Vocabulary: http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/product-type Author: Vincenzo Galluzzi Date: 2023-11-13 New Term: spatial-profile Action: Addition Label: Spatial Profile Description: An observable obtained along a one-dimensional spatial path. Relationships: narrower than #spatially-resolved-dataset Used-in: TBD Rationale: Single dish radio observations where a cross-shaped scan is executed on a target object are commonly performed for flux measurements or pointing correction calculations, and are best described as a spatial profile. Typically, the spatial length of each arm of the cross is larger than the spatial resolution to allow for a proper background subtraction. Other radio observations (usually performed at high frequency) that can be described as spatial profiles are elevation scans on the empty sky executed to calculate opacity corrections. Another case for spatial-profile would be when a planetary probe takes measurements along its flight path. Such observational data need a dedicated term for their discovery because they have calibration, processing and analysis modes rather distinct from other data product types. However, further differentiation among various types of profiles may be considered if additional use cases are formulated.