# Behat Completions for Sublime Text 2 ![Demo](http://jadu.github.io/sublime-behat-completions/images/demo.gif) ## Installation ### Mac OS X ```sh cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages git clone https://github.com/jadu/sublime-behat-completions.git Behat\ Completions ``` #### Configuration Create the user settings file ```sh cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/User open Behat\ Completions.sublime-settings ``` Set the paths: ```json { "behat_executable_path": "/path/to/behat", "behat_config_path": "/path/to/behat.yml" } ``` Now restart Sublime Text ## Usage To use the completions simply type Given, When, Then, And or But and hit tab to open the quick panel with a listing of all available steps. Type in the quick panel to filter the steps and hit enter to select a step.