cd /Volumes/~jng2/www/workshop set more off clear all ******************************************************************************** *Manipulate happiness data and save in new file use "", clear tab happy tab happy, nolabel /* Notice that 1-very happy, 2-pretty, 3-not too happy, which is the opposite of what's in Figure 1. Need to recode. */ gen happynew = happy replace happynew = 3 if happy == 1 replace happynew = 1 if happy == 3 label var happynew "3-very, 2-pretty, 1-not too happy" *Alternatively, recode happy (1=3)(3=1), gen(happynew) *Check that recode was done correctly: tab happy happynew, nolabel collapse (mean) meanhappy=happynew, by(year) label var meanhappy "Mean happiness: 3-very, 2-pretty, 1-not too" *Alternatively: by year: egen meanhappy = mean(happy) *and then do a 1:m merge using gss keep if year>=1975 & year<=1997 save gsshappy, replace *Check that years are unique duplicates report year ******************************************************************************** *Manipulate GDP data, then merge with happiness file use "", clear keep if year>=1975 & year<=1997 *Check that years are unique duplicates report year gen rgdppc = rgdpna/pop label var rgdppc "Real GDP per capita" merge 1:1 year using gsshappy ******************************************************************************** *if you browse the data, you will find that it looks exactly like Table 1 *to output the data verbatim to a comma-delimited file, use the outsheet command outsheet year rgdppc meanhappy using table1.csv, comma replace ******************************************************************************** *Draw Figure 1 /*for detailed help on how to customize the appearance of graphs, check: help twoway options help axis options help area options help legend options help title options help graph */ local title1 "Mean Happiness and Real GDP Per Capita between 1975 and 1997" local title2 "for Repeated Cross-Sections of (Different) Americans" local note1 "Notes: Right-hand scale is the average of the answers to the question from the United Sates General Social Survey:" local note2 "Taken all together, how would you say things are these days--would you say that you are (3) very happy" local note3 "(2) pretty happy, or (1) not too happy? Real GDP per capita is measured in 2005 US dollars." twoway /// connected rgdppc year, yaxis(1) ylabel(#4, axis(1)) /// msymbol(O) yscale(range(20000 35000) axis(1)) /// ytitle("Real GDP per capita", box bcolor(white) bmargin(0 4 0 0) axis(1)) /// || /// connected meanhappy year, yaxis(2) ylabel(1.8(0.2)2.6, axis(2)) /// msymbol(X) yscale(range(1.8 2.6) axis(2)) /// ytitle("Mean happiness", box bcolor(white) bmargin(4 0 0 0) axis(2)) /// , /// legend(cols(1) rows(2) position(0) bplace(nwest) bmargin(7 0 0 0) label(2 "Mean happiness")) /// graphregion(color(white)) plotregion(color(white)) xtitle("") ysize(2) xsize(3) /// title("`title1'" "`title2'", justification(left) bmargin(-13 15 5 0) box bcolor(white)) /// note("`note1'" "`note2'" "`note3'", justification(left) bmargin(-13 15 0 3) box bcolor(white)) graph save happygdp, replace *this saves the graph in StataÕs .gph file format graph export happygdp.png, replace *this exports the graph to an external file format for use by other software. supported formats include PNG and PDF.