SublimeEvernote =============== [Sublime Text 2]( plugin for [Evernote]( ### Install Through [Package Control]( `Command Palette` > `Package Control: Install Package` > `SublimeEvernote` or `Command Palette` > `Package Control: add Repository` && `input '` `Command Palette` > `Package Control: Install Package` > `SublimeEvernote` or clone this repository in * Windows: `%APPDATA%/Roaming/Sublime Text 2/Packages/` * OSX: `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/` * Linux: `~/.Sublime Text 2/Packages/` * Portable Installation: `Sublime Text 2/Data/` ### Usage `Command Palette` > `Send to evernote` `Context menu` > `Send to Evernote` `Context menu` > `Evernote settings` #### Markdown Support #### Write notes in Markdown and they will be processed when they are sent to Evernote. This: ![this]( Turns into this: ![this]( #### Authenticating with Evernote #### In order to send notes you need to authenticate and allow the plugin permissions via Evernote's oauth. This is a bit of a manual process now as there are no callbacks to Sublime to handle this process automatically. Here are a collection of screenshots to step you through the process. ##### Step 1 - Sublime text2 open your browser,you need login: ![login]( ##### Step 2 - Authorize plugin with Evernote: ![authorize]( ##### Step 3 - Copy oauth verifier ![redirect]( ![verifier]( ##### Step 4 - Verify token on Sublime ![redirect]( ##### Step 5 - Rejoice! ![redirect]( #### Metadata #### Use metadata block to specify title and tags. --- title: My Note tags: tag1,tag2 ---