\documentclass[border=2pt]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, positioning, calc, intersections, shapes.misc} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ >=Stealth, point/.style={circle, fill, inner sep=3pt}, unstable/.style={rectangle, draw, fill=red, inner sep=3pt}, font=\Large, line width=0.5pt, reaction box/.style={rounded corners, draw=#1, fill=#1!5, text=#1, align=left, font=\small}, ] % Define the main coordinates \coordinate (Origin) at (0,0); \coordinate (TopLeft) at (0,8); \coordinate (BottomRight) at (14,0); \coordinate (TopRight) at (14,9); \coordinate (AX) at (7,2); \coordinate (A2X5) at (9.5,1.5); % Axes \draw[->] (Origin) -- ($(TopLeft)+(0,1)$); \node[rotate=90, anchor=center] at ($(Origin)!0.5!(TopLeft)-(1,0)$) {$\Delta E_f$ (energy/atom)}; \draw (Origin) -- (BottomRight); \draw[->] (BottomRight) -- (TopRight); \node[below] at ($(Origin)!0.5!(BottomRight)$) {$x$ in $A_{1-x}X_x$}; % Convex hull \node[blue!70!black, align=left, fill=white, inner sep=1pt] at (14,5) {convex hull\\of stability}; \draw[blue!70!black, line width=2.5pt, name path=hull] (TopLeft) -- (AX) -- (A2X5) -- (14,7); % Stable points \node[point, blue!70!black] (A) at (TopLeft) {}; \node[point, blue!70!black] (AX) at (AX) {}; \node[point, blue!70!black] (A2X5) at (A2X5) {}; \node[point, blue!70!black] (X) at (14,7) {}; % Labels for stable points \node[right=3pt of A] {A}; \node[below=3pt of AX] {AX}; \node[below=3pt of A2X5] {$A_2X_5$}; \node[left=3pt of X] {X}; % Unstable points \node[unstable] (A2X) at ($(A)!0.5!(AX)+(0,2)$) {}; \node[unstable] (A2X7) at ($(A2X5)!0.15!(X)+(0,1.4)$) {}; % Labels for unstable points \node[above=0pt of A2X] {$A_2X$}; \node[above left=-3pt of A2X7] {$A_2X_7$}; % Delta E arrows \coordinate (A2X_hull) at ($(A)!0.5!(AX)$); \draw[->, red, line width=1.5pt] (A2X_hull) -- (A2X) node[pos=0.65, left, red] {$\Delta E_d$}; \node[reaction box=red] at ($(A)!0.5!(AX)+(1.6,1.2)$) {$A + AX \to A_2X$}; % Hypothetical hull \draw[gray, dashed, line width=1.5pt] (AX) -- (A2X7) -- (X); \node[gray, above=3cm of $(A2X5)!0.1!(X)$, align=center] {hypothetical hull for\\evaluating $A_2X_5$}; % Delta E_d arrow for hypothetical hull \coordinate (hull_midpoint) at ($(AX)!0.78!(A2X7)$); \draw[->, green!50!black, line width=1.5pt] (hull_midpoint) -- (A2X5) node[pos=0.6, left, green!50!black] {$\Delta E_d$} node[reaction box=green!50!black,pos=0.6, right=0.1, line width=0.5pt] {$4/5 AX + 3/5 A_2X_7 \to A_2X_5$}; % Chemical potential range (orange line) \coordinate (OrangeLow) at (0,5); \draw[orange, dashed, line width=1.5pt] (OrangeLow) -- (AX) node[pos=0.4, above, sloped, align=center] {$\mu_A$ range\\where $AX$ is stable}; % Orange double arrow \draw[<->, orange, line width=1.5pt] ($(TopLeft)+(0.2,-0.2)$) -- ($(OrangeLow)+(0.2,0)$); % Legend \node[point, blue!70!black, label={right:stable}] at (0.5,1) {}; \node[unstable, label={right:unstable}] at (0.5,0.4) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}