rdio =============== A [Sublime Text 3](http://www.sublimetext.com/) plugin that **provides Rdio for Mac shortcuts**. - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Demo](#demo) - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [License](#license) - [Author](#author) Requirements ------- Sublime Text 3 and Rdio for Mac. Please have Rdio open when using the plugin. Demo ------- ![Image](https://github.com/jamesfzhang/rdio/blob/master/demo.gif?raw=true) Installation ------- #### From Package Control rdio is available through [Sublime Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/rdio) and is the recommended way to install. #### From Github Alternatively, you may install via GitHub by cloning this repository into the `Packages` directory under Sublime Text's data directory: On Mac: ``` cd ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages git clone https://github.com/jamesfzhang/rdio.git ``` Usage ------- Open the Sublime Text command palette and type "Rdio". The following commands will appear: **Playstate** 1. Rdio: Next - play the next track. 2. Rdio: Pause - pause the current track. 3. Rdio: Play - play the current track. 4. Rdio: Previous - play the current track from beginning or play the previous track. 5. Rdio: Toggle - play/pause the current track. **Track Info** 6. Rdio: Show Track Info - display the current track's artist, title, and album in the status bar. 7. Rdio: Copy Track URL - copy the current track's URL to your clipboard. **Collection** 8. Rdio: Add to Collection - add the current track to your collection. 9. Rdio: Remove from Collection - remove the current track from your collection. **Mobile** 10. Rdio: Sync to Mobile - sync the current track to your mobile device(s). 11. Rdio: Unsync from Mobile - unsync the current track from your mobile device(s). Select a command and press enter. License ------- [MIT-License](https://raw.github.com/jamesfzhang/rdio/master/MIT-License). Author ------- rdio was created and maintained by James Zhang. Give him a shoutout at [@jamesfzhang](https://twitter.com/jamesfzhang) if you have comments or questions.