#!/bin/bash ##################################################################################### # * Copyright 2024 by Sangoma Technologies # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3.0 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # @author kgupta@sangoma.com # # This FreePBX install script and all concepts are property of # Sangoma Technologies. # This install script is free to use for installing FreePBX # along with dependent packages only but carries no guarantee on performance # and is used at your own risk. This script carries NO WARRANTY. ##################################################################################### # FreePBX 17 # ##################################################################################### set -e SCRIPTVER="1.13" ASTVERSION=21 PHPVERSION="8.2" LOG_FOLDER="/var/log/pbx" LOG_FILE="${LOG_FOLDER}/freepbx17-install-$(date '+%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S').log" log=$LOG_FILE SANE_PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin DEBIAN_MIRROR="http://ftp.debian.org/debian" NPM_MIRROR="" # Check for root privileges if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root" exit 1 fi # Setup a sane PATH for script execution as root export PATH=$SANE_PATH while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in --testing) testrepo=true shift # past argument ;; --nofreepbx) nofpbx=true shift # past argument ;; --noasterisk) noast=true shift # past argument ;; --opensourceonly) opensourceonly=true shift # past argument ;; --noaac) noaac=true shift # past argument ;; --skipversion) skipversion=true shift # past argument ;; --dahdi) dahdi=true shift # past argument ;; --dahdi-only) nofpbx=true noast=true noaac=true dahdi=true shift # past argument ;; --nochrony) nochrony=true shift # past argument ;; --debianmirror) DEBIAN_MIRROR=$2 shift; shift # past argument ;; --npmmirror) NPM_MIRROR=$2 shift; shift # past argument ;; -*) echo "Unknown option $1" exit 1 ;; *) echo "Unknown argument \"$1\"" exit 1 ;; esac done # Create the log file mkdir -p "${LOG_FOLDER}" touch "${LOG_FILE}" # Redirect stderr to the log file exec 2>>"${LOG_FILE}" #Comparing version compare_version() { if dpkg --compare-versions "$1" "gt" "$2"; then result=0 elif dpkg --compare-versions "$1" "lt" "$2"; then result=1 else result=2 fi } check_version() { # Fetching latest version and checksum REPO_URL="https://github.com/FreePBX/sng_freepbx_debian_install/raw/master" wget -O /tmp/sng_freepbx_debian_install_latest_from_github.sh "$REPO_URL/sng_freepbx_debian_install.sh" >> "$log" latest_version=$(grep '^SCRIPTVER="' /tmp/sng_freepbx_debian_install_latest_from_github.sh | awk -F'"' '{print $2}') latest_checksum=$(sha256sum /tmp/sng_freepbx_debian_install_latest_from_github.sh | awk '{print $1}') # Cleaning up downloaded file rm -f /tmp/sng_freepbx_debian_install_latest_from_github.sh compare_version $SCRIPTVER $latest_version case $result in 0) echo "Your version ($SCRIPTVER) of installation script is ahead of the latest version ($latest_version) as present on the GitHub. We recommend you to Download the version present in the GitHub." echo "Use '$0 --skipversion' to skip the version check" exit 1 ;; 1) echo "A newer version ($latest_version) of installation script is available on GitHub. We recommend you to update it or use the latest one from the GitHub." echo "Use '$0 --skipversion' to skip the version check." exit 0 ;; 2) local_checksum=$(sha256sum "$0" | awk '{print $1}') if [[ "$latest_checksum" != "$local_checksum" ]]; then echo "Changes are detected between the local installation script and the latest installation script as present on GitHub. We recommend you to please use the latest installation script as present on GitHub." echo "Use '$0 --skipversion' to skip the version check" exit 0 else echo "Perfect! You're already running the latest version." fi ;; esac } # Function to log messages log() { echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T") - $*" >> "$LOG_FILE" } message() { echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T") - $*" log "$*" } #Function to record and display the current step setCurrentStep () { currentStep="$1" message "${currentStep}" } # Function to cleanup installation terminate() { # removing pid file message "Exiting script" rm -f "$pidfile" } #Function to log error and location errorHandler() { log "****** INSTALLATION FAILED *****" message "Installation failed at step ${currentStep}. Please check log ${LOG_FILE} for details." message "Error at line: $1 exiting with code $2 (last command was: $3)" exit "$2" } # Checking if the package is already installed or not isinstalled() { PKG_OK=$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Status}\n' "$@" 2>/dev/null|grep "install ok installed") if [ "" = "$PKG_OK" ]; then false else true fi } # Function to install the package pkg_install() { log "############################### " PKG=$@ if isinstalled $PKG; then log "$PKG already present ...." else message "Installing $PKG ...." apt-get -y --ignore-missing -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confnew" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install $PKG >> $log if isinstalled $PKG; then message "$PKG installed successfully...." else message "$PKG failed to install ...." message "Exiting the installation process as dependent $PKG failed to install ...." terminate fi fi log "############################### " } # Function to install the asterisk and dependent packages install_asterisk() { astver=$1 ASTPKGS=("addons" "addons-bluetooth" "addons-core" "addons-mysql" "addons-ooh323" "core" "curl" "dahdi" "doc" "odbc" "ogg" "flite" "g729" "resample" "snmp" "speex" "sqlite3" "res-digium-phone" "voicemail" ) # creating directories mkdir -p /var/lib/asterisk/moh pkg_install asterisk$astver for i in "${!ASTPKGS[@]}"; do pkg_install asterisk$astver-${ASTPKGS[$i]} done pkg_install asterisk$astver.0-freepbx-asterisk-modules pkg_install asterisk-version-switch pkg_install asterisk-sounds-* } setup_repositories() { apt-key del "9641 7C6E 0423 6E0A 986B 69EF DE82 7447 3C8D 0E52" >> "$log" wget -O - http://deb.freepbx.org/gpg/aptly-pubkey.asc | gpg --dearmor --yes -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/freepbx.gpg >> "$log" # Setting our default repo server if [ $testrepo ] ; then add-apt-repository -y -S "deb [ arch=amd64 ] http://deb.freepbx.org/freepbx17-dev bookworm main" >> "$log" add-apt-repository -y -S "deb [ arch=amd64 ] http://deb.freepbx.org/freepbx17-dev bookworm main" >> "$log" else add-apt-repository -y -S "deb [ arch=amd64 ] http://deb.freepbx.org/freepbx17-prod bookworm main" >> "$log" add-apt-repository -y -S "deb [ arch=amd64 ] http://deb.freepbx.org/freepbx17-prod bookworm main" >> "$log" fi if [ ! $noaac ] ; then add-apt-repository -y -S "deb $DEBIAN_MIRROR stable main non-free non-free-firmware" >> "$log" fi setCurrentStep "Setting up Sangoma repository" local aptpref="/etc/apt/preferences.d/99sangoma-fpbx-repository" cat < $aptpref Package: * Pin: origin deb.freepbx.org Pin-Priority: ${MIRROR_PRIO} EOF if [ $noaac ]; then cat <> $aptpref Package: ffmpeg Pin: origin deb.freepbx.org Pin-Priority: 1 EOF fi } #create post apt run script to run and check everything apt command is finished executing create_post_apt_script() { #checking post-apt-run script if [ -e "/usr/bin/post-apt-run" ]; then rm -f /usr/bin/post-apt-run fi message "Creating script to run post every apt command is finished executing" { echo "#!/bin/bash" echo "" echo "kernel_idx=\$(grep GRUB_DEFAULT /etc/default/grub | cut -d '=' -f 2)" echo "kernel_pres=\$(sed -n '/^menuentry/,/}/p' /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep -o -P 'vmlinuz-\S+')" echo "" echo "dahdi_pres=\$(dpkg -l | grep dahdi-linux | wc -l)" echo "" echo "if [[ \$dahdi_pres -gt 0 ]]; then" echo " idx=0" echo " for kernel in \$kernel_pres; do" echo " if [[ \$idx -ne \$kernel_idx ]]; then" echo " idx=\$((idx+1))" echo " continue" echo " fi" echo "" echo " kernel_ver=\$(echo \$kernel | sed -n -e 's/vmlinuz-\([[:digit:].-]*\).*/\\1/' -e 's/-$//p')" echo " logger \"Checking kernel modules for dahdi and wanpipe for kernel image \$kernel_ver\"" echo "" echo " #check if dahdi is installed or not of respective kernel version" echo " dahdi_kmod_pres=\$(dpkg -l | grep dahdi-linux-kmod | grep \$kernel_ver | wc -l)" echo " wanpipe_kmod_pres=\$(dpkg -l | grep kmod-wanpipe | grep \$kernel_ver | wc -l)" echo "" echo " if [[ \$dahdi_kmod_pres -eq 0 ]] && [[ \$wanpipe_kmod_pres -eq 0 ]]; then" echo " logger \"Upgrading dahdi-linux-kmod-\$kernel_ver and kmod-wanpipe-\$kernel_ver\"" echo " echo \"Please wait for approx 2 min once apt command execution is completed as dahdi-linux-kmod-\$kernel_ver kmod-wanpipe-\$kernel_ver update in progress\"" echo " apt -y upgrade dahdi-linux-kmod-\$kernel_ver kmod-wanpipe-\$kernel_ver > /dev/null 2>&1 | at now +1 minute&" echo " elif [[ \$dahdi_kmod_pres -eq 0 ]]; then" echo " logger \"Upgrading dahdi-linux-kmod-\$kernel_ver\"" echo " echo \"Please wait for approx 2 min once apt command execution is completed as dahdi-linux-kmod-\$kernel_ver update in progress\"" echo " apt -y upgrade dahdi-linux-kmod-\$kernel_ver > /dev/null 2>&1 | at now +1 minute&" echo " elif [[ \$wanpipe_kmod_pres -eq 0 ]];then" echo " logger \"Upgrading kmod-wanpipe-\$kernel_ver\"" echo " echo \"Please wait for approx 2 min once apt command execution is completed as kmod-wanpipe-\$kernel_ver update in progress\"" echo " apt -y upgrade kmod-wanpipe-\$kernel_ver > /dev/null 2>&1 | at now +1 minute&" echo " fi" echo "" echo " break" echo " done" echo "else" echo " logger \"Dahdi / wanpipe is not present therefore, not checking for dahdi / wanpipe kmod upgrade\"" echo "fi" echo "" echo "if [ -e "/var/www/html/index.html" ]; then" echo " rm -f /var/www/html/index.html" echo "fi" } >> /usr/bin/post-apt-run #Changing file permission to run script chmod 755 /usr/bin/post-apt-run #Adding Post Invoke for Update to run kernel-check if [ -e "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80postaptcmd" ]; then rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80postaptcmd fi echo "DPkg::Post-Invoke {\"/usr/bin/post-apt-run\";};" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80postaptcmd chmod 644 /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80postaptcmd } check_kernel_compatibility() { local latest_dahdi_supported_version=$(apt-cache search dahdi | grep -E "^dahdi-linux-kmod-[0-9]" | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F'-' '{print $4"-"$5}' | sort -n | tail -1) local latest_wanpipe_supported_version=$(apt-cache search wanpipe | grep -E "^kmod-wanpipe-[0-9]" | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F'-' '{print $3"-"$4}' | sort -n | tail -1) local curr_kernel_version=$1 if dpkg --compare-versions "$latest_dahdi_supported_version" "eq" "$latest_wanpipe_supported_version"; then local supported_kernel_version=$latest_dahdi_supported_version else local supported_kernel_version="" fi if dpkg --compare-versions "$curr_kernel_version" "gt" "$supported_kernel_version"; then message "Aborting freepbx installation as detected kernel version $curr_kernel_version is not supported by freepbx dahdi module $supported_kernel_version" exit fi if [ -e "/usr/bin/kernel-check" ]; then rm -f /usr/bin/kernel-check fi if [ $testrepo ]; then message "Skipping Kernel Check. As Kernel Check is not required for testing repo....." return fi message "Creating kernel check script to allow proper kernel upgrades" { echo "#!/bin/bash" echo "" echo "curr_kernel_version=\"\"" echo "supported_kernel_version=\"\"" echo "" echo "set_supported_kernel_version() {" echo " local latest_dahdi_supported_version=\$(apt-cache search dahdi | grep -E \"^dahdi-linux-kmod-[0-9]\" | awk '{print \$1}' | awk -F'-' '{print \$4,-\$5}' | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g' | sort -n | tail -1)" echo " local latest_wanpipe_supported_version=\$(apt-cache search wanpipe | grep -E \"^kmod-wanpipe-[0-9]\" | awk '{print \$1}' | awk -F'-' '{print \$3,-\$4}' | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g' | sort -n | tail -1)" echo " curr_kernel_version=\$(uname -r | cut -d'-' -f1-2)" echo "" echo " if dpkg --compare-versions \"\$latest_dahdi_supported_version\" \"eq\" \"\$latest_wanpipe_supported_version\"; then" echo " supported_kernel_version=\$latest_dahdi_supported_version" echo " else" echo " supported_kernel_version=\"6.1.0-21\"" echo " fi" echo "}" echo "" echo "check_and_unblock_kernel() {" echo " local kernel_packages=\$(apt-mark showhold | grep -E ^linux-image-[0-9] | awk '{print \$1}')" echo "" echo " if [[ \"w\$1\" != \"w\" ]]; then" echo " # Compare the version with the current supported kernel version" echo " if dpkg --compare-versions \"\$1\" \"le\" \"\$supported_kernel_version\"; then" echo " local is_on_hold=\$(apt-mark showhold | grep -E ^linux-image-[0-9] | awk '{print \$1}' | grep -w \"\$1\" | wc -l )" echo "" echo " if [[ \$is_on_hold -gt 0 ]]; then" echo " logger \"Un-Holding kernel version \$version to allow automatic updates.\"" echo " apt-mark unhold \"\$version\" >> /dev/null 2>&1" echo " fi" echo " fi" echo " return" echo " fi" echo "" echo " for package in \$kernel_packages; do" echo " # Extract the version from the package name" echo " local version=\$(echo \"\$package\" | awk -F'-' '{print \$3,-\$4}' | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g' | sort -n)" echo "" echo " # Compare the version with the current supported kernel version" echo " if dpkg --compare-versions \"\$version\" \"le\" \"\$supported_kernel_version\"; then" echo " logger \"Un-Holding kernel version \$version to allow automatic updates.\"" echo " apt-mark unhold \"\$version\" >> /dev/null 2>&1" echo " fi" echo " done" echo "}" echo "" echo "check_and_block_kernel() {" echo " if dpkg --compare-versions \"\$curr_kernel_version\" \"gt\" \"\$supported_kernel_version\"; then" echo " logger \"Aborting as detected kernel version is not supported by freepbx dahdi module\"" echo " fi" echo "" echo " local kernel_packages=\$( apt-cache search linux-image | grep -E "^linux-image-[0-9]" | awk '{print \$1}')" echo " for package in \$kernel_packages; do" echo " # Extract the version from the package name" echo " local version=\$(echo \"\$package\" | awk -F'-' '{print \$3,-\$4}' | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g' | sort -n)" echo "" echo " # Compare the version with the current supported kernel version" echo " if dpkg --compare-versions \"\$version\" \"gt\" \"\$supported_kernel_version\"; then" echo " logger \"Holding kernel version \$version to prevent automatic updates.\"" echo " apt-mark hold \"\$version\" >> /dev/null 2>&1" echo " else" echo " check_and_unblock_kernel \$version" echo " fi" echo " done" echo "}" echo "" echo "case \$1 in" echo " --hold)" echo " hold=true" echo " ;;" echo "" echo " --unhold)" echo " unhold=true" echo " ;;" echo "" echo " *)" echo " logger \"Unknown / Invalid option \$1\"" echo " exit 1" echo " ;;" echo "esac" echo "" echo "set_supported_kernel_version" echo "" echo "if [[ \$hold ]]; then" echo " check_and_block_kernel" echo "elif [[ \$unhold ]]; then" echo " check_and_unblock_kernel" echo "fi" } >> /usr/bin/kernel-check #Changing file permission to run script chmod 755 /usr/bin/kernel-check #Adding Post Invoke for Update to run kernel-check if [ -e "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/05checkkernel" ]; then rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/05checkkernel fi echo "APT::Update::Post-Invoke {\"/usr/bin/kernel-check --hold\"}" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/05checkkernel chmod 644 /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/05checkkernel } refresh_signatures() { fwconsole ma refreshsignatures >> "$log" } check_services() { services=("fail2ban" "iptables") for service in "${services[@]}"; do service_status=$(systemctl is-active "$service") if [[ "$service_status" != "active" ]]; then message "Service $service is not active. Please ensure it is running." fi done apache2_status=$(systemctl is-active apache2) if [[ "$apache2_status" == "active" ]]; then apache_process=$(netstat -anp | awk '$4 ~ /:80$/ {sub(/.*\//,"",$7); print $7}') if [ "$apache_process" == "apache2" ]; then message "Apache2 service is running on port 80." else message "Apache2 is not running in port 80." fi else message "The Apache2 service is not active. Please activate the service" fi } check_php_version() { php_version=$(php -v | grep built: | awk '{print $2}') if [[ "${php_version:0:3}" == "8.2" ]]; then message "Installed PHP version $php_version is compatible with FreePBX." else message "Installed PHP version $php_version is not compatible with FreePBX. Please install PHP version '8.2.x'" fi # Checking whether enabled PHP modules are of PHP 8.2 version php_module_version=$(a2query -m | grep php | awk '{print $1}') if [[ "$php_module_version" == "php8.2" ]]; then log "The PHP module version $php_module_version is compatible with FreePBX. Proceeding with the script." else log "The installed PHP module version $php_module_version is not compatible with FreePBX. Please install PHP version '8.2'." exit 1 fi } verify_module_status() { modules_list=$(fwconsole ma list | grep -Ewv "Enabled|----|Module|No repos") if [ -z "$modules_list" ]; then message "All Modules are Enabled." else message "List of modules which are not Enabled:" message "$modules_list" fi } # Function to check assigned ports for services inspect_network_ports() { # Array of port and service pairs local ports_services=( 82 restapps 83 restapi 81 ucp 80 acp 84 hpro "" leport "" sslrestapps "" sslrestapi "" sslucp "" sslacp "" sslhpro "" sslsngphone ) for (( i=0; i<${#ports_services[@]}; i+=2 )); do port="${ports_services[i]}" service="${ports_services[i+1]}" port_set=$(fwconsole sa ports | grep "$service" | cut -d'|' -f 2 | tr -d '[:space:]') if [ "$port_set" == "$port" ]; then message "$service module is assigned to its default port." else message "$service module is expected to have port $port assigned instead of $port_set" fi done } inspect_running_processes() { processes=$(fwconsole pm2 --list | grep -Ewv "online|----|Process") if [ -z "$processes" ]; then message "No Offline Processes found." else message "List of Offline processes:" message "$processes" fi } check_freepbx() { # Check if FreePBX is installed if ! dpkg -l | grep -q 'freepbx'; then message "FreePBX is not installed. Please install FreePBX to proceed." else verify_module_status if [ ! $opensourceonly ] ; then inspect_network_ports fi inspect_running_processes inspect_job_status=$(fwconsole job --list) message "Job list : $inspect_job_status" fi } check_digium_phones_version() { installed_version=$(asterisk -rx 'digium_phones show version' | awk '/Version/{print $NF}' 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n "$installed_version" ]]; then required_version="21.0_3.6.8" present_version=$(echo "$installed_version" | sed 's/_/./g') required_version=$(echo "$required_version" | sed 's/_/./g') if dpkg --compare-versions "$present_version" "lt" "$required_version"; then message "A newer version of Digium Phones module is available." else message "Installed Digium Phones module version: ($installed_version)" fi else message "Failed to check Digium Phones module version." fi } check_asterisk() { if ! dpkg -l | grep -q 'asterisk'; then message "Asterisk is not installed. Please install Asterisk to proceed." else check_asterisk_version=$(asterisk -V) message "$check_asterisk_version" if asterisk -rx "module show" | grep -q "res_digium_phone.so"; then check_digium_phones_version else message "Digium Phones module is not loaded. Please make sure it is installed and loaded correctly." fi fi } hold_packages() { # List of package names to hold local packages=("sangoma-pbx17" "nodejs" "node-*") if [ ! $nofpbx ] ; then packages+=("freepbx17") fi # Loop through each package and hold it for pkg in "${packages[@]}"; do apt-mark hold "$pkg" >> "$log" done } ################################################################################################################ MIRROR_PRIO=600 kernel=$(uname -a) host=$(hostname) fqdn="$(hostname -f)" || true # Install wget which is required for version check pkg_install wget # Script version check if [[ $skipversion ]]; then message "Skipping version check..." else # Perform version check if --skipversion is not provided message "Performing version check..." check_version fi # Check if running in a Container if systemd-detect-virt --container &> /dev/null; then message "Running in a Container. Skipping Chrony installation." nochrony=true fi # Check if we are running on a 64-bit system ARCH=$(dpkg --print-architecture) if [ "$ARCH" != "amd64" ]; then message "FreePBX 17 installation can only be made on a 64-bit (amd64) system!" message "Current System's Architecture: $ARCH" exit 1 fi # Check if hostname command succeeded and FQDN is not empty if [ -z "$fqdn" ]; then echo "Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is not set correctly." echo "Please set the FQDN for this system and re-run the script." echo "To set the FQDN, update the /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts files." exit 1 fi #Ensure the script is not running pid="$$" pidfile='/var/run/freepbx17_installer.pid' if [ -f "$pidfile" ]; then log "Previous PID file found." if ps -p "${pid}" > /dev/null then message "FreePBX 17 installation process is already going on (PID=${pid}), hence not starting new process" exit 1; fi log "Removing stale PID file" rm -f "${pidfile}" fi setCurrentStep "Starting installation." trap 'errorHandler "$LINENO" "$?" "$BASH_COMMAND"' ERR trap "terminate" EXIT echo "${pid}" > $pidfile start=$(date +%s) message " Starting FreePBX 17 installation process for $host $kernel" message " Please refer to the $log to know the process..." log " Executing script v$SCRIPTVER ..." setCurrentStep "Making sure installation is sane" # Fixing broken install apt-get -y --fix-broken install >> $log apt-get autoremove -y >> "$log" # Check if the CD-ROM repository is present in the sources.list file if grep -q "^deb cdrom" /etc/apt/sources.list; then # Comment out the CD-ROM repository line in the sources.list file sed -i '/^deb cdrom/s/^/#/' /etc/apt/sources.list message "Commented out CD-ROM repository in sources.list" fi apt-get update >> $log # Adding iptables and postfix inputs so "iptables-persistent" and postfix will not ask for the input setCurrentStep "Setting up default configuration" debconf-set-selections <> $log # log the apt-cache policy apt-cache policy >> $log # Don't start the tftp & chrony daemons automatically, as we need to change their configuration systemctl mask tftpd-hpa.service if [ "$nochrony" != true ]; then systemctl mask chrony.service fi # Install dependent packages setCurrentStep "Installing required packages" DEPPKGS=("redis-server" "libsnmp-dev" "libtonezone-dev" "libpq-dev" "liblua5.2-dev" "libpri-dev" "libbluetooth-dev" "libunbound-dev" "libsybdb5" "libspeexdsp-dev" "libiksemel-dev" "libresample1-dev" "libgmime-3.0-dev" "libc-client2007e-dev" "dpkg-dev" "ghostscript" "libtiff-tools" "iptables-persistent" "net-tools" "rsyslog" "libavahi-client3" "nmap" "apache2" "zip" "incron" "wget" "vim" "build-essential" "openssh-server" "mariadb-server" "mariadb-client" "bison" "flex" "flite" "php${PHPVERSION}" "php${PHPVERSION}-curl" "php${PHPVERSION}-zip" "php${PHPVERSION}-redis" "php${PHPVERSION}-curl" "php${PHPVERSION}-cli" "php${PHPVERSION}-common" "php${PHPVERSION}-mysql" "php${PHPVERSION}-gd" "php${PHPVERSION}-mbstring" "php${PHPVERSION}-intl" "php${PHPVERSION}-xml" "php${PHPVERSION}-bz2" "php${PHPVERSION}-ldap" "php${PHPVERSION}-sqlite3" "php${PHPVERSION}-bcmath" "php${PHPVERSION}-soap" "php${PHPVERSION}-ssh2" "php-pear" "curl" "sox" "libncurses5-dev" "libssl-dev" "mpg123" "libxml2-dev" "libnewt-dev" "sqlite3" "libsqlite3-dev" "pkg-config" "automake" "libtool" "autoconf" "git" "unixodbc-dev" "uuid" "uuid-dev" "libasound2-dev" "libogg-dev" "libvorbis-dev" "libicu-dev" "libcurl4-openssl-dev" "odbc-mariadb" "libical-dev" "libneon27-dev" "libsrtp2-dev" "libspandsp-dev" "sudo" "subversion" "libtool-bin" "python-dev-is-python3" "unixodbc" "libjansson-dev" "nodejs" "npm" "ipset" "iptables" "fail2ban" "htop" "liburiparser-dev" "postfix" "tcpdump" "sngrep" "libavdevice-dev" "tftpd-hpa" "xinetd" "lame" "haproxy" "screen" "easy-rsa" "openvpn" "sysstat" "apt-transport-https" "lsb-release" "ca-certificates" "cron" "python3-mysqldb" "default-libmysqlclient-dev" "at" ) if [ "$nochrony" != true ]; then DEPPKGS+=("chrony") fi for i in "${!DEPPKGS[@]}"; do pkg_install ${DEPPKGS[$i]} done if dpkg -l | grep -q 'postfix'; then warning_message="# WARNING: Changing the inet_interfaces to an IP other than may expose Postfix to external network connections.\n# Only modify this setting if you understand the implications and have specific network requirements." if ! grep -q "WARNING: Changing the inet_interfaces" /etc/postfix/main.cf; then # Add the warning message above the inet_interfaces configuration sed -i "/^inet_interfaces\s*=/i $warning_message" /etc/postfix/main.cf fi sed -i "s/^inet_interfaces\s*=.*/inet_interfaces =" /etc/postfix/main.cf systemctl restart postfix fi # OpenVPN EasyRSA configuration if [ ! -d "/etc/openvpn/easyrsa3" ]; then make-cadir /etc/openvpn/easyrsa3 fi #Remove below files which will be generated by sysadmin later rm -f /etc/openvpn/easyrsa3/pki/vars || true rm -f /etc/openvpn/easyrsa3/vars # Install Dahdi card support if --dahdi option is provided if [ "$dahdi" ]; then message "Installing DAHDI card support..." DAHDIPKGS=("asterisk${ASTVERSION}-dahdi" "dahdi-firmware" "dahdi-linux" "dahdi-linux-devel" "dahdi-tools" "libpri" "libpri-devel" "wanpipe" "wanpipe-devel" "dahdi-linux-kmod-${kernel_version}" "kmod-wanpipe-${kernel_version}" ) for i in "${!DAHDIPKGS[@]}"; do pkg_install ${DAHDIPKGS[$i]} done fi # Install libfdk-aac2 if [ $noaac ] ; then message "Skipping libfdk-aac2 installation due to noaac option" else pkg_install libfdk-aac2 fi setCurrentStep "Removing unnecessary packages" apt-get autoremove -y >> "$log" execution_time="$(($(date +%s) - start))" message "Execution time to install all the dependent packages : $execution_time s" setCurrentStep "Setting up folders and asterisk config" groupExists="$(getent group asterisk || echo '')" if [ "${groupExists}" = "" ]; then groupadd -r asterisk fi userExists="$(getent passwd asterisk || echo '')" if [ "${userExists}" = "" ]; then useradd -r -g asterisk -d /home/asterisk -M -s /bin/bash asterisk fi # Adding asterisk to the sudoers list #echo "%asterisk ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers # Creating /tftpboot directory mkdir -p /tftpboot chown -R asterisk:asterisk /tftpboot # Changing the tftp process path to tftpboot sed -i -e "s|^TFTP_DIRECTORY=\"/srv\/tftp\"$|TFTP_DIRECTORY=\"/tftpboot\"|" /etc/default/tftpd-hpa # Change the tftp & chrony options when IPv6 is not available, to allow successful execution if [ ! -f /proc/net/if_inet6 ]; then sed -i -e "s|^TFTP_OPTIONS=\"--secure\"$|TFTP_OPTIONS=\"--secure --ipv4\"|" /etc/default/tftpd-hpa if [ "$nochrony" != true ]; then sed -i -e "s|^DAEMON_OPTS=\"-F 1\"$|DAEMON_OPTS=\"-F 1 -4\"|" /etc/default/chrony fi fi # Start the tftp & chrony daemons systemctl unmask tftpd-hpa.service systemctl start tftpd-hpa.service if [ "$nochrony" != true ]; then systemctl unmask chrony.service systemctl start chrony.service fi # Creating asterisk sound directory mkdir -p /var/lib/asterisk/sounds chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/asterisk # Changing openssl to make it compatible with the katana sed -i -e 's/^openssl_conf = openssl_init$/openssl_conf = default_conf/' /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf isSSLConfigAdapted=$(grep "FreePBX 17 changes" /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf |wc -l) if [ "0" = "${isSSLConfigAdapted}" ]; then cat <> /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf # FreePBX 17 changes - begin [ default_conf ] ssl_conf = ssl_sect [ssl_sect] system_default = system_default_sect [system_default_sect] MinProtocol = TLSv1.2 CipherString = DEFAULT:@SECLEVEL=1 # FreePBX 17 changes - end EOF fi #Setting higher precedence value to IPv4 sed -i 's/^#\s*precedence ::ffff:0:0\/96 100/precedence ::ffff:0:0\/96 100/' /etc/gai.conf # Setting screen configuration isScreenRcAdapted=$(grep "FreePBX 17 changes" /root/.screenrc |wc -l) if [ "0" = "${isScreenRcAdapted}" ]; then cat <> /root/.screenrc # FreePBX 17 changes - begin hardstatus alwayslastline hardstatus string '%{= kG}[ %{G}%H %{g}][%= %{=kw}%?%-Lw%?%{r}(%{W}%n*%f%t%?(%u)%?%{r})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{B}%Y-%m-%d %{W}%c %{g}]' # FreePBX 17 changes - end EOF fi # Setting VIM configuration for mouse copy paste isVimRcAdapted=$(grep "FreePBX 17 changes" /etc/vim/vimrc.local |wc -l) if [ "0" = "${isVimRcAdapted}" ]; then VIMRUNTIME=$(vim -e -T dumb --cmd 'exe "set t_cm=\"|echo $VIMRUNTIME|quit' | tr -d '\015' ) VIMRUNTIME_FOLDER=$(echo $VIMRUNTIME | sed 's/ //g') cat <> /etc/vim/vimrc.local " FreePBX 17 changes - begin " This file loads the default vim options at the beginning and prevents " that they are being loaded again later. All other options that will be set, " are added, or overwrite the default settings. Add as many options as you " whish at the end of this file. " Load the defaults source $VIMRUNTIME_FOLDER/defaults.vim " Prevent the defaults from being loaded again later, if the user doesn't " have a local vimrc (~/.vimrc) let skip_defaults_vim = 1 " Set more options (overwrites settings from /usr/share/vim/vim80/defaults.vim) " Add as many options as you whish " Set the mouse mode to 'r' if has('mouse') set mouse=r endif " FreePBX 17 changes - end EOF fi # Setting apt configuration to always DO NOT overwrite existing configurations cat <> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00freepbx DPkg::options { "--force-confdef"; "--force-confold"; } EOF #chown -R asterisk:asterisk /etc/ssl # Install Asterisk if [ $noast ] ; then message "Skipping Asterisk installation due to noasterisk option" else # TODO Need to check if asterisk installed already then remove that and install new ones. # Install Asterisk 21 setCurrentStep "Installing Asterisk packages." install_asterisk $ASTVERSION fi # Install PBX dependent packages setCurrentStep "Installing FreePBX packages" FPBXPKGS=("sysadmin17" "sangoma-pbx17" "ffmpeg" ) for i in "${!FPBXPKGS[@]}"; do pkg_install ${FPBXPKGS[$i]} done #Enabling freepbx.ini file setCurrentStep "Enabling modules." phpenmod freepbx mkdir -p /var/lib/php/session #Creating default config files mkdir -p /etc/asterisk touch /etc/asterisk/extconfig_custom.conf touch /etc/asterisk/extensions_override_freepbx.conf touch /etc/asterisk/extensions_additional.conf touch /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf chown -R asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk setCurrentStep "Restarting fail2ban" systemctl restart fail2ban >> $log if [ $nofpbx ] ; then message "Skipping FreePBX 17 installation due to nofreepbx option" else setCurrentStep "Installing FreePBX 17" pkg_install ioncube-loader-82 pkg_install freepbx17 if [ -n "$NPM_MIRROR" ] ; then setCurrentStep "Setting environment variable npm_config_registry=$NPM_MIRROR" export npm_config_registry="$NPM_MIRROR" fi # Check if only opensource required then remove the commercial modules if [ "$opensourceonly" ]; then setCurrentStep "Removing commercial modules" fwconsole ma list | awk '/Commercial/ {print $2}' | xargs -I {} fwconsole ma -f remove {} >> "$log" # Remove firewall module also because it depends on commercial sysadmin module fwconsole ma -f remove firewall >> "$log" || true fi if [ $dahdi ]; then fwconsole ma downloadinstall dahdiconfig >> $log echo 'export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:/etc/wanpipe/wancfg_zaptel' | sudo tee -a /root/.bashrc fi setCurrentStep "Installing all local modules" fwconsole ma installlocal >> $log setCurrentStep "Upgrading FreePBX 17 modules" fwconsole ma upgradeall >> $log setCurrentStep "Reloading and restarting FreePBX 17" fwconsole reload >> $log fwconsole restart >> $log if [ "$opensourceonly" ]; then # Uninstall the sysadmin helper package for the sysadmin commercial module message "Uninstalling sysadmin17" apt-get purge -y sysadmin17 >> "$log" # Uninstall ionCube loader required for commercial modules and to install the freepbx17 package message "Uninstalling ioncube-loader-82" apt-get purge -y ioncube-loader-82 >> "$log" fi fi setCurrentStep "Wrapping up the installation process" systemctl daemon-reload >> "$log" if [ ! $nofpbx ] ; then systemctl enable freepbx >> "$log" fi #delete apache2 index.html as we do not need that file rm -f /var/www/html/index.html #enable apache mod ssl a2enmod ssl >> "$log" #enable apache mod expires a2enmod expires >> "$log" #enable apache a2enmod rewrite >> "$log" #Enabling freepbx apache configuration if [ ! $nofpbx ] ; then a2ensite freepbx.conf >> "$log" a2ensite default-ssl >> "$log" fi #Setting postfix size to 100MB postconf -e message_size_limit=102400000 # Disable expose_php for provide less information to attacker sed -i 's/\(^expose_php = \).*/\1Off/' /etc/php/${PHPVERSION}/apache2/php.ini # Disable ServerTokens and ServerSignature for provide less information to attacker sed -i 's/\(^ServerTokens \).*/\1Prod/' /etc/apache2/conf-available/security.conf sed -i 's/\(^ServerSignature \).*/\1Off/' /etc/apache2/conf-available/security.conf # Restart apache2 systemctl restart apache2 >> "$log" setCurrentStep "Holding Packages" hold_packages # Update logrotate configuration if grep -q '^#dateext' /etc/logrotate.conf; then message "Setting up logrotate.conf" sed -i 's/^#dateext/dateext/' /etc/logrotate.conf fi #setting permisions chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/www/html/ #Creating post apt scripts create_post_apt_script # Refresh signatures setCurrentStep "Refreshing modules signatures." count=1 if [ ! $nofpbx ]; then while [ $count -eq 1 ]; do set +e refresh_signatures exit_status=$? set -e if [ $exit_status -eq 0 ]; then break else log "Command 'fwconsole ma refreshsignatures' failed to execute with exit status $exit_status, running as a background job" refresh_signatures & log "Continuing the remaining script execution" break fi done fi setCurrentStep "FreePBX 17 Installation finished successfully." ############ POST INSTALL VALIDATION ############################################ # Commands for post-installation validation # Disable automatic script termination upon encountering non-zero exit code to prevent premature termination. set +e setCurrentStep "Post-installation validation" check_services check_php_version if [ ! $nofpbx ] ; then check_freepbx fi check_asterisk execution_time="$(($(date +%s) - start))" message "Total script Execution Time: $execution_time" message "Finished FreePBX 17 installation process for $host $kernel" message "Join us on the FreePBX Community Forum: https://community.freepbx.org/ "; if [ ! $nofpbx ] ; then fwconsole motd fi