v3.3.0 ====== Features -------- - Replaced deprecated datetime.utcfromtimestamp. (#3) v3.2.1 ====== No significant changes. v3.2.0 ====== Features -------- - Require Python 3.8 or later. v3.1.2 ====== Refresh packaging. Require Python 3.7 or later. v3.1.1 ====== Rely on PEP 420 for namespace package. v3.1.0 ====== Refresh packaging. Remove unneeded dependency on six. v3.0.0 ====== Require Python 3.6 or later. 2.0 === Switch to `pkgutil namespace technique `_ for the ``jaraco`` namespace. 1.5.2 ===== Repair incorrect form of namespace package. 1.5.1 ===== Refresh distribution package. 1.5 === Allow log level to be passed on the command-line as a numeric value as well. 1.4.1 ===== Refresh distribution package. 1.4 === Added some nominal documentation. Implemented automatic deploys using Travis-CI. 1.3 === Move hosting to github. Fix test failure due to version detection. 1.2 === Allow passing default_level to add_arguments. 1.0 === Initial release based on jaraco.util 10.8.