\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{mathtools} \usetikzlibrary{calc,positioning,shapes.geometric} \renewcommand\vec[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ thick, node distance=15mm, set/.style={draw, diamond, text width=8mm, align=center}, op/.style={draw, circle, text width=5mm, align=center, fill=orange!40}, ] \node[set, fill=blue!20] (z1) {$\vec z_{1:d}$}; \node[op, right=of z1] (eq) {\raisebox{-1ex}=}; \node[set, right=of eq, fill=blue!20] (x1) {$\vec x_{1:d}$}; \draw[->] (z1) edge (eq) (eq) edge (x1); \node[set, below=1 of z1, fill=green!30] (z2) {$\mathclap{\vec z_{d+1:D}}$}; \node[op, right=of z2] (g) {$g$}; \node[below=1em of g] (forward) {forward pass}; \node[set, right=of g, fill=yellow!40] (x2) {$\mathclap{\vec x_{d+1:D}}$}; \draw[->] (z2) edge (g) (g) edge (x2); \node[op] (m) at ($(z1)!0.5!(g)$) {$m$}; \draw[->] (z1) edge (m) (m) edge (g); \begin{scope}[xshift=9cm] \node[set, fill=blue!20] (z1) {$\vec z_{1:d}$}; \node[op, right=of z1] (eq) {\raisebox{-1ex}=}; \node[set, right=of eq, fill=blue!20] (x1) {$\vec x_{1:d}$}; \draw[<-] (z1) edge (eq) (eq) edge (x1); \node[set, below=1 of z1, fill=green!30] (z2) {$\mathclap{\vec z_{d+1:D}}$}; \node[op, right=of z2] (g) {$\mathclap{g^{-1}}$}; \node[below=1em of g] (inverse) {inverse pass}; \node[set, right=of g, fill=yellow!40] (x2) {$\mathclap{\vec x_{d+1:D}}$}; \draw[<-] (z2) edge (g) (g) edge (x2); \node[op] (m) at ($(x1)!0.5!(g)$) {$m$}; \draw[->] (x1) edge (m) (m) edge (g); \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}