bl_info = { "name": "Select Connected Faces by Normals", "author": "Johnathan Apuzen", "version": (1, 0), "blender": (2, 80, 0), "location": "Edit Mode > Select > Select Connected Faces by Normals", "description": "Selects connected faces to a face/s highlighted by the user, creating a group of faces. A face is added to a group if it meets the 'angle limit' and 'group angle limit' criterea. In each group, the difference between the normals of two connected faces is less than a specified 'angle limit'. A face is added to a group only if the difference between its normal and the group's total normal is less than a specified 'group angle limit'. The defaults of 20 derees for the angle and group angle limits work for relatively flat surfaces.", "category": "Mesh", } import bpy from bpy.types import Operator from bpy.props import FloatProperty from mathutils import Vector import bmesh import queue ''' Helper Functions ''' #returns a list of selected faces, takes a bmesh object def find_selected_faces(bm): selected_faces = [] for face in bm.faces: if == True: selected_faces.append(face) return selected_faces #returns list of faces directly connected to the face def find_connected_faces(bm, face): connected_faces = [] for e in range(len(face.edges)): for connected_face in face.edges[e].link_faces: if connected_face != face: connected_faces.append(connected_face) return connected_faces #create group of connected faces that meet the normal angle limits #returns a list of the group of faces def expand_selection_similar_normals(bm, starting_face, is_grouped, angle_limit, group_angle_limit): curr_group = [] curr_group.append(starting_face) #total x, y, and z normal orientation of all faces in group curr_group_total = Vector((0,0,0)) curr_group_total += starting_face.normal q = queue.Queue() q.put(starting_face) while(not(q.empty())): curr_face = q.get() connected_faces = find_connected_faces(bm, curr_face) for connected_face in connected_faces: #Calculate angle between current face normal and connected face normal diff = curr_face.normal.angle(connected_face.normal) #Calculate angle between group average normal and connected face normal group_diff = curr_face.normal.angle(curr_group_total/len(curr_group)) #Check if connected face is valid if diff < angle_limit and group_diff < group_angle_limit: if not(is_grouped[connected_face.index]): curr_group.append(connected_face) q.put(connected_face) is_grouped[connected_face.index] = True #Add connected face's normal to group total curr_group_total += connected_face.normal return curr_group ''' Main Class/Execution ''' class Select_Faces_by_Normals(Operator): """Selects connected faces whose normals meet the specified angle limits""" bl_idname = "select.connected_faces_by_normals" bl_label = "Select Connected Faces by Normals" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} angle_limit: FloatProperty( name="Angle Limit", default=0.349066, #20 degrees in radians min=0, subtype='ANGLE', description="Maximum angle permitted between the normals of two directly connected faces." ) group_angle_limit: FloatProperty( name="Group Angle Limit", default=0.349066, #20 degrees in radians min=0, subtype='ANGLE', description="Maximum angle permitted between a connected face and the whole group of faces." ) def execute(self, context): #Check context, only works in edit mode if context.object.mode != 'EDIT':{'ERROR'}, "Only works in Edit Mode") return {'CANCELLED'} groups = [] #groups of faces with similar normal based on angle limits #create bmesh object obj = context.edit_object me = bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me) #look-up list to check if a face has been placed in a group is_grouped = [False] * len(bm.faces) #Find faces selected by user selected_faces = find_selected_faces(bm) #Report if no faces were selected if len(selected_faces) == 0:{'ERROR'}, "No faces selected") return {'CANCELLED'} #For each selected face, find faces with similar normals based on angle limits for face in selected_faces: if not(is_grouped[face.index]): is_grouped[face.index] = True curr_group = expand_selection_similar_normals(bm, face, is_grouped, self.angle_limit, self.group_angle_limit) groups.append(curr_group) #select all faces in all groups for group in groups: for face in group: face.select_set(True) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(me) return {'FINISHED'} #Used to place add-on in Select menu def menu_func(self, context): self.layout.operator(Select_Faces_by_Normals.bl_idname) ''' Registration ''' def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(Select_Faces_by_Normals) bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_select_edit_mesh.append(menu_func) def unregister(): bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_select_edit_mesh.remove(menu_func) bpy.utils.unregister_class(Select_Faces_by_Normals) if __name__ == "__main__": register()