The current Maintainers Group for the Jaeger Project consists of: | Name | Employer | Responsibilities | | ---- | -------- | ---------------- | | [@albertteoh]( | PackSmith | ALL | | [@jkowall]( | Aiven | ALL | | [@joe-elliott]( | Grafana Labs | ALL | | [@mahadzaryab1]( | Bloomberg | ALL | | [@pavolloffay]( | RedHat | ALL | | [@yurishkuro]( | Meta | ALL | This list must be kept in sync with the [CNCF Project Maintainers list]( See [the project Governance](./ for how maintainers are selected and replaced. ### Emeritus Maintainers We are grateful to our former maintainers for their contributions to the Jaeger project. * [@black-adder]( * [@jpkrohling]( * [@objectiser]( * [@tiffon]( * [@vprithvi]( ### Maintainer Onboarding Upon approval, the following steps should be taken to onboard the new maintainer: * **1. Update Project Documentation** * **`` File:** Merge the PR to add the new maintainer to the `` file(s) in the relevant Jaeger repositories. * **2. Grant Permissions** * **GitHub:** Add the new maintainer to the `@jaegertracing/jaeger-maintainers` GitHub team. This grants them write access to the Jaeger repositories. * **CNCF Mailing List:** Add the new maintainer to the `` mailing list (and any other relevant Jaeger mailing lists). Contact the existing `cncf-jaeger-maintainers` to find out the precise process for adding to the mailing list, it will likely involve getting in touch with the CNCF. * **CNCF Maintainer Registry:** * Create a PR against the `cncf/foundation` repository to add the new maintainer's information to the `project-maintainers.csv` file. The following fields are required: * Reference the PR in the `cncf-jaeger-maintainers` mailing list. * **Signing Keys:** * Jaeger uses a GPG key for encrypted emails sent to the maintainers for security reports along with access to the `maintainers-only` GitHub repository. This key is stored in our 1password repository. * **1Password:** Connect with an existing maintainer to be added to our jaegertracing 1Password team. * **3. Announcement** * Announce the new maintainer to the Jaeger community through the mailing list, blog, or other appropriate channels. ### Maintainer Offboarding The process for removing a maintainer is similar to adding one. A maintainer can step down voluntarily or be removed by a vote of the other maintainers if they are no longer fulfilling their responsibilities or are violating the project's Code of Conduct. A supermajority vote is needed to remove a maintainer. Their access should be revoked from all relevant tools, and the project documentation updated accordingly.