Naruto (accepted answer with zero score)


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DECLARE @username AS NVARCHAR(60) = ##DisplayName:string? ##;
DECLARE @userId AS INT = ##UserId:int?-1##;

SELECT TOP ##Limit:int?100## as [User Link],
  p.Id as [Post Link],
FROM Posts p
  JOIN Users u ON p.OwnerUserId = u.Id
  JOIN Posts q ON p.ParentId = q.Id AND q.OwnerUserId != u.Id
  (@username = '' OR u.DisplayName = @username)
  AND (@userId = -1 OR u.Id = @userId)
  AND p.Score = 0
  AND p.Id = q.AcceptedAnswerId
  AND p.OwnerUserId = u.Id
  AND q.ClosedDate IS NULL
  AND q.DeletionDate IS NULL
  AND q.CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL
ORDER BY p.CreationDate

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