= `intellij-lite.py` Downloads https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/206260419-intellij-lite[a "minimal" or "lite" copy] of https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/[IntelliJ IDEA] CE (Community Edition) Find latest version from (usu. bottom of) http://d2s4y8xcwt8bet.cloudfront.net/com/jetbrains/intellij/idea/ideaIC/maven-metadata.xml Resulting bundle is suitable for generic Java devs: * removes all non-essential plugins (Android, Kotlin etc.); retains Java, decompilers, basic code analysis, Git, Markdown, etc. * removes several `lib/` JARs that are not essential for operation * removes built-in Maven distro * runs on locally installed JRE (requires Java 11+) Fine-tuning of what is included and not, can be done using: * `data/whitelist.txt`: components/subpaths that will be downloaded (e.g. `plugins/maven/` dir) * `data/blacklist.txt`: components/subpaths that will be skipped (e.g. `plugins/maven/lib/maven3/`); takes precedence over whitelist, so can block subparts of already whitelisted paths Variables (inline/code level) for further tuning: `outdir`: Directory where the script will download content and assemble the final distro; you can delete any temporary files (`DELETE-*`) from this directory, and zip up the rest for reuse/reinstallation in future `dryrun`: Enabling this will produce a "dry run"; script downloads only any necessary metadata, and displays a summary of changes (files that will be downloaded vs reused) and associated bandwidths `local`: If you already have an old (previous version) IDEA CE distribution zip on local disk, point to it using this value. During download, the script will try to extract any unchanged files (which have same CRC checksum as the old file) from this local zip, instead of downloading them from scratch. (Based on observations across one major release (2020.1 - 2021.1), this does not provide a significant saving; 70-80 files and < 30MB of bandwidth.)