# # j00zek: this file has changed name just to avoid errors using opkg (situation when file was installed by different pockage) # All credits go to its author(s) # from Components.Converter.Converter import Converter from Components.Element import cached from Components.config import config from enigma import eTimer from threading import Thread from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM from os import system as os_system, path as os_path import array, struct, fcntl OFFLINE = 'Offline' ONLINE = 'Online' SIOCGIFCONF = 35090 BYTES = 4096 class j00zekModTestConnection(Converter, object): def __init__(self, type): Converter.__init__(self, type) self.testOK = False self.testTime = 1.0 self.testPause = 10 self.testHost = '' self.testPort = 80 self.failCmd = None if len(type): p = type[:].find('://') if p != -1: type = type[p + 3:] type = type[:].split(':', 3) if len(type[0]) > 0: self.testHost = type[0] if len(type) > 1 and type[1].isdigit(): self.testPort = int(type[1]) if len(type) > 2 and type[2].isdigit(): self.testPause = int(type[2]) if len(type) > 3: self.failCmd = type[3] self.testThread = None self.testDisabled = False config.misc.standbyCounter.addNotifier(self.enterStandby, initial_call=False) self.testTimer = eTimer() self.testTimer.callback.append(self.poll) self.testTimer.start(100, True) return def poll(self): if self.testDisabled: return else: if self.testThread is None: is_testThread_Alive = False else: try: is_testThread_Alive = self.testThread.isAlive() except Exception: #python 3.9+ is_testThread_Alive = self.testThread.is_alive() if not is_testThread_Alive: self.testThread = Thread(target=self.test) self.testThread.start() if self.testPause > 0: self.testTimer.start(self.testPause * 1000, True) else: self.testTimer.start(1000, True) return def get_iface_list(self): names = array.array('B', b'\x00' * BYTES) sck = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) bytelen = struct.unpack('iL', fcntl.ioctl(sck.fileno(), SIOCGIFCONF, struct.pack('iL', BYTES, names.buffer_info()[0])))[0] sck.close() namestr = names.tostring() return [ namestr[i:i + 32].split(b'\x00', 1)[0] for i in range(0, bytelen, 32) ] def test(self): prevOK = self.testOK link = 'down' for iface in self.get_iface_list(): if b'lo' in iface: continue if os_path.exists('/sys/class/net/%s/operstate' % iface): fd = open('/sys/class/net/%s/operstate' % iface, 'r') link = fd.read().strip() fd.close() if link != 'down': break if link != 'down': s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(self.testTime) try: self.testOK = not bool(s.connect_ex((self.testHost, self.testPort))) except Exception: self.testOK = False s.close() else: self.testOK = False if prevOK != self.testOK: self.downstream_elements.changed((self.CHANGED_POLL,)) if prevOK and self.failCmd: os_system('/bin/sh -c "%s" &' % self.failCmd) def enterStandby(self, ConfigElement = None): self.testDisabled = True from Screens.Standby import inStandby inStandby.onClose.insert(0, self.leaveStandby) def leaveStandby(self): self.testDisabled = False self.testTimer.start(50, True) def doSuspend(self, suspended): if not suspended and not self.testPause > 0 and not self.testTimer.isActive(): self.testTimer.start(100, True) @cached def getText(self): if self.testOK: return ONLINE return OFFLINE @cached def getBoolean(self): return self.testOK text = property(getText) boolean = property(getBoolean)