most other IVOA document records; cf. ) Rationale: The prototypical case is for tutorials, where the date of the last validation is a good indication for the amount of work that might be necessary to use the tutorial in teaching VO technology -- or, in self-study, how many deviations of actual behaviour are to be expected. The directory of registered texts at http://dc.g-vo.org/VOTT lets users sort the results by this date ("Date Checked"). It is conceivable that data centers use this concept for data services, too, for instance as part of a certification procedure, but the author does not see that as an immediate need. This term is not intended for use with vr:Validation. For one, even validation level 4 only applies to the registry record rather than the resource itself, and hence the concept does not apply anyway. In addition, validationLevel elements are, if at all, added by harvestable full registries which must not modify the records outside of the validationLevel elements and hence could not add curation/date elements anyway. The non-standard, mixed-case form of the concept identifier is for consistency with the other terms in the vocabulary, which again preserve the form of DataCite date roles. Discussion: The identifier "Validated" perhaps is not ideal as there already is an identifier "Valid" in date_role from DataCite, which denotes something entirely different. One might consider using "LastChecked" for the present concept instead. The author of this VEP could easily be swayed to prefer that, but for now believes the risk of people confusing "Valid" and "Validated" is sufficiently low to be taken for the benefit of not having camel case identifiers. This consideration was found important enough at the Semantics Calls 6 telecon on 2022-03-14 to warrant abandoning this VEP and create a new one for #Inspected (VEP-013).