import sqlite3 import sys import argparse import os import json import operator import shutil import smtplib import requests import base64 import cloudinary import cloudinary.uploader import cloudinary.api import imghdr import time import logging import traceback from base64 import b64encode from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import date, timedelta from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.MIMEImage import MIMEImage from email.header import Header from email.utils import formataddr from xml.etree.ElementTree import XML SCRIPT_VERSION = 'v0.9.3' def replaceConfigTokens(): ## The below code is for backwards compatibility if ('filter_include_original_title' not in config): config['filter_include_original_title'] = True if ('logging_enabled' not in config): config['logging_enabled'] = True if ('plex_web_server_guid' not in config): config['plex_web_server_guid'] = '' if ('upload_cloudinary_use_https' not in config): config['upload_cloudinary_use_https'] = True if ('logging_retain_previous_logs' not in config): config['logging_retain_previous_logs'] = True if ('logging_debug_level' not in config): config['logging_debug_level'] = 'INFO' if ('logging_file_location' not in config): config['logging_file_location'] = '' if ('upload_cloudinary_api_secret' not in config): config['upload_cloudinary_api_secret'] = True if ('artist_sort_1' not in config.keys() or config['artist_sort_1'] == ""): config['artist_sort_1'] = 'title_sort' if ('artist_sort_1_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['artist_sort_1_reverse'] == ""): config['artist_sort_1_reverse'] = False if ('artist_sort_2_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['artist_sort_2_reverse'] == ""): config['artist_sort_2_reverse'] = False if ('artist_sort_3_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['artist_sort_3_reverse'] == ""): config['artist_sort_3_reverse'] = False if ('album_sort_1' not in config.keys() or config['album_sort_1'] == ""): config['album_sort_1'] = 'title_sort' if ('album_sort_1_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['album_sort_1_reverse'] == ""): config['album_sort_1_reverse'] = False if ('album_sort_2_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['album_sort_2_reverse'] == ""): config['album_sort_2_reverse'] = False if ('album_sort_3_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['album_sort_3_reverse'] == ""): config['album_sort_3_reverse'] = False if ('msg_new_artists_header' not in config): config['msg_new_artists_header'] = 'New Artists' if ('msg_new_albums_header' not in config): config['msg_new_albums_header'] = 'New Albums' if ('msg_new_songs_header' not in config): config['msg_new_songs_header'] = 'New Songs' if ('msg_artists_link' not in config): config['msg_artists_link'] = 'Artists' if ('msg_albums_link' not in config): config['msg_albums_link'] = 'Albums' if ('msg_songs_link' not in config): config['msg_songs_link'] = 'Songs' if ('filter_show_artists' not in config): config['filter_show_artists'] = True if ('filter_show_albums' not in config): config['filter_show_albums'] = True if ('filter_show_songs' not in config): config['filter_show_songs'] = False if ('filter_sections_Music' not in config): config['filter_sections_Music'] = {'tagline':{'order':1,'show':False,'preText':'','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'summary':{'order':2,'show':True,'preText':'','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'tags_genre':{'order':3,'show':True,'preText':'Genre(s): ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'tags_director':{'order':4,'show':False,'preText':'Director: ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'tags_star':{'order':5,'show':False,'preText':'Star(s): ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'content_rating':{'order':6,'show':False,'preText':'ContentRating: ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'duration':{'order':7,'show':True,'preText':'Runtime: ','postText':' minutes','include':[],'exclude':[]},'year':{'order':8,'show':False,'preText':'Year: ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'studio':{'order':9,'show':True,'preText':'Network: ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'rating':{'order':10,'show':False,'preText':'Rating: ','postText':'%','include':[],'exclude':[]},'air_date':{'order':11,'show': True,'preText':'Release Date: ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[],'format': '%B %d, %Y'},'track_list':{'order':12,'show': True,'headerText':{'trackNumber':'Track#','songName':'Song Name','artistName':'Artist(s)','duration':'Duration'}}} if ('filter_artists_include' not in config): config['filter_artists_include'] = [] if ('filter_artists_exclude' not in config): config['filter_artists_exclude'] = [] if ('filter_albums_include' not in config): config['filter_albums_include'] = [] if ('filter_albums_exclude' not in config): config['filter_albums_exclude'] = [] if ('filter_songs_include' not in config): config['filter_songs_include'] = [] if ('filter_songs_exclude' not in config): config['filter_songs_exclude'] = [] if ('filter_song_thumbnail_type' not in config): config['filter_song_thumbnail_type'] = 'album' if ('filter_movies_include' not in config): config['filter_movies_include'] = [] if ('filter_movies_exclude' not in config): config['filter_movies_exclude'] = [] if ('filter_shows_include' not in config): config['filter_shows_include'] = [] if ('filter_shows_exclude' not in config): config['filter_shows_exclude'] = [] if ('filter_seasons_include' not in config): config['filter_seasons_include'] = [] if ('filter_seasons_exclude' not in config): config['filter_seasons_exclude'] = [] if ('filter_episodes_include' not in config): config['filter_episodes_include'] = [] if ('filter_episodes_exclude' not in config): config['filter_episodes_exclude'] = [] if ('filter_episode_thumbnail_type' not in config): config['filter_episode_thumbnail_type'] = 'episode' if ('email_unsubscribe' not in config): config['email_unsubscribe'] = [] if ('email_use_bcc' not in config): config['email_use_bcc'] = False if ('email_to_send_to_shared_users' not in config): config['email_to_send_to_shared_users'] = False if ('plex_username' not in config): config['plex_username'] = '' if ('plex_password' not in config): config['plex_password'] = '' if ('filter_show_email_images' not in config): config['filter_show_email_images'] = True if ('msg_notice' not in config): config['msg_notice'] = '' if ('email_use_ssl' not in config): config['email_use_ssl'] = False if ('filter_include_plex_web_link' not in config): config['filter_include_plex_web_link'] = True if ('filter_libraries' not in config): config['filter_libraries'] = [] if ('filter_sections_movies' not in config): config['filter_include_sections_movies'] = {'tagline':{'order':1,'show':True,'preText':'','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'summary':{'order':2,'show':True,'preText':'','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'tags_genre':{'order':3,'show':True,'preText':'Genre(s): ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'tags_director':{'order':4,'show':False,'preText':'Director: ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'tags_star':{'order':5,'show':True,'preText':'Star(s): ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'content_rating':{'order':6,'show':False,'preText':'ContentRating: ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'duration':{'order':7,'show':True,'preText':'Runtime: ','postText':' minutes','include':[],'exclude':[]},'year':{'order':8,'show':True,'preText':'Year: ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'studio':{'order':9,'show':False,'preText':'Studio: ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'rating':{'order':10,'show':True,'preText':'Rating: ','postText':'%','include':[],'exclude':[]}} if ('filter_sections_TV' not in config): config['filter_include_sections_TV'] = {'tagline':{'order':1,'show':True,'preText':'','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'summary':{'order':2,'show':True,'preText':'','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'tags_genre':{'order':3,'show':False,'preText':'Genre(s): ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'tags_director':{'order':4,'show':False,'preText':'Director: ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'tags_star':{'order':5,'show':False,'preText':'Star(s): ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'content_rating':{'order':6,'show':False,'preText':'ContentRating: ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'duration':{'order':7,'show':True,'preText':'Runtime: ','postText':' minutes','include':[],'exclude':[]},'year':{'order':8,'show':False,'preText':'Year: ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'studio':{'order':9,'show':True,'preText':'Network: ','postText':'','include':[],'exclude':[]},'rating':{'order':10,'show':False,'preText':'Rating: ','postText':'%','include':[],'exclude':[]}} if ('web_only_save_images' not in config): config['web_only_save_images'] = False if ('filter_show_movies' not in config): config['filter_show_movies'] = True if ('filter_show_shows' not in config): config['filter_show_shows'] = True if ('filter_show_seasons' not in config): config['filter_show_seasons'] = True if ('filter_show_episodes' not in config): config['filter_show_episodes'] = True if ('date_minutes_back_to_search' not in config): config['date_minutes_back_to_search'] = 0 if ('msg_no_new_content' not in config): config['msg_no_new_content'] = 'There have been no new additions to Plex from {past_day} through {current_day}.' if ('email_skip_if_no_additions' not in config): config['email_skip_if_no_additions'] = False if ('web_skip_if_no_additions' not in config): config['web_skip_if_no_additions'] = False if ('date_days_back_to_search' not in config and 'days_back_to_search' in config): config['date_days_back_to_search'] = config['days_back_to_search'] if ('movie_sort_1' not in config.keys() or config['movie_sort_1'] == ""): config['movie_sort_1'] = 'rating' if ('movie_sort_2' not in config.keys() or config['movie_sort_2'] == ""): config['movie_sort_2'] = 'title_sort' if ('movie_sort_1_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['movie_sort_1_reverse'] == ""): config['movie_sort_1_reverse'] = True if ('movie_sort_2_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['movie_sort_2_reverse'] == ""): config['movie_sort_2_reverse'] = False if ('movie_sort_3_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['movie_sort_3_reverse'] == ""): config['movie_sort_3_reverse'] = False if ('show_sort_1' not in config.keys() or config['show_sort_1'] == ""): config['show_sort_1'] = 'title_sort' if ('show_sort_1_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['show_sort_1_reverse'] == ""): config['show_sort_1_reverse'] = False if ('show_sort_2_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['show_sort_2_reverse'] == ""): config['show_sort_2_reverse'] = False if ('show_sort_3_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['show_sort_3_reverse'] == ""): config['show_sort_3_reverse'] = False if ('season_sort_1' not in config.keys() or config['season_sort_1'] == ""): config['season_sort_1'] = 'title_sort' if ('season_sort_2' not in config.keys() or config['season_sort_2'] == ""): config['season_sort_2'] = 'index' if ('season_sort_1_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['season_sort_1_reverse'] == ""): config['season_sort_1_reverse'] = False if ('season_sort_2_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['season_sort_2_reverse'] == ""): config['season_sort_2_reverse'] = False if ('season_sort_3_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['season_sort_3_reverse'] == ""): config['season_sort_3_reverse'] = False if ('episode_sort_1' not in config.keys() or config['episode_sort_1'] == ""): config['episode_sort_1'] = 'show_title_sort' if ('episode_sort_2' not in config.keys() or config['episode_sort_2'] == ""): config['episode_sort_2'] = 'season_index' if ('episode_sort_3' not in config.keys() or config['episode_sort_3'] == ""): config['episode_sort_3'] = 'index' if ('episode_sort_1_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['episode_sort_1_reverse'] == ""): config['episode_sort_1_reverse'] = False if ('episode_sort_2_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['episode_sort_2_reverse'] == ""): config['episode_sort_2_reverse'] = False if ('episode_sort_3_reverse' not in config.keys() or config['episode_sort_3_reverse'] == ""): config['episode_sort_3_reverse'] = False # The below code is replacing tokens if (config['web_domain'].rfind('/') < len(config['web_domain']) - len('/')): config['web_domain'] = config['web_domain'] + '/' if (config['date_days_back_to_search'] == 31): now = if (now.month == 1): config['date_days_back_to_search'] = calendar.monthrange(now.year - 1, 12)[1] else: config['date_days_back_to_search'] = calendar.monthrange(now.year, now.month - 1)[1] for value in config: if (isinstance(config[value], str)): config[value] = config[value].replace('{past_day}', str(( - timedelta(days=config['date_days_back_to_search'], hours=config['date_hours_back_to_search'], minutes=config['date_minutes_back_to_search'])).strftime(config['date_format']))) config[value] = config[value].replace('{current_day}', str(['date_format']))) config[value] = config[value].replace('{website}', config['web_domain'] + config['web_path']) config[value] = config[value].replace('{path_sep}', os.path.sep) if (config['plex_data_folder'].rfind(os.path.sep) < len(config['plex_data_folder']) - len(os.path.sep)): config['plex_data_folder'] = config['plex_data_folder'] + os.path.sep if (config['plex_data_folder'].find('Plex Media Server') >= 0): config['plex_data_folder'] = config['plex_data_folder'][0:config['plex_data_folder'].find('Plex Media Server')] if (config['web_folder'].rfind(os.path.sep) < len(config['web_folder']) - len(os.path.sep)): config['web_folder'] = config['web_folder'] + os.path.sep if (config['web_domain'] != '' and config['web_domain'].rfind('/') < len(config['web_domain']) - len('/')): config['web_domain'] = config['web_domain'] + '/' if (config['logging_file_location'].rfind(os.path.sep) < len(config['logging_file_location']) - len(os.path.sep)): config['logging_file_location'] = config['logging_file_location'] + os.path.sep def convertToHumanReadable(valuesToConvert): convertedValues = {} for value in valuesToConvert: convertedValues[value] = valuesToConvert[value] convertedValues[value + '_filter'] = [valuesToConvert[value]] if (not valuesToConvert[value]): continue if (value == 'duration'): if (valuesToConvert['real_duration']): convertedValues[value] = str(valuesToConvert['real_duration'] // 1000 // 60) else: convertedValues[value] = str(valuesToConvert[value] // 1000 // 60) elif (value == 'rating'): convertedValues[value] = str(int(valuesToConvert[value] * 10)) elif (value == 'tags_genre' or value == 'tags_star' or value == 'tags_director'): convertedValues[value + '_filter'] = valuesToConvert[value].split('|') convertedValues[value] = valuesToConvert[value].replace('|', ', ') return convertedValues def getSharedUserEmails():'getSharedUserEmails: begin') emails = [] if (config['plex_username'] == '' or config['plex_password'] == ''): return emails url = '''getSharedUserEmails: url = ' + url) base64string = 'Basic ' + base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (config['plex_username'], config['plex_password'])).replace('\n', '') headers = {'Authorization': base64string, 'X-Plex-Client-Identifier': 'plexEmail'} logging.debug('getSharedUserEmails: headers = ' + str(headers)) response =, headers=headers)'getSharedUserEmails: response = ' + str(response))'getSharedUserEmails: response = ' + str(response.text)) token = json.loads(response.text)['user']['authentication_token'];'getSharedUserEmails: token = ' + token) url = '''getSharedUserEmails: url = ' + url) headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Plex-Token': token} logging.debug('getSharedUserEmails: headers = ' + str(headers)) response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)'getSharedUserEmails: response = ' + str(response))'getSharedUserEmails: response = ' + str(response.text.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))) parsed = XML(response.text.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) for elem in parsed: for name, value in sorted(elem.attrib.items()): if (name == 'email'):'getSharedUserEmails: adding email - ' + value.lower()) emails.append(value.lower())'getSharedUserEmails: Returning shared emails') logging.debug('getSharedUserEmails: email list - ' + ' '.join(emails)) return emails def deleteImages():'deleteImages: begin') folder = config['web_folder'] + config['web_path'] + os.path.sep + 'images' + os.path.sep'deleteImages: deleting images from: ' + folder) for file in os.listdir(folder): if (file.endswith('.jpg')): logging.debug('deleteImages: deleting image: ' + folder + file) os.remove(folder + file)'deleteImages: end') def processImage(imageHash, thumb, mediaType, seasonIndex, episodeIndex):'processImage: begin')'processImage: imageHash = ' + imageHash + ' - thumb = ' + thumb + ' - mediaType = ' + mediaType + ' - seasonIndex = ' + str(seasonIndex) + ' - episodeIndex = ' + str(episodeIndex)) thumbObj = {} imgLocation = '' if (not thumb or thumb == ''):'processImage: thumb is either null or empty, returning no image') thumbObj['webImgPath'] = '' thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = '' return thumbObj if (thumb.find('http://') >= 0 or thumb.find('https://') >= 0):'processImage: thumb is already an externally hosted image') thumbObj['webImgPath'] = thumb thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = thumb return thumbObj else: if (thumb.find('media://') >= 0):'processImage: thumb begins with media://') thumb = thumb[8:len(thumb)] imgName = thumb[thumb.rindex('/') + 1:thumb.rindex('.')] + hash imgLocation = config['plex_data_folder'] + 'Plex Media Server' + os.path.sep + 'Media' + os.path.sep + 'localhost' + os.path.sep + '' + thumb elif (thumb.find('upload://') >= 0):'processImage: thumb begins with upload://') thumb = thumb[9:len(thumb)] category = thumb[0:thumb.index('/')] imgName = thumb[thumb.rindex('/') + 1:len(thumb)] if (mediaType == 'movie'): type = "Movies" else: type = "TV Shows" imgLocation = config['plex_data_folder'] + 'Plex Media Server' + os.path.sep + 'Metadata' + os.path.sep + type + os.path.sep + imageHash[0] + os.path.sep + imageHash[1:len(imageHash)] + '.bundle' + os.path.sep + 'Uploads' + os.path.sep + category + os.path.sep + imgName else: thumb = thumb[11:len(thumb)] category = thumb[0:thumb.index('/')] imgName = thumb[thumb.index('_') + 1:len(thumb)] if (mediaType == 'movie'): indexer = thumb[thumb.index('/') + 1:thumb.index('_')] imgLocation = config['plex_data_folder'] + 'Plex Media Server' + os.path.sep + 'Metadata' + os.path.sep + 'Movies' + os.path.sep + imageHash[0] + os.path.sep + imageHash[1:len(imageHash)] + '.bundle' + os.path.sep + 'Contents' + os.path.sep + '_stored' + os.path.sep + thumb elif (mediaType == 'show'): indexer = thumb[thumb.index('/') + 1:thumb.index('_')] imgLocation = config['plex_data_folder'] + 'Plex Media Server' + os.path.sep + 'Metadata' + os.path.sep + 'TV Shows' + os.path.sep + imageHash[0] + os.path.sep + imageHash[1:len(imageHash)] + '.bundle' + os.path.sep + 'Contents' + os.path.sep + '_stored' + os.path.sep + thumb elif (mediaType == 'season'): indexer = thumb[thumb.index('posters/') + 8:thumb.index('_')] imgLocation = config['plex_data_folder'] + 'Plex Media Server' + os.path.sep + 'Metadata' + os.path.sep + 'TV Shows' + os.path.sep + imageHash[0] + os.path.sep + imageHash[1:len(imageHash)] + '.bundle' + os.path.sep + 'Contents' + os.path.sep + '_stored' + os.path.sep + thumb elif (mediaType == 'episode'): indexer = thumb[thumb.index('thumbs/') + 7:thumb.index('_')] imgLocation = config['plex_data_folder'] + 'Plex Media Server' + os.path.sep + 'Metadata' + os.path.sep + 'TV Shows' + os.path.sep + imageHash[0] + os.path.sep + imageHash[1:len(imageHash)] + '.bundle' + os.path.sep + 'Contents' + os.path.sep + '_stored' + os.path.sep + thumb elif (mediaType == 'artist'): indexer = thumb[thumb.index('posters/') + 8:thumb.index('_')] imgLocation = config['plex_data_folder'] + 'Plex Media Server' + os.path.sep + 'Metadata' + os.path.sep + 'Artists' + os.path.sep + imageHash[0] + os.path.sep + imageHash[1:len(imageHash)] + '.bundle' + os.path.sep + 'Contents' + os.path.sep + '_stored' + os.path.sep + thumb elif (mediaType == 'album'): indexer = thumb[thumb.index('posters/') + 8:thumb.index('_')] imgLocation = config['plex_data_folder'] + 'Plex Media Server' + os.path.sep + 'Metadata' + os.path.sep + 'Albums' + os.path.sep + imageHash[0] + os.path.sep + imageHash[1:len(imageHash)] + '.bundle' + os.path.sep + 'Contents' + os.path.sep + '_stored' + os.path.sep + thumb imgName += '_' + imageHash webImgFullPath = config['web_domain'] + config['web_path'] + '/images/' + imgName + '.jpg' img = config['web_folder'] + config['web_path'] + os.path.sep + 'images' + os.path.sep + imgName + '.jpg''processImage: imgLocation = ' + imgLocation)'processImage: webImgFullPath = ' + webImgFullPath)'processImage: img = ' + img) cloudinaryURL = '' if ('upload_use_cloudinary' in config and config['upload_use_cloudinary']):'processImage: Uploading to cloudinary') thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = webImgFullPath #imgurURL = uploadToImgur(imgLocation, imgName) cloudinaryURL = uploadToCloudinary(imgLocation) elif (config['web_enabled'] and config['email_use_web_images']):'processImage: Hosting image on local web server') thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = webImgFullPath elif (os.path.isfile(imgLocation)):'processImage: Attaching images to email') imgNames['Image_' + imgName] = imgLocation thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = 'cid:Image_' + imgName else:'processImage: No email image') thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = '' if (cloudinaryURL != ''):'processImage: Setting image paths to cloudinary') thumbObj['webImgPath'] = cloudinaryURL thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = cloudinaryURL elif (os.path.isfile(imgLocation) and config['web_enabled']):'processImage: Setting image paths to local and copying image to web folder') try: shutil.copy(imgLocation, img) except EnvironmentError, e: logging.warning('processImage: Failed to copy image - ' + repr(e)) thumbObj['emailImgPath'] = '' thumbObj['webImgPath'] = '' else: thumbObj['webImgPath'] = 'images/' + imgName + '.jpg' else: thumbObj['webImgPath'] = '' return thumbObj def uploadToImgur(imgToUpload, nameOfUpload): client_id = 'a0c7b089b62b220' headers = {"Authorization": "Client-ID " + client_id} url = "" if (os.path.isfile(imgToUpload)): response = url, headers = headers, data = { 'image': b64encode(open(imgToUpload, 'rb').read()), 'type': 'base64', 'name': nameOfUpload + '.jpg', 'title': nameOfUpload } ) data = json.loads(response.text)['data']; return data['link'] else: return '' def uploadToCloudinary(imgToUpload):'uploadToCloudinary: begin') if (os.path.isfile(imgToUpload)): if (os.path.islink(imgToUpload)): imgToUpload = os.path.realpath(imgToUpload) if (imghdr.what(imgToUpload)):'uploadToCloudinary: start upload to cloudinary') response = cloudinary.uploader.upload(imgToUpload)'uploadToCloudinary: response = ' + str(response)) url = response['secure_url'] if (config['upload_cloudinary_use_https']) else response['url']'uploadToCloudinary: url = ' + url) return url else:'uploadToCloudinary: not an image') return '' else:'uploadToCloudinary: file not located') return '' def containsnonasciicharacters(str): return not all(ord(c) < 128 for c in str) def addheader(message, headername, headervalue): if containsnonasciicharacters(headervalue): h = Header(headervalue, 'utf-8') message[headername] = h else: message[headername] = headervalue return message def sendMail(email): #First check if email is in the unsubscribe list if email != '' and email[0].upper() in (name.upper() for name in config['email_unsubscribe']): print email[0] + ' is in the unsubscribe list. Do not send an email.' return 0; gmail_user = config['email_username'] gmail_pwd = config['email_password'] smtp_address = config['email_smtp_address'] smtp_port = config['email_smtp_port'] use_ssl = config['email_use_ssl'] FROM = formataddr((str(Header(config['email_from_name'])), config['email_from'])) if ('email_from_name' in config) else config['email_from'] TO = email if (email != '') else config['email_to'] SUBJECT = config['msg_email_subject'] # Create message container - the correct MIME type is multipart/alternative. msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg = addheader(msg, 'Subject', SUBJECT) msg['From'] = FROM # Create the body of the message (a plain-text and an HTML version). text = config['msg_email_teaser'] # Record the MIME types of both parts - text/plain and text/html. if containsnonasciicharacters(emailHTML): htmltext = MIMEText(emailHTML, 'html','utf-8') else: htmltext = MIMEText(emailHTML, 'html') if(containsnonasciicharacters(text)): plaintext = MIMEText(text,'plain','utf-8') else: plaintext = MIMEText(text,'plain') #Create image headers for image in imgNames: fp = open(imgNames[image], 'rb') msgImage = MIMEImage(, _subtype="jpg") fp.close() msgImage.add_header('Content-ID', '<' + image + '>') msg.attach(msgImage) # Attach parts into message container. # According to RFC 2046, the last part of a multipart message, in this case # the HTML message, is best and preferred. msg.attach(plaintext) msg.attach(htmltext) if (not config['email_use_bcc']): msg['To'] = ", ".join(TO) if (not use_ssl): server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_address, smtp_port) server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.login(gmail_user, gmail_pwd) server.sendmail(FROM, TO, msg.as_string()) server.close() else: server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtp_address, smtp_port) server.ehlo() server.login(gmail_user, gmail_pwd) server.sendmail(FROM, TO, msg.as_string()) server.close() return 1; def createEmailHTML(): emailText = """ """ + config['msg_web_title'] + """

""" + config['msg_email_teaser'] + """

""" + config['msg_header1'] + """

""" + config['msg_header2'] + """

""" + config['msg_header3'] + """

""" emailText += emailNotice if (movieCount > 0 and config['filter_show_movies']): emailText += emailMovies + '
 ' if (showCount > 0 and config['filter_show_shows']): emailText += emailTVShows + '
 ' if (seasonCount > 0 and config['filter_show_seasons']): emailText += emailTVSeasons + '
 ' if (episodeCount > 0 and config['filter_show_episodes']): emailText += emailTVEpisodes if (artistCount > 0 and config['filter_show_artists']): emailText += emailArtists + '
 ' if (albumCount > 0 and config['filter_show_albums']): emailText += emailAlbums + '
 ' if (songCount > 0 and config['filter_show_songs']): emailText += emailSongs if(not hasNewContent): emailText += """

""" + config['msg_no_new_content'] + """

""" emailText += """
""" return emailText def createWebHTML(): htmlText = """ """ + config['msg_web_title'] + """

""" + config['msg_header1'] + """

""" + config['msg_header2'] + """

""" htmlText += htmlNotice if (movieCount > 0 and config['filter_show_movies']): htmlText += htmlMovies + '
 ' if (showCount > 0 and config['filter_show_shows']): htmlText += htmlTVShows + '
 ' if (seasonCount > 0 and config['filter_show_seasons']): htmlText += htmlTVSeasons + '
 ' if (episodeCount > 0 and config['filter_show_episodes']): htmlText += htmlTVEpisodes if (artistCount > 0 and config['filter_show_artists']): htmlText += htmlArtists + '
 ' if (albumCount > 0 and config['filter_show_albums']): htmlText += htmlAlbums + '
 ' if (songCount > 0 and config['filter_show_songs']): htmlText += htmlSongs if(not hasNewContent): htmlText += """

""" + config['msg_no_new_content'] + """

""" htmlText += """
""" return htmlText def exceptionHandler(type, value, tb): logging.error("Logging an uncaught exception", exc_info=(type, value, tb)) # # # Main Code # # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This script aggregates all new TV and movie releases for the past x days then writes to your web directory and sends out an email.') parser.add_argument('-c','--configfile', help='The path to a config file to be used in the running of this instance of the script.', default=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) + os.path.sep + 'config.conf', required=False) parser.add_argument('-t','--test', help='Run this script in test mode - Sends email only to sender', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-n','--notice', help='Add a one-time message to the email/web page') parser.add_argument('--version', help='Display the version of the script file', action='store_true') args = vars(parser.parse_args()) if ('version' in args and args['version']): print 'Script Version: ' + SCRIPT_VERSION sys.exit() if ('configfile' in args): configFile = args['configfile'] if (not os.path.isfile(configFile)): print configFile + ' does not exist' sys.exit() config = {} execfile(configFile, config) replaceConfigTokens() if (config['logging_enabled']): numeric_level = getattr(logging, config['logging_debug_level'], None) file_mode = 'a' if (config['logging_retain_previous_logs']) else 'w' if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): numeric_level = getattr(logging, 'INFO') if (config['logging_file_location'] != ''): logging.basicConfig(level=numeric_level, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s:%(message)s', filename=config['logging_file_location'] + 'plexEmail.log', filemode=file_mode) else: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) + os.path.sep + 'logs'): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) + os.path.sep + 'logs') logging.basicConfig(level=numeric_level, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s:%(message)s', filename=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) + os.path.sep + 'logs' + os.path.sep + 'plexEmail.log', filemode=file_mode) sys.excepthook = exceptionHandler testMode = False if ('test' in args):'Test flag is set to ' + str(args['test'])) testMode = args['test'] else:'Test flag not found.') if ('notice' in args and args['notice']):'Notice passed in: ' + args['notice']) config['msg_notice'] = args['notice'] if ('upload_use_cloudinary' in config and config['upload_use_cloudinary']):'Setting Cloudinary config values') cloudinary.config( cloud_name = config['upload_cloudinary_cloud_name'], api_key = config['upload_cloudinary_api_key'], api_secret = config['upload_cloudinary_api_secret'], upload_prefix = '' if ('upload_cloudinary_use_https' in config and config['upload_cloudinary_use_https']) else '' ) logging.debug('Cloudinary config: ' + str(cloudinary.config)) plexWebLink = '' if (config['filter_include_plex_web_link']): if (config['plex_web_server_guid'] != ''): plexWebLink = '!/server/' + config['plex_web_server_guid'] + '/details?key=%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F' else:'Including Plex Web Link - Getting machine identifier from the DLNA DB') DLNA_DB_FILE = config['plex_data_folder'] + 'Plex Media Server' + os.path.sep + 'Plug-in Support' + os.path.sep + 'Databases' + os.path.sep + 'com.plexapp.dlna.db''DLNA_DB_FILE = ' + DLNA_DB_FILE) if (os.path.isfile(DLNA_DB_FILE)): try: shutil.copyfile(DLNA_DB_FILE, DLNA_DB_FILE + '_plexemail') con = sqlite3.connect(DLNA_DB_FILE + '_plexemail') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT machine_identifier FROM remote_servers WHERE url LIKE "";') for row in cur: plexWebLink = '!/server/' + row[0] + '/details?key=%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F''plexWebLink = ' + plexWebLink) cur.close() del cur con.close() os.remove(DLNA_DB_FILE + '_plexemail') except sqlite3.OperationalError: logging.warning(DLNA_DB_FILE + ' is locked or does not have the correct permissions') else: logging.warning(DLNA_DB_FILE + ' does not exist') DATABASE_FILE = config['plex_data_folder'] + 'Plex Media Server' + os.path.sep + 'Plug-in Support' + os.path.sep + 'Databases' + os.path.sep + 'com.plexapp.plugins.library.db' if (not os.path.isfile(DATABASE_FILE)): logging.error(DATABASE_FILE + ' does not exist. Please make sure the plex_data_folder value is correct.') print DATABASE_FILE + ' does not exist. Please make sure the plex_data_folder value is correct.' sys.exit() shutil.copyfile(DATABASE_FILE, DATABASE_FILE + '_plexemail') con = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE + '_plexemail') con.text_factory = str with con: libraryFilter = '' if (config['filter_libraries']):'Getting IDs of libraries to filter') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT id, name FROM library_sections;') for row in cur: if (row[1].lower() in (library.lower() for library in config['filter_libraries'])): if (libraryFilter == ''): libraryFilter = ' AND (' libraryFilter += 'MD.library_section_id != ' + str(row[0]) else: libraryFilter += ' AND MD.library_section_id != ' + str(row[0]) if (libraryFilter != ''): libraryFilter += ') ' logging.debug('libraryFilter = ' + libraryFilter) cur.close() del cur dateSearch = 'datetime(\'now\', \'localtime\', \'-' + str(config['date_days_back_to_search']) + ' days\', \'-' + str(config['date_hours_back_to_search']) + ' hours\', \'-' + str(config['date_minutes_back_to_search']) + ' minutes\')' logging.debug('dateSearch for DB query = ' + dateSearch) dbQuery = "SELECT, MD.parent_id, MD.metadata_type, MD.title, MD.title_sort, MD.original_title, MD.rating, MD.tagline, MD.summary, MD.content_rating, MD.duration, MD.user_thumb_url, MD.tags_genre, MD.tags_director, MD.tags_star, MD.year, MD.hash, MD.[index],, ME.duration, MD.originally_available_at FROM metadata_items MD LEFT OUTER JOIN media_items ME ON = ME.metadata_item_id WHERE added_at >= " + dateSearch + " AND metadata_type >= 1 AND metadata_type <= 10 " + libraryFilter + " ORDER BY title_sort;"'Executing DB query: ' + dbQuery) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(dbQuery) response = {}; logging.debug('Response:') for row in cur: response[row[0]] = {'id': row[0], 'parent_id': row[1], 'metadata_type': row[2], 'title': row[3], 'title_sort': row[4], 'original_title': row[5], 'rating': row[6], 'tagline': row[7], 'summary': row[8], 'content_rating': row[9], 'duration': row[10], 'user_thumb_url': row[11], 'tags_genre': row[12], 'tags_director': row[13], 'tags_star': row[14], 'year': row[15], 'hash': row[16], 'index': row[17], 'studio': row[18], 'real_duration': row[19], 'air_date': row[20]} logging.debug(response[row[0]]) cur.close() del cur emailNotice = '' htmlNotice = '' if (config['msg_notice']):'Generating html for the notice: ' + config['msg_notice']) emailNotice = """
""" + config['msg_notice'] + """

 """ htmlNotice = """

""" + config['msg_notice'] + """
""" emailMovies = """

""" + config['msg_new_movies_header'] + """

 """ htmlMovies = """

""" + config['msg_new_movies_header'] + """

""" emailTVShows = """

""" + config['msg_new_shows_header'] + """

 """ htmlTVShows = """

""" + config['msg_new_shows_header'] + """

""" emailTVSeasons = """

""" + config['msg_new_seasons_header'] + """

 """ htmlTVSeasons = """

""" + config['msg_new_seasons_header'] + """

""" emailTVEpisodes = """

""" + config['msg_new_episodes_header'] + """

 """ htmlTVEpisodes = """

""" + config['msg_new_episodes_header'] + """

""" emailArtists = """

""" + config['msg_new_artists_header'] + """

 """ htmlArtists = """

""" + config['msg_new_artists_header'] + """

""" emailAlbums = """

""" + config['msg_new_albums_header'] + """

 """ htmlAlbums= """

""" + config['msg_new_albums_header'] + """

""" emailSongs = """

""" + config['msg_new_songs_header'] + """

 """ htmlSongs = """

""" + config['msg_new_songs_header'] + """

""" movies = {} tvShows = {} tvSeasons = {} tvEpisodes = {} artists = {} albums = {} songs = {} imgNames = {} movieCount = 0 showCount = 0 seasonCount = 0 episodeCount = 0 artistCount = 0 albumCount = 0 songCount = 0 if (config['web_enabled'] and 'web_delete_previous_images' in config and config['web_delete_previous_images']): deleteImages() for item in response: #Handle New Movies if (response[item]['metadata_type'] == 1): movies[response[item]['id']] = response[item] #TV if (response[item]['metadata_type'] == 2): tvShows[response[item]['id']] = response[item] if (response[item]['metadata_type'] == 3): tvSeasons[response[item]['id']] = response[item] if (response[item]['metadata_type'] == 4): tvEpisodes[response[item]['id']] = response[item] #Music if (response[item]['metadata_type'] == 8): artists[response[item]['id']] = response[item] if (response[item]['metadata_type'] == 9): albums[response[item]['id']] = response[item] if (response[item]['metadata_type'] == 10): songs[response[item]['id']] = response[item] if ('movie_sort_3' in config and config['movie_sort_3'] != ''): movies = OrderedDict(sorted(movies.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['movie_sort_3']], reverse=config['movie_sort_3_reverse'])) if ('movie_sort_2' in config and config['movie_sort_2'] != ''): movies = OrderedDict(sorted(movies.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['movie_sort_2']], reverse=config['movie_sort_2_reverse'])) if ('movie_sort_1' in config and config['movie_sort_1'] != ''): movies = OrderedDict(sorted(movies.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['movie_sort_1']], reverse=config['movie_sort_1_reverse'])) for movie in movies: movies[movie] = convertToHumanReadable(movies[movie]) title = '' if (config['filter_include_original_title'] and 'original_title' in movies[movie] and movies[movie]['original_title'] != ''): title += movies[movie]['original_title'] + ' AKA ' title += movies[movie]['title'] hash = str(movies[movie]['hash']) imageInfo = {} imageInfo['thumb'] = movies[movie]['user_thumb_url'] imageInfo = processImage(hash, imageInfo['thumb'], 'movie', 0, 0) skipItem = False emailText = '' htmlText = '' if (config['filter_include_plex_web_link']): pwLink = plexWebLink + str(movies[movie]['id']) else: pwLink = '' emailText += '' if (config['filter_show_email_images']): emailText += '' emailText += '
' emailText += '' emailText += '

' + title.decode('utf-8') + '

' htmlText += '
' htmlText += '' htmlText += '

' + title.decode('utf-8') + '

' sections = config['filter_sections_movies'] for section in sorted(sections.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1]['order']): if (movies[movie][section[0]] in sections[section[0]]['exclude'] or len(set(movies[movie][section[0] + '_filter']).intersection(sections[section[0]]['exclude'])) > 0 or (sections[section[0]]['include'] and movies[movie][section[0]] not in sections[section[0]]['include'] and len(set(movies[movie][section[0] + '_filter']).intersection(sections[section[0]]['include'])) == 0)): skipItem = True if (sections[section[0]]['show'] and movies[movie][section[0]] and movies[movie][section[0]] != ''): displayText = str(movies[movie][section[0]]) if ('format' in sections[section[0]] and sections[section[0]]['format'] != ''): displayText = time.strftime(sections[section[0]]['format'], time.strptime(displayText, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) emailText += '

' + sections[section[0]]['preText'].decode('utf-8') + displayText.decode('utf-8') + sections[section[0]]['postText'].decode('utf-8') + '

' htmlText += '

' + sections[section[0]]['preText'].decode('utf-8') + displayText.decode('utf-8') + sections[section[0]]['postText'].decode('utf-8') + '

' emailText += '

 ' htmlText += '

 ' titleFilter = [] if (movies[movie]['title'] in config['filter_movies_exclude'] or len(set(titleFilter).intersection(config['filter_movies_exclude'])) > 0 or (config['filter_movies_include'] and movies[movie]['title'] not in config['filter_movies_include'] and len(set(titleFilter).intersection(config['filter_movies_include'])) == 0)): skipItem = True if (not skipItem): movieCount += 1 emailMovies += emailText htmlMovies += htmlText if ('show_sort_3' in config and config['show_sort_3'] != ''): tvShows = OrderedDict(sorted(tvShows.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['show_sort_3']], reverse=config['show_sort_3_reverse'])) if ('show_sort_2' in config and config['show_sort_2'] != ''): tvShows = OrderedDict(sorted(tvShows.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['show_sort_2']], reverse=config['show_sort_2_reverse'])) if ('show_sort_1' in config and config['show_sort_1'] != ''): tvShows = OrderedDict(sorted(tvShows.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['show_sort_1']], reverse=config['show_sort_1_reverse'])) for show in tvShows: tvShows[show] = convertToHumanReadable(tvShows[show]) title = '' if (config['filter_include_original_title'] and 'original_title' in tvShows[show] and tvShows[show]['original_title'] != ''): title += tvShows[show]['original_title'] + ' AKA ' title += tvShows[show]['title'] hash = str(tvShows[show]['hash']) imageInfo = {} imageInfo['thumb'] = tvShows[show]['user_thumb_url'] imageInfo = processImage(hash, imageInfo['thumb'], 'show', 0, 0) skipItem = False emailText = '' htmlText = '' if (config['filter_include_plex_web_link']): pwLink = plexWebLink + str(tvShows[show]['id']) else: pwLink = '' emailText += '' if (config['filter_show_email_images']): emailText += '' emailText += '

' + title.decode('utf-8') + '

' htmlText += '
' htmlText += '' htmlText += '

' + title.decode('utf-8') + '

' sections = config['filter_sections_TV'] for section in sorted(sections.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1]['order']): if (tvShows[show][section[0]] in sections[section[0]]['exclude'] or len(set(tvShows[show][section[0] + '_filter']).intersection(sections[section[0]]['exclude'])) > 0 or (sections[section[0]]['include'] and tvShows[show][section[0]] not in sections[section[0]]['include'] and len(set(tvShows[show][section[0] + '_filter']).intersection(sections[section[0]]['include'])) == 0)): skipItem = True if (sections[section[0]]['show'] and tvShows[show][section[0]] and tvShows[show][section[0]] != ''): displayText = str(tvShows[show][section[0]]) if ('format' in sections[section[0]] and sections[section[0]]['format'] != ''): displayText = time.strftime(sections[section[0]]['format'], time.strptime(displayText, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) emailText += '

' + sections[section[0]]['preText'].decode('utf-8') + displayText.decode('utf-8') + sections[section[0]]['postText'].decode('utf-8') + '

' htmlText += '

' + sections[section[0]]['preText'].decode('utf-8') + displayText.decode('utf-8') + sections[section[0]]['postText'].decode('utf-8') + '

' emailText += '

 ' htmlText += '
 ' titleFilter = [] if (tvShows[show]['title'] in config['filter_shows_exclude'] or len(set(titleFilter).intersection(config['filter_shows_exclude'])) > 0 or (config['filter_shows_include'] and tvShows[show]['title'] not in config['filter_shows_include'] and len(set(titleFilter).intersection(config['filter_shows_include'])) == 0)): skipItem = True if (not skipItem): showCount += 1 emailTVShows += emailText htmlTVShows += htmlText for season in tvSeasons: cur2 = con.cursor() cur2.execute("SELECT title, title_sort, original_title, rating, tagline, summary, content_rating, duration, tags_genre, tags_director, tags_star, year, hash, user_thumb_url, studio FROM metadata_items WHERE id = " + str(tvSeasons[season]['parent_id']) + ";") for row in cur2: tvSeasons[season]['title'] = row[0] tvSeasons[season]['title_sort'] = row[1] tvSeasons[season]['original_title'] = row[2] tvSeasons[season]['rating'] = row[3] tvSeasons[season]['tagline'] = row[4] tvSeasons[season]['summary'] = row[5] tvSeasons[season]['content_rating'] = row[6] tvSeasons[season]['duration'] = row[7] tvSeasons[season]['tags_genre'] = row[8] tvSeasons[season]['tags_director'] = row[9] tvSeasons[season]['tags_star'] = row[10] tvSeasons[season]['year'] = row[11] tvSeasons[season]['parent_hash'] = row[12] tvSeasons[season]['parent_thumb_url'] = row[13] tvSeasons[season]['studio'] = row[14] cur2.close() del cur2 if ('season_sort_3' in config and config['season_sort_3'] != ''): tvSeasons = OrderedDict(sorted(tvSeasons.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['season_sort_3']], reverse=config['season_sort_3_reverse'])) if ('season_sort_2' in config and config['season_sort_2'] != ''): tvSeasons = OrderedDict(sorted(tvSeasons.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['season_sort_2']], reverse=config['season_sort_2_reverse'])) if ('season_sort_1' in config and config['season_sort_1'] != ''): tvSeasons = OrderedDict(sorted(tvSeasons.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['season_sort_1']], reverse=config['season_sort_1_reverse'])) for season in tvSeasons: tvSeasons[season] = convertToHumanReadable(tvSeasons[season]) title = '' if (config['filter_include_original_title'] and 'original_title' in tvSeasons[season] and tvSeasons[season]['original_title'] != ''): title += tvSeasons[season]['original_title'] + ' AKA ' title += tvSeasons[season]['title'] imageInfo = {} if (tvSeasons[season]['user_thumb_url'] != ''): imageInfo['thumb'] = tvSeasons[season]['user_thumb_url'] hash = str(tvSeasons[season]['parent_hash']) imageInfo = processImage(hash, imageInfo['thumb'], 'season', tvSeasons[season]['index'], 0) else: imageInfo['thumb'] = tvSeasons[season]['parent_thumb_url'] hash = str(tvSeasons[season]['parent_hash']) imageInfo = processImage(hash, imageInfo['thumb'], 'show', 0, 0) skipItem = False emailText = '' htmlText = '' if (config['filter_include_plex_web_link']): pwLink = plexWebLink + str(tvSeasons[season]['id']) else: pwLink = '' emailText += '' if (config['filter_show_email_images']): emailText += '' emailText += '

' + title.decode('utf-8') + '

' emailText += '

Season ' + str(tvSeasons[season]['index']) + '

' htmlText += '
' htmlText += '' htmlText += '

' + title.decode('utf-8') + '

' htmlText += '

Season ' + str(tvSeasons[season]['index']) + '

' sections = config['filter_sections_TV'] for section in sorted(sections.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1]['order']): if (tvSeasons[season][section[0]] in sections[section[0]]['exclude'] or len(set(tvSeasons[season][section[0] + '_filter']).intersection(sections[section[0]]['exclude'])) > 0 or (sections[section[0]]['include'] and tvSeasons[season][section[0]] not in sections[section[0]]['include'] and len(set(tvSeasons[season][section[0] + '_filter']).intersection(sections[section[0]]['include'])) == 0)): skipItem = True if (sections[section[0]]['show'] and tvSeasons[season][section[0]] and tvSeasons[season][section[0]] != ''): displayText = str(tvSeasons[season][section[0]]) if ('format' in sections[section[0]] and sections[section[0]]['format'] != ''): displayText = time.strftime(sections[section[0]]['format'], time.strptime(displayText, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) emailText += '

' + sections[section[0]]['preText'].decode('utf-8') + displayText.decode('utf-8') + sections[section[0]]['postText'].decode('utf-8') + '

' htmlText += '

' + sections[section[0]]['preText'].decode('utf-8') + displayText.decode('utf-8') + sections[section[0]]['postText'].decode('utf-8') + '

' emailText += '

 ' htmlText += '
 ' titleFilter = [] if (tvSeasons[season]['title'] in config['filter_seasons_exclude'] or len(set(titleFilter).intersection(config['filter_seasons_exclude'])) > 0 or (config['filter_seasons_include'] and tvSeasons[season]['title'] not in config['filter_seasons_include'] and len(set(titleFilter).intersection(config['filter_seasons_include'])) == 0)): skipItem = True if (not skipItem): seasonCount += 1 emailTVSeasons += emailText htmlTVSeasons += htmlText modifiedTVEpisodes = dict(tvEpisodes) for episode in tvEpisodes: logging.debug('main: hash = ' + tvEpisodes[episode]['hash']) logging.debug('main: user_thumb_url = ' + tvEpisodes[episode]['user_thumb_url']) cur2 = con.cursor() if (tvEpisodes[episode]['parent_id']):'main: tvEpisodes[episode][\'parent_id\'] = ' + str(tvEpisodes[episode]['parent_id'])) cur2.execute("SELECT user_thumb_url, parent_id, [index], hash FROM metadata_items WHERE id = ?;", (str(tvEpisodes[episode]['parent_id']),)) for row in cur2: tvEpisodes[episode]['season_thumb_url'] = row[0] parent_id = row[1] tvEpisodes[episode]['season_index'] = row[2] tvEpisodes[episode]['season_hash'] = row[3] logging.debug('main: season_hash = ' + row[3]) logging.debug('main: season_thumb_url = ' + row[0]) cur3 = con.cursor() cur3.execute("SELECT title, title_sort, original_title, content_rating, duration, tags_genre, tags_star, hash, user_thumb_url, studio FROM metadata_items WHERE id = " + str(parent_id) + ";") for row2 in cur3: tvEpisodes[episode]['show_title'] = row2[0] tvEpisodes[episode]['show_title_sort'] = row2[1] tvEpisodes[episode]['show_original_title'] = row2[2] tvEpisodes[episode]['content_rating'] = row2[3] tvEpisodes[episode]['duration'] = row2[4] tvEpisodes[episode]['tags_genre'] = row2[5] tvEpisodes[episode]['tags_star'] = row2[6] tvEpisodes[episode]['show_hash'] = row2[7] logging.debug('main: show_hash = ' + row2[7]) tvEpisodes[episode]['show_thumb_url'] = row2[8] logging.debug('main: show_thumb_url = ' + row2[8]) tvEpisodes[episode]['studio'] = row2[9] cur3.close() del cur3 else:'main: tvEpisodes[episode][\'parent_id\'] = None') del modifiedTVEpisodes[episode] cur2.close() del cur2 tvEpisodes = dict(modifiedTVEpisodes) if ('episode_sort_3' in config and config['episode_sort_3'] != ''): tvEpisodes = OrderedDict(sorted(tvEpisodes.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['episode_sort_3']], reverse=config['episode_sort_3_reverse'])) if ('episode_sort_2' in config and config['episode_sort_2'] != ''): tvEpisodes = OrderedDict(sorted(tvEpisodes.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['episode_sort_2']], reverse=config['episode_sort_2_reverse'])) if ('episode_sort_1' in config and config['episode_sort_1'] != ''): tvEpisodes = OrderedDict(sorted(tvEpisodes.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['episode_sort_1']], reverse=config['episode_sort_1_reverse'])) for episode in tvEpisodes: if (tvEpisodes[episode]['parent_id'] not in tvSeasons): tvEpisodes[episode] = convertToHumanReadable(tvEpisodes[episode]) showTitle = '' if (config['filter_include_original_title'] and 'original_title' in tvEpisodes[episode] and tvEpisodes[episode]['show_original_title'] != ''): showTitle += tvEpisodes[episode]['show_original_title'] + ' AKA ' showTitle += tvEpisodes[episode]['show_title'] title = '' if (config['filter_include_original_title'] and 'original_title' in tvEpisodes[episode] and tvEpisodes[episode]['original_title'] != ''): title += tvEpisodes[episode]['original_title'] + ' AKA ' title += tvEpisodes[episode]['title'] imageInfo = {} imageTypeToUse = 'show' if (tvEpisodes[episode]['show_thumb_url'] != '' and config['filter_episode_thumbnail_type'] == 'show') else 'season' if (tvEpisodes[episode]['season_thumb_url'] != '' and config['filter_episode_thumbnail_type'] == 'season') else 'episode' if (tvEpisodes[episode]['user_thumb_url'] != '') else '''main: imageTypeToUse = ' + imageTypeToUse) if (imageTypeToUse == 'episode'): imageInfo['thumb'] = tvEpisodes[episode]['user_thumb_url'] hash = str(tvEpisodes[episode]['show_hash']) imageInfo = processImage(hash, imageInfo['thumb'], 'episode', tvEpisodes[episode]['season_index'], tvEpisodes[episode]['index']) elif (imageTypeToUse == 'season'): imageInfo['thumb'] = tvEpisodes[episode]['season_thumb_url'] hash = str(tvEpisodes[episode]['show_hash']) imageInfo = processImage(hash, imageInfo['thumb'], 'season', tvEpisodes[episode]['season_index'], 0) elif (imageTypeToUse == 'show'): imageInfo['thumb'] = tvEpisodes[episode]['show_thumb_url'] hash = str(tvEpisodes[episode]['show_hash']) imageInfo = processImage(hash, imageInfo['thumb'], 'show', 0, 0) skipItem = False emailText = '' htmlText = '' if (config['filter_include_plex_web_link']): pwLink = plexWebLink + str(tvEpisodes[episode]['id']) else: pwLink = '' emailText += '' if (config['filter_show_email_images'] and len(imageInfo) != 0): emailText += '' emailText += '

' + showTitle.decode('utf-8') + '

' emailText += '

S' + str(tvEpisodes[episode]['season_index']) + ' E' + str(tvEpisodes[episode]['index']) + ': ' + title.decode('utf-8') + '

' htmlText += '
' if (len(imageInfo) != 0): htmlText += '' htmlText += '

' + showTitle.decode('utf-8') + '

' htmlText += '

S' + str(tvEpisodes[episode]['season_index']) + ' E' + str(tvEpisodes[episode]['index']) + ': ' + title.decode('utf-8') + '

' sections = config['filter_sections_TV'] for section in sorted(sections.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1]['order']): if (tvEpisodes[episode][section[0]] in sections[section[0]]['exclude'] or len(set(tvEpisodes[episode][section[0] + '_filter']).intersection(sections[section[0]]['exclude'])) > 0 or (sections[section[0]]['include'] and tvEpisodes[episode][section[0]] not in sections[section[0]]['include'] and len(set(tvEpisodes[episode][section[0] + '_filter']).intersection(sections[section[0]]['include'])) == 0)): skipItem = True if (sections[section[0]]['show'] and tvEpisodes[episode][section[0]] and tvEpisodes[episode][section[0]] != ''): displayText = str(tvEpisodes[episode][section[0]]) if ('format' in sections[section[0]] and sections[section[0]]['format'] != ''): displayText = time.strftime(sections[section[0]]['format'], time.strptime(displayText, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) emailText += '

' + sections[section[0]]['preText'].decode('utf-8') + displayText.decode('utf-8') + sections[section[0]]['postText'].decode('utf-8') + '

' htmlText += '

' + sections[section[0]]['preText'].decode('utf-8') + displayText.decode('utf-8') + sections[section[0]]['postText'].decode('utf-8') + '

' emailText += '

 ' htmlText += '
 ' titleFilter = [] if (tvEpisodes[episode]['show_title'] in config['filter_episodes_exclude'] or len(set(titleFilter).intersection(config['filter_episodes_exclude'])) > 0 or (config['filter_episodes_include'] and tvEpisodes[episode]['show_title'] not in config['filter_episodes_include'] and len(set(titleFilter).intersection(config['filter_episodes_include'])) == 0)): skipItem = True if (not skipItem): episodeCount += 1 emailTVEpisodes += emailText htmlTVEpisodes += htmlText if ('artist_sort_3' in config and config['artist_sort_3'] != ''): artists = OrderedDict(sorted(artists.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['artist_sort_3']], reverse=config['artist_sort_3_reverse'])) if ('artist_sort_2' in config and config['artist_sort_2'] != ''): artists = OrderedDict(sorted(artists.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['artist_sort_2']], reverse=config['artist_sort_2_reverse'])) if ('artist_sort_1' in config and config['artist_sort_1'] != ''): artists = OrderedDict(sorted(artists.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['artist_sort_1']], reverse=config['artist_sort_1_reverse'])) for artist in artists: artists[artist] = convertToHumanReadable(artists[artist]) title = '' if (config['filter_include_original_title'] and 'original_title' in artists[artist] and artists[artist]['original_title'] != ''): title += artists[artist]['original_title'] + ' AKA ' title += artists[artist]['title'] hash = str(artists[artist]['hash']) imageInfo = {} imageInfo['thumb'] = artists[artist]['user_thumb_url'] imageInfo = processImage(hash, imageInfo['thumb'], 'artist', 0, 0) skipItem = False emailText = '' htmlText = '' if (config['filter_include_plex_web_link']): pwLink = plexWebLink + str(artists[artist]['id']) else: pwLink = '' emailText += '' if (config['filter_show_email_images']): emailText += '' emailText += '

' + title.decode('utf-8') + '

' htmlText += '
' htmlText += '' htmlText += '

' + title.decode('utf-8') + '

' sections = config['filter_sections_Music'] for section in sorted(sections.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1]['order']): if (section[0] != 'track_list'): if (artists[artist][section[0]] in sections[section[0]]['exclude'] or len(set(artists[artist][section[0] + '_filter']).intersection(sections[section[0]]['exclude'])) > 0 or (sections[section[0]]['include'] and artists[artist][section[0]] not in sections[section[0]]['include'] and len(set(artists[artist][section[0] + '_filter']).intersection(sections[section[0]]['include'])) == 0)): skipItem = True if (sections[section[0]]['show'] and artists[artist][section[0]] and artists[artist][section[0]] != ''): displayText = str(artists[artist][section[0]]) if ('format' in sections[section[0]] and sections[section[0]]['format'] != ''): displayText = time.strftime(sections[section[0]]['format'], time.strptime(displayText, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) emailText += '

' + sections[section[0]]['preText'].decode('utf-8') + displayText.decode('utf-8') + sections[section[0]]['postText'].decode('utf-8') + '

' htmlText += '

' + sections[section[0]]['preText'].decode('utf-8') + displayText.decode('utf-8') + sections[section[0]]['postText'].decode('utf-8') + '

' emailText += '

 ' htmlText += '
 ' titleFilter = [] if (artists[artist]['title'] in config['filter_artists_exclude'] or len(set(titleFilter).intersection(config['filter_artists_exclude'])) > 0 or (config['filter_artists_include'] and artists[artist]['title'] not in config['filter_artists_include'] and len(set(titleFilter).intersection(config['filter_artists_include'])) == 0)): skipItem = True if (not skipItem): artistCount += 1 emailArtists += emailText htmlArtists += htmlText for album in albums: cur2 = con.cursor() cur2.execute("SELECT title, title_sort, original_title, rating, tagline, summary, content_rating, duration, tags_genre, tags_director, tags_star, year, hash, user_thumb_url, studio FROM metadata_items WHERE id = " + str(albums[album]['parent_id']) + ";") for row in cur2: albums[album]['title'] = row[0] + ' - ' + albums[album]['title'] albums[album]['title_sort'] = row[1] + ' - ' + albums[album]['title_sort'] albums[album]['original_title'] = row[2] albums[album]['rating'] = row[3] albums[album]['tagline'] = row[4] albums[album]['summary'] = row[5] albums[album]['content_rating'] = row[6] albums[album]['duration'] = row[7] albums[album]['tags_genre'] = row[8] albums[album]['tags_director'] = row[9] albums[album]['tags_star'] = row[10] albums[album]['year'] = row[11] albums[album]['parent_hash'] = row[12] albums[album]['parent_thumb_url'] = row[13] albums[album]['studio'] = row[14] cur2.close() del cur2 cur2 = con.cursor() cur2.execute("SELECT, MD.title, MD.title_sort, MD.original_title, MD.[index], ME.duration, ME.audio_codec FROM metadata_items MD LEFT OUTER JOIN media_items ME ON = ME.metadata_item_id WHERE parent_id = " + str(albums[album]['id']) + ";") albums[album]['tracks'] = {} for row in cur2: duration = row[5] try: duration /= 1000 seconds = duration % 60 duration /= 60 minutes = duration % 60 duration /= 60 hours = duration duration = str(hours) + ':' if (hours > 0) else '' duration += str(minutes).zfill(2) + ':' + str(seconds).zfill(2) except TypeError: duration = 'N/A' albums[album]['tracks'][row[4]] = {'id': row[0], 'title': row[1], 'title_sort': row[2], 'original_title': row[3], 'index': row[4], 'duration': duration, 'codec': row[6]} cur2.close() del cur2 if ('album_sort_3' in config and config['album_sort_3'] != ''): albums = OrderedDict(sorted(albums.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['album_sort_3']], reverse=config['album_sort_3_reverse'])) if ('album_sort_2' in config and config['album_sort_2'] != ''): albums = OrderedDict(sorted(albums.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['album_sort_2']], reverse=config['album_sort_2_reverse'])) if ('album_sort_1' in config and config['album_sort_1'] != ''): albums = OrderedDict(sorted(albums.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['album_sort_1']], reverse=config['album_sort_1_reverse'])) for album in albums: albums[album] = convertToHumanReadable(albums[album]) title = '' if (config['filter_include_original_title'] and 'original_title' in albums[album] and albums[album]['original_title'] != ''): title += albums[album]['original_title'] + ' AKA ' title += albums[album]['title'] imageInfo = {} if (albums[album]['user_thumb_url'] != ''): imageInfo['thumb'] = albums[album]['user_thumb_url'] imageInfo = processImage(str(albums[album]['hash']), imageInfo['thumb'], 'album', albums[album]['index'], 0) else: imageInfo['thumb'] = albums[album]['parent_thumb_url'] imageInfo = processImage(str(albums[album]['parent_hash']), imageInfo['thumb'], 'artist', 0, 0) skipItem = False emailText = '' htmlText = '' if (config['filter_include_plex_web_link']): pwLink = plexWebLink + str(albums[album]['id']) else: pwLink = '' emailText += '' if (config['filter_show_email_images']): emailText += '' emailText += '

' + title.decode('utf-8') + '

' htmlText += '
' htmlText += '' htmlText += '

' + title.decode('utf-8') + '

' tracklistEmailText = '' tracklistHTMLText = '' sections = config['filter_sections_Music'] trackCount = 0 for section in sorted(sections.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1]['order']): if (section[0] == 'track_list'): if (sections[section[0]]['show']): tracklistEmailText += '
' tracklistHTMLText += '
' + sections[section[0]]['headerText']['trackNumber'] + '' + sections[section[0]]['headerText']['songName'] + '' + sections[section[0]]['headerText']['artistName'] + '' + sections[section[0]]['headerText']['duration'] + '

' for track in albums[album]['tracks']: tracklistEmailText += '' tracklistHTMLText += '' trackCount += 1 tracklistEmailText += '
' + sections[section[0]]['headerText']['trackNumber'] + '' + sections[section[0]]['headerText']['songName'] + '' + sections[section[0]]['headerText']['artistName'] + '' + sections[section[0]]['headerText']['duration'] + '

' + str(albums[album]['tracks'][track]['index']).decode('utf-8') + '' + albums[album]['tracks'][track]['title'].decode('utf-8') + '' + albums[album]['tracks'][track]['original_title'].decode('utf-8') + '' + str(albums[album]['tracks'][track]['duration']).decode('utf-8') + '
' + str(albums[album]['tracks'][track]['index']).decode('utf-8') + '' + albums[album]['tracks'][track]['title'].decode('utf-8') + '' + albums[album]['tracks'][track]['original_title'].decode('utf-8') + '' + str(albums[album]['tracks'][track]['duration']).decode('utf-8') + '
' tracklistHTMLText += '
' else: if (albums[album][section[0]] in sections[section[0]]['exclude'] or len(set(albums[album][section[0] + '_filter']).intersection(sections[section[0]]['exclude'])) > 0 or (sections[section[0]]['include'] and albums[album][section[0]] not in sections[section[0]]['include'] and len(set(albums[album][section[0] + '_filter']).intersection(sections[section[0]]['include'])) == 0)): skipItem = True if (sections[section[0]]['show'] and albums[album][section[0]] and albums[album][section[0]] != ''): displayText = str(albums[album][section[0]]) if ('format' in sections[section[0]] and sections[section[0]]['format'] != ''): displayText = time.strftime(sections[section[0]]['format'], time.strptime(displayText, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) emailText += '

' + sections[section[0]]['preText'].decode('utf-8') + displayText.decode('utf-8') + sections[section[0]]['postText'].decode('utf-8') + '

' htmlText += '

' + sections[section[0]]['preText'].decode('utf-8') + displayText.decode('utf-8') + sections[section[0]]['postText'].decode('utf-8') + '

' emailText += '' emailText += tracklistEmailText if (trackCount > 0) else '' emailText += '
 ' htmlText += '' htmlText += tracklistHTMLText if (trackCount > 0) else '' htmlText += '
 ' titleFilter = [] if (albums[album]['title'] in config['filter_albums_exclude'] or len(set(titleFilter).intersection(config['filter_albums_exclude'])) > 0 or (config['filter_albums_include'] and albums[album]['title'] not in config['filter_albums_include'] and len(set(titleFilter).intersection(config['filter_albums_include'])) == 0)): skipItem = True if (not skipItem): albumCount += 1 emailAlbums += emailText htmlAlbums += htmlText # for song in songs: # cur2 = con.cursor() # cur2.execute("SELECT user_thumb_url, parent_id, [index] FROM metadata_items WHERE id = " + str(songs[song]['parent_id']) + ";") # for row in cur2: # songs[song]['season_thumb_url'] = row[0] # parent_id = row[1] # songs[song]['season_index'] = row[2] # cur3 = con.cursor() # cur3.execute("SELECT title, title_sort, original_title, content_rating, duration, tags_genre, tags_star, hash, user_thumb_url, studio FROM metadata_items WHERE id = " + str(parent_id) + ";") # for row2 in cur3: # songs[song]['show_title'] = row2[0] # songs[song]['show_title_sort'] = row2[1] # songs[song]['show_original_title'] = row2[2] # songs[song]['content_rating'] = row2[3] # songs[song]['duration'] = row2[4] # songs[song]['tags_genre'] = row2[5] # songs[song]['tags_star'] = row2[6] # songs[song]['hash'] = row2[7] # songs[song]['show_thumb_url'] = row2[8] # songs[song]['studio'] = row2[9] # if ('song_sort_3' in config and config['song_sort_3'] != ''): # songs = OrderedDict(sorted(songs.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['song_sort_3']], reverse=config['song_sort_3_reverse'])) # if ('song_sort_2' in config and config['song_sort_2'] != ''): # songs = OrderedDict(sorted(songs.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['song_sort_2']], reverse=config['song_sort_2_reverse'])) # if ('song_sort_1' in config and config['song_sort_1'] != ''): # songs = OrderedDict(sorted(songs.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1][config['song_sort_1']], reverse=config['song_sort_1_reverse'])) # for song in songs: # if (songs[song]['parent_id'] not in tvSeasons): # songs[song] = convertToHumanReadable(songs[song]) # showTitle = '' # if (songs[song]['show_original_title'] != ''): # showTitle += songs[song]['show_original_title'] + ' AKA ' # showTitle += songs[song]['show_title'] # title = '' # if (songs[song]['original_title'] != ''): # title += songs[song]['original_title'] + ' AKA ' # title += songs[song]['title'] # hash = str(songs[song]['hash']) # imageInfo = {} # imageTypeToUse = 'album' if (songs[song]['show_thumb_url'] != '' and config['filter_song_thumbnail_type'] == 'show') else 'season' if (songs[song]['season_thumb_url'] != '' and config['filter_song_thumbnail_type'] == 'season') else 'song' if (songs[song]['user_thumb_url'] != '') else '' # print imageTypeToUse # if (imageTypeToUse == 'song'): # imageInfo['thumb'] = songs[song]['user_thumb_url'] # imageInfo = processImage(hash, imageInfo['thumb'], 'episode', songs[song]['season_index'], songs[song]['index']) # elif (imageTypeToUse == 'album'): # imageInfo['thumb'] = songs[song]['season_thumb_url'] # print songs[song]['season_thumb_url'] # imageInfo = processImage(hash, imageInfo['thumb'], 'season', songs[song]['season_index'], 0) # elif (imageTypeToUse == 'artist'): # imageInfo['thumb'] = songs[song]['show_thumb_url'] # imageInfo = processImage(hash, imageInfo['thumb'], 'show', 0, 0) # print imageInfo # print # skipItem = False # emailText = '' # htmlText = '' # if (config['filter_include_plex_web_link']): # pwLink = plexWebLink + str(songs[song]['id']) # else: # pwLink = '' # emailText += '' # if (config['filter_show_email_images']): # emailText += '' # emailText += '

' + showTitle.decode('utf-8') + '

' # emailText += '

S' + str(songs[song]['season_index']) + ' E' + str(songs[song]['index']) + ': ' + title.decode('utf-8') + '

' # htmlText += '
' # htmlText += '' # htmlText += '

' + showTitle.decode('utf-8') + '

' # htmlText += '

S' + str(songs[song]['season_index']) + ' E' + str(songs[song]['index']) + ': ' + title.decode('utf-8') + '

' # sections = config['filter_sections_TV'] # for section in sorted(sections.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1]['order']): # if (songs[song][section[0]] in sections[section[0]]['exclude'] or len(set(songs[song][section[0] + '_filter']).intersection(sections[section[0]]['exclude'])) > 0 or (sections[section[0]]['include'] and songs[song][section[0]] not in sections[section[0]]['include'] and len(set(songs[song][section[0] + '_filter']).intersection(sections[section[0]]['include'])) == 0)): # skipItem = True # if (sections[section[0]]['show'] and songs[song][section[0]] and songs[song][section[0]] != ''): # displayText = str(songs[song][section[0]]) # if ('format' in sections[section[0]] and sections[section[0]]['format'] != ''): # displayText = time.strftime(sections[section[0]]['format'], time.strptime(displayText, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) # emailText += '

' + sections[section[0]]['preText'].decode('utf-8') + displayText.decode('utf-8') + sections[section[0]]['postText'].decode('utf-8') + '

' # htmlText += '

' + sections[section[0]]['preText'].decode('utf-8') + displayText.decode('utf-8') + sections[section[0]]['postText'].decode('utf-8') + '

' # emailText += '

 ' # htmlText += '
 ' # titleFilter = [] # if (songs[song]['show_title'] in config['filter_songs_exclude'] or len(set(titleFilter).intersection(config['filter_songs_exclude'])) > 0 or (config['filter_songs_include'] and songs[song]['show_title'] not in config['filter_songs_include'] and len(set(titleFilter).intersection(config['filter_songs_include'])) == 0)): # skipItem = True # if (not skipItem): # songCount += 1 # emailSongs += emailText # htmlSongs += htmlText if ((movieCount > 0 and config['filter_show_movies']) or (showCount > 0 and config['filter_show_shows']) or (seasonCount > 0 and config['filter_show_seasons']) or (episodeCount > 0 and config['filter_show_episodes']) or (artistCount > 0 and config['filter_show_artists']) or (albumCount > 0 and config['filter_show_albums']) or (songCount > 0 and config['filter_show_songs'])): hasNewContent = True else: hasNewContent = False emailHTML = createEmailHTML() webHTML = createWebHTML() if (config['web_enabled'] and not config['web_only_save_images'] and (not config['web_skip_if_no_additions'] or hasNewContent)): with open(config['web_folder'] + config['web_path'] + os.path.sep + 'index.html', 'w') as text_file: text_file.write(webHTML.encode('utf-8')) print 'Web page created successfully' elif (not config['web_enabled'] or (config['web_only_save_images'] and config['web_enabled'])): print 'Web page was not created because the option is disabled in the config file.' else: print 'Web page was not created because there were no new additions in the timeframe specified.' if (config['email_enabled'] and (not config['email_skip_if_no_additions'] or hasNewContent)): # try: if (config['email_to_send_to_shared_users']): sharedEmails = getSharedUserEmails() config['email_to'].extend(x for x in sharedEmails if x not in config['email_to']) #Remove duplicates by converting to a set config['email_to'] = set(config['email_to']) emailCount = 0 if (testMode): success = sendMail([config['email_from']]) emailCount += success elif (config['email_individually']): for emailAdd in config['email_to']: email = [emailAdd] success = sendMail(email) emailCount += success else: success = sendMail('') emailCount += success print 'Successfully sent %s email(s)' % emailCount # except: # print "Failed to send email(s)" elif (not config['email_enabled']): print 'Emails were not sent because the option is disabled in the config file.' else: print 'Emails were not sent because there were no new additions in the timeframe specified.' con.close() os.remove(DATABASE_FILE + '_plexemail')