#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- pywversion="2.2" never_update=False # # jackjack's pywallet.py # https://github.com/jackjack-jj/pywallet # forked from Joric's pywallet.py # beta_version = ('a' in pywversion.split('-')[0]) or ('b' in pywversion.split('-')[0]) missing_dep = [] try: from bsddb.db import * except: try: from bsddb3.db import * except: missing_dep.append('bsddb') import os, sys, time, re pyw_filename = os.path.basename(__file__) pyw_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) try: for i in os.listdir('/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages'): if 'Twisted' in i: sys.path.append('/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/'+i) except: '' try: import json except: try: import simplejson as json except: print("Json or simplejson package is needed") import logging import struct import StringIO import traceback import socket import types import string import exceptions import hashlib import random import urllib import math try: from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.web import server, resource from twisted.web.static import File from twisted.python import log except: missing_dep.append('twisted') from datetime import datetime from subprocess import * import os import os.path import platform max_version = 81000 addrtype = 0 json_db = {} private_keys = [] private_hex_keys = [] passphrase = "" global_merging_message = ["",""] balance_site = 'https://blockchain.info/q/addressbalance/' aversions = {}; for i in range(256): aversions[i] = "version %d" % i; aversions[0] = 'Bitcoin'; aversions[48] = 'Litecoin'; aversions[52] = 'Namecoin'; aversions[111] = 'Testnet'; wallet_dir = "" wallet_name = "" ko = 1e3 kio = 1024 Mo = 1e6 Mio = 1024 ** 2 Go = 1e9 Gio = 1024 ** 3 To = 1e12 Tio = 1024 ** 4 prekeys = ["308201130201010420".decode('hex'), "308201120201010420".decode('hex')] postkeys = ["a081a530".decode('hex'), "81a530".decode('hex')] def iais(a): if a>= 2: return 's' else: return '' def systype(): if platform.system() == "Darwin": return 'Mac' elif platform.system() == "Windows": return 'Win' return 'Linux' def determine_db_dir(): if wallet_dir in "": if platform.system() == "Darwin": return os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/") elif platform.system() == "Windows": return os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], "Bitcoin") return os.path.expanduser("~/.bitcoin") else: return wallet_dir def determine_db_name(): if wallet_name in "": return "wallet.dat" else: return wallet_name ######################## # begin of aes.py code # ######################## # from the SlowAES project, http://code.google.com/p/slowaes (aes.py) def append_PKCS7_padding(s): """return s padded to a multiple of 16-bytes by PKCS7 padding""" numpads = 16 - (len(s)%16) return s + numpads*chr(numpads) def strip_PKCS7_padding(s): """return s stripped of PKCS7 padding""" if len(s)%16 or not s: raise ValueError("String of len %d can't be PCKS7-padded" % len(s)) numpads = ord(s[-1]) if numpads > 16: raise ValueError("String ending with %r can't be PCKS7-padded" % s[-1]) return s[:-numpads] class AES(object): # valid key sizes keySize = dict(SIZE_128=16, SIZE_192=24, SIZE_256=32) # Rijndael S-box sbox = [0x63, 0x7c, 0x77, 0x7b, 0xf2, 0x6b, 0x6f, 0xc5, 0x30, 0x01, 0x67, 0x2b, 0xfe, 0xd7, 0xab, 0x76, 0xca, 0x82, 0xc9, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0x59, 0x47, 0xf0, 0xad, 0xd4, 0xa2, 0xaf, 0x9c, 0xa4, 0x72, 0xc0, 0xb7, 0xfd, 0x93, 0x26, 0x36, 0x3f, 0xf7, 0xcc, 0x34, 0xa5, 0xe5, 0xf1, 0x71, 0xd8, 0x31, 0x15, 0x04, 0xc7, 0x23, 0xc3, 0x18, 0x96, 0x05, 0x9a, 0x07, 0x12, 0x80, 0xe2, 0xeb, 0x27, 0xb2, 0x75, 0x09, 0x83, 0x2c, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x6e, 0x5a, 0xa0, 0x52, 0x3b, 0xd6, 0xb3, 0x29, 0xe3, 0x2f, 0x84, 0x53, 0xd1, 0x00, 0xed, 0x20, 0xfc, 0xb1, 0x5b, 0x6a, 0xcb, 0xbe, 0x39, 0x4a, 0x4c, 0x58, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xef, 0xaa, 0xfb, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x33, 0x85, 0x45, 0xf9, 0x02, 0x7f, 0x50, 0x3c, 0x9f, 0xa8, 0x51, 0xa3, 0x40, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x9d, 0x38, 0xf5, 0xbc, 0xb6, 0xda, 0x21, 0x10, 0xff, 0xf3, 0xd2, 0xcd, 0x0c, 0x13, 0xec, 0x5f, 0x97, 0x44, 0x17, 0xc4, 0xa7, 0x7e, 0x3d, 0x64, 0x5d, 0x19, 0x73, 0x60, 0x81, 0x4f, 0xdc, 0x22, 0x2a, 0x90, 0x88, 0x46, 0xee, 0xb8, 0x14, 0xde, 0x5e, 0x0b, 0xdb, 0xe0, 0x32, 0x3a, 0x0a, 0x49, 0x06, 0x24, 0x5c, 0xc2, 0xd3, 0xac, 0x62, 0x91, 0x95, 0xe4, 0x79, 0xe7, 0xc8, 0x37, 0x6d, 0x8d, 0xd5, 0x4e, 0xa9, 0x6c, 0x56, 0xf4, 0xea, 0x65, 0x7a, 0xae, 0x08, 0xba, 0x78, 0x25, 0x2e, 0x1c, 0xa6, 0xb4, 0xc6, 0xe8, 0xdd, 0x74, 0x1f, 0x4b, 0xbd, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x70, 0x3e, 0xb5, 0x66, 0x48, 0x03, 0xf6, 0x0e, 0x61, 0x35, 0x57, 0xb9, 0x86, 0xc1, 0x1d, 0x9e, 0xe1, 0xf8, 0x98, 0x11, 0x69, 0xd9, 0x8e, 0x94, 0x9b, 0x1e, 0x87, 0xe9, 0xce, 0x55, 0x28, 0xdf, 0x8c, 0xa1, 0x89, 0x0d, 0xbf, 0xe6, 0x42, 0x68, 0x41, 0x99, 0x2d, 0x0f, 0xb0, 0x54, 0xbb, 0x16] # Rijndael Inverted S-box rsbox = [0x52, 0x09, 0x6a, 0xd5, 0x30, 0x36, 0xa5, 0x38, 0xbf, 0x40, 0xa3, 0x9e, 0x81, 0xf3, 0xd7, 0xfb , 0x7c, 0xe3, 0x39, 0x82, 0x9b, 0x2f, 0xff, 0x87, 0x34, 0x8e, 0x43, 0x44, 0xc4, 0xde, 0xe9, 0xcb , 0x54, 0x7b, 0x94, 0x32, 0xa6, 0xc2, 0x23, 0x3d, 0xee, 0x4c, 0x95, 0x0b, 0x42, 0xfa, 0xc3, 0x4e , 0x08, 0x2e, 0xa1, 0x66, 0x28, 0xd9, 0x24, 0xb2, 0x76, 0x5b, 0xa2, 0x49, 0x6d, 0x8b, 0xd1, 0x25 , 0x72, 0xf8, 0xf6, 0x64, 0x86, 0x68, 0x98, 0x16, 0xd4, 0xa4, 0x5c, 0xcc, 0x5d, 0x65, 0xb6, 0x92 , 0x6c, 0x70, 0x48, 0x50, 0xfd, 0xed, 0xb9, 0xda, 0x5e, 0x15, 0x46, 0x57, 0xa7, 0x8d, 0x9d, 0x84 , 0x90, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x00, 0x8c, 0xbc, 0xd3, 0x0a, 0xf7, 0xe4, 0x58, 0x05, 0xb8, 0xb3, 0x45, 0x06 , 0xd0, 0x2c, 0x1e, 0x8f, 0xca, 0x3f, 0x0f, 0x02, 0xc1, 0xaf, 0xbd, 0x03, 0x01, 0x13, 0x8a, 0x6b , 0x3a, 0x91, 0x11, 0x41, 0x4f, 0x67, 0xdc, 0xea, 0x97, 0xf2, 0xcf, 0xce, 0xf0, 0xb4, 0xe6, 0x73 , 0x96, 0xac, 0x74, 0x22, 0xe7, 0xad, 0x35, 0x85, 0xe2, 0xf9, 0x37, 0xe8, 0x1c, 0x75, 0xdf, 0x6e , 0x47, 0xf1, 0x1a, 0x71, 0x1d, 0x29, 0xc5, 0x89, 0x6f, 0xb7, 0x62, 0x0e, 0xaa, 0x18, 0xbe, 0x1b , 0xfc, 0x56, 0x3e, 0x4b, 0xc6, 0xd2, 0x79, 0x20, 0x9a, 0xdb, 0xc0, 0xfe, 0x78, 0xcd, 0x5a, 0xf4 , 0x1f, 0xdd, 0xa8, 0x33, 0x88, 0x07, 0xc7, 0x31, 0xb1, 0x12, 0x10, 0x59, 0x27, 0x80, 0xec, 0x5f , 0x60, 0x51, 0x7f, 0xa9, 0x19, 0xb5, 0x4a, 0x0d, 0x2d, 0xe5, 0x7a, 0x9f, 0x93, 0xc9, 0x9c, 0xef , 0xa0, 0xe0, 0x3b, 0x4d, 0xae, 0x2a, 0xf5, 0xb0, 0xc8, 0xeb, 0xbb, 0x3c, 0x83, 0x53, 0x99, 0x61 , 0x17, 0x2b, 0x04, 0x7e, 0xba, 0x77, 0xd6, 0x26, 0xe1, 0x69, 0x14, 0x63, 0x55, 0x21, 0x0c, 0x7d] def getSBoxValue(self,num): """Retrieves a given S-Box Value""" return self.sbox[num] def getSBoxInvert(self,num): """Retrieves a given Inverted S-Box Value""" return self.rsbox[num] def rotate(self, word): """ Rijndael's key schedule rotate operation. Rotate a word eight bits to the left: eg, rotate(1d2c3a4f) == 2c3a4f1d Word is an char list of size 4 (32 bits overall). """ return word[1:] + word[:1] # Rijndael Rcon Rcon = [0x8d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36, 0x6c, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x9a, 0x2f, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x63, 0xc6, 0x97, 0x35, 0x6a, 0xd4, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0xef, 0xc5, 0x91, 0x39, 0x72, 0xe4, 0xd3, 0xbd, 0x61, 0xc2, 0x9f, 0x25, 0x4a, 0x94, 0x33, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x83, 0x1d, 0x3a, 0x74, 0xe8, 0xcb, 0x8d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36, 0x6c, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x9a, 0x2f, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x63, 0xc6, 0x97, 0x35, 0x6a, 0xd4, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0xef, 0xc5, 0x91, 0x39, 0x72, 0xe4, 0xd3, 0xbd, 0x61, 0xc2, 0x9f, 0x25, 0x4a, 0x94, 0x33, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x83, 0x1d, 0x3a, 0x74, 0xe8, 0xcb, 0x8d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36, 0x6c, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x9a, 0x2f, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x63, 0xc6, 0x97, 0x35, 0x6a, 0xd4, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0xef, 0xc5, 0x91, 0x39, 0x72, 0xe4, 0xd3, 0xbd, 0x61, 0xc2, 0x9f, 0x25, 0x4a, 0x94, 0x33, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x83, 0x1d, 0x3a, 0x74, 0xe8, 0xcb, 0x8d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36, 0x6c, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x9a, 0x2f, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x63, 0xc6, 0x97, 0x35, 0x6a, 0xd4, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0xef, 0xc5, 0x91, 0x39, 0x72, 0xe4, 0xd3, 0xbd, 0x61, 0xc2, 0x9f, 0x25, 0x4a, 0x94, 0x33, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x83, 0x1d, 0x3a, 0x74, 0xe8, 0xcb, 0x8d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36, 0x6c, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x9a, 0x2f, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x63, 0xc6, 0x97, 0x35, 0x6a, 0xd4, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0xef, 0xc5, 0x91, 0x39, 0x72, 0xe4, 0xd3, 0xbd, 0x61, 0xc2, 0x9f, 0x25, 0x4a, 0x94, 0x33, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x83, 0x1d, 0x3a, 0x74, 0xe8, 0xcb ] def getRconValue(self, num): """Retrieves a given Rcon Value""" return self.Rcon[num] def core(self, word, iteration): """Key schedule core.""" # rotate the 32-bit word 8 bits to the left word = self.rotate(word) # apply S-Box substitution on all 4 parts of the 32-bit word for i in range(4): word[i] = self.getSBoxValue(word[i]) # XOR the output of the rcon operation with i to the first part # (leftmost) only word[0] = word[0] ^ self.getRconValue(iteration) return word def expandKey(self, key, size, expandedKeySize): """Rijndael's key expansion. Expands an 128,192,256 key into an 176,208,240 bytes key expandedKey is a char list of large enough size, key is the non-expanded key. """ # current expanded keySize, in bytes currentSize = 0 rconIteration = 1 expandedKey = [0] * expandedKeySize # set the 16, 24, 32 bytes of the expanded key to the input key for j in range(size): expandedKey[j] = key[j] currentSize += size while currentSize < expandedKeySize: # assign the previous 4 bytes to the temporary value t t = expandedKey[currentSize-4:currentSize] # every 16,24,32 bytes we apply the core schedule to t # and increment rconIteration afterwards if currentSize % size == 0: t = self.core(t, rconIteration) rconIteration += 1 # For 256-bit keys, we add an extra sbox to the calculation if size == self.keySize["SIZE_256"] and ((currentSize % size) == 16): for l in range(4): t[l] = self.getSBoxValue(t[l]) # We XOR t with the four-byte block 16,24,32 bytes before the new # expanded key. This becomes the next four bytes in the expanded # key. for m in range(4): expandedKey[currentSize] = expandedKey[currentSize - size] ^ \ t[m] currentSize += 1 return expandedKey def addRoundKey(self, state, roundKey): """Adds (XORs) the round key to the state.""" for i in range(16): state[i] ^= roundKey[i] return state def createRoundKey(self, expandedKey, roundKeyPointer): """Create a round key. Creates a round key from the given expanded key and the position within the expanded key. """ roundKey = [0] * 16 for i in range(4): for j in range(4): roundKey[j*4+i] = expandedKey[roundKeyPointer + i*4 + j] return roundKey def galois_multiplication(self, a, b): """Galois multiplication of 8 bit characters a and b.""" p = 0 for counter in range(8): if b & 1: p ^= a hi_bit_set = a & 0x80 a <<= 1 # keep a 8 bit a &= 0xFF if hi_bit_set: a ^= 0x1b b >>= 1 return p # # substitute all the values from the state with the value in the SBox # using the state value as index for the SBox # def subBytes(self, state, isInv): if isInv: getter = self.getSBoxInvert else: getter = self.getSBoxValue for i in range(16): state[i] = getter(state[i]) return state # iterate over the 4 rows and call shiftRow() with that row def shiftRows(self, state, isInv): for i in range(4): state = self.shiftRow(state, i*4, i, isInv) return state # each iteration shifts the row to the left by 1 def shiftRow(self, state, statePointer, nbr, isInv): for i in range(nbr): if isInv: state[statePointer:statePointer+4] = \ state[statePointer+3:statePointer+4] + \ state[statePointer:statePointer+3] else: state[statePointer:statePointer+4] = \ state[statePointer+1:statePointer+4] + \ state[statePointer:statePointer+1] return state # galois multiplication of the 4x4 matrix def mixColumns(self, state, isInv): # iterate over the 4 columns for i in range(4): # construct one column by slicing over the 4 rows column = state[i:i+16:4] # apply the mixColumn on one column column = self.mixColumn(column, isInv) # put the values back into the state state[i:i+16:4] = column return state # galois multiplication of 1 column of the 4x4 matrix def mixColumn(self, column, isInv): if isInv: mult = [14, 9, 13, 11] else: mult = [2, 1, 1, 3] cpy = list(column) g = self.galois_multiplication column[0] = g(cpy[0], mult[0]) ^ g(cpy[3], mult[1]) ^ \ g(cpy[2], mult[2]) ^ g(cpy[1], mult[3]) column[1] = g(cpy[1], mult[0]) ^ g(cpy[0], mult[1]) ^ \ g(cpy[3], mult[2]) ^ g(cpy[2], mult[3]) column[2] = g(cpy[2], mult[0]) ^ g(cpy[1], mult[1]) ^ \ g(cpy[0], mult[2]) ^ g(cpy[3], mult[3]) column[3] = g(cpy[3], mult[0]) ^ g(cpy[2], mult[1]) ^ \ g(cpy[1], mult[2]) ^ g(cpy[0], mult[3]) return column # applies the 4 operations of the forward round in sequence def aes_round(self, state, roundKey): state = self.subBytes(state, False) state = self.shiftRows(state, False) state = self.mixColumns(state, False) state = self.addRoundKey(state, roundKey) return state # applies the 4 operations of the inverse round in sequence def aes_invRound(self, state, roundKey): state = self.shiftRows(state, True) state = self.subBytes(state, True) state = self.addRoundKey(state, roundKey) state = self.mixColumns(state, True) return state # Perform the initial operations, the standard round, and the final # operations of the forward aes, creating a round key for each round def aes_main(self, state, expandedKey, nbrRounds): state = self.addRoundKey(state, self.createRoundKey(expandedKey, 0)) i = 1 while i < nbrRounds: state = self.aes_round(state, self.createRoundKey(expandedKey, 16*i)) i += 1 state = self.subBytes(state, False) state = self.shiftRows(state, False) state = self.addRoundKey(state, self.createRoundKey(expandedKey, 16*nbrRounds)) return state # Perform the initial operations, the standard round, and the final # operations of the inverse aes, creating a round key for each round def aes_invMain(self, state, expandedKey, nbrRounds): state = self.addRoundKey(state, self.createRoundKey(expandedKey, 16*nbrRounds)) i = nbrRounds - 1 while i > 0: state = self.aes_invRound(state, self.createRoundKey(expandedKey, 16*i)) i -= 1 state = self.shiftRows(state, True) state = self.subBytes(state, True) state = self.addRoundKey(state, self.createRoundKey(expandedKey, 0)) return state # encrypts a 128 bit input block against the given key of size specified def encrypt(self, iput, key, size): output = [0] * 16 # the number of rounds nbrRounds = 0 # the 128 bit block to encode block = [0] * 16 # set the number of rounds if size == self.keySize["SIZE_128"]: nbrRounds = 10 elif size == self.keySize["SIZE_192"]: nbrRounds = 12 elif size == self.keySize["SIZE_256"]: nbrRounds = 14 else: return None # the expanded keySize expandedKeySize = 16*(nbrRounds+1) # Set the block values, for the block: # a0,0 a0,1 a0,2 a0,3 # a1,0 a1,1 a1,2 a1,3 # a2,0 a2,1 a2,2 a2,3 # a3,0 a3,1 a3,2 a3,3 # the mapping order is a0,0 a1,0 a2,0 a3,0 a0,1 a1,1 ... a2,3 a3,3 # # iterate over the columns for i in range(4): # iterate over the rows for j in range(4): block[(i+(j*4))] = iput[(i*4)+j] # expand the key into an 176, 208, 240 bytes key # the expanded key expandedKey = self.expandKey(key, size, expandedKeySize) # encrypt the block using the expandedKey block = self.aes_main(block, expandedKey, nbrRounds) # unmap the block again into the output for k in range(4): # iterate over the rows for l in range(4): output[(k*4)+l] = block[(k+(l*4))] return output # decrypts a 128 bit input block against the given key of size specified def decrypt(self, iput, key, size): output = [0] * 16 # the number of rounds nbrRounds = 0 # the 128 bit block to decode block = [0] * 16 # set the number of rounds if size == self.keySize["SIZE_128"]: nbrRounds = 10 elif size == self.keySize["SIZE_192"]: nbrRounds = 12 elif size == self.keySize["SIZE_256"]: nbrRounds = 14 else: return None # the expanded keySize expandedKeySize = 16*(nbrRounds+1) # Set the block values, for the block: # a0,0 a0,1 a0,2 a0,3 # a1,0 a1,1 a1,2 a1,3 # a2,0 a2,1 a2,2 a2,3 # a3,0 a3,1 a3,2 a3,3 # the mapping order is a0,0 a1,0 a2,0 a3,0 a0,1 a1,1 ... a2,3 a3,3 # iterate over the columns for i in range(4): # iterate over the rows for j in range(4): block[(i+(j*4))] = iput[(i*4)+j] # expand the key into an 176, 208, 240 bytes key expandedKey = self.expandKey(key, size, expandedKeySize) # decrypt the block using the expandedKey block = self.aes_invMain(block, expandedKey, nbrRounds) # unmap the block again into the output for k in range(4): # iterate over the rows for l in range(4): output[(k*4)+l] = block[(k+(l*4))] return output class AESModeOfOperation(object): aes = AES() # structure of supported modes of operation modeOfOperation = dict(OFB=0, CFB=1, CBC=2) # converts a 16 character string into a number array def convertString(self, string, start, end, mode): if end - start > 16: end = start + 16 if mode == self.modeOfOperation["CBC"]: ar = [0] * 16 else: ar = [] i = start j = 0 while len(ar) < end - start: ar.append(0) while i < end: ar[j] = ord(string[i]) j += 1 i += 1 return ar # Mode of Operation Encryption # stringIn - Input String # mode - mode of type modeOfOperation # hexKey - a hex key of the bit length size # size - the bit length of the key # hexIV - the 128 bit hex Initilization Vector def encrypt(self, stringIn, mode, key, size, IV): if len(key) % size: return None if len(IV) % 16: return None # the AES input/output plaintext = [] iput = [0] * 16 output = [] ciphertext = [0] * 16 # the output cipher string cipherOut = [] # char firstRound firstRound = True if stringIn != None: for j in range(int(math.ceil(float(len(stringIn))/16))): start = j*16 end = j*16+16 if end > len(stringIn): end = len(stringIn) plaintext = self.convertString(stringIn, start, end, mode) # print 'PT@%s:%s' % (j, plaintext) if mode == self.modeOfOperation["CFB"]: if firstRound: output = self.aes.encrypt(IV, key, size) firstRound = False else: output = self.aes.encrypt(iput, key, size) for i in range(16): if len(plaintext)-1 < i: ciphertext[i] = 0 ^ output[i] elif len(output)-1 < i: ciphertext[i] = plaintext[i] ^ 0 elif len(plaintext)-1 < i and len(output) < i: ciphertext[i] = 0 ^ 0 else: ciphertext[i] = plaintext[i] ^ output[i] for k in range(end-start): cipherOut.append(ciphertext[k]) iput = ciphertext elif mode == self.modeOfOperation["OFB"]: if firstRound: output = self.aes.encrypt(IV, key, size) firstRound = False else: output = self.aes.encrypt(iput, key, size) for i in range(16): if len(plaintext)-1 < i: ciphertext[i] = 0 ^ output[i] elif len(output)-1 < i: ciphertext[i] = plaintext[i] ^ 0 elif len(plaintext)-1 < i and len(output) < i: ciphertext[i] = 0 ^ 0 else: ciphertext[i] = plaintext[i] ^ output[i] for k in range(end-start): cipherOut.append(ciphertext[k]) iput = output elif mode == self.modeOfOperation["CBC"]: for i in range(16): if firstRound: iput[i] = plaintext[i] ^ IV[i] else: iput[i] = plaintext[i] ^ ciphertext[i] # print 'IP@%s:%s' % (j, iput) firstRound = False ciphertext = self.aes.encrypt(iput, key, size) # always 16 bytes because of the padding for CBC for k in range(16): cipherOut.append(ciphertext[k]) return mode, len(stringIn), cipherOut # Mode of Operation Decryption # cipherIn - Encrypted String # originalsize - The unencrypted string length - required for CBC # mode - mode of type modeOfOperation # key - a number array of the bit length size # size - the bit length of the key # IV - the 128 bit number array Initilization Vector def decrypt(self, cipherIn, originalsize, mode, key, size, IV): # cipherIn = unescCtrlChars(cipherIn) if len(key) % size: return None if len(IV) % 16: return None # the AES input/output ciphertext = [] iput = [] output = [] plaintext = [0] * 16 # the output plain text string stringOut = '' # char firstRound firstRound = True if cipherIn != None: for j in range(int(math.ceil(float(len(cipherIn))/16))): start = j*16 end = j*16+16 if j*16+16 > len(cipherIn): end = len(cipherIn) ciphertext = cipherIn[start:end] if mode == self.modeOfOperation["CFB"]: if firstRound: output = self.aes.encrypt(IV, key, size) firstRound = False else: output = self.aes.encrypt(iput, key, size) for i in range(16): if len(output)-1 < i: plaintext[i] = 0 ^ ciphertext[i] elif len(ciphertext)-1 < i: plaintext[i] = output[i] ^ 0 elif len(output)-1 < i and len(ciphertext) < i: plaintext[i] = 0 ^ 0 else: plaintext[i] = output[i] ^ ciphertext[i] for k in range(end-start): stringOut += chr(plaintext[k]) iput = ciphertext elif mode == self.modeOfOperation["OFB"]: if firstRound: output = self.aes.encrypt(IV, key, size) firstRound = False else: output = self.aes.encrypt(iput, key, size) for i in range(16): if len(output)-1 < i: plaintext[i] = 0 ^ ciphertext[i] elif len(ciphertext)-1 < i: plaintext[i] = output[i] ^ 0 elif len(output)-1 < i and len(ciphertext) < i: plaintext[i] = 0 ^ 0 else: plaintext[i] = output[i] ^ ciphertext[i] for k in range(end-start): stringOut += chr(plaintext[k]) iput = output elif mode == self.modeOfOperation["CBC"]: output = self.aes.decrypt(ciphertext, key, size) for i in range(16): if firstRound: plaintext[i] = IV[i] ^ output[i] else: plaintext[i] = iput[i] ^ output[i] firstRound = False if originalsize is not None and originalsize < end: for k in range(originalsize-start): stringOut += chr(plaintext[k]) else: for k in range(end-start): stringOut += chr(plaintext[k]) iput = ciphertext return stringOut ###################### # end of aes.py code # ###################### ################################### # pywallet crypter implementation # ################################### crypter = None try: from Crypto.Cipher import AES crypter = 'pycrypto' except: pass class Crypter_pycrypto( object ): def SetKeyFromPassphrase(self, vKeyData, vSalt, nDerivIterations, nDerivationMethod): if nDerivationMethod != 0: return 0 data = vKeyData + vSalt for i in xrange(nDerivIterations): data = hashlib.sha512(data).digest() self.SetKey(data[0:32]) self.SetIV(data[32:32+16]) return len(data) def SetKey(self, key): self.chKey = key def SetIV(self, iv): self.chIV = iv[0:16] def Encrypt(self, data): return AES.new(self.chKey,AES.MODE_CBC,self.chIV).encrypt(append_PKCS7_padding(data)) def Decrypt(self, data): return AES.new(self.chKey,AES.MODE_CBC,self.chIV).decrypt(data)[0:32] try: if not crypter: import ctypes import ctypes.util ssl = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary (ctypes.util.find_library ('ssl') or 'libeay32') crypter = 'ssl' except: pass class Crypter_ssl(object): def __init__(self): self.chKey = ctypes.create_string_buffer (32) self.chIV = ctypes.create_string_buffer (16) def SetKeyFromPassphrase(self, vKeyData, vSalt, nDerivIterations, nDerivationMethod): if nDerivationMethod != 0: return 0 strKeyData = ctypes.create_string_buffer (vKeyData) chSalt = ctypes.create_string_buffer (vSalt) return ssl.EVP_BytesToKey(ssl.EVP_aes_256_cbc(), ssl.EVP_sha512(), chSalt, strKeyData, len(vKeyData), nDerivIterations, ctypes.byref(self.chKey), ctypes.byref(self.chIV)) def SetKey(self, key): self.chKey = ctypes.create_string_buffer(key) def SetIV(self, iv): self.chIV = ctypes.create_string_buffer(iv) def Encrypt(self, data): buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(len(data) + 16) written = ctypes.c_int(0) final = ctypes.c_int(0) ctx = ssl.EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new() ssl.EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(ctx) ssl.EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx, ssl.EVP_aes_256_cbc(), None, self.chKey, self.chIV) ssl.EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, buf, ctypes.byref(written), data, len(data)) output = buf.raw[:written.value] ssl.EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(ctx, buf, ctypes.byref(final)) output += buf.raw[:final.value] return output def Decrypt(self, data): buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(len(data) + 16) written = ctypes.c_int(0) final = ctypes.c_int(0) ctx = ssl.EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new() ssl.EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(ctx) ssl.EVP_DecryptInit_ex(ctx, ssl.EVP_aes_256_cbc(), None, self.chKey, self.chIV) ssl.EVP_DecryptUpdate(ctx, buf, ctypes.byref(written), data, len(data)) output = buf.raw[:written.value] ssl.EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(ctx, buf, ctypes.byref(final)) output += buf.raw[:final.value] return output class Crypter_pure(object): def __init__(self): self.m = AESModeOfOperation() self.cbc = self.m.modeOfOperation["CBC"] self.sz = self.m.aes.keySize["SIZE_256"] def SetKeyFromPassphrase(self, vKeyData, vSalt, nDerivIterations, nDerivationMethod): if nDerivationMethod != 0: return 0 data = vKeyData + vSalt for i in xrange(nDerivIterations): data = hashlib.sha512(data).digest() self.SetKey(data[0:32]) self.SetIV(data[32:32+16]) return len(data) def SetKey(self, key): self.chKey = [ord(i) for i in key] def SetIV(self, iv): self.chIV = [ord(i) for i in iv] def Encrypt(self, data): mode, size, cypher = self.m.encrypt(append_PKCS7_padding(data), self.cbc, self.chKey, self.sz, self.chIV) return ''.join(map(chr, cypher)) def Decrypt(self, data): chData = [ord(i) for i in data] return self.m.decrypt(chData, self.sz, self.cbc, self.chKey, self.sz, self.chIV) if crypter == 'pycrypto': crypter = Crypter_pycrypto() # print "Crypter: pycrypto" elif crypter == 'ssl': crypter = Crypter_ssl() # print "Crypter: ssl" else: crypter = Crypter_pure() # print "Crypter: pure" logging.warning("pycrypto or libssl not found, decryption may be slow") ########################################## # end of pywallet crypter implementation # ########################################## # secp256k1 try: _p = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFC2FL except: print "Python 3 is not supported, you need Python 2.7.x" exit(1) _r = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141L _b = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007L _a = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000L _Gx = 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798L _Gy = 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8L try: import ecdsa from ecdsa import der curve_secp256k1 = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.CurveFp (_p, _a, _b) generator_secp256k1 = g = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point (curve_secp256k1, _Gx, _Gy, _r) randrange = random.SystemRandom().randrange secp256k1 = ecdsa.curves.Curve ( "secp256k1", curve_secp256k1, generator_secp256k1, (1, 3, 132, 0, 10) ) ecdsa.curves.curves.append (secp256k1) except: missing_dep.append('ecdsa') # python-ecdsa code (EC_KEY implementation) class CurveFp( object ): def __init__( self, p, a, b ): self.__p = p self.__a = a self.__b = b def p( self ): return self.__p def a( self ): return self.__a def b( self ): return self.__b def contains_point( self, x, y ): return ( y * y - ( x * x * x + self.__a * x + self.__b ) ) % self.__p == 0 class Point( object ): def __init__( self, curve, x, y, order = None ): self.__curve = curve self.__x = x self.__y = y self.__order = order if self.__curve: assert self.__curve.contains_point( x, y ) if order: assert self * order == INFINITY def __add__( self, other ): if other == INFINITY: return self if self == INFINITY: return other assert self.__curve == other.__curve if self.__x == other.__x: if ( self.__y + other.__y ) % self.__curve.p() == 0: return INFINITY else: return self.double() p = self.__curve.p() l = ( ( other.__y - self.__y ) * \ inverse_mod( other.__x - self.__x, p ) ) % p x3 = ( l * l - self.__x - other.__x ) % p y3 = ( l * ( self.__x - x3 ) - self.__y ) % p return Point( self.__curve, x3, y3 ) def __mul__( self, other ): def leftmost_bit( x ): assert x > 0 result = 1L while result <= x: result = 2 * result return result / 2 e = other if self.__order: e = e % self.__order if e == 0: return INFINITY if self == INFINITY: return INFINITY assert e > 0 e3 = 3 * e negative_self = Point( self.__curve, self.__x, -self.__y, self.__order ) i = leftmost_bit( e3 ) / 2 result = self while i > 1: result = result.double() if ( e3 & i ) != 0 and ( e & i ) == 0: result = result + self if ( e3 & i ) == 0 and ( e & i ) != 0: result = result + negative_self i = i / 2 return result def __rmul__( self, other ): return self * other def __str__( self ): if self == INFINITY: return "infinity" return "(%d,%d)" % ( self.__x, self.__y ) def double( self ): if self == INFINITY: return INFINITY p = self.__curve.p() a = self.__curve.a() l = ( ( 3 * self.__x * self.__x + a ) * \ inverse_mod( 2 * self.__y, p ) ) % p x3 = ( l * l - 2 * self.__x ) % p y3 = ( l * ( self.__x - x3 ) - self.__y ) % p return Point( self.__curve, x3, y3 ) def x( self ): return self.__x def y( self ): return self.__y def curve( self ): return self.__curve def order( self ): return self.__order INFINITY = Point( None, None, None ) def inverse_mod( a, m ): if a < 0 or m <= a: a = a % m c, d = a, m uc, vc, ud, vd = 1, 0, 0, 1 while c != 0: q, c, d = divmod( d, c ) + ( c, ) uc, vc, ud, vd = ud - q*uc, vd - q*vc, uc, vc assert d == 1 if ud > 0: return ud else: return ud + m class Signature( object ): def __init__( self, r, s ): self.r = r self.s = s class Public_key( object ): def __init__( self, generator, point, c=None ): self.curve = generator.curve() self.generator = generator self.point = point self.compressed = c n = generator.order() if not n: raise RuntimeError, "Generator point must have order." if not n * point == INFINITY: raise RuntimeError, "Generator point order is bad." if point.x() < 0 or n <= point.x() or point.y() < 0 or n <= point.y(): raise RuntimeError, "Generator point has x or y out of range." def verifies( self, hash, signature ): G = self.generator n = G.order() r = signature.r s = signature.s if r < 1 or r > n-1: return False if s < 1 or s > n-1: return False c = inverse_mod( s, n ) u1 = ( hash * c ) % n u2 = ( r * c ) % n xy = u1 * G + u2 * self.point v = xy.x() % n return v == r def ser(self): if self.compressed: pk=('%02x'%(2+(self.point.y()&1))) + '%064x' % self.point.x() else: pk='04%064x%064x' % (self.point.x(), self.point.y()) return pk.decode('hex') def get_addr(self, v=0): return public_key_to_bc_address(self.ser(), v) class Private_key( object ): def __init__( self, public_key, secret_multiplier ): self.public_key = public_key self.secret_multiplier = secret_multiplier def der( self ): hex_der_key = '06052b8104000a30740201010420' + \ '%064x' % self.secret_multiplier + \ 'a00706052b8104000aa14403420004' + \ '%064x' % self.public_key.point.x() + \ '%064x' % self.public_key.point.y() return hex_der_key.decode('hex') def sign( self, hash, random_k ): G = self.public_key.generator n = G.order() k = random_k % n p1 = k * G r = p1.x() if r == 0: raise RuntimeError, "amazingly unlucky random number r" s = ( inverse_mod( k, n ) * \ ( hash + ( self.secret_multiplier * r ) % n ) ) % n if s == 0: raise RuntimeError, "amazingly unlucky random number s" return Signature( r, s ) class EC_KEY(object): def __init__( self, secret ): curve = CurveFp( _p, _a, _b ) generator = Point( curve, _Gx, _Gy, _r ) self.pubkey = Public_key( generator, generator * secret ) self.privkey = Private_key( self.pubkey, secret ) self.secret = secret # end of python-ecdsa code # pywallet openssl private key implementation def i2d_ECPrivateKey(pkey, compressed=False):#, crypted=True): part3='a081a53081a2020101302c06072a8648ce3d0101022100' # for uncompressed keys if compressed: if True:#not crypted: ## Bitcoin accepts both part3's for crypted wallets... part3='a08185308182020101302c06072a8648ce3d0101022100' # for compressed keys key = '3081d30201010420' + \ '%064x' % pkey.secret + \ part3 + \ '%064x' % _p + \ '3006040100040107042102' + \ '%064x' % _Gx + \ '022100' + \ '%064x' % _r + \ '020101a124032200' else: key = '308201130201010420' + \ '%064x' % pkey.secret + \ part3 + \ '%064x' % _p + \ '3006040100040107044104' + \ '%064x' % _Gx + \ '%064x' % _Gy + \ '022100' + \ '%064x' % _r + \ '020101a144034200' return key.decode('hex') + i2o_ECPublicKey(pkey, compressed) def i2o_ECPublicKey(pkey, compressed=False): # public keys are 65 bytes long (520 bits) # 0x04 + 32-byte X-coordinate + 32-byte Y-coordinate # 0x00 = point at infinity, 0x02 and 0x03 = compressed, 0x04 = uncompressed # compressed keys: where is 0x02 if y is even and 0x03 if y is odd if compressed: if pkey.pubkey.point.y() & 1: key = '03' + '%064x' % pkey.pubkey.point.x() else: key = '02' + '%064x' % pkey.pubkey.point.x() else: key = '04' + \ '%064x' % pkey.pubkey.point.x() + \ '%064x' % pkey.pubkey.point.y() return key.decode('hex') # bitcointools hashes and base58 implementation def hash_160(public_key): md = hashlib.new('ripemd160') md.update(hashlib.sha256(public_key).digest()) return md.digest() def public_key_to_bc_address(public_key, v=None): if v==None: v=addrtype h160 = hash_160(public_key) return hash_160_to_bc_address(h160, v) def hash_160_to_bc_address(h160, v=None): if v==None: v=addrtype vh160 = chr(v) + h160 h = Hash(vh160) addr = vh160 + h[0:4] return b58encode(addr) def bc_address_to_hash_160(addr): bytes = b58decode(addr, 25) return bytes[1:21] __b58chars = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz' __b58base = len(__b58chars) def b58encode(v): """ encode v, which is a string of bytes, to base58. """ long_value = 0L for (i, c) in enumerate(v[::-1]): long_value += (256**i) * ord(c) result = '' while long_value >= __b58base: div, mod = divmod(long_value, __b58base) result = __b58chars[mod] + result long_value = div result = __b58chars[long_value] + result # Bitcoin does a little leading-zero-compression: # leading 0-bytes in the input become leading-1s nPad = 0 for c in v: if c == '\0': nPad += 1 else: break return (__b58chars[0]*nPad) + result def b58decode(v, length): """ decode v into a string of len bytes """ long_value = 0L for (i, c) in enumerate(v[::-1]): long_value += __b58chars.find(c) * (__b58base**i) result = '' while long_value >= 256: div, mod = divmod(long_value, 256) result = chr(mod) + result long_value = div result = chr(long_value) + result nPad = 0 for c in v: if c == __b58chars[0]: nPad += 1 else: break result = chr(0)*nPad + result if length is not None and len(result) != length: return None return result # end of bitcointools base58 implementation # address handling code def long_hex(bytes): return bytes.encode('hex_codec') def Hash(data): return hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(data).digest()).digest() def EncodeBase58Check(secret): hash = Hash(secret) return b58encode(secret + hash[0:4]) def DecodeBase58Check(sec): vchRet = b58decode(sec, None) secret = vchRet[0:-4] csum = vchRet[-4:] hash = Hash(secret) cs32 = hash[0:4] if cs32 != csum: return None else: return secret def str_to_long(b): res = 0 pos = 1 for a in reversed(b): res += ord(a) * pos pos *= 256 return res def PrivKeyToSecret(privkey): if len(privkey) == 279: return privkey[9:9+32] else: return privkey[8:8+32] def SecretToASecret(secret, compressed=False): prefix = chr((addrtype+128)&255) if addrtype==48: #assuming Litecoin prefix = chr(128) vchIn = prefix + secret if compressed: vchIn += '\01' return EncodeBase58Check(vchIn) def ASecretToSecret(sec): vch = DecodeBase58Check(sec) if not vch: return False if vch[0] != chr((addrtype+128)&255): print 'Warning: adress prefix seems bad (%d vs %d)'%(ord(vch[0]), (addrtype+128)&255) return vch[1:] def regenerate_key(sec): b = ASecretToSecret(sec) if not b: return False b = b[0:32] secret = int('0x' + b.encode('hex'), 16) return EC_KEY(secret) def GetPubKey(pkey, compressed=False): return i2o_ECPublicKey(pkey, compressed) def GetPrivKey(pkey, compressed=False): return i2d_ECPrivateKey(pkey, compressed) def GetSecret(pkey): return ('%064x' % pkey.secret).decode('hex') def is_compressed(sec): b = ASecretToSecret(sec) return len(b) == 33 # bitcointools wallet.dat handling code def create_env(db_dir): db_env = DBEnv(0) r = db_env.open(db_dir, (DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_LOCK|DB_INIT_LOG|DB_INIT_MPOOL|DB_INIT_TXN|DB_THREAD|DB_RECOVER)) return db_env def parse_CAddress(vds): d = {'ip':'','port':0,'nTime': 0} try: d['nVersion'] = vds.read_int32() d['nTime'] = vds.read_uint32() d['nServices'] = vds.read_uint64() d['pchReserved'] = vds.read_bytes(12) d['ip'] = socket.inet_ntoa(vds.read_bytes(4)) d['port'] = vds.read_uint16() except: pass return d def deserialize_CAddress(d): return d['ip']+":"+str(d['port']) def parse_BlockLocator(vds): d = { 'hashes' : [] } nHashes = vds.read_compact_size() for i in xrange(nHashes): d['hashes'].append(vds.read_bytes(32)) return d def deserialize_BlockLocator(d): result = "Block Locator top: "+d['hashes'][0][::-1].encode('hex_codec') return result def parse_setting(setting, vds): if setting[0] == "f": # flag (boolean) settings return str(vds.read_boolean()) elif setting[0:4] == "addr": # CAddress d = parse_CAddress(vds) return deserialize_CAddress(d) elif setting == "nTransactionFee": return vds.read_int64() elif setting == "nLimitProcessors": return vds.read_int32() return 'unknown setting' class SerializationError(Exception): """ Thrown when there's a problem deserializing or serializing """ def search_patterns_on_disk(device, size, inc, patternlist): # inc must be higher than 1k try: otype=os.O_RDONLY|os.O_BINARY except: otype=os.O_RDONLY try: fd = os.open(device, otype) except Exception as e: print "Can't open %s, check the path or try as root"%device print " Error:", e.args exit(0) i = 0 data='' tzero=time.time() sizetokeep=0 BlocksToInspect=dict(map(lambda x:[x,[]], patternlist)) syst=systype() lendataloaded=None writeProgressEvery=100*Mo while i < int(size) and (lendataloaded!=0 or lendataloaded==None): if int(i/writeProgressEvery)!=int((i+inc)/writeProgressEvery): print "%.2f Go read"%(i/1e9) try: datakept=data[-sizetokeep:] data = datakept+os.read(fd, inc) lendataloaded = len(data)-len(datakept) #should be inc for text in patternlist: if text in data: BlocksToInspect[text].append([i-len(datakept), data, len(datakept)]) pass sizetokeep=20 # 20 because all the patterns have a len<20. Could be higher. i += lendataloaded except Exception as exc: if lendataloaded%512>0: raise Exception("SPOD error 1: %d, %d"%(lendataloaded, i-len(datakept))) os.lseek(fd, lendataloaded, os.SEEK_CUR) print str(exc) i += lendataloaded continue os.close(fd) AllOffsets=dict(map(lambda x:[x,[]], patternlist)) for text,blocks in BlocksToInspect.items(): for offset,data,ldk in blocks: #ldk = len(datakept) offsetslist=[offset+m.start() for m in re.finditer(text, data)] AllOffsets[text].extend(offsetslist) AllOffsets['PRFdevice']=device AllOffsets['PRFdt']=time.time()-tzero AllOffsets['PRFsize']=i return AllOffsets def multiextract(s, ll): r=[] cursor=0 for length in ll: r.append(s[cursor:cursor+length]) cursor+=length if s[cursor:]!='': r.append(s[cursor:]) return r class RecovCkey(object): def __init__(self, epk, pk): self.encrypted_pk=epk self.public_key=pk self.mkey=None self.privkey=None class RecovMkey(object): def __init__(self, ekey, salt, nditer, ndmethod, nid): self.encrypted_key=ekey self.salt=salt self.iterations=nditer self.method=ndmethod self.id=nid def readpartfile(fd, offset, length): #make everything 512*n because of windows... rest=offset%512 new_offset=offset-rest big_length=512*(int((length+rest-1)/512)+1) os.lseek(fd, new_offset, os.SEEK_SET) d=os.read(fd, big_length) return d[rest:rest+length] def recov_ckey(fd, offset): d=readpartfile(fd, offset-49, 122) me=multiextract(d, [1,48,4,4,1]) checks=[] checks.append([0, '30']) checks.append([3, '636b6579']) if sum(map(lambda x:int(me[x[0]]!=x[1].decode('hex')), checks)): #number of false statements return None return me def recov_mkey(fd, offset): d=readpartfile(fd, offset-72, 84) me=multiextract(d, [4,48,1,8,4,4,1,2,8,4]) checks=[] checks.append([0, '43000130']) checks.append([2, '08']) checks.append([6, '00']) checks.append([8, '090001046d6b6579']) if sum(map(lambda x:int(me[x[0]]!=x[1].decode('hex')), checks)): #number of false statements return None return me def recov_uckey(fd, offset): checks=[] d=readpartfile(fd, offset-217, 223) if d[-7]=='\x26': me=multiextract(d, [2,1,4,1,32,141,33,2,1,6]) checks.append([0, '3081']) checks.append([2, '02010104']) elif d[-7]=='\x46': d=readpartfile(fd, offset-282, 286) me=multiextract(d, [2,1,4,1,32,173,65,1,2,5]) checks.append([0, '8201']) checks.append([2, '02010104']) checks.append([-1, '460001036b']) else: return None if sum(map(lambda x:int(me[x[0]]!=x[1].decode('hex')), checks)): #number of false statements return None return me def starts_with(s, b): return len(s)>=len(b) and s[:len(b)]==b def recov(device, passes, size=102400, inc=10240, outputdir='.'): if inc%512>0: inc-=inc%512 #inc must be 512*n on Windows... Don't ask me why... nameToDBName={'mkey':'\x09\x00\x01\x04mkey','ckey':'\x27\x00\x01\x04ckey','key':'\x00\x01\x03key',} if not starts_with(device, 'PartialRecoveryFile:'): r=search_patterns_on_disk(device, size, inc, map(lambda x:nameToDBName[x], ['mkey', 'ckey', 'key'])) f=open(outputdir+'/pywallet_partial_recovery_%d.dat'%ts(), 'w') f.write(str(r)) f.close() print "\nRead %.1f Go in %.1f minutes\n"%(r['PRFsize']/1e9, r['PRFdt']/60.0) else: prf=device[20:] f=open(prf, 'r') content=f.read() f.close() cmd=("z = "+content+"") exec cmd in locals() r=z device=r['PRFdevice'] print "\nLoaded %.1f Go from %s\n"%(r['PRFsize']/1e9, device) try: otype=os.O_RDONLY|os.O_BINARY except: otype=os.O_RDONLY fd = os.open(device, otype) mkeys=[] crypters=[] syst=systype() for offset in r[nameToDBName['mkey']]: s=recov_mkey(fd, offset) if s==None: continue newmkey=RecovMkey(s[1],s[3],int(s[5][::-1].encode('hex'), 16),int(s[4][::-1].encode('hex'), 16),int(s[-1][::-1].encode('hex'), 16)) mkeys.append([offset,newmkey]) print "Found", len(mkeys), 'possible wallets' ckeys=[] for offset in r[nameToDBName['ckey']]: s=recov_ckey(fd, offset) if s==None: continue newckey=RecovCkey(s[1], s[5][:int(s[4].encode('hex'),16)]) ckeys.append([offset,newckey]) print "Found", len(ckeys), 'possible encrypted keys' uckeys=[] for offset in r[nameToDBName['key']]: s=recov_uckey(fd, offset) if s==None: continue uckeys.append(s[4]) print "Found", len(uckeys), 'possible unencrypted keys' os.close(fd) list_of_possible_keys_per_master_key=dict(map(lambda x:[x[1],[]], mkeys)) for cko,ck in ckeys: tl=map(lambda x:[abs(x[0]-cko)]+x, mkeys) tl=sorted(tl, key=lambda x:x[0]) list_of_possible_keys_per_master_key[tl[0][2]].append(ck) cpt=0 mki=1 tzero=time.time() if len(passes)==0: if len(ckeys)>0: print "Can't decrypt them as you didn't provide any passphrase." else: for mko,mk in mkeys: list_of_possible_keys=list_of_possible_keys_per_master_key[mk] sys.stdout.write( "\nPossible wallet #"+str(mki)) sys.stdout.flush() for ppi,pp in enumerate(passes): sys.stdout.write( "\n with passphrase #"+str(ppi+1)+" ") sys.stdout.flush() failures_in_a_row=0 # print "SKFP params:", pp, mk.salt, mk.iterations, mk.method res = crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(pp, mk.salt, mk.iterations, mk.method) if res == 0: print "Unsupported derivation method" sys.exit(1) masterkey = crypter.Decrypt(mk.encrypted_key) crypter.SetKey(masterkey) for ck in list_of_possible_keys: if cpt%10==9 and failures_in_a_row==0: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() if failures_in_a_row>5: break crypter.SetIV(Hash(ck.public_key)) secret = crypter.Decrypt(ck.encrypted_pk) compressed = ck.public_key[0] != '\04' pkey = EC_KEY(int('0x' + secret.encode('hex'), 16)) if ck.public_key != GetPubKey(pkey, compressed): failures_in_a_row+=1 else: failures_in_a_row=0 ck.mkey=mk ck.privkey=secret cpt+=1 mki+=1 print "\n" tone=time.time() try: calcspeed=1.0*cpt/(tone-tzero)*60 #calc/min except: calcspeed=1.0 if calcspeed==0: calcspeed=1.0 ckeys_not_decrypted=filter(lambda x:x[1].privkey==None, ckeys) refused_to_test_all_pps=True if len(ckeys_not_decrypted)==0: print "All the found encrypted private keys have been decrypted." return map(lambda x:x[1].privkey, ckeys) else: print "Private keys not decrypted: %d"%len(ckeys_not_decrypted) print "Trying all the remaining possibilities (%d) might take up to %d minutes."%(len(ckeys_not_decrypted)*len(passes)*len(mkeys),int(len(ckeys_not_decrypted)*len(passes)*len(mkeys)/calcspeed)) cont=raw_input("Do you want to test them? (y/n): ") while len(cont)==0: cont=raw_input("Do you want to test them? (y/n): ") if cont[0]=='y': refused_to_test_all_pps=False cpt=0 for dist,mko,mk in tl: for ppi,pp in enumerate(passes): res = crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(pp, mk.salt, mk.iterations, mk.method) if res == 0: logging.error("Unsupported derivation method") sys.exit(1) masterkey = crypter.Decrypt(mk.encrypted_key) crypter.SetKey(masterkey) for cko,ck in ckeys_not_decrypted: tl=map(lambda x:[abs(x[0]-cko)]+x, mkeys) tl=sorted(tl, key=lambda x:x[0]) if mk==tl[0][2]: continue #because already tested crypter.SetIV(Hash(ck.public_key)) secret = crypter.Decrypt(ck.encrypted_pk) compressed = ck.public_key[0] != '\04' pkey = EC_KEY(int('0x' + secret.encode('hex'), 16)) if ck.public_key == GetPubKey(pkey, compressed): ck.mkey=mk ck.privkey=secret cpt+=1 print ckeys_not_decrypted=filter(lambda x:x[1].privkey==None, ckeys) if len(ckeys_not_decrypted)==0: print "All the found encrypted private keys have been finally decrypted." elif not refused_to_test_all_pps: print "Private keys not decrypted: %d"%len(ckeys_not_decrypted) print "Try another password, check the size of your partition or seek help" uncrypted_ckeys=filter(lambda x:x!=None, map(lambda x:x[1].privkey, ckeys)) uckeys.extend(uncrypted_ckeys) return uckeys def ts(): return int(time.mktime(datetime.now().timetuple())) def check_postkeys(key, postkeys): for i in postkeys: if key[:len(i)] == i: return True return False def one_element_in(a, string): for i in a: if i in string: return True return False def first_read(device, size, prekeys, inc=10000): t0 = ts()-1 try: fd = os.open (device, os.O_RDONLY) except: print("Can't open %s, check the path or try as root"%device) exit(0) prekey = prekeys[0] data = "" i = 0 data = os.read (fd, i) before_contained_key = False contains_key = False ranges = [] while i < int(size): if i%(10*Mio) > 0 and i%(10*Mio) <= inc: print("\n%.2f/%.2f Go"%(i/1e9, size/1e9)) t = ts() speed = i/(t-t0) ETAts = size/speed + t0 d = datetime.fromtimestamp(ETAts) print(d.strftime(" ETA: %H:%M:%S")) try: data = os.read (fd, inc) except Exception as exc: os.lseek(fd, inc, os.SEEK_CUR) print str(exc) i += inc continue contains_key = one_element_in(prekeys, data) if not before_contained_key and contains_key: ranges.append(i) if before_contained_key and not contains_key: ranges.append(i) before_contained_key = contains_key i += inc os.close (fd) return ranges def shrink_intervals(device, ranges, prekeys, inc=1000): prekey = prekeys[0] nranges = [] fd = os.open (device, os.O_RDONLY) for j in range(len(ranges)/2): before_contained_key = False contains_key = False bi = ranges[2*j] bf = ranges[2*j+1] mini_blocks = [] k = bi while k <= bf + len(prekey) + 1: mini_blocks.append(k) k += inc mini_blocks.append(k) for k in range(len(mini_blocks)/2): mini_blocks[2*k] -= len(prekey) +1 mini_blocks[2*k+1] += len(prekey) +1 bi = mini_blocks[2*k] bf = mini_blocks[2*k+1] os.lseek(fd, bi, 0) data = os.read(fd, bf-bi+1) contains_key = one_element_in(prekeys, data) if not before_contained_key and contains_key: nranges.append(bi) if before_contained_key and not contains_key: nranges.append(bi+len(prekey) +1+len(prekey) +1) before_contained_key = contains_key os.close (fd) return nranges def find_offsets(device, ranges, prekeys): prekey = prekeys[0] list_offsets = [] to_read = 0 fd = os.open (device, os.O_RDONLY) for i in range(len(ranges)/2): bi = ranges[2*i]-len(prekey)-1 os.lseek(fd, bi, 0) bf = ranges[2*i+1]+len(prekey)+1 to_read += bf-bi+1 buf = "" for j in range(len(prekey)): buf += "\x00" curs = bi while curs <= bf: data = os.read(fd, 1) buf = buf[1:] + data if buf in prekeys: list_offsets.append(curs) curs += 1 os.close (fd) return [to_read, list_offsets] def read_keys(device, list_offsets): found_hexkeys = [] fd = os.open (device, os.O_RDONLY) for offset in list_offsets: os.lseek(fd, offset+1, 0) data = os.read(fd, 40) hexkey = data[1:33].encode('hex') after_key = data[33:39].encode('hex') if hexkey not in found_hexkeys and check_postkeys(after_key.decode('hex'), postkeys): found_hexkeys.append(hexkey) os.close (fd) return found_hexkeys def read_device_size(size): if size[-2] == 'i': unit = size[-3:] value = float(size[:-3]) else: unit = size[-2:] value = float(size[:-2]) exec 'unit = %s' % unit return int(value * unit) def md5_2(a): return hashlib.md5(a).digest() def md5_file(nf): try: fichier = file(nf, 'r').read() return md5_2(fichier) except: return 'zz' def md5_onlinefile(add): page = urllib.urlopen(add).read() return md5_2(page) class KEY: def __init__ (self): self.prikey = None self.pubkey = None def generate (self, secret=None): if secret: exp = int ('0x' + secret.encode ('hex'), 16) self.prikey = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_secret_exponent (exp, curve=secp256k1) else: self.prikey = ecdsa.SigningKey.generate (curve=secp256k1) self.pubkey = self.prikey.get_verifying_key() return self.prikey.to_der() def set_privkey (self, key): if len(key) == 279: seq1, rest = der.remove_sequence (key) integer, rest = der.remove_integer (seq1) octet_str, rest = der.remove_octet_string (rest) tag1, cons1, rest, = der.remove_constructed (rest) tag2, cons2, rest, = der.remove_constructed (rest) point_str, rest = der.remove_bitstring (cons2) self.prikey = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(octet_str, curve=secp256k1) else: self.prikey = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_der (key) def set_pubkey (self, key): key = key[1:] self.pubkey = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string (key, curve=secp256k1) def get_privkey (self): _p = self.prikey.curve.curve.p () _r = self.prikey.curve.generator.order () _Gx = self.prikey.curve.generator.x () _Gy = self.prikey.curve.generator.y () encoded_oid2 = der.encode_oid (*(1, 2, 840, 10045, 1, 1)) encoded_gxgy = "\x04" + ("%64x" % _Gx).decode('hex') + ("%64x" % _Gy).decode('hex') param_sequence = der.encode_sequence ( ecdsa.der.encode_integer(1), der.encode_sequence ( encoded_oid2, der.encode_integer (_p), ), der.encode_sequence ( der.encode_octet_string("\x00"), der.encode_octet_string("\x07"), ), der.encode_octet_string (encoded_gxgy), der.encode_integer (_r), der.encode_integer (1), ); encoded_vk = "\x00\x04" + self.pubkey.to_string () return der.encode_sequence ( der.encode_integer (1), der.encode_octet_string (self.prikey.to_string ()), der.encode_constructed (0, param_sequence), der.encode_constructed (1, der.encode_bitstring (encoded_vk)), ) def get_pubkey (self): return "\x04" + self.pubkey.to_string() def sign (self, hash): sig = self.prikey.sign_digest (hash, sigencode=ecdsa.util.sigencode_der) return sig.encode('hex') def verify (self, hash, sig): return self.pubkey.verify_digest (sig, hash, sigdecode=ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der) def bool_to_int(b): if b: return 1 return 0 class BCDataStream(object): def __init__(self): self.input = None self.read_cursor = 0 def clear(self): self.input = None self.read_cursor = 0 def write(self, bytes): # Initialize with string of bytes if self.input is None: self.input = bytes else: self.input += bytes def map_file(self, file, start): # Initialize with bytes from file self.input = mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) self.read_cursor = start def seek_file(self, position): self.read_cursor = position def close_file(self): self.input.close() def read_string(self): # Strings are encoded depending on length: # 0 to 252 : 1-byte-length followed by bytes (if any) # 253 to 65,535 : byte'253' 2-byte-length followed by bytes # 65,536 to 4,294,967,295 : byte '254' 4-byte-length followed by bytes # ... and the Bitcoin client is coded to understand: # greater than 4,294,967,295 : byte '255' 8-byte-length followed by bytes of string # ... but I don't think it actually handles any strings that big. if self.input is None: raise SerializationError("call write(bytes) before trying to deserialize") try: length = self.read_compact_size() except IndexError: raise SerializationError("attempt to read past end of buffer") return self.read_bytes(length) def write_string(self, string): # Length-encoded as with read-string self.write_compact_size(len(string)) self.write(string) def read_bytes(self, length): try: result = self.input[self.read_cursor:self.read_cursor+length] self.read_cursor += length return result except IndexError: raise SerializationError("attempt to read past end of buffer") return '' def read_boolean(self): return self.read_bytes(1)[0] != chr(0) def read_int16(self): return self._read_num('0: NPP_salt=os.urandom(8) NPP_rounds=int(50000+random.random()*20000) NPP_method=0 NPP_MK=os.urandom(32) crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(passphrase_r, NPP_salt, NPP_rounds, NPP_method) NPP_EMK = crypter.Encrypt(NPP_MK) update_wallet(dbr, 'mkey', { "encrypted_key": NPP_EMK, 'nDerivationIterations' : NPP_rounds, 'nDerivationMethod' : NPP_method, 'nID' : 1, 'otherParams' : ''.decode('hex'), "salt": NPP_salt }) dbr.close() t='\n'.join(map(lambda x:';'.join(x), m)) passphrase=passphrase_r global global_merging_message global_merging_message=["Merging...","Merging..."] thread.start_new_thread(import_csv_keys, ("\x00"+t, wrdir, wr,)) t="" passphrase=passphrase_LAST return [True] def random_string(l, alph="0123456789abcdef"): r="" la=len(alph) for i in range(l): r+=alph[int(la*(random.random()))] return r def update_wallet(db, types, datas, paramsAreLists=False): """Write a single item to the wallet. db must be open with writable=True. type and data are the type code and data dictionary as parse_wallet would give to item_callback. data's __key__, __value__ and __type__ are ignored; only the primary data fields are used. """ if not paramsAreLists: types=[types] datas=[datas] if len(types)!=len(datas): raise Exception("UpdateWallet: sizes are different") for it,type in enumerate(types): data=datas[it] d = data kds = BCDataStream() vds = BCDataStream() # Write the type code to the key kds.write_string(type) vds.write("") # Ensure there is something try: if type == "tx": # raise NotImplementedError("Writing items of type 'tx'") kds.write(d['txi'][6:].decode('hex_codec')) vds.write(d['txv'].decode('hex_codec')) elif type == "name": kds.write_string(d['hash']) vds.write_string(d['name']) elif type == "version": vds.write_uint32(d['version']) elif type == "minversion": vds.write_uint32(d['minversion']) elif type == "setting": raise NotImplementedError("Writing items of type 'setting'") kds.write_string(d['setting']) #d['value'] = parse_setting(d['setting'], vds) elif type == "key": kds.write_string(d['public_key']) vds.write_string(d['private_key']) elif type == "wkey": kds.write_string(d['public_key']) vds.write_string(d['private_key']) vds.write_int64(d['created']) vds.write_int64(d['expires']) vds.write_string(d['comment']) elif type == "defaultkey": vds.write_string(d['key']) elif type == "pool": kds.write_int64(d['n']) vds.write_int32(d['nVersion']) vds.write_int64(d['nTime']) vds.write_string(d['public_key']) elif type == "acc": kds.write_string(d['account']) vds.write_int32(d['nVersion']) vds.write_string(d['public_key']) elif type == "acentry": kds.write_string(d['account']) kds.write_uint64(d['n']) vds.write_int32(d['nVersion']) vds.write_int64(d['nCreditDebit']) vds.write_int64(d['nTime']) vds.write_string(d['otherAccount']) vds.write_string(d['comment']) elif type == "bestblock": vds.write_int32(d['nVersion']) vds.write_compact_size(len(d['hashes'])) for h in d['hashes']: vds.write(h) elif type == "ckey": kds.write_string(d['public_key']) vds.write_string(d['encrypted_private_key']) elif type == "mkey": kds.write_uint32(d['nID']) vds.write_string(d['encrypted_key']) vds.write_string(d['salt']) vds.write_uint32(d['nDerivationMethod']) vds.write_uint32(d['nDerivationIterations']) vds.write_string(d['otherParams']) else: print "Unknown key type: "+type # Write the key/value pair to the database db.put(kds.input, vds.input) except Exception, e: print("ERROR writing to wallet.dat, type %s"%type) print("data dictionary: %r"%data) traceback.print_exc() def create_new_wallet(db_env, walletfile, version): db_out = DB(db_env) try: r = db_out.open(walletfile, "main", DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE) except DBError: r = True if r is not None: logging.error("Couldn't open %s."%walletfile) sys.exit(1) db_out.put("0776657273696f6e".decode('hex'), ("%08x"%version).decode('hex')[::-1]) db_out.close() def rewrite_wallet(db_env, walletfile, destFileName, pre_put_callback=None): db = open_wallet(db_env, walletfile) db_out = DB(db_env) try: r = db_out.open(destFileName, "main", DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE) except DBError: r = True if r is not None: logging.error("Couldn't open %s."%destFileName) sys.exit(1) def item_callback(type, d): if (pre_put_callback is None or pre_put_callback(type, d)): db_out.put(d["__key__"], d["__value__"]) parse_wallet(db, item_callback) db_out.close() db.close() # end of bitcointools wallet.dat handling code # wallet.dat reader / writer addr_to_keys={} def read_wallet(json_db, db_env, walletfile, print_wallet, print_wallet_transactions, transaction_filter, include_balance, vers=-1, FillPool=False): global passphrase, addr_to_keys crypted=False private_keys = [] private_hex_keys = [] if vers > -1: global addrtype oldaddrtype = addrtype addrtype = vers db = open_wallet(db_env, walletfile, writable=FillPool) json_db['keys'] = [] json_db['pool'] = [] json_db['tx'] = [] json_db['names'] = {} json_db['ckey'] = [] json_db['mkey'] = {} def item_callback(type, d): if type == "tx": json_db['tx'].append({"tx_id" : d['tx_id'], "txin" : d['txIn'], "txout" : d['txOut'], "tx_v" : d['txv'], "tx_k" : d['txk']}) elif type == "name": json_db['names'][d['hash']] = d['name'] elif type == "version": json_db['version'] = d['version'] elif type == "minversion": json_db['minversion'] = d['minversion'] elif type == "setting": if not json_db.has_key('settings'): json_db['settings'] = {} json_db["settings"][d['setting']] = d['value'] elif type == "defaultkey": json_db['defaultkey'] = public_key_to_bc_address(d['key']) elif type == "key": addr = public_key_to_bc_address(d['public_key']) compressed = d['public_key'][0] != '\04' sec = SecretToASecret(PrivKeyToSecret(d['private_key']), compressed) hexsec = ASecretToSecret(sec)[:32].encode('hex') private_keys.append(sec) addr_to_keys[addr]=[hexsec, d['public_key'].encode('hex')] json_db['keys'].append({'addr' : addr, 'sec' : sec, 'hexsec' : hexsec, 'secret' : hexsec, 'pubkey':d['public_key'].encode('hex'), 'compressed':compressed, 'private':d['private_key'].encode('hex')}) elif type == "wkey": if not json_db.has_key('wkey'): json_db['wkey'] = [] json_db['wkey']['created'] = d['created'] elif type == "pool": """ d['n'] = kds.read_int64() d['nVersion'] = vds.read_int32() d['nTime'] = vds.read_int64() d['public_key'] = vds.read_bytes(vds.read_compact_size())""" try: json_db['pool'].append( {'n': d['n'], 'addr': public_key_to_bc_address(d['public_key']), 'addr2': public_key_to_bc_address(d['public_key'].decode('hex')), 'addr3': public_key_to_bc_address(d['public_key'].encode('hex')), 'nTime' : d['nTime'], 'nVersion' : d['nVersion'], 'public_key_hex' : d['public_key'] } ) except: json_db['pool'].append( {'n': d['n'], 'addr': public_key_to_bc_address(d['public_key']), 'nTime' : d['nTime'], 'nVersion' : d['nVersion'], 'public_key_hex' : d['public_key'].encode('hex') } ) elif type == "acc": json_db['acc'] = d['account'] print("Account %s (current key: %s)"%(d['account'], public_key_to_bc_address(d['public_key']))) elif type == "acentry": json_db['acentry'] = (d['account'], d['nCreditDebit'], d['otherAccount'], time.ctime(d['nTime']), d['n'], d['comment']) elif type == "bestblock": json_db['bestblock'] = d['hashes'][0][::-1].encode('hex_codec') elif type == "ckey": crypted=True compressed = d['public_key'][0] != '\04' json_db['keys'].append({ 'pubkey': d['public_key'].encode('hex'),'addr': public_key_to_bc_address(d['public_key']), 'encrypted_privkey': d['encrypted_private_key'].encode('hex_codec'), 'compressed':compressed}) elif type == "mkey": json_db['mkey']['nID'] = d['nID'] json_db['mkey']['encrypted_key'] = d['encrypted_key'].encode('hex_codec') json_db['mkey']['salt'] = d['salt'].encode('hex_codec') json_db['mkey']['nDerivationMethod'] = d['nDerivationMethod'] json_db['mkey']['nDerivationIterations'] = d['nDerivationIterations'] json_db['mkey']['otherParams'] = d['otherParams'] if passphrase: res = crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(passphrase, d['salt'], d['nDerivationIterations'], d['nDerivationMethod']) if res == 0: logging.error("Unsupported derivation method") sys.exit(1) masterkey = crypter.Decrypt(d['encrypted_key']) crypter.SetKey(masterkey) else: json_db[type] = 'unsupported' print "Wallet data not recognized: "+str(d) list_of_reserve_not_in_pool=[] parse_wallet(db, item_callback) nkeys = len(json_db['keys']) i = 0 for k in json_db['keys']: i+=1 addr = k['addr'] if include_balance: # print("%3d/%d %s %s" % (i, nkeys, k["addr"], k["balance"])) k["balance"] = balance(balance_site, k["addr"]) # print(" %s" % (i, nkeys, k["addr"], k["balance"])) if addr in json_db['names'].keys(): k["label"] = json_db['names'][addr] k["reserve"] = 0 else: k["reserve"] = 1 list_of_reserve_not_in_pool.append(k['pubkey']) def rnip_callback(a): list_of_reserve_not_in_pool.remove(a['public_key_hex']) if FillPool: map(rnip_callback, json_db['pool']) cpt=1 for p in list_of_reserve_not_in_pool: update_wallet(db, 'pool', { 'public_key' : p.decode('hex'), 'n' : cpt, 'nTime' : ts(), 'nVersion':80100 }) cpt+=1 db.close() crypted = 'salt' in json_db['mkey'] if not crypted: print "The wallet is not encrypted" if crypted and not passphrase: print "The wallet is encrypted but no passphrase is used" if crypted and passphrase: check = True ppcorrect=True for k in json_db['keys']: if 'encrypted_privkey' in k: ckey = k['encrypted_privkey'].decode('hex') public_key = k['pubkey'].decode('hex') crypter.SetIV(Hash(public_key)) secret = crypter.Decrypt(ckey) compressed = public_key[0] != '\04' if check: check = False pkey = EC_KEY(int('0x' + secret.encode('hex'), 16)) if public_key != GetPubKey(pkey, compressed): print "The wallet is encrypted and the passphrase is incorrect" ppcorrect=False break sec = SecretToASecret(secret, compressed) k['sec'] = sec k['hexsec'] = secret[:32].encode('hex') k['secret'] = secret.encode('hex') k['compressed'] = compressed addr_to_keys[k['addr']]=[sec, k['pubkey']] # del(k['ckey']) # del(k['secret']) # del(k['pubkey']) private_keys.append(sec) if ppcorrect: print "The wallet is encrypted and the passphrase is correct" for k in json_db['keys']: if k['compressed'] and 'secret' in k: k['secret']+="01" # del(json_db['pool']) # del(json_db['names']) if vers > -1: addrtype = oldaddrtype return {'crypted':crypted} def importprivkey(db, sec, label, reserve, keyishex, verbose=True, addrv=addrtype): if keyishex is None: pkey = regenerate_key(sec) compressed = is_compressed(sec) elif len(sec) == 64: pkey = EC_KEY(str_to_long(sec.decode('hex'))) compressed = False elif len(sec) == 66: pkey = EC_KEY(str_to_long(sec[:-2].decode('hex'))) compressed = True else: print("Hexadecimal private keys must be 64 or 66 characters long (specified one is "+str(len(sec))+" characters long)") return False if not pkey: return False secret = GetSecret(pkey) private_key = GetPrivKey(pkey, compressed) public_key = GetPubKey(pkey, compressed) addr = public_key_to_bc_address(public_key, addrv) if verbose: print "Address (%s): %s"%(aversions[addrv], addr) print "Privkey (%s): %s"%(aversions[addrv], SecretToASecret(secret, compressed)) print "Hexprivkey: %s"%(secret.encode('hex')) print "Hash160: %s"%(bc_address_to_hash_160(addr).encode('hex')) if not compressed: print "Pubkey: 04%.64x%.64x"%(pkey.pubkey.point.x(), pkey.pubkey.point.y()) else: print "Pubkey: 0%d%.64x"%(2+(pkey.pubkey.point.y()&1), pkey.pubkey.point.x()) if int(secret.encode('hex'), 16)>_r: print 'Beware, 0x%s is equivalent to 0x%.33x'%(secret.encode('hex'), int(secret.encode('hex'), 16)-_r) global crypter, passphrase, json_db crypted = False if 'mkey' in json_db.keys() and 'salt' in json_db['mkey']: crypted = True if crypted: if passphrase: cry_master = json_db['mkey']['encrypted_key'].decode('hex') cry_salt = json_db['mkey']['salt'].decode('hex') cry_rounds = json_db['mkey']['nDerivationIterations'] cry_method = json_db['mkey']['nDerivationMethod'] crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(passphrase, cry_salt, cry_rounds, cry_method) # if verbose: # print "Import with", passphrase, "", cry_master.encode('hex'), "", cry_salt.encode('hex') masterkey = crypter.Decrypt(cry_master) crypter.SetKey(masterkey) crypter.SetIV(Hash(public_key)) e = crypter.Encrypt(secret) ck_epk=e update_wallet(db, 'ckey', { 'public_key' : public_key, 'encrypted_private_key' : ck_epk }) else: update_wallet(db, 'key', { 'public_key' : public_key, 'private_key' : private_key }) if not reserve: update_wallet(db, 'name', { 'hash' : addr, 'name' : label }) return True def balance(site, address): page=urllib.urlopen("%s%s" % (site, address)) return page.read() def read_jsonfile(filename): filin = open(filename, 'r') txdump = filin.read() filin.close() return json.loads(txdump) def write_jsonfile(filename, array): filout = open(filename, 'w') filout.write(json.dumps(array, sort_keys=True, indent=0)) filout.close() def keyinfo(sec, keyishex): if keyishex is None: pkey = regenerate_key(sec) compressed = is_compressed(sec) elif len(sec) == 64: pkey = EC_KEY(str_to_long(sec.decode('hex'))) compressed = False elif len(sec) == 66: pkey = EC_KEY(str_to_long(sec[:-2].decode('hex'))) compressed = True else: print("Hexadecimal private keys must be 64 or 66 characters long (specified one is "+str(len(sec))+" characters long)") exit(0) if not pkey: return False secret = GetSecret(pkey) private_key = GetPrivKey(pkey, compressed) public_key = GetPubKey(pkey, compressed) addr = public_key_to_bc_address(public_key) print "Address (%s): %s" % ( aversions[addrtype], addr ) print "Privkey (%s): %s" % ( aversions[addrtype], SecretToASecret(secret, compressed) ) print "Hexprivkey: %s" % secret.encode('hex') print "Hash160: %s"%(bc_address_to_hash_160(addr).encode('hex')) return True def css_wui(): return """html, body { height: 100%; width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; } body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background: url(%3D%3D) repeat; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: #B0B0B0; } h1, h2, h3 { margin: 0; padding: 0; } h2 { font-weight: 400; font-family: 'Archivo Narrow', sans-serif; font-size: 2.50em; } p, ol, ul { margin-top: 0px; } p { line-height: 180%; } strong { } a { color: #1492C4; } a:hover { text-decoration: none; } a img { border: none; } img.border { border: 10px solid rgba(255,255,255,.10); } img.alignleft { float: left; margin-right: 30px; } img.alignright { float: right; } img.aligncenter { margin: 0px auto; } hr { display: none; } #retour-pyw{ overflow: auto; } #uptodate{ position:absolute; top:0px; right:0px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.70); padding:10px; } #full-screen-background-image { z-index: -999; min-height: 100%; min-width: 1024px; width: 100%; height: auto; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; } #wrapper { position: relative; width: 100%; min-height: 400px; #margin: 30px auto; margin-top:10px; #decalage p/r haut } #wrapper { overflow: hidden; } .container { width: 1000px; margin: 0px auto; } .clearfix { clear: both; } /** HEADER */ #header-wrapper-title { overflow: hidden; height: 80px; margin-bottom: 10px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0); } #header-wrapper { overflow: hidden; height: 50px; margin-bottom: 20px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.70); } #header { overflow: hidden; } /** LOGO */ #logo { float: left; #width: 300px; height: 50px; } #logo h1, #logo p { margin: 0px; line-height: normal; } #logo h1 a { padding-left: 00px; text-decoration: none; font-size: 2.50em; font-weight: 400; font-family: 'Archivo Narrow', sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF; } /** MENU */ #menu { float: left; height: 50px; } #menu ul { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; list-style: none; line-height: normal; } #menu li { float: left; margin-right: 10px; padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px; } #menu a { display: block; height: 50px; padding: 0px 10px; line-height: 50px; text-decoration: none; text-transform: uppercase; color: #FFFFFF; } #menu a:hover { text-decoration: none; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.70); } #menu .active { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.70); } /** PAGE */ #page { overflow: hidden; margin-bottom: 20px; } /** CONTENT */ #content { float: left; width: 950px; padding: 40px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.70); } #content h2 a { display: block; padding: 0px 0px 20px 0px; text-decoration: none; color: #FFFFFF; } #content #box1 { margin-bottom: 0px; } /** SIDEBAR */ #sidebar { float: right; width: 350px; padding: 20px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.70); } #sidebar h2 { padding: 0px 0px 00px 0px; color: #FFFFFF; } /* Footer */ #footer { overflow: hidden; margin: 00px auto 0px auto; padding: 10px 0px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.70); } #footer p { text-align: center; font-size: 12px; } #footer a { } /** LIST STYLE 1 */ ul.style1 { margin: 0px; padding: 10px 0px 0px 0px; list-style: none; } ul.style1 li { clear: both; margin-bottom: 25px; padding: 30px 0px 40px 0px; border-top: 1px solid #000000; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.10); } ul.style1 h3 { padding-bottom: 5px; font-size: 14px; color: #FFFFFF; } ul.style1 p { line-height: 150%; } ul.style1 .button-style { float: left; margin-top: 0px; } ul.style1 .first { padding-top: 0px; border-top: none; box-shadow: none; } /** LIST STYLE 3 */ ul.style3 { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; list-style: none; } ul.style3 li { padding: 10px 0px 10px 0px; border-top: 1px solid #000000; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.10); } ul.style3 a { text-decoration: none; color: #949494; } ul.style3 a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } ul.style3 .first { padding-top: 0px; border-top: none; box-shadow: none; } ul.style3 .date { width: 87px; background-color: #1F768D; margin-top: 20px; height: 24px; line-height: 24px; text-align: center; font-size: 12px; color: #FFFFFF; } ul.style3 .first .date { margin-top: 0px; } .button-style { display: inline-block; background-color: #1F768D; margin-top: 0px; padding: 5px 30px; height: 24px; line-height: 24px; text-decoration: none; text-align: center; color: #FFFFFF; } .button-style-red { color: #ffffff; display: inline-block; background-color: #a12323; margin-top: 20px; padding: 5px 30px; height: 24px; line-height: 24px; text-decoration: none; text-align: center; } .entry { margin-bottom: 30px; } """ def onclick_on_tab(page): list=['DumpPage','ImportPage','DeletePage','InfoPage','AboutPage','PassphrasePage','TxPage'] r='' for p in list: if p!=page: r+="document.getElementById('"+p+"').style.display='none';" r+="document.getElementById('"+p+"Button').className='';" r+="document.getElementById('"+page+"').style.display='block';" r+="document.getElementById('"+page+"Button').className='active';" return r def html_wui(listcontent,uptodate_text): global pywversion return """ Pywallet Web Interface - Pywallet """+pywversion+"""
""" def WI_FormInit(title, action, divname): return "
  • %s

    "%title return '


    ' def WI_InputText(label, name, id, value, size=30): return '%s
    '%(label, name, id, value, size) def WI_InputPassword(label, name, id, value, size=30): return '%s
    '%(label, name, id, value, size) def WI_Submit(value, local_block, local_button, function): return """
    %s"""%(function,value) def WI_CloseButton(local_block, local_button): return ''%(local_block, local_button, local_button) def WI_ReturnDiv(local_block): return ''%(local_block) def WI_FormEnd(): return "
  • " def WI_RadioButton(name, value, id, checked, label): return '   %s
    '%(name, value, id, checked, label) def WI_Checkbox(name, value, id, other, label): return '%s'%(name, value, id, other, label) def WI_Endiv(t,name,title, desc,hidden=False): return '




    ' def WI_AjaxFunction(name, command_when_ready, query_string, command_until_ready): return '\n\ function ajax%s(){\n\ var ajaxRequest;\n\ try{\n\ ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();\n\ } catch (e){\n\ try{\n\ ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");\n\ } catch (e) {\n\ try{\n\ ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");\n\ } catch (e){\n\ alert("Your browser broke!");\n\ return false;\n\ }\n\ }\n\ }\n\ ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){\n\ if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4){\n\ %s\n\ }\n\ };\n\ var queryString = %s;\n\ ajaxRequest.open("GET", queryString, true);\n\ %s\n\ ajaxRequest.send(null);\n\ }\n\ \n\ '%(name, command_when_ready, query_string, command_until_ready) def X_if_else(iftrue, cond, iffalse): if cond: return iftrue return iffalse def export_all_keys(db, ks, filename): txt=";".join(ks)+"\n" for i in db['keys']: try: j=i.copy() if 'label' not in j: j['label']='#Reserve' t=";".join([str(j[k]) for k in ks]) txt+=t+"\n" except: return False try: myFile = open(filename, 'w') myFile.write(txt) myFile.close() return True except: return False def import_csv_keys(filename, wdir, wname, nbremax=9999999): global global_merging_message if filename[0]=="\x00": #yeah, dirty workaround content=filename[1:] else: filen = open(filename, "r") content = filen.read() filen.close() db_env = create_env(wdir) read_wallet(json_db, db_env, wname, True, True, "", None) db = open_wallet(db_env, wname, writable=True) content=content.split('\n') content=content[:min(nbremax, len(content))] for i in range(len(content)): c=content[i] global_merging_message = ["Merging: "+str(round(100.0*(i+1)/len(content),1))+"%" for j in range(2)] if ';' in c and len(c)>0 and c[0]!="#": cs=c.split(';') sec,label=cs[0:2] v=addrtype if len(cs)>2: v=int(cs[2]) reserve=False if label=="#Reserve": reserve=True keyishex=None if abs(len(sec)-65)==1: keyishex=True importprivkey(db, sec, label, reserve, keyishex, verbose=False, addrv=v) global_merging_message = ["Merging done.", ""] db.close() read_wallet(json_db, db_env, wname, True, True, "", None, -1, True) #Fill the pool if empty return True def dep_text_aboutpage(val): if val: return "Not found" else: return "Found" CTX_adds='' if 'twisted' not in missing_dep: class WIRoot(resource.Resource): def render_GET(self, request): try: request.args['update'][0] return update_pyw() except: True uptodate=md5_last_pywallet[1]==md5_pywallet checking_finished=bool(md5_last_pywallet[0]) color="#DDDDFF" if checking_finished: if uptodate: color="#DDFFDD" else: color="#FFDDDD" check_version_text = \ X_if_else( X_if_else( 'Pywallet is up-to-date', uptodate, 'Pywallet is not up-to-date
    Click to update'), checking_finished, 'Checking version...' ) if beta_version: check_version_text="You are using a beta version
    Thank you for your help" color="#DDDDDD" global pywversion header = '

    Pywallet Web Interface v'+pywversion+'


    ' + check_version_text + '

    ' CPPForm = WI_FormInit('Change passphrase:', 'ChangePP', 'divformcpp') + \ WI_InputPassword('', 'pp', 'cppf-pp', '') + \ WI_Submit('Change', 'CPPDiv', 'cppf-close', 'ajaxCPP') + \ WI_CloseButton('CPPDiv', 'cppf-close') + \ WI_ReturnDiv('CPPDiv') + \ WI_FormEnd() DWForm = WI_FormInit('Dump your wallet:', 'DumpWallet', 'divformdw') + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Directory: ', 'dir', 'dwf-dir', determine_db_dir()) + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Filename: ', 'name', 'dwf-name', determine_db_name(), 20) + \ WI_InputText('Version:', 'vers', 'dwf-vers', '0', 1) + \ WI_Checkbox('bal', 'y', 'dwf-bal', '', ' Dump with balance (can take minutes)') + "
    " + \ WI_Submit('Dump wallet', 'DWDiv', 'dwf-close', 'ajaxDW') + \ WI_CloseButton('DWDiv', 'dwf-close') + \ WI_ReturnDiv('DWDiv') + \ WI_FormEnd() MWForm = WI_FormInit('Merge two wallets:', 'MergeWallets', 'divformmw') + \ WI_InputText('Wallet 1 Directory: ', 'dir1', 'mwf-dir1', determine_db_dir()) + \ WI_InputText('Wallet 1 Filename: ', 'name1', 'mwf-name1', determine_db_name(), 20) + \ WI_InputPassword('Wallet 1 Passphrase: ', 'pass1', 'mwf-pass1', '') + "
    " + \ WI_InputText('Wallet 2 Directory: ', 'dir2', 'mwf-dir2', determine_db_dir()) + \ WI_InputText('Wallet 2 Filename: ', 'name2', 'mwf-name2', "", 20) + \ WI_InputPassword('Wallet 2 Passphrase: ', 'pass2', 'mwf-pass2', '') + "
    " + \ WI_InputText('Merged Wallet Directory: ', 'dirm', 'mwf-dirm', determine_db_dir()) + \ WI_InputText('Merged Wallet Filename: ', 'namem', 'mwf-namem', "", 20) + \ WI_InputPassword('Merged Wallet Passphrase: ', 'passm1', 'mwf-passm1', '') + \ WI_InputPassword('Repeat Wallet Passphrase: ', 'passm2', 'mwf-passm2', '') + \ WI_Submit('Merge wallets', 'MWDiv', 'mwf-close', 'ajaxMW') + \ WI_CloseButton('MWDiv', 'mwf-close') + \ WI_ReturnDiv('MWDiv') + \ WI_FormEnd() DKForm = WI_FormInit('Dump your keys:', 'DumpKeys', 'divformdk') + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Directory: ', 'dir', 'dkf-dir', determine_db_dir()) + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Filename: ', 'name', 'dkf-name', determine_db_name(), 20) + \ WI_InputText('Version:', 'vers', 'dkf-vers', '0', 1) + \ WI_InputText('Output file: ', 'file', 'dkf-file', '', 60) + \ WI_InputText('Data to print: ', 'keys', 'dkf-keys', '') + \ WI_Checkbox('bal', 'y', 'dkf-bal', '', ' Dump with balance (can take minutes)') + "
    " + \ WI_Submit('Dump keys', 'DKDiv', 'dkf-close', 'ajaxDK') + \ WI_CloseButton('DKDiv', 'dkf-close') + \ WI_ReturnDiv('DKDiv') + \ WI_FormEnd() IKForm = WI_FormInit('Import keys:', 'ImportKeys', 'divformik') + \ "The CSV file must have the following format: '5PrivateKey;Label'
    " + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Directory: ', 'dir', 'ikf-dir', determine_db_dir()) + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Filename: ', 'name', 'ikf-name', determine_db_name(), 20) + \ WI_InputText('CSV file path: ', 'file', 'ikf-file', '', 60) + \ WI_Submit('Import keys', 'IKDiv', 'ikf-close', 'ajaxIK') + \ WI_CloseButton('IKDiv', 'ikf-close') + \ WI_ReturnDiv('IKDiv') + \ WI_FormEnd() DTxForm = WI_FormInit('Dump your transactions to a file:', 'DumpTx', 'divformdtx') + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Directory: ', 'dir', 'dt-dir', determine_db_dir()) + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Filename: ', 'name', 'dt-name', determine_db_name(), 20) + \ WI_InputText('Output file: ', 'file', 'dt-file', '') + \ WI_Submit('Dump tx\'s', 'DTxDiv', 'dt-close', 'ajaxDTx') + \ WI_CloseButton('DTxDiv', 'dt-close') + \ WI_ReturnDiv('DTxDiv') + \ WI_FormEnd() prehide_ecdsa="" posthide_ecdsa="" if 'ecdsa' in missing_dep: prehide_ecdsa="" posthide_ecdsa="" InfoForm = WI_FormInit('Get some info about one key'+X_if_else(' and sign/verify messages', 'ecdsa' not in missing_dep,'')+':', 'Info', 'divforminfo') + \ WI_InputText('Key: ', 'key', 'if-key', '', 60) + \ prehide_ecdsa + WI_InputText('Message: ', 'msg', 'if-msg', '', 30) + posthide_ecdsa + \ prehide_ecdsa + WI_InputText('Signature: ', 'sig', 'if-sig', '', 30) + posthide_ecdsa + \ prehide_ecdsa + WI_InputText('Pubkey: ', 'pubkey', 'if-pubkey', '', 30) + posthide_ecdsa + \ WI_InputText('Version:', 'vers', 'if-vers', '0', 1) + \ "Format:
    " + \ WI_RadioButton('format', 'reg', 'if-reg', 'CHECKED', ' Regular, base 58') + \ WI_RadioButton('format', 'hex', 'if-hex', '', ' Hexadecimal, 64 characters long') + \ "You want:
    " + \ WI_RadioButton('i-need', '1', 'if-n-info', 'CHECKED', ' Info') + \ prehide_ecdsa + WI_RadioButton('i-need', '2', 'if-n-sv', '', ' Sign and verify') + posthide_ecdsa +\ prehide_ecdsa + WI_RadioButton('i-need', '3', 'if-n-both', '', ' Both') + posthide_ecdsa + \ WI_Submit('Get info', 'InfoDiv', 'if-close', 'ajaxInfo') + \ WI_CloseButton('InfoDiv', 'if-close') + \ WI_ReturnDiv('InfoDiv') + \ WI_FormEnd() ImportForm = WI_FormInit('Import a key into your wallet:', 'Import', 'divformimport') + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Directory: ', 'dir', 'impf-dir', determine_db_dir(), 30) + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Filename:', 'name', 'impf-name', determine_db_name(), 20) + \ WI_InputText('Key:', 'key', 'impf-key', '', 65) + \ WI_InputText('Label:', 'label', 'impf-label', '') + \ WI_Checkbox('reserve', 'true', 'impf-reserve', 'onClick="document.getElementById(\'impf-label\').disabled=document.getElementById(\'impf-reserve\').checked"', ' Reserve') + "
    " + \ WI_InputText('Version:', 'vers', 'impf-vers', '0', 1) + \ "Format:
    " + \ WI_Checkbox('format', 'hex', 'impf-hex', '', ' Hexadecimal, instead of base58') + "
    " + \ WI_Checkbox('format', 'cry', 'impf-cry', 'hidden=true', '') + \ WI_Checkbox('format', 'com', 'impf-com', 'hidden=true', '') + \ WI_Submit('Import key', 'ImportDiv', 'impf-close', 'ajaxImport') + \ WI_CloseButton('ImportDiv', 'impf-close') + \ WI_ReturnDiv('ImportDiv') + \ WI_FormEnd() # WI_RadioButton('format', 'reg', 'impf-reg', 'CHECKED', ' Regular, base 58') + \ # WI_RadioButton('format', 'hex', 'impf-hex', '', ' Hexadecimal, 64 characters long') + \ ImportROForm = WI_FormInit('Import a read-only address (encrypted wallets only):', 'Import', 'divformimportro') + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Directory: ', 'dir', 'irof-dir', determine_db_dir(), 30) + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Filename:', 'name', 'irof-name', determine_db_name(), 20) + \ WI_InputText('Public key (starting with 04): ', 'pub', 'irof-pub', '', 40) + \ WI_InputText('Label: ', 'label', 'irof-label', '') + \ WI_Submit('Import address', 'ImportDiv', 'irof-close', 'ajaxImportRO') + \ WI_CloseButton('ImportRODiv', 'irof-close') + \ WI_ReturnDiv('ImportRODiv') + \ WI_FormEnd() DeleteForm = WI_FormInit('Delete keys from your wallet:', 'Delete', 'divformdelete') + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Directory: ', 'dir', 'd-dir', determine_db_dir(), 40) + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Filename:', 'name', 'd-name', determine_db_name()) + \ WI_InputText('Keys:', 'key', 'd-key', '', 65) + \ "Type:
    " + \ WI_RadioButton('d-type', 'tx', 'd-r-tx', 'CHECKED', ' Transaction (type "all" in "Keys" to delete them all)') + \ WI_RadioButton('d-type', 'key', 'd-r-key', '', ' Bitcoin address') + \ WI_Submit('Delete', 'DeleteDiv', 'd-close', 'ajaxDelete') + \ WI_CloseButton('DeleteDiv', 'd-close') + \ WI_ReturnDiv('DeleteDiv') + \ WI_FormEnd() ImportTxForm = WI_FormInit('Import a transaction into your wallet:', 'ImportTx', 'divformimporttx') + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Directory: ', 'dir', 'it-dir', determine_db_dir(), 40) + \ WI_InputText('Wallet Filename:', 'name', 'it-name', determine_db_name()) + \ WI_InputText('Txk:', 'key', 'it-txk', '', 65) + \ WI_InputText('Txv:', 'label', 'it-txv', '', 65) + \ WI_Submit('Import', 'ImportTxDiv', 'it-close', 'ajaxImportTx') + \ WI_CloseButton('ImportTxDiv', 'it-close') + \ WI_ReturnDiv('ImportTxDiv') + \ WI_FormEnd() BalanceForm = WI_FormInit('Print the balance of a Bitcoin address:', 'Balance', 'divformbalance') + \ WI_InputText('Key:', 'key', 'bf-key', '', 35) + \ WI_Submit('Get balance', 'BalanceDiv', 'gb-close', 'ajaxBalance') + \ WI_CloseButton('BalanceDiv', 'gb-close') + \ WI_ReturnDiv('BalanceDiv') + \ WI_FormEnd() global CTX_adds, addr_to_keys CTX_adds2=CTX_adds.split('|')+addr_to_keys.keys() CreateTxForm = WI_FormInit('Create transaction', 'CTX', 'divformctx') + \ X_if_else("Additional addresses used: " + ', '.join(CTX_adds.split('|'))+"

    ",len(CTX_adds)>0,"No additional addresses used

    ") + \ listtx_txt(CTX_adds) + \ WI_FormEnd() CreateTxForm2 = WI_FormInit('Check addresses funds', 'ListTransactions', 'divformctx') + \ WI_InputText('Addresses: ', 'adds', 'ctx-adds', '', 35) + \ WI_Submit('Check ', '', '', 'ajaxCTx') + \ WI_FormEnd() Misc = '' Javascript = '' # WI_AjaxFunction('Import', 'document.getElementById("ImportDiv").innerHTML = ajaxRequest.responseText;', '"/Import?dir="+document.getElementById("impf-dir").value+"&name="+document.getElementById("impf-name").value+"&key="+document.getElementById("impf-key").value+"&label="+document.getElementById("impf-label").value+"&vers="+document.getElementById("impf-vers").value+"&format="+(document.getElementById("impf-hex").checked?"hex":"reg")+(document.getElementById("impf-reserve").checked?"&reserve=1":"")', 'document.getElementById("ImportDiv").innerHTML = "Loading...";') + \ page = 'Pywallet Web Interface' + header + Javascript + CPPForm + DWForm + MWForm + DKForm + IKForm + DTxForm + InfoForm + ImportForm + ImportTxForm + DeleteForm + BalanceForm + Misc + '' AboutPage="\ Pywallet is a tool to manage wallet files, developped by jackjack. Support thread is on bitcointalk.
    \ To support pywallet's development or if you think it's worth something, you can send anything you want to 1AQDfx22pKGgXnUZFL1e4UKos3QqvRzNh5.\ \

    \ \    ecdsa: "+dep_text_aboutpage('ecdsa' in missing_dep)+"\ \

    Pywallet path:   "+pyw_path+"/"+pyw_filename+"\ " return html_wui(Javascript + \ WI_Endiv(DWForm+DKForm+DTxForm, 'DumpPage', 'Dump', '') + \ WI_Endiv(ImportForm+IKForm+MWForm+ImportTxForm+ImportROForm,'ImportPage', 'Import', "Don't forget to close Bitcoin when you modify your wallet", True) + \ WI_Endiv(DeleteForm,'DeletePage', 'Delete', "Don't forget to close Bitcoin when you modify your wallet", True) + \ WI_Endiv(CPPForm,'PassphrasePage', 'Change passphrase', '', True) + \ WI_Endiv(InfoForm+BalanceForm,'InfoPage', 'Info', '', True) + \ WI_Endiv(CreateTxForm2+CreateTxForm,'TxPage', 'Manage transactions', 'You can here create your own transactions.
    By default, the unspent transactions from addresses previously dumped are shown, but you can add other addresses to check.
    You can\'t create a transaction if you didn\'t dump the private keys of each input beforehand.', True) + \ WI_Endiv(AboutPage,'AboutPage','About','', True) ,check_version_text ) return page def getChild(self, name, request): if name == '': return self else: if name in VIEWS.keys(): return resource.Resource.getChild(self, name, request) else: return WI404() class WIDumpWallet(resource.Resource): def render_GET(self, request): try: wdir=request.args['dir'][0] wname=request.args['name'][0] version = int(request.args['version'][0]) log.msg('Wallet Dir: %s' %(wdir)) log.msg('Wallet Name: %s' %(wname)) if not os.path.isfile(wdir+"/"+wname): return '%s/%s doesn\'t exist'%(wdir, wname) try: bal=request.args['bal'][0]=='true' except: bal=false read_wallet(json_db, create_env(wdir), wname, True, True, "", bal, version) # print wdir # print wname # print json_db #json.dumps(json_db, sort_keys=True, indent=4) try: kfile=request.args['filetw'][0] kkeys=request.args['keys'][0] # print kkeys.split(',') reteak=export_all_keys(json_db, kkeys.split(','), kfile) return 'File'+X_if_else("",reteak," not")+' written' except: return 'Wallet: %s/%s
    '%(wdir, wname, json.dumps(json_db, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) except: log.err() return 'Error in dump page' def render_POST(self, request): return self.render_GET(request) class WIDumpTx(resource.Resource): def render_GET(self, request): try: wdir=request.args['dir'][0] wname=request.args['name'][0] jsonfile=request.args['file'][0] log.msg('Wallet Dir: %s' %(wdir)) log.msg('Wallet Name: %s' %(wname)) if not os.path.isfile(wdir+"/"+wname): return '%s/%s doesn\'t exist'%(wdir, wname) if os.path.isfile(jsonfile): return '%s exists'%(jsonfile) read_wallet(json_db, create_env(wdir), wname, True, True, "", None) write_jsonfile(jsonfile, json_db['tx']) return 'Wallet: %s/%s
    Transations dumped in %s'%(wdir, wname, jsonfile) except: log.err() return 'Error in dumptx page' def render_POST(self, request): return self.render_GET(request) class WIMergeWallets(resource.Resource): def render_GET(self, request): try: dir1=request.args['dir1'][0] name1=request.args['name1'][0] pass1=request.args['pass1'][0] dir2=request.args['dir2'][0] name2=request.args['name2'][0] pass2=request.args['pass2'][0] dirm=request.args['dirm'][0] namem=request.args['namem'][0] passm1=request.args['passm1'][0] passm2=request.args['passm2'][0] if passm1!=passm2: return 'The passphrases for the merged wallet don\'t match. Aborted.' r=merge_wallets(dir1, name1, dir2, name2, dirm, namem, pass1, pass2, passm1) if r[0]: return "Merging in progress..." else: return r[1] return ret except: log.err() return 'Error in mergewallets page' def render_POST(self, request): return self.render_GET(request) class WIChangePP(resource.Resource): def render_GET(self, request): try: global passphrase passphrase=request.args['pp'][0] return 'Done' except: log.err() return 'Error while changing passphrase' def render_POST(self, request): return self.render_GET(request) class WIOthers(resource.Resource): def render_GET(self, request): try: global passphrase global global_merging_message action=request.args['action'][0] if action=="update_mwdiv": ret=global_merging_message[0] global_merging_message[0]=global_merging_message[1] global_merging_message[1]="" return ret return 'Done' except: log.err() return 'Error while WIOthers' def render_POST(self, request): return self.render_GET(request) class WIBalance(resource.Resource): def render_GET(self, request): try: return "%s"%str(balance(balance_site, request.args['key'][0]).encode('utf-8')) except: log.err() return 'Error in balance page' def render_POST(self, request): return self.render_GET(request) class WIDelete(resource.Resource): def render_GET(self, request): try: wdir=request.args['dir'][0] wname=request.args['name'][0] keydel=request.args['keydel'][0] typedel=request.args['typedel'][0] db_env = create_env(wdir) if not os.path.isfile(wdir+"/"+wname): return '%s/%s doesn\'t exist'%(wdir, wname) deleted_items = delete_from_wallet(db_env, wname, typedel, keydel.split('-')) return "%s:%s has been successfully deleted from %s/%s, resulting in %d deleted item%s"%(typedel, keydel, wdir, wname, deleted_items, iais(deleted_items)) except: log.err() return 'Error in delete page' def render_POST(self, request): return self.render_GET(request) def message_to_hash(msg, msgIsHex=False): str = "" # str += '04%064x%064x'%(pubkey.point.x(), pubkey.point.y()) # str += "Padding text - " str += msg if msgIsHex: str = str.decode('hex') hash = Hash(str) return hash def sign_message(secret, msg, msgIsHex=False): k = KEY() k.generate(secret) return k.sign(message_to_hash(msg, msgIsHex)) def verify_message_signature(pubkey, sign, msg, msgIsHex=False): k = KEY() k.set_pubkey(pubkey.decode('hex')) return k.verify(message_to_hash(msg, msgIsHex), sign.decode('hex')) OP_DUP = 118; OP_HASH160 = 169; OP_EQUALVERIFY = 136; OP_CHECKSIG = 172; XOP_DUP = "%02x"%OP_DUP; XOP_HASH160 = "%02x"%OP_HASH160; XOP_EQUALVERIFY = "%02x"%OP_EQUALVERIFY; XOP_CHECKSIG = "%02x"%OP_CHECKSIG; BTC = 1e8 def ct(l_prevh, l_prevn, l_prevsig, l_prevpubkey, l_value_out, l_pubkey_out, is_msg_to_sign=-1, oldScriptPubkey=""): scriptSig = True if is_msg_to_sign is not -1: scriptSig = False index = is_msg_to_sign ret = "" ret += inverse_str("%08x"%1) nvin = len(l_prevh) ret += "%02x"%nvin for i in range(nvin): txin_ret = "" txin_ret2 = "" txin_ret += inverse_str(l_prevh[i]) txin_ret += inverse_str("%08x"%l_prevn[i]) if scriptSig: txin_ret2 += "%02x"%(1+len(l_prevsig[i])/2) txin_ret2 += l_prevsig[i] txin_ret2 += "01" txin_ret2 += "%02x"%(len(l_prevpubkey[i])/2) txin_ret2 += l_prevpubkey[i] txin_ret += "%02x"%(len(txin_ret2)/2) txin_ret += txin_ret2 elif index == i: txin_ret += "%02x"%(len(oldScriptPubkey)/2) txin_ret += oldScriptPubkey else: txin_ret += "00" ret += txin_ret ret += "ffffffff" nvout = len(l_value_out) ret += "%02x"%nvout for i in range(nvout): txout_ret = "" txout_ret += inverse_str("%016x"%(l_value_out[i])) txout_ret += "%02x"%(len(l_pubkey_out[i])/2+5) txout_ret += "%02x"%OP_DUP txout_ret += "%02x"%OP_HASH160 txout_ret += "%02x"%(len(l_pubkey_out[i])/2) txout_ret += l_pubkey_out[i] txout_ret += "%02x"%OP_EQUALVERIFY txout_ret += "%02x"%OP_CHECKSIG ret += txout_ret ret += "00000000" if not scriptSig: ret += "01000000" return ret def create_transaction(secret_key, hashes_txin, indexes_txin, pubkey_txin, prevScriptPubKey, amounts_txout, scriptPubkey): li1 = len(secret_key) li2 = len(hashes_txin) li3 = len(indexes_txin) li4 = len(pubkey_txin) li5 = len(prevScriptPubKey) if li1 != li2 or li2 != li3 or li3 != li4 or li4 != li5: print("Error in the number of tx inputs") exit(0) lo1 = len(amounts_txout) lo2 = len(scriptPubkey) if lo1 != lo2: print("Error in the number of tx outputs") exit(0) sig_txin = [] i=0 for cpt in hashes_txin: sig_txin.append(sign_message(secret_key[i].decode('hex'), ct(hashes_txin, indexes_txin, sig_txin, pubkey_txin, amounts_txout, scriptPubkey, i, prevScriptPubKey[i]), True)+"01") i+=1 tx = ct(hashes_txin, indexes_txin, sig_txin, pubkey_txin, amounts_txout, scriptPubkey) hashtx = Hash(tx.decode('hex')).encode('hex') for i in range(len(sig_txin)): try: verify_message_signature(pubkey_txin[i], sig_txin[i][:-2], ct(hashes_txin, indexes_txin, sig_txin, pubkey_txin, amounts_txout, scriptPubkey, i, prevScriptPubKey[i]), True) print("sig %2d: verif ok"%i) except: print("sig %2d: verif error"%i) exit(0) # tx += end_of_wallettx([], int(time.time())) # return [inverse_str(hashtx), "027478" + hashtx, tx] return [inverse_str(hashtx), "", tx] def inverse_str(string): ret = "" for i in range(len(string)/2): ret += string[len(string)-2-2*i]; ret += string[len(string)-2-2*i+1]; return ret def read_table(table, beg, end): rows = table.split(beg) for i in range(len(rows)): rows[i] = rows[i].split(end)[0] return rows def read_blockexplorer_table(table): cell = [] rows = read_table(table, '', '') for i in range(len(rows)): cell.append(read_table(rows[i], '', '')) del cell[i][0] del cell[0] del cell[0] return cell txin_amounts = {} def bc_address_to_available_tx(address, testnet=False): TN="" if testnet: TN="testnet" blockexplorer_url = "http://blockexplorer.com/"+TN+"/address/" ret = "" txin = [] txin_no = {} global txin_amounts txout = [] balance = 0 txin_is_used = {} page = urllib.urlopen("%s/%s" % (blockexplorer_url, address)) try: table = page.read().split('')[1] table = table.split("
    ")[0] except: return {address:[]} cell = read_blockexplorer_table(table) for i in range(len(cell)): txhash = read_table(cell[i][0], '/tx/', '#')[1] post_hash = read_table(cell[i][0], '#', '">')[1] io = post_hash[0] no_tx = post_hash[1:] if io in 'i': txout.append([txhash, post_hash]) else: txin.append(txhash+no_tx) txin_no[txhash+no_tx] = post_hash[1:] txin_is_used[txhash+no_tx] = 0 #hashblock = read_table(cell[i][1], '/block/', '">')[1] #blocknumber = read_table(cell[i][1], 'Block ', '')[1] txin_amounts[txhash+no_tx] = round(float(cell[i][2]), 8) # if cell[i][3][:4] in 'Sent' and io in 'o': # print(cell[i][3][:4]) # print(io) # return 'error' # if cell[i][3][:4] in 'Rece' and io in 'i': # print(cell[i][3][:4]) # print(io) # return 'error' balance = round(float(cell[i][5]), 8) for tx in txout: pagetx = urllib.urlopen("http://blockexplorer.com/"+TN+"/tx/"+tx[0]) table_in = pagetx.read().split('Outputs')[0].split('')[1].split("
    ")[0] cell = read_blockexplorer_table(table_in) for i in range(len(cell)): txhash = read_table(cell[i][0], '/tx/', '#')[1] no_tx = read_table(cell[i][0], '#', '">')[1][1:] if txhash+no_tx in txin: txin_is_used[txhash+no_tx] = 1 ret = [] for tx in txin: if not txin_is_used[tx]: ret.append([tx,txin_amounts[tx],txin_no[tx]]) return {address : ret} def write_avtx(list_avtx, testnet=False): TN="" if testnet: TN="testnet" gret = "" for add in list_avtx: notnull = False try: hexsec = " -> " + bc_address_to_sec[add] except: hexsec = "" ret = '' a = list_avtx[add] for array in a: notnull = True no_tx = array[0][64:] array[0] = array[0][:64] link = "http://blockexplorer.com/"+TN+"/rawtx/"+array[0] pagetx = urllib.urlopen(link) ScriptPubkey = str(json.loads(pagetx.read())['out'][int(array[2])]['scriptPubKey']) # ret += '' + array[0] + "#" + no_tx + ": " + str(array[1]) + " & " + ScriptPubkey + "
    " ret += '" ret+="" # ret += "
    " + "
    " if notnull is False: ret = "" gret += ret gret=gret[:-len("")] return gret+"
    ' + add + "" + hexsec + '
    ' + array[0] + "" + str(array[1]) + "" + ScriptPubkey + "
    " ct_txin = [] ct_txout = [] empty_txin={'hash':'', 'index':'', 'sig':'##', 'pubkey':'', 'oldscript':'', 'addr':''} empty_txout={'amount':'', 'script':''} class tx(): ins=[] outs=[] tosign=False def hashtypeone(index,script): global empty_txin for i in range(len(ins)): self.ins[i]=empty_txin self.ins[index]['pubkey']="" self.ins[index]['oldscript']=s self.tosign=True def copy(): r=tx() r.ins=self.ins[:] r.outs=self.outs[:] return r def sign(n=-1): if n==-1: for i in range(len(ins)): self.sign(i) return "done" global json_db txcopy=self.copy() txcopy.hashtypeone(i, self.ins[n]['oldscript']) sec='' for k in json_db['keys']: if k['addr']==self.ins[n]['addr'] and 'hexsec' in k: sec=k['hexsec'] if sec=='': print "priv key not found (addr:"+self.ins[n]['addr']+")" return "" self.ins[n]['sig']=sign_message(sec.decode('hex'), txcopy.get_tx(), True) def ser(): r={} r['ins']=self.ins r['outs']=self.outs r['tosign']=self.tosign return json.dumps(r) def unser(r): s=json.loads(r) self.ins=s['ins'] self.outs=s['outs'] self.tosign=s['tosign'] def get_tx(): r='' ret += inverse_str("%08x"%1) ret += "%02x"%len(self.ins) for i in range(len(self.ins)): txin=self.ins[i] ret += inverse_str(txin['hash']) ret += inverse_str("%08x"%txin['index']) if txin['pubkey']!="": tmp += "%02x"%(1+len(txin['sig'])/2) tmp += txin['sig'] tmp += "01" tmp += "%02x"%(len(txin['pubkey'])/2) tmp += txin['pubkey'] ret += "%02x"%(len(tmp)/2) ret += tmp elif txin['oldscript']!="": ret += "%02x"%(len(txin['oldscript'])/2) ret += txin['oldscript'] else: ret += "00" ret += "ffffffff" ret += "%02x"%len(self.outs) for i in range(len(self.outs)): txout=self.outs[i] ret += inverse_str("%016x"%(txout['amount'])) if txout['script'][:2]=='s:': #script script=txout['script'][:2] ret += "%02x"%(len(script)/2) ret += script else: #address ret += "%02x"%(len(txout['script'])/2+5) ret += "%02x"%OP_DUP ret += "%02x"%OP_HASH160 ret += "%02x"%(len(txout['script'])/2) ret += txout['script'] ret += "%02x"%OP_EQUALVERIFY ret += "%02x"%OP_CHECKSIG ret += "00000000" if not self.tosign: ret += "01000000" return ret def listtx_txt(adds): untx_site="http://blockchain.info/unspent?active=" ret='' table="""""" utx=untx_site+adds try: utxs=json.loads(urllib.urlopen(utx).read())["unspent_outputs"] except: return "No inputs" table+="\ \ \ \ \ " for tx in utxs: txhash=str(tx["tx_hash"]).decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') txn=int(tx["tx_output_n"]) txscript=str(tx["script"]) txvalue=int(tx["value"]) table+="" table+="" # table+="" table+="" table+="" if txscript[:6]+txscript[-4:]=="76a91488ac": table+="" table+="" else: table+="" table+="" table+="\n" table+="
    UseTx hashScriptAmount
    \ \ \ \ \ \ "+a+""+txhash+"Address "+hash_160_to_bc_address(txscript[6:-4].decode('hex'))+""+txscript+""+str(txvalue/1e8)+"
    " ret+=table ret+="0 BTC (inputs) - 0 BTC (outputs) = 0 BTC (fee)

    " txouts="" nbretxouts=30 unserouts=["parseFloat(document.getElementById(\"txout_am_"+str(i)+"\").value)" for i in range(nbretxouts)] serouts="+".join(unserouts) for i in range(nbretxouts): txouts+="\ Amount:     Script: \ \ \ \
    " ret+=txouts ret+="" # ret+=WI_Submit('Create', '', '', 'ajaxCTX2') return ret if 'twisted' not in missing_dep: class WIInfo(resource.Resource): def render_GET(self, request): global addrtype try: sec = request.args['key'][0] format = request.args['format'][0] addrtype = int(request.args['vers'][0]) msgIsHex = False msgIsFile = False try: msg = request.args['msg'][0] if msg[0:4] == "Hex:": msg = msg[4:] msgIsHex = True elif msg[0:5] == "File:": msg = msg[5:] if not os.path.isfile(msg): return '%s doesn\'t exist'%(msg) filin = open(msg, 'r') msg = filin.read() filin.close() msgIsFile = True sig = request.args['sig'][0] pubkey = request.args['pubkey'][0] need = int(request.args['need'][0]) except: need = 1 ret = "" if sec is not '': if format in 'reg': pkey = regenerate_key(sec) compressed = is_compressed(sec) elif len(sec) == 64: pkey = EC_KEY(str_to_long(sec.decode('hex'))) compressed = False elif len(sec) == 66: pkey = EC_KEY(str_to_long(sec[:-2].decode('hex'))) compressed = True else: return "Hexadecimal private keys must be 64 characters long" if not pkey: return "Bad private key" secret = GetSecret(pkey) private_key = GetPrivKey(pkey, compressed) public_key = GetPubKey(pkey, compressed) addr = public_key_to_bc_address(public_key) if need & 1: ret += "Address (%s): %s
    "%(aversions[addrtype], addr) ret += "Privkey (%s): %s
    "%(aversions[addrtype], SecretToASecret(secret, compressed)) ret += "Hexprivkey: %s
    "%(secret.encode('hex')) ret += "Hash160: %s
    "%(bc_address_to_hash_160(addr).encode('hex')) # ret += "Inverted hexprivkey: %s
    "%(inversetxid(secret.encode('hex'))) ret += "Pubkey: 04%.64x%.64x
    "%(pkey.pubkey.point.x(), pkey.pubkey.point.y()) ret += X_if_else('

    Beware, 0x%s is equivalent to 0x%.33x'%(secret.encode('hex'), int(secret.encode('hex'), 16)-_r), (int(secret.encode('hex'), 16)>_r), '') if 'ecdsa' not in missing_dep and need & 2: if sec is not '' and msg is not '': if need & 1: ret += "
    " ret += "Signature of '%s' by %s: %s
    Pubkey: 04%.64x%.64x
    "%(X_if_else(msg, not msgIsFile, request.args['msg'][0]), addr, sign_message(secret, msg, msgIsHex), pkey.pubkey.point.x(), pkey.pubkey.point.y()) if sig is not '' and msg is not '' and pubkey is not '': addr = public_key_to_bc_address(pubkey.decode('hex')) try: verify_message_signature(pubkey, sig, msg, msgIsHex) ret += "
    Signature of '%s' by %s is %s
    "%(X_if_else(msg, not msgIsFile, request.args['msg'][0]), addr, sig) except: ret += "
    Signature of '%s' by %s is NOT %s
    "%(X_if_else(msg, not msgIsFile, request.args['msg'][0]), addr, sig) return ret except: log.err() return 'Error in info page' def render_POST(self, request): return self.render_GET(request) class WIImportTx(resource.Resource): def render_GET(self, request): global addrtype try: wdir=request.args['dir'][0] wname=request.args['name'][0] txk=request.args['txk'][0] txv=request.args['txv'][0] d = {} if not os.path.isfile(wdir+"/"+wname): return '%s/%s doesn\'t exist'%(wdir, wname) if txk not in "file": dd = [{'tx_k':txk, 'tx_v':txv}] else: if not os.path.isfile(txv): return '%s doesn\'t exist'%(txv) dd = read_jsonfile(txv) db_env = create_env(wdir) read_wallet(json_db, db_env, wname, True, True, "", None) db = open_wallet(db_env, wname, writable=True) i=0 for tx in dd: d = {'txi':tx['tx_k'], 'txv':tx['tx_v']} print(d) update_wallet(db, "tx", d) i+=1 db.close() return "
    hash: %s\n%d transaction%s imported in %s/%s
    " % (inverse_str(txk[6:]), i, iais(i), wdir, wname)
    				 return 'Error in importtx page'
    			 def render_POST(self, request):
    				 return self.render_GET(request)
    	class WIQuit(resource.Resource):
    		def render_GET(self, request):
    		def render_POST(self, request):
    			return self.render_GET(request)
    	class WICTListTx(resource.Resource):
    		def render_GET(self, request):
    			global CTX_adds
    				return "You must provide at least one address to see the transaction you can spend. Divided by |"
    			return "Refresh to display available incoming transactions"
    		def render_POST(self, request):
    			return self.render_GET(request)
    	class WICT(resource.Resource):
    		def render_GET(self, request):
    			global txin_amounts, json_db
    			display = ""
    				list_sec, list_hin, list_indexes, list_pubs, list_scriptin, list_outam, list_scriptout, list_amin = [[] for i in range(8)]
    				for i in request.args:
    					if i[:4]=='txin' and i[-10:-7]=='use':
    					if i[:4]=='txou' and i.split('_')[2] not in txouts_nos:
    				for no in txouts_nos:
    				  if request.args['txout_am_'+no][0]!='' and request.args['txout_am_'+no][0]!='0':
    				global addr_to_keys
    				for h in txin_to_use:
    					if request.args['txin_'+h+'_add'][0] not in addr_to_keys.keys():
    						return "
    No private key for "+request.args['txin_'+h+'_add'][0]+", please dump a wallet containing this address

    Return to Pywallet" list_hin.append(h) list_indexes.append(request.args['txin_'+h+'_n'][0]) list_scriptin.append(request.args['txin_'+h+'_script'][0]) list_sec.append(addr_to_keys[request.args['txin_'+h+'_add'][0]][0]) list_pubs.append(addr_to_keys[request.args['txin_'+h+'_add'][0]][1]) list_amin.append(request.args['txin_'+h+'_amin'][0]) sec=",".join(list_sec) hashesin=",".join(list_hin) indexes=",".join(list_indexes) pubkeys=",".join(list_pubs) prevspk=",".join(list_scriptin) amins=",".join(list_amin) amounts=",".join(list_outam) spk=",".join(list_scriptout) except: display += "error" return display secret_key = sec.split(',') hashes_txin = hashesin.split(',') indexes_txin = indexes.split(',') for i in range(len(indexes_txin)): indexes_txin[i] = int(indexes_txin[i]) pubkey_txin = pubkeys.split(',') am_txin = amins.split(',') prevScriptPubKey = prevspk.split(',') amounts_txout = amounts.split(',') for i in range(len(amounts_txout)): amounts_txout[i] = int(1e8*float(amounts_txout[i])) spk_txout = spk.split(',') tx = create_transaction(secret_key, hashes_txin, indexes_txin, pubkey_txin, prevScriptPubKey, amounts_txout, spk_txout) display += "Inputs: (go to CTTest before)
    " sum_in = 0 for i in range(len(hashes_txin)): try: # ain = txin_amounts[hashes_txin[i] + ("%d"%indexes_txin[i])] ain=int(am_txin[i])/1e8 aaa = ", %.8f BTC"%ain sum_in += ain except: aaa = "" display += ('%d: %s #%d%s
    ')%(i, hashes_txin[i], indexes_txin[i], hashes_txin[i], indexes_txin[i], aaa) display += "

    " sum_out = 0 for i in range(len(spk_txout)): sum_out += amounts_txout[i]/BTC display += '%.8f BTC to %s
    '%(amounts_txout[i]/BTC, hash_160_to_bc_address(spk_txout[i].decode('hex'))) display += "
    " display += "
    " display += "In: %.8f BTC"%sum_in display += "
    " display += "Out: %.8f BTC"%sum_out display += "
    " display += "Fee: %.8f BTC"%(sum_in-sum_out) display += "
    " display += "
    " display += "
    " display += ("
    Transaction hash: "+tx[0])
    			display += "
    " # display += ("tx_k: "+tx[1]) # display += "
    " display += ("Raw transaction: "+tx[2]) display += "

    " return display def render_POST(self, request): return self.render_GET(request) class WICTTest(resource.Resource): def render_GET(self, request): try: request.args['testnet'][0] testnet=True except: testnet=False list_avtx = {} i = 0 try: for add in request.args['addresses'][0].split(','): print "Address %d: %s"%(i, add) list_avtx[add] = bc_address_to_available_tx(add, testnet)[add] i += 1 print(list_avtx) display = "" display += write_avtx(list_avtx, testnet) except: display="You must provide at least one address to see the transaction you can spend.
    Like this" return display def render_POST(self, request): return self.render_GET(request) class WIImport(resource.Resource): def render_GET(self, request): global addrtype try: pub=request.args['pub'][0] try: wdir=request.args['dir'][0] wname=request.args['name'][0] label=request.args['label'][0] db_env = create_env(wdir) db = open_wallet(db_env, wname, writable=True) update_wallet(db, 'ckey', { 'public_key' : pub.decode('hex'), 'encrypted_private_key' : random_string(96).decode('hex') }) update_wallet(db, 'name', { 'hash' : public_key_to_bc_address(pub.decode('hex')), 'name' : "Read-only: "+label }) db.close() return "Read-only address "+public_key_to_bc_address(pub.decode('hex'))+" imported" except: return "Read-only address "+public_key_to_bc_address(pub.decode('hex'))+" not imported" except: pass try: wdir=request.args['dir'][0] wname=request.args['name'][0] try: #Import a single key addrtype = int(request.args['vers'][0]) format = X_if_else('hex', request.args['format'][0]=='true', 'reg') reserve=request.args.has_key('reserve') label=request.args['label'][0] compressed=request.args['com'][0]=='true' tocrypt=request.args['cry'][0]=='true' sec = request.args['key'][0] except: #Import csv file ret=import_csv_keys(request.args['file'][0],wdir,wname) return "File "+X_if_else("", ret, "not ")+"imported" if format in 'reg': pkey = regenerate_key(sec) compressed = is_compressed(sec) elif len(sec) == 64: pkey = EC_KEY(str_to_long(sec.decode('hex'))) compressed = False elif len(sec) == 66: pkey = EC_KEY(str_to_long(sec[:-2].decode('hex'))) compressed = True else: return "Hexadecimal private keys must be 64 or 66 characters long" if not pkey: return "Bad private key" if not os.path.isfile(wdir+"/"+wname): return '%s/%s doesn\'t exist'%(wdir, wname) db_env = create_env(wdir) ret_read = read_wallet(json_db, db_env, wname, True, True, "", None) tocrypt = ret_read['crypted'] db = open_wallet(db_env, wname, writable=True) secret = GetSecret(pkey) private_key = GetPrivKey(pkey, compressed) public_key = GetPubKey(pkey, compressed) addr = public_key_to_bc_address(public_key) if (format in 'reg' and sec in private_keys) or (format not in 'reg' and sec in private_hex_keys): return "Already exists" if not tocrypt: update_wallet(db, 'key', { 'public_key' : public_key, 'private_key' : private_key }) else: cry_master = json_db['mkey']['encrypted_key'].decode('hex') cry_salt = json_db['mkey']['salt'].decode('hex') cry_rounds = json_db['mkey']['nDerivationIterations'] cry_method = json_db['mkey']['nDerivationMethod'] crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(passphrase, cry_salt, cry_rounds, cry_method) masterkey = crypter.Decrypt(cry_master) crypter.SetKey(masterkey) crypter.SetIV(Hash(public_key)) e = crypter.Encrypt(secret) ck_epk=e update_wallet(db, 'ckey', { 'public_key' : public_key, 'encrypted_private_key' : ck_epk }) if not reserve: update_wallet(db, 'name', { 'hash' : addr, 'name' : label }) db.close() return "
    Address: %s\nPrivkey: %s\nHexkey: %s\nKey (%scrypted, %scompressed) imported in %s/%s
    " % (addr, SecretToASecret(secret, compressed), secret.encode('hex'), X_if_else("",tocrypt,"un"), X_if_else("",compressed,"un"), wdir, wname)
    				 return 'Error in import page'
    			 def render_POST(self, request):
    				 return self.render_GET(request)
    	class WI404(resource.Resource):
    		 def render_GET(self, request):
    			 return 'Page Not Found'
    def update_pyw():
    	if md5_last_pywallet[0] and md5_last_pywallet[1] not in md5_pywallet:
    		if len(dl)>40 and md5_2(dl)==md5_last_pywallet[1]:
    			filout = open(pyw_path+"/"+pyw_filename, 'w')
    			thread.start_new_thread(restart_pywallet, ())
    			return "Updated, restarting..."
    			return "Problem when downloading new version ("+md5_2(dl)+"/"+md5_last_pywallet[1]+")"
    def restart_pywallet():
    	thread.start_new_thread(start_pywallet, ())
    def start_pywallet():
    	a=Popen("python "+pyw_path+"/"+pyw_filename+" --web --port "+str(webport)+" --wait 3", shell=True, bufsize=-1, stdout=PIPE).stdout
    def clone_wallet(parentPath, clonePath):
    	db_env = create_env(parentdir)
    	read_wallet(json_db, db_env, parentname, True, True, "", False)
    	for k in json_db['keys']:
    	for k in json_db['pool']:
    	for addr,label in json_db['names'].items():
    	db_env = create_env(wdir)
    	create_new_wallet(db_env, wname, 60000)
    	db = open_wallet(db_env, wname, True)
    	crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(random_string(64), NPP_salt, NPP_rounds, NPP_method)
    	NPP_EMK = crypter.Encrypt(NPP_MK)
    	update_wallet(db, 'mkey', {
    		"encrypted_key": NPP_EMK,
    		'nDerivationIterations' : NPP_rounds,
    		'nDerivationMethod' : NPP_method,
    		'nID' : 1,
    		'otherParams' : ''.decode('hex'),
    		"salt": NPP_salt
    	read_wallet(json_db, db_env, wname, True, True, "", False)
    	db = open_wallet(db_env, wname, writable=True)
    	update_wallet(db, types, datas, True)
    	print "Wallet successfully cloned to:\n   %s"%clonePath
    import thread
    md5_last_pywallet = [False, ""]
    def retrieve_last_pywallet_md5():
    	global md5_last_pywallet
    	md5_last_pywallet = [True, md5_onlinefile('https://raw.github.com/jackjack-jj/pywallet/master/pywallet.py')]
    from optparse import OptionParser
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    	parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]", version="%prog 1.1")
    	parser.add_option("--passphrase", dest="passphrase",
    		help="passphrase for the encrypted wallet")
    	parser.add_option("--dumpwallet", dest="dump", action="store_true",
    		help="dump wallet in json format")
    	parser.add_option("--dumpwithbalance", dest="dumpbalance", action="store_true",
    		help="includes balance of each address in the json dump, takes about 2 minutes per 100 addresses")
    	parser.add_option("--importprivkey", dest="key",
    		help="import private key from vanitygen")
    	parser.add_option("--importhex", dest="keyishex", action="store_true",
    		help="KEY is in hexadecimal format")
    	parser.add_option("--datadir", dest="datadir",
    		help="wallet directory (defaults to bitcoin default)")
    	parser.add_option("--wallet", dest="walletfile",
    		help="wallet filename (defaults to wallet.dat)",
    	parser.add_option("--label", dest="label",
    		help="label shown in the adress book (defaults to '')",
    	parser.add_option("--testnet", dest="testnet", action="store_true",
    		help="use testnet subdirectory and address type")
    	parser.add_option("--namecoin", dest="namecoin", action="store_true",
    		help="use namecoin address type")
    	parser.add_option("--otherversion", dest="otherversion",
    		help="use other network address type, whose version is OTHERVERSION")
    	parser.add_option("--info", dest="keyinfo", action="store_true",
    		help="display pubkey, privkey (both depending on the network) and hexkey")
    	parser.add_option("--reserve", dest="reserve", action="store_true",
    		help="import as a reserve key, i.e. it won't show in the adress book")
    	parser.add_option("--multidelete", dest="multidelete",
    		help="deletes data in your wallet, according to the file provided")
    	parser.add_option("--balance", dest="key_balance",
    		help="prints balance of KEY_BALANCE")
    	parser.add_option("--web", dest="web", action="store_true",
    		help="run pywallet web interface")
    	parser.add_option("--port", dest="port",
    		help="port of web interface (defaults to 8989)")
    	parser.add_option("--recover", dest="recover", action="store_true",
    		help="recover your deleted keys, use with recov_size and recov_device")
    	parser.add_option("--recov_device", dest="recov_device",
    		help="device to read (e.g. /dev/sda1 or E: or a file)")
    	parser.add_option("--recov_size", dest="recov_size",
    		help="number of bytes to read (e.g. 20Mo or 50Gio)")
    	parser.add_option("--recov_outputdir", dest="recov_outputdir",
    		help="output directory where the recovered wallet will be put")
    	parser.add_option("--clone_watchonly_from", dest="clone_watchonly_from",
    		help="path of the original wallet")
    	parser.add_option("--clone_watchonly_to", dest="clone_watchonly_to",
    		help="path of the resulting watch-only wallet")
    	parser.add_option("--dont_check_walletversion", dest="dcv", action="store_true",
    		help="don't check if wallet version > %d before running (WARNING: this may break your wallet, be sure you know what you do)"%max_version)
    	parser.add_option("--wait", dest="nseconds",
    		help="wait NSECONDS seconds before launch")
    #	parser.add_option("--forcerun", dest="forcerun",
    #		action="store_true",
    #		help="run even if pywallet detects bitcoin is running")
    	(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    #	a=Popen("ps xa | grep ' bitcoin'", shell=True, bufsize=-1, stdout=PIPE).stdout
    #	aread=a.read()
    #	nl = aread.count("\n")
    #	a.close()
    #	if nl > 2:
    #		print('Bitcoin seems to be running: \n"%s"'%(aread))
    #		if options.forcerun is None:
    #			exit(0)
    	if options.nseconds:
    	if options.passphrase:
    		passphrase = options.passphrase
    	if options.clone_watchonly_from is not None and options.clone_watchonly_to:
    		clone_wallet(options.clone_watchonly_from, options.clone_watchonly_to)
    	if options.recover:
    		if options.recov_size is None or options.recov_device is None or options.recov_outputdir is None:
    			print("You must provide the device, the number of bytes to read and the output directory")
    		device = options.recov_device
    		if len(device) in [2,3] and device[1]==':':
    		size = read_device_size(options.recov_size)
    		while passphraseRecov=='':
    			passphraseRecov=raw_input("Enter the passphrase for the wallet that will contain all the recovered keys: ")
    		p=' '
    		print '\nEnter the possible passphrases used in your deleted wallets.'
    		print "Don't forget that more passphrases = more time to test the possibilities."
    		print 'Write one passphrase per line and end with an empty line.'
    		while p!='':
    			p=raw_input("Possible passphrase: ")
    			if p!='':
    		print "\nStarting recovery."
    		recoveredKeys=recov(device, passes, size, 10240, options.recov_outputdir)
    #		print recoveredKeys[0:5]
    		db_env = create_env(options.recov_outputdir)
    		recov_wallet_name = "recovered_wallet_%s.dat"%ts()
    		create_new_wallet(db_env, recov_wallet_name, 32500)
    		if passphraseRecov!="I don't want to put a password on the recovered wallet and I know what can be the consequences.":
    			db = open_wallet(db_env, recov_wallet_name, True)
    			crypter.SetKeyFromPassphrase(passphraseRecov, NPP_salt, NPP_rounds, NPP_method)
    			NPP_EMK = crypter.Encrypt(NPP_MK)
    			update_wallet(db, 'mkey', {
    				"encrypted_key": NPP_EMK,
    				'nDerivationIterations' : NPP_rounds,
    				'nDerivationMethod' : NPP_method,
    				'nID' : 1,
    				'otherParams' : ''.decode('hex'),
    				"salt": NPP_salt
    		read_wallet(json_db, db_env, recov_wallet_name, True, True, "", False)
    		db = open_wallet(db_env, recov_wallet_name, True)
    		print "\n\nImporting:"
    		for i,sec in enumerate(recoveredKeys):
    			print("\nImporting key %4d/%d:"%(i+1, len(recoveredKeys)))
    			importprivkey(db, sec, "recovered: %s"%sec, None, True)
    			importprivkey(db, sec+'01', "recovered: %s"%sec, None, True)
    		print("\n\nThe new wallet %s/%s contains the %d recovered key%s"%(options.recov_outputdir, recov_wallet_name, len(recoveredKeys), iais(len(recoveredKeys))))
    	if 'bsddb' in missing_dep:
    		print("pywallet needs 'bsddb' package to run, please install it")
    	if 'twisted' in missing_dep and options.web is not None:
    		print("'twisted' package is not installed, pywallet web interface can't be launched")
    	if 'ecdsa' in missing_dep:
    		print("'ecdsa' package is not installed, pywallet won't be able to sign/verify messages")
    	if 'twisted' not in missing_dep:
    		VIEWS = {
    			 'DumpWallet': WIDumpWallet(),
    			 'MergeWallets': WIMergeWallets(),
    			 'Import': WIImport(),
    			 'ImportTx': WIImportTx(),
    			 'DumpTx': WIDumpTx(),
    			 'Info': WIInfo(),
    			 'Delete': WIDelete(),
    			 'Balance': WIBalance(),
    			 'ChangePP': WIChangePP(),
    			 'Others': WIOthers(),
    			 'LoadBalances': WICTTest(),
    			 'CTTest': WICTTest(),
    			 'ListTransactions': WICTListTx(),
    			 'CreateTransaction': WICT(),
    			 'CT': WICT(),
    			 'quit': WIQuit()
    	if options.dcv is not None:
    		max_version = 10 ** 9
    	if options.datadir is not None:
    		wallet_dir = options.datadir
    	if options.walletfile is not None:
    		wallet_name = options.walletfile
    	if 'twisted' not in missing_dep and options.web is not None:
    		md5_pywallet = md5_file(pyw_path+"/"+pyw_filename)
    		thread.start_new_thread(retrieve_last_pywallet_md5, ())
    		webport = 8989
    		if options.port is not None:
    			webport = int(options.port)
    		root = WIRoot()
    		for viewName, className in VIEWS.items():
    			root.putChild(viewName, className)
    		log.msg('Starting server: %s' %str(datetime.now()))
    		server = server.Site(root)
    		reactor.listenTCP(webport, server)
    	if options.key_balance is not None:
    		print(balance(balance_site, options.key_balance))
    	if options.dump is None and options.key is None and options.multidelete is None:
    		print "A mandatory option is missing\n"
    	if options.namecoin or options.otherversion is not None:
    		if options.datadir is None and options.keyinfo is None:
    			print("You must provide your wallet directory")
    			if options.namecoin:
    				addrtype = 52
    				addrtype = int(options.otherversion)
    	if options.keyinfo is not None:
    		if not keyinfo(options.key, options.keyishex):
    			print "Bad private key"
    	db_dir = determine_db_dir()
    	if options.testnet:
    		db_dir += "/testnet3"
    		addrtype = 111
    	db_env = create_env(db_dir)
    	if options.multidelete is not None:
    		filin = open(filename, 'r')
    		content = filin.read().split('\n')
    			r=delete_from_wallet(db_env, determine_db_name(), typedel, kd)
    			print '%d element%s deleted'%(r, 's'*(int(r>1)))
    			print "Error: do not try to delete a non-existing transaction."
    	read_wallet(json_db, db_env, determine_db_name(), True, True, "", options.dumpbalance is not None)
    	if json_db.get('minversion') > max_version:
    		print "Version mismatch (must be <= %d)" % max_version
    	if options.dump:
    		print json.dumps(json_db, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    	elif options.key:
    		if json_db['version'] > max_version:
    			print "Version mismatch (must be <= %d)" % max_version
    		elif (options.keyishex is None and options.key in private_keys) or (options.keyishex is not None and options.key in private_hex_keys):
    			print "Already exists"
    			db = open_wallet(db_env, determine_db_name(), writable=True)
    			if importprivkey(db, options.key, options.label, options.reserve, options.keyishex):
    				print "Imported successfully"
    				print "Bad private key"