\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=2pt, thick, ->] \node (X1) {$\vec e_1$}; \node[rectangle, below=3ex of X1] (x_dots_1) {$\dots$}; \node[below=3ex of x_dots_1] (Xj) {$\vec e_j$}; \node[rectangle, below=3ex of Xj] (x_dots_2) {$\dots$}; \node[below=3ex of x_dots_2] (Xn) {$\vec e_n$}; \node[rectangle, draw, very thick, right=of X1] (attn_1) {$a_\phi$}; \node[rectangle, draw, very thick, right=of Xj] (attn_j) {$a_\phi$}; \node[rectangle, draw, very thick, right=of Xn] (attn_n) {$a_\phi$}; \draw (X1) edge (attn_1) (Xj) edge (attn_1); \draw (Xj) edge (attn_j) ([xshift=3em]Xj) edge (attn_j); \draw (Xj) edge (attn_n) (Xn) edge (attn_n); \node[right=of attn_1, opacity=0.2] (alpha_1j) {$\alpha_{1j}$}; \node[right=of attn_j, opacity=1] (alpha_jj) {$\alpha_{jj}$}; \node[right=of attn_n, opacity=0.6] (alpha_nj) {$\alpha_{nj}$}; \node[circle, draw, right=of alpha_1j] (times_1) {$\times$}; \node[circle, draw, right=of alpha_jj] (times_j) {$\times$}; \node[circle, draw, right=of alpha_nj] (times_n) {$\times$}; \node[rectangle, draw, right=of times_j] (sum) {$\Sigma$}; \node[right=1em of sum] (x_tprim) {$\vec e_j'$}; \draw[opacity=0.2] (attn_1) -- (alpha_1j); \draw[opacity=1] (attn_j) -- (alpha_jj); \draw[opacity=0.6] (attn_n) -- (alpha_nj); \draw (X1) edge[bend right] node[rectangle, draw, fill=white, midway] {$f_\psi$} (times_1); \draw (Xj) edge[bend right] node[rectangle, draw, fill=white, midway] {$f_\psi$} (times_j); \draw (Xn) edge[bend right] node[rectangle, draw, fill=white, midway] {$f_\psi$} (times_n); \draw (times_1) edge (sum) (times_j) edge (sum) (times_n) edge (sum); \draw[opacity=0.2] (alpha_1j) -- (times_1); \draw[opacity=1] (alpha_jj) -- (times_j); \draw[opacity=0.6] (alpha_nj) -- (times_n); \draw (sum) -- (x_tprim); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}