# laravel-helper-completions > A set of completions for Laravel 5.x helper functions. These helpers are pulled from [Illuminate/Support/helpers.php](https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/3abc4fb90fe59a90c2d8cccd27e310b20e5e2631/src/Illuminate/Support/helpers.php) and [Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php](https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/e19181027e957e9d855012dfd58ee9489c0f37bf/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php). ## Installing #### Package Control Just look for `laravel helper` on [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/). You can see the project on [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Laravel%20Helper%20Completions) as well. If you have [Medalink/laravel-blade](https://github.com/Medalink/laravel-blade) installed, then this should also allow the completions inside blade tags too. #### Manual * Open the Commands Palette (`command+shift+p` or `ctrl+shift+p`) * Package Control: `Add Repository` * Past in [this repos URL](https://github.com/james2doyle/laravel-helper-completions) * Press Enter * Open the palette again * Press enter on "laravel-helper-completions" * Watch it install ## List * __ (translate) * abort * abort_if * abort_unless * action * app * app_path * append_config * array_add * array_collapse * array_divide * array_dot * array_except * array_first * array_flatten * array_forget * array_get * array_has * array_last * array_only * array_pluck * array_prepend * array_pull * array_set * array_sort * array_sort_recursive * array_where * array_wrap * asset * auth * back * base_path * bcrypt * broadcast * cache * camel_case * class_basename * class_uses_recursive * collect * config * config_path * cookie * csrf_field * csrf_token * data_fill * data_get * data_set * database_path * dd * decrypt * dispatch * e * elixir * encrypt * ends_with * env * event * factory * head * info * kebab_case * last * logger * method_field * mix * object_get * old * policy * preg_replace_array * public_path * redirect * request * resolve * resource_path * response * retry * route * secure_asset * secure_url * session * snake_case * starts_with * storage_path * str_contains * str_finish * str_is * str_limit * str_plural * str_random * str_replace_array * str_replace_first * str_replace_last * str_singular * str_slug * studly_case * tap * title_case * trait_uses_recursive * trans * trans_choice * url * validator * value * view * windows_os * with