\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \def\layersep{2} \def\nodesep{1.5} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ node/.style={circle, draw, thick}, ] \foreach \y in {1,...,5}{ \node[node] (i\y) at (0,\nodesep*\y) {}; \node[node, right=\layersep of i\y] (h1\y) {}; \node[node, right=\layersep of h1\y] (h2\y) {}; } \node[node, right=\layersep of h22] (o1) {}; \node[node, right=\layersep of h24] (o2) {}; \foreach \source in {1,...,5} \foreach \dest in {1,...,5}{ \path[-stealth, thick] (i\source) edge (h1\dest); \path[-stealth, thick] (h1\source) edge (h2\dest); } \foreach \source in {1,...,5} \foreach \dest in {1,2} \draw[-stealth, thick] (h2\source) -- (o\dest); \draw[-stealth, thick] (7.5,3*\nodesep) -- node[above,font=\Large\bfseries] {dropout} (9.5, 3*\nodesep); % Boundary \foreach \y in {1,...,5} \node[node, right=15em of h2\y] (di\y) {}; \node[red,font=\huge] at (di1) {$\times$}; \node[red,font=\huge] at (di3) {$\times$}; \foreach \y in {1,...,5} \node[node, right=\layersep of di\y] (dh1\y) {}; \node[red,font=\huge] at (dh11) {$\times$}; \node[red,font=\huge] at (dh13) {$\times$}; \node[red,font=\huge] at (dh14) {$\times$}; \foreach \y in {1,...,5} \node[node, right=\layersep of dh1\y] (dh2\y) {}; \node[red,font=\huge] at (dh22) {$\times$}; \node[red,font=\huge] at (dh24) {$\times$}; \node[node, right=\layersep of dh22] (do1) {}; \node[node, right=\layersep of dh24] (do2) {}; \foreach \source in {2,4,5} \foreach \dest in {2,5} \draw[-stealth, thick] (di\source) -- (dh1\dest); \foreach \source in {2,5} \foreach \dest in {1,3,5} \draw[-stealth, thick] (dh1\source) -- (dh2\dest); \foreach \source in {1,3,5} \foreach \dest in {1,2} \draw[-stealth, thick] (dh2\source) -- (do\dest); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}