\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ >=stealth, node distance=3cm, line width=3pt, white, element/.style={circle, draw, minimum width=4em}, ] % used in a readme to be background-free in GitHub's dark mode \definecolor{GitHubDarkMode}{RGB}{13, 17, 23} \fill[GitHubDarkMode] (0,-2.5) circle (4.5); \coordinate[element, fill=teal!80] (top); \coordinate[element, below left of=top, fill=orange!70] (mid1); \coordinate[element, below right of=top, fill=blue!60] (mid2); \coordinate[element, below of=mid2, fill=red!70] (bot1); \coordinate[element, below of=mid1, fill=purple!70] (bot2); \path[->] (top) edge[loop above] (top) (top) edge[bend left] (mid2) (mid1) edge[bend left] (top) (mid2) edge[bend right] (mid1) (mid1) edge[bend right] (mid2) (mid1) edge (bot2) (mid2) edge (bot1) (bot2) edge[bend right] (bot1) (bot1) edge[bend right] (bot2); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}