\documentclass[tikz,svgnames]{standalone} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (so32) [align=center] at (-5,-1) {heterotic\\$SO(32)$}; \node (e8e8) [align=center] at (-3,4) {heterotic\\$E(8) \times E(8)$}; \node (tiia) [align=center] at (4,3) {Type II A}; \node (tiib) [align=center] at (5,-2) {Type II B}; \node (ti) [align=center] at (0,-5) {Type I}; \draw[bend left,<->] (so32) to node [below right,align=center] {compac-\\tification} (e8e8); \draw[bend left,<->] (e8e8) to node [below left] {M-theory} (tiia); \draw[bend left,<->] (tiia) to node [below left] {T-duality} (tiib); \draw[bend left,<->] (tiib) to node [above left,align=center] {orientifold\\action $\Omega$} (ti); \draw[bend left,<->] (ti) to node [above right] {S-duality} (so32); \begin{scope} \clip[bend right] (so32.east) to (e8e8.south) to (tiia.south) to (tiib.west) to (ti.north) to (so32.east); \foreach \c in {so32.east,e8e8.south,tiia.south,tiib.west,ti.north,so32.east}{% \foreach \r in {1,...,6}{% \draw[DarkBlue] (\c) circle (\r*0.15cm); } } \end{scope} \draw[bend right,very thick,gray,fill,fill opacity=0.3] (so32.east) to (e8e8.south) to (tiia.south) to (tiib.west) to (ti.north) to (so32.east); \node (mth) [align=center] at (0,0) {parameter space of\\[2ex]{\Large \textbf{M-Theory}}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}