--- title: "Jakarta Wombat Spec 1.0" date: YYYY-MM-DD summary: "Change to the Jakarta Wombat spec for feature X." --- ### New features, enhancements or additions * ### Removals, deprecations or backwards incompatible changes * ### Minimum Java SE Version **** # Details * [Jakarta Wombat 1.0 Release Record](https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/ee4j.wombat/releases/1.0) * [Jakarta Wombat 1.0 Specification Document](./jakarta-wombat-spec-1.0.pdf) (PDF) * [Jakarta Wombat 1.0 Specification Document](./jakarta-wombat-spec-1.0.html) (HTML) * [Jakarta Wombat 1.0 Javadoc](./apidocs) * [Jakarta Wombat 1.0 XML Schema](https://jakarta.ee/xml/ns/jakartaee/wombat-1.0.xsd) * [Jakarta Wombat 1.0 TCK](http://downloads.eclipse.org/jakarta/wombat/1.0.0/wombat-tck-1.0.0.zip) * Maven coordinates * [jakarta.wombat:jakarta.wombat-api:jar:1.0.0](https://search.maven.org/artifact/jakarta.wombat/jakarta.wombat-api/1.0.0/jar) * Compatible Implementations used for [ratification](https://www.eclipse.org/projects/efsp/?version=1.2#efsp-ratification). * [Eclipse Vombatidae 9.1.1](https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/vombatidae) # Compatible Implementations * [Apache Marsupials 5.7](https://apache.org/marsupials) * [Eclipse Vombatidae 9.1.1](https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/vombatidae) # Ballots ## Release Review The Release Review Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on 2019-12-01 with the following results. | | Yes | No | Abstain | |-----------------------|---------|---------|----------| |Fujitsu | ✓ | | | |IBM | ✓ | | | |Oracle | ✓ | | | |Payara | ✓ | | | |Red Hat | ✓ | | | |Tomitribe | ✓ | | | |EE4J PMC | ✓ | | | |Participant Members | | ✓ | | |Committer Members | ✓ | | | ## Plan Review The Plan Review Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on 2019-09-31 with the following results. | | Yes | No | Abstain | |-----------------------|---------|-----|----------| |Fujitsu | ✓ | | | |IBM | ✓ | | | |Oracle | ✓ | | | |Payara | ✓ | | | |Red Hat | ✓ | | | |Tomitribe | ✓ | | | |EE4J PMC | ✓ | | | |Participant Members | ✓ | | | |Committer Members | ✓ | | |