#!/bin/bash PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin" # curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Navid200/cgm-remote-monitor/BackupMenuImprovement_Test/bootstrap.sh | bash echo echo "Bootstrapping the installation files - JamOrHam - Navid200" echo # We run bootstrap as the first step of a fresh install. But, we also run bootstrap on a complete system in order to switch repositories, or branches. # Running bootstrap on a complete system is destructive. It deletes the contents of the /srv directory, some of which are written by Install Nightscout phase 1. # What makes this extremely dangerous is that running bootstrap on a working system does not result in a catastrophic failure! The system remains operational # for a while, but, eventually fails. # This is why the status page shows "Missing node_modules" in red after bootstrap until node_modules are restored. # Regardless, we need to remember this destructive nature of bootstrap. # One must always run Install Nightscout phase 1 after running bootstrap. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install dialog ExistingSystem=0 if [ ! -z "$(ls /srv)" ] then ExistingSystem=1 clear dialog --colors --msgbox " \Zr Developed by the xDrip team \Zn\n\n\ The script you are running, \"bootstrap\", is meant to initiate an installtion. However, the file system does not seem to be empty.\n\n\ If you already have an installtion on this machine and proceed by pressing enter, it will be modified. If that's not your intention, please press escape to abort." 14 50 if [ $? -eq 255 ] then clear exit fi fi clear ubversion="$(cat /etc/issue | awk '{print $2}')" if [ "$ExistingSystem" = "0" ] # Only if this is not an existing installation then if [[ ! "$ubversion" = "20.04"* ]] || [[ ! "$(which vi)" = "" ]] # If the selected version of ubuntu is not what we want or if the main version has been installed instead of minimal then clear dialog --colors --msgbox " \Zr Developed by the xDrip team \Zn\n\n\ The Ubuntu version on the virtual machine is incorrect. You need to delete the virtual machine and create a new one. Please refer to the guide for the details." 10 50 exit fi sudo apt-get install -y git python gcc g++ make sudo apt-get -y install netcat fi if [ ! -s /xDrip ] then sudo mkdir /xDrip fi cd /xDrip sudo rm -rf scripts sudo -rf ConfigServer sudo mkdir scripts cd /srv sudo rm -rf * sudo git clone https://github.com/jamorham/nightscout-vps.git # ✅✅✅✅✅ Main - Uncomment before PR. #sudo git clone https://github.com/Navid200/cgm-remote-monitor.git # ⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔ For test - Comment out before PR. ls > /tmp/repo sudo mv -f /tmp/repo . # The repository name is now in /srv/repo cd "$(< repo)" sudo git checkout vps-1 # ✅✅✅✅✅ Main - Uncomment before PR. #sudo git checkout BackupMenuImprovement_Test # ⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔ For test - Comment out before PR. sudo git branch > /tmp/branch grep "*" /tmp/branch | awk '{print $2}' > /tmp/brnch sudo mv -f /tmp/brnch ../. # The branch name is now in /srv/brnch sudo git remote -v > /tmp/username grep "fetch" /tmp/username | awk '{print $2}' >/tmp/username2 FLine=$( /tmp/username sudo mv -f /tmp/username ../. # The username is now in /srv/username if [ ! -s update_scripts.sh ] then echo "UNABLE TO DOWNLOAD update_scripts SCRIPT! - cannot continue - please try again!" exit 5 fi sudo chmod 755 *.sh sudo cp -f update_scripts.sh /xDrip/scripts /xDrip/scripts/update_scripts.sh # So that the menu comes up as soon as the user logs in (opens a terminal) cd /tmp cat > /tmp/start_menu.sh << EOF #!/bin/sh sleep 1 /xDrip/scripts/menu.sh EOF sudo chown root:root start_menu.sh sudo chmod 755 start_menu.sh sudo mv -f start_menu.sh /etc/profile.d if [ "$(grep /xDrip/scripts/menu.sh ~/.bash_aliases)" = "" ] # If there is no alias to menu.sh not even commented out then cat >> ~/.bash_aliases << EOF alias menu="/xDrip/scripts/menu.sh" EOF fi if [ "$ExistingSystem" = "0" ] # If this is a new installation. then clear dialog --colors --msgbox " \Zr Developed by the xDrip team \Zn\n\n\ If any item above the line on the status page (shown next) is red, it represents an incorrect parameter that could result in malfunction or cost. \ Please take a note, delete the virtual machine, and create a new one. For more detail, please refer to the guide." 13 50 else # If this is an existing installation. clear dialog --colors --msgbox " \Zr Developed by the xDrip team \Zn\n\nBootstrap is complete. Press enter to go to the status page." 8 50 fi # Add log /xDrip/scripts/AddLog.sh "Bootstrap completed" /xDrip/Logs # Bring up the status page /xDrip/scripts/Status.sh clear /xDrip/scripts/menu.sh < /dev/tty