[branch] autosetupmerge = true [push] default = upstream [rerere] enabled = true [rebase] autosquash = true [color] ui = auto [color "branch"] current = yellow reverse local = yellow remote = green [color "decorate"] remoteBranch = blue bold [color "diff"] meta = yellow bold frag = magenta bold old = red bold new = green bold [color "status"] added = yellow changed = green untracked = cyan [alias] #LAZY VERSIONS OF BASIC COMMANDS co = checkout br = branch ci = commit st = status #BETTER VERSIONS OF BASIC COMMANDS purr = pull --rebase puff = pull --ff-only difff = diff --color-words #just words bbranch = branch -v branches = branch -avvl cmaster = "!sh -c 'git show-ref --quiet refs/heads/master && git checkout master || git checkout main'" sth = stash -u unstage = reset HEAD -- alias = !git config --list | grep 'alias\\.' | sed 's/alias\\.\\([^=]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1 => \\2/' | grep -v 'alias'| awk 'BEGIN { FS = \"=>\" }{ printf(\"%-20s=>%s\\n\", $1,$2)}'|sort makegitrepo = !git init && git add . && git commit -m \"initial commit\" fpush = push --force-with-lease #BASIC HISTORY VIEWING hist = log --graph --date=relative \ --format=format:'%C(auto)%h %C(bold blue)%an%C(auto)%d %C(green)%ad%C(reset)%n%w(80,8,8)%s' histfull = log --graph --date=relative --name-status \ --format=format:'%C(auto)%h %C(bold blue)%an%C(auto)%d %C(green)%ad%C(reset)%n%w(80,8,8)%s%n' llog = log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %Cred%ad %Cblue%an%Cgreen%d %Creset%s' --date=iso changelog = log --pretty=format:'%Cgreen%d %Creset%s' --date=iso ls = log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%p..%h %C(white dim)%cd %<|(49,trunc)%an %C(reset)%s' --date=short --abbrev=8 --no-merges recent = for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ --format='%(authordate:short) %(color:red)%(objectname:short) %(color:yellow)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) (%(color:green)%(committerdate:relative)%(color:reset))' #BASIC REPO INFORMATION whois = "!sh -c 'git log -i -1 --pretty=\"format::%an <%ae>\n\" --author=\"$1\"' -" whatis = show -s --pretty='tformat::%h (%s, %ad)' --date=short howmany = "!sh -c 'git log -a --pretty=oneline | wc -l'" howmanybywhom = shortlog -sn #WHAT WAS GOING ON, WHILE YOU WERE AWAY anychanges = !sh -c 'git fetch' && git log --oneline HEAD..origin/$1 anychangesonmaster = !sh -c 'git fetch' && git log --oneline HEAD..origin/master whoischanging = !sh -c 'git shortlog HEAD..origin/$0' whoischangingmaster = !sh -c 'git shortlog HEAD..origin/master' #what branches you have on origin, with info on who is guilty and how long ago. Useful for gitflow and feature branches in general. Requires fetch up-front. showorigin = "!sh -c 'for branch in `git branch -r | grep -v HEAD`;do echo `git show -s --format=\"%Cred%ci %C(green)%h %C(yellow)%cr %C(magenta)%an %C(blue)\" $branch | head -n 1` \\\t$branch; done | sort -r'" #get remote branches trackallbranches = !sh -c "for branchname in `git branch -r `; do git branch --track $branchname; done" updateallbranches = !sh -c "for branchname in `git branch -r `; do git checkout $branchname ; git pull; done" #TAGS showtags = show-ref --tags pushtags = push --tags tagwithdate = !sh -c 'git tag "$0"_$(date "+%y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")' lasttag = describe --abbrev=0 --tags checkoutlasttag = !sh -c 'git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`' # Pushes given tag to remote 'origin' repo (or the remote passed as the second parameter) publishtag = "!sh -c 'git push ${2:-origin} $1' -" # Removes given tag from remote 'origin' repo (or the remote passed as the second parameter) unpublishtag = "!sh -c 'git push ${2:-origin} :refs/tags/$1' -" #IGNORING # fix .gitignore fixgitignore = !git rm -r --cached . && git add . && git commit -m \"Just a .gitignore fix \" # Ignore files only locally hide = update-index --assume-unchanged unhide = update-index --no-assume-unchanged #OTHER #Finds a filename in the git repository. Gives absolute location (from the git root). find = !sh -c 'git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD | grep --color $1' - #Deletes all branches that were safely merged into the master. All other are skipped (no worries). #on osx xargs does not have -r argument, so it fail. If you remove -r, it will run at least once, making this not safe operation cleanup = !git branch --merged=master | grep -Ev '^\\* | master$' | xargs -r git branch -d #Deletes orphaned remote branches (.git/refs/remotes/origin), clean up reflog and remove all untracked files cleanuplocal = !git remote prune origin && git gc && git clean -df # Check if any file in repo has whitespace errors # As described in http://peter.eisentraut.org/blog/2014/11/04/checking-whitespace-with-git/ check-whitespace = !git diff-tree --check $(git hash-object -t tree /dev/null) HEAD # Check if any file in repo has windows line endings #Currently do not work as alias, works from comand line directly. There is a problem with \r check-eol = !git grep --files-with-matches $'\\r' HEAD #Jira tickets (from: http://blogs.atlassian.com/2014/08/whats-new-git-2-1/) issues = "!f() { : git log ; echo 'Printing issue keys'; git log --oneline $@ | egrep -o [A-Z]+-[0-9]+ | sort | uniq; }; f" #version for git below 2.1 #issues = !sh -c 'git log --oneline $@ | egrep -o [A-Z]+-[0-9]+ | sort | uniq' - # Gets the current branch name (not so useful in itself, but used in other aliases) branch-name = "!git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD" # Pushes the current branch to the remote "origin" (or the remote passed as the parameter) and set it to track the upstream branch publish = "!sh -c 'git push -u ${1:-origin} $(git branch-name)' -" # Deletes the remote version of the current branch from the remote "origin" (or the remote passed as the parameter) unpublish = "!sh -c 'set -e; git push ${1:-origin} :$(git branch-name);git branch --unset-upstream $(git branch-name)' -" # Fetch PR from GitHub by number/id fetchpr = "!sh -c 'git fetch origin pull/$0/head:pr/$0'" #add all, commit with message and push to remote apm = "!f() { git add --all && git commit -m \"$@\" && git push; }; f" [apply] whitespace = nowarn [core] pager = less -R [help] autocorrect = 1 #fucking magic! #Kudos for (copied from): #http://git-scm.com/book/en/Customizing-Git-Git-Configuration #http://robots.thoughtbot.com/post/4747482956/streamline-your-git-workflow-with-aliases #http://oli.jp/2012/git-powerup/#conclusion #http://blog.blindgaenger.net/advanced_git_aliases.html #https://gist.github.com/robmiller/6018582 (branch-name, publish, unpublish)