--[[ FibaroAPI HC3 SDK Copyright (c) 2020 Jan Gabrielsson Email: jan@gabrielsson.com MIT License Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Contributions & bugfixes: - @petergebruers, forum.fibaro.com - @tinman, forum.fibaro.com - @10der, forum.fibaro.com - @rangee, forum.fibaro.com - @petrkl12, forum.fibaro.com Sources included: json -- Copyright (c) 2019 rxi persistence -- Copyright (c) 2010 Gerhard Roethlin file functions -- Credit pkulchenko - ZeroBraneStudio copas -- Copyright 2005-2016 - Kepler Project (www.keplerproject.org) timerwheel -- Credit https://github.com/Tieske/timerwheel.lua/blob/master/LICENSE binaryheap -- Copyright 2015-2019 Thijs Schreijer --]] local FIBAROAPIHC3_VERSION = "0.315" assert(_VERSION:match("(%d+%.%d+)") >= "5.3","fibaroapiHC3.lua needs Lua version 5.3 or higher") --[[ Best way is to conditionally include this code at the top of your lua file if dofile and not hc3_emulator then hc3_emulator = { name = "My QA", -- Name of QA poll = 2000, -- Poll HC3 for triggers every 2000ms --offline = true, quickVars = {["Hue_User"]="$CREDS.Hue_user",["Hue_IP"]=$CREDS.Hue_IP} } dofile("fibaroapiHC3.lua") end--hc3 Then define another file, credentials.lua, where we define credentials to access the HC3 etc: return {  ip = , user = , pwd = } This file will be read by the emulator when it starts up and the table returned will be assigned to hc3_emulator.credentials. hc3_emulator.credentials.ip,hc3_emulator.credentials.user,hc3_emulator.credentials.pwd will be used by the emulator to authorize calls to the HC3. This way the credentials are not visible in your code and you will not accidently upload them :-) You can also predefine quickvars that are accessible with self:getVariable() when your code starts up. quickVar names starting with '$CREDS.' will be replaced with values from hc3_emulator.credentials. --]] --[[ Common hc3_emulator parameters: --------------------------------- hc3_emulator.name= -- Name of QuickApp, default "QuickApp" hc3_emulator.id= -- ID of QuickApp. Normally let emulator asign ID. (usually 999 for non-proxy QA) hc3_emulator.poll= -- Time in ms to poll the HC3 for triggers. default false hc3_emulator.type= -- default "com.fibaro.binarySwitch" hc3_emulator.speed= -- If not false, time in hours the emulator should speed. default false hc3_emulator.proxy= -- If true create HC3 procy. default false hc3_emulator.UI= -- Table defining buttons/sliders/labels. default {} hc3_emulator.quickVars= -- Table with values to assign quickAppVariables. default {}, hc3_emulator.offline= -- If true run offline with simulated devices. default false hc3_emulator.autocreate= -- Autocreate local resources hc3_emulator.breakOnInit= -- Tries to set breakpoint on QuickApp:onInit (mobdebug) hc3_emulator.breakOnLoad= -- Tries to set breakpoint on first line in loaded file (mobdebug) hc3_emulator.breakOnError= -- Tries to break after error (makes it easier to look at call stack etc) hc3_emulator.apiHTTPS= -- If true use https to call HC3 REST apis. default false hc3_emulator.deploy=, -- If true deploy code to HC3 instead of running it. default false hc3_emulator.assetDirectory= -- Directory where assets shoud be downloaded (ZBS). Default ~/.zbstudio/hc3emu hc3_emulator.resourceFile= -- When doing a resource download, use this file as default. hc3_emulator.db=, -- If true load a "resource download" from hc3_emulator.resourceFile or string hc3_emulator.htmlDebug= -- Try to convert html tags to ZBS console cmds (i.e. colors) hc3_emulator.terminalPort= -- Port used for socket/telnet interface hc3_emulator.webPort= -- Port used for web UI and events from HC3 hc3_emulator.HC3_logmessages= -- Defult false. If true will push log messages to the HC3 also. hc3_emulator.supressTrigger -- Make the emulator ignore certain events from the HC3, like = PluginChangedViewEvent hc3_emulator.negativeTimeout= -- Allow specification of negative timeout for setTimeout (will fire immediatly) hc3_emulator.strictClass= -- Strict class semantics, requiring initializers hc3_emulator.consoleColors=
-- Maps fibaro.debug/self:debug etc to color (debug.color enables color debugging) hc3_emulator.sysConsoleColors=
-- Maps colors used for system logs hc3_emulator.userdataType= -- If true intercepts type(...) to return userdate for our Lua classes. Some apps tests this... hc3_emulator.package=... -- Lua library paths (.path, .cpath) Common hc3_emulator functions: --------------------------------- hc3_emulator.setOffline(,) -- hc3_emulator.getIPaddress() -- Return HC3 IP address hc3_emulator.prettyJsonFormat(
) -- Return json formatted string of Lua table hc3_emulator.postTrigger(,[
, quickVars=
, dryrun= } hc3_emulator.createProxy(,,,) -- create QuickApp proxy on HC3 (usually called with hc3_emulator.post(ev,t) -- post event/sourceTrigger --]] local _debugFlags = { fibaro=false, -- Logs calls to fibaro api trigger=true, -- Logs incoming triggers from HC3 or internal emulator timers=nil, -- Logs low level info on timers being called, very noisy. refreshloop=false, -- Logs evertime refreshloop receives events mqtt=true, -- Logs mqtt message and callbacks http=false, -- Logs all net.HTTPClient():request. ALso includes the time the request took api=false, -- Logs all api request to the HC3 onAction=true, -- Logs call to onAction (incoming fibaro.calls etc UIEvent=true, -- Logs incoming UIEvents, from GUI elements zbsplug=true, -- Logs call from ZBS plugin calls webServer=false, -- Logs requests to /web/ including headers webServerReq=false, -- Logs requests to /web/ excluding headers files=false, -- Logs files loaded and run color=true, -- Logs in console using ANSI colors (see hc3_emulator.consoleColors for mapping) locl=true, -- Log creation of local devices breakOnError=false, -- Logs files loaded and run breakOnLoad=false, -- Sets breakpoint on first line of file loaded ctx=false, -- Logs Lua context switches timersSched=false, -- Logs when timers are scheduled timersWarn=0.500, -- Logs when timers are called late or setTimeout with time < 0 timersExtra=true, -- Adds extra info to timers, like from where it's called and definition of function (small time penalty) } local function merge(t1,t2) if type(t1)=='table' and type(t2)=='table' then for k,v in pairs(t2) do if t1[k]==nil then t1[k]=v else merge(t1[k],v) end end end return t1 end -- luacheck: globals ignore QuickAppBase QuickApp QuickAppChild quickApp hc3_emulator os QuickApp,QuickAppBase,QuickAppChild = nil,nil,nil local function DEF(x,y) if x==nil then return y else return x end end hc3_emulator = hc3_emulator or {} hc3_emulator.version = FIBAROAPIHC3_VERSION hc3_emulator.credentialsFile = hc3_emulator.credentialsFile or "credentials.lua" hc3_emulator.resourceFile = DEF(hc3_emulator.resourceFile,"HC3resources.data") hc3_emulator.HC3dir = hc3_emulator.HC3dir or "HC3files" -- not used hc3_emulator.backupDir = hc3_emulator.backupDir or "/tmp" -- not used hc3_emulator.backDirFmt = "%m-%d-%Y %H.%M.%S" -- not used hc3_emulator.conditions = false hc3_emulator.actions = false hc3_emulator.offline = DEF(hc3_emulator.offline,false) hc3_emulator.autoCreate = DEF(hc3_emulator.autoCreate,hc3_emulator.offline) hc3_emulator.emulated = true hc3_emulator.debug = merge(hc3_emulator.debug or {},_debugFlags) hc3_emulator.runSceneAtStart = false hc3_emulator.webPort = hc3_emulator.webPort or 6872 hc3_emulator.terminalPort = hc3_emulator.terminalPort or 6972 hc3_emulator.quickVars = hc3_emulator.quickVars or {} hc3_emulator.htmlDebug = DEF(hc3_emulator.htmlDebug,true) hc3_emulator.supressTrigger = {["PluginChangedViewEvent"] = true} -- Ignore noisy triggers... hc3_emulator.negativeTimeout = DEF(hc3_emulator.negativeTimeout,true) hc3_emulator.strictClass = true hc3_emulator.HC3_logmessages = DEF(hc3_emulator.HC3_logmessages,false) hc3_emulator.githubSrc = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jangabrielsson/EventRunner/master/" hc3_emulator.deviceIDs = DEF(hc3_emulator.deviceIDs,9000) hc3_emulator.emu = {} hc3_emulator.emu.EMURUNNING = "HC3Emulator" hc3_emulator.emu.EMURUNNING_INTERVAL = 4.0 _debugFlags = hc3_emulator.debug do local cr = loadfile(hc3_emulator.credentialsFile) --hc3_emulator.credentials = hc3_emulator.credentials or {} if cr then hc3_emulator.credentials = merge(hc3_emulator.credentials or {},cr() or {}) end end do if type(package)=='table' then -- For VS. -- See https://forum.fibaro.com/topic/49488-sdk-for-remote-and-offline-hc3-development/page/8/?tab=comments#comment-225963 if hc3_emulator.package then package.path,package.cpath = package.path..";"..hc3_emulator.package.path, package.cpath..";"..hc3_emulator.package.cpath else package.path = package.path .. ";./libs/?.lua"; package.cpath = package.cpath .. ";./libs/?.dll"; end end local socket = require("socket") -- LuaSocket, these are the dependencies we have local url = require("socket.url") -- LuaSocket local headers = require("socket.headers") -- LuaSocket local ltn12 = require("ltn12") -- LuaSocket local mime = require("mime") -- LuaSocket local lfs = require("lfs") -- LuaFileSystem, -- optional require('mobdebug') -- Lua remote debugger assert(socket and url and headers and ltn12 and mime and lfs,"Missing libraries") local stat,mobdebug = pcall(function() return require('mobdebug') end) -- Load mobdebug if available to debug coroutines.. local fid = function() end hc3_emulator.mobdebug = stat and mobdebug or {coro=fid, pause=fid, setbreakpoint=fid, on=fid, off=fid} hc3_emulator.mobdebug.coro() end local profiler = nil local function osExit() if hc3_emulator.profile and profiler then profiler.stop() profiler.report("profiler.log") end os.exit(0,true) end collectgarbage("setpause",100) collectgarbage("setstepmul",150) -- Globals -- luacheck: globals ignore LOG Log json assertf api net onAction onUIEvent LOG,Log,json,assertf,api,net=nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil local module,commandLines,terminals = {},{},{} onAction,onUIEvent = nil,nil -- luacheck: globals ignore Device class property getHierarchy Hierarchy local function d2str(...) local r,s={...},{} for i=1,#r do if r[i]~=nil then s[#s+1]=tostring(r[i]) end end return table.concat(s," ") end ------------------- Contexts, QuickApps and Scenes ------------------------- local contexts = {} setmetatable(contexts,{__mode='k'}) local function setContext(env) local co = coroutine.running() if _debugFlags.ctx then print("SC:",((env or _ENV).plugin or {}).mainDeviceId,tostring(co),tostring(env.quickApp)) end contexts[co]=env or _ENV end local function getContext() local co = coroutine.running() local env = contexts[co] or {} if _debugFlags.ctx then print("GC:",(env.plugin or {}).mainDeviceId,tostring(co),tostring(env.quickApp)) end return env end setContext(_G) -- Start, main thread -------------- Fibaro API functions ------------------ function module.Fibaro(hc3) local self,fibaro = {},{version = "1.0.0"} local Util,Trigger,Timer = hc3.module.Util local copas,cache,safeDecode,urlencode,colorStr local _debugFlags = hc3.debug local format = string.format local GET_DEVICE,GET_SCENE,GET_PROPERTY,GET_VARIABLE,PUT_VARIABLE,CALL_ACTION,POST_DEBUGMESSAGE Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf=Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf function self.initialise() --luacheck: ignore Trigger,Timer = hc3.module.Trigger,hc3.module.Timer cache,safeDecode,urlencode,colorStr = Trigger.cache,Util.safeDecode,Util.urlencode,Util.colorStr copas = Timer.copas local API = hc3.module.API GET_DEVICE = API.GET_DEVICE GET_SCENE = API.GET_SCENE GET_PROPERTY = API.GET_PROPERTY GET_VARIABLE = API.GET_VARIABLE PUT_VARIABLE = API.PUT_VARIABLE CALL_ACTION = API.CALL_ACTION POST_DEBUGMESSAGE = API.POST_DEBUGMESSAGE end local function __assert_type(value,typeOfValue ) if type(value) ~= typeOfValue then -- Wrong parameter type, string required. Provided param 'nil' is type of nil error(format("Wrong parameter type, %s required. Provided param '%s' is type of %s", typeOfValue,tostring(value),type(value)), 3) end end local function __fibaro_get_device(id) __assert_type(id,"number") return GET_DEVICE(nil,"/devices/"..id,id) end local function __fibaro_get_devices() return api.get("/devices") end local function __fibaro_get_room (id) __assert_type(id,"number") return api.get("/rooms/"..id) end local function __fibaro_get_scene(id) __assert_type(id,"number") return GET_SCENE(nil,"/scenes/"..id,id) end local function __fibaro_get_global_variable(name) __assert_type(name ,"string") local c = cache.read('globals',0,name) or GET_VARIABLE(nil,"/globalVariables/"..name,name) cache.write('globals',0,name,c) return c end local function __fibaro_get_device_property(id ,prop) __assert_type(id,"number") __assert_type(prop,"string") local c = cache.read('devices',id,prop) or GET_PROPERTY(nil,"/devices/"..id.."/properties/"..prop,id,prop) cache.write('devices',id,prop,c) return c end local function __fibaroSleep(ms) __assert_type(ms,'number') --local ctx = getContext() --if ctx.getLock then ctx.getLock() end copas.sleep(ms/1000.0) --if ctx.releaseeLock then ctx.releaseLock() end end local function __fibaro_add_debug_message(tag,str,typ) assert(str,"Missing tag for debug") POST_DEBUGMESSAGE({message=str,messageType=typ,tag=tag},"/debugMessages") end function fibaro.debug(tag,...) __fibaro_add_debug_message(tag,d2str(...),"DEBUG") end function fibaro.warning(tag,...) __fibaro_add_debug_message(tag,d2str(...),"WARNING") end function fibaro.trace(tag,...) __fibaro_add_debug_message(tag,d2str(...),"TRACE") end function fibaro.error(tag,...) __fibaro_add_debug_message(tag,d2str(...),"ERROR") end function fibaro.getName(deviceID) __assert_type(deviceID,'number') local dev = __fibaro_get_device(deviceID) return dev and dev.name end function fibaro.get(deviceID,propertyName) local property = __fibaro_get_device_property(deviceID ,propertyName) if property then return property.value, property.modified end end function fibaro.getValue(deviceID, propertyName) return (fibaro.get(deviceID , propertyName)) end function fibaro.wakeUpDeadDevice(deviceID ) __assert_type(deviceID,'number') fibaro.call(1,'wakeUpDeadDevice',deviceID) end function fibaro.call(deviceID, actionName, ...) __assert_type(actionName ,"string") if type(deviceID)=='table' then for _,d in ipairs(deviceID) do fibaro.call(d, actionName, ...) end else __assert_type(deviceID ,"number") local a = {args={},delay=0} local args = {...} for i,v in ipairs(args) do a.args[i]=v end local res,stat = CALL_ACTION(a,"/devices/"..deviceID.."/action/"..actionName,deviceID,actionName) if stat>202 then Log(LOG.ERROR,"Device %s does not exists - %s",deviceID,stat) end return res end end function fibaro.getType(deviceID) local dev = __fibaro_get_device(deviceID) return dev and dev.type or nil end function fibaro.getGlobalVariable(varName) local globalVar = __fibaro_get_global_variable(varName) if globalVar then return globalVar.value , globalVar.modified end end function fibaro.setGlobalVariable(name , value) __assert_type(name ,"string") local data = {["value"] = tostring(value) , ["invokeScenes"] = true} PUT_VARIABLE(data,"/globalVariables/"..name,name) end function fibaro.emitCustomEvent(name) return api.post("/customEvents/"..name,{}) end function fibaro.setTimeout(value, func) return Timer.setTimeout(func, value) end function fibaro.clearTimeout(ref) return Timer.clearTimeout(ref) end function fibaro.getRoomName(roomID) __assert_type(roomID,'number') local room = __fibaro_get_room(roomID) return room and room.name end function fibaro.getRoomID(deviceID) local dev = __fibaro_get_device(deviceID) return dev and (dev.roomID or 0) end function fibaro.getRoomNameByDeviceID(deviceID) local roomID = fibaro.getRoomID(deviceID) return roomID == 0 and "unassigned" or fibaro.getRoomName(roomID) end function fibaro.getSectionID(deviceID) local roomID = fibaro.getRoomID(deviceID) return roomID == 0 and 0 or __fibaro_get_room(roomID).sectionID end function fibaro.getIds(devices) local ids = {} for _,a in pairs(devices) do if a ~= nil and type (a) == 'table' and a['id'] ~= nil and a['id'] > 3 then ids[#ids+1]=a['id'] end end return ids end function fibaro.getAllDeviceIds() return api.get('/devices/') end function fibaro.getDevicesID(filter) local function encode(s) return tostring(s) end -- urlencode(tostring(s)) end if type(filter) ~= 'table' or (type(filter) == 'table' and next( filter ) == nil) then return fibaro.getIds(__fibaro_get_devices()) end local args = '/?' for c,d in pairs(filter) do if c == 'properties' and d ~= nil and type(d) == 'table' then for a,b in pairs (d) do if b == "nil" then args = args..'property='..encode(a)..'&' else args = args..'property=['..encode(a)..','..encode(b)..']&' end end elseif c == 'interfaces' and d ~= nil and type(d) == 'table' then for _,b in pairs(d) do args = args..'interface='..encode(b)..'&' end else args = args..encode(c).."="..encode(d)..'&' end end args = string.sub(args,1,-2) return fibaro.getIds(api.get(urlencode('/devices'..args))) end function fibaro.scene(action, sceneIDs) -- execute or kill __assert_type(sceneIDs,'table') assert(action=='execute' or action=='kill',"fibaro.scene arguments mist be execute/kill") for _,id in ipairs(sceneIDs) do api.post("/scenes/"..id.."/"..action,{}) end end function fibaro.profile(profile_id, action) if hc3.codeType == 'QA' then profile_id,action = action,profile_id end __assert_type(profile_id,'number') __assert_type(action,'string') return api.post("/profiles/"..action.."/"..profile_id,{}) end function fibaro.callGroupAction(action,args) __assert_type(action,'string') __assert_type(args,'table') local res,stat = api.post("/devices/groupAction/"..action,args) return stat==202 and res.devices end function fibaro.alert(alertType, users, msg) alertType = ({simplePush='simplePush',push='sendGlobalPushNotifications',email='sendGlobalEmailNotifications',sms='sendSms'})[alertType] assert(alertType,"Missing alert type: 'push', 'email', 'sms'") __assert_type(users,'table') for _,u in ipairs(users) do fibaro.call(u,alertType,msg,"false") end end -- User PIN? function fibaro.alarm(partition_id, action) if action==nil then action = partition_id assert(action=='arm' or action=='disarm',"alarm action is 'arm' or 'disarm'") if action=='arm' then api.post("/alarms/v1/partitions/actions/arm",{}) elseif action=='disarm' then api.delete("/alarms/v1/partitions/actions/arm",{}) end else assert(action=='arm' or action=='disarm',"alarm action is 'arm' or 'disarm'") __assert_type(partition_id,'number') if action=='arm' then return api.post(format("/alarms/v1/partitions/%s/actions/arm",partition_id),{}) elseif action=='disarm' then return api.delete(format("/alarms/v1/partitions/%s/actions/arm",partition_id),{}) end end end function fibaro.__houseAlarm() end -- ToDo: function fibaro.sleep(ms) __fibaroSleep(ms) end fibaro.homeCenter = { PopupService = { publish = function(request) return api.post("/popups",request) end }, climate = { setClimateZoneToScheduleMode = fibaro.setClimateZoneToScheduleMode, setClimateZoneToManualMode = fibaro.setClimateZoneToManualMode, setClimateZoneToVacationMode = fibaro.setClimateZoneToVacationMode }, SystemService = { reboot = function() api.post("/service/reboot") end, suspend = function() api.post("/service/suspend") end, shutdown = function() api.post("/service/shutdown") end, }, notificationService = { publish = function(request) request.canBeDeleted = true request.canBeDeleted = true return api.post('/notificationCenter', request) end, update = function(id, request) __assert_type(id, "number") request.canBeDeleted = true return api.put('/notificationCenter/'..id, request) end, remove = function(id) __assert_type(id, "number") return api.delete('/notificationCenter/'..id) end }, } local fjson = Util.prettyJson local function patchFibaro(name) local oldF,flag = fibaro[name],"f"..name fibaro[name] = function(...) local args = {...} local res = {oldF(...)} if _debugFlags[flag] then args = #args==0 and "" or fjson(args):sub(2,-2) Log(LOG.LOG,"fibaro.%s(%s) => %s",name,args,#res==0 and "nil" or #res==1 and res[1] or res) end return table.unpack(res) end end local fibaroFunsToPatch = { "call","getType","getValue","getName","get","getGlobalVariable","setGlobalVariable","getRoomName", "getRoomID","getRoomNameByDeviceID","getSectionID","getIds","getDevicesID","scene","profile","callGroupAction", "alert","alarm","setTimeout","clearTimeout","emitCustomEvent","wakeUpDeadDevice","sleep" } function self.traceFibaro() for _,name in ipairs(fibaroFunsToPatch) do patchFibaro(name) end _debugFlags["f".."call"]=true end self.fibaro = fibaro self.__assert_type = __assert_type self.__fibaro_get_device = __fibaro_get_device self.__fibaro_get_devices = __fibaro_get_devices self.__fibaro_get_room = __fibaro_get_room self.__fibaro_get_scene = __fibaro_get_scene self.__fibaro_get_global_variable = __fibaro_get_global_variable self.__fibaro_get_device_property = __fibaro_get_device_property self.__fibaro_add_debug_message = __fibaro_add_debug_message self.__fibaroSleep = __fibaroSleep return self end--module Fibaro ------------ HTTP support --------------------- -- An emulation of Fibaro's net.HTTPClient, net.TCPSocket() and net.UDPSocket() function module.HTTP(hc3) local selfHTTP = {} local Util,Trigger,Timer = hc3.module.Util local _debugFlags = hc3.debug local urlencode,copas=Util.urlencode Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf=Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf local socket = require("socket") -- LuaSocket, these are the dependencies we have local ltn12 = require("ltn12") -- LuaSocket function selfHTTP.initialise() --luacheck: ignore Trigger,Timer = hc3.module.Trigger,hc3.module.Timer copas = Timer.copas end local function interceptLocal(url,options,success,_) --error) if url:match("://(127%.0%.0%.1)[:/]") then local refresh = url:match("/api/refreshStates%?last=(%d+)") if refresh then local state = Trigger.refreshStates.getEvents(tonumber(refresh)) if success then success({status=200,data=json.encode(state)}) end return true end url = url:gsub("(://127%.0%.0%.1)","://"..(hc3.credentials.ip or "")) if url:match("://.-:11111/") then url = url:gsub("(:11111)","") options.headers = options.headers or {} options.headers['Authorization'] = hc3.BasicAuthorization or "" end end return false,url end local net = net or {} local outstanding = 0 function net.HTTPClient(i_options) local self = {} function self:request(url,args) if outstanding > 30 then Log(LOG.WARNING,"Number of outstanding http requests %s",outstanding) end local req,resp = {},{}; for k,v in pairs(i_options or {}) do req[k]=v end for k,v in pairs(args.options or {}) do req[k]=v end req.timeout = req.timeout or (i_options and i_options.timeout) if req.timeout then req.timeout = req.timeout / 1000.0 end -- timeout in ms -> s local s,u = interceptLocal(url,req,args.success,args.error) if s then return else url=u end req.url = url req.headers = req.headers or {} req.sink = ltn12.sink.table(resp) if req.data then req.headers["Content-Length"] = #req.data req.source = ltn12.source.string(req.data) else req.headers["Content-Length"]=0 end local ctx = getContext() local sync = i_options and i_options.sync==true if not sync then assert(ctx._getLock,"net.HTTPClient() not called from QuickApp/Scene") end local call = sync and (function(f) f() end) or ctx.setTimeout call(function() local t1 = os.milliTime() if not sync then ctx._releaseLock() end -- release lock so other timers in the QA can run during the request outstanding = outstanding +1 local _,status,headers = copas.http.request(req) outstanding = outstanding -1 if not sync then ctx._getLock() end if _debugFlags.http then Log(LOG.LOG,"httpRequest(%.03fs): %s %s %s",os.milliTime()-t1,req.method,url,req.data or "") end if tonumber(status) and status >= 200 and status < 400 then if args.success then call(function() args.success( {status=status, headers=headers, data=table.concat(resp)}) end, 0,"HTTP Success handler",nil,nil,_debugFlags.timersExtra and debug.getinfo(args.success,"Sl") ) end elseif args.error then call(function() args.error(status) end,0,"HTTP Error handler") end end, 0, "HTTPClient", ctx) return nil end local pstr = "HTTPClient object: "..tostring(self):match("%s(.*)") setmetatable(self,{__tostring = function() return pstr end}) return self end function net.TCPSocket(opts) local self = { opts = opts or {} } local sock --= socket.tcp() function self:connect(ip, port, opts) for k,v in pairs(self.opts) do opts[k]=v end local err sock,err = socket.connect(ip,port) if err==nil and opts and opts.success then sock:settimeout(0) opts.success() elseif opts and opts.error then opts.error(err) end end function self:read(opts) -- I interpret this as reading as much as is available...? copas.addthread(function() local data,res = {} local b,err = copas.receive(sock,1) if not err then data[#data+1]=b while socket.select({sock},nil,0.1)[1] do b,err = copas.receive(sock,1) if b then data[#data+1]=b else break end end res = table.concat(data) end if res and opts and opts.success then opts.success(res) elseif res==nil and opts and opts.error then opts.error(err) end end) end local function check(data,del) local n = #del for i=1,#del do if data[#data-n+i]~=del:sub(i,i) then return false end end return true end function self:readUntil(delimiter, opts) -- Read until the cows come home, or closed copas.addthread(function() local data,ok,res = {},true,nil local b,err = copas.receive(sock,1) if not err then data[#data+1]=b if not check(data,delimiter) then ok = false while true do b,err = copas.receive(sock,1) if b then data[#data+1]=b if check(data,delimiter) then ok=true break end else break end end -- while end if ok then for i=1,#delimiter do table.remove(data,#data) end res = table.concat(data) end end if res and opts and opts.success then opts.success(res) elseif res==nil and opts and opts.error then opts.error(err) end end) end function self:write(data, opts) copas.addthread(function() local res,err = copas.send(sock,data) if res and opts and opts.success then opts.success(res) elseif res==nil and opts and opts.error then opts.error(err) end end) end function self:close() sock:close() end local pstr = "TCPSocket object: "..tostring(self):match("%s(.*)") setmetatable(self,{__tostring = function() return pstr end}) return self end function net.UDPSocket(opts) local self = { opts = opts or {} } local sock = socket.udp() if self.opts.broadcast~=nil then sock:setsockname(Util.getIPaddress(), 0) sock:setoption("broadcast", self.opts.broadcast) end if opts.timeout~=nil then sock:settimeout(opts.timeout / 1000) end function self:sendTo(datagram, ip,port, callbacks) -- udp sendTo doesn't block. local stat, res = copas.sendto(sock, datagram, ip, port) if stat and callbacks.success then pcall(callbacks.success,1) elseif stat==nil and callbacks.error then pcall(callbacks.error,res) end end function self:bind(ip,port) sock:setsockname(ip, port) end function self:receive(callbacks) copas.addthread(function() local stat, res = copas.receivefrom(sock,ip,port) if stat and callbacks.success then pcall(callbacks.success,stat, res) elseif stat==nil and callbacks.error then pcall(callbacks.error,res) end end) end function self:close() sock:close() end local pstr = "UDPSocket object: "..tostring(self):match("%s(.*)") setmetatable(self,{__tostring = function() return pstr end}) return self end -------------- MQTT support --------------------- local function safeJson(e) if type(e)=='table' then for k,v in pairs(e) do e[k]=safeJson(v) end return e elseif type(e)=='function' or type(e)=='thread' or type(e)=='userdata' then return tostring(e) else return e end end local mqtt local stat,_mqtt=pcall(function() return require("mqtt") end) if stat then mqtt={ Client = {}, QoS = {EXACTLY_ONCE=1}, MSGT = { CONNECT = 1, CONNACK = 2, PUBLISH = 3, PUBACK = 4, PUBREC = 5, PUBREL = 6, PUBCOMP = 7, SUBSCRIBE = 8, SUBACK = 9, UNSUBSCRIBE = 10, UNSUBACK = 11, PINGREQ = 12, PINGRESP = 13, DISCONNECT = 14, AUTH = 15, }, MSGMAP = { [9]='subscribed', [11]='unsubscribed', [4]='published', -- Should be onpublished according to doc? [14]='closed', } } function mqtt.Client.connect(uri, options) options = options or {} local args = {} args.uri = uri args.uri = string.gsub(uri, "mqtt://", "") args.username = options.username args.password = options.password args.clean = options.cleanSession if args.clean == nil then args.clean=true end args.will = options.lastWill args.keep_alive = options.keepAlivePeriod args.id = options.clientId --cafile="...", certificate="...", key="..." (default false) if options.clientCertificate then -- Not in place... args.secure = { certificate= options.clientCertificate, cafile = options.certificateAuthority, key = "", } end local _client = _mqtt.client(args) local client={ _client=_client, _handlers={} } function client:addEventListener(message,handler) self._handlers[message]=handler end function client:subscribe(topic, options) options = options or {} local args = {} args.topic = topic args.qos = options.qos or 0 args.callback = options.callback return self._client:subscribe(args) end function client:unsubscribe(topics, options) if type(topics)=='string' then return self._client:unsubscribe({topic=topics}) else local res for _,t in ipairs(topics) do res=self:unsubscribe(t) end return res end end function client:publish(topic, payload, options) options = options or {} local args = {} args.topic = topic args.payload = payload args.qos = options.qos or 0 args.retain = options.retain or false args.callback = options.callback return self._client:publish(args) end function client:disconnect(options) options = options or {} local args = {} args.callback = options.callback return self._client:disconnect(args) end --function client:acknowledge() end _client:on{ --{"type":2,"sp":false,"rc":0} connect = function(connack) Debug(_debugFlags.mqtt,"MQTT connect:"..Util.prettyJson(connack)) if client._handlers['connected'] then client._handlers['connected']({sessionPresent=connack.sp,returnCode=connack.rc}) end end, subscribe = function(event) Debug(_debugFlags.mqtt,"MQTT subscribe:"..Util.prettyJson(event)) if client._handlers['subscribed'] then client._handlers['subscribed'](safeJson(event)) end end, unsubscribe = function(event) Debug(_debugFlags.mqtt,"MQTT unsubscribe:"..Util.prettyJson(event)) if client._handlers['unsubscribed'] then client._handlers['unsubscribed'](safeJson(event)) end end, message = function(msg) Debug(_debugFlags.mqtt,"MQTT message:"..Util.prettyJson(msg)) local msgt = mqtt.MSGMAP[msg.type] if msgt and client._handlers[msgt] then client._handlers[msgt](msg) elseif client._handlers['message'] then client._handlers['message'](msg) end end, acknowledge = function(event) Debug(_debugFlags.mqtt,"MQTT acknowledge:"..Util.prettyJson(event)) if client._handlers['acknowledge'] then client._handlers['acknowledge']() end end, error = function(err) if _debugFlags.mqtt then Log(LOG.ERROR,"MQTT error:"..err) end if client._handlers['error'] then client._handlers['error'](err) end end, close = function(event) Debug(_debugFlags.mqtt,"MQTT close:"..Util.prettyJson(event)) event = safeJson(event) if client._handlers['closed'] then client._handlers['closed'](safeJson(event)) end end, auth = function(event) Debug(_debugFlags.mqtt,"MQTT auth:"..Util.prettyJson(event)) if client._handlers['auth'] then client._handlers['auth'](safeJson(event)) end end, } _mqtt.get_ioloop():add(client._client) if not mqtt._loop then local iter = _mqtt.get_ioloop() mqtt._loop = os.setTimer(function() iter:iteration() end,1000,true) end return client end else mqtt={ Client = {} } function mqtt.Client.connect() Log(LOG.ERROR, [[You need to have installed https://github.com/xHasKx/luamqtt so that require("mqtt") works from fibaroapiHC3.lua]] ) end end -------------- WebSocket support --------------------- local stat2,websocket = pcall(function() local v,res=_VERSION,require("wsLua_ER") net._WSVERSION,_VERSION = _VERSION,v return res end) if stat2 then function net.WebSocketClientTls() local POLLINTERVAL = 1000 local conn,err,lt = nil local self = { } local handlers = {} local function dispatch(h,...) if handlers[h] then h = handlers[h] local args = {...} os.setTimer(function() h(table.unpack(args)) end,0) end end local function listen() if not conn then return end local function loop() if lt == nil then return end websocket.wsreceive(conn) if lt then lt = os.setTimer(loop,POLLINTERVAL) end end lt = os.setTimer(loop,0) end local function stopListen() if lt then os.clearTimer(lt) lt = nil end end local function disconnected() websocket.wsclose(conn) conn=nil; stopListen(); dispatch("disconnected") end local function connected() self.co = true; listen(); dispatch("connected") end local function dataReceived(data) dispatch("dataReceived",data) end local function error(err) dispatch("error",err) end local function message_handler( conn, opcode, data, ... ) if not opcode then error(data) disconnected() else dataReceived(data) end end function self:addEventListener(h,f) handlers[h]=f end function self:connect(url) if conn then return false end conn, err = websocket.wsopen( url, message_handler, nil ) --options ) if not err then connected(); return true else return false,err end end function self:send(data) if not conn then return false end if not websocket.wssend(conn,1,data) then return disconnected() end return true end function self:isOpen() return conn and true end function self:close() if conn then disconnected() return true end end return self end net.WebSocketClient = net.WebSocketClientTls else function net.WebSocketClientTls() Log(LOG.ERROR, [[You need to have installed https://github.com/jangabrielsson/wsLua_ER so that require("wsLua_ER") works from fibaroapiHC3.lua]] ) end net.WebSocketClient = net.WebSocketClientTls end local function safeDecode(x) local stat,res = pcall(function() return json.decode(x) end) return stat and res end function selfHTTP.HC3call(method,call,data,cType) if hc3.offline then return nil,400 end if _debugFlags.api then Log(LOG.SYS,"api.%s - %s",method,call) end -- Special case, url encode arguments if call:match("/devices/%?.+") then call=urlencode(call) end local resp = {} local req={ method=method, timeout = 5000, -- ToDo: Replace with configurable constant url = "http://"..hc3.credentials.ip.."/api"..call, --urlencode(call), sink = ltn12.sink.table(resp), user=hc3.credentials.user, password=hc3.credentials.pwd, headers={} } if (method == "POST" or method=="PUT") and data == nil then data = "[]" end req.headers["Accept"] = '*/*' req.headers["X-Fibaro-Version"] = 2 req.headers["Fibaro-User-PIN"] = hc3.USERPIN -- UserPIN needed for alarms devices etc. if data then req.headers["Content-Type"] = cType or "application/json" req.headers["content-length"] = #data req.source = ltn12.source.string(data) end local r, c, h if hc3.apiHTTPS then req.url = "https"..req.url:sub(5) end local ctx = getContext() --if ctx._ENVID then ctx.setTimeout(function() end,250) end r,c,h = copas.http.request(req) if not r then Log(LOG.ERROR,"Error connnecting to HC3: '%s' - URL: '%s'.",c,req.url) return nil,c, h end if c>=200 and c<300 then return resp[1] and safeDecode(table.concat(resp)) or nil,c end if _debugFlags.api then Log(LOG.ERROR,"HC3 returned error '%d %s' - URL: '%s'.",c,resp[1] or "",req.url) end return nil,c, h end selfHTTP.net = net selfHTTP.mqtt = mqtt return selfHTTP end--module HTTP -------------- Timer support ------------------------- function module.Timer(hc3) local self = {} local Util = hc3.module.Util local _debugFlags = hc3.debug local copas,timer,timerwheel2,lock local binaryheap Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf=Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf local socket = require("socket") local url = require("socket.url") local ltn12 = require("ltn12") local mime = require("mime") local string = require("string") local headers = require("socket.headers") ------- Timer wheel -------------- do local default_now -- return time in seconds if _G['ngx'] then -- no problem, main thread default_now = _G['ngx'].now else local ok, socket = pcall(require, "socket") if ok then default_now = socket.gettime else default_now = nil -- we don't have a default end end local new_tab = function(narr, nrec) return {} end local xpcall = xpcall --pcall(function() return require("coxpcall").xpcall end) or xpcall local default_err_handler = function(err) io.stderr:write(debug.traceback("TimerWheel callback failed with: " .. tostring(err))) end local math_floor = math.floor local math_huge = math.huge local EMPTY = {} local _M = {} function _M.new(opts) assert(opts ~= _M, "new should not be called with colon ':' notation") opts = opts or EMPTY assert(type(opts) == "table", "expected options to be a table") local precision = opts.precision or 0.050 -- in seconds, 50ms by default local ringsize = opts.ringsize or 72000 -- #slots per ring, default 1 hour = 60 * 60 / 0.050 local now = opts.now or default_now -- function to get time in seconds local err_handler = opts.err_handler or default_err_handler opts = nil -- luacheck: ignore assert(type(precision) == "number" and precision > 0, "expected 'precision' to be number > 0") assert(type(ringsize) == "number" and ringsize > 0 and math_floor(ringsize) == ringsize, "expected 'ringsize' to be an integer number > 0") assert(type(now) == "function", "expected 'now' to be a function, got: " .. type(now)) assert(type(err_handler) == "function", "expected 'err_handler' to be a function, got: " .. type(err_handler)) local start = now() local position = 1 -- position next up in first ring of timer wheel local id_count = 0 -- counter to generate unique ids (all negative) local id_list = {} -- reverse lookup table to find timers by id local rings = {} -- list of rings, index 1 is the current ring local rings_n = 0 -- the number of the last ring in the rings list local count = 0 -- how many timers do we have local wheel = {} -- the returned wheel object -- because we assume hefty setting and cancelling, we're reusing tables -- to prevent excessive GC. local tables = {} -- list of tables to be reused local tables_n = 0 -- number of tables in the list --- Checks and executes timers. -- Call this function (at least) every `precision` seconds. -- @return `true` function wheel:step() local new_position = math_floor((now() - start) / precision) + 1 local ring = rings[1] or EMPTY while position < new_position do -- get the expired slot, and remove it from the ring local slot = ring[position] ring[position] = nil -- forward pointers position = position + 1 if position > ringsize then -- current ring is done, remove it and forward pointers for i = 1, rings_n do -- manual loop, since table.remove won't deal with holes rings[i] = rings[i + 1] end rings_n = rings_n - 1 ring = rings[1] or EMPTY start = start + ringsize * precision position = 1 new_position = new_position - ringsize end -- only deal with slot after forwarding pointers, to make sure that -- any cb inserting another timer, does not end up in the slot being -- handled if slot then -- deal with the slot local ids = slot.ids local args = slot.arg for i = 1, slot.n do local id = slot[i]; slot[i] = nil; slot[id] = nil local cb = ids[id]; ids[id] = nil local arg = args[id]; args[id] = nil id_list[id] = nil count = count - 1 xpcall(cb, err_handler, arg) end slot.n = 0 -- delete the slot tables_n = tables_n + 1 tables[tables_n] = slot end end return true end --- Gets the number of timers. -- @return number of timers function wheel:count() return count end function wheel:set(expire_in, cb, arg) local time_expire = now() + expire_in local pos = math_floor((time_expire - start) / precision) + 1 if pos < position then -- we cannot set it in the past pos = position end local ring_idx = math_floor((pos - 1) / ringsize) + 1 local slot_idx = pos - (ring_idx - 1) * ringsize -- fetch actual ring table local ring = rings[ring_idx] if not ring then ring = new_tab(ringsize, 0) rings[ring_idx] = ring if ring_idx > rings_n then rings_n = ring_idx end end -- fetch actual slot local slot = ring[slot_idx] if not slot then if tables_n == 0 then slot = { n = 0, ids = {}, arg = {} } else slot = tables[tables_n] tables_n = tables_n - 1 end ring[slot_idx] = slot end -- get new id local id = id_count - 1 -- use negative idx to not interfere with array part id_count = id -- store timer -- if we do not do this check, it will go unnoticed and lead to very -- hard to find bugs (`count` will go out of sync) slot.ids[id] = cb or error("the callback parameter is required", 2) slot.arg[id] = arg local idx = slot.n + 1 slot.n = idx slot[idx] = id slot[id] = idx id_list[id] = slot count = count + 1 return id end function wheel:cancel(id) local slot = id_list[id] if slot then local idx = slot[id] slot[id] = nil slot.ids[id] = nil slot.arg[id] = nil local n = slot.n slot[idx] = slot[n] slot[n] = nil slot.n = n - 1 id_list[id] = nil count = count - 1 return true end return false end function wheel:peek(max_ahead) if count == 0 then return nil end local time_now = now() -- convert max_ahead from seconds to positions if max_ahead then max_ahead = math_floor((time_now + max_ahead - start) / precision) else max_ahead = math_huge end local position_idx = position local ring_idx = 1 local ring = rings[ring_idx] or EMPTY -- TODO: if EMPTY then we can skip it? local ahead_count = 0 while ahead_count < max_ahead do local slot = ring[position_idx] if slot then if slot[1] then -- we have a timer return ((ring_idx - 1) * ringsize + position_idx) * precision + start - time_now end end -- there is nothing in this position position_idx = position_idx + 1 ahead_count = ahead_count + 1 if position_idx > ringsize then position_idx = 1 ring_idx = ring_idx + 1 ring = rings[ring_idx] or EMPTY end end return nil end return wheel end timerwheel2 = _M end --------- Binary heap ---------- do local M = {} local floor = math.floor M.binaryHeap = function(swap, erase, lt) local heap = { values = {}, -- list containing values erase = erase, swap = swap, lt = lt, } function heap:bubbleUp(pos) local values = self.values while pos>1 do local parent = floor(pos/2) if not lt(values[pos], values[parent]) then break end swap(self, parent, pos) pos = parent end end function heap:sinkDown(pos) local values = self.values local last = #values while true do local min = pos local child = 2 * pos for c = child, child + 1 do if c <= last and lt(values[c], values[min]) then min = c end end if min == pos then break end swap(self, pos, min) pos = min end end return heap end local update --- Updates the value of an element in the heap. -- @function heap:update -- @param pos the position which value to update -- @param newValue the new value to use for this payload update = function(self, pos, newValue) assert(newValue ~= nil, "cannot add 'nil' as value") assert(pos >= 1 and pos <= #self.values, "illegal position") self.values[pos] = newValue if pos > 1 then self:bubbleUp(pos) end if pos < #self.values then self:sinkDown(pos) end end local remove --- Removes an element from the heap. -- @function heap:remove -- @param pos the position to remove -- @return value, or nil if a bad `pos` value was provided remove = function(self, pos) local last = #self.values if pos < 1 then return -- bad pos elseif pos < last then local v = self.values[pos] self:swap(pos, last) self:erase(last) self:bubbleUp(pos) self:sinkDown(pos) return v elseif pos == last then local v = self.values[pos] self:erase(last) return v else return -- bad pos: pos > last end end local insert --- Inserts an element in the heap. -- @function heap:insert -- @param value the value used for sorting this element -- @return nothing, or throws an error on bad input insert = function(self, value) assert(value ~= nil, "cannot add 'nil' as value") local pos = #self.values + 1 self.values[pos] = value self:bubbleUp(pos) end local pop --- Removes the top of the heap and returns it. -- @function heap:pop -- @return value at the top, or `nil` if there is none pop = function(self) if self.values[1] ~= nil then return remove(self, 1) end end local peek --- Returns the element at the top of the heap, without removing it. -- @function heap:peek -- @return value at the top, or `nil` if there is none peek = function(self) return self.values[1] end local size --- Returns the number of elements in the heap. -- @function heap:size -- @return number of elements size = function(self) return #self.values end local function swap(heap, a, b) heap.values[a], heap.values[b] = heap.values[b], heap.values[a] end local function erase(heap, pos) heap.values[pos] = nil end do end -- luacheck: ignore -- the above is to trick ldoc (otherwise `update` below disappears) local updateU function updateU(self, payload, newValue) return update(self, self.reverse[payload], newValue) end local insertU function insertU(self, value, payload) assert(self.reverse[payload] == nil, "duplicate payload") local pos = #self.values + 1 self.reverse[payload] = pos self.payloads[pos] = payload return insert(self, value) end local removeU function removeU(self, payload) local pos = self.reverse[payload] if pos ~= nil then return remove(self, pos), payload end end local popU function popU(self) if self.values[1] then local payload = self.payloads[1] local value = remove(self, 1) return payload, value end end local peekU peekU = function(self) return self.payloads[1], self.values[1] end local peekValueU peekValueU = function(self) return self.values[1] end local valueByPayload valueByPayload = function(self, payload) return self.values[self.reverse[payload]] end local sizeU sizeU = function(self) return #self.values end local function swapU(heap, a, b) local pla, plb = heap.payloads[a], heap.payloads[b] heap.reverse[pla], heap.reverse[plb] = b, a heap.payloads[a], heap.payloads[b] = plb, pla swap(heap, a, b) end local function eraseU(heap, pos) local payload = heap.payloads[pos] heap.reverse[payload] = nil heap.payloads[pos] = nil erase(heap, pos) end --================================================================ -- unique heap creation --================================================================ local function uniqueHeap(lt) local h = M.binaryHeap(swapU, eraseU, lt) h.payloads = {} -- list contains payloads h.reverse = {} -- reverse of the payloads list h.peek = peekU h.peekValue = peekValueU h.valueByPayload = valueByPayload h.pop = popU h.size = sizeU h.remove = removeU h.insert = insertU h.update = updateU return h end M.minUnique = function(lt) if not lt then lt = function(a,b) return (a < b) end end return uniqueHeap(lt) end binaryheap = M end --------- Copas ------------------ do local gettime = socket.gettime local ssl -- only loaded upon demand local WATCH_DOG_TIMEOUT = 120 local UDP_DATAGRAM_MAX = 8192 -- TODO: dynamically get this value from LuaSocket local TIMEOUT_PRECISION = 0.1 -- 100ms local fnil = function() end local pcall = pcall -- Redefines LuaSocket functions with coroutine safe versions -- (this allows the use of socket.http from within copas) local function statusHandler(status, ...) if status then return ... end local err = (...) if type(err) == "table" then return nil, err[1] else error(err) end end function socket.protect(func) return function (...) return statusHandler(pcall(func, ...)) end end function socket.newtry(finalizer) return function (...) local status = (...) if not status then pcall(finalizer, select(2, ...)) error({ (select(2, ...)) }, 0) end return ... end end copas = {} -- Meta information is public even if beginning with an "_" copas._COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Kepler Project" copas._DESCRIPTION = "Coroutine Oriented Portable Asynchronous Services" copas._VERSION = "Copas 2.0.2" -- Close the socket associated with the current connection after the handler finishes copas.autoclose = true -- indicator for the loop running copas.running = false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Simple set implementation -- adds a FIFO queue for each socket in the set ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function newsocketset() local set = {} do -- set implementation local reverse = {} -- Adds a socket to the set, does nothing if it exists function set:insert(skt) if not reverse[skt] then self[#self + 1] = skt reverse[skt] = #self end end -- Removes socket from the set, does nothing if not found function set:remove(skt) local index = reverse[skt] if index then reverse[skt] = nil local top = self[#self] self[#self] = nil if top ~= skt then reverse[top] = index self[index] = top end end end end do -- queues implementation local fifo_queues = setmetatable({},{ __mode = "k", -- auto collect queue if socket is gone __index = function(self, skt) -- auto create fifo queue if not found local newfifo = {} self[skt] = newfifo return newfifo end, }) -- pushes an item in the fifo queue for the socket. function set:push(skt, itm) local queue = fifo_queues[skt] queue[#queue + 1] = itm end -- pops an item from the fifo queue for the socket function set:pop(skt) local queue = fifo_queues[skt] return table.remove(queue, 1) end end return set end -- Threads immediately resumable local _resumable = {} do local resumelist = {} function _resumable:push(co) resumelist[#resumelist + 1] = co end function _resumable:clear_resumelist() local lst = resumelist resumelist = {} return lst end function _resumable:done() return resumelist[1] == nil end end -- Similar to the socket set above, but tailored for the use of -- sleeping threads local _sleeping = {} do local heap = binaryheap.minUnique() local lethargy = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }) -- list of coroutines sleeping without a wakeup time -- Required base implementation ----------------------------------------- _sleeping.insert = fnil _sleeping.remove = fnil -- push a new timer on the heap function _sleeping:push(sleeptime, co) if sleeptime < 0 then lethargy[co] = true elseif sleeptime == 0 then _resumable:push(co) else heap:insert(gettime() + sleeptime, co) end end -- find the thread that should wake up to the time, if any function _sleeping:pop(time) if time < (heap:peekValue() or math.huge) then return end return heap:pop() end -- additional methods for time management ----------------------------------------- function _sleeping:getnext() -- returns delay until next sleep expires, or nil if there is none local t = heap:peekValue() if t then -- never report less than 0, because select() might block return math.max(t - gettime(), 0) end end function _sleeping:wakeup(co) if lethargy[co] then lethargy[co] = nil _resumable:push(co) return end if heap:remove(co) then _resumable:push(co) end end -- @param tos number of timeouts running function _sleeping:done(tos) -- return true if we have nothing more to do -- the timeout task doesn't qualify as work (fallbacks only), -- the lethargy also doesn't qualify as work ('dead' tasks), -- but the combination of a timeout + a lethargy can be work return heap:size() == 1 -- 1 means only the timeout-timer task is running and not (tos > 0 and next(lethargy)) end end -- _sleeping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tracking coroutines and sockets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local _servers = newsocketset() -- servers being handled local _threads = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"}) -- registered threads added with addthread() local _canceled = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"}) -- threads that are canceled and pending removal -- for each socket we log the last read and last write times to enable the -- watchdog to follow up if it takes too long. -- tables contain the time, indexed by the socket local _reading_log = {} local _writing_log = {} local _reading = newsocketset() -- sockets currently being read local _writing = newsocketset() -- sockets currently being written local _isSocketTimeout = { -- set of errors indicating a socket-timeout ["timeout"] = true, -- default LuaSocket timeout ["wantread"] = true, -- LuaSec specific timeout ["wantwrite"] = true, -- LuaSec specific timeout } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Coroutine based socket timeouts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local usertimeouts = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k", __index = function(self, skt) -- if there is no timeout found, we insert one automatically, -- a 10 year timeout as substitute for the default "blocking" should do self[skt] = 10*365*24*60*60 return self[skt] end, }) local useSocketTimeoutErrors = setmetatable({},{ __mode = "k" }) -- sto = socket-time-out local sto_timeout, sto_timed_out, sto_change_queue, sto_error do local socket_register = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }) -- socket by coroutine local operation_register = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }) -- operation "read"/"write" by coroutine local timeout_flags = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }) -- true if timedout, by coroutine local function socket_callback(co) local skt = socket_register[co] local queue = operation_register[co] -- flag the timeout and resume the coroutine timeout_flags[co] = true _resumable:push(co) -- clear the socket from the current queue if queue == "read" then _reading:remove(skt) elseif queue == "write" then _writing:remove(skt) else error("bad queue name; expected 'read'/'write', got: "..tostring(queue)) end end -- Sets a socket timeout. -- Calling it as `sto_timeout()` will cancel the timeout. -- @param queue (string) the queue the socket is currently in, must be either "read" or "write" -- @param skt (socket) the socket on which to operate -- @return true function sto_timeout(skt, queue) local co = coroutine.running() socket_register[co] = skt operation_register[co] = queue timeout_flags[co] = nil if skt then copas.timeout(usertimeouts[skt], socket_callback) else copas.timeout(0) end return true end -- Changes the timeout to a different queue (read/write). -- Only usefull with ssl-handshakes and "wantread", "wantwrite" errors, when -- the queue has to be changed, so the timeout handler knows where to find the socket. -- @param queue (string) the new queue the socket is in, must be either "read" or "write" -- @return true function sto_change_queue(queue) operation_register[coroutine.running()] = queue return true end -- Responds with `true` if the operation timed-out. function sto_timed_out() return timeout_flags[coroutine.running()] end -- Returns the poroper timeout error function sto_error(err) return useSocketTimeoutErrors[coroutine.running()] and err or "timeout" end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Coroutine based socket I/O functions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function isTCP(socket) return string.sub(tostring(socket),1,3) ~= "udp" end function copas.settimeout(skt, timeout) if timeout ~= nil and type(timeout) ~= "number" then return nil, "timeout must be a 'nil' or a number" end if timeout and timeout < 0 then timeout = nil -- negative is same as nil; blocking indefinitely end usertimeouts[skt] = timeout return true end -- reads a pattern from a client and yields to the reading set on timeouts -- UDP: a UDP socket expects a second argument to be a number, so it MUST -- be provided as the 'pattern' below defaults to a string. Will throw a -- 'bad argument' error if omitted. function copas.receive(client, pattern, part) local s, err pattern = pattern or "*l" local current_log = _reading_log sto_timeout(client, "read") repeat s, err, part = client:receive(pattern, part) if s then current_log[client] = nil sto_timeout() return s, err, part elseif not _isSocketTimeout[err] then current_log[client] = nil sto_timeout() return s, err, part elseif sto_timed_out() then current_log[client] = nil return nil, sto_error(err) end if err == "wantwrite" then -- wantwrite may be returned during SSL renegotiations current_log = _writing_log current_log[client] = gettime() sto_change_queue("write") coroutine.yield(client, _writing) else current_log = _reading_log current_log[client] = gettime() sto_change_queue("read") coroutine.yield(client, _reading) end until false end -- receives data from a client over UDP. Not available for TCP. -- (this is a copy of receive() method, adapted for receivefrom() use) function copas.receivefrom(client, size) local s, err, port size = size or UDP_DATAGRAM_MAX sto_timeout(client, "read") repeat s, err, port = client:receivefrom(size) -- upon success err holds ip address if s then _reading_log[client] = nil sto_timeout() return s, err, port elseif err ~= "timeout" then _reading_log[client] = nil sto_timeout() return s, err, port elseif sto_timed_out() then _reading_log[client] = nil return nil, sto_error(err) end _reading_log[client] = gettime() coroutine.yield(client, _reading) until false end -- same as above but with special treatment when reading chunks, -- unblocks on any data received. function copas.receivePartial(client, pattern, part) local s, err pattern = pattern or "*l" local current_log = _reading_log sto_timeout(client, "read") repeat s, err, part = client:receive(pattern, part) if s or (type(pattern) == "number" and part ~= "" and part ~= nil) then current_log[client] = nil sto_timeout() return s, err, part elseif not _isSocketTimeout[err] then current_log[client] = nil sto_timeout() return s, err, part elseif sto_timed_out() then current_log[client] = nil return nil, sto_error(err) end if err == "wantwrite" then current_log = _writing_log current_log[client] = gettime() sto_change_queue("write") coroutine.yield(client, _writing) else current_log = _reading_log current_log[client] = gettime() sto_change_queue("read") coroutine.yield(client, _reading) end until false end -- sends data to a client. The operation is buffered and -- yields to the writing set on timeouts -- Note: from and to parameters will be ignored by/for UDP sockets function copas.send(client, data, from, to) local s, err from = from or 1 local lastIndex = from - 1 local current_log = _writing_log sto_timeout(client, "write") repeat s, err, lastIndex = client:send(data, lastIndex + 1, to) -- adds extra coroutine swap -- garantees that high throughput doesn't take other threads to starvation if (math.random(100) > 90) then current_log[client] = gettime() -- TODO: how to handle this?? if current_log == _writing_log then coroutine.yield(client, _writing) else coroutine.yield(client, _reading) end end if s then current_log[client] = nil sto_timeout() return s, err, lastIndex elseif not _isSocketTimeout[err] then current_log[client] = nil sto_timeout() return s, err, lastIndex elseif sto_timed_out() then current_log[client] = nil return nil, sto_error(err) end if err == "wantread" then current_log = _reading_log current_log[client] = gettime() sto_change_queue("read") coroutine.yield(client, _reading) else current_log = _writing_log current_log[client] = gettime() sto_change_queue("write") coroutine.yield(client, _writing) end until false end function copas.sendto(client, data, ip, port) -- deprecated; for backward compatibility only, since UDP doesn't block on sending return client:sendto(data, ip, port) end -- waits until connection is completed function copas.connect(skt, host, port) skt:settimeout(0) local ret, err, tried_more_than_once sto_timeout(skt, "write") repeat ret, err = skt:connect(host, port) -- non-blocking connect on Windows results in error "Operation already -- in progress" to indicate that it is completing the request async. So essentially -- it is the same as "timeout" if ret or (err ~= "timeout" and err ~= "Operation already in progress") then _writing_log[skt] = nil sto_timeout() -- Once the async connect completes, Windows returns the error "already connected" -- to indicate it is done, so that error should be ignored. Except when it is the -- first call to connect, then it was already connected to something else and the -- error should be returned if (not ret) and (err == "already connected" and tried_more_than_once) then return 1 end return ret, err elseif sto_timed_out() then _writing_log[skt] = nil return nil, sto_error(err) end tried_more_than_once = tried_more_than_once or true _writing_log[skt] = gettime() coroutine.yield(skt, _writing) until false end --- -- Peforms an (async) ssl handshake on a connected TCP client socket. -- NOTE: replace all previous socket references, with the returned new ssl wrapped socket -- Throws error and does not return nil+error, as that might silently fail -- in code like this; -- copas.addserver(s1, function(skt) -- skt = copas.wrap(skt, sparams) -- skt:dohandshake() --> without explicit error checking, this fails silently and -- skt:send(body) --> continues unencrypted -- @param skt Regular LuaSocket CLIENT socket object -- @param sslt Table with ssl parameters -- @return wrapped ssl socket, or throws an error function copas.dohandshake(skt, sslt) ssl = ssl or require("ssl") local nskt, err = ssl.wrap(skt, sslt) if not nskt then return error(err) end local queue nskt:settimeout(0) -- non-blocking on the ssl-socket copas.settimeout(nskt, usertimeouts[skt]) -- copy copas user-timeout to newly wrapped one sto_timeout(nskt, "write") repeat local success, err = nskt:dohandshake() if success then sto_timeout() return nskt elseif not _isSocketTimeout[err] then sto_timeout() return error(err) elseif sto_timed_out() then return nil, sto_error(err) elseif err == "wantwrite" then sto_change_queue("write") queue = _writing elseif err == "wantread" then sto_change_queue("read") queue = _reading else error(err) end coroutine.yield(nskt, queue) until false end -- flushes a client write buffer (deprecated) function copas.flush() end -- wraps a TCP socket to use Copas methods (send, receive, flush and settimeout) local _skt_mt_tcp = { __tostring = function(self) return tostring(self.socket).." (copas wrapped)" end, __index = { send = function (self, data, from, to) return copas.send (self.socket, data, from, to) end, receive = function (self, pattern, prefix) if usertimeouts[self.socket] == 0 then return copas.receivePartial(self.socket, pattern, prefix) end return copas.receive(self.socket, pattern, prefix) end, flush = function (self) return copas.flush(self.socket) end, settimeout = function (self, time) return copas.settimeout(self.socket, time) end, -- TODO: socket.connect is a shortcut, and must be provided with an alternative -- if ssl parameters are available, it will also include a handshake connect = function(self, ...) local res, err = copas.connect(self.socket, ...) if res and self.ssl_params then res, err = self:dohandshake() end return res, err end, close = function(self, ...) return self.socket:close(...) end, -- TODO: socket.bind is a shortcut, and must be provided with an alternative bind = function(self, ...) return self.socket:bind(...) end, -- TODO: is this DNS related? hence blocking? getsockname = function(self, ...) return self.socket:getsockname(...) end, getstats = function(self, ...) return self.socket:getstats(...) end, setstats = function(self, ...) return self.socket:setstats(...) end, listen = function(self, ...) return self.socket:listen(...) end, accept = function(self, ...) return self.socket:accept(...) end, setoption = function(self, ...) return self.socket:setoption(...) end, -- TODO: is this DNS related? hence blocking? getpeername = function(self, ...) return self.socket:getpeername(...) end, shutdown = function(self, ...) return self.socket:shutdown(...) end, dohandshake = function(self, sslt) self.ssl_params = sslt or self.ssl_params local nskt, err = copas.dohandshake(self.socket, self.ssl_params) if not nskt then return nskt, err end self.socket = nskt -- replace internal socket with the newly wrapped ssl one return self end, }} -- wraps a UDP socket, copy of TCP one adapted for UDP. local _skt_mt_udp = {__index = { }} for k,v in pairs(_skt_mt_tcp) do _skt_mt_udp[k] = _skt_mt_udp[k] or v end for k,v in pairs(_skt_mt_tcp.__index) do _skt_mt_udp.__index[k] = v end _skt_mt_udp.__index.send = function(self, ...) return self.socket:send(...) end _skt_mt_udp.__index.sendto = function(self, ...) return self.socket:sendto(...) end _skt_mt_udp.__index.receive = function (self, size) return copas.receive (self.socket, (size or UDP_DATAGRAM_MAX)) end _skt_mt_udp.__index.receivefrom = function (self, size) return copas.receivefrom (self.socket, (size or UDP_DATAGRAM_MAX)) end -- TODO: is this DNS related? hence blocking? _skt_mt_udp.__index.setpeername = function(self, ...) return self.socket:setpeername(...) end _skt_mt_udp.__index.setsockname = function(self, ...) return self.socket:setsockname(...) end -- do not close client, as it is also the server for udp. _skt_mt_udp.__index.close = function(self, ...) return true end --- -- Wraps a LuaSocket socket object in an async Copas based socket object. -- @param skt The socket to wrap -- @sslt (optional) Table with ssl parameters, use an empty table to use ssl with defaults -- @return wrapped socket object function copas.wrap (skt, sslt) if (getmetatable(skt) == _skt_mt_tcp) or (getmetatable(skt) == _skt_mt_udp) then return skt -- already wrapped end skt:settimeout(0) if not isTCP(skt) then return setmetatable ({socket = skt}, _skt_mt_udp) else return setmetatable ({socket = skt, ssl_params = sslt}, _skt_mt_tcp) end end --- Wraps a handler in a function that deals with wrapping the socket and doing the -- optional ssl handshake. function copas.handler(handler, sslparams) -- TODO: pass a timeout value to set, and use during handshake return function (skt, ...) skt = copas.wrap(skt) if sslparams then skt:dohandshake(sslparams) end return handler(skt, ...) end end -------------------------------------------------- -- Error handling -------------------------------------------------- local _errhandlers = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }) -- error handler per coroutine local function _deferror(msg, co, skt) msg = ("%s (coroutine: %s, socket: %s)"):format(tostring(msg), tostring(co), tostring(skt)) if type(co) == "thread" then -- regular Copas coroutine msg = debug.traceback(co, msg) else -- not a coroutine, but the main thread, this happens if a timeout callback -- (see `copas.timeout` causes an error (those callbacks run on the main thread). msg = debug.traceback(msg, 2) end print(msg) end function copas.setErrorHandler (err, default) if default then _deferror = err else _errhandlers[coroutine.running()] = err end end -- if `bool` is truthy, then the original socket errors will be returned in case of timeouts; -- `timeout, wantread, wantwrite, Operation already in progress`. If falsy, it will always -- return `timeout`. function copas.useSocketTimeoutErrors(bool) useSocketTimeoutErrors[coroutine.running()] = not not bool -- force to a boolean end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Thread handling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function _doTick (co, skt, ...) if not co then return end -- if a coroutine was canceled/removed, don't resume it if _canceled[co] then _canceled[co] = nil -- also clean up the registry _threads[co] = nil return end local ok, res, new_q = coroutine.resume(co, skt, ...) if ok and res and new_q then new_q:insert (res) new_q:push (res, co) else if not ok then pcall (_errhandlers [co] or _deferror, res, co, skt) end if skt and copas.autoclose and isTCP(skt) then skt:close() -- do not auto-close UDP sockets, as the handler socket is also the server socket end _errhandlers [co] = nil end end -- accepts a connection on socket input local function _accept(server_skt, handler) local client_skt = server_skt:accept() if client_skt then client_skt:settimeout(0) local co = coroutine.create(handler) _doTick(co, client_skt) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Adds a server/handler pair to Copas dispatcher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do local function addTCPserver(server, handler, timeout) server:settimeout(timeout or 0) _servers[server] = handler _reading:insert(server) end local function addUDPserver(server, handler, timeout) server:settimeout(timeout or 0) local co = coroutine.create(handler) _reading:insert(server) _doTick(co, server) end function copas.addserver(server, handler, timeout) if isTCP(server) then addTCPserver(server, handler, timeout) else addUDPserver(server, handler, timeout) end end end function copas.removeserver(server, keep_open) local skt = server local mt = getmetatable(server) if mt == _skt_mt_tcp or mt == _skt_mt_udp then skt = server.socket end _servers:remove(skt) _reading:remove(skt) if keep_open then return true end return server:close() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Adds an new coroutine thread to Copas dispatcher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function copas.addthread(handler, ...) -- create a coroutine that skips the first argument, which is always the socket -- passed by the scheduler, but `nil` in case of a task/thread local thread = coroutine.create(function(_, ...) return handler(...) end) _threads[thread] = true -- register this thread so it can be removed _doTick (thread, nil, ...) return thread end function copas.removethread(thread) -- if the specified coroutine is registered, add it to the canceled table so -- that next time it tries to resume it exits. _canceled[thread] = _threads[thread or 0] end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sleep/pause management functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- yields the current coroutine and wakes it after 'sleeptime' seconds. -- If sleeptime < 0 then it sleeps until explicitly woken up using 'wakeup' function copas.sleep(sleeptime) coroutine.yield((sleeptime or 0), _sleeping) end -- Wakes up a sleeping coroutine 'co'. function copas.wakeup(co) _sleeping:wakeup(co) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Timeout management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do local timeout_register = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }) local timerwheel = timerwheel2.new({ precision = TIMEOUT_PRECISION, -- timeout precision 100ms ringsize = math.floor(60/TIMEOUT_PRECISION), -- ring size 1 minute err_handler = function(...) return _deferror(...) end, }) copas.addthread(function() while true do copas.sleep(TIMEOUT_PRECISION) timerwheel:step() end end) -- get the number of timeouts running function copas.gettimeouts() return timerwheel:count() end function copas.timeout(delay, callback) local co = coroutine.running() local existing_timer = timeout_register[co] if existing_timer then timerwheel:cancel(existing_timer) end if delay > 0 then timeout_register[co] = timerwheel:set(delay, callback, co) else timeout_register[co] = nil end return true end end local _tasks = {} do function _tasks:add(tsk) _tasks[#_tasks + 1] = tsk end end -- a task to check ready to read events local _readable_task = {} do local function tick(skt) local handler = _servers[skt] if handler then _accept(skt, handler) else _reading:remove(skt) _doTick(_reading:pop(skt), skt) end end function _readable_task:step() for _, skt in ipairs(self._evs) do tick(skt) end end _tasks:add(_readable_task) end -- a task to check ready to write events local _writable_task = {} do local function tick(skt) _writing:remove(skt) _doTick(_writing:pop(skt), skt) end function _writable_task:step() for _, skt in ipairs(self._evs) do tick(skt) end end _tasks:add(_writable_task) end -- sleeping threads task local _sleeping_task = {} do function _sleeping_task:step() local now = gettime() local co = _sleeping:pop(now) while co do -- we're pushing them to _resumable, since that list will be replaced before -- executing. This prevents tasks running twice in a row with sleep(0) for example. -- So here we won't execute, but at _resumable step which is next _resumable:push(co) co = _sleeping:pop(now) end end _tasks:add(_sleeping_task) end -- resumable threads task local _resumable_task = {} do function _resumable_task:step() -- replace the resume list before iterating, so items placed in there -- will indeed end up in the next copas step, not in this one, and not -- create a loop local resumelist = _resumable:clear_resumelist() for _, co in ipairs(resumelist) do _doTick(co) end end _tasks:add(_resumable_task) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Checks for reads and writes on sockets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local _select do local last_cleansing = 0 local duration = function(t2, t1) return t2-t1 end _select = function(timeout) local err local now = gettime() _readable_task._evs, _writable_task._evs, err = socket.select(_reading, _writing, timeout) local r_evs, w_evs = _readable_task._evs, _writable_task._evs if duration(now, last_cleansing) > WATCH_DOG_TIMEOUT then last_cleansing = now -- Check all sockets selected for reading, and check how long they have been waiting -- for data already, without select returning them as readable for skt,time in pairs(_reading_log) do if not r_evs[skt] and duration(now, time) > WATCH_DOG_TIMEOUT then -- This one timedout while waiting to become readable, so move -- it in the readable list and try and read anyway, despite not -- having been returned by select _reading_log[skt] = nil r_evs[#r_evs + 1] = skt r_evs[skt] = #r_evs end end -- Do the same for writing for skt,time in pairs(_writing_log) do if not w_evs[skt] and duration(now, time) > WATCH_DOG_TIMEOUT then _writing_log[skt] = nil w_evs[#w_evs + 1] = skt w_evs[skt] = #w_evs end end end if err == "timeout" and #r_evs + #w_evs > 0 then return nil else return err end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dispatcher loop step. -- Listen to client requests and handles them -- Returns false if no socket-data was handled, or true if there was data -- handled (or nil + error message) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function copas.step(timeout) -- Need to wake up the select call in time for the next sleeping event if not _resumable:done() then timeout = 0 else timeout = math.min(_sleeping:getnext(), timeout or math.huge) end local err = _select(timeout) for _, tsk in ipairs(_tasks) do tsk:step() end if err then if err == "timeout" then return false end return nil, err end return true end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Check whether there is something to do. -- returns false if there are no sockets for read/write nor tasks scheduled -- (which means Copas is in an empty spin) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function copas.finished() return #_reading == 0 and #_writing == 0 and _resumable:done() and _sleeping:done(copas.gettimeouts()) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dispatcher endless loop. -- Listen to client requests and handles them forever ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function copas.loop(initializer, timeout) if type(initializer) == "function" then copas.addthread(initializer) else timeout = initializer or timeout end copas.running = true while not copas.finished() do copas.step(timeout) end copas.running = false end end --------- Copas timer --------- do timer = {} timer.__index = timer do local function expire_func(self, initial_delay) copas.sleep(initial_delay) while true do if not self.cancelled then self:callback(self.params) end if (not self.recurring) or self.cancelled then -- clean up and exit the thread self.co = nil self.cancelled = true return end copas.sleep(self.delay) end end function timer:arm(initial_delay) assert(initial_delay == nil or initial_delay >= 0, "delay must be greater than or equal to 0") if self.co then return nil, "already armed" end self.cancelled = false self.co = copas.addthread(expire_func, self, initial_delay or self.delay) return self end end function timer:cancel() if not self.co then return nil, "not armed" end if self.cancelled then return nil, "already cancelled" end self.cancelled = true copas.wakeup(self.co) -- resume asap copas.removethread(self.co) -- will immediately drop the thread upon resuming self.co = nil return self end function timer.new(opts) assert(opts.delay >= 0, "delay must be greater than or equal to 0") assert(type(opts.callback) == "function", "expected callback to be a function") return setmetatable({ delay = opts.delay, callback = opts.callback, recurring = not not opts.recurring, params = opts.params, cancelled = false, }, timer):arm(opts.initial_delay) end end --------- Copas HTTP support ------------------------- do ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Full copy of the LuaSocket code, modified to include -- https and http/https redirects, and Copas async enabled. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HTTP/1.1 client support for the Lua language. -- LuaSocket toolkit. -- Author: Diego Nehab ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Declare module and import dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local base = _G --local table = require("table") local try = socket.try copas.http = {} local _M = copas.http ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Program constants ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- connection timeout in seconds _M.TIMEOUT = 60 -- default port for document retrieval _M.PORT = 80 -- user agent field sent in request _M.USERAGENT = socket._VERSION -- Default settings for SSL _M.SSLPORT = 443 _M.SSLPROTOCOL = "tlsv1_2" _M.SSLOPTIONS = "all" _M.SSLVERIFY = "none" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reads MIME headers from a connection, unfolding where needed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function receiveheaders(sock, headers) local line, name, value, err headers = headers or {} -- get first line line, err = sock:receive() if err then return nil, err end -- headers go until a blank line is found while line ~= "" do -- get field-name and value name, value = socket.skip(2, string.find(line, "^(.-):%s*(.*)")) if not (name and value) then return nil, "malformed reponse headers" end name = string.lower(name) -- get next line (value might be folded) line, err = sock:receive() if err then return nil, err end -- unfold any folded values while string.find(line, "^%s") do value = value .. line line = sock:receive() if err then return nil, err end end -- save pair in table if headers[name] then headers[name] = headers[name] .. ", " .. value else headers[name] = value end end return headers end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Extra sources and sinks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- socket.sourcet["http-chunked"] = function(sock, headers) return base.setmetatable({ getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end, dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end }, { __call = function() -- get chunk size, skip extention local line, err = sock:receive() if err then return nil, err end local size = base.tonumber(string.gsub(line, ";.*", ""), 16) if not size then return nil, "invalid chunk size" end -- was it the last chunk? if size > 0 then -- if not, get chunk and skip terminating CRLF local chunk, err = sock:receive(size) if chunk then sock:receive() end return chunk, err else -- if it was, read trailers into headers table headers, err = receiveheaders(sock, headers) if not headers then return nil, err end end end }) end socket.sinkt["http-chunked"] = function(sock) return base.setmetatable({ getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end, dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end }, { __call = function(self, chunk, err) if not chunk then return sock:send("0\r\n\r\n") end local size = string.format("%X\r\n", string.len(chunk)) return sock:send(size .. chunk .. "\r\n") end }) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Low level HTTP API ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local metat = { __index = {} } function _M.open(reqt) -- create socket with user connect function local c = socket.try(reqt:create()) -- method call, passing reqt table as self! local h = base.setmetatable({ c = c }, metat) -- create finalized try h.try = socket.newtry(function() h:close() end) -- set timeout before connecting h.try(c:settimeout(reqt.timeout or _M.TIMEOUT)) h.try(c:connect(reqt.host, reqt.port or _M.PORT)) -- here everything worked return h end function metat.__index:sendrequestline(method, uri) local reqline = string.format("%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", method or "GET", uri) return self.try(self.c:send(reqline)) end function metat.__index:sendheaders(tosend) local canonic = headers.canonic local h = "\r\n" for f, v in base.pairs(tosend) do h = (canonic[f] or f) .. ": " .. v .. "\r\n" .. h end self.try(self.c:send(h)) return 1 end function metat.__index:sendbody(headers, source, step) source = source or ltn12.source.empty() step = step or ltn12.pump.step -- if we don't know the size in advance, send chunked and hope for the best local mode = "http-chunked" if headers["content-length"] then mode = "keep-open" end return self.try(ltn12.pump.all(source, socket.sink(mode, self.c), step)) end function metat.__index:receivestatusline() local status = self.try(self.c:receive(5)) -- identify HTTP/0.9 responses, which do not contain a status line -- this is just a heuristic, but is what the RFC recommends if status ~= "HTTP/" then return nil, status end -- otherwise proceed reading a status line status = self.try(self.c:receive("*l", status)) local code = socket.skip(2, string.find(status, "HTTP/%d*%.%d* (%d%d%d)")) return self.try(base.tonumber(code), status) end function metat.__index:receiveheaders() return self.try(receiveheaders(self.c)) end function metat.__index:receivebody(headers, sink, step) sink = sink or ltn12.sink.null() step = step or ltn12.pump.step local length = base.tonumber(headers["content-length"]) local t = headers["transfer-encoding"] -- shortcut local mode = "default" -- connection close if t and t ~= "identity" then mode = "http-chunked" elseif base.tonumber(headers["content-length"]) then mode = "by-length" end return self.try(ltn12.pump.all(socket.source(mode, self.c, length), sink, step)) end function metat.__index:receive09body(status, sink, step) local source = ltn12.source.rewind(socket.source("until-closed", self.c)) source(status) return self.try(ltn12.pump.all(source, sink, step)) end function metat.__index:close() return self.c:close() end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- High level HTTP API ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function adjusturi(reqt) local u = reqt -- if there is a proxy, we need the full url. otherwise, just a part. if not reqt.proxy and not _M.PROXY then u = { path = socket.try(reqt.path, "invalid path 'nil'"), params = reqt.params, query = reqt.query, fragment = reqt.fragment } end return url.build(u) end local function adjustproxy(reqt) local proxy = reqt.proxy or _M.PROXY if proxy then proxy = url.parse(proxy) return proxy.host, proxy.port or 3128 else return reqt.host, reqt.port end end local function adjustheaders(reqt) -- default headers local host = string.gsub(reqt.authority, "^.-@", "") local lower = { ["user-agent"] = _M.USERAGENT, ["host"] = host, ["connection"] = "close, TE", ["te"] = "trailers" } -- if we have authentication information, pass it along if reqt.user and reqt.password then lower["authorization"] = "Basic " .. (mime.b64(reqt.user .. ":" .. reqt.password)) end -- override with user headers for i,v in base.pairs(reqt.headers or lower) do lower[string.lower(i)] = v end return lower end -- default url parts local default = { host = "", port = _M.PORT, path ="/", scheme = "http" } local function adjustrequest(reqt) -- parse url if provided local nreqt = reqt.url and url.parse(reqt.url, default) or {} -- explicit components override url for i,v in base.pairs(reqt) do nreqt[i] = v end if nreqt.port == "" then nreqt.port = 80 end socket.try(nreqt.host and nreqt.host ~= "", "invalid host '" .. base.tostring(nreqt.host) .. "'") -- compute uri if user hasn't overriden nreqt.uri = reqt.uri or adjusturi(nreqt) -- ajust host and port if there is a proxy nreqt.host, nreqt.port = adjustproxy(nreqt) -- adjust headers in request nreqt.headers = adjustheaders(nreqt) return nreqt end local function shouldredirect(reqt, code, headers) return headers.location and string.gsub(headers.location, "%s", "") ~= "" and (reqt.redirect ~= false) and (code == 301 or code == 302 or code == 303 or code == 307) and (not reqt.method or reqt.method == "GET" or reqt.method == "HEAD") and (not reqt.nredirects or reqt.nredirects < 5) end local function shouldreceivebody(reqt, code) if reqt.method == "HEAD" then return nil end if code == 204 or code == 304 then return nil end if code >= 100 and code < 200 then return nil end return 1 end -- forward declarations local trequest, tredirect --[[local]] function tredirect(reqt, location) local result, code, headers, status = trequest { -- the RFC says the redirect URL has to be absolute, but some -- servers do not respect that url = url.absolute(reqt.url, location), source = reqt.source, sink = reqt.sink, headers = reqt.headers, proxy = reqt.proxy, nredirects = (reqt.nredirects or 0) + 1, create = reqt.create } -- pass location header back as a hint we redirected headers = headers or {} headers.location = headers.location or location return result, code, headers, status end --[[local]] function trequest(reqt) -- we loop until we get what we want, or -- until we are sure there is no way to get it local nreqt = adjustrequest(reqt) local h = _M.open(nreqt) -- send request line and headers h:sendrequestline(nreqt.method, nreqt.uri) h:sendheaders(nreqt.headers) -- if there is a body, send it if nreqt.source then h:sendbody(nreqt.headers, nreqt.source, nreqt.step) end local code, status = h:receivestatusline() -- if it is an HTTP/0.9 server, simply get the body and we are done if not code then h:receive09body(status, nreqt.sink, nreqt.step) return 1, 200 end local headers -- ignore any 100-continue messages while code == 100 do h:receiveheaders() code, status = h:receivestatusline() end headers = h:receiveheaders() -- at this point we should have a honest reply from the server -- we can't redirect if we already used the source, so we report the error if shouldredirect(nreqt, code, headers) and not nreqt.source then h:close() return tredirect(reqt, headers.location) end -- here we are finally done if shouldreceivebody(nreqt, code) then h:receivebody(headers, nreqt.sink, nreqt.step) end h:close() return 1, code, headers, status end -- Return a function which performs the SSL/TLS connection. local function tcp(params) params = params or {} -- Default settings params.protocol = params.protocol or _M.SSLPROTOCOL params.options = params.options or _M.SSLOPTIONS params.verify = params.verify or _M.SSLVERIFY params.mode = "client" -- Force client mode -- upvalue to track https -> http redirection local washttps = false -- 'create' function for LuaSocket return function (reqt) local u = url.parse(reqt.url) if (reqt.scheme or u.scheme) == "https" then -- https, provide an ssl wrapped socket local conn = copas.wrap(socket.tcp(), params) -- insert https default port, overriding http port inserted by LuaSocket if not u.port then u.port = _M.SSLPORT reqt.url = url.build(u) reqt.port = _M.SSLPORT end washttps = true return conn else -- regular http, needs just a socket... if washttps and params.redirect ~= "all" then try(nil, "Unallowed insecure redirect https to http") end return copas.wrap(socket.tcp()) end end end -- parses a shorthand form into the advanced table form. -- adds field `target` to the table. This will hold the return values. _M.parseRequest = function(u, b) local reqt = { url = u, target = {}, } reqt.sink = ltn12.sink.table(reqt.target) if b then reqt.source = ltn12.source.string(b) reqt.headers = { ["content-length"] = string.len(b), ["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } reqt.method = "POST" end return reqt end _M.request = socket.protect(function(reqt, body) if base.type(reqt) == "string" then reqt = _M.parseRequest(reqt, body) local ok, code, headers, status = _M.request(reqt) if ok then return table.concat(reqt.target), code, headers, status else return nil, code end else reqt.create = reqt.create or tcp(reqt) return trequest(reqt) end end) http = _M end --------- Copas Lock support ------------------------- do local DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10 local gettime = socket.gettime lock = {} lock.__index = lock -- registry, locks indexed by the coroutines using them. local registry = setmetatable({}, { __mode="kv" }) --- Creates a new lock. -- @param seconds (optional) default timeout in seconds when acquiring the lock (defaults to 10) -- @param not_reentrant (optional) if truthy the lock will not allow a coroutine to grab the same lock multiple times -- @return the lock object function lock.new(seconds, not_reentrant) local timeout = tonumber(seconds or DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) or -1 if timeout < 0 then error("expected timeout (1st argument) to be a number greater than or equal to 0, got: " .. tostring(seconds), 2) end return setmetatable({ timeout = timeout, not_reentrant = not_reentrant, queue = {}, q_tip = 0, -- index of the first in line waiting q_tail = 0, -- index where the next one will be inserted owner = nil, -- coroutine holding lock currently call_count = nil, -- recursion call count errors = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }), -- error indexed by coroutine }, lock) end do local destroyed_func = function() return nil, "destroyed" end local destroyed_lock_mt = { __index = function() return destroyed_func end } --- destroy a lock. -- Releases all waiting threads with `nil+"destroyed"` function lock:destroy() --print("destroying ",self) for i = self.q_tip, self.q_tail do local co = self.queue[i] if co then self.errors[co] = "destroyed" --print("marked destroyed ", co) copas.wakeup(co) end end if self.owner then self.errors[self.owner] = "destroyed" --print("marked destroyed ", co) end self.queue = {} self.q_tip = 0 self.q_tail = 0 self.destroyed = true setmetatable(self, destroyed_lock_mt) return true end end local function timeout_handler(co) local self = registry[co] for i = self.q_tip, self.q_tail do if co == self.queue[i] then self.queue[i] = nil self.errors[co] = "timeout" --print("marked timeout ", co) copas.wakeup(co) return end end end --- Acquires the lock. -- If the lock is owned by another thread, this will yield control, until the -- lock becomes available, or it times out. -- If `timeout == 0` then it will immediately return (without yielding). -- @param timeout (optional) timeout in seconds, if given overrides the timeout passed to `new`. -- @return wait-time on success, or nil+error+wait_time on failure. Errors can be "timeout", "destroyed", or "lock is not re-entrant" function lock:get(timeout) local co = coroutine.running() local start_time -- is the lock already taken? if self.owner then -- are we re-entering? if co == self.owner then if self.not_reentrant then return nil, "lock is not re-entrant", 0 else self.call_count = self.call_count + 1 return 0 end end self.queue[self.q_tail] = co self.q_tail = self.q_tail + 1 timeout = timeout or self.timeout if timeout == 0 then return nil, "timeout", 0 end registry[co] = self copas.timeout(timeout, timeout_handler) start_time = gettime() copas.sleep(-1) local err = self.errors[co] self.errors[co] = nil if err ~= "timeout" then copas.timeout(0) end if err then self.errors[co] = nil return nil, err, gettime() - start_time end end self.owner = co self.call_count = 1 return start_time and (gettime() - start_time) or 0 end --- Releases the lock currently held. -- Releasing a lock that is not owned by the current co-routine will return -- an error. -- returns true, or nil+err on an error function lock:release() local co = coroutine.running() if co ~= self.owner then return nil, "cannot release a lock not owned" end self.call_count = self.call_count - 1 if self.call_count > 0 then -- same coro is still holding it return true end if self.q_tail == self.q_tip then -- queue is empty self.owner = nil return true end while self.q_tip < self.q_tail do local next_up = self.queue[self.q_tip] if next_up then self.owner = next_up self.queue[self.q_tip] = nil self.q_tip = self.q_tip + 1 copas.wakeup(next_up) return true end self.q_tip = self.q_tip + 1 end -- queue is empty, reset pointers self.q_tip = 0 self.q_tail = 0 return true end end --------- Main HC3 timer support based on Copas ------------------------- local format,colorStr = string.format,Util.colorStr local function patchSource(str) return str:match('"(.-)"') or str end local TimerMetatable = { __tostring = function(self) local extra = self.tag and (" "..self.tag) or "" if self.extra then extra = format("%s %s,line:%s",extra,patchSource(self.extra.short_src),self.extra.currentline) end if _debugFlags.timersWarn then local diff = os.milliTime()-self.time return colorStr(diff > _debugFlags.timersWarn and 'red' or 'green',self.tostr..os.milliStr(self.time)..extra..">") else return self.tostr..os.milliStr(self.time)..extra..">" end end } -- local function ISTIMER(t) return type(t)=='table' and t['%%TIMER%%'] end local TINDEX = 1 local function makeTimer(t) t['%%TIMER%%']=true t.tostr = format("=y and x or y end os._time = os.time os._clock = os.clock os._date = os.date os.rt = _milliTime os._exit = os.exit os.speed = function(b) SPEED = b Log(LOG.SYS,"Setting speed to %s",tostring(b)) if runT then runT:cancel(); runT=nil end runT = os.setTimer2(runTimers,SPEED and 0 or max(timers.time-os.milliTime(),0)) end os.time = function(t) return t and os._time(t) or math.floor(os.rt() + timeAdjust) end os.milliTime = function() return os.rt() + timeAdjust end os.clock = function() return os._clock() end os.date = function(s,t) return os._date(s,t or os.time()) end os.setTimer2 = function(fun,sec,recurring,params,env) local t = timer.new({ delay = sec, recurring = recurring or false, callback = fun, params = params }) contexts[t.co]=env or _ENV return t end os.setTimer = function(fun,ms,recurring,params,env) return os.setTimer2(fun,ms/1000.0,recurring,params,env) end os.clearTimer = function(t) t:cancel() end os.milliStr = function(t) return os.date("%H:%M:%S",math.floor(t))..format(":%03d",math.floor((t%1)*1000+0.5)) end function os.setTime(t) timeAdjust = t-os.time() Log(LOG.SYS,"Setting emulator time to %s",os.date("%c",t)) local t0 = timers while t0 do -- update already scheduled timers t0.time = t0.time + timeAdjust t0 = t0.next end end local function dumpTimers() local t = timers print("-----------------------") while t do print(os.date("%c",math.floor(t.time)),t.time,t); t = t.next end end hc3_emulator.dumpTimers = dumpTimers local function countTimers() local t,n = timers,0; while t do n=n+1; t=t.next end return n end --luacheck: ignore local function kick() if not timers then return end if _debugFlags.timersSched then Log(LOG.LOG,"Will run next timer at %s in %0.4fs",os.milliStr(timers.time),timers.time-os.milliTime()) end if runT then runT:cancel(); runT=nil end runT = os.setTimer2(runTimers,SPEED and 0 or max(timers.time-os.milliTime(),0)) end self.kick = kick local function insertTimer(t) -- {fun,time,next} if _debugFlags.timersSched then Log(LOG.LOG,"Inserting timer %s",t) end if t.env and not t.env._ENVID then return end if timers == nil then timers=t elseif t.time < timers.time then timers,t.next=t,timers else local tp = timers while tp.next and tp.next.time <= t.time do tp=tp.next end t.next,tp.next=tp.next,t end if self._started and timers == t then kick() end --dumpTimers() return t end local function deleteTimer(timer) -- ToDo: delete scheduled timer? if timer==nil then return end if _debugFlags.timersSched then Log(LOG.LOG,"Deleting timer:%s",timer) end timer.expired = true if timers == timer then timers = timers.next if runT then runT:cancel() runT=nil end if timers then runT = os.setTimer2(runTimers,SPEED and 0 or max(timers.time-os.milliTime(),0)) end else local tp = timers while tp and tp.next do if tp.next == timer then tp.next = tp.next.next return end tp = tp.next end end end function runTimers() runT = nil ::REDO:: local t,now = timers,os.milliTime() if timers then if _debugFlags.timersSched then Log(LOG.LOG,"Running:%s, RT:%s, SPEED:%s",t,os.milliStr(now),SPEED) end if maxTime and t.time >= maxTime then timeAdjust = maxTime-os.rt() Log(LOG.SYS,"Max time - exit") osExit() end if SPEED then timers = timers.next timeAdjust = t.time-os.rt() --os.setTimer2(t.fun,0,false,t.params,t.env) t.fun(nil,t.params) if timers ~= nil and timers.time == t.time then goto REDO end else timers = timers.next os.setTimer2(t.fun,0,false,t.params,t.env) end if timers then if SPEED then runT = os.setTimer2(runTimers,1) elseif not SPEED then local s = max(timers.time-os.milliTime(),0) runT = os.setTimer2(runTimers,s) end end end end local function timerWrap(_,params) local t,fun,eh,ctx,now = params[2],params[1],params[3],params[4] --local ctx = getContext() ctx._getLock() if not t.expired and ctx._ENVID then now = os.milliTime() t.expired = true if _debugFlags.timersWarn and now-t.time > _debugFlags.timersWarn then Log(LOG.WARNING,"Late timer:%0.3fs %s",now-t.time,t) --if ctx._lastTimer then Log(LOG.WARNING,"Last timer:%s",ctx._lastTimer) end ----hc3.mobdebug.pause() end ctx._lastTimer = t xpcall(fun,eh) end ctx._releaseLock() end local function timerErr(err) Log(LOG.ERROR,"Timer %s crashed - %s",_lastTimer,err) print(debug.traceback(err,1)) if _debugFlags.breakOnError then hc3.mobdebug.pause() end end function self.adjustTime(time) timeAdjust=timeAdjust+time end function self.setSystemTimeout(fun,time,tag) time,tag = time > 0 and time or 0, tag or "System" return insertTimer(makeTimer({fun=fun,time=os.milliTime()+time/1000.0,tag=tag})) end local function setTimeout(fun,time,tag,errHandler,env,extra) if not env._ENVID then return end -- Killed assert(type(fun)=='function' and type(time)=='number',"Bad arguments to setTimeout") local warn,params = _debugFlags.timersWarn and time<0, {fun,nil,errHandler or timerErr,env} time = time > 0 and time or 0 if _debugFlags.timersExtra then extra = extra or debug.getinfo(2,"Sl") end -- tag = env._VERSION local t = insertTimer(makeTimer({ fun=timerWrap,params=params,fun2=fun,extra=extra, time=os.milliTime()+time/1000.0,tag=tag,env=env or getContext() })) if warn then Log(LOG.WARNING,"Negative timer:%s",t) end params[2]=t --dumpTimers() return t end local function clearTimeout(timer) if ISTIMER(timer) and not timer.expired then deleteTimer(timer) end end function self.killTimers(id) local n,killable = 0,function (t) return t and t.env and t.env._ENVID == id end while killable(timers) do deleteTimer(timers) n=n+1 end if timers==nil then return n end local t = timers while t.next do if killable(t.next) then deleteTimer(t.next) n=n+1 else t=t.next end end return n end local function setInterval(fun,ms,tag) local setTimeout,extra = getContext().setTimeout or setTimeout assert(type(fun)=='function' and type(ms)=='number',"Bad argument to setInterval") if _debugFlags.timersExtra then extra = debug.getinfo(2,"Sl") end local ref={} local function loop() if ref[1] then fun() ref[1]=ref[1] and setTimeout(loop,ms,tag,nil,nil,extra) end end ref[1] = setTimeout(loop,ms,tag,nil,nil,extra) return ref end local function clearInterval(ref) assert(type(ref)=='table' and ISTIMER(ref[1]),"Bad timer to clearInterval") local r = ref[1] if r then ref[1]=nil; clearTimeout(r) end end function self.speedTime(speedTime) -- seconds maxTime = os.time()+speedTime*60*60 --print(os.date("%c",os.time())) os.speed(true) end function self.start(f) copas.loop(function() timer.new({ delay = 0, -- delay in seconds recurring = false, params = "", callback = function(_, _) f() end }) end) end self.copas = copas self.copas.lock = lock self.dumpTimers = dumpTimers self.makeTimer = makeTimer self.inserTimer = insertTimer self.setTimeout = setTimeout self.clearTimeout = clearTimeout self.setInterval = setInterval self.clearInterval = clearInterval return self end--module Timer --------------- QuickApp functions and support ------- function module.QuickApp(hc3) local self = {} local QA = self local Util,Timer,Trigger,OS,Local=hc3.module.Util local _debugFlags = hc3.debug local class,ff,copas,fibaro = Util.class local __fibaro_get_device,__assert_type local format = string.format local quickApps,files,filePaths,plugin = {},{},{},{} self.quickApps,self.files,self.plugin = quickApps,files,plugin Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf=Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf function self.initialise() Timer,Trigger,OS,Local = hc3.module.Timer,hc3.module.Trigger,hc3.module.OS,hc3.module.Local __fibaro_get_device = hc3.module.Fibaro.__fibaro_get_device __assert_type = hc3.module.Fibaro.__assert_type ff,copas,fibaro = OS.file,Timer.copas,hc3.module.Fibaro.fibaro end plugin.mainDeviceId = 999 local function ID() return getContext().plugin.mainDeviceId end function plugin.deleteDevice(deviceId) return api.delete("/devices/"..deviceId) end function plugin.restart(deviceId) return api.post("/plugins/restart",{deviceId=deviceId or ID()}) end function plugin.getProperty(id,prop) return api.get("/devices/"..id.."/property/"..prop) end function plugin.getChildDevices(id) return api.get("/devices?parentId="..(id or ID())) end function plugin.createChildDevice(props) return api.post("/plugins/createChildDevice",props) end function self.getWebUIValue(id,elm,t) local qa = quickApps[id] if qa and qa._emu.UI then return qa._emu.uiValues[elm][t] end end function self.setWebUIValue(id,elm,t,v) local qa = quickApps[id] if qa and qa._emu.UI then qa._emu.uiValues[elm] = qa._emu.uiValues[elm] or {} qa._emu.uiValues[elm][t]=tostring(v) end end Util.class 'QuickAppBase' function QuickAppBase:__init(device) if tonumber(device) then device = api.get("/devices/"..device) end quickApps[device.id] = self self.name = device.name self.id = device.id self.type = device.type self.properties = device.properties self._emu = {proxy=device._proxy, env=device._env, uiValues={}, slideCache={}} if device.properties.viewLayout then self._emu.UI = QA.view2UI(device.properties.viewLayout,device.properties.uiCallbacks or {}) QA.transformUI(self._emu.UI) else self._emu.UI = {} end self.parentId = self.parentId or (device.parentId and device.parentId > 0 and device.parentId) device._proxy = nil device._env = nil local cbs = {} for _,cb in ipairs(device.properties.uiCallbacks or {}) do cbs[cb.name]=cbs[cb.name] or {} cbs[cb.name][cb.eventType] = cb.callback end self.uiCallbacks = cbs if self._emu.UI then for _,row in ipairs(self._emu.UI) do row = row[1] and row or {row} for _,e in ipairs(row) do QA.setWebUIValue(self.id,e.name,"value","0") QA.setWebUIValue(self.id,e.name,"text",e.text or "") end end end end function QuickAppBase:debug(...) fibaro.debug(self._emu.env.__TAG,d2str(...)) end function QuickAppBase:trace(...) fibaro.trace(self._emu.env.__TAG,d2str(...)) end function QuickAppBase:warning(...) fibaro.warning(self._emu.env.__TAG,d2str(...)) end function QuickAppBase:error(...) fibaro.error(self._emu.env.__TAG,d2str(...)) end function QuickAppBase:getVariable(name) __assert_type(name,'string') if self._emu.proxy then local d = __fibaro_get_device(self.id) or {properties={}} for _,v in ipairs(d.properties.quickAppVariables or {}) do if v.name==name then return v.value end end end for _,v in ipairs(self.properties.quickAppVariables or {}) do if v.name==name then return v.value end end return "" end function QuickAppBase:setVariable(name,value) __assert_type(name,'string') local vs,vs2,flag = {},self.properties.quickAppVariables or {},false for i=1,#vs2 do vs[i]=vs2[i] end for _,v in ipairs(vs) do if v.name==name then v.value=value; flag=true; break end end if not flag then -- variable not found, add it vs[#vs+1]={name=name,value=value} --self.properties.quickAppVariables = vs end self:updateProperty('quickAppVariables', vs, true) end function QuickAppBase:updateView(elm,t,value) api.post("/plugins/updateView",{ deviceId=self.id, componentName = elm, propertyName = t, newValue = value }) end function QuickAppBase:updateProperty(prop,value,force) __assert_type(prop,'string') if self.properties[prop] == value and not force then return end -- optimization api.post("/plugins/updateProperty",{deviceId = self.id, propertyName = prop, value = value, force=force}) end function QuickAppBase:setEnabled(bool) self.enabled=bool==true end function QuickAppBase:callAction(fun, ...) if type(self[fun])=='function' then local args = {...} self._emu.env.setTimeout(function() local stat,res = pcall(self[fun],self,table.unpack(args)) if not stat then Log(LOG.ERROR,res) end end,0) else Log(LOG.WARNING,"Class does not have "..fun.." function defined - action ignored") end end function QuickAppBase:addInterfaces(interfaces) if self._emu.proxy then api.post("/devices/addInterface",{deviceID={self.id},interfaces=interfaces}) end end Util.class 'QuickApp'(QuickAppBase) -- Special form of class easier to step through... function QuickApp:__init(device) QuickAppBase.__init(self,device) self.childDevices = {} if self.onInit then self:onInit() end if not self._childsInited then self:initChildDevices() end end function QuickApp:createChildDevice(props,device) --assert(self._emu.proxy,"Can only create child device when using proxy") props.parentId = self.id props.initialInterfaces = props.initialInterfaces or {} props.initialInterfaces[#props.initialInterfaces+1]='quickAppChild' if next(props.initialProperties)==nil then props.initialProperties=nil end local d,res = api.post("/plugins/createChildDevice",props) assert(res==200,"Can't create child device "..res.." - "..json.encode(props)) device = device or QuickAppChild local cd = device(d) cd.parent = self self.childDevices[d.id]=cd return cd end function QuickApp:removeChildDevice(id) __assert_type(id,'number') if self.childDevices[id] then api.delete("/plugins/removeChildDevice/" .. id) self.childDevices[id] = nil end end function QuickApp:initChildDevices(map) map = map or {} local echilds = plugin.getChildDevices() local childs = self.childDevices for _,d in pairs(echilds or {}) do if (not childs[d.id]) and map[d.type] then childs[d.id]=map[d.type](d) elseif not childs[d.id] then Log(LOG.ERROR,"Class for the child device: %s, with type: %s not found. Using base class: QuickAppChild",d.id,d.type) childs[d.id]=QuickAppChild(d) end childs[d.id].parent = self end self._childsInited = true end class 'QuickAppChild'(QuickAppBase) function QuickAppChild:__init(device) assert(type(device)=='number' or type(device)=='table',"QuickAppChild:__init needs number/table") local parent = device.parentId and quickApps[device.parentId] assert(parent,"Trying to create QuickAppChild without parentId") device._proxy = parent._emu.proxy device._env = parent._emu.env if Util.member('quickApp',device.interfaces or {}) and device.properties.viewLayout then Log(LOG.LOG,"Using QuickAppChild's provided viewlayout") else local UI = Local.customUI[device.type] or Local.customUI[device.baseType] if UI and not device.properties.viewLayout then UI = Util.copy(UI) local ip = QA.makeInitialProperties(UI) device.properties.viewLayout,device.properties.uiCallbacks = ip.viewLayout,ip.uiCallbacks end end QuickAppBase.__init(self,device) end local function traverse(o,f) if type(o) == 'table' and o[1] then for _,e in ipairs(o) do traverse(e,f) end else f(o) end end local map = Util.mapf local function collectViewLayoutRow(u,map) local row = {} local function conv(u) if type(u) == 'table' then if u.name then if u.type=='label' then row[#row+1]={label=u.name, text=u.text} elseif u.type=='button' then local cb = map["button"..u.name] if cb == u.name.."Clicked" then cb = nil end row[#row+1]={button=u.name, text=u.text, onReleased=cb} elseif u.type=='slider' then local cb = map["slider"..u.name] if cb == u.name.."Clicked" then cb = nil end row[#row+1]={slider=u.name, text=u.text, onChanged=cb} end else for _,v in pairs(u) do conv(v) end end end end conv(u) return row end local function viewLayout2UI(u,map) local function conv(u) local rows = {} for _,j in pairs(u.items) do local row = collectViewLayoutRow(j.components,map) if #row > 0 then if #row == 1 then row=row[1] end rows[#rows+1]=row end end return rows end return conv(u['$jason'].body.sections) end function self.view2UI(view,callbacks) local map = {} traverse(callbacks,function(e) if e.eventType=='onChanged' then map["slider"..e.name]=e.callback elseif e.eventType=='onReleased' then map["button"..e.name]=e.callback end end) local UI = viewLayout2UI(view,map) return UI end function self.getQAUI(id) local d = api.get("/devices/"..id) local UI = self.view2UI(d.properties.viewLayout,d.properties.uiCallbacks) return UI end local ELMS = { button = function(d,w) return {name=d.name,style={weight=d.weight or w or "0.50"},text=d.text,type="button"} end, select = function(d,w) if d.options then map(function(e) e.type='option' end,d.options) end return {name=d.name,style={weight=d.weight or w or "0.50"},text=d.text,type="select", selectionType='single', options = d.options or {{value="1", type="option", text="option1"}, {value = "2", type="option", text="option2"}}, values = d.values or { "option1" } } end, multi = function(d,w) if d.options then map(function(e) e.type='option' end,d.options) end return {name=d.name,style={weight=d.weight or w or "0.50"},text=d.text,type="select", selectionType='multi', options = d.options or {{value="1", type="option", text="option2"}, {value = "2", type="option", text="option3"}}, values = d.values or { "option3" } } end, image = function(d,w) return {name=d.name,style={dynamic="1"},type="image", url=d.url} end, switch = function(d,w) return {name=d.name,style={weight=w or d.weight or "0.50"},type="switch", value=d.value or "true"} end, option = function(d,w) return {name=d.name, type="option", value=d.value or "Hupp"} end, slider = function(d,w) return {name=d.name,step=tostring(d.step),value=tostring(d.value),max=tostring(d.max),min=tostring(d.min),style={weight=d.weight or w or "1.2"},text=d.text,type="slider"} end, label = function(d,w) return {name=d.name,style={weight=d.weight or w or "1.2"},text=d.text,type="label"} end, space = function(d,w) return {style={weight=w or "0.50"},type="space"} end } local function mkRow(elms,weight) local comp = {} if elms[1] then local c = {} local width = format("%.2f",1/#elms) if width:match("%.00") then width=width:match("^(%d+)") end for _,e in ipairs(elms) do c[#c+1]=ELMS[e.type](e,width) end if #elms > 1 then comp[#comp+1]={components=c,style={weight="1.2"},type='horizontal'} else comp[#comp+1]=c[1] end comp[#comp+1]=ELMS['space']({},"0.5") else comp[#comp+1]=ELMS[elms.type](elms,"1.2") comp[#comp+1]=ELMS['space']({},"0.5") end return {components=comp,style={weight=weight or "1.2"},type="vertical"} end local function mkViewLayout(list,height) local items = {} for _,i in ipairs(list) do items[#items+1]=mkRow(i) end -- if #items == 0 then return nil end return { ['$jason'] = { body = { header = { style = {height = tostring(height or #list*50)}, title = "quickApp_device_23" }, sections = { items = items } }, head = { title = "quickApp_device_23" } } } end self.mkViewLayout = mkViewLayout local function transformUI(UI) -- { button= } => {type="button", name=} traverse(UI, function(e) if e.button then e.name,e.type=e.button,'button' elseif e.slider then e.name,e.type=e.slider,'slider' elseif e.select then e.name,e.type=e.select,'select' elseif e.switch then e.name,e.type=e.switch,'switch' elseif e.multi then e.name,e.type=e.multi,'multi' elseif e.option then e.name,e.type=e.option,'option' elseif e.image then e.name,e.type=e.image,'image' elseif e.label then e.name,e.type=e.label,'label' elseif e.space then e.weight,e.type=e.space,'space' end end) return UI end local function uiStruct2uiCallbacks(UI) local cb = {} --- "callback": "self:button1Clicked()", traverse(UI, function(e) if e.name then -- {callback="foo",name="foo",eventType="onReleased"} local defu = e.button and "Clicked" or e.slider and "Change" or (e.switch or e.select) and "Toggle" or "" local deff = e.button and "onReleased" or e.slider and "onChanged" or (e.switch or e.select) and "onToggled" or "" local cbt = e.name..defu if e.onReleased then cbt = e.onReleased elseif e.onChanged then cbt = e.onChanged elseif e.onToggled then cbt = e.onToggled end if e.button or e.slider or e.switch or e.select then cb[#cb+1]={callback=cbt,eventType=deff,name=e.name} end end end) return cb end local function updateViewLayout(id,UI,forceUpdate) --- This may not work anymore.... transformUI(UI) local cb = api.get("/devices/"..id).properties.uiCallbacks or {} local viewLayout = mkViewLayout(UI) local newcb = uiStruct2uiCallbacks(UI) if forceUpdate then cb = newcb -- just replace uiCallbacks with new elements callbacks else local mapOrg = {} for _,c in ipairs(cb) do mapOrg[c.name]=c.callback end -- existing callbacks, map name->callback for _,c in ipairs(newcb) do if mapOrg[c.name] then c.callback=mapOrg[c.name] end end cb = newcb -- save exiting elemens callbacks end if not cb[1] then cb = nil end return api.put("/devices/"..id,{ properties = { viewLayout = viewLayout, uiCallbacks = cb}, }) end local function makeInitialProperties(UI,vars,height) local ip = {} vars = vars or {} transformUI(UI) ip.viewLayout = mkViewLayout(UI,height) ip.uiCallbacks = uiStruct2uiCallbacks(UI) ip.apiVersion = "1.2" local varList = {} for n,v in pairs(vars) do varList[#varList+1]={name=n,value=v} end ip.quickAppVariables = varList ip.typeTemplateInitialized=true return ip end self.makeInitialProperties = makeInitialProperties -- local function pruneCode(code) -- local c = code:match("%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%- Code.-\n(.*)") -- return c or code -- end function hc3_emulator.dofile(file) local ctx = getContext() return loadfile(file,"bt",ctx)() end function hc3_emulator.FILE(_,_) end -- Nop. For backward compatibility local function createFilesFromSource(source,mainFileName) local files,paths = {},{} local function gf(pattern) source = source:gsub(pattern, function(file,name) local stat,res = pcall(function() return ff.read(file) end) if not stat then Log(LOG.ERROR,"%s",res) else files[#files+1]={name=name,content=res,isMain=false,type="lua",isOpen=false} paths[name]=file end return "" end) end pcall(gf,[[%-%-FILE:%s*(.-)%s*,%s*(.-);]]) table.insert(files,1,{name="main",content=source,isMain=true,type='lua',isOpen=false}) paths['main']=mainFileName return files,paths end function self.loadFilesFromSource(source,mainFileName) local files,paths = createFilesFromSource(source,mainFileName) --- TBD end self.createFilesFromSource = createFilesFromSource -- name of device - string -- type of device - string, default "com.fibaro.binarySwitch" -- code - string, Lua code -- UI -- table with UI elements -- {{{button='button1", text="L"},{button='button2'}}, -- 2 buttons 1 row -- {{slider='slider1", text="L", min=100,max=99}}, -- 1 slider 1 row -- {{label="label1",text="L"}}} -- 1 label 1 row -- quickVars - quickAppVariables, {=,=,...} -- dryrun - if true only returns the quickapp without deploying local function createQuickApp(args) if (hc3_emulator.HC3version or "5.040.37") < "5.040.37" then error("Sorry, QuickApp creation need HC3 version >= 5.040.37") end local d = {} -- Our device d.name = args.name or "QuickApp" d.type = args.type or "com.fibaro.binarySensor" local files = args.code or "" --body = replaceRequires(body) local UI = args.UI or {} local variables = args.quickVars or {} local interfaces = args.interfaces local dryRun = args.dryrun or false d.apiVersion = "1.2" if not args.initialProperties then d.initialProperties = makeInitialProperties(UI,variables,args.height) else d.initialProperties = args.initialProperties end if d.initialProperties.uiCallbacks and not d.initialProperties.uiCallbacks[1] then d.initialProperties.uiCallbacks = nil end d.initialProperties.apiVersion = "1.2" if type(files)=='string' then files = {{name='main',type='lua',isMain=true,isOpen=false,content=files}} end d.files = {} for _,f in ipairs(files) do f.isOpen=false; d.files[#d.files+1]=f end if dryRun then return d end local what,d1,res="updated" if args.id and api.getHC3("/devices/"..args.id) then d1,res = api.putHC3("/devices/"..args.id,{ properties={ quickAppVariables = d.initialProperties.quickAppVariables, viewLayout= d.initialProperties.viewLayout, uiCallbacks = d.initialProperties.uiCallbacks, } }) if res <= 201 then local a,b = OS.file.updateHC3QAFiles(files,args.id) end else --print(json.encode(d)) d1,res = api.postHC3("/quickApp/",d) what = "created" end if type(res)=='string' or res > 201 then Log(LOG.ERROR,"D:%s,RES:%s",json.encode(d1),json.encode(res)) return nil else Log(LOG.SYS,"Device %s %s",d1.id or "",what) return d1 end end local proxyPinger = nil local function startProxyPinger() if proxyPinger then return end --only start once api.postHC3("/globalVariables",{ name=hc3.emu.EMURUNNING,value="" }) local tick=0 proxyPinger = os.setTimer2(function() api.putHC3("/globalVariables/"..hc3.emu.EMURUNNING,{value=tostring(tick)..":"..hc3.IPaddress..":"..hc3.webPort}) tick = tick+1 end,hc3.emu.EMURUNNING_INTERVAL,true) end -- Create a Proxy device - will be named "Proxy "..name, returns deviceID if successful local function createProxy(name,tp,ips,interfaces) local pdevice,id name = "Proxy "..name local d,res = api.getHC3("/devices/?name="..name) if d and #d>0 then table.sort(d,function(a,b) return a.id >= b.id end) pdevice = d[1] Log(LOG.SYS,"Proxy: '%s' found, ID:%s",name,pdevice.id) if pdevice.type ~= tp then Log(LOG.SYS,"Proxy: Type changed from '%s' to %s",tp,pdevice.type) api.delete("/devices/"..pdevice.id) pdevice = nil else id = pdevice.id end end local code = {} code[#code+1] = [[ local function urlencode (str) return str and string.gsub(str ,"([^% w])",function(c) return string.format("%%% 02X",string.byte(c)) end) end local function POST2IDE(path,payload) url = "http://"..IP..path net.HTTPClient():request(url,{options={method='POST',data=json.encode(payload)}}) end local IGNORE={updateView=true,setVariable=true,updateProperty=true,APIPOST=true,APIPUT=true,APIGET=true} -- Rewrite!!!! function QuickApp:actionHandler(action) if IGNORE[action.actionName] then return self:callAction(action.actionName, table.unpack(action.args)) end POST2IDE("/fibaroapiHC3/action/"..self.id,action) end function QuickApp:UIHandler(UIEvent) POST2IDE("/fibaroapiHC3/ui/"..self.id,UIEvent) end function QuickApp:CREATECHILD(id) self.childDevices[id]=QuickAppChild({id=id}) end function QuickApp:APIGET(url) api.get(url) end function QuickApp:APIPOST(url,data) api.post(url,data) end -- to get around some access restrictions function QuickApp:APIPUT(url,data) api.put(url,data) end ]] code[#code+1]= "function QuickApp:onInit()" code[#code+1]= " self:debug('"..name.."',' deviceId:',self.id)" code[#code+1]= " IP = self:getVariable('PROXYIP')" code[#code+1]= " function QuickApp:initChildDevices() end" code[#code+1]= "end" code = table.concat(code,"\n") Log(LOG.SYS,id and "Proxy: Reusing QuickApp proxy" or "Proxy: Creating new proxy") table.insert(ips.quickAppVariables,{name="PROXYIP", value = Util.getIPaddress()..":"..hc3.webPort}) return createQuickApp{id=id,name=name,type=tp,code=code,initialProperties=ips,interfaces=interfaces} end local function injectProxy(id) local code = [[ do local actionH,UIh,patched = nil,nil,false local function urlencode (str) return str and string.gsub(str ,"([^% w])",function(c) return string.format("%%% 02X",string.byte(c)) end) end local IGNORE={updateView=true,setVariable=true,updateProperty=true,PROXY=true,APIPOST=true,APIPUT=true,APIGET=true} -- Rewrite!!!! local function enable(ip) if patched==false then actionH,UIh = quickApp.actionHandler,quickApp.UIHandler local function POST2IDE(path,payload) url = "http://"..ip..path net.HTTPClient():request(url,{options={method='POST',data=json.encode(payload)}}) end function quickApp:actionHandler(action) if IGNORE[action.actionName] then return quickApp:callAction(action.actionName, table.unpack(action.args)) end POST2IDE("/fibaroapiHC3/action/"..quickApp.id,action) end function quickApp:UIHandler(UIEvent) POST2IDE("/fibaroapiHC3/ui/"..quickApp.id,UIEvent) end quickApp:debug("Events intercepted by emulator at "..ip) end patched=true end local function disable() if patched==true then if actionH then quickApp.actionHandler = actionH end if UIh then quickApp.UIHandler = UIh end actionH,UIh=nil,nil quickApp:debug("Events restored from emulator") patched=false end end setInterval(function() local stat,res = pcall(function() local var,err = __fibaro_get_global_variable("HC3Emulator") if var then local modified = var.modified local ip = var.value --print(modified,os.time()-5,modified-os.time()+5) if modified > os.time()-5 then enable(ip:match(":(.*)")) else disable() end end end) if not stat then print(res) end end,3000) end ]] local dev = api.getHC3("/devices/"..id) assert(dev,"No such device "..id) if not api.getHC3("/quickApp/"..id.."/files/PROXY") then api.postHC3("/quickApp/"..id.."/files",{ name="PROXY", isMain=false, isOpen=false, content=code, type='lua' }) end return dev end function onAction(event) -- Debug(_debugFlags.onAction,"onAction: %s",json.encode(event)) if _debugFlags.onAction then print("onAction: "..json.encode(event)) end local self = quickApps[event.deviceId] if self.parentId then self = quickApps[self.parentId] end assert(self,"Unknown deviceID for onAction:"..event.deviceId) if self.actionHandler then self:actionHandler(event) else local id = event.deviceId if id == self.id then return self:callAction(event.actionName, table.unpack(event.args)) else local child = self.childDevices[id] if child then child:callAction(event.actionName, table.unpack(event.args)) else error(format("Child with id:%s not found.", id)) end end end end --"{\"eventType\":\"onReleased\",\"values\":[null],\"elementName\":\"bt\",\"deviceId\":726}" --"{\"eventType\":\"onChanged\",\"values\":[80],\"elementName\":\"sl\",\"deviceId\":726}" local function ui2fun(self,event) local elm,etyp=event.elementName,event.eventType local callbacks = self.uiCallbacks or {} if callbacks[elm] and callbacks[elm][etyp] then if etyp=='onChanged' then QA.setWebUIValue(self.id,elm,'value',event.values) end return callbacks[elm][etyp] else return self[elm] end end function onUIEvent(event) local self = quickApps[event.deviceId] assert(self,"Unknown deviceID for UIEvent:"..event.deviceId) local parent = quickApps[self.parentId or 0] or self if event.elementName:sub(1,2)=="__" then -- json/builtin UI that becomes onAction local actionName = ui2fun(self,event) return onAction({deviceId=event.deviceId,actionName=actionName,args=event.values}) end --Debug(_debugFlags.UIEvent,"UIEvent: %s",json.encode(event)) if _debugFlags.UIEvent then print("UIEvent: "..json.encode(event)) end if parent.UIHandler then return parent:UIHandler(event) end local actionName = ui2fun(self,event) if actionName then return self:callAction(actionName, event) end error(format("UI callback for element:%s not found.", event.elementName)) end local function vars2keymap(vars) local vs = {} for _,v in ipairs(vars) do vs[v.name]=v.value end return vs end local function vars2list(vars) local vs = {} for n,v in pairs(vars) do vs[#vs+1]={name=n,value=v} end return vs end local resources = {} local function loadResourceFromQA(id) if resources[id] then return resources[id].properties end resources[id] = api.getHC3("/devices/"..id) assert(resources[id],"No such QA, deviceId:"..id) return resources[id].properties end local function loadResources(self) -- quickVars, UI if not self.resources then return end assert(type(self.resources)=='table',"resources need to be a table") for p,v0 in pairs(self.resources) do local v = tonumber(v0) and loadResourceFromQA(tonumber(v0)) or v0 if p=='quickVars' then self.quickVars = self.quickVars or {} for n,v in pairs(vars2keymap(v.quickAppVariables or {})) do self.quickVars[n]=v end elseif p == 'UI' then self.viewLayout = v.viewLayout self.uiCallbacks = v.uiCallbacks end end end local function resolveCREDS(quickVars) for k,v in pairs(quickVars) do assertf(type(k)=='string',"Corrupt quickVars table, key=%s, value=%s",k,json.encode(v)) if type(v)=='string' and v:match("^%$CREDS") then v = hc3_emulator.credentials[v:match("^%$CREDS%.(.*)")] end quickVars[k]=v end end local function findFirstCodeLine(code,name) -- Try to find first code line local n,first,init = 1 for line in string.gmatch(code,"([^\r\n]*)[\r\n]?") do if not (line=="" or line:match("^[%-%s]+")) then if not first then first = n end end if line:match("%s*QuickApp%s*:%s*onInit%s*%(") then if not init then init = n end end n=n+1 end --print(name,tostring(first),tostring(init)) return first or 1,init end -- 2 types of QuickApps, fqa based and emu based local function LQAcreate(self,arg,code) assert(type(arg)=='number' or type(arg)=='string',"Bad argument to loadQA") if tonumber(arg) then -- Download QA from HC3 (fqa) self.fqa = api.getHC3("/quickApp/export/"..arg) assert(self.fqa,"QA "..arg.." does not exists on HC3") self.id = arg end if type(arg)=='string' and arg:match("^http[s?]://") then -- From URL (authentication????) local f = OS.file.downloadFile(arg) assert(f,"No such QA url - "..arg) code = f self.fqa = json.decode(code) elseif type(arg)=='string' and arg:match("%.[Ff][Qq][Aa]$") then -- Read in .fqa file code = code or ff.read(arg) self.fname = arg self.fqa = json.decode(code) self.file_fqa = arg end if self.fqa then local fqa = self.fqa assert(fqa.apiVersion == "1.2","Bad FQA api version") self.type = fqa.type self.name = fqa.name self.viewLayout = fqa.initialProperties.viewLayout self.uiCallbacks = fqa.initialProperties.uiCallbacks self.quickVars = vars2keymap(fqa.initialProperties.quickAppVariables or {}) self.interfaces = fqa.initialInterfaces loadResources(self) elseif arg:match("%.[Jj][Ss][Oo][Nn]$") then -- Read in unpacked file(s) self.fname = arg self.file_unpacked = arg local name = ff.extract_name(arg) local dir = arg:sub(1,-(name:len()+1)) local files,paths = {},{} local prefix = "^"..name:match("(.*)%.[Jj][Ss][Oo][Nn]$").."_(%d+)_(.-)%.lua" assert(ff.dir(dir),"Not a directory: "..tostring(dir)) for d,n in ff.dir(dir) do -- read unpacked files if d:match(prefix) then local QID,Qname,id,name = d:match("(%d+)_([^_]+)_(%d+)_(.-)%.lua") assert(name,"Bad unpacked file "..d) local content = ff.read(dir..d) files[tonumber(id)]={name=name, content=content, type="lua", isMain=name == 'main', isOpen=false} paths[name]=dir..d end end assert(files[1],"No code files belonging to "..name) local fqa = ff.read(arg) -- read main json files fqa = json.decode(fqa) self.name = fqa.name self.type = fqa.type self.viewLayout = fqa.initialProperties.viewLayout self.uiCallbacks = fqa.initialProperties.uiCallbacks self.quickVars = vars2keymap(fqa.initialProperties.quickAppVariables or {}) self.interfaces = fqa.initialInterfaces self.fqa = fqa self.fqa.files = files self.paths = paths loadResources(self) elseif arg:match("%.[Ll][Uu][Aa]$") then -- Read in "emulator" file self.fname = arg self.file_emu = arg code = code or ff.read(arg) -- hack, code is already loaded by caller, should be arg? local header,env1 = code:match("(if%s+dofile.-[\n\r]%s*end%s*%-%-[hH][cC]3)"),{ dofile=function() end, require=require, } assert(header and header~="","Malformed emulator header, forgot 'end--hc3'?") local e1,msg = load(header,nil,nil,env1) if msg then error("Error in emulator header, forgot 'end--hc3'?:"..msg) end local stat,res = pcall(e1) if not stat then error("Error in emulator header, forgot 'end--hc3'?:"..res) end env1.hc3_emulator = env1.hc3_emulator or {} self.name = env1.hc3_emulator.name or arg:match("([%w%s_%-]+)%.[Ll][Uu][Aa]$") self.type = env1.hc3_emulator.type or "com.fibaro.binarySwitch" self.baseType = env1.hc3_emulator.baseType self.fullLua = env1.hc3_emulator.fullLua hc3_emulator.credentials = hc3_emulator.credentials or {} for k,v in pairs(env1.hc3_emulator.credentials or {}) do hc3_emulator.credentials[k]=v end self.id = env1.hc3_emulator.id self.interfaces = env1.hc3_emulator.interfaces self.resources = env1.hc3_emulator.resources self.proxy = env1.hc3_emulator.proxy or false self.debug = env1.hc3_emulator.debug or self.debug loadResources(self) self.quickVars = self.quickVars or {} for n,v in pairs(env1.hc3_emulator.quickVars or {}) do self.quickVars[n]=v end self.UI = env1.hc3_emulator.UI if type(self.UI) == 'string' then self.UI = json.decode(self.UI) end self.files,self.paths = createFilesFromSource(code,self.fname) else error("Bad argument to loadQA") end return self end -- Inject args -- overwriting existing args local function LQAargs(self,args) local function copyFrom(a,b) if type(a)=='table' and type(b)=='table' then for k,v in pairs(a) do b[k]=copyFrom(v,b[k]) end return b else return a end end copyFrom(args,self) return self end -- Saving file in filesystem. We can save in .fqa or "unpacked" format local function LQAsave(self,fm,path,overwrite) assert(({fqa=true,unpacked=true})[fm or ""],"Bad format for save") path = path or "" local fqa = self.fqa if fm == "fqa" then -- Save as .fqa if not(fqa or (self.viewLayout and self.uiCallbacks)) then fqa = QA.createQuickApp{ name=self.name,type=self.type,UI=self.UI, quickVars=self.quickVars,code=self.files,dryrun=true } end if fqa then fqa.name = self.name fqa.type = self.type fqa.initialProperties.viewLayout = self.viewLayout or fqa.initialProperties.viewLayout fqa.initialProperties.uiCallbacks = self.uiCallbacks or fqa.initialProperties.uiCallbacks if self.quickVars then fqa.initialProperties.quickAppVariables = vars2list(self.quickVars or {}) end local fn = self.fname if fn then fn = fn:match("(.+)%.")..".fqa" end fn = (fn or fqa.name ..".fqa"):gsub("(%/)","_") path = path or "" if path ~= "" and path:sub(-1) ~= ff.path_separator then fn = ff.extract_name(path) path = path:sub(1,-(fn:len()+1)) end self.file_fqa = fn ff.write(path..fn,json.encode(fqa),overwrite) else error("Can't save fqa") end else -- Save in unpacked format (files separatly) if path:sub(-1) == ff.path_separator then path = path.."QA_"..(self.id or "999").."_"..self.name:gsub("(%/)","_") elseif path:match("%.[Jj][Ss][Oo][Nn]$") then path = path:match("(.*)%.") end local paths = {} for i,f in ipairs(self.files or self.fqa.files or {}) do local name = path.."_"..i.."_"..f.name:gsub("(%/)","_")..".lua" ff.write(name,f.content,overwrite) paths[f.name]=name end self.paths = paths local fqa = Util.copy(self.fqa) fqa.files = nil self.file_unpacked = ff.extract_name(path..".json") ff.write(path..".json",Util.prettyJsonFormat(fqa),overwrite) end return self end -- save -- Upload QuickApp to HC3 local function LQAupload(self,name,id) -- Resolve $CREDS resolveCREDS(self.quickVars) if self.fqa or (self.viewLayout and self.uiCallbacks) then QA.createQuickApp{ name=name or self.name,type=self.type, id = id or self.id, initialProperties = { viewLayout=self.viewLayout, uiCallbacks = self.uiCallbacks, quickAppVariables = vars2list(self.quickVars or {}), }, interfaces = self.interfaces, code=self.files or self.fqa.files } else QA.createQuickApp{ name=name or self.name,type=self.type,UI=self.UI, id = id or self.id, quickVars=self.quickVars,code=self.files, interfaces = self.interfaces, } end return self end -- Install QuickApp in the emulator function LQAinstall(self,args) -- A QA is a 7 step process -- 0. Initialization -- 1. Create proxy if wanted -- 2. Create environment -- 3. Load the files (not executing them) -- 4. Build device struct -- 5. Run the QA files, main last (execute them) -- The loading of files/users are expected to define the QuickApp methods incl. QuickApp:onInit() -- 6. We create an instance of QuickApp and call the :onInit method if it exists -- Restarting QA means kill timers and go back to 2 assert(not(tonumber(self.id) and self.proxy),"Can't specify both id and proxy") assert(not(self.offline and self.proxy),"Can't specify both offline and proxy") Timer.setSystemTimeout(function() --os.setTimer(function() --Timer.kick() --hc3_emulator.dumpTimers() Log(LOG.HEADER,"Loading QuickApp '%s'...",self.name) -- step 0. initialization, fix missing structures etc. local pdevice local fl = false local interfaces = self.interfaces or {'quickApp'} for _,i in ipairs(interfaces) do if i=='quickApp' then fl=true; break end end if not fl then interfaces[#self.interfaces+1]='quickApp' end -- Initialize quickAppVariables and load resources -- Logic: --- First variables from fqa if they exists --- Then variables from loaded hc3_emulator.resources = {quickVars = ... --- Then variables from hc3_emulator.quickVars local quickVars = self.quickVars -- Resolve $CREDS resolveCREDS(quickVars) if self.UI then local ip = makeInitialProperties(self.UI) self.viewLayout,self.uiCallbacks = ip.viewLayout,ip.uiCallbacks elseif self.viewLayout then self.UI=QA.view2UI(self.viewLayout,self.uiCallbacks) elseif self.UI==nil then self.UI = {} local ip = makeInitialProperties(self.UI) self.viewLayout,self.uiCallbacks = ip.viewLayout,ip.uiCallbacks end -- step 1. create proxy if self.proxy and not self.offline then if tonumber(self.proxy) then if api.getHC3("/quickApp/"..self.proxy.."/files/PROXY") == nil then pdevice = injectProxy(self.proxy) Log(LOG.LOG,"Connecting to QA %s, injecting new PROXY",self.proxy) else Log(LOG.LOG,"Connecting to QA %s, using existing PROXY",self.proxy) pdevice = api.getHC3("/devices/"..self.proxy) end startProxyPinger() else pdevice = createProxy(self.name,self.type, { viewLayout=self.viewLayout, uiCallbacks = self.uiCallbacks, quickAppVariables = vars2list(quickVars) }, interfaces) end end if pdevice then self.id = pdevice.id else while self.id == nil or quickApps[self.id] do -- find free id self.id = Local.getNextDeviceID() end end -- Now we have deviceID!!! Setup files in /quickApp/../files files[self.id]={} -- This struct is used for /api/quickApp/... self.paths = self.paths or {} for _,f in ipairs(self.files or self.fqa and self.fqa.files) do files[self.id][f.name]={name=f.name,content=f.content,type='lua',isOpen=false,isMain=f.isMain==true} if self.paths[f.name] == nil then -- Store code without files in tmp/... local p = ff.tmp_name(f.name,Util.crc16(f.content)) if ff.exists(p) then self.paths[f.name]=p f.content = ff.read(p) else if pcall(function() ff.write(p,f.content,true,true) end) then self.paths[f.name]=p end end end end filePaths[self.id]=self.paths local runQA,codeEnv local function restartQA() collectgarbage("collect") Log(LOG.SYS,"Restarting QA %s, timers=%s, memory used %.1fkB", self.id,Timer.killTimers("QUICKAPP"..self.id),collectgarbage("count") ) codeEnv._ENVID=nil --os.setTimer(function() runQA('DeviceModifiedEvent') end,0) runQA('DeviceModifiedEvent') end local function deleteQA() collectgarbage("collect") Log(LOG.SYS,"Deleting QA %s, timers=%s, memory used %.1fkB", self.id,Timer.killTimers("QUICKAPP"..self.id),collectgarbage("count") ) codeEnv._ENVID=nil quickApps[self.id]=nil Trigger.postTrigger({type='DeviceRemovedEvent', data = {id = self.id}},0) end local quickVarsReal = vars2list(quickVars) function runQA(event) -- rest of the steps in a function that can be called -- step 2. create the environment codeEnv = Util.createEnvironment("QA",self.fullLua) self._codeEnv = codeEnv setContext(codeEnv) local QAlock = copas.lock.new(60*60*30) function codeEnv._getLock() QAlock:get(60*60*30) end function codeEnv._releaseLock() QAlock:release() end codeEnv._ENVID = "QUICKAPP"..self.id -- used to find timers beloning to this QA codeEnv.plugin.mainDeviceId = self.id local st = codeEnv.setTimeout local function errHandler(err) Log(LOG.ERROR,"QuickApp timer %s for '%s', deviceId:%s, crashed - %s",codeEnv._lastTimer,self.name,self.id,err) if _debugFlags.breakOnError then hc3.mobdebug.pause() end end codeEnv.setTimeout = function(fun,ms,tag,eh,env,off) return st(fun,ms,tag,errHandler,codeEnv,off) end local st2 = codeEnv.setTimeout codeEnv.fibaro.setTimeout = function(a,b,...) return st2(b,a,...) end codeEnv.print = function(...) codeEnv.fibaro.debug(codeEnv.__TAG,...) end codeEnv.__TAG = "QuickApp"..self.id codeEnv.setTimeout(function() end,2000) -- Step 3. load the files (we don't run them yet) local loadedFiles = {} self.paths = self.paths or {} local ost,ostf,jsenc,jsdec = codeEnv.setTimeout, codeEnv.fibaro.setTimeout,codeEnv.json.encode,codeEnv.json.decode for _,f in pairs(QA.files[self.id]) do if f.name ~= 'PROXY' then local path = filePaths[self.id][f.name] or f.name if _debugFlags.files then Log(LOG.LOG,"Loading file '%s' in %s",f.name,self.name) end local code,msg=load(f.content,path,"bt",codeEnv) assert(code,msg) if f.isMain then table.insert(loadedFiles,{code=code,content=f.content,name=f.name,isMain=true}) -- 'main' last else table.insert(loadedFiles,math.max(#loadedFiles,1),{code=code,content=f.content,name=f.name}) end end end -- Step 4. build device struct -- Add 'quickApp' to interfaces if not existing pdevice = pdevice or Local.getDeviceTemplate(self.type,self.baseType) if pdevice == nil then Log(LOG.WARNING,"QA %s missing template, device structure is set to generic. Set baseType to get template.",self.type) pdevice = {} end local device = pdevice device.id = device.id or self.id device.name = self.name or "QuickApp"..self.id device.interfaces = device.interfaces or interfaces device.enabled = true device.visible = true device.type = device.type or self.type device.roomID = device.roomID or 219 device._proxy = self.proxy device._env = codeEnv device.properties = device.properties or {} device.properties.uiCallbacks = self.uiCallbacks device.properties.viewLayout = self.viewLayout device.properties.quickAppVariables = quickVarsReal Local.gLoc.devices[device.id]=device -- register it as a device -- step 5. run the files for _,f in ipairs(loadedFiles) do local path = self.paths[f.name] or f.name if (_debugFlags.breakOnLoad or _debugFlags.breakOnInit) and self.paths[f.name] then local first,init = findFirstCodeLine(f.content,f.name) if _debugFlags.breakOnLoad then hc3.mobdebug.setbreakpoint(path,first) end if _debugFlags.breakOnInit and init then hc3.mobdebug.setbreakpoint(path,init) end end if _debugFlags.files then Log(LOG.LOG,"Running file '%s' in %s",f.name,self.name) end local stat42,res42 = xpcall(f.code,function(err) Log(LOG.ERROR,"Running %s - %s",path or "",err or "") print(debug.traceback(err,2)) end) if not stat42 then error(res42) end end if not _debugFlags.patchSetTimeout then -- restore setTimeout etc if pacthed by user codeEnv.setTimeout,codeEnv.fibaro.setTimeout = ost,ostf end -- step 6. instantiate QA codeEnv._getLock() local status, err, ret = xpcall( function() self.VERSION=(self.VERSION or 0)+1 codeEnv._VERSION=format("QA%s:%s",self.id,self.VERSION) Log(LOG.HEADER,"QuickApp '%s', deviceID:%s started at %s",device.name,device.id,os.date("%c")) Trigger.postTrigger({type=event, data = {id = self.id}, sourceType="system"},0) codeEnv.quickApp = codeEnv.QuickApp(device) hc3._SYNC = false quickApps[self.id] = codeEnv.quickApp end, function(err) Log(LOG.ERROR,"QuickApp '%s', deviceId:%s, crashed (%s) at %s",self.name,self.id,err,os.date("%c")) print(debug.traceback(err)) if _debugFlags.breakOnError then hc3.mobdebug.pause() end end) codeEnv._releaseLock() codeEnv.quickApp.restartQA = restartQA codeEnv.quickApp.deleteQA = deleteQA codeEnv.quickApp.runQA = runQA end runQA('DeviceCreatedEvent') end,0) -- os.setTimer return self end -- install local function loadQA(arg,code) return LQAcreate({args=LQAargs,save=LQAsave,upload=LQAupload,install=LQAinstall},arg,code) end function hc3_emulator.loadQAorScene(file) local code,done = OS.file.read(file),nil if code:match("hc3_emulator%.actions") then hc3.module.Scene.loadScene(file,code):upload() elseif code:match("QuickApp:") or code:match("QuickerApp:") then QA.loadQA(file,code):upload() else Log(LOG.LOG,"Unrecognized file") end end commandLines['deploy']=function(file) -- print(json.encode(hc3_emulator.credentials)) hc3_emulator.loadQAorScene(file) fibaro.sleep(2000) os.exit() end -- Export functions self.transformUI = transformUI self.uiStruct2uiCallbacks = uiStruct2uiCallbacks self.updateViewLayout = updateViewLayout self.createQuickApp = createQuickApp self.createProxy = createProxy self.loadQA = loadQA return self end--module QuickApp --------------- Scene functions and support ---------- function module.Scene(hc3) local self = {scenes = {}} local Util,Timer,Trigger,OS=hc3.module.Util local _debugFlags = hc3.debug local ff,printf,fibaro,__fibaro_get_device_property local scenes = self.scenes Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf=Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf function self.initialise() --luacheck: ignore Timer,Trigger,OS = hc3.module.Timer,hc3.module.Trigger,hc3.module.OS fibaro,ff,printf = hc3.module.Fibaro.fibaro,OS.file,Util.printf __fibaro_get_device_property = hc3.module.Fibaro.__fibaro_get_device_property end --[[ { conditions = { { id = 2066, isTrigger = true, operator = "==", property = "centralSceneEvent", type = "device", value = { keyAttribute = "Pressed", keyId = 1 } }, { conditions = { { isTrigger = false, operator = "match", property = "cron", type = "date", value = { "*", "*", "*", "*", "1,3,5", "*" } }, { isTrigger = true, operator = "match", property = "cron", type = "date", value = { "00", "06", "*", "*", "*", "*" } } }, operator = "all" } }, operator = "any" } { conditions = { { id = 32, isTrigger = true, operator = "==", property = "value", type = "device", value = true } }, operator = "all" } --]] local function cronTest(dateStr) -- code for creating cron date test to use in scene condition local days = {sun=1,mon=2,tue=3,wed=4,thu=5,fri=6,sat=7} local months = {jan=1,feb=2,mar=3,apr=4,may=5,jun=6,jul=7,aug=8,sep=9,oct=10,nov=11,dec=12} local last,month = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31},nil local function seq2map(seq) local s = {} for _,v in ipairs(seq) do s[v] = true end return s; end local function flatten(seq,res) -- flattens a table of tables res = res or {} if type(seq) == 'table' then for _,v1 in ipairs(seq) do flatten(v1,res) end else res[#res+1] = seq end return res end local function expandDate(w1,md) local function resolve(id) local res if id == 'last' then month = md res=last[md] elseif id == 'lastw' then month = md res=last[md]-6 else res= type(id) == 'number' and id or days[id] or months[id] or tonumber(id) end assertf(res,"Bad date specifier '%s'",id) return res end local w,m,step= w1[1],w1[2],1 local start,stop = w:match("(%w+)%p(%w+)") if (start == nil) then return resolve(w) end start,stop = resolve(start), resolve(stop) local res,res2 = {},{} if w:find("/") then if not w:find("-") then -- 10/2 step=stop; stop = m.max else step=w:match("/(%d+)") end end step = tonumber(step) assert(start>=m.min and start<=m.max and stop>=m.min and stop<=m.max,"illegal date interval") while (start ~= stop) do -- 10-2 res[#res+1] = start start = start+1; if start>m.max then start=m.min end end res[#res+1] = stop if step > 1 then for i=1,#res,step do res2[#res2+1]=res[i] end; res=res2 end return res end table.maxn = table.maxn or function(t) return #t end local function map(f,l,s) s = s or 1; local r={} for i=s,table.maxn(l) do r[#r+1] = f(l[i]) end return r end local function parseDateStr(dateStr,last) local seq = dateStr:split(" ") -- min,hour,day,month,wday local lim = {{min=0,max=59},{min=0,max=23},{min=1,max=31},{min=1,max=12},{min=1,max=7},{min=2019,max=2030}} for i=1,6 do if seq[i]=='*' or seq[i]==nil then seq[i]=tostring(lim[i].min).."-"..lim[i].max end end seq = map(function(w) return w:split(",") end, seq) -- split sequences "3,4" local month = os.date("*t",os.time()).month seq = map(function(t) local m = table.remove(lim,1); return flatten(map(function (g) return expandDate({g,m},month) end, t)) end, seq) -- expand intervals "3-5" return map(seq2map,seq) end local sun,offs,day,sunPatch = dateStr:match("^(sun%a+) ([%+%-]?%d+)") if sun then sun = sun.."Hour" dateStr=dateStr:gsub("sun%a+ [%+%-]?%d+","0 0") sunPatch=function(dateSeq) local h,m = (fibaro.getValue(1,sun)):match("(%d%d):(%d%d)") dateSeq[1]={[(h*60+m+offs)%60]=true} dateSeq[2]={[math.floor((h*60+m+offs)/60)]=true} end end local dateSeq = parseDateStr(dateStr) return function(ctx) -- Pretty efficient way of testing dates... local t = ctx or os.date("*t",os.time()) if month and month~=t.month then parseDateStr(dateStr) end -- Recalculate 'last' every month if sunPatch and (month and month~=t.month or day~=t.day) then sunPatch(dateSeq) day=t.day end -- Recalculate 'last' every month return dateSeq[1][t.min] and -- min 0-59 dateSeq[2][t.hour] and -- hour 0-23 dateSeq[3][t.day] and -- day 1-31 dateSeq[4][t.month] and -- month 1-12 dateSeq[5][t.wday] or false -- weekday 1-7, 1=sun, 7=sat end end local function midnight() local d = os.date("*t") d.min,d.hour,d.sec=0,0,0; return os.time(d) end local function compileCondition(cf) local triggers,dates = {},{} local compile local stdProps = {value=true,battery=true, ['global']=true} local condCompFuns = { ['=='] = function(a,b) return tostring(a) == tostring(b) end, ['>='] = function(a,b) return tostring(a) >= tostring(b) end, ['<'] = function(a,b) return tostring(a) < tostring(b) end, ['>'] = function(a,b) return tostring(a) > tostring(b) end, ['<='] = function(a,b) return tostring(a) <= tostring(b) end, ['!='] = function(a,b) return tostring(a) ~= tostring(b) end, ['n=='] = function(a,b) return a==b end, ['n>='] = function(a,b) return a>=b end, ['n<'] = function(a,b) return a'] = function(a,b) return a>b end, ['n<='] = function(a,b) return a<=b end, ['n!='] = function(a,b) return a~=b end, ['match'] = function(a,b) return a==b end, ['match=='] = function(a,b) return a==b end, ['match>='] = function(a,b) return a>=b end, ['match<'] = function(a,b) return a'] = function(a,b) return a>b end, ['match<='] = function(a,b) return a<=b end, ['match!='] = function(a,b) return a~=b end, } local compileCF = { ['all'] = function(e,all) local c,allt,cs = e.conditions,{},{}; for _,c0 in ipairs(c) do cs[#cs+1]=compile(c0,allt) end local test = function(ctx) if e.log then print(e.log) end for _,c in ipairs(cs) do if not c(ctx) then return false end end return true end if all and all[1] then allt[1]=all[1] else allt[1]=test end return test end, ['any'] = function(e) local c,cs = e.conditions,{}; for _,c0 in ipairs(c) do cs[#cs+1]=compile(c0,nil) end return function(ctx) if e.log then print(e.log) end for _,c in ipairs(cs) do if c(ctx) then return true end end return false end end, ['device:*'] = function(c,all) local id,property,value,comp,tkey = c.id,c.property,c.value,condCompFuns[c.operator],c.property..c.id if c.isTrigger then triggers[id] = property end return function(ctx) local cv = __fibaro_get_device_property(id,property) return comp(cv and cv.value,value) end end, ['device:centralSceneEvent'] = function(c,_) local id,keyAttribute,keyId = c.id,c.value.keyAttribute,c.value.keyId if c.isTrigger then triggers[id] = c.property end return function(ctx) ctx=ctx.centralSceneEvent or {} return id == ctx.id and ctx.value.keyId == keyId and ctx.value.keyAttribute == keyAttribute end end, ['global-variable:*'] = function(c,_) local name,value,comp = c.property,c.value,condCompFuns[c.operator] if c.isTrigger then triggers[name] = true end return function(_) local cv = fibaro.getGlobalVariable(name) return comp(cv,value) end end, ['date:sunset'] = function(c,all) local comp,offset = condCompFuns["n"..c.operator],c.value local function mkRes(_) return {type='date', property='sunset', value=offset} end local test = function(ctx) if comp(ctx.hour*60+ctx.min,ctx.sunset+offset) then return mkRes(ctx) end end if c.isTrigger then dates[#dates+1]=function(ctx) if all[1] then return all[1](ctx) and mkRes(ctx) else return test(ctx) end end end return test end, ['date:sunrise'] = function(c,all) local comp,offset = condCompFuns["n"..c.operator],c.value local function mkRes(_) return {type='date', property='sunrise', value=offset} end local test = function(ctx) if comp(ctx.hour*60+ctx.min,ctx.sunrise+offset) then return mkRes() end end if c.isTrigger then dates[#dates+1]=function(ctx) if all[1] then return all[1](ctx) and mkRes(ctx) else return test(ctx) end end end return test end, ['date:cron'] = function(c,all) local test,_ = cronTest(table.concat(c.value," ")),condCompFuns[c.operator] local function mkRes(ctx) return {type='date', property='cron', value={ctx.min, ctx.hour, ctx.day, ctx.month, ctx.wday, ctx.year}} end local cronFun = function(ctx) if test(ctx) then return mkRes(ctx) end end if c.isTrigger then dates[#dates+1] = function(ctx) if all and all[1] then return all[1](ctx) and mkRes(ctx) else return cronFun(ctx) end end end return function(ctx) return cronFun(ctx) end end, } function compile(c,all) if c.conditions and c.operator then return compileCF[c.operator](c,all) elseif c.type then local prop = c.property prop = c.type == 'global-variable' and "global" or prop local tp = c.type..":"..(stdProps[prop] and "*" or prop) if compileCF[tp] then return compileCF[tp](c,all) end end error(string.format("Bad condition:%s (%s)",json.encode(c),json.encode(cf))) end if not next(cf) then return function() return true end,triggers,dates end return compile(cf),triggers,dates end --[[ manual alarm custom-event date device global-variable location panic profile se-start weather climate --]] local function toTime(str) local h,m=str:match("(%d+):(%d+)") return 60*h+m end local SUN = {} local function createCTX() local ctx = os.date("*t") if SUN.last ~= ctx.day then SUN.last,SUN.sunrise,SUN.sunset=ctx.day,toTime(fibaro.getValue(1,"sunriseHour")),toTime(fibaro.getValue(1,"sunsetHour")) end ctx.sunrise,ctx.sunset=SUN.sunrise,SUN.sunset return ctx end local SceneID = 800 local function loadScene(arg,code) assert(type(arg)=='number' or type(arg)=='string',"Bad argument to loadScene") local self,ff = {},OS.file if tonumber(arg) then -- Download from HC3 self._scene = api.get("/scenes/"..arg) assert(self._scene,"Scene ID "..arg.." does not exist on HC3") self.id = arg elseif type(arg)=='string' and arg:match("%.[Ff][Ss][Cc]$") then -- Read .fsc file local s = ff.read(arg) self._scene = json.decode(s) self.fname = arg self.file_scene = arg end if self._scene then self.name = self._scene.name elseif arg:match("%.[Ll][Uu][Aa]$") then -- Read emulator file self.fname = arg self.file_emu = arg code = code or ff.read(arg) local header,env1 = (code:match("(if%s+dofile.-end%s*%-%-[hH][cC]3)")),{ dofile=function() end, require=require, } assert(header and header~="","Malformed emulator header, forgot 'end--hc3'?") local e1,msg = load(header,nil,nil,env1) if msg then error(msg) end local stat,res = pcall(e1) if not stat then error(res) end self.name = env1.hc3_emulator.name or arg:match("(.-)%.[Ll][Uu][Aa]$") self.id = env1.hc3_emulator.id self.runSceneAtStart = env1.hc3_emulator.runSceneAtStart self.fullLua = env1.hc3_emulator.fullLua self.code = code local conditions = code:match("hc3_emulator%.conditions%s*=%s*(%b{})") local actions = code:match("hc3_emulator%.actions%s*%(%s*%)(.*)end") self.content=json.encode({conditions=json.encode(conditions),actions=actions}) elseif arg:match("%.[Jj][Ss][Oo][Nn]$") then -- Read in unpacked file(s) self.fname = arg self.file_unpacked = arg local name = ff.extract_name(arg) --local dir = arg:sub(1,-(name:len()+1)) ----- local j = f.read(arg) j = json.decode(j) self.name = j.name ---- else error("Bad argument to loadScene") end -- Saving file in filesystem. We can save in .fsc or "unpacked" format function self:save(fm,path,overwrite) assert(({fsc=true,unpacked=true})[fm or ""],"Bad format for save") if fm == 'fsc' then if not self._scene then local scene = { id = self.id, name = self.name, type = "lua", mode = "automatic", maxRunningInstances = 2, icon = "scene_lua", hidden = false, protectedByPin= false, stopOnAlarm= false, restart= true, enabled = true, created = os.time(), updated = os.time(), isRunning = false, started = os.time(), categories = {1} } scene.content = self.content self._scene = scene end local fn = self.fname if fn then fn = fn:match("(.+)%.")..".fsc" end fn = (fn or self._scene.name ..".fsc"):gsub("(%/)","_") path = path or "" if path~="" and path:sub(-1) ~= ff.path_separator then fn = ff.extract_name(path) path = path:sub(1,-(fn:len()+1)) end self.file_fsc = fn ff.write(path..fn,json.encode(self._scene),overwrite) elseif fm == 'unpacked' then error("Saving unpacked scenes not implemented yet") end end -- Inject args function self:args(args) for k,v in pairs(args) do self[k]=v end return self end -- Upload Scene to HC3 function self:upload(name,id) if not self._scene then error("Not yet implemented") end self.id = id or self.id self._scene.name = name or self._scene.name if self.id and tonumber(self.id) then local s = Util.copy(self._scene) s.id,s.created,s.updated,s.isRunning=nil,nil,nil,nil local _,res = api.put("/scenes/"..self.id,s) if res == 204 then Log(LOG.LOG,"Scene '%s', ID:%s updated",self._scene.name,self.id) else Log(LOG.LOG,"Error updating scene '%s', %s",self._scene.name,res) end else local stat,res = api.post("/scenes",self._scene) if res == 201 then Log(LOG.LOG,"Scene '%s', ID:%s uploaded",self._scene.name,stat.id) else Log(LOG.LOG,"Error uploading scene '%s', %s",self._scene.name,res) end end return self end -- Install Scene in emulator function self:install() local codeEnv = Util.createEnvironment("Scene",self.fullLua) os.setTimer(function() if self.code then -- emu if _debugFlags.breakOnLoad then hc3.mobdebug.setbreakpoint(self.fname,1) end local _,msg=load(self.code,self.fname,"bt",codeEnv)() assert(msg==nil,string.format("Loading %s - %s",self.fname,msg)) self.conditions = codeEnv.hc3_emulator.conditions self.actions = codeEnv.hc3_emulator.actions elseif self._scene then local c = json.decode(self._scene.content) self.conditions = load("return "..c.conditions)() self.actions = load(c.actions,self.fname,"bt",codeEnv) end local condition,triggers,dates = compileCondition(self.conditions) setContext(codeEnv) Log(LOG.HEADER,"Loading Scene '%s'...",self.name) if self.id == nil then self.id = SceneID; SceneID=SceneID+1 end codeEnv.sceneId = self.id codeEnv._ENVID='SCENE'..self.id codeEnv.tag = "Scene"..self.id self.timers = 0 self.content = json.encode({ conditions = json.encode(self.conditions), actions = "..." }) local SceneLock = Timer.copas.lock.new(60*60*30) function codeEnv._getLock() SceneLock:get(60*60*30) end function codeEnv._releaseLock() SceneLock:release() end codeEnv.print = function(...) codeEnv.fibaro.debug(codeEnv.tag:upper(),...) end local st = Timer.setTimeout local function errHandler(err) Log(LOG.ERROR,"Scene timer %s for '%s', sceneId:%s, crashed - %s",codeEnv._lastTimer,self.name,self.id,err) end codeEnv.setTimeout = function(fun,ms,tag) self.timers = self.timers+1 local function f(...) local stat,res = pcall(fun) self.timers = self.timers-1 if self.timers <= 0 then self.struct.isRunning = false Log(LOG.HEADER,"Scene '%s', sceneId:%s, terminated at %s",self.name,self.id,os.date("%c")) end if not stat then error(res,2) end end return st(f,ms,tag,errHandler,codeEnv) end local ct1 = codeEnv.fibaro.clearTimeout codeEnv.fibaro.setTimeout = function(a,b,...) return codeEnv.setTimeout(b,a,...) end function codeEnv.fibaro.clearTimeout(ref) self.timers = self.timers-1 return ct1(ref) end scenes[self.id] = self self.struct = { id = self.id, name = self.name, type = "lua", mode = "automatic", maxRunningInstances = 2, icon = "scene_lua", hidden = false, protectedByPin= false, stopOnAlarm= false, restart= true, enabled = true, created = os.time(), updated = os.time(), isRunning = false, started = os.time(), categories = {1}, content = self.content } function self.run() -- A scene runs as long as it has timers Log(LOG.HEADER,"Scene '%s', sceneId:%s, started at %s",self.name,self.id,os.date("%c")) self.struct.isRunning = true codeEnv.fibaro.setTimeout(0, function() codeEnv._getLock() local status, err, ret = xpcall(self.actions,function(err) Log(LOG.ERROR,"Scene '%s', sceneId:%s, crashed (%s) at %s",self.name,self.id,err,os.date("%c")) print(debug.traceback(err,1)) if _debugFlags.breakOnError then hc3.mobdebug.pause() end end) codeEnv._releaseLock() end) end function self.killScene() Log(LOG.SYS,"Killing scene %s, timers=%s",self.id,Timer.killTimers("SCENE"..self.id)) self.struct.isRunning = false Log(LOG.HEADER,"Scene '%s', sceneId:%s, terminated at %s",self.name,self.id,os.date("%c")) end function self.eventHandler(e) local ctx = createCTX() codeEnv.sourceTrigger = nil if e.type=='device' and e.property=='centralSceneEvent' then ctx.centralSceneEvent = e end if (e.type=='user' or e.type=='manual') and e.property=='execute' then codeEnv.sourceTrigger = e self.run() elseif e.type=='device' and triggers[e.id]==e.property or e.type=='global-variable' and triggers[e.property] or e.type=='date' then Log(LOG.DEBUG,"Scene trigger:%s",json.encode(e)) if condition(ctx) then codeEnv.sourceTrigger = e self.run() end end end -- end handleEvent if #dates>0 then --- Check cron expressions every minute local nxt = os.time() local function loop() local ctx = createCTX() for _,c in ipairs(dates) do local e = c(ctx) if e then self.eventHandler(e); break end end nxt = nxt+60 codeEnv.setTimeout(loop,1000*(nxt-os.time()),"Cron"..self.id) end loop() end if self.runSceneAtStart then os.setTimer(function() self.eventHandler({type = "user", property = "execute", id=2}) end,0) end end,0) end return self end -- loadScene self.loadScene = loadScene return self end--module Scene --------------- Trigger functions and support -------- function module.Trigger(hc3) local selfm = {} local _debugFlags = hc3.debug local Util,Timer = hc3.module.Util local copas,safeDecode,colorStr,scenes Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf=Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf local ltn12 = require("ltn12") -- LuaSocket function selfm.initialise() Timer = hc3.module.Timer safeDecode,colorStr = Util.safeDecode,Util.colorStr copas,scenes = Timer.copas,hc3.module.Scene.scenes end local cache = { -- Caching values when we poll to reduce traffic to HC3... polling=false, devices={}, globals={}, centralSceneEvents={},accessControlEvents={},sceneActivationEvents={} } selfm.cacheStore=cache function cache.write(type,id,prop,value) cache[type][id] = cache[type][id] or {} cache[type][id][prop]=value end function cache.read(type,id,prop) return hc3.speeding and hc3.polling and cache[type][id] and cache[type][id][prop] end local function post(event) if hc3.supressTrigger[event.type] then return end if _debugFlags.trigger then Log(LOG.DEBUG,"Incoming trigger:%s",Util.prettyJson(event)) end for _,s in pairs(scenes) do if s.eventHandler then os.setTimer(function() s.eventHandler(event) end,0) end end end local ignoreProperties = {icon=true, mainFunction=true,uiCallbacks = true} local EventTypes = { -- There are more, but these are what I seen so far... AlarmPartitionArmedEvent = function(d) post({type='alarm', property='armed', id = d.partitionId, value=d.armed}) end, AlarmPartitionBreachedEvent = function(d) post({type='alarm', property='breached', id = d.partitionId, value=d.breached}) end, HomeArmStateChangedEvent = function(d) post({type='alarm', property='homeArmed', value=d.newValue}) end, HomeBreachedEvent = function(d) post({type='alarm', property='homeBreached', value=d.breached}) end, HomeDisarmStateChangedEvent = function(_) end, WeatherChangedEvent = function(d) post({type='weather',property=d.change, value=d.newValue, old=d.oldValue}) end, GlobalVariableChangedEvent = function(d) cache.write('globals',0,d.variableName,{name=d.variableName, value = d.newValue, modified=os.time()}) if d.variableName == hc3.emu.EMURUNNING then return true end post({type='global-variable', name=d.variableName, value=d.newValue, old=d.oldValue}) end, DevicePropertyUpdatedEvent = function(d) if d.property=='quickAppVariables' then local old={}; for _,v in ipairs(d.oldValue) do old[v.name] = v.value end -- Todo: optimize for _,v in ipairs(d.newValue) do if v.value ~= old[v.name] then post({type='quickvar', name=v.name, value=v.value, old=old[v.name]}) end end else --if d.property:match("^ui%.") then return end if ignoreProperties[d.property] then return end cache.write('devices',d.id,d.property,{value=d.newValue, modified=os.time()}) post({type='device', id=d.id, property=d.property, value=d.newValue, old=d.oldValue}) end end, CentralSceneEvent = function(d) d.id = d.id or d.deviceId cache.write('centralSceneEvents',d.id,"",d) post({type='device', property='centralSceneEvent', id=d.id, value = {keyId=d.keyId, keyAttribute=d.keyAttribute}}) end, SceneActivationEvent = function(d) d.id = d.id or d.deviceId cache.write('sceneActivationEvents',d.id,"",d) post({type='device', property='sceneActivationEvent', id=d.id, value = {sceneId=d.sceneId, name=d.name}}) end, AccessControlEvent = function(d) cache.write('accessControlEvents',d.id,"",d) post({type='device', property='accessControlEvent', id = d.deviceID, value=d}) end, GeofenceEvent = function(d) post({type='location',id=d.userId,property=d.locationId,value=d.geofenceAction,timestamp=d.timestamp}) end, ActiveProfileChangedEvent = function(d) post({type='profile',property='activeProfile',value=d.newActiveProfile, old=d.oldActiveProfile}) end, CustomEvent = function(d) post({type='custom-event', name=d.name}) end, PluginChangedViewEvent = function(d) end, WizardStepStateChangedEvent = function() end, UpdateReadyEvent = function() end, SceneRunningInstancesEvent = function() end, DeviceRemovedEvent = function() end, DeviceChangedRoomEvent = function() end, DeviceCreatedEvent = function() end, DeviceModifiedEvent = function() end, SceneStartedEvent = function() end, SceneFinishedEvent = function() end, SceneCreatedEvent = function() end, SceneRemovedEvent = function() end, SceneModifiedEvent = function() end, PluginProcessCrashedEvent = function() end, onUIEvent = function(d) end, OnlineStatusUpdatedEvent = function() end, NotificationCreatedEvent = function() end, NotificationRemovedEvent = function() end, NotificationUpdatedEvent = function() end, RoomCreatedEvent = function() end, RoomRemovedEvent = function() end, RoomModifiedEvent = function() end, SectionCreatedEvent = function() end, SectionRemovedEvent = function() end, SectionModifiedEvent = function() end, DeviceActionRanEvent = function() end, DeviceFirmwareUpdateEvent = function(_) end, QuickAppFilesChangedEvent = function() end, ZwaveDeviceParametersChangedEvent = function() end, ZwaveNodeAddedEvent = function() end, RefreshRequiredEvent = function() end, } local function checkEvents(events) local kills={} for i,e in ipairs(events) do if _debugFlags.trigger0 then Log(LOG.DEBUG,"Incoming trigger0:%s",Util.prettyJson(e)) end local eh = EventTypes[e.type] if eh then if eh(e.data) then kills[#kills+1]=i end elseif eh==nil then Log(LOG.WARNING,"Unhandled event:%s -- please report",json.encode(e)) end end for i=#kills,1,-1 do table.remove(events,kills[i]) end if #events > 0 then selfm.refreshStates.addEvents(events) end end local lastRefresh = 0 local function pollOnce() -- Doesn't work, we need predictable returns local resp = {} local req={ method="GET", url = "http://"..hc3.credentials.ip.."/api/refreshStates?last=" .. lastRefresh.."&lang=en&rand=0.09580020181569104&logs=false", sink = ltn12.sink.table(resp), user=hc3.credentials.user, password=hc3.credentials.pwd, headers={} } req.headers["Accept"] = '*/*' req.headers["X-Fibaro-Version"] = 2 local r, c, h = copas.http.request(req) -- ToDo https if not r then return nil,c, h end if c>=200 and c<300 then local states = resp[1] and json.decode(table.concat(resp)) if states then lastRefresh=states.last if states.events and #states.events>0 then local events = states.events if _debugFlags.refreshloop then Log(LOG.LOG,"/refresh #%s",#events) end checkEvents(events) end if states.alarmChanges then print(json.encode(states.alarmChanges)) end end end return nil,c, h end local function pollEvents(interval) local INTERVAL = interval or 0 -- every second, could do more often... cache.polling = true -- Our loop will populate cache with values - no need to fetch from HC3 local function pollRefresh() pollOnce() os.setTimer(pollRefresh,INTERVAL)--,"RefreshState") end os.setTimer(pollRefresh,0) end function selfm.postTrigger(ev,t) assert(type(ev)=='table' and ev.type,"Bad event format:"..json.encode(ev)) t = t or 0 local f = t==0 and (function(f) f() end) or os.setTimer f(function() checkEvents({ev}) end,t) end --------------- refreshState handling --------------- local function createRefreshStateQueue(size) local self = {} local function mkQueue(size) local queue,dump,pop = {} local tail,head = 301,301 local function empty() return tail==head end local function filled() return head-tail >= size end local function push(e) if filled() then pop() end head=head+1 local key = tostring(head) queue[key]=e --print(e,dump(),head,tail) end local function tailp() return tail end local function headp() return head end function pop() if empty() then return nil end tail=tail+1 local key = tostring(tail) local v = queue[key] queue[key]=nil return v end local function peek(n) return queue[tostring(head-n)] end local function get(n) return queue[tostring(n)] end function dump() local res={} for i=0,size-1 do local e=peek(i) if e then res[#res+1]=json.encode(e) end end return table.concat(res,",") end return { pop = pop, push = push, tailp=tailp, headp=headp, empty=empty, peek = peek, get=get, dump=dump } end self.eventQueue=mkQueue(size) --- 1..QUEUELENGTH local eventQueue = self.eventQueue -- local function filter(events) -- local res = {} -- for _,e in ipairs(events) do res[#res+1]=e.type end -- return res -- end function self.addEvents(events) -- {last=num,events={}} events = events[1] and events or {events} --print("ADD:"..json.encode(filter(events))) local index = eventQueue.headp() eventQueue.push({last=index, events=events}) end function self.getEvents(last) --print(eventQueue.dump()) if eventQueue.empty() then return {last = last } end local res1,res2,i = {},{},0 while true do local e = eventQueue.peek(i) ---- 5,6,7,8 6 if e and e.last > last then res1[#res1+1]=e else break end i=i+1 end if #res1==0 then return { last=last } end last = res1[1].last ---- { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} for j=1,#res1 do local es = res1[j].events if es then for k=1,#es do res2[#res2+1]=es[k] end end end --print("RET:"..json.encode(filter(res2))) return {last = last, events = res2} end self.dump = eventQueue.dump return self end selfm.refreshStates = createRefreshStateQueue(200) selfm.eventTypes = EventTypes selfm.startPolling = pollEvents selfm.pollOneEvent = pollOnce selfm.checkEvents = checkEvents selfm.cache = cache return selfm end--module Trigger -------------- Utilities ----------------------------- function module.Utilities(hc3) local self = {} local format = string.format local _debugFlags = hc3.debug --[[ Util.assert(value,errmsg) Util.assertf(value,errmsg,...) Util.class(name) Util.property(getter,setter) Util.urlencode(str) Util.urldecode(str) Util.safeDecode(x) Util.ZBCOLORMAP Util.LOG = {} Util.Log(flag,arg1,...) Util.parseDate(dateStr) --- Format 10:00:00 5/12/2020 Util.printf(fmt,...) Util.map(f,l) -- function(e) x list -> list Util.mapf(f,l) -- function(e) x list -> nil Util.mapk(f,l) -- function(k,v) x list -> list Util.mapkv(f,l) Util.member(k,tab) Util.copy(obj) Util.equal(e1,e2) Util.transform(obj,tf) Util.prettyJson(expr) Util.prettyJsonFormat(expr) Util.traceFibaro() Util.crc16(bytes) Util.base64(str) Util.getIPaddress() Util.sunCalc(time) -> sunrise,sunset,down,dusk --]] local function assert(value,errmsg) if not value then error(errmsg,3) end end local function assertf(value,errmsg,...) if not value then local args = {...} if #args==0 then error(errmsg,3) else error(format(errmsg,...),3) end end end self.assert,self.assertf = assert,assertf -- Class support local metas = {} for _,m in ipairs({ "__add","__sub","__mul","__div","__mod","__pow","__unm","__idiv","__band","__bor", "__bxor","__bnot","__shl","__shr","__concat","__len","__eq","__lt","__le","__call", "__tostring" }) do metas[m]=true end function self.property(get,set) assert(type(get)=='function' and type(set)=="function","Property need function set and get") return {['%CLASSPROP%']=true, get=get, set=set} end local function trapIndex(props,cmt,obj) function cmt.__index(tab,key) if props[key] then return props[key].get(obj) else return rawget(obj,key) end end function cmt.__newindex(tab,key,val) if props[key] then return props[key].set(obj,val) else return rawset(obj,key,val) end end end function self.class(name) -- Version that tries to avoid __index & __newindex to make debugging easier local cl,mt,cmt,props,parent= {['_USERDATA']=true},{},{},{} -- We still try to be Luabind class compatible function cl.__copyObject(cl,obj) if parent then parent.__copyObject(parent,obj) end for k,v in pairs(cl) do if metas[k] then cmt[k]=v else obj[k]=v end end return obj end function mt.__call(tab,...) -- Instantiation (...) local obj = tab.__copyObject(tab,{}) if not tab.__init then error("Class "..name.." missing initialiser") end tab.__init(obj,...) local trapF = false for k,v in pairs(obj) do if type(v)=='table' and v['%CLASSPROP%'] then obj[k],props[k]=nil,v; trapF = true end end if trapF then trapIndex(props,cmt,obj) end local str = "Object "..name..":"..tostring(obj):match("%s(.*)") setmetatable(obj,cmt) if not obj.__tostring then function obj:__tostring() return str end end return obj end function mt:__tostring() return "class "..name end setmetatable(cl,mt) getContext()[name] = cl return function(p) -- Class creation -- class parent = p end end function self.class(name) -- Version that tries to avoid __index & __newindex to make debugging easier local cl,mt,cmt,props,parent= {['_USERDATA']=true},{},{},{} -- We still try to be Luabind class compatible function cl.__copyObject(cl,obj) for k,v in pairs(cl) do if metas[k] then cmt[k]=v else obj[k]=v end end return obj end function mt.__call(tab,...) -- Instantiation (...) local obj = tab.__copyObject(tab,{}) if not tab.__init then error("Class "..name.." missing initialiser") end tab.__init(obj,...) local trapF = false for k,v in pairs(obj) do if type(v)=='table' and v['%CLASSPROP%'] then obj[k],props[k]=nil,v; trapF = true end end if trapF then trapIndex(props,cmt,obj) end local str = "Object "..name..":"..tostring(obj):match("%s(.*)") setmetatable(obj,cmt) if not obj.__tostring then function obj:__tostring() return str end end return obj end function mt:__tostring() return "class "..name end setmetatable(cl,mt) getContext()[name] = cl return function(p) -- Class creation -- class parent = p if parent then parent.__copyObject(parent,cl) end end end function self.urlencode(str) local s = str and string.gsub(str ,"([^% w])",function(c) return format("%%% 02X",string.byte(c)) end) return s end function self.urldecode(str) return str:gsub('%%(%x%x)',function (x) return string.char(tonumber(x,16)) end) end function self.safeDecode(x) local stat,res = pcall(function() return json.decode(x) end) return stat and res end local function logHeader(len,str) if #str % 2 == 1 then str=str.." " end local n = #str+2 return string.rep("-",len/2-n/2).." "..str.." "..string.rep("-",len/2-n/2) end local ZBCOLORMAP = { black="\027[30m",brown="\027[31m",green="\027[32m",orange="\027[33m", navy="\027[34m",purple="\027[35m",teal="\027[36m",grey="\027[37m", red="\027[31;1m",tomato="\027[31;1m",neon="\027[32;1m",yellow="\027[33;1m", blue="\027[34;1m",magenta="\027[35;1m",cyan="\027[36;1m",white="\027[37;1m", darkgrey="\027[30;1m", } self.ZBCOLORMAP = ZBCOLORMAP LOG = { LOG="LOG ", WARNING="WARN ", SYS="SYS ", DEBUG="SDBG ", ERROR='ERROR', HEADER='HEADER'} hc3.sysConsoleColors = hc3.sysConsoleColors or { [LOG.LOG]='navy', [LOG.WARNING]='orange', [LOG.DEBUG]='blue', [LOG.SYS]='purple', [LOG.ERROR]='red',[LOG.HEADER]='blue' } local function colorStr(color,str) if _debugFlags.color then return (ZBCOLORMAP[color] or ZBCOLORMAP['black'])..str.."\027[0m" else return str end end self.colorStr = colorStr function Debug(flag,...) if flag then Log(LOG.DEBUG,...) end end function Log(flag,arg1,...) local args={...} local stat,res = pcall(function() local str = #args==0 and arg1 or format(arg1,table.unpack(args)) local color = "black" if flag == LOG.HEADER then print(format("%s |%s|: %s",os.date("[%d.%m.%Y] [%X]"),"-----",colorStr(hc3.sysConsoleColors[flag],logHeader(100,str)))) return str end print(format("%s |%s|: %s",os.date("[%d.%m.%Y] [%X]"),colorStr(hc3.sysConsoleColors[flag],flag),str)) return str end) if not stat then error(res) end end self.Log,self.LOG = Log,LOG function self.parseDate(dateStr) --- Format 10:00:00 5/12/2020 local h,m,s = dateStr:match("(%d+):(%d+):?(%d*)") local d,mon,y = dateStr:match("(%d+)/(%d+)/?(%d*)") s = s~="" and s or 0 local t = os.date("*t") t.hour = tonumber(h) or t.hour t.min = tonumber(m) or t.min t.sec = tonumber(s) or t.sec t.day = tonumber(d) or t.day t.month = tonumber(mon) or t.month t.year = tonumber(y) or t.year local t1 = os.time(t) local t2 = os.date("*t",t1) if t.isdst ~= t2.isdst then t.isdst = t2.isdst t1 = os.time(t) end return t1 end function self.printf(arg1,...) local args={...} if #args==0 then print(arg1) else print(format(arg1,...)) end end function string.split(str, sep) local fields,s = {},sep or "%s" str:gsub("([^"..s.."]+)", function(c) fields[#fields + 1] = c end) return fields end string.starts = function(str,pat) return str:sub(1,#pat)==pat end function self.map(f,l) local r={}; for _,e in ipairs(l) do r[#r+1]=f(e) end; return r end function self.mapf(f,l) for _,e in ipairs(l) do f(e) end; end function self.mapk(f,l) local r={}; for k,v in pairs(l) do r[k]=f(v) end; return r end function self.mapkv(f,l) local r={}; for k,v in pairs(l) do k,v=f(k,v) r[k]=v end; return r end local function transform(obj,tf) if type(obj) == 'table' then local res = {} for l,v in pairs(obj) do res[l] = transform(v,tf) end return res else return tf(obj) end end self.transform = transform function self.copy(obj) return transform(obj, function(o) return o end) end function self.shallowCopy(t) if type(t)=='table' then local r={}; for k,v in pairs(t) do r[k]=v end return r else return t end end local function equal(e1,e2) if e1==e2 then return true else if type(e1) ~= 'table' or type(e2) ~= 'table' then return false else for k1,v1 in pairs(e1) do if e2[k1] == nil or not equal(v1,e2[k1]) then return false end end for k2,_ in pairs(e2) do if e1[k2] == nil then return false end end return true end end end self.equal=equal function self.member(k,tab) for _,v in ipairs(tab) do if v==k then return true end end return false end function self.remove(k,tab) local r = {}; for _,v in ipairs(tab) do if v ~= k then r[#r+1]=v end end return r end do local sortKeys = {"type","device","deviceID","value","oldValue","val","key","arg","event","events","msg","res"} local sortOrder={} for i,s in ipairs(sortKeys) do sortOrder[s]="\n"..string.char(i+64).." "..s end local function keyCompare(a,b) local av,bv = sortOrder[a] or a, sortOrder[b] or b return av < bv end function self.prettyJsonFlat(e) -- our own json encode, as we don't have 'pure' json structs, and sorts keys in order (i.e. "stable" output) local res,seen = {},{} local function pretty(e) local t = type(e) if t == 'string' then res[#res+1] = '"' res[#res+1] = e res[#res+1] = '"' elseif t == 'number' then res[#res+1] = e elseif t == 'boolean' or t == 'function' or t=='thread' or t=='userdata' then res[#res+1] = tostring(e) elseif t == 'table' then local mt = getmetatable(e) if mt and mt.__tostring then res[#res+1]=tostring(e) -- honor metatable.__tostring elseif next(e)==nil then res[#res+1]='{}' elseif seen[e] then res[#res+1]="..rec.." elseif e[1] or #e>0 then seen[e]=true res[#res+1] = "[" pretty(e[1]) for i=2,#e do res[#res+1] = "," pretty(e[i]) end res[#res+1] = "]" else seen[e]=true if e._var_ then res[#res+1] = format('"%s"',e._str) return end local k = {} for key,_ in pairs(e) do k[#k+1] = key end table.sort(k,keyCompare) if #k == 0 then res[#res+1] = "[]" return end res[#res+1] = '{'; res[#res+1] = '"' res[#res+1] = k[1]; res[#res+1] = '":' t = k[1] pretty(e[t]) for i=2,#k do res[#res+1] = ',"' res[#res+1] = k[i]; res[#res+1] = '":' t = k[i] pretty(e[t]) end res[#res+1] = '}' end elseif e == nil then res[#res+1]='null' else error("bad json expr:"..tostring(e)) end end pretty(e) return table.concat(res) end end self.prettyJson = self.prettyJsonFlat do -- Used for print device table structs - sortorder for device structs local sortKeys = { 'id','name','roomID','type','baseType','enabled','visible','isPlugin','parentId','viewXml','configXml', 'interfaces','properties','view', 'actions','created','modified','sortOrder' } local sortOrder={} for i,s in ipairs(sortKeys) do sortOrder[s]="\n"..string.char(i+64).." "..s end local function keyCompare(a,b) local av,bv = sortOrder[a] or a, sortOrder[b] or b return av < bv end function self.prettyJsonFormat(t0) local res = {} local function isArray(t) return type(t)=='table' and t[1] end local function isEmpty(t) return type(t)=='table' and next(t)==nil end local function printf(tab,fmt,...) res[#res+1] = string.rep(' ',tab)..string.format(fmt,...) end local function pretty(tab,t,key) if type(t)=='table' then if isEmpty(t) then printf(0,"[]") return end if isArray(t) then printf(key and tab or 0,"[\n") for i,k in ipairs(t) do local _ = pretty(tab+1,k,true) if i ~= #t then printf(0,',') end printf(tab+1,'\n') end printf(tab,"]") return true end local r = {} for k,_ in pairs(t) do r[#r+1]=k end table.sort(r,keyCompare) printf(key and tab or 0,"{\n") for i,k in ipairs(r) do printf(tab+1,'"%s":',k) local _ = pretty(tab+1,t[k]) if i ~= #r then printf(0,',') end printf(tab+1,'\n') end printf(tab,"}") return true elseif type(t)=='number' then printf(key and tab or 0,"%s",t) elseif type(t)=='boolean' then printf(key and tab or 0,"%s",t and 'true' or 'false') elseif type(t)=='string' then printf(key and tab or 0,'"%s"',t:gsub('(%")','\\"')) end end pretty(0,t0,true) return table.concat(res,"") end end local CRC16Lookup = { 0x0000,0x1021,0x2042,0x3063,0x4084,0x50a5,0x60c6,0x70e7,0x8108,0x9129,0xa14a,0xb16b,0xc18c,0xd1ad,0xe1ce,0xf1ef, 0x1231,0x0210,0x3273,0x2252,0x52b5,0x4294,0x72f7,0x62d6,0x9339,0x8318,0xb37b,0xa35a,0xd3bd,0xc39c,0xf3ff,0xe3de, 0x2462,0x3443,0x0420,0x1401,0x64e6,0x74c7,0x44a4,0x5485,0xa56a,0xb54b,0x8528,0x9509,0xe5ee,0xf5cf,0xc5ac,0xd58d, 0x3653,0x2672,0x1611,0x0630,0x76d7,0x66f6,0x5695,0x46b4,0xb75b,0xa77a,0x9719,0x8738,0xf7df,0xe7fe,0xd79d,0xc7bc, 0x48c4,0x58e5,0x6886,0x78a7,0x0840,0x1861,0x2802,0x3823,0xc9cc,0xd9ed,0xe98e,0xf9af,0x8948,0x9969,0xa90a,0xb92b, 0x5af5,0x4ad4,0x7ab7,0x6a96,0x1a71,0x0a50,0x3a33,0x2a12,0xdbfd,0xcbdc,0xfbbf,0xeb9e,0x9b79,0x8b58,0xbb3b,0xab1a, 0x6ca6,0x7c87,0x4ce4,0x5cc5,0x2c22,0x3c03,0x0c60,0x1c41,0xedae,0xfd8f,0xcdec,0xddcd,0xad2a,0xbd0b,0x8d68,0x9d49, 0x7e97,0x6eb6,0x5ed5,0x4ef4,0x3e13,0x2e32,0x1e51,0x0e70,0xff9f,0xefbe,0xdfdd,0xcffc,0xbf1b,0xaf3a,0x9f59,0x8f78, 0x9188,0x81a9,0xb1ca,0xa1eb,0xd10c,0xc12d,0xf14e,0xe16f,0x1080,0x00a1,0x30c2,0x20e3,0x5004,0x4025,0x7046,0x6067, 0x83b9,0x9398,0xa3fb,0xb3da,0xc33d,0xd31c,0xe37f,0xf35e,0x02b1,0x1290,0x22f3,0x32d2,0x4235,0x5214,0x6277,0x7256, 0xb5ea,0xa5cb,0x95a8,0x8589,0xf56e,0xe54f,0xd52c,0xc50d,0x34e2,0x24c3,0x14a0,0x0481,0x7466,0x6447,0x5424,0x4405, 0xa7db,0xb7fa,0x8799,0x97b8,0xe75f,0xf77e,0xc71d,0xd73c,0x26d3,0x36f2,0x0691,0x16b0,0x6657,0x7676,0x4615,0x5634, 0xd94c,0xc96d,0xf90e,0xe92f,0x99c8,0x89e9,0xb98a,0xa9ab,0x5844,0x4865,0x7806,0x6827,0x18c0,0x08e1,0x3882,0x28a3, 0xcb7d,0xdb5c,0xeb3f,0xfb1e,0x8bf9,0x9bd8,0xabbb,0xbb9a,0x4a75,0x5a54,0x6a37,0x7a16,0x0af1,0x1ad0,0x2ab3,0x3a92, 0xfd2e,0xed0f,0xdd6c,0xcd4d,0xbdaa,0xad8b,0x9de8,0x8dc9,0x7c26,0x6c07,0x5c64,0x4c45,0x3ca2,0x2c83,0x1ce0,0x0cc1, 0xef1f,0xff3e,0xcf5d,0xdf7c,0xaf9b,0xbfba,0x8fd9,0x9ff8,0x6e17,0x7e36,0x4e55,0x5e74,0x2e93,0x3eb2,0x0ed1,0x1ef0 } function self.crc16(bytes) local crc = 0 for i=1,#bytes do local b = string.byte(bytes,i,i) crc = ((crc<<8) & 0xffff) ~ CRC16Lookup[(((crc>>8)~b) & 0xff) + 1] end return tonumber(crc) end function self.base64(data) local b='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/' return ((data:gsub('.', function(x) local r,b='',x:byte() for i=8,1,-1 do r=r..(b%2^i-b%2^(i-1)>0 and '1' or '0') end return r; end)..'0000'):gsub('%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?', function(x) if (#x < 6) then return '' end local c=0 for i=1,6 do c=c+(x:sub(i,i)=='1' and 2^(6-i) or 0) end return b:sub(c+1,c+1) end)..({ '', '==', '=' })[#data%3+1]) end local IPADDRESS = nil local socket = require('socket') function self.getIPaddress() if IPADDRESS then return IPADDRESS end local someRandomIP = "" --This address you make up local someRandomPort = "3102" --This port you make up local mySocket = socket.udp() --Create a UDP socket like normal mySocket:setpeername(someRandomIP,someRandomPort) local myDevicesIpAddress,_ = mySocket:getsockname()-- returns IP and Port IPADDRESS = myDevicesIpAddress == "" and "" or myDevicesIpAddress return IPADDRESS end ------------------- Sunset/Sunrise --------------- -- \fibaro\usr\share\lua\5.2\common\lustrous.lua based on the United States Naval Observatory local function sunturnTime(date, rising, latitude, longitude, zenith, local_offset) local rad,deg,floor = math.rad,math.deg,math.floor local frac = function(n) return n - floor(n) end local cos = function(d) return math.cos(rad(d)) end local acos = function(d) return deg(math.acos(d)) end local sin = function(d) return math.sin(rad(d)) end local asin = function(d) return deg(math.asin(d)) end local tan = function(d) return math.tan(rad(d)) end local atan = function(d) return deg(math.atan(d)) end local function day_of_year(date) local n1 = floor(275 * date.month / 9) local n2 = floor((date.month + 9) / 12) local n3 = (1 + floor((date.year - 4 * floor(date.year / 4) + 2) / 3)) return n1 - (n2 * n3) + date.day - 30 end local function fit_into_range(val, min, max) local range,count = max - min if val < min then count = floor((min - val) / range) + 1; return val + count * range elseif val >= max then count = floor((val - max) / range) + 1; return val - count * range else return val end end -- Convert the longitude to hour value and calculate an approximate time local n,lng_hour,t = day_of_year(date), longitude / 15 if rising then t = n + ((6 - lng_hour) / 24) -- Rising time is desired else t = n + ((18 - lng_hour) / 24) end -- Setting time is desired local M = (0.9856 * t) - 3.289 -- Calculate the Sun^s mean anomaly -- Calculate the Sun^s true longitude local L = fit_into_range(M + (1.916 * sin(M)) + (0.020 * sin(2 * M)) + 282.634, 0, 360) -- Calculate the Sun^s right ascension local RA = fit_into_range(atan(0.91764 * tan(L)), 0, 360) -- Right ascension value needs to be in the same quadrant as L local Lquadrant = floor(L / 90) * 90 local RAquadrant = floor(RA / 90) * 90 RA = RA + Lquadrant - RAquadrant; RA = RA / 15 -- Right ascension value needs to be converted into hours local sinDec = 0.39782 * sin(L) -- Calculate the Sun's declination local cosDec = cos(asin(sinDec)) local cosH = (cos(zenith) - (sinDec * sin(latitude))) / (cosDec * cos(latitude)) -- Calculate the Sun^s local hour angle if rising and cosH > 1 then return "N/R" -- The sun never rises on this location on the specified date elseif cosH < -1 then return "N/S" end -- The sun never sets on this location on the specified date local H -- Finish calculating H and convert into hours if rising then H = 360 - acos(cosH) else H = acos(cosH) end H = H / 15 local T = H + RA - (0.06571 * t) - 6.622 -- Calculate local mean time of rising/setting local UT = fit_into_range(T - lng_hour, 0, 24) -- Adjust back to UTC local LT = UT + local_offset -- Convert UT value to local time zone of latitude/longitude return os.time({day = date.day,month = date.month,year = date.year,hour = floor(LT),min = math.modf(frac(LT) * 60)}) end local function getTimezone() local now = os.time() return os.difftime(now, os.time(os.date("!*t", now))) end local function sunCalc(time) local hc3Location = api.get("/settings/location") local lat = hc3Location.latitude or 0 local lon = hc3Location.longitude or 0 local utc = getTimezone() / 3600 local zenith,zenith_twilight = 90.83, 96.0 -- sunset/sunrise 90°50′, civil twilight 96°0′ local date = os.date("*t",time or os.time()) if date.isdst then utc = utc + 1 end local rise_time = os._date("*t", sunturnTime(date, true, lat, lon, zenith, utc)) local set_time = os._date("*t", sunturnTime(date, false, lat, lon, zenith, utc)) local rise_time_t = os._date("*t", sunturnTime(date, true, lat, lon, zenith_twilight, utc)) local set_time_t = os._date("*t", sunturnTime(date, false, lat, lon, zenith_twilight, utc)) local sunrise = format("%.2d:%.2d", rise_time.hour, rise_time.min) local sunset = format("%.2d:%.2d", set_time.hour, set_time.min) local sunrise_t = format("%.2d:%.2d", rise_time_t.hour, rise_time_t.min) local sunset_t = format("%.2d:%.2d", set_time_t.hour, set_time_t.min) return sunrise, sunset, sunrise_t, sunset_t end self.sunCalc = sunCalc return self end--module Utilities --------------- json functions ------------------------ function module.Json(hc3) local _debugFlags = hc3.debug -- -- Copyright (c) 2019 rxi -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -- this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -- the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -- use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -- of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do -- so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -- copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- local json = { _version = "0.1.2" } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Encode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local encode local escape_char_map = { [ "\\" ] = "\\\\", [ "\"" ] = "\\\"", [ "\b" ] = "\\b", [ "\f" ] = "\\f", [ "\n" ] = "\\n", [ "\r" ] = "\\r", [ "\t" ] = "\\t", } local escape_char_map_inv = { [ "\\/" ] = "/" } for k, v in pairs(escape_char_map) do escape_char_map_inv[v] = k end local function escape_char(c) return escape_char_map[c] or string.format("\\u%04x", c:byte()) end local function encode_nil(_) return "null" end local function encode_table(val, stack) local res = {} stack = stack or {} -- Circular reference? if stack[val] then error("circular reference") end stack[val] = true if rawget(val, 1) ~= nil or next(val) == nil then -- Treat as array -- check keys are valid and it is not sparse local n = 0 for k in pairs(val) do if type(k) ~= "number" then error("invalid table: mixed or invalid key types") end n = n + 1 end if n ~= #val then error("invalid table: sparse array") end -- Encode for _, v in ipairs(val) do table.insert(res, encode(v, stack)) end stack[val] = nil return "[" .. table.concat(res, ",") .. "]" else -- Treat as an object for k, v in pairs(val) do if type(k) ~= "string" then error("invalid table: mixed or invalid key types") end table.insert(res, encode(k, stack) .. ":" .. encode(v, stack)) end stack[val] = nil return "{" .. table.concat(res, ",") .. "}" end end local function encode_string(val) return '"' .. val:gsub('[%z\1-\31\\"]', escape_char) .. '"' end local function encode_number(val) -- Check for NaN, -inf and inf if val ~= val or val <= -math.huge or val >= math.huge then error("unexpected number value '" .. tostring(val) .. "'") end return string.format("%.14g", val) end local type_func_map = { [ "nil" ] = encode_nil, [ "table" ] = encode_table, [ "string" ] = encode_string, [ "number" ] = encode_number, [ "boolean" ] = tostring, -- [ "function" ] = tostring, } encode = function(val, stack) local t = type(val) local f = type_func_map[t] if f then return f(val, stack) end error("unexpected type '" .. t .. "'") end function json.encode(val,...) local extras = {...} assert(#extras==0,"Too many arguments to json.encode?") local res = {pcall(encode,val)} if res[1] then return select(2,table.unpack(res)) else local info = debug.getinfo(2) error(string.format("json.encode, %s, called from %s line:%s",res[2],info.short_src,info.currentline)) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local parse local function create_set(...) local res = {} for i = 1, select("#", ...) do res[ select(i, ...) ] = true end return res end local space_chars = create_set(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n") local delim_chars = create_set(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n", "]", "}", ",") local escape_chars = create_set("\\", "/", '"', "b", "f", "n", "r", "t", "u") local literals = create_set("true", "false", "null") local literal_map = { [ "true" ] = true, [ "false" ] = false, [ "null" ] = nil, } local function next_char(str, idx, set, negate) for i = idx, #str do if set[str:sub(i, i)] ~= negate then return i end end return #str + 1 end local function decode_error(str, idx, msg) local line_count = 1 local col_count = 1 for i = 1, idx - 1 do col_count = col_count + 1 if str:sub(i, i) == "\n" then line_count = line_count + 1 col_count = 1 end end error( string.format("%s at line %d col %d", msg, line_count, col_count) ) end local function codepoint_to_utf8(n) -- http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=iws-appendixa local f = math.floor if n <= 0x7f then return string.char(n) elseif n <= 0x7ff then return string.char(f(n / 64) + 192, n % 64 + 128) elseif n <= 0xffff then return string.char(f(n / 4096) + 224, f(n % 4096 / 64) + 128, n % 64 + 128) elseif n <= 0x10ffff then return string.char(f(n / 262144) + 240, f(n % 262144 / 4096) + 128, f(n % 4096 / 64) + 128, n % 64 + 128) end error( string.format("invalid unicode codepoint '%x'", n) ) end local function parse_unicode_escape(s) local n1 = tonumber( s:sub(3, 6), 16 ) local n2 = tonumber( s:sub(9, 12), 16 ) -- Surrogate pair? if n2 then return codepoint_to_utf8((n1 - 0xd800) * 0x400 + (n2 - 0xdc00) + 0x10000) else return codepoint_to_utf8(n1) end end local function parse_string(str, i) local has_unicode_escape = false local has_surrogate_escape = false local has_escape = false local last for j = i + 1, #str do local x = str:byte(j) if x < 32 then decode_error(str, j, "control character in string") end if last == 92 then -- "\\" (escape char) if x == 117 then -- "u" (unicode escape sequence) local hex = str:sub(j + 1, j + 5) if not hex:find("%x%x%x%x") then decode_error(str, j, "invalid unicode escape in string") end if hex:find("^[dD][89aAbB]") then has_surrogate_escape = true else has_unicode_escape = true end else local c = string.char(x) if not escape_chars[c] then decode_error(str, j, "invalid escape char '" .. c .. "' in string") end has_escape = true end last = nil elseif x == 34 then -- '"' (end of string) local s = str:sub(i + 1, j - 1) if has_surrogate_escape then s = s:gsub("\\u[dD][89aAbB]..\\u....", parse_unicode_escape) end if has_unicode_escape then s = s:gsub("\\u....", parse_unicode_escape) end if has_escape then s = s:gsub("\\.", escape_char_map_inv) end return s, j + 1 else last = x end end decode_error(str, i, "expected closing quote for string") end local function parse_number(str, i) local x = next_char(str, i, delim_chars) local s = str:sub(i, x - 1) local n = tonumber(s) if not n then decode_error(str, i, "invalid number '" .. s .. "'") end return n, x end local function parse_literal(str, i) local x = next_char(str, i, delim_chars) local word = str:sub(i, x - 1) if not literals[word] then decode_error(str, i, "invalid literal '" .. word .. "'") end return literal_map[word], x end local function parse_array(str, i) local res = {} local n = 1 i = i + 1 while 1 do local x i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true) -- Empty / end of array? if str:sub(i, i) == "]" then i = i + 1 break end -- Read token x, i = parse(str, i) res[n] = x n = n + 1 -- Next token i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true) local chr = str:sub(i, i) i = i + 1 if chr == "]" then break end if chr ~= "," then decode_error(str, i, "expected ']' or ','") end end return res, i end local function parse_object(str, i) local res = {} i = i + 1 while 1 do local key, val i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true) -- Empty / end of object? if str:sub(i, i) == "}" then i = i + 1 break end -- Read key if str:sub(i, i) ~= '"' then decode_error(str, i, "expected string for key") end key, i = parse(str, i) -- Read ':' delimiter i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true) if str:sub(i, i) ~= ":" then decode_error(str, i, "expected ':' after key") end i = next_char(str, i + 1, space_chars, true) -- Read value val, i = parse(str, i) -- Set res[key] = val -- Next token i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true) local chr = str:sub(i, i) i = i + 1 if chr == "}" then break end if chr ~= "," then decode_error(str, i, "expected '}' or ','") end end return res, i end local char_func_map = { [ '"' ] = parse_string, [ "0" ] = parse_number, [ "1" ] = parse_number, [ "2" ] = parse_number, [ "3" ] = parse_number, [ "4" ] = parse_number, [ "5" ] = parse_number, [ "6" ] = parse_number, [ "7" ] = parse_number, [ "8" ] = parse_number, [ "9" ] = parse_number, [ "-" ] = parse_number, [ "t" ] = parse_literal, [ "f" ] = parse_literal, [ "n" ] = parse_literal, [ "[" ] = parse_array, [ "{" ] = parse_object, } parse = function(str, idx) local chr = str:sub(idx, idx) local f = char_func_map[chr] if f then return f(str, idx) end decode_error(str, idx, "unexpected character '" .. chr .. "'") end function json.decode(str) local res = {pcall(function() if type(str) ~= "string" then error("expected argument of type string, got " .. type(str)) end local res, idx = parse(str, next_char(str, 1, space_chars, true)) idx = next_char(str, idx, space_chars, true) if idx <= #str then decode_error(str, idx, "trailing garbage") end return res end)} if res[1] then return select(2,table.unpack(res)) else local info = debug.getinfo(2) error(string.format("json.encode, %s, called from %s line:%s",res[2],info.short_src,info.currentline)) end end return json end--module Json --------------- Webserver API support ---------------- function module.WebAPI(hc3) local self = {} local Util,Timer,Trigger,QA=hc3.module.Util local _debugFlags = hc3.debug local copas,quickApps,scenes local urldecode,fibaro = Util.urldecode local format = string.format Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf=Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf local socket = require("socket") -- LuaSocket, these are the dependencies we have function self.initialise() Timer,Trigger,QA = hc3.module.Timer,hc3.module.Trigger,hc3.module.QA copas,quickApps,scenes = Timer.copas,hc3.module.QA.quickApps,hc3.module.Scene.scenes fibaro = hc3.module.Fibaro.fibaro end local function redirect(method,client,call,body,headers) end local function clientHandler(client,handler) local headers = {} while true do local l,_,_ = client:receive() if _debugFlags.webServer or _debugFlags.webServerReq then Log(LOG.SYS,"WS: Request:%s",l) end if l then local body,header,e,b local method,call = l:match("^(%w+) (.*) HTTP/1.1") repeat header,e,b = client:receive() if header then local key,val = header:match("^(.-):%s*(.*)") if key then headers[key:lower()] = val if _debugFlags.webServer then Log(LOG.SYS,"WS: Header:%s",header) end elseif header~="" and _debugFlags.webServer then Log(LOG.SYS,"WS: Unknown request data:%s",header or "nil") end end if header=="" then if headers['content-length'] and tonumber(headers['content-length'])>0 then body = client:receive(tonumber(headers['content-length'])) if _debugFlags.webServer then Log(LOG.SYS,"WS: Body:%s",body) end end header=nil end until header == nil or e == 'closed' if _debugFlags.webServer or _debugFlags.webServerReq then Log(LOG.SYS,"WS: Request served:%s",l) end if call:match("/REDIRECTHC3/") then redirect(method,client,call,body,headers) end if handler then handler(method,client,call,body,headers) end client:close() return end end end local Pages = nil local lastDeviceUpdate = 0 local GUI_HANDLERS = { -- External calls ["GET"] = { ["/api/callAction%?deviceID=(%d+)&name=(%w+)(.*)"] = function(client,_,_,id,action,args) local res = {} args = args:split("&") for _,a in ipairs(args) do local i,v = a:match("^arg(%d+)=(.*)") res[tonumber(i)]=json.decode(urldecode(v)) end local stat,res2=pcall(onAction,{actionName=action,deviceId=tonumber(id),args=res}) if not stat then Log(LOG.ERROR,"Bad eventCall:%s",res2) end client:send("HTTP/1.1 201 Created\nETag: \"c180de84f991g8\"\n\n") return true end, ["/web/(.*)"] = function(client,_,_,call) if call=="" then call="main" end local qp = call:match("quickApp/(%d+)") if qp then call,qp = "quickApp",tonumber(qp) end local page = Pages.getPath(call,qp,quickApps[qp]) if page~=nil then client:send(page) return true else return false end end, ["/fibaroapiHC3/ping"] = function(client,_,_,call) client:send(( [[HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/html Connection: Closed ]]):gsub("\n","\r\n")) return true end, ["/fibaroapiHC3/webQA2/(%d+)%?(.*)"] = function(client,headers,_,id,args) local res = {} id = tonumber(id) args = args:split("&") for _,a in ipairs(args) do local i,v = a:match("^(%w+)=(.*)") res[i]=v end local qa = quickApps[id] if not qa then return end local slideCache = qa._emu.slideCache if res.type=='values' then local UI,res = qa._emu.UI or {},{} for _,row in ipairs(UI or {}) do row = row[1] and row or {row} for _,e in ipairs(row) do if e.type=='button' then res["#"..e.button]={f="text",v=QA.getWebUIValue(id,e.button,"text")} elseif e.type=="label" then res["#"..e.label]={f="text",v=QA.getWebUIValue(id,e.label,"text")} elseif e.type =="slider" then local val = QA.getWebUIValue(id,e.slider,"value") if slideCache[e.slider] ~= val then slideCache[e.slider] = val res["#"..e.slider]={f="val",v=val} res["#"..e.slider.."I"]={f="text",v=val} end end end end res = json.encode(res) client:send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n") client:send("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin\n") client:send("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\n") client:send("Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\n") client:send("Content-Length: "..res:len()) client:send("\n\n") client:send(res) else local stat,res = pcall(function() if res.type=='btn' then onUIEvent({eventType='onReleased',values={id},elementName=res.id,deviceId=id}) elseif res.type=='slider' then onUIEvent({eventType='onChanged',values={tonumber(res.val)},elementName=res.id,deviceId=id}) QA.setWebUIValue(id,res.id,'value',tonumber(res.val)) end end) if not stat then Log(LOG.ERROR,res) end client:send("HTTP/1.1 302 Found\nLocation: "..(headers['referer'] or "/web/main").."\n") client:send("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin\n") client:send("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\n") end end, ["/fibaroapiHC3/webCMD%?(.*)"] = function(client,headers,_,args) local res = {} args = args:split("&") for _,a in ipairs(args) do local i,v = a:match("^(%w+)=(.*)") res[i]=v end local val = nil if res.cmd == 'setValue' then val = res.value end fibaro.call(tonumber(res.id),res.cmd,val) client:send("HTTP/1.1 302 Found\nLocation: "..(headers['referer'] or "/web/main").."\n") client:send("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin\n") client:send("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\n") end, ["/fibaroapiHC3/webDEV"] = function(client,_,_,_) local res = {} for id,str in pairs(Trigger.cacheStore.devices or {}) do if str.value then if str.value.modified >= lastDeviceUpdate then local r = str.value.value if type(r)=='number' then r=r>0 end res["#D"..id] = r and "#00FF00" or "lightgrey" if tonumber(str.value.value) then res[tostring(id)] = tostring(str.value.value) end --Log(LOG.LOG,"Update %s, %s",id,str.value.value) end end end lastDeviceUpdate = os.time() res = json.encode(res) client:send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n") client:send("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin\n") client:send("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\n") client:send("Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\n") client:send("Content-Length: "..res:len()) client:send("\n\n") client:send(res) end, }, ["POST"] = { ["/fibaroapiHC3/event"] = function(_,_,_,_,_,_) --- ToDo end, ["/fibaroapiHC3/action/(.+)$"] = function(client,_,body,_) local stat,res = pcall(onAction,(json.decode(body))) if not stat then Log(LOG.ERROR,res) end client:send("HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\nETag: \"c180de84f991g8\"\r\n\r\n") return true end, ["/fibaroapiHC3/ui/(.+)$"] = function(client,_,body,_) local stat,res = pcall(onUIEvent,(json.decode(body))) if not stat then Log(LOG.ERROR,res) end client:send("HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\nETag: \"c180de84f991g8\"\r\n\r\n") return true end, ["/devices/(%d+)/action/(.+)$"] = function(client,_,body,id,action) local data = json.decode(body) local event = {actionName=action,deviceId=tonumber(id),args=data.args} local stat,err=pcall(onAction,event) if not stat then error(format("Bad fibaro.call(%s,'%s',%s) - %s",id,action,json.encode(data.args):sub(2,-2),err),4) end client:send("HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\nETag: \"c180de84f991g8\"\r\n\r\n") return true end, ["/api/(.+)$"] = function(client,_,body,path) local res,err = api.put(path,body) if not res then error(format("Bad api.put(%s) - %s",path,err),4) end client:send("HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\nETag: \"c180de84f991g8\"\r\n\r\n") return true end } } local function GUIhandler(method,client,call,body,headers) local stat,res = pcall(function() for p,h in pairs(GUI_HANDLERS[method] or {}) do local match = {call:match(p)} if match and #match>0 then if h(client,headers,body,table.unpack(match)) then return end end end client:send("HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented\nLocation: "..(headers['referer'] or "/emu/triggers").."\n") end) if not stat then Log(LOG.ERROR,"Bad API call:%s",res) --local p = Pages.renderError(res) --client:send(p) end end -- local socket = require'socket' function self.eventServer(port) local server,msg = socket.bind("*", port) assert(server,(msg or "").." ,port "..port) local i, msg2 = server:getsockname() assert(i, msg2) copas.addserver(server, function(sock) clientHandler(copas.wrap(sock),GUIhandler) end) Log(LOG.SYS,"Created Event server at %s:%s",hc3.IPaddress ,port) end local terminalCommands = { log = function(skt,str) local p = str:match("^log (.*)") if not p or p=="" then p = ".*" end local s = terminals[p] or {} s[skt]=true terminals[p] = s end, quit = function(skt,_) for p,s in pairs(terminals) do s[skt] = nil if next(s)==nil then terminals[p]=nil end end return 'break' end, help = function(skt,_) copas.send(skt, [[quit - close socket log - captures log output where tag matches pattern help - this text - interpreted as lua code and is loaded and executed ]]) end } function self.terminalServer(port) local server,msg,i = socket.bind("*", port) assert(server,(msg or "").." ,port "..port) i, msg = server:getsockname() assert(i, msg) local function termHandler(skt) while true do local data = copas.receive(skt) local cr = 'lua' for c,f in pairs(terminalCommands) do if data and data:match("^"..c) then cr = f(skt,data) end end if cr == 'break' then break end if cr == 'lua' then local stat,res = pcall(function() return load("return "..data,"terminal","bt")() end) if stat then copas.send(skt, Util.prettyJson(res).."\n") else copas.send(skt, tostring(res).."\n") end end end end copas.addserver(server,termHandler) Log(LOG.SYS,"Created Terminal server at %s:%s",hc3.IPaddress, port) end function self.socketServer(port,patt,handler) local server,msg,i = socket.bind("*", port) assert(server,(msg or "").." ,port "..port) i, msg = server:getsockname() assert(i, msg) local function sockHandler(skt) if _debugFlags.socketServer then Log(LOG.SYS,"SocketServer: Connected") end while true do local data,err,n = copas.receive(skt,patt) if err == "closed" then if _debugFlags.socketServer then Log(LOG.SYS,"SocketServer: Closed") end return else local res = handler(data) if res then copas.send(skt, res) end end end end copas.addserver(server,sockHandler) Log(LOG.SYS,"Created Socket server at %s:%s",hc3.IPaddress, port) end Pages = { pages={} } function Pages.register(path,page) local file = page:match("^file:(.*)") if file then local f,err = io.open(file,"r") if not f then error("No such file:"..file) end page = f:read("*all") f:close() end Pages.pages[path]={page=page, path=path} return Pages.pages[path] end local function addLocalPage(name,path,headers) Pages.pages[name] = {fun = function() local f,err = io.open(path,"r") if not f then error("No such file:"..path) end page = f:read("*all") f:close() return [[HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Origin: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Fibaro-Version, Authorization, Content-Type, access-control-allow-origin, access-control-allow-methods, access-control-allow-headers Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate ]]..(headers and [[]] or "")..page end} end addLocalPage("webui2","web/index.html",true) addLocalPage("script.js","web/script.js") function Pages.getPath(path,...) local p = Pages.pages[path] if p and p.fun then return p.fun() end if p and not p.cpage then Pages.compile(p) end if p then return Pages.render(p,...) else return nil end end function Pages.renderError(msg) return format(Pages.P_ERROR1,msg) end function Pages.render(p,...) if p.static and p.static~=true then return p.static end local args = {...} local stat,res = pcall(function() local fs = {} for i,f in ipairs(p.funs) do fs[i]=f(table.unpack(args)) end -- can't yield across :gsub... return p.cpage:gsub("<<<(%d+)>>>",function(i) return tostring(fs[tonumber(i)]) end) end) if not stat then return Pages.renderError(res) else p.static = p.static and res return res end end function Pages.compile(p) local funs={} p.cpage=p.page:gsub("<<<(.-)>>>", function(code) local LENV = { ["Web"]=self,["Pages"]=Pages,hc3=hc3, api=api,fibaro=fibaro, table=table, print=print, json=json, tostring=tostring, ["FIBAROAPIHC3_VERSION"] = FIBAROAPIHC3_VERSION, quickApps = quickApps, scenes = scenes, ipairs=ipairs, pairs=pairs, } local f = format("return function(a1,a2,a3) %s end",code) f,m = load(f,nil,nil,LENV)() if m then Log(LOG.ERROR,"ERROR RENDERING PAGE %s, %s",p.path,m) end funs[#funs+1]=f return (format("<<<%s>>>",#funs)) end) p.funs=funs end Pages.P_ERROR1 = [[HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate Error
]] Pages.P_MAIN = [[HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html fibaroapiHC3 <<>>
<<>> fibaroapiHC3 v<<>>
poll: <<>>
proxy: <<>>
<<>> ]] Pages.register("main",Pages.P_MAIN).static=false Pages.P_DEVICES = [[HTTP/1.1 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin Content-Type: text/html fibaroapiHC3 <<>>
ID Name Status Controls

<<>> ]] function Pages.renderBinarySensor(d) local ctrl = [[ ]] return ctrl:format(d.id,d.name,d.id,d.id,d.id) end function Pages.renderMultilevelSensor(d) local ctrl = [[ ]] return ctrl:format(d.id,d.name,d.id,d.id,d.id,fibaro.getValue(d.id,"value"),d.id,d.id,d.id,d.id,d.id) end function Pages.renderSwitch(d) local ctrl = [[ ]] return ctrl:format(d.id,d.name,d.id,d.id,d.id) end function Pages.renderMultilevel(d) local ctrl = [[ ]] return ctrl:format(d.id,d.name,d.id,d.id,d.id,fibaro.getValue(d.id,"value"),d.id,d.id,d.id,d.id,d.id) end local devicesCache = nil local globalsCache = nil function self.invalidateDevicesPage() devicesCache = nil end function self.invalidateGlobalsPage() end-- globalsCache = nil end function self.generateDeviceList() if devicesCache then return devicesCache end local code = {} local devs = {} for _,d in ipairs(api.get("/devices") or {}) do local actions = d.actions or {} if actions.turnOn and actions.setValue then devs[#devs+1]={d.id,Pages.renderMultilevel(d)} elseif actions.turnOn then devs[#devs+1]={d.id,Pages.renderSwitch(d)} elseif actions.breachSensor then devs[#devs+1]={d.id,Pages.renderBinarySensor(d)} end end table.sort(devs,function(a,b) return a[1] <= b[1] end) for _,d in ipairs(devs) do code[#code+1]=d[2] end devicesCache = table.concat(code,"") return devicesCache end Pages.register("devices",Pages.P_DEVICES).static=false function self.generateGlobalList() if globalsCache then return globalsCache end local code = {} local glob= [[ ]] for _,g in ipairs(api.get("/globalVariables") or {}) do code[#code+1]=glob:format(g.name,g.value) end table.sort(code) globalsCache = table.concat(code,"") return globalsCache end Pages.P_GLOBALS = [[HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html fibaroapiHC3 <<>>
<<>> <<>>
Name Value
<<>> ]] Pages.register("globals",Pages.P_GLOBALS).static=false Pages.P_EVENTS = [[HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html fibaroapiHC3 <<>>
<<>> ]] Pages.register("events",Pages.P_EVENTS).static=false Pages.P_QA = [[HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin Vary: Origin fibaroapiHC3 <<>>
<<>> QuickApp: '<<>>', deviceId:<<>>, type:<<>>


<<") >>>

<<") >>>

<<>> ]] Pages.register("quickApp",Pages.P_QA).static=false function Pages.renderButton(id,name,c) return format([[]],c,id,id,name) end function Pages.renderLabel(id,text) return format([[]],id,text) end function Pages.renderSlider(id,_,value) return format([[ ]],id,value,id,id,id,id) end function self.generateQA_UI(qa) local code = {} local function add(str) code[#code+1]=str end local UI,id = qa._emu.UI,qa.id for _,row in ipairs(UI or {}) do row = row[1] and row or {row} for _,e in ipairs(row) do if e.type=='button' or e.button then add(Pages.renderButton(e.button,QA.getWebUIValue(id,e.button,"text"),#row)) elseif e.type=="label" or e.label then add(Pages.renderLabel(e.label,QA.getWebUIValue(id,e.label,"text"))) elseif e.type =="slider" or e.slider then add(Pages.renderSlider(e.slider,e.text,QA.getWebUIValue(id,e.slider,"value"))) end add(" ") end add("

") end return table.concat(code) end self._PAGE_HEADER = [[ ]] self._PAGE_FOOTER = [[ ]] function self._PAGE_NAV() local res = { [[]] return table.concat(res) end return self end--module WebAPI --------------- OS support ---------------------- --file I/O etc. function module.OS(hc3) local Util = hc3.module.Util local _debugFlags = hc3.debug local self = {} local lfs = require("lfs") Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf=Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf function self.initialise() --luacheck: ignore net,api = hc3.module.HTTP.net,hc3.module.API.api end -- File functions credit pkulchenko - ZeroBraneStudio local win = (os.getenv('WINDIR') or (os.getenv('OS') or ''):match('[Ww]indows')) and not (os.getenv('OSTYPE') or ''):match('cygwin') -- exclude cygwin local arch = win and "Windows" or "Linux" -- Host architecture local path_separator = arch == "Windows" and "\\" or "/" self.path_separator = path_separator local function escape_magic(str) assert(type(str) == "string", "utils.escape: Argument 'str' is not a string") local escaped = str:gsub('[%-%.%+%[%]%(%)%^%%%?%*%^%$]','%%%1') return escaped end local function exists(path) assert(type(path) == "string", "sys.exists: Argument 'path' is not a string.") local attr, err = lfs.attributes(path) return (not not attr), err end local function is_root(path) assert(type(path) == "string", "sys.is_root: Argument 'path' is not a string.") return (not not path:find("^[a-zA-Z]:[/\\]$") or path:find("^[/\\]$")) end local function is_dir(dir) assert(type(dir) == "string", "sys.is_dir: Argument 'dir' is not a string.") return lfs.attributes(dir, "mode") == "directory" end local function current_dir() local dir, err = lfs.currentdir() if not dir then return nil, err end return dir end local function get_directory(dir) dir = dir or current_dir() assert(type(dir) == "string", "sys.get_directory: Argument 'dir' is not a string.") if is_dir(dir) then return lfs.dir(dir) else return nil, "Error: '".. dir .. "' is not a directory." end end local function remove_trailing(path) assert(type(path) == "string", "sys.remove_trailing: Argument 'path' is not a string.") if path:sub(-1) == path_separator and not is_root(path) then path = path:sub(1,-2) end return path end local function remove_curr_dir_dots(path) assert(type(path) == "string", "sys.remove_curr_dir_dots: Argument 'path' is not a string.") while path:match(path_separator .. "%." .. path_separator) do -- match("/%./") path = path:gsub(path_separator .. "%." .. path_separator, path_separator) -- gsub("/%./", "/") end return path:gsub(path_separator .. "%.$", "") -- gsub("/%.$", "") end local function extract_name(path) assert(type(path) == "string", "sys.extract_name: Argument 'path' is not a string.") if is_root(path) then return path end path = remove_trailing(path) path = path:gsub("^.*" .. path_separator, "") return path end local function make_path(...) -- arg is deprecated in lua 5.2 in favor of table.pack we mimic here local arg = {n=select('#',...),...} local parts = arg assert(type(parts) == "table", "make_path: Argument 'parts' is not a table.") local path, err if parts.n == 0 then path, err = current_dir() else path, err = table.concat(parts, path_separator) end if not path then return nil, err end -- squeeze repeated occurences of a file separator path = path:gsub(path_separator .. "+", path_separator) -- remove unnecessary trailing path separator path = remove_trailing(path) return path end local function parent_dir(path) assert(type(path) == "string", "sys.parent_dir: Argument 'path' is not a string.") path = remove_curr_dir_dots(path) path = remove_trailing(path) local dir = path:gsub(escape_magic(extract_name(path)) .. "$", "") if dir == "" then return nil else return make_path(dir) end end local function make_dir(dir_name) assert(type(dir_name) == "string", "make_dir: Argument 'dir_name' is not a string.") if exists(dir_name) then return true else local par_dir = parent_dir(dir_name) if par_dir then local ok, err = make_dir(par_dir) if not ok then return nil, err end end return lfs.mkdir(dir_name) end end local function tmp_dir() return os.getenv("TMPDIR") or os.getenv("TEMP") or os.getenv("TMP") or "/tmp" end local function tmp_name(prefix,suff) prefix = prefix or "" assert(type(prefix) == "string", "sys.tmp_name: Argument 'prefix' is not a string.") return make_path(tmp_dir(), prefix .. "_hc3emu_" ..(suff or (tostring({}):match("%d.*")))..".lua") end local function read(fn) local f = io.open(fn,"r") assert(f,"File "..fn.." doesn't exists") local c = f:read("*all"); f:close() return c end local function write(path,content,overwrite,silent) local n = extract_name(path) local d = path:sub(1,-(n:len()+2)) if d:len()>0 then -- We have a dir if not is_dir(d) then make_dir(d) end end local file = io.open(path,"w") assert(file,"Can't openfile "..path) file:write(content) file:close() if not silent then Log(LOG.SYS,"Wrote file %s",path) end end local function updateHC3QAFiles(newFiles,id) local oldFiles = api.getHC3("/quickApp/"..id.."/files") local oldFilesMap = {} local updateFiles,createFiles = {},{} for _,f in ipairs(oldFiles) do oldFilesMap[f.name]=f end for _,f in ipairs(newFiles) do if oldFilesMap[f.name] then updateFiles[#updateFiles+1]=f oldFilesMap[f.name] = nil else createFiles[#createFiles+1]=f end end local _,res = api.putHC3("/quickApp/"..id.."/files",updateFiles) -- Update existing files if res > 201 then return nil,res end for _,f in ipairs(createFiles) do _,res = api.postHC3("/quickApp/"..id.."/files",f) if res > 201 then return nil,res end end for _,f in pairs(oldFilesMap) do _,res = api.deleteHC3("/quickApp/"..id.."/files/"..f.name) if res > 201 then return nil,res end end return newFiles,200 end local function downloadFile(url,path) if hc3.zbsplug then Log(LOG.DEBUG,"Downloading %s %s",tostring(url),tostring(path)) end local res2 net.HTTPClient({sync=true}):request(url,{ options={method="GET", checkCertificate = false, timeout=20000}, success=function(res) if res.status == 200 then if path ~= nil then Log(LOG.LOG,"Writing file %s",path) local f = io.open(path,"w") f:write(res.data) f:close() else res2 = res.data end else Log(LOG.ERROR,"Bad file - %s",url) end end, error=function(res) Log(LOG.ERROR,"Downloading %s: %s",url,res) end, }) return res2 end function self.deployQA(sourceFile) hc3.loadQA(sourceFile):upload() end local ps = self.path_separator local assetDir = os.getenv("HC3EMU") if not assetDir then assetDir = (os.getenv('HOME') or '')..ps..".zbstudio"..ps.."hc3emu"..ps end if not is_dir(assetDir) then local stat,_ = pcall(function() make_dir(assetDir) end) if not stat then Log(LOG.WARNING,"Can't create asset directory -'%s'",assetDir) else hc3.assetDirectory = assetDir end else hc3.assetDirectory = assetDir end local zbsDir = (os.getenv('HOME') or '')..ps..".zbstudio"..ps if is_dir(zbsDir) then hc3.zbsDirectory = zbsDir end function self.splitEmulator(name) local f = io.open(name or "fibaroapiHC3.lua","r+") local src = f:read("*all") f:close() make_dir("emu") src = src:gsub("(function module%.)([A-Za-z]+)(.-end%-%-module.-[\n\r])", function(pre,name,post) local f = io.open("emu/"..name..".lua","w+") f:write(pre..name..post) f:close() return [[dofile("emu/]]..name..".lua"..'")\n' end) f = io.open("mod_"..name,"w+") f:write(src) f:close() end function self.mergeEmulator() end function self.downloadZbsPlugin() if not hc3.zbsDirectory then Log(LOG.WARNING,"Can't download HC3 plugin for ZeroBrane Studio. Please create ~/.zbstudio/packages/") return end local path = hc3.zbsDirectory..ps.."packages"..ps if not is_dir(path) then local stat,_ = pcall(function() return make_dir(path) end) if not stat then Log(LOG.WARNING,"Can't createcreate ~/.zbstudio/packages/") return end end downloadFile(hc3.githubSrc.."fibaroapiHC3plug.lua",path..ps.."fibaroapiHC3plug.lua") end function self.downloadAssets() if not hc3.assetDirectory then Log(LOG.WARNING,"Can't download emulator assets. Please set ENV variable 'HC3EMU'") return end downloadFile(hc3.githubSrc.."hierarchy.json",hc3.assetDirectory.."hierarchy.json") downloadFile(hc3.githubSrc.."deviceTemplates.json",hc3.assetDirectory.."deviceTemplates.json") downloadFile(hc3.githubSrc.."hc3CodeTemplates.lua",hc3.assetDirectory.."hc3CodeTemplates.lua") downloadFile(hc3.githubSrc.."hc3Downloads.lua",hc3.assetDirectory.."hc3Downloads.lua") end function self.downloadFile(name) if not hc3.assetDirectory then Log(LOG.WARNING,"Can't download emulator assets. Please set ENV variable 'HC3EMU'") return end downloadFile(hc3.githubSrc.."hierarchy.json",hc3.assetDirectory.."hierarchy.json") downloadFile(hc3.githubSrc.."deviceTemplates.json",hc3.assetDirectory.."deviceTemplates.json") end self.file = { arch = arch, escape_magic = escape_magic, --(str) exists = exists, --(path) tmp_name = tmp_name, is_root = is_root, --(path) is_dir = is_dir, remove_trailing = remove_trailing, --(path) remove_curr_dir_dots = remove_curr_dir_dots, --(path) path_separator = path_separator, --() extract_name = extract_name, --(path) make_path = make_path, --(...) parent_dir = parent_dir, --(path) make_dir = make_dir, --(dir_name) dir = get_directory, --(dir) read = read, write = write, downloadFile = downloadFile, updateHC3QAFiles = updateHC3QAFiles } return self end--module OS --------------- Local devices -------------------- function module.Local(hc3) local self,gLoc = {} local Util,Timer,postTrigger = hc3.module.Util local _debugFlags,fibaro = hc3.debug local setProp,setSystemTimeout,clearTimeout local copy = Util.copy Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf=Log,LOG,json,api,net,assert,assertf function self.initialise() --luacheck: ignore Timer,fibaro = hc3.module.Timer,hc3.module.Fibaro.fibaro postTrigger = hc3.module.Trigger.postTrigger local h = hc3.module.API.getHandler("POST","/plugins/updateProperty") setProp = function(id,prop,value,force) h("POST","/plugins/updateProperty",{},{deviceId=id,propertyName=prop,value=value,force=force}) end setSystemTimeout,clearTimeout = hc3.module.Timer.setSystemTimeout,hc3.module.Timer.clearTimeout local function setupSuntimes() if hc3.offline then if not gLoc.devices[1] then self.createDevice(1,true) end local sunrise,sunset = Util.sunCalc() local id1 = gLoc.devices[1] id1.properties.sunriseHour = sunrise gLoc.settings_info.sunriseHour = sunrise id1.properties.sunsetHour = sunset gLoc.settings_info.sunsetHour = sunset end end local t = os.date("*t") t.min,t.hour,t.sec=0,0,0 t = os.time(t)+24*60*60 local function midnight() --print("S",os.date("%c")) setupSuntimes() t = t+24*60*60 Timer.setSystemTimeout(midnight,1000*(t-os.time())) end function self.startSun() Timer.setSystemTimeout(midnight,1000*(t-os.time())) Timer.setSystemTimeout(setupSuntimes,1) end self.startSun() end local ROOM_IDS = 1100 local SECTION_IDS = 2100 local DEVICE_IDS = 3100 function self.getNextDeviceID() DEVICE_IDS = DEVICE_IDS+1 return DEVICE_IDS end local function makeHC3user(id,name) local u = { id = id, name = name, roomID = 219, view = {}, type = "HC_user", baseType = "com.fibaro.voipUser", enabled = true, visible = true, isPlugin = false, parentId = 0, interfaces = {"voip"}, properties = { Email = "bob@foo.com", HotelModeRoom = 0, LastPwdChange = 1616131201, Latitude = 52.4320294933,Location = "52.4320294933;16.8449900900", LocationTime = "2012-12-06 12:15", LocationTimestamp = 1354792521, Longitude = 16.84499009, PreviousLatitude = 52.4320252015, PreviousLocation = "52.4320252015;16.8449947542", PreviousLocationTime = "2012-12-06 12:14", PreviousLocationTimestamp = 1354792461, PreviousLongitude = 16.844994754200002, SendNotifications = true, TrackUser = 0, UserType = "superuser", atHome = false, deviceIcon = 91, fidUuid = "b7a2295a-2615-40d0-84d9-f22de24875fe", firmwareUpdateLevel = 0, saveLogs = 1,sipDisplayName = "_",sipUserEnabled = true,sipUserID = "1",sipUserPassword = "", skin = "light",skinSetting = "manual",useOptionalArmPin = false,usePin = false }, actions = { sendDefinedEmailNotification = 1, sendDefinedSMSNotification = 2, sendEmail = 2, sendGlobalEmailNotifications = 1, sendGlobalPushNotifications = 1, sendGlobalSMSNotifications = 1, sendPush = 1, setSipDisplayName = 1, setSipUserID = 1, setSipUserPassword = 1 } } return u end gLoc = { devices = {}, scenes = {}, globalVariables = {}, rooms = {}, sections = {}, customEvents = {}, panels_location = {}, panels_notification = {}, notificationCenter = {}, alarm_partitions = {}, alarm_devices = {}, settings_location = { date = { month = 12, year = 2020, day = 10 }, city = "Stockholm", dateFormat = "dd.mm.yy", timezone = "Europe/Stockholm", latitude = 59.3169518987572, longitude = 18.06379775049387, houseNumber = 0, ntp = true, windUnit = "km/h", timezoneOffset = 7200, temperatureUnit = "C", timeFormat = 24, time = { hour = 21, minute = 31 }, decimalMark = ".", ntpServer = "ntp.server.org" }, settings_info = { serialNumber = "HC3-00000532",platform = "HC3", zwaveEngineVersion = "2.0",hcName = "HC3-00000532", mac = "ac:17:02:0d:35:c8",zwaveVersion = "4.33", timeFormat = 24,zwaveRegion = "EU",serverStatus = 1616353169, defaultLanguage = "en",defaultRoomId = 219, sunsetHour = "18:10",sunriseHour = "05:39", hotelMode = false,temperatureUnit = "C", batteryLowNotification = false,date = "12:04 | 24.3.2021", dateFormat = "dd.mm.yy",decimalMark = ".", timezoneOffset = 3600,softVersion = "5.070.42", beta = false, currentVersion = { version = "5.070.42", type = "stable" }, installVersion = {version = "",type = "",status = "",progress = 0}, timestamp = 1616583869,online = false,tosAccepted = true, skin = "light",skinSetting = "manual", updateStableAvailable = false, updateBetaAvailable = false, newestStableVersion = "5.070.42",newestBetaVersion = "5.000.00", isFTIConfigured = true,isSlave = false }, categories = { {id=1, name="other"},{id=2, name="lights"},{id=3, name="blinds"},{id=4, name="gates"},{id=5, name="ambience"}, {id=6, name="safety"},{id=7, name="security"},{id=8, name="multimedia"},{id=9, name="remotes"},{id=10, name="climate"}, }, home = { firstRunAfterUpdate = true, notificationClient = { marketingNotificationAllowed = true }, freezeAlarmTemperature = 7.061401241503109, dateFormat = "dateFormat", defaultSensors = { light = 69, temperature = 12, humidity = 5 }, meters = { energy = 12345 }, hcName = "hcName", fireAlarmTemperature = 222, timeFormat = 12, weatherProvider = 5, currency = "currency", timestamp = 0.8008281904610115 }, iosDevices = { [55] = { id = 55, name = "Bob's iPhone", udid = "3BD269E2-190B-449E-B2BD-80EEBFB767B5", push = true } }, profiles = { activeProfile = 1, profiles = { { id = 1, name = "Home", iconId = 1, devices = { {id=21, action=nil}, {id=22, action=nil}, {id=23, action=nil}, {id=24, action=nil}, {id=25, action=nil}, {id=26, action=nil}, {id=27, action=nil}, {id=28, action=nil}, {id=29, action=nil}, {id=30, action=nil}, {id=31, action=nil}, {id=32, action=nil}, {id=33, action=nil}, {id=34, action=nil}, {id=35, action=nil}, {id=36, action=nil}, {id=37, action=nil}, {id=38, action=nil}, {id=39, action=nil}, {id=40, action=nil}, {id=41, action=nil}, {id=42, action=nil}, {id=43, action=nil}, {id=44, action=nil}, {id=45, action=nil}, {id=46, action=nil}, {id=47, action=nil}, {id=48, action=nil}, }, scenes = {}, climateZones = {}, partitions = {} }, } }, users = { [2] = { id = 2, name = "admin", type = "superuser", email = "foo@abc.com", deviceRights = { 50, 51, 52, 55, 56 }, sceneRights = {},alarmRights = {},profileRights = {},climateZoneRights = {}, hotelRoom = 0, sendNotifications = true, tracking = 0, atHome = false, useOptionalArmPin = false, skin = "light", skinSetting = "manual", fidUuid = "b7a2285a-2615-90d0-84d9-f52de24275fe" } }, weather = { Temperature = 3.8, TemperatureUnit = "C", Humidity = 80, Wind = 15.48, WindUnit = "km/h", WeatherCondition = "cloudy", ConditionCode = 30 }, hierarchy = {} } do local p = gLoc.profiles.profiles local pnames = {'Home','Away¨','Vacation','Night'} for i=2,4 do p[#p+1] = copy(p[1]); p[#p].id = i; p[#p].name = pnames[i] end end local CHANGE_STEP = 8 local function stopIncrease(d) if d._levelChange then clearTimeout(d._levelChange); d._levelChange = nil end end local function levelIncrease(d) local p,force = d.properties,true stopIncrease(d) --if p.value==0 then p.value = 99 setProp(d.id,'value',p.value,force) end local function increase() local val = p.value + CHANGE_STEP if val >= 99 then setProp(d.id,'value',99,force) stopIncrease(d) else setProp(d.id,'value',val,true) d._levelChange = setSystemTimeout(increase,1000) end end d._levelChange = setSystemTimeout(increase, 1000) end local function levelDecrease(d) local p,force = d.properties,true stopIncrease(d) if p.value == 0 then return end local function decrease() local val = p.value - CHANGE_STEP if val <= 0 then setProp(d.id,'value',0,force) stopIncrease(d) else setProp(d.id,'value',val,true) d._levelChange = setSystemTimeout(decrease,1000) end end d._levelChange = setSystemTimeout(decrease, 1000) end self.customUI = {} self.customUI['com.fibaro.binarySwitch'] = {{{button='__turnon', text="Turn On",onReleased="turnOn"},{button='__turnoff', text="Turn Off",onReleased="turnOff"}}} self.customUI['com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch'] = {{{button='__turnon', text="Turn On",onReleased="turnOn"},{button='__turnoff', text="Turn Off",onReleased="turnOff"}}, {{label='__lab1',text='Value'},{slider='__value', min=0, max=99, onChanged='setValue'}}, { {button='__sli', text="🔼",onReleased="startLevelIncrease"}, {button='__sld', text="đź”˝",onReleased="startLevelIncrease"}, {button='__sls', text="⏸",onReleased="stopLevelChange"}, } } self.customUI['com.fibaro.binarySensor'] = self.customUI['com.fibaro.binarySwitch'] -- For debugging self.customUI['com.fibaro.multilevelSensor'] = self.customUI['com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch'] -- For debugging local function setValue(d,value) return setProp(d.id,'value',value) end local actions = { ['com.fibaro.binarySensor'] = { ['breachSensor'] = function(d) setProp(d.id,'value',true) end, ['safeSensor'] = function(d) setProp(d.id,'value',false) end, }, ['com.fibaro.multilevelSensor'] = { ['setValue'] = setValue, }, ['com.fibaro.doorLock'] = { ['secure'] = function() end, ['setDoorLockMode'] = function() end, ['unsecure'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.colorController'] = { ['setColor'] = function() end, ['startLevelDecrease'] = function() end, ['setValue'] = setValue, ['turnOff'] = function(d) end, ['startColorEnhancement'] = function() end, ['turnOn'] = function() end, ['startLevelIncrease'] = function() end, ['toggle'] = function() end, ['stopColorChange'] = function() end, ['startColorFade'] = function() end, ['stopLevelChange'] = function() end, ['setColorComponents'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.multimedia'] = { ['setMute'] = function() end, ['turnOn'] = function() end, ['setVolume'] = function() end, ['turnOff'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch'] = { ['startLevelIncrease'] = function(d) levelIncrease(d) end, ['stopLevelChange'] = function(d) stopIncrease(d) end, ['startLevelDecrease'] = function(d) levelDecrease(d) end, ['toggle'] = function(d) setProp(d.id,'value',true) end, ['turnOn'] = function(d) setProp(d.id,'value',100) end, ['setValue'] = setValue, ['turnOff'] = function(d) setProp(d.id,'value',0) end, }, ['com.fibaro.FGR'] = { ['startLevelIncrease'] = function() end, ['stopLevelChange'] = function() end, ['setValue2'] = function() end, ['stop'] = function() end, ['reset'] = function() end, ['startLevelDecrease'] = function() end, ['setValue'] = setValue, ['open'] = function() end, ['close'] = function() end, ['setFavoritePosition'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.intercom'] = { ['openLock'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.rollerShutter'] = { ['startLevelIncrease'] = function() end, ['stopLevelChange'] = function() end, ['stop'] = function() end, ['startLevelDecrease'] = function() end, ['setValue'] = setValue, ['open'] = function() end, ['close'] = function() end, ['setFavoritePosition'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.FGWP'] = { ['toggle'] = function() end, ['turnOn'] = function() end, ['reset'] = function() end, ['turnOff'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.ipCamera'] = { ['moveUp'] = function() end, ['moveDown'] = function() end, ['moveStop'] = function() end, ['moveLeft'] = function() end, ['moveRight'] = function() end, ['sendPhotoToUser'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.player'] = { ['prev'] = function() end, ['play'] = function() end, ['turnOn'] = function() end, ['pause'] = function() end, ['setVolume'] = function() end, ['next'] = function() end, ['setMute'] = function() end, ['turnOff'] = function() end, ['stop'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.thermostatDanfoss'] = { ['setThermostatMode'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.meter'] = { ['reset'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.videoGate'] = { ['moveUp'] = function() end, ['moveDown'] = function() end, ['moveLeft'] = function() end, ['moveStop'] = function() end, ['openGate'] = function() end, ['moveRight'] = function() end, ['sendPhotoToUser'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.electricMeter'] = { ['reset'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.baseShutter'] = { ['open'] = function() end, ['close'] = function() end, ['stop'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.binarySwitch'] = { ['turnOff'] = function(d) setProp(d.id,'value',false) end, ['turnOn'] = function(d) setProp(d.id,'value',true) end, ['toggle'] = function(d) setProp(d.id,'value',not d.properties.value) end, }, ['com.fibaro.receiver'] = { ['prev'] = function() end, ['play'] = function() end, ['turnOn'] = function() end, ['pause'] = function() end, ['setVolume'] = function() end, ['next'] = function() end, ['setMute'] = function() end, ['turnOff'] = function() end, ['stop'] = function() end, }, ['com.fibaro.camera'] = { ['sendPhotoToUser'] = function() end, } } local deviceTemplates = nil function self.createGlobal(data) if type(data)=='string' then data = {name=data,value=""} end local v = { name = data.name, value = data.value, readOnly = data.readOnly or false, isEnum = data.isEnum or false, enumValues = data.enumValues or {}, created = os.time(), modified = os.time() } gLoc.globalVariables[data.name]=v Log(LOG.SYS,"[Local] Creating globalVariable: '%s'",v.name) return v end function self.createRoom(data) if type(data)=='number' then data={id=data, name='Room:'..data} end data.id = data.id or ROOM_IDS; ROOM_IDS = ROOM_IDS+1 local r = { id = data.id, name = data.name or 'Room:'..data, sectionID = data.sectionID or 219, isDefault = true, visible = true, icon = "", defaultSensors = { temperature = 0, humidity = 0, light = 0 }, meters = { energy = 0 }, defaultThermostat = 0, created = os.time(), modified = os.time(), sortOrder = 1, category = "other" } gLoc.rooms[r.id]=r Log(LOG.SYS,"[Local] Creating room, id:%s, name:'%s'",r.id,r.name) return r end function self.createSection(data) if type(data)=='number' then data={name="Section:"..data,id=data} end data.id = data.id or SECTION_IDS; SECTION_IDS = SECTION_IDS+1 local s = {id = data.id, name = data.name, sortOrder=data.sortOrder or 1, created=os.time(), modified=os.time()} gLoc.sections[s.id]=s Log(LOG.SYS,"[Local] Creating section, id:%s, name:'%s'",s.id,s.name) return s end function self.createCustomEvent(data) if type(data)=='string' then data={name=data,userDescription=""} end local e = {name=data.name, userDescription=data.userDescription or ""} gLoc.customEvents[data.name]=e Log(LOG.SYS,"[Local] Creating customEvent: '%s'",e.name) return e end function self.getDeviceTemplate(typ,baseType) if not deviceTemplates then local f = hc3.assetDirectory and io.open(hc3.assetDirectory.."deviceTemplates.json") if not f then Log(LOG.WARNING,"Please download assets to create device types") return nil end deviceTemplates = json.decode((f:read("*all"))) end local d = deviceTemplates[typ] or baseType and deviceTemplates[baseType] or nil if d then d = copy(d) d.id = nil d.interfaces = Util.remove('quickApp',d.interfaces or {}) d.properties.uiCallbacks = nil d.properties.viewLayout=nil d.typeTemplateInitialized = nil d.apiVersion=nil d.quickAppVariables = nil if d.type == 'com.fibaro.binarySensor' or d.baseType == 'com.fibaro.binarySensor' then d.actions.breachSensor = 0 d.actions.safeSensor = 0 end end return d end function self.createDevice(data,silent) if type(data) == 'number' then data = {id = data, name='Device_'..data, type=hc3.defaultDevice} -- Minimal device end local d,typ = nil,data.type or hc3.defaultDevice if data.id == 1 then d = { name = "zwave", type = "com.fibaro.zwavePrimaryController", baseType = "", properties = { sunsetHour="00:00", sunriseHour="00:00"}, interfaces = {"zwave"}, } else d = self.getDeviceTemplate(typ) end if not d then Log(LOG.WARNING,"Unknown device type: %s",typ) return nil,500 end d.id = data.id or self.getNextDeviceID() d.name = data.name or 'Device_'..data.id if _debugFlags.locl and not silent then Log(LOG.SYS,"[Local] Creating local device, id:%s, name:%s, type:%s",d.id,d.name,d.type) end postTrigger({type="DeviceCreatedEvent",data={id=d.id},objects={{objectId=d.id,objectType="device"}},sourceType="system"}) gLoc.devices[d.id]=d return d end function self.deviceAction(dev,action,a,b,...) local m = actions[dev.type] or actions[dev.baseType] if m and m[action] then return m[action](dev,a,b,...) else Log(LOG.WARNING,"Unknown action '%s' for type:%s",action,dev.type) end end self.locl = {} function self.locl.room(args) if args.id and gLoc.rooms[args.id] then Log(LOG.SYS,"[Local] Room: '%s' exists",args.id) return gLoc.rooms[args.id] else return self.createRoom(args) end end function self.locl.section(args) if args.id and gLoc.sections[args.id] then Log(LOG.SYS,"[Local] Section: '%s' exists",args.id) return gLoc.sections[args.id] else return self.createSection(args) end end function self.locl.device(args) if args.id and gLoc.devices[args.id] then Log(LOG.SYS,"[Local] Device: '%s' exists",args.id) return gLoc.devices[args.id] else return self.createDevice(args) end end function self.locl.global(args) local name,value = args.name,args.value assert(type(name)=='string',"Global variable need name") if gLoc.globalVariables[name] then Log(LOG.SYS,"[Local] globalVariable: '%s' exists",name) return gLoc.globalVariables[name] else return self.createGlobal(args) end end local persistence = nil function self.downloadResources(fname) local dapi = _debugFlags.api _debugFlags.api = true fname = fname or hc3.resourceFile local rsrc = {} rsrc.devices = api.getHC3("/devices") rsrc.scenes = api.getHC3("/scenes") rsrc.globalVariables = api.getHC3("/globalVariables") rsrc.rooms = api.getHC3("/rooms") rsrc.sections = api.getHC3("/sections") rsrc.customEvents = api.getHC3("/customEvents") rsrc.panels_location = api.getHC3("/panels/location") rsrc.panels_notification = {} rsrc.alarm_partitions = api.getHC3("/alarms/v1/partitions") rsrc.alarm_devices = api.getHC3("/alarms/v1/devices/") rsrc.settings_location = api.getHC3("/settings/location") rsrc.settings_info = api.getHC3("/settings/info") rsrc.categories = api.getHC3("/categories") rsrc.home = api.getHC3("/home") rsrc.iosDevices = api.getHC3("/iosDevices") rsrc.profiles = api.getHC3("/profiles") rsrc.users = api.getHC3("/users") rsrc.weather = api.getHC3("/weather") rsrc.hierarchy = api.getHC3("/devices/hierarchy") persistence.store(fname,rsrc) Log(LOG.SYS,"Wrote '%s'",fname) _debugFlags.api = dapi os.exit() end function self.restoreResources(fname) fname = fname or hc3.resourceFile local f = io.read(fname,"r") local rsrc = persistence.load(fname) local function idMap(list,fun) fun = fun or function(r) return r.id or r.name end local res = {}; for _,r in ipairs(list) do res[fun(r)]=r end return res end rsrc.devices = idMap(rsrc.devices) rsrc.scenes = idMap(rsrc.scenes) rsrc.globalVariables = idMap(rsrc.globalVariables) rsrc.rooms = idMap(rsrc.rooms) rsrc.sections = idMap(rsrc.sections) rsrc.customEvents = idMap(rsrc.customEvents) rsrc.panels_location = idMap(rsrc.panels_location) rsrc.panels_notification = idMap(rsrc.panels_notification) rsrc.alarm_partitions = idMap(rsrc.alarm_partitions) rsrc.alarm_devices = idMap(rsrc.alarm_devices) -- rsrc.settings_location = idMap() -- rsrc.settings_info = idMap() rsrc.categories = idMap(rsrc.categories) -- rsrc.home = idMap() rsrc.iosDevices = idMap(rsrc.iosDevices) -- rsrc.profiles = idMap(rsrc.profiles) rsrc.users = idMap(rsrc.users) gLoc = rsrc end commandLines['downloaddb']=function() self.downloadResources() end ----------------------------- -- persistence -- Copyright (c) 2010 Gerhard Roethlin -------------------- -- Private methods local write, writeIndent, writers, refCount; persistence = { store = function (path, ...) local file, e; if type(path) == "string" then -- Path, open a file file, e = io.open(path, "w"); if not file then return error(e); end else -- Just treat it as file file = path; end local n = select("#", ...); -- Count references local objRefCount = {}; -- Stores reference that will be exported for i = 1, n do refCount(objRefCount, (select(i,...))); end; -- Export Objects with more than one ref and assign name -- First, create empty tables for each local objRefNames = {}; local objRefIdx = 0; file:write("-- Persistent Data\n"); file:write("local multiRefObjects = {\n"); for obj, count in pairs(objRefCount) do if count > 1 then objRefIdx = objRefIdx + 1; objRefNames[obj] = objRefIdx; file:write("{};"); -- table objRefIdx end; end; file:write("\n} -- multiRefObjects\n"); -- Then fill them (this requires all empty multiRefObjects to exist) for obj, idx in pairs(objRefNames) do for k, v in pairs(obj) do file:write("multiRefObjects["..idx.."]["); write(file, k, 0, objRefNames); file:write("] = "); write(file, v, 0, objRefNames); file:write(";\n"); end; end; -- Create the remaining objects for i = 1, n do file:write("local ".."obj"..i.." = "); write(file, (select(i,...)), 0, objRefNames); file:write("\n"); end -- Return them if n > 0 then file:write("return obj1"); for i = 2, n do file:write(" ,obj"..i); end; file:write("\n"); else file:write("return\n"); end; file:close(); end; load = function (path) local f, e = loadfile(path); if f then return f(); else return nil, e; end; end; } -- Private methods -- write thing (dispatcher) write = function (file, item, level, objRefNames) writers[type(item)](file, item, level, objRefNames); end; -- write indent writeIndent = function (file, level) for i = 1, level do file:write("\t"); end; end; -- recursively count references refCount = function (objRefCount, item) -- only count reference types (tables) if type(item) == "table" then -- Increase ref count if objRefCount[item] then objRefCount[item] = objRefCount[item] + 1; else objRefCount[item] = 1; -- If first encounter, traverse for k, v in pairs(item) do refCount(objRefCount, k); refCount(objRefCount, v); end; end; end; end; -- Format items for the purpose of restoring writers = { ["nil"] = function (file, item) file:write("nil"); end; ["number"] = function (file, item) file:write(tostring(item)); end; ["string"] = function (file, item) file:write(string.format("%q", item)); end; ["boolean"] = function (file, item) if item then file:write("true"); else file:write("false"); end end; ["table"] = function (file, item, level, objRefNames) local refIdx = objRefNames[item]; if refIdx then -- Table with multiple references file:write("multiRefObjects["..refIdx.."]"); else -- Single use table file:write("{\n"); for k, v in pairs(item) do writeIndent(file, level+1); file:write("["); write(file, k, level+1, objRefNames); file:write("] = "); write(file, v, level+1, objRefNames); file:write(";\n"); end writeIndent(file, level); file:write("}"); end; end; ["function"] = function (file, item) -- Does only work for "normal" functions, not those -- with upvalues or c functions local dInfo = debug.getinfo(item, "uS"); if dInfo.nups > 0 then file:write("nil --[[functions with upvalue not supported]]"); elseif dInfo.what ~= "Lua" then file:write("nil --[[non-lua function not supported]]"); else local r, s = pcall(string.dump,item); if r then file:write(string.format("loadstring(%q)", s)); else file:write("nil --[[function could not be dumped]]"); end end end; ["thread"] = function (file, item) file:write("nil --[[thread]]\n"); end; ["userdata"] = function (file, item) file:write("nil --[[userdata]]\n"); end; } self.gLoc = gLoc return self end--module Local --------------- API support ---------------------- function module.API(hc3) local self = {} local Util = hc3.module.Util local _debugFlags,format = hc3.debug,string.format local copy,urldecode,colorStr = Util.copy,Util.urldecode,Util.colorStr local HC3call,URLcall local offline,online,auto = true,false,false local Trigger,QA,Scene,Local,copas local postTrigger,gLoc,refreshStates Log,LOG,json=Log,LOG,json function self.initialise() Trigger,QA,Scene,Local = hc3.module.Trigger,hc3.module.QA,hc3.module.Scene,hc3.module.Local gLoc = Local.gLoc refreshStates,postTrigger = Trigger.refreshStates.getEvents,Trigger.postTrigger local hc3call = hc3.module.HTTP.HC3call copas = hc3.module.Timer.copas HC3call = function(method,url,data) if type(data)=='table' then data = json.encode(data) end if offline then return nil,404 else return hc3call(method,url,data) end end self.setOffline(hc3.offline,hc3.autoCreate) end local function createHandler(method,url) local h = self.getHandler(method,url) return function(data,url2,...) return h(method,url2,{},data,{},...) end end self.createHandler = createHandler local function copyTo(from,tos) --- {a=9,b=10},{b=10} if type(tos) == 'table' then for k,v in pairs(tos) do if from[k] then tos[k]=copyTo(from[k],v) end end return tos else return from end end local function NIP(m,url) Log(LOG.WARNING,"API not implemented: %s %s",m,url) end local function idfi(r) return r.id end local function merge(list,map,idfv) local rs,idff = {},idfv or idfi for _,rsrc in ipairs(list) do if map[idff(rsrc)]==nil then rs[#rs+1]=rsrc end end for _,rsrc in pairs(map) do rs[#rs+1]=rsrc end return rs end local _fcont={['true']=true,['false']=false} local function _fconv(s) return _fcont[s]==nil and s or _fcont[s] end local fFuns = { interface=function(v,rsrc) return Util.member(v,rsrc.interfaces or {}) end, property=function(v,rsrc) return rsrc.properties[v:match("%[(.-),")]==_fconv(v:match(",(.*)%]")) end } local function filter(list,props) if next(props)==nil then return list end local res = {} for _,rsrc in ipairs(list) do local flag = false for k,v in pairs(props) do if fFuns[k] then flag = fFuns[k](v,rsrc) else flag = rsrc[k]==v end if not flag then break end end if flag then res[#res+1]=rsrc end end return res end local ZBCOLORMAP = Util.ZBCOLORMAP hc3.consoleColors = hc3.consoleColors or {['DEBUG']='green', ['TRACE']='orange', ['WARNING']='purple', ['ERROR']='red'} local function html2color(str,startColor) local st,p = {startColor or '\027[0m'},1 return str:gsub("()",function(s) if s=="" then p=p-1; return st[p] else local color = s:match("color=(%w+)") color=ZBCOLORMAP[color] or ZBCOLORMAP['black'] p=p+1; st[p]=color return color end end) end local API = { ------------ Devices ------------- ["GET/devices"] -- Get list of available devices = function(method,url,props,data,options) local devices = offline and {} or HC3call(method,url) return filter(merge(devices,gLoc.devices),props or {}),200 end, -- ?type= -- ?interface= -- ?name? ["GET/devices?property=[lastLoggedUser,{userId}]"] --Get mobile device list for user with specified id = function(method,url,props,data,options) return NIP(method,url) end, ["GET/devices/#id"] --Get device object = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) local d = gLoc.devices[id] or online and HC3call(method,url) or auto and Local.createDevice(id) if d then return d,200 else return nil,404 end end, ["GET/devices/#id/properties/#name"] --Get device property = function(method,url,props,data,options,id,name) local d = gLoc.devices[id] or (offline and auto and Local.createDevice(id)) if d then return {value = d.properties[name], modified=d.modified},200 else return HC3call(method,url) end -- if not gLoc.devices[id] and offline and auto then Local.createDevice(id) end -- local d = gLoc.devices[id] -- if d then return {value = d.properties[name], modified=d.modified},200 -- else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ["POST/devices"] --Create plugin = function(method,url,props,data,options) local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data if args.id and gLoc.devices[args.id] then return nil,409 end local dev = Local.createDevice(args) if dev then gLoc.devices[dev.id]=dev return dev,200 else return nil,500 end end, ["POST/devices/filter"] --Get list of filtered devices = function(method,url,props,data,options) return HC3call(method,url,data) end, ["POST/devices/addInterface"] --Add interfaces to devices = function(method,url,props,data,options) local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data local ids,eids = args.deviceId,{} for _,id in ipairs(ids or {}) do if gLoc.devices[id] then for _,i in ipairs(args.interfaces or {}) do if not Util.member(i,gLoc.devices[id].interfaces or {}) then table.insert(gLoc.devices[id].interfaces or {},i) end end else eids[#eids+1]=id end end if #eids > 0 then args.deviceId = eids return HC3call(method,url,(json.encode(args))) end end, ["POST/devices/deleteInterface"] --Delete interfaces from devices = function(method,url,props,data,options) local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data local ids,eids = args.deviceId,{} for _,id in ipairs(ids or {}) do if gLoc.devices[id] then for _,i in ipairs(args.interfaces or {}) do Util.remove(gLoc.devices[id].interfaces or {},i) end else eids[#eids+1]=id end end if #eids > 0 then args.deviceId = eids return HC3call(method,url,(json.encode(args))) end end, ["POST/devices/groupAction/#name"] --Call group action = function(method,url,props,data,options,name) HC3call(method,url,data) end, ["POST/devices/#id/action/#name"] --Call action = function(method,url,props,data,options,id,name) local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data if offline and not gLoc.devices[id] and auto then Local.createDevice(id) end if gLoc.devices[id] then if QA.quickApps[id] then local stat,res = pcall(onAction,{deviceId=id,actionName=name,args=args.args}) if stat then return true,200 else return nil,500 end else Local.deviceAction(gLoc.devices[id],name,table.unpack(args.args)) return true,200 end else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["PUT/devices/#id/interfaces/polling"] --Add polling interface = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) return NIP(method,url) end, ["PUT/devices/#id"] --Modify device = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if gLoc.devices[id] then local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data gLoc.devices[id]=copyTo(args,gLoc.devices[id]) return gLoc.devices[id],200 else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["POST/slave/#id/api/devices/#id/action/#name"] --Call action using master as a proxy for slave = function(method,url,props,data,options,id1,id2,name) return NIP(method,url) end, ["GET/devices/hierarchy"] --hierarchy = function(method,url,props,data,options,name) if offline then if next(gLoc.hierarchy)==nil then local f = hc3.assetDirectory and io.open(hc3.assetDirectory.."hierarchy.json") if f then gLoc.hierarchy = json.decode((f:read("*all"))) else Log(LOG.WARNING,"Please download assets to use hierarchy offline") return nil,404 end end return gLoc.hierarchy,200 else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ["DELETE/devices/#id/interfaces/polling"] --Delete polling interface = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) return NIP(method,url) end, ["DELETE/devices/#id"] --Delete device = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) local d = gLoc.devices[id] if d then if QA.quickApps[id] then QA.quickApps[id].deleteQA() end gLoc.devices[id]=nil postTrigger({type="DeviceRemovedEvent",data={ type=d.type,deviceName=d.name,id=d.id,roomId=d.roomId,roomName="Default Room",sectionName="Default Section" }, sourceType="system" }) return true,200 else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ["DELETE/slave/#id/api/devices/#id"] --Delete device using master as a proxy for slave = function(method,url,props,data,options,id1,id2) return HC3call(method,url) end, ["DELETE/devices/action/#id/#id"] --Delete delayed action = function(method,url,props,data,options,id1,id2) if gLoc.devices[id1] then Log(LOG.WARNING,"%s not implmeneted",url) return nil,500 else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ["GET/uiDeviceInfo"] --Get device info = function(method,url,props,data,options) return NIP(method,url) end, ------------ Scenes ------------- ["GET/scenes"] -- Get scenes = function(method,url,props,data,options) local scenes = offline and {} or HC3call(method,url) return merge(scenes,gLoc.scenes),200 end, ["GET/scenes/#id"] --Get scene object = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) local s = gLoc.scenes[id] or HC3call(method,url) if s then return s,200 else return nil,404 end end, ["POST/scenes"] -- Install scene = function(method,url,props,data,options) if offline then local stat,res = pcall(function() Scene.loadScene(nil,data):install() end) if stat then return nil,500 else return res,201 end else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["POST/scenes/hasTriggers"] --Filter scenes by triggers = function(method,url,props,data,options) return HC3call(method,url,data) end, ["POST/scenes/#id/execute"] --Executes asynchronously executive part of the scene neglecting conditional part. = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if gLoc.scenes[id] then Scene.runScene(id) return true,200 else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["POST/scenes/#id/executeSync"] --Executes synchronously executive part of the scene neglecting conditional part. = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if gLoc.scenes[id] then Scene.runScene(id) return true,200 else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["POST/scenes/#id/convert"] --Convert block scene to lua. = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if gLoc.scenes[id] then return NIP(method,url) else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["POST/scenes/#id/copy"] --Create scene copy scene = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if gLoc.scenes[id] then return NIP(method,url) else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["POST/scenes/#id/copyAndConvert"] --Copy and convert block scene to lua. = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if gLoc.scenes[id] then return NIP(method,url) else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["POST/scenes/#id/kill"] --Kill running scene. = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if gLoc.scenes[id] then if Scene.scenes[id] then Scene.killScene(id) end return true,200 else HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["PUT/scenes/#id"] --Modify scene = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if gLoc.scenes[id] then local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data gLoc.scenes[id]=copyTo(args,gLoc.scenes[id]) return gLoc.scenes[id],200 else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["DELETE/scenes/#id"] --Delete scene = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if gLoc.scenes[id] then if Scene.scenes[id] then Scene.scenes[id]:deleteScene() return true,200 end gLoc.scenes[id] = nil return true,200 else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ------------ Global variables ------------- ["GET/globalVariables"] -- Get global variables = function(method,url,props,data,options) local globs = offline and {} or HC3call(method,url) return merge(globs,gLoc.globalVariables,function(v) return v.name end),200 end, ["GET/globalVariables/#name"] --Get globalvariable object = function(method,url,props,data,options,name) local s = gLoc.globalVariables[name] or online and HC3call(method,url) or auto and Local.createGlobal(name) if s then return s,200 else return s,404 end end, ["POST/globalVariables"] --Create variable = function(method,url,props,data,options) if offline then local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data if gLoc.globalVariables[args.name] then return nil,409 end local v = Local.createGlobal(args) if v then return v,200 else return v,500 end else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["PUT/globalVariables/#name"] --Modify global = function(method,url,props,data,options,name) if offline and auto then Local.createGlobal(name) end if gLoc.globalVariables[name] then local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data local var = gLoc.globalVariables[name] local oldValue = var.value var.value = args.value if var.value ~= oldValue then postTrigger({type='GlobalVariableChangedEvent',data={variableName=name,newValue=var.value,oldValue=oldValue}}) end return var,200 else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["DELETE/globalVariables/#name"] --Delete global = function(method,url,props,data,options,name) if gLoc.globalVariables[name] then gLoc.globalVariables[name]=nil return true,200 else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ------------ Custom events ------------- ["GET/customEvents"] --get events = function(method,url,props,data,options) local ces = offline and {} or HC3call(method,url) return merge(ces,gLoc.customEvents,function(v) return v.name end),200 end, ["GET/customEvents/#name"] --get named event = function(method,url,props,data,options,name) local e = gLoc.customEvents[name] or online and HC3call(method,url) if e then return e,200 else return e,404 end end, ["POST/customEvents"] --Create custom event = function(method,url,props,data,options) if offline then local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data local e = Local.createCustomEvent(args) if e then return e,200 else return e,500 end else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["POST/customEvents/#name"] --post event = function(method,url,props,data,options,name) if gLoc.customEvents[name] then postTrigger({type='CustomEvent',data={name=name}},0) return true,200 else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["PUT/customEvents/#name"] --modify event = function(method,url,props,data,options,name) if offline then if not gLoc.customEvents[name] then return nil,404 end local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data copyTo(args,gLoc.customEvents[name]) gLoc.customEvents[name].name=name return gLoc.customEvents[name],200 else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["DELETE/customEvents/#name"] --delete event = function(method,url,props,data,options,name) if offline then if not gLoc.customEvents[name] then return nil,404 end gLoc.customEvents[name]=nil return true,200 else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ------------- quickApp --------- ["GET/quickApp/#id/files"] --get files = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if QA.quickApps[id] then local f,files = QA.files[id],{} for _,v in pairs(f) do v = copy(v); v.content = nil; files[#files+1]=v end return files,200 else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ["GET/quickApp/#id/files/#name"] --Get specific file = function(method,url,props,data,options,id,name) if QA.quickApps[id] then if QA.files[id][name] then return QA.files[id][name],200 else return nil,404 end else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ["PUT/quickApp/#id/files/#name"] --Update specific file = function(method,url,props,data,options,id,name) if QA.quickApps[id] then if QA.files[id][name] then local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data QA.files[id][name] = args if hc3.HC3quickAppFile and tonumber(QA.quickApps[id]._emu.proxy) then HC3call(method,url,data) end QA.quickApps[id].restartQA() return QA.files[id][name],200 else return nil,404 end else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ["PUT/quickApp/#id/files"] --Update files = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if QA.quickApps[id] then local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data for _,f in ipairs(args) do if QA.quickApps[id][f.name] then QA.quickApps[id][f.name]=f end end if hc3.HC3quickAppFile and tonumber(QA.quickApps[id]._emu.proxy) then HC3call(method,url,data) end QA.quickApps[id].restartQA() return true,200 else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["GET/quickApp/export/#id"] --Export QA to fqa = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if QA.quickApps[id] then return QA.toFQA(id,nil),200 else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ["GET/quickApp/availableTypes"] --Available QA types = function(method,url,props,data,options,id,name) return HC3call(method,url) end, ["POST/quickApp/"] -- Install QA = function(method,url,props,data,options) local stat,res = pcall(function() return QA.loadQA(".fqa",data):install() end) if not stat then return nil,500 else return res,201 end end, ["DELETE/quickApp/#id/files/#name"] -- Delete file = function(method,url,props,data,options,id,name) local qa = QA.quickApps[id] if qa then if qa[name] then QA.files[id][name]=nil if hc3.HC3quickAppFile and tonumber(QA.quickApps[id]._emu.proxy) then HC3call(method,url) end QA.quickApps[id].restartQA() return true,200 else return nil,404 end else return HC3call(method,url) end end, -------------- Plugins --------------- ["GET/plugins"] -- Get installed plugin = function(method,url,props,data,options) return HC3call(method,url) end, ["GET/plugins/callUIEvent"] = function(method,url,props,data,options) return HC3call(method,url) end, ["GET/plugins/getView"] = function(method,url,props,data,options) return HC3call(method,url) end, ["GET/plugins/installed"] = function(method,url,props,data,options) return HC3call(method,url) end, ["GET/plugins/ipCameras"] = function(method,url,props,data,options) return HC3call(method,url) end, ["GET/plugins/types"] --Types in the system = function(method,url,props,data,options) return HC3call(method,url) end, ["DELETE/plugins/installed"] --Delete plugin = function(method,url,props,data,options) return NIP(method,url,data) end, ["POST/plugins/createChildDevice"] = function(method,url,props,data,options) local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data local parent = QA.quickApps[args.parentId or 0] if (not online) or (parent and not parent._emu.proxy) then local dev = Local.createDevice({name=args.name,type=args.type}) -- name,parentId,type,initialProperties,initialInterfaces if not dev then return nil,500 end dev.parentId = args.parentId local iprops = args.initialProperties or {} local interfaces = args.initialInterfaces or {} dev.interfaces = dev.interfaces or {} for p,v in pairs(iprops) do dev.properties[p]=v end for _,i in ipairs(interfaces) do if not Util.member(i,dev.interfaces) then table.insert(dev.interfaces,i) end end return dev,200 end return HC3call(method,url,data) end, ["DELETE/plugins/createChildDevice/#id"] = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if gLoc.devices[id] then gLoc.devices[id]=nil return nil,200 end return HC3call(method,url,data) end, ["POST/plugins/interfaces"] --Add/remove interfaces = function(method,url,props,data,options) return HC3call(method,url,data) end, ["POST/plugins/publishEvent"] --Publish event = function(method,url,props,data,options) if offline then Log(LOG.WARNING,"/plugins/publishEvent not implemented for offline yet") return nil,500 end return HC3call(method,url,data) end, ["POST/plugins/restart"] --Restart plugin = function(method,url,props,data,options) local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data if args.deviceId and QA.quickApps[args.deviceId] then QA.quickApps[args.deviceId].restartQA() return true,200 else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["POST/plugins/updateProperty"] --Update property = function(method,url,props,data,options) local args,old = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data local id,dev = args.deviceId,gLoc.devices[args.deviceId] if dev then if dev.properties[args.propertyName] ~= args.value or args.force then local qa = QA.quickApps[id] old = dev.properties[args.propertyName] if qa==nil and type(dev.properties[args.propertyName]) ~= type(args.value) then Log(LOG.ERROR,"updateProperty id:%s, propertyName:%s, wrong type:%s",id,args.propertyName,type(args.value)) end dev.properties[args.propertyName] = args.value if qa and qa._emu.proxy then return HC3call(method,url,data) -- We have a proxy, let it post the update event else -- Local QA or device, post event locally postTrigger({ type='DevicePropertyUpdatedEvent', data = { id=args.deviceId, property=args.propertyName, newValue=args.value, oldValue=old } }) end end return data.value,200 else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["POST/plugins/updateView"] --Update view = function(method,url,props,data,options) local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data local qa = QA.quickApps[args.deviceId] if qa then QA.setWebUIValue(args.deviceId,args.componentName,args.propertyName,args.newValue) if qa._emu.proxy then return HC3call(method,url,data) else return true,200 end else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ------------ Misc ------------- ["GET/refreshStates"] --events = function(method,url,props,data,options) return refreshStates(tonumber(props.last) or 0),200 end, ["GET/weather"] --weather = function(method,url,props,data,options) if offline then return gLoc.weather,200 else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ["GET/alarms/v1/devices/"] --alarms = function(method,url,props,data,options) if offline then return gLoc.alarms_devices,200 else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ["GET/alarms/v1/partitions"] --alarm partitions = function(method,url,props,data,options) if offline then return gLoc.alarms_partitions,200 else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ["GET/settings/info"] --settings/info = function(method,url,props,data,options,name) if offline then return gLoc.settings_info,200 else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ["PUT/settings/info"] --settings/info = function(method,url,props,data,options,name) if offline then local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data for k,v in pairs(args) do gLoc.settings_info[k]=v end return gLoc.settings_info,200 else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["GET/settings/location"] --settings/location = function(method,url,props,data,options,name) if offline then return gLoc.settings_location,200 else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ["PUT/settings/location"] --settings/location = function(method,url,props,data,options,name) if offline then local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data for k,v in pairs(args) do gLoc.settings_location[k]=v end return gLoc.settings_location,200 else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ----------- Rooms ------------ ["GET/rooms"] -- Get rooms = function(method,url,props,data,options) local rooms = offline and {} or HC3call(method,url) return merge(rooms,gLoc.rooms),200 end, ["GET/rooms/#id"] --Get globalvariable object = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) local s = gLoc.rooms[id] or online and HC3call(method,url) if s then return s,200 else return s,404 end end, ["POST/rooms"] --Create room = function(method,url,props,data,options) if offline then local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data local r = Local.createRoom(args) if r then return r,200 else return r,500 end else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["PUT/rooms/#id"] --Modify room = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if offline then if gLoc.rooms[id] then local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data gLoc.rooms[id]=copyTo(args,gLoc.rooms[id]) return gLoc.rooms[id],200 else return nil,404 end else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["DELETE/rooms/#id"] --Delete room = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if gLoc.rooms[id] then gLoc.rooms[id]=nil return true,200 else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ----------- Sections ------------ ["POST/sections"] --Create section = function(method,url,props,data,options) if offline then local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data local s = Local.createSection(args) if s then return s,200 else return s,404 end else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["PUT/sections/#id"] --Modify section = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if offline then if gLoc.sections[id] then local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data gLoc.sections[id]=copyTo(args,gLoc.sections[id]) return gLoc.sections[id],200 else return nil,404 end else return HC3call(method,url,data) end end, ["GET/sections"] -- Get global variables = function(method,url,props,data,options) local secs = offline and {} or HC3call(method,url) return merge(secs,gLoc.sections,function(v) return v.name end),200 end, ["GET/sections/#name"] --Get globalvariable object = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) local s = gLoc.sections[id] or online and HC3call(method,url) if s then return s,200 else return s,404 end end, ["DELETE/sections/#id"] --Delete section = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if gLoc.sections[id] then gLoc.section[id]=nil return true,200 else return HC3call(method,url) end end, ["GET/notificationCenter"] --Notification list = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) if offline then return gLoc.notificationCenter,200 end return HC3call(method,url,data) end, ["POST/notificationCenter"] --Create notification = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) return HC3call(method,url,data) end, ["DELETE/notificationCenter"] --Delete read notifications = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) return HC3call(method,url,data) end, ["GET/notificationCenter​/#ID"] --Notification = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) return HC3call(method,url,data) end, ["PUT/notificationCenter​/#ID"] --Modify Notification = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) return HC3call(method,url,data) end, ["DELETE/notificationCenter​/#ID"] --Delete Notification = function(method,url,props,data,options,id) return HC3call(method,url,data) end, ["POST/notificationCenter​/markAsRead"] --mas Notification = function(method,url,props,data,options) return HC3call(method,url,data) end, ["POST/debugMessages"] --mas Notification = function(method,url,props,data,options) local args = type(data)=='string' and json.decode(data) or data if hc3.HC3_debugmessages then HC3call(method,url,data) end local str,tag,typ = args.message,args.tag,args.messageType assert(type(tag)=='string' and type(typ)=='string',"Bad arguments to debugMessages") if hc3.htmlDebug then -- A bit messy, but try to convert html tags to ZBSconsole equivalents str = html2color(str,'\027[0m') str=str:gsub(" "," ") end typ=typ:upper() str = format("%s [%s] [%s]: %s",os.date("[%d.%m.%Y] [%X]"),colorStr(hc3.consoleColors[typ],typ),tag:upper(),str) print(str) -- To IDE console for pat,skts in pairs(terminals) do if tag:match(pat) then for skt,_ in pairs(skts) do copas.send(skt, str.."\n") end end end end, } local pAPI={GET={},PUT={},POST={},DELETE={}} local function processAPI(api,dict) local method for k,v in pairs(api) do method,k = k:match("(%w+)(.*)") local d = dict[method] k:gsub("([^/]+)",function(p) d[p] = d[p] or {} d=d[p] end) d['#fun']=v end end processAPI(API,pAPI) local function redirect(method,url,props, data) --fun,method,url,props,data if _debugFlags.api then Log(LOG.WARNING,"Unhandled API call '%s:%s'%s",method,url, online and ", redirecting to HC3" or "") end return HC3call(method,url,data) end local keyMap = {['number'] = 'id', ['string'] = 'name'} local function findPath(path,tree,keys) for i=1,#path do local key = path[i] local t = tree[key] if not t then key = tonumber(key) or key t = tree["#"..keyMap[type(key)]] if t then keys[#keys+1] = key tree=t else return redirect end else tree = t end end return tree['#fun'] or redirect end local function valueOf(v) return tonumber(v) or (v=='true' and true) or (v=='false' and false) or v end local function findHandler(method,url) local tree = pAPI[method] local path,query=url:match("([^%?]+)%??(.*)") path = path:split("/") local keys,props = {},false if query~="" then props={} if query:sub(1,1)=='%' then query = urldecode(query) end query:gsub("([%w%%]+)=([%w%%%[%]%,:_]+)", function(k,v) props[k]=valueOf(v) end) end return findPath(path,tree,keys),props,keys end function URLcall(method,url,data,options) local fun,props,keys = findHandler(method,url) local stat,res,code = pcall(fun,method,url,props,data or false,options or {},table.unpack(keys or {})) if not stat then Log(LOG.ERROR,"API crashed, %s:%s - %s",method,url,res) end return res,code end self.getHandler = findHandler self.call = URLcall function self.setOffline(flag,autoc) offline = flag; online = not flag if autoc~=nil then auto=autoc end end self.resources = gLoc self.api = { get = function(call, _, options) return URLcall("GET",call, nil, options) end, put = function(call, data, options) return URLcall("PUT",call, data and json.encode(data), options) end, post = function(call, data, options) return URLcall("POST",call, data and json.encode(data), options) end, delete = function(call, data, options) return URLcall("DELETE",call, data and json.encode(data), options) end, getHC3 = function(call) return HC3call("GET",call, nil) end, putHC3 = function(call, data) return HC3call("PUT",call, data and json.encode(data)) end, postHC3 = function(call, data) return HC3call("POST",call, data and json.encode(data)) end, deleteHC3 = function(call, data) return HC3call("DELETE",call, data and json.encode(data)) end, } self.GET_DEVICE = createHandler("GET","/devices/#id") self.GET_SCENE = createHandler("GET","/scenes/#id") self.GET_PROPERTY = createHandler("GET","/devices/#id/properties/#name") self.GET_VARIABLE = createHandler("GET","/globalVariables/#name") self.PUT_VARIABLE = createHandler("PUT","/globalVariables/#name") self.CALL_ACTION = createHandler("POST","/devices/#id/action/#name") self.POST_DEBUGMESSAGE = createHandler("POST","/debugMessages") return self end--module API --------------- Load modules and start ------------------------------ local hc3 = hc3_emulator hc3.module = {} hc3.module.json = module.Json(hc3) hc3.module.Util = module.Utilities(hc3) hc3.module.Timer = module.Timer(hc3) hc3.module.HTTP = module.HTTP(hc3) hc3.module.Trigger = module.Trigger(hc3) hc3.module.Fibaro = module.Fibaro(hc3) hc3.module.OS = module.OS(hc3) hc3.module.QA = module.QuickApp(hc3) hc3.module.Scene = module.Scene(hc3) hc3.module.Web = module.WebAPI(hc3) hc3.module.API = module.API(hc3) hc3.module.Local = module.Local(hc3) --Setup global functions json,Log,LOG = hc3.module.json,hc3.module.Util.Log,hc3.module.Util.LOG net,api = hc3.module.HTTP.net,hc3.module.API.api assert,assertf = hc3.module.Util.assert,hc3.module.Util.assertf local Util,Timer,API,OS = hc3.module.Util,hc3.module.Timer,hc3.module.API,hc3.module.OS local Web,Trigger,Fibaro= hc3.module.Web,hc3.module.Trigger,hc3.module.Fibaro --Initialize modules for _,m in pairs(hc3.module) do if m and m.initialise then m.initialise(hc3) end end commandLines['help'] = function() for c,_ in pairs(commandLines) do Log(LOG.LOG,"Command: -%s",c) end end local function DEFAULT(v,d) if v~=nil then return v else return d end end hc3.offline = DEFAULT(hc3.offline,false) hc3.defaultDevice = DEFAULT(hc3.defaultDevice,"com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch") hc3.autoCreate = DEFAULT(hc3.autoCreate,true) hc3.setOffline = hc3.module.API.setOffline hc3.locl = hc3.module.Local.locl hc3.updateViewLayout = hc3.module.QA.updateViewLayout hc3.getUI = hc3.module.QA.getQAUI hc3.createQuickApp = hc3.module.QA.createQuickApp hc3.createProxy = hc3.module.QA.createProxy hc3.getIPaddress = hc3.module.Util.getIPaddress hc3.cache = hc3.module.Trigger.cache hc3.prettyJsonFormat = hc3.module.Util.prettyJsonFormat hc3.prettyJson = hc3.module.Util.prettyJson hc3.file = hc3.module.OS.file hc3.postTrigger = hc3.module.Trigger.postTrigger hc3.loadScene = hc3.module.Scene.loadScene hc3.loadQA = hc3.module.QA.loadQA hc3.downloadPlugin = hc3.module.OS.downloadZbsPlugin hc3.downloadAssets = hc3.module.OS.downloadAssets hc3.downloadFile = hc3.module.OS.downloadFile hc3.downloadResources = hc3.module.Local.downloadResources hc3.loadResources = hc3.module.Local.loadResources hc3.socketServer = Web.socketServer hc3.getmetatable = getmetatable function hc3.module.Util.createEnvironment(envType, extras) local env = {} local function copy(t) local res={} for k,v in pairs(t) do res[k]=v end return res end hc3.os = os env._G = env env.hc3_emulator = copy(hc3) env.fibaro = copy(hc3.module.Fibaro.fibaro) -- scenes may patch fibaro:*... env.json = copy(hc3.module.json) env.print = print env.net = copy(hc3.module.HTTP.net) env.api = copy(hc3.module.API.api) env.tostring = tostring env.tonumber = tonumber env.table = table env.string = string env.math = math env.pairs = pairs env.ipairs = ipairs env.pcall = pcall env.error = error if hc3.userdataType then -- Some code tests against userdata... env.type = function(o) local t = type(o) return t=='table' and o._USERDATA and 'userdata' or t end else env.type = type end env.next = next env.select = select env.assert = assert if envType == 'Scene' then env.os = { time = os.time, date = os.date } end if envType == 'QA' or extras then env._VERSION = "Lua 5.3" env.__assert_type = hc3.module.Fibaro.__assert_type env.__fibaro_get_device = hc3.module.Fibaro.__fibaro_get_device env.__fibaro_add_debug_message = hc3.module.Fibaro.__fibaro_add_debug_message env.__fibaro_get_global_variable = hc3.module.Fibaro.__fibaro_get_global_variable env.__fibaro_get_device_property = hc3.module.Fibaro.__fibaro_get_device_property env.__fibaroUseAsyncHandler = hc3.module.Fibaro.__fibaroUseAsyncHandler env.__ternary = function(a,b,c) if a then return b else return c end end env.__fibaro_get_device = hc3.module.Fibaro.__fibaro_get_device env.__fibaroSleep = hc3.module.Fibaro.__fibaroSleep env.__fibaro_get_scene = hc3.module.Fibaro.__fibaro_get_scene env.__fibaro_get_devices = hc3.module.Fibaro.__fibaro_get_devices env.__fibaro_get_room = hc3.module.Fibaro.__fibaro_get_room env.setTimeout = hc3.module.Timer.setTimeout env.clearTimeout = hc3.module.Timer.clearTimeout env.setInterval = hc3.module.Timer.setInterval env.clearInterval = hc3.module.Timer.clearInterval env.urlencode = Util.urlencode env.xpcall = xpcall env.rawlen = rawlen env.collectgarbage = collectgarbage env.bit32 = bit32 env.debug = debug env.mqtt = hc3.module.HTTP.mqtt env.unpack = table.unpack env.os = { time = os.time, date = os.date, clock = os.clock, difftime = os.difftime, milliTime = os.milliTime } local mt0 = getmetatable(QuickApp) local QA,mt = copy(QuickApp),copy(mt0) setmetatable(QA,mt) env.Device = Device env.QuickApp = QA env.QuickAppBase = QuickAppBase env.QuickAppChild = QuickAppChild env.plugin = copy(hc3.module.QA.plugin) env.class = class or Util.class env.property = property or Util.property env.super = Util.super env.utf8 = utf8 env.getHierarchy = getHierarchy -- ToDo define... env.Hierarchy = Hierarchy end if extras then env.os = os env.io = io env.dofile = hc3_emulator.dofile -- Allow dofile for including code for testing, but use our version that sets context env.loadfile = loadfile env.load = load env.rawset = rawset env.rawget = rawget env.require = require env.coroutine = coroutine env.setmetatable = setmetatable env.getmetatable = getmetatable env.debug = debug end return env end if arg[1] then Timer.start(function() os.setTimer(function() local cmd,res = arg[1],false if cmd:sub(1,1)=='-' then cmd = cmd:sub(2) if commandLines[cmd] then --- When fibaroapiHC3.lua is used as a command from ZBS res = commandLines[cmd](select(2,table.unpack(arg))) end end end,0) end,0) end local function startEmulator(file) API.setOffline(hc3_emulator.offline) local offline = hc3_emulator.offline hc3_emulator.print = print if not offline and not hc3_emulator.credentials then error("Missing HC3 credentials -- hc3_emulator.credentials{ip=,user=,pwd=}") end if not offline then hc3_emulator.typeHierarchy = api.get('/devices/hierarchy') hc3_emulator.HC3version = api.get("/settings/info").currentVersion.version or "5.040.37" end hc3_emulator.speeding = hc3_emulator.speed==true and 48 or tonumber(hc3_emulator.speed) if hc3_emulator.traceFibaro then Fibaro.traceFibaro() end Log(LOG.SYS,"HC3 SDK v%s",hc3_emulator.version) if hc3_emulator.deploy==true or _G["DEPLOY"] then OS.deployQA(file) osExit() end Log(LOG.SYS,"Running %sline (autocreate %s)",offline and "off" or "on",tostring(hc3_emulator.autoCreate)) if hc3_emulator.speeding then Log(LOG.SYS,"Speeding %s hours",hc3_emulator.speeding) end hc3_emulator.IPaddress = Util.getIPaddress() if hc3_emulator.startWeb ~= false then Web.eventServer(hc3_emulator.webPort) end if hc3_emulator.startTerminal ~= false then Web.terminalServer(hc3_emulator.terminalPort) end if type(hc3_emulator.startTime) == 'string' then os.setTime(Util.parseDate(hc3_emulator.startTime)) end local t = (math.floor(os.time() / 3600))*3600 local dst = os.date("*t",t).isdst for _=1,24*30*6 do t=t+3600 if os.date("*t",t).isdst ~= dst then hc3_emulator.DST = t; Log(LOG.LOG,os.date("DST at %c",t)) Timer.setSystemTimeout(function() Timer.adjustTime(dst and 3600 or -3600) end,1000*(t-os.time())) break end end if hc3_emulator.speeding then Timer.speedTime(hc3_emulator.speeding) end if hc3_emulator.credentials and not offline then hc3_emulator.BasicAuthorization = "Basic "..Util.base64(hc3_emulator.credentials.user..":"..hc3_emulator.credentials.pwd) end if hc3_emulator.poll and not hc3_emulator.offline then local p = tonumber(hc3_emulator.poll) or 2000 Log(LOG.LOG,"Polling HC3 for triggers every %s ms",p) Trigger.startPolling(p) end if _debugFlags.fibaro then Fibaro.traceFibaro() end if offline then api.put("/settings/info",{serverStatus=os.time()}) end -- Set the time local t = os.time() local function loop() t=t+3600 --Log(LOG.SYS,"HOUR") Timer.setSystemTimeout(loop,1000*(t-os.time())) end t = (t // 3600 +1)*3600 Timer.setSystemTimeout(loop,1000*(t-os.time())) Timer.setSystemTimeout(function() t = t+3600 end,1000*(t-os.time())) local code = OS.file.read(file) if code:match("hc3_emulator%.actions") then hc3_emulator.codeType = 'Scene' hc3_emulator.loadScene(file,code):install() elseif code:match("QuickApp:") or hc3_emulator.quickAppPattern and code:match(hc3_emulator.quickAppPattern) then hc3_emulator.codeType = 'QA' hc3_emulator._SYNC = true hc3_emulator.loadQA(file,code):install() else hc3_emulator.codeType = 'QA' local env = Util.createEnvironment("QA",true) setContext(env) env._ENVID='Lua' local CodeLock = Timer.copas.lock.new(60*60*30) function env._getLock() CodeLock:get(60*60*30) end function env._releaseLock() CodeLock:release() end env.print = function(...) env.fibaro.debug("Lua",...) end local st = Timer.setTimeout local function errHandler(err) Log(LOG.ERROR,"Lua timer %s crashed - %s",env._lastTimer,"Lua",err) end env.setTimeout = function(fun,ms,tag) local function f(...) local stat,res = pcall(fun) if not stat then error(res,2) end end return st(f,ms,tag,errHandler,env) end env.fibaro.setTimeout = function(a,b,...) return env.setTimeout(b,a,...) end load(code,file,"bt",env)() end end -- startEmulator if not hc3_emulator.sourceFile then local file = debug.getinfo(3, 'S') -- Find out what file we are running if file and file.source then file = file.source if not file:sub(1,1)=='@' then error("Can't locate file:"..file) end -- Is it a file? hc3_emulator.sourceFile = file:sub(2) end end if hc3_emulator.sourceFile then if hc3_emulator.profile then -- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/charlesmallah/lua-profiler/master/src/profiler.lua profiler = require("profiler") profiler.start() end Timer.start(function() --setTimeout(function() profiler.report("profiler.log") end,60*1000) Timer._started = true Timer.kick() startEmulator(hc3_emulator.sourceFile) end, 0) else Log(LOG.SYS,"fibaroapiHC3 version:%s",FIBAROAPIHC3_VERSION) end osExit()