" .gvimrc " janus_wel " options {{{1 " display & information set lines=25 " typical set columns=90 " margin for 'number' and 'foldcolumn' set cmdheight=1 " MacVim $VIM/gvimrc overwrites my .vimrc settings set guioptions=c " show no GUI components " no way to use a mouse set mouse= set nomousefocus set mousehide " font if has('win32') " When VL Gothic isn't found in the system, use MS Gothic. set guifont=VL_Gothic:h12:cSHIFTJIS,MS_Gothic:h12:cSHIFTJIS set linespace=0 elseif has('mac') set guifont=VL_Gothic:h16 set linespace=0 endif " turn off disabling IM at entering input mode if exists('&imdisableactivate') set noimdisableactivate endif " syntax highlight {{{1 syntax enable " use syntax highlight " color scheme: Janus.vim colorscheme Janus " my color scheme " }}}1 " vim: ts=4 sw=4 sts=0 et fdm=marker fdc=3