## Installation [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/jampow/velocity-sublime?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) Via Package Control, search for "velocity" Or paste the repo folder into the `/Packages` ## Snippets * ``for`` - foreach ``#foreach( $var in $!{colection} ) ... #end`` * ``param`` - get url param ``$!{request.getParameter( 'someparameter' )}`` * ``host`` - get host name ``$!{link.getHost()}`` * ``if`` - if structure, without else ``#if(condition) ... #end`` * ``ifel`` - if else structure ``#if(condition) ... #else ... #end`` * ``ifparam`` - if some url param ``#if($!{request.getParameter( 'someparameter' )}) ... #end`` * ``el`` - only an else ``#else`` * ``set`` - set ``#set( $var = _value_ )`` * ``read`` - gets the content of file ``$_reader.read("path/to/file.ext")`` * ``$`` - use variable ``$!{var}`` * ``!`` - html comment ```` * ``vm`` - velocity head ``#!vm;utf-8`` * ``+`` - addition ``$math.add($number, $number)`` * ``-`` - subtraction ``$math.sub($number, $number)`` * ``*`` - multiplication ``$math.mul($number, $number)`` * ``/`` - division ``$math.div($number, $number)`` * ``debug`` - html output debug with parameter * ``par`` - parse ``#parse("url")`` * ``exist`` - return a boolean if file exists ``$include.exists("filepath")`` * ``isweb`` - return a boolean if plataform is web ``$_userAgent.isWeb()`` * ``issmart`` - return a boolean if plataform is smart ``$_userAgent.isSmart()`` * ``isfeature`` - return a boolean if plataform is feature ``$_userAgent.isFeature()`` * ``jsontos`` - velocity object to string ``$_json.toString(obj)`` * ``request`` - return of the url requested ``$_json.request(url)`` * ``ept`` - is empty? ``.isEmpty()`` * ``dtformat`` - date format ``$date.format("pattern", $date.getSystemTime())`` * ``sysdate`` - system date ``$date.getSystemTime()`` * ``count`` - Velocity counter, foreach index ``$velocityCount`` * ``.up`` - Velocity toUpperCase ``.toUpperCase()`` * ``.str`` - converts to string ``.toString()`` * ``.ks`` - Object keys to Array ``.keySet()`` * ``st`` - STOP!!! Hammer time! ``#stop`` * ``ctype`` - set the content type of header's request ``$response.setContentType("type")``