Sub FormatDocSplitter() Dim Count As Long 'Total number of document split iterations Dim Section As Range 'Range for each Section in Doc Dim Header As Range 'Range for each Header in a Section Dim HeaderNum As Range 'Range for each Number in a Header Dim R As Range 'Range for initial doc cleanup Dim numTrack As Double 'Stores previous Number in a Header (for error detection) Dim startDelimiter As String Dim endDelimiter As String Dim endDelimiter2 As String Dim maxFileName As Integer Dim msgBoxResult As Integer Dim originalDocName As String originalDocName = Application.ScreenUpdating = False ActiveDocument.Range.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 10 startDelimiter = "Return To Table Of Contents" '<- DEFINE: Start delimiter for document splitting endDelimiter = "(-{5,})" '<- DEFINE: End delimiter for document splitting endDelimiter2 = "(_{5,})" '<- DEFINE: Another end delimiter for document splitting maxFileName = 160 '<- DEFINE: Sections with larger names will be truncated to this size and have " ..." appended. Call RemoveAllHyperlinks 'Hyperlinks will not work as delimiters Call DeleteShapes 'Remove unnecessary line shapes from document (unnecessary convert to png for html) 'Reformatting Delimiters to remove them from documents... With ActiveDocument.Content.Find 'Remove Glossary/Content Index .ClearFormatting .MatchCase = True .MatchWildcards = True .Text = "CONTENTS*FOUNTAIN AGRICOUNSEL LLC WEEKLY INDUSTRY NEWS REPORT" .Replacement.ClearFormatting .Replacement.Text = "" .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceOne, Forward:=True, _ Wrap:=wdFindContinue End With With ActiveDocument.Content.Find 'Add startDelimiter to first section .ClearFormatting .MatchCase = True .MatchWildcards = True .Text = "[^l^13]1.0*[^l^13]" .Replacement.ClearFormatting .Replacement.Text = startDelimiter & "^13" .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceOne, Forward:=True, _ Wrap:=wdFindContinue End With With ActiveDocument.Content.Find 'Replace StartDelimiter with whitespace code .ClearFormatting .MatchCase = False .Text = startDelimiter .Replacement.ClearFormatting .Replacement.Text = "^t^t^t^t" .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll, Forward:=True, _ Wrap:=wdFindContinue End With With ActiveDocument.Content.Find 'Replace endDelimiter with whitespace code .ClearFormatting .MatchWildcards = True .MatchCase = False .Text = endDelimiter .Replacement.ClearFormatting .Replacement.Text = "^t^l^t" .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll, Forward:=True, _ Wrap:=wdFindContinue End With With ActiveDocument.Content.Find 'Replace endDelimiter2 with whitespace code .ClearFormatting .MatchWildcards = True .MatchCase = False .Text = endDelimiter2 .Replacement.ClearFormatting .Replacement.Text = "^t^l^t" .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll, Forward:=True, _ Wrap:=wdFindContinue End With With ActiveDocument.Content.Find .ClearFormatting .MatchWildcards = True .MatchCase = False .Text = "^12" .Replacement.ClearFormatting .Replacement.Text = "^13" .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll, Forward:=True, _ Wrap:=wdFindContinue End With Call URLtoHyperlink '<- Replace all URLs with the relevant hyperlinks Set Section = ActiveDocument.Range.Duplicate 'Find Sections With Section.Find '(*) wildcard separates the two delimiters and selects all of the document between. .Text = "^t^t^t^t*^t^l^t" .MatchWildcards = True While .Execute Set Header = Section.Duplicate 'Find Header within Sections With Header.Find .ClearFormatting .Text = "[^l^13]([1-9]).([1-9])*[^l^13]" '<- Finds text from Header. Ex: "1.2 Some Title Here" .MatchWildcards = True If .Execute Then .Parent.Bold = True 'Find Number within Header (For error checking) Set HeaderNum = Header.Duplicate With HeaderNum.Find .Text = "([1-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3})" '<- Finds number from header. Ex: "1.2" .MatchWildcards = True If .Execute Then If numTrack > 0 And _ Left(HeaderNum.Text, InStr(HeaderNum.Text, ".")) _ = Left(CStr(numTrack), InStr(CStr(numTrack), ".")) Then '<- Checks that previous header is not a new Integer If Len(HeaderNum.Text) = 3 And CDbl(HeaderNum.Text) - numTrack > 0.11 Then ' msgBoxResult = MsgBox("SPLIT ERROR: (.1) may have occurred between " & _ numTrack & " and " & HeaderNum.Text & _ " Check that this section was copied.", vbOKCancel, originalDocName & " - No Header Error") 'Select Case msgBoxResult ' Case vbCancel ' Debug.Print "ERROR CANCELLED: Ended on " & originalDocName ' Exit Sub 'End Select Debug.Print "SPLIT ERROR in " & & " between (" & numTrack & " - " & HeaderNum.Text & ") " ElseIf Len(HeaderNum.Text) = 4 And CDbl(HeaderNum.Text) - numTrack > 0.011 Then ' msgBoxResult = MsgBox("SPLIT ERROR: (.01) may have occurred between " & _ 'numTrack & " and " & HeaderNum.Text & _ " Check that this section was copied.", vbOKCancel, originalDocName & "No Header Error") 'Select Case msgBoxResult ' Case vbCancel ' Debug.Print "ERROR CANCELLED: Ended on " & originalDocName ' Exit Sub 'End Select Debug.Print "SPLIT ERROR in " & & " between (" & numTrack & " - " & HeaderNum.Text & ")" End If End If numTrack = CDbl(HeaderNum.Text) End If End With .Replacement.Text = "^t^l^t" Call CopyAndSave(Section, Header, maxFileName) '<- Subroutine for saving section as doc Count = Count + 1 Else 'msgBoxResult = MsgBox("ERROR: Could not find header for section " & Count & _ ". Section text: " & Section.Text, vbOKCancel, "No Header Error") 'Select Case msgBoxResult ' Case vbCancel ' Debug.Print "ERROR CANCELLED" ' Exit Sub 'End Select Debug.Print "Error: Coult not find header for section " & Count & " - " & originalDocName End If End With Header.Collapse wdCollapseEnd Header.End = Header.Parent.Range.End Wend End With 'MsgBox "Finished splitting " & originalDocName & " into " & Count & " pieces." Debug.Print "!FINISH: " & originalDocName & " into " & Count & " pieces." '& vbCr & vbCr Section.Collapse wdCollapseEnd Section.End = Section.Parent.Range.End Set Header = Section.Duplicate End Sub 'Save a new file from range Section within the parent file with fileName from Range Header within Section Private Static Sub CopyAndSave(Section As Range, Header As Range, maxFileName As Integer) Dim name As String Header.Select Selection.ClearFormatting Dim D As Document 'File name cannot contain \ / : * ? " < > | name = Replace(Header.Text, Chr(13), "") name = Application.CleanString(name) name = Replace(name, "\", "-") name = Replace(name, "/", "-") name = Replace(name, ":", "-") name = Replace(name, "?", "-") name = Replace(name, "*", "") name = Replace(name, """", "") name = Replace(name, "<", " ") name = Replace(name, ">", " ") name = Replace(name, "|", " ") name = Replace(name, " ", "") name = Replace(name, Chr(10), "") name = Replace(name, Chr(13), "") name = Replace(name, Chr(9), "") name = Replace(name, "‘", "'") name = Replace(name, "’", "'") name = Replace(name, "“", "'") name = Replace(name, "”", "'") name = Replace(name, " ", "") name = Replace(name, "®", "(R)") name = Replace(name, "™", "(TM)") name = Replace(name, "™", "(TM)") name = Replace(name, "£", "(E)") name = Replace(name, " ", " ") name = Replace(name, "–", "-") name = Replace(name, "—", "-") name = Trim(name) name = StripAccent(name) 'Debug.Print name 'Reformatting Header Header.Select Selection.Font.Bold = True Selection.Font.Grow 'Truncate File names to under maxFileName chars If (Len(name) > maxFileName) Then name = Left(name, maxFileName) & " ..." End If 'Debug.Print "Saving: " & name Header.Copy Section.Copy 'Saving Document Set D = Documents.Add D.Range.PasteAndFormat wdFormatOriginalFormatting With D.Content.Find .ClearFormatting .MatchWildcards = True .MatchCase = False .Text = "^13([1-9]).([1-9])*^13" .Replacement.ClearFormatting .Replacement.Text = "" .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll, Forward:=True, _ Wrap:=wdFindContinue End With D.SaveAs2 FileName:=Section.Parent.Path & Application.PathSeparator & name & ".htm", _ FileFormat:=wdFormatFilteredHTML D.Close End Sub 'Remove all existing hyperlinks in a document. Private Static Sub RemoveAllHyperlinks() Dim oField As Field For Each oField In ActiveDocument.Fields If oField.Type = wdFieldHyperlink Then oField.Unlink End If Next Set oField = Nothing End Sub 'Replace all unformatted URLs with a hyperlink to itself. Private Static Sub URLtoHyperlink() Dim f1 As Boolean, f2 As Boolean, f3 As Boolean Dim f4 As Boolean, f5 As Boolean, f6 As Boolean Dim f7 As Boolean, f8 As Boolean, f9 As Boolean Dim f10 As Boolean With Options ' Save current AutoFormat settings f1 = .AutoFormatApplyHeadings f2 = .AutoFormatApplyLists f3 = .AutoFormatApplyBulletedLists f4 = .AutoFormatApplyOtherParas f5 = .AutoFormatReplaceQuotes f6 = .AutoFormatReplaceSymbols f7 = .AutoFormatReplaceOrdinals f8 = .AutoFormatReplaceFractions f9 = .AutoFormatReplacePlainTextEmphasis f10 = .AutoFormatReplaceHyperlinks ' Only convert URLs .AutoFormatApplyHeadings = False .AutoFormatApplyLists = False .AutoFormatApplyBulletedLists = False .AutoFormatApplyOtherParas = False .AutoFormatReplaceQuotes = False .AutoFormatReplaceSymbols = False .AutoFormatReplaceOrdinals = False .AutoFormatReplaceFractions = False .AutoFormatReplacePlainTextEmphasis = False .AutoFormatReplaceHyperlinks = True ' Perform AutoFormat ActiveDocument.Content.AutoFormat ' Restore original AutoFormat settings .AutoFormatApplyHeadings = f1 .AutoFormatApplyLists = f2 .AutoFormatApplyBulletedLists = f3 .AutoFormatApplyOtherParas = f4 .AutoFormatReplaceQuotes = f5 .AutoFormatReplaceSymbols = f6 .AutoFormatReplaceOrdinals = f7 .AutoFormatReplaceFractions = f8 .AutoFormatReplacePlainTextEmphasis = f9 .AutoFormatReplaceHyperlinks = f10 End With End Sub 'Replace accended chars with their plaintext alphabet counterparts Function StripAccent(aString As String) Dim A As String * 1 Dim B As String * 1 Dim i As Integer Const AccChars = "ŠŽšžŸÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöùúûüýÿ" Const RegChars = "SZszYAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiidnooooouuuuyy" For i = 1 To Len(AccChars) A = Mid(AccChars, i, 1) B = Mid(RegChars, i, 1) aString = Replace(aString, A, B) Next StripAccent = aString End Function 'Remove all shapes in the Active Document Function DeleteShapes() Dim i As Long With ActiveDocument For i = .Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1 With .Shapes(i) If .Type = msoAutoShape Then .Delete End With Next i End With End Function