-------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Sequence BLOG_SEQ -------------------------------------------------------- create sequence blog_seq minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999 increment by 1 start with 100001 / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_BLOGGERS -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_bloggers( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1, 0 ) not null, display_seq number( 10, 0 ) not null, blogger_name varchar2( 256 char ) not null, apex_username varchar2( 256 char ) not null, email varchar2( 256 char ), publish_desc number( 1, 0 ) not null, blogger_desc varchar2( 4000 byte ), show_desc number( 1, 0 ) as( is_active * publish_desc * case when blogger_desc is not null then 1 else 0 end ) virtual not null, constraint blog_bloggers_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_bloggers_uk1 unique( apex_username ), constraint blog_bloggers_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_bloggers_ck2 check( is_active in( 0 , 1 ) ), constraint blog_bloggers_ck3 check( display_seq > 0 ), constraint blog_bloggers_ck4 check( publish_desc in( 0 , 1 ) ), constraint blog_bloggers_ck5 check( show_desc in( 0 , 1 ) ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_CATEGORIES -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_categories( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38 ,0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1, 0 ) not null, display_seq number( 10, 0 ) not null, title varchar2( 256 char ) not null, title_unique varchar2( 256 char ) as( upper( trim( title ) ) ) virtual not null, notes varchar2( 4000 byte ), constraint blog_categories_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_categories_uk1 unique( title_unique ), constraint blog_categories_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_categories_ck2 check( is_active in( 0, 1 ) ), constraint blog_categories_ck3 check( display_seq > 0 ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_COMMENTS -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_comments( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1, 0 ) not null, post_id number( 38, 0 ) not null, parent_id number( 38, 0 ), comment_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, body_html varchar2( 4000 byte ) not null, ctx_search char( 1 byte ) not null, constraint blog_comments_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_comment_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_comment_ck2 check( is_active in( 0 , 1 ) ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_COMMENT_FLAGS -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_comment_flags ( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, comment_id number( 38, 0 ) not null, flag varchar2( 256 char ) not null, constraint blog_comment_flags_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_comment_flags_uk1 unique( comment_id, flag ), constraint blog_comment_flags_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_comment_flags_ck2 check( flag in( 'NEW', 'UNREAD', 'MODERATE' ) ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_COMMENT_SUBSCRIBERS -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_comment_subscribers( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1, 0 ) not null, post_id number( 38, 0 ) not null, email_id number( 38, 0 ) not null, subscription_date date not null, constraint blog_comment_subscribers_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_comment_subscribers_uk1 unique( post_id, email_id ), constraint blog_comment_subscribers_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_comment_subscribers_ck2 check( is_active in( 0, 1 ) ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_DYNAMIC_CONTENT -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_dynamic_content( id number( 38,0 ) not null enable, row_version number( 38,0 ) not null enable, created_on timestamp ( 6 ) with local time zone not null enable, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp ( 6 ) with local time zone not null enable, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1,0 ) not null enable, display_seq number( 10,0 ) not null enable, content_type varchar2( 256 char ) not null, content_desc varchar2( 256 char ) not null, show_changed_on number( 1,0 ) not null enable, content_html clob not null, notes varchar2( 4000 byte ), constraint blog_dynamic_content_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_dynamic_content_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_dynamic_content_ck2 check( is_active in( 0, 1 ) ), constraint blog_dynamic_content_ck3 check( display_seq > 0 ), constraint blog_dynamic_content_ck4 check( content_type in( 'FOOTER_LINK' ) ), constraint blog_dynamic_content_ck5 check( show_changed_on in( 0, 1 ) ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_FEATURES -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_features( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1, 0 ) not null, display_seq number( 10, 0 ) not null, build_option_name varchar2( 256 char ) not null, build_option_group varchar2( 256 char ) not null, build_option_parent varchar2( 256 char ), constraint blog_features_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_features_uk1 unique( build_option_name ), constraint blog_features_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_features_ck2 check( display_seq > 0 ), constraint blog_features_ck3 check( is_active in( 0, 1 ) ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_FILES -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_files ( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1, 0 ) not null, is_download number( 1, 0 ) not null, file_name varchar2( 256 char ) not null, mime_type varchar2( 256 char ) not null, blob_content blob not null, file_size number( 38, 0 ) not null, file_charset varchar2( 256 char ), file_desc varchar2( 4000 byte ), notes varchar2( 4000 byte ), constraint blog_files_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_files_uk1 unique( file_name ), constraint blog_files_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_files_ck2 check( is_active in( 0, 1 ) ), constraint blog_files_ck3 check( is_download in( 0, 1 ) ), constraint blog_files_ck4 check( is_download = 0 or is_download = 1 and file_desc is not null ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_INIT_ITEMS -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_init_items( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1, 0 ) not null, application_id number( 38,0 ) not null, item_name varchar2( 256 char ) not null, constraint blog_init_items_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_init_items_uk1 unique( application_id, item_name ), constraint blog_init_items_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_init_items_ck2 check( is_active in( 0, 1 ) ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_LINKS -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_links( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1, 0 ) not null, display_seq number( 10, 0 ) not null, link_group_id number not null, title varchar2( 256 char ) not null, link_desc varchar2( 4000 byte ) not null, link_url varchar2( 256 char ) not null, external_link number(1,0) not null, target_blank number(1,0) not null, notes varchar2( 4000 byte ), constraint blog_links_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_links_uk1 unique( link_group_id, id ), constraint blog_links_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_links_ck2 check( is_active in( 0, 1 ) ), constraint blog_links_ck3 check( display_seq > 0 ), constraint blog_links_ck4 check( external_link in( 0, 1 ) ), constraint blog_links_ck5 check( target_blank in( 0, 1 ) ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_LINK_ROUPS -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_link_groups( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1, 0 ) not null, display_seq number( 10, 0 ) not null, title varchar2( 256 char ) not null, title_unique varchar2( 256 char ) as ( upper( title ) ) virtual not null, notes varchar2( 4000 byte ), constraint blog_link_groups_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_link_groups_uk1 unique( title_unique ), constraint blog_link_groups_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_link_groups_ck2 check( is_active in( 0 , 1 ) ), constraint blog_link_groups_ck3 check( display_seq > 0 ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_LIST_OF_VALUES -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_list_of_values( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1, 0 ) not null, display_seq number( 10, 0 ) not null, lov_name varchar2( 256 char ) not null, return_value varchar2( 256 char ) not null, display_message varchar2( 256 char ) not null, constraint blog_list_of_values_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_list_of_values_uk1 unique( lov_name, return_value ), constraint blog_list_of_values_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_list_of_values_ck2 check( is_active in( 0 , 1 ) ), constraint blog_list_of_values_ck3 check( display_seq > 0 ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_POSTS -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_posts( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1, 0 ) not null, blogger_id number( 38, 0 ) not null, category_id number( 38, 0 ) not null, title varchar2( 256 char ) not null, post_desc varchar2( 1024 char ) not null, body_html clob not null, first_paragraph varchar2( 4000 byte ) not null, published_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, ctx_search char( 1 byte ) not null, notes varchar2( 4000 byte ), body_length number( 38, 0 ) as ( sys.dbms_lob.getlength( body_html ) ) virtual not null, archive_year_month number( 6, 0 ) as ( to_number( to_char( published_on, 'YYYYMM' ) ) ) virtual not null, archive_year number( 4, 0 ) as ( to_number( to_char( published_on, 'YYYY' ) ) ) virtual not null, constraint blog_posts_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_posts_uk1 unique( published_on ), constraint blog_posts_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_posts_ck2 check( is_active in( 0 , 1 ) ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_POST_TAGS -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_post_tags( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1, 0 ) not null, display_seq number( 10, 0 ) not null, post_id number( 38, 0 ) not null, tag_id number( 38, 0 ) not null, constraint blog_post_tags_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_post_tags_uk1 unique( post_id, tag_id ), constraint blog_post_tags_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_post_tags_ck2 check( is_active in( 0, 1 ) ), constraint blog_post_tags_ck3 check( display_seq > 0 ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_POST_SETTINGS -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_settings( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, display_seq number( 10, 0 ) not null, is_nullable number( 1, 0 ) not null, attribute_group_message varchar2( 256 char ) not null, attribute_name varchar2( 128 char ) not null, data_type varchar2( 64 char ) not null, attribute_value varchar2( 4000 byte ), int_min number( 10,0 ), int_max number( 10,0 ), attribute_message varchar2( 256 char ) generated always as ( 'BLOG_SETTING_' || attribute_name ) virtual not null, help_message varchar2( 256 char ) generated always as ( 'BLOG_HELP_' || attribute_name ) virtual not null, constraint blog_settings_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_settings_uk1 unique( attribute_name ), constraint blog_settings_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_settings_ck2 check( is_nullable in( 0, 1 ) ), constraint blog_settings_ck3 check( display_seq > 0 ), constraint blog_settings_ck4 check( is_nullable = 1 or is_nullable = 0 and attribute_value is not null ), constraint blog_settings_ck5 check( data_type in( 'INTEGER', 'STRING', 'DATE_FORMAT', 'URL', 'EMAIL' ) ), constraint blog_settings_ck6 check( data_type != 'INTEGER' or data_type = 'INTEGER' and int_min is not null and int_max is not null and round( to_number( attribute_value ) ) = to_number( attribute_value ) and to_number( attribute_value ) between int_min and int_max ), constraint blog_settings_ck7 check( data_type != 'DATE_FORMAT' or data_type = 'DATE_FORMAT' and to_char( created_on, attribute_value ) is not null ), constraint blog_settings_ck8 check( data_type != 'URL' or data_type = 'URL' and regexp_like( attribute_value, '^https?\:\/\/.*$' ) ), constraint blog_settings_ck9 check( data_type != 'EMAIL' or data_type = 'EMAIL' and regexp_like( attribute_value, '^.*\@.*\..*$' ) ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_SUBSCRIBERS_EMAIL -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_subscribers_email( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1, 0 ) not null, email varchar2( 256 char ) not null, constraint blog_subscribers_email_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_subscribers_email_uk1 unique( email ), constraint blog_subscribers_email_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_subscribers_email_ck2 check( is_active in( 0, 1 ) ), constraint blog_subscribers_email_ck3 check( email = lower( trim( email ) ) ) ) / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Table BLOG_TAGS -------------------------------------------------------- create table blog_tags ( id number( 38, 0 ) not null, row_version number( 38, 0 ) not null, created_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, created_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, changed_on timestamp( 6 ) with local time zone not null, changed_by varchar2( 256 char ) not null, is_active number( 1, 0 ) not null, tag varchar2( 256 char ) not null, tag_unique varchar2( 256 char ) as ( upper( trim( tag ) ) ) virtual not null, notes varchar2( 4000 byte ), constraint blog_tags_pk primary key( id ), constraint blog_tags_uk1 unique( tag_unique ), constraint blog_tags_ck1 check( row_version > 0 ), constraint blog_tags_ck2 check( is_active in( 0 , 1 ) ) ) / create or replace package "BLOG_CTX" authid definer as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- DESCRIPTION -- Procedures and functions for Oracle text -- -- MODIFIED (DD.MM.YYYY) -- Jari Laine 22.06.2020 - Created -- Jari Laine 30.04.2022 - Changed procedure generate_post_datastore to use XML functions -- Jari Laine 02.05.2022 - Improved text search query function get_post_search returns -- Jari Laine 25.11.2022 - Changed generate_post_datastore remove HTML from post body -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure generate_post_datastore( rid in rowid, tlob in out nocopy clob ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure generate_comment_datastore( rid in rowid, tlob in out nocopy clob ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_post_search( p_search in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_CTX"; / create or replace package "BLOG_UTIL" authid definer as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- DESCRIPTION -- Procedure and functions for public application -- -- MODIFIED (DD.MM.YYYY) -- Jari Laine 22.04.2019 - Created -- Jari Laine 28.03.2020 - Signature 2 of get_year_month function -- Jari Laine 15.04.2020 - function validate_comment -- Jari Laine 26.04.2020 - Changed validate_comment us apex_util.savekey_vc2 -- - Removed custom functions that was doing same thing -- Jari Laine 08.05.2020 - Functions get_year_month are obsolete -- - Application changed to group archives by year -- Jari Laine 10.05.2020 - Procedure new_comment_notify to notify blogger about new comments -- - Procedure subscribe to subscribe comment reply -- - Procedure unsubscribe for unsubscribe comment reply -- Jari Laine 11.05.2020 - Procedures and functions relating comments moved to package blog_comm -- Jari Laine 17.05.2020 - Added out parameters p_older_title and p_newer_title to procedure get_post_pagination -- - Materialized view blog_items_init changed to view -- - Removed function get_item_init_value -- Jari Laine 18.05.2020 - Moved ORDS specific global constants -- Jari Laine 19.05.2020 - Changed apex_debug to warn in no_data_found exception handlers -- - Changed apex_error_handler honor error display position when ORA error is between -20999 and 20901 -- - Changed procedure get_post_pagination to raises ORA -20901 when no data found -- Jari Laine 19.05.2020 - Removed global constants -- Jari Laine 23.05.2020 - Modifications to remove ORDS depency -- Jari Laine 05.11.2020 - Procedure render_dynamic_content -- Jari Laine 18.12.2021 - Procedure redirect_search -- Jari Laine 24.03.2022 - Parameter names to apex_debug procedure calls -- - Changes to procedure get_post_pagination and render_dynamic_content -- Jari Laine 25.03.2022 - Added more comments -- - Changed variable names to more descriptive -- - Removed obsolete procedure check_archive_exists -- Jari Laine 19.04.2022 - Changes to procedures download_file -- Jari Laine 26.04.2022 - Parameter p_escape to function get_tag -- Jari Laine 03.08.2022 - Changed procedure render_dynamic_content to use apex_util.prn -- Jari Laine 16.11.2022 - Removed obsolete function get_post_title -- Jari Laine 21.11.2022 - Added DETERMINISTIC caluse to function int_to_vc2 -- Jari Laine 23.11.2022 - Changed procedures exception handling and removed some unnecessary calls to apex_debug -- - Renamed procedure get_post_pagination to get_post_details and added more out parameters -- Jari Laine 24.11.2022 . Removed obsolete parameter p_escape from functions get_category_title and get_tag -- Jari Laine 29.11.2022 - Published procedure raise_http_error to -- - Exception handler to procedures download_file -- - Moved logic to fetch next and previous post to view blog_v_posts from procedure get_post_details -- Jari Laine 15.01.2023 - Removed obsolete procedure render_dynamic_content -- Jari Laine 19.01.2023 - Changed procedure get_post_details parameter names -- - Added global constants -- g_nls_date_lang -- g_iso_8601_date -- g_rfc_2822_date -- Jari Laine 08.04.2023 - Parameter p_page_id to procedure redirect_search -- - Removed ORA errors between -20999 and 20901 display position handlimg from function apex_error_handler -- Jari Laine 05.09.2023 - Removed use of type blog_t_post from procedure get_post_details -- Jari Laine 01.04.2024 - New package global constants and variables -- - Small changes to procedures download_file -- Jari Laine 10.04.2024 - Changes to procedure initialize_items -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- g_nls_date_lang constant varchar2(40) := 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = ENGLISH'; g_iso_8601_date constant varchar2(40) := 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS"Z"'; g_rfc_2822_date constant varchar2(40) := 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY HH24:MI:SS "GMT"'; g_mime_rss constant varchar2(40) := 'application/rss+xml'; g_mime_atom constant varchar2(40) := 'application/atom+xml'; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure raise_http_error( p_error_code in number ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public and admin application definition Error Handling Function function apex_error_handler ( p_error in apex_error.t_error ) return apex_error.t_error_result; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- inside package and from other packages function int_to_vc2( p_value in number ) return varchar2 deterministic; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- other packages, public and admin application function get_attribute_value( p_attribute_name in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public and admin application process Initialize Items procedure initialize_items( p_app_id in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 2 procedure get_post_details( p_post_id in varchar2, p_post_title out nocopy varchar2, p_post_desc out nocopy varchar2, p_post_category out nocopy varchar2, p_post_author out nocopy varchar2, p_post_published out nocopy varchar2, p_post_modified out nocopy varchar2, p_next_post_id out nocopy varchar2, p_next_post_title out nocopy varchar2, p_prev_post_id out nocopy varchar2, p_prev_post_title out nocopy varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 14 Pre-Rendering Computations function get_category_title( p_category_id in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 6 Pre-Rendering Computations function get_tag( p_tag_id in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- inside package and package BLOG_XML procedure download_file ( p_blob_content in out nocopy blob, p_mime_type in varchar2, p_header_names in apex_t_varchar2, p_header_values in apex_t_varchar2, p_charset in varchar2 default null ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1003 Ajax Callback process "download" procedure download_file ( p_file_name in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app application process Redirect to search page procedure redirect_search( p_value in varchar2, p_app_id in varchar2 default null, p_page_id in varchar2 default 'SEARCH', p_session in varchar2 default null ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_UTIL"; / create or replace package "BLOG_CM" authid definer as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- DESCRIPTION -- Procedures and functions for admin application -- -- MODIFIED (DD.MM.YYYY) -- Jari Laine 26.04.2019 - Created -- Jari Laine 10.01.2020 - Added procedure merge_files and file_upload -- Jari Laine 12.01.2020 - Added function prepare_file_path -- Jari Laine 09.04.2020 - Handling tags case insensitive -- Jari Laine 09.05.2020 - Procedures and functions number input parameters changed to varchar2 -- - New functions get_comment_post_id and is_email -- Jari Laine 10.05.2020 - Procedure send_reply_notify to send notify on reply to comment -- Jari Laine 12.05.2020 - Removed function prepare_file_path -- Jari Laine 17.05.2020 - Removed parameter p_err_mesg from function get_first_paragraph -- Jari Laine 19.05.2020 - Removed obsolete function get_post_title -- Jari Laine 24.05.2020 - Added procedures: -- run_settings_post_expression -- run_feature_post_expression -- update_feature -- Jari Laine 22.06.2020 - Bug fix to function is_integer -- - Added parameters p_min and p_max to function is_integer -- Jari Laine 30.09.2020 - Added procedure google_post_authentication -- Jari Laine 28.11.2020 - Removed obsolete function get_comment_post_id -- - Renamed function google_post_authentication to post_authentication -- Jari Laine 28.02.2020 - New function get_footer_link_seq -- Jari Laine 23.05.2020 - Modifications to remove ORDS depency -- Jari Laine 21.03.2021 - Changed procedure get_blogger_details fetch authorization group name stored to BLOG_SETTINGS table -- - Added trim to function remove_whitespace -- - Changed procedures add_category and add_tag use function remove_whitespace -- Jari Laine 11.04.2021 - Procedure send_reply_notify moved to package BLOG_COMM -- Jari Laine 13.04.2021 - Changes to procedure post_authentication -- - Function get_footer_link_seq renamed to get_modal_page_seq -- - Removed procedure run_feature_post_expression -- Jari Laine 18.04.2021 - Function is_email moved to package BLOG_COMM -- Jari Laine 05.01.2022 - Removed unused parameters and variables from procedures: post_authentication, update_feature, get_blogger_details and add_blogger -- Jari Laine 27.03.2022 - Fixed bug on function get_first_paragraph when search nested elements -- - Removed obsolete procedures remove_unused_tags, purge_post_preview, purge_post_preview_job and save_post_preview -- Jari Laine 13.04.2022 - Bug fix to functions is_integer, is_url and is_date_format error message handling -- Jari Laine 01.05.2022 - Simple logic to function request_to_post_status -- Jari Laine 07.05.2022 - Added procedure remove_unused_tags and remove_unused_categories -- - Chenged private procedure add_tag to public -- - Removed obsolete functions get_post_tags and get_category_title -- - New procedures: -- resequence_link_groups -- resequence_links -- resequence_categories -- resequence_tags -- Jari Laine 09.05.2022 - Removed obsolete procedure run_settings_post_expression -- Jari Laine 08.03.2023 - Changed function is_date_format validate as date instead of timestamp -- Jari Laine 03.04.2023 - Changed function file_upload to procedure with out parameter -- Jari Laine 28.05.2023 - New function request_to_post_success_message -- Jari Laine 01.06.2023 - Removed procedure file_upload -- - New function file_exists -- - Changed procedure merge_files -- Jari Laine 30.07.2023 - Added check is workspace user locked to procedure post_authentication -- - Replaced apex_util.set_build_option_status with apex_application_admin.set_build_option_status -- Jari Laine 10.03.2024 - Bug fix post_authentication procedure to check only current workspace -- Jari Laine 08.04.2024 - Removed functions: -- request_to_post_success_message -- request_to_link_success_message -- Jari Laine 11.04.2024 - New procedure resequence_dynamic_content -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app application authentication scheme Google procedure post_authentication; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app application processes procedure get_blogger_details( p_app_id in varchar2, p_username in varchar2, p_user_id out nocopy number, p_name out nocopy varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 14 function get_category_seq return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 52 function get_link_grp_seq return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 81 function get_modal_page_seq return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 51 function get_link_seq( p_link_group_id in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 12 function request_to_post_status( p_request in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 12 -- inside procedudre blog_cm.get_first_paragraph function remove_whitespace( p_string in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 12 function get_first_paragraph( p_body_html in clob ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 72 processing function file_exists( p_file_name in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 72 and 73 procedure merge_files( p_file_name in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 12 Processing process "Process Category" procedure add_category( p_category_title in varchar2, p_category_id out nocopy number ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 14 procedure remove_unused_categories; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 14 procedure resequence_categories; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 16 and inside this package procedure add_tag( p_tag in varchar2, p_tag_id out nocopy number ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 12 procedure add_post_tags( p_post_id in varchar2, p_tags in varchar2, p_sep in varchar2 default ',' ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 15 procedure remove_unused_tags; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 16 procedure resequence_tags( p_post_id in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 20012 validation "Is Integer" function is_integer( p_value in varchar2, p_min in number, p_max in number, p_err_mesg in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 20012 validation "Is URL" function is_url( p_value in varchar2, p_err_mesg in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 20012 validation "Is date format" function is_date_format( p_value in varchar2, p_err_mesg in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 20011 Processing process "Features - Save Interactive Grid Data" procedure update_feature( p_app_id in number, p_build_option_id in number, p_build_status in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 20014 procedure update_text_messages( p_attribute_name in varchar2 default null ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 50 procedure resequence_link_groups; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 50 procedure resequence_links( p_link_group_id in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app page 80 procedure resequence_dynamic_content; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_CM"; / create or replace package "BLOG_PLUGIN" authid definer as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- DESCRIPTION -- Procedures and functions for APEX plugins -- -- MODIFIED (DD.MM.YYYY) -- Jari Laine 22.04.2019 - Created -- Jari Laine 03.01.2020 - Comments to package specs -- Jari Laine 13.04.2022 - Bug fix to procedure validate_math_question_field error message handling -- Jari Laine 07.05.2023 - Minor changes -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure render_math_question_field( p_item in apex_plugin.t_item, p_plugin in apex_plugin.t_plugin, p_param in apex_plugin.t_item_render_param, p_result in out nocopy apex_plugin.t_item_render_result ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure ajax_math_question_field( p_item in apex_plugin.t_item, p_plugin in apex_plugin.t_plugin, p_param in apex_plugin.t_item_ajax_param, p_result in out nocopy apex_plugin.t_item_ajax_result ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure validate_math_question_field( p_item in apex_plugin.t_item, p_plugin in apex_plugin.t_plugin, p_param in apex_plugin.t_item_validation_param, p_result in out nocopy apex_plugin.t_item_validation_result ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_PLUGIN"; / create or replace package "BLOG_URL" authid definer as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- DESCRIPTION -- Generate URL -- -- MODIFIED (DD.MM.YYYY) -- Jari Laine 22.04.2019 - Created -- Jari Laine 09.05.2020 - Functions that are called only from APEX -- - Number return value and number input parameters changed to varchar2. -- - Functions that are also used in query -- - Another signature with varchar2 input and return values created for APEX -- - Added parameter p_canonical to functions returning URL -- Jari Laine 10.05.2020 - New function get_unsubscribe -- Jari Laine 19.05.2020 - Changed page and items name to "hard coded" values -- - Removed global constants from blog_util package -- Jari Laine 23.05.2020 - Removed default from function get_tab parameter p_app_page_id -- Jari Laine 13.11.2021 - New funtions get_sitemap_index, get_rss and get get_rss_xsl -- Jari Laine 18.12.2021 - Moved procedure redirect_search to package blog_util. -- Jari Laine 14.03.2022 - New function get_canonical_host -- Jari Laine 24.11.2022 - Hard coded values to package private constants -- - Removed not used parammeters from functions -- - New function get_dynamic_page -- Jari Laine 18.11.2023 - New function get_atom -- Jari Laine 01.04.2024 - Changed package private constants to json object -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- function get_canonical_host return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- packages blog_html, blog_xml function get_tab( p_page in varchar2, p_application in varchar2 default null, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- packages blog_comm, blog_xml -- view blog_v_posts function get_post( p_post_id in number, p_application in varchar2 default null, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- packages blog_html, blog_url function get_post( p_post_id in varchar2, p_application in varchar2 default null, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- package blog_xml and view blog_v_categories function get_category( p_category_id in number, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- packages blog_html, blog_url function get_category( p_category_id in varchar2, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- package blog_xml and view blog_v_archive_year function get_archive( p_archive_id in number, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- packages blog_html, blog_url function get_archive( p_archive_id in varchar2, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- package blog_xml and view blog_v_post_tags function get_tag( p_tag_id in number, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- packages blog_html, blog_url function get_tag( p_tag_id in varchar2, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- view blog_v_dynamic_content function get_dynamic_page( p_content_id in number ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- packages blog_url, blog_xml function get_process( p_application in varchar2 default null, p_process in varchar2 default null ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- package blog_comm function get_unsubscribe( p_application in varchar2, p_post_id in varchar2, p_subscription_id in number ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- packages blog_html, blog_xml -- Blog Administration > Lists > Public Application Links function get_rss( p_application in varchar2 default null ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- packages blog_html, blog_xml -- Blog Administration > Lists > Public Application Links function get_atom( p_application in varchar2 default null ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- packages blog_xml function get_rss_xsl( p_application in varchar2 default null ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- Blog Administration > Lists > Public Application Links function get_sitemap_index( p_application in varchar2 default null ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_URL"; / create or replace package "BLOG_COMM" authid definer as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- DESCRIPTION -- Procedure and functions for post comments -- -- MODIFIED (DD.MM.YYYY) -- Jari Laine 11.05.2020 - Created -- Jari Laine 11.04.2021 - New procedure reply_notify -- - New functions validate_email and is_email_verified -- Jari Laine 18.04.2021 - New functions is_email -- Jari Laine 30.10.2021 - Removed functions validate_email and is_email_verified -- Jari Laine 13.04.2022 - Posibility add multiple flags using procedure flag_comment -- - Posibility remove multiple flags using procedure unflag_comment -- Jari Laine 27.11.2022 - Changed procedure build_code_tab remove leading and trailing line breaks from posted code -- -- TO DO: -- #1 comment HTML validation should be improved -- #2 email validation should be improved -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1001 function format_comment( p_comment in varchar2, p_remove_anchors in boolean default false ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1001 function validate_comment( p_comment in varchar2, p_max_length in number default 4000 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1001 and admin app page 20012 validation function is_email( p_email in varchar2, p_err_mesg in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1001 procedure flag_comment( p_comment_id in varchar2, p_flags in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- procedure unflag_comment( p_comment_id in varchar2, p_flags in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1001 procedure new_comment_notify( p_post_id in varchar2, p_app_name in varchar2, p_email_template in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- admin app pages 62 procedure reply_notify( p_app_id in varchar2, p_app_name in varchar2, p_post_id in varchar2, p_email_template in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1001 procedure subscribe( p_post_id in varchar2, p_email in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 2 procedure unsubscribe( p_subscription_id in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_COMM"; / create or replace package "BLOG_HTML" authid definer as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- DESCRIPTION -- Functions to generate and return HTML code -- -- MODIFIED (DD.MM.YYYY) -- Jari Laine 22.04.2019 - Created -- Jari Laine 29.04.2020 - New function get_robots_noindex_meta -- - Functions generating canonical link returns robot noindex meta tag if proper link not generated -- - Added apex_debug to functions generating meta and canonical link -- Jari Laine 10.05.2020 - Utilize blog_url functions p_canonical -- Jari Laine 19.05.2020 - Removed obsolete function get_search_button -- Jari Laine 06.07.2020 - Added parameter p_rss_url to functions get_rss_link and get_rss_anchor -- - Removed parameter p_build_option_status from function get_rss_link -- Jari Laine 13.11.2021 - Changes to funtion get_rss_anchor and get get_rss_link -- - Removed obsolete functions -- Jari Laine 27.03.2022 - Added parameter p_build_option and p_message to function get_rss_link -- - Added parameter p_message to function get_rss_anchor -- Jari Laine 27.04.2022 - Removed obsolete functions get_tag_anchor and get_post_tags -- Jari Laine 16.11.2022 - Removed obsolete functions: -- get_post_description_meta -- get_description_meta -- Jari Laine 25.11.2022 - Removed unused parameters -- Jari Laine 30.07.2023 - Replaced apex_util.get_build_option_status with apex_application_admin.get_build_option_status -- Jari Laine 18.11.2023 - New function get_atom_link -- Jari Laine 01.04.2024 - Changed functions to procedure -- get_tab_canonical_link -- get_post_canonical_link -- get_category_canonical_link -- get_archive_canonical_link -- get_tag_canonical_link -- Jari Laine 10.04.2024 - New function get_page_canonical_link to return generated html -- - Renamed procedures -- get_tab_canonical_link -> set_tab_canonical_link -- get_post_canonical_link -> set_post_canonical_link -- get_category_canonical_link -> set_category_canonical_link -- get_archive_canonical_link -> set_archive_canonical_link -- get_tag_canonical_link -> set_tag_canonical_link -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_robots_noindex_meta return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_page_canonical_link return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- pub app shortcut BLOG_CANONICAL_LINK_TAB procedure set_tab_canonical_link( p_page in varchar2, p_url out nocopy varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- pub app shortcut BLOG_CANONICAL_LINK_POST procedure set_post_canonical_link( p_post_id in varchar2, p_url out nocopy varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- pub app shortcut BLOG_CANONICAL_LINK_CATEGORY procedure set_category_canonical_link( p_category_id in varchar2, p_url out nocopy varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- pub app shortcut BLOG_CANONICAL_LINK_ARCHIVE procedure set_archive_canonical_link( p_archive_id in varchar2, p_url out nocopy varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- pub app shortcut BLOG_CANONICAL_LINK_TAG procedure set_tag_canonical_link( p_tag_id in varchar2, p_url out nocopy varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- pub app shortcut BLOG_RSS_ANCHOR function get_rss_anchor( p_app_name in varchar2, p_message in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- pub app shortcut BLOG_RSS_LINK function get_rss_link( p_app_id in varchar2, p_app_name in varchar2, p_message in varchar2, p_build_option in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- pub app shortcut BLOG_ATOM_LINK function get_atom_link( p_app_id in varchar2, p_app_name in varchar2, p_message in varchar2, p_build_option in varchar2 ) return varchar2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_HTML"; / create or replace package "BLOG_XML" authid definer as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- DESCRIPTION -- Procedure and functions to generate and output RSS feed and sitemap -- -- MODIFIED (DD.MM.YYYY) -- Jari Laine 07.05.2019 - Created -- Jari Laine 08.01.2020 - Removed categories sitemap -- Jari Laine 08.01.2020 - Modified use ORDS and blog version 4 -- Jari Laine 09.04.2020 - Utilize blog_url functions parameter p_canonical -- Jari Laine 17.05.2020 - Removed private function get_app_alias and constant c_pub_app_id -- - Moved private function get_ords_service to blog_ords package -- Jari Laine 23.05.2020 - Changed procedure sitemap_main to use table blog_pages -- - Modifications to remove ORDS depency -- - New procedures: -- sitemap_categories -- sitemap_archives -- sitemap_tags -- Jari Laine 30.10.2021 - Changed procedure sitemap_main to use view apex_application_pages -- Jari Laine 13.11.2021 - Changed procedure rss -- Jari Laine 30.12.2021 - Changed procedure rss_xsl. CSS file name moved to application settings -- Jari Laine 05.01.2021 - Added parameter p_css_file to procedure rss_xsl -- Jari Laine 13.03.2022 - Added parameter p_process_nae to procedure sitemap_index -- - Removed build option check from query producing XML in procedure sitemap_index -- Jari Laine 19.04.2022 - Changes relating procedure blog_util.download_file -- Jari Laine 26.04.2022 - Added element lastmod to XML to functions: -- sitemap_categories -- sitemap_archives -- sitemap_tags -- Jari Laine 28.04.2020 - Changed rss_xsl -- Jari Laine 29.11.2022 - Removed parameter p_lang from procedure rss -- - Added exception handler that raise also HTTP error to procedures -- - Other minor changes -- Jari Laine 19.01.2023 - Repved parameter p_ws_images from procedure rss_xsl -- - Removed parameter p_page_group from procedure sitemap_main -- - Replaced private constant c_pubdate_lang with blog.util.g_nls_date_lang -- - Replaced private constant c_lastmod_format with blog_util.g_iso_8601_date -- - Replaced private constant c_pubdate_format with blog_util.g_rfc_2822_date -- Jari Laine 30.07.2023 - Replaced apex_util.get_build_option_status with apex_application_admin.get_build_option_status -- Jari Laine 12.11.2023 - Changes to procedures rss and rss_xsl -- Jari Laine 13.11.2023 - New procedure atom -- Jari Laine 10.03.2024 - Changed procedure rss_xsl handle application files absolute URL -- Jari Laine 01.04.2024 - Parameter p_page_group to procedure sitemap_main -- - Changes to package constants and new constant c_headers -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1003 Ajax Callback process "rss.xml" procedure rss( p_app_name in varchar2, p_app_desc in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1003 Ajax Callback process "atom.xml" procedure atom( p_app_name in varchar2, p_app_desc in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1003 Ajax Callback process "rss.xsl" procedure rss_xsl( p_css_file in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1003 Ajax Callback process "sitemap-index.xml" procedure sitemap_index( p_app_id in varchar2, p_app_page_id in varchar2, p_process_name in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1003 Ajax Callback process "sitemap-main.xml" procedure sitemap_main( p_app_id in varchar2, p_page_group in varchar2 ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1003 Ajax Callback process "sitemap-posts.xml" procedure sitemap_posts; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1003 Ajax Callback process "sitemap-categories.xml" procedure sitemap_categories; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1003 Ajax Callback process "sitemap-archives.xml" procedure sitemap_archives; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from: -- public app page 1003 Ajax Callback process "sitemap-tags.xml" procedure sitemap_tags; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_XML"; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_ALL_DYNAMIC_CONTENT -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_all_dynamic_content as select t1.id as id ,t1.row_version as row_version ,t1.created_on as created_on ,lower(t1.created_by) as created_by ,t1.changed_on as changed_on ,lower(t1.changed_by) as changed_by ,t1.is_active as is_active ,t1.content_type as content_type ,t1.display_seq as display_seq ,t1.show_changed_on as show_changed_on ,t1.content_desc as content_desc ,t1.content_html as content_html from blog_dynamic_content t1 where 1 = 1 / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_ALL_FILES -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_all_files as select t1.id as id ,t1.row_version as row_version ,t1.created_on as created_on ,lower(t1.created_by) as created_by ,t1.changed_on as changed_on ,lower(t1.changed_by) as changed_by ,t1.is_active as is_active ,t1.is_download as is_download ,t1.file_name as file_name ,t1.mime_type as mime_type ,t1.blob_content as blob_content ,t1.file_size as file_size ,t1.file_charset as file_charset ,t1.file_desc as file_desc ,t1.notes as notes ,apex_string_util.to_display_filesize( p_size_in_bytes => t1.file_size ) as file_size_display from blog_files t1 where 1 = 1 / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_ALL_LINKS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_all_links as select t1.id as id , t1.row_version as row_version , t1.created_on as created_on , lower( t1.created_by ) as created_by , t1.changed_on as changed_on , lower( t1.changed_by ) as changed_by , t2.id as link_group_id , t1.is_active as is_active , t2.is_active as link_group_is_active , t1.display_seq as display_seq , t2.display_seq as link_group_display_seq , t1.title as title , t2.title as link_group_title , t1.link_desc as link_desc , t1.notes as notes , t1.link_url as link_url , case t2.is_active when 1 then case t1.is_active when 1 then 'ENABLED' else 'DISABLED' end else 'GROUP_DISABLED' end as link_status_code , t1.is_active * t2.is_active as link_is_active from blog_links t1 join blog_link_groups t2 on t1.link_group_id = t2.id where 1 = 1 / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_ALL_LINK_GROUPS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_all_link_groups as select t1.id as id ,t1.row_version as row_version ,t1.created_on as created_on ,lower( t1.created_by ) as created_by ,t1.changed_on as changed_on ,lower (t1.changed_by ) as changed_by ,t1.is_active as is_active ,t1.display_seq as display_seq ,t1.title as title ,t1.title_unique as title_unique ,t1.notes as notes ,( select count(1) as cnt from blog_links lkp where lkp.link_group_id = t1.id ) as link_count from blog_link_groups t1 where 1 = 1 / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_ALL_POST_TAGS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_all_post_tags as select t1.id as id ,t1.row_version as row_version ,t1.created_on as created_on ,lower(t1.created_by) as created_by ,t1.changed_on as changed_on ,lower(t1.changed_by) as changed_by ,t1.is_active as is_active ,t1.post_id as post_id ,t1.tag_id as tag_id ,t1.display_seq as display_seq ,( select lkp.tag from blog_tags lkp where 1 = 1 and lkp.id = t1.tag_id ) as tag ,( select lkp.is_active from blog_tags lkp where 1 = 1 and lkp.id = t1.tag_id ) as tag_is_active from blog_post_tags t1 where 1 = 1 / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_ALL_TAGS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_all_tags as select t1.id as id ,t1.row_version as row_version ,t1.created_on as created_on ,lower(t1.created_by) as created_by ,t1.changed_on as changed_on ,lower(t1.changed_by) as changed_by ,t1.is_active as is_active ,t1.tag as tag ,t1.tag_unique as tag_unique ,t1.notes as notes ,case t1.is_active when 1 then c.txt_enabled else c.txt_disabled end as tag_status_text ,( select count(1) from blog_post_tags lkp where 1 = 1 and lkp.tag_id = t1.id ) as posts_count ,case when exists( select 1 from blog_post_tags lkp where 1 = 1 and lkp.tag_id = t1.id ) then 'U' else 'UD' end as allowed_row_operation from blog_tags t1 cross join ( select apex_lang.message( 'BLOG_TXT_ENABLED' ) as txt_enabled ,apex_lang.message( 'BLOG_TXT_DISABLED' ) as txt_disabled from dual ) c where 1 = 1 / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_BLOGGERS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_bloggers as select t1.id as blogger_id ,t1.display_seq as display_seq ,t1.blogger_name as blogger_name ,t1.blogger_desc as blogger_desc from blog_bloggers t1 where 1 = 1 and t1.show_desc = 1 with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_DYNAMIC_CONTENT -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_dynamic_content as select t1.id as content_id ,t1.content_type as content_type ,t1.changed_on as changed_on ,t1.display_seq as display_seq ,t1.show_changed_on as show_changed_on ,t1.content_desc as content_desc ,t1.content_html as content_html ,blog_url.get_dynamic_page( p_content_id => t1.id ) as content_url from blog_dynamic_content t1 where 1 = 1 and t1.is_active = 1 with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_FEATURES -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_features as select t1.id as id , v1.application_id as application_id , v1.build_option_id as build_option_id , v1.last_updated_on as last_updated_on , lower( v1.last_updated_by ) as last_updated_by , t1.display_seq as display_seq , t1.build_option_name as build_option_name , v1.build_option_status as build_option_status , t1.build_option_parent as build_option_parent , case when v2.build_option_name is null then 'Y' else 'N' end as is_parent , apex_lang.message( p_name => t1.build_option_name ) as feature_desc ,regexp_replace( t1.build_option_name ,'^(BLOG)' ,'\1_HELP' ) as help_message -- HTML in query because IG removes HTML from column HTM expression in control break column -- Contrel break is soretd and attribute data-sort-order gives correct sort order ,apex_string.format( p_message => '%s' , p0 => lpad( min( t1.display_seq ) over( partition by t1.build_option_group ), 5, '0' ) , p1 => apex_lang.message( p_name => t1.build_option_group ) ) as feature_group_html from blog_features t1 join apex_application_build_options v1 on t1.build_option_name = v1.build_option_name left join apex_application_build_options v2 on t1.build_option_parent = v2.build_option_name where 1 = 1 and t1.is_active = 1 with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_FILES -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_files as select t1.id as file_id ,t1.row_version as row_version ,t1.created_on as created_on ,t1.changed_on as changed_on ,t1.is_download as is_download ,t1.file_name as file_name ,t1.mime_type as mime_type ,t1.blob_content as blob_content ,apex_string_util.to_display_filesize( p_size_in_bytes => t1.file_size ) as file_size ,t1.file_charset as file_charset ,t1.file_desc as file_desc ,apex_page.get_url( p_page => '1003' ,p_session => null ,p_request => 'application_process=download' ,p_items => 'x01' ,p_values => t1.file_name ) as file_url from blog_files t1 where 1 = 1 and t1.is_active = 1 with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_FORM_COMMENTS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_form_comments as select t1.id ,t1.row_version ,t1.is_active ,t1.post_id ,t1.parent_id ,( select lkp.title from blog_posts lkp where 1 = 1 and lkp.id = t1.post_id )as post_title ,t1.body_html ,t1.comment_by ,case when ( select count(1) from blog_comment_flags f11 where f11.flag = 'MODERATE' and f11.comment_id = t1.id ) > 0 then 'MODERATE' when t1.is_active = 1 then 'ENABLED' else 'DISABLED' end as comment_status_code from blog_comments t1 / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_INIT_ITEMS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_init_items as select i.application_id as application_id , i.item_name as item_name , s.attribute_value as attribute_value , v( i.item_name ) as session_value from blog_init_items i join blog_settings s on i.item_name = s.attribute_name where 1 = 1 and i.is_active = 1 with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_LINKS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_links as select t1.id as link_id , t2.id as group_id , t2.title as group_title , t2.display_seq as group_display_seq , t1.display_seq as display_seq , t1.title as link_title , t1.link_desc as link_desc , t1.link_url as link_url , t1.external_link + t1.target_blank as link_attr_code , case t1.external_link + t1.target_blank when 2 then 'target="_blank" rel="external"' when 1 then case t1.external_link when 1 then 'rel="external"' else 'target="_blank"' end end as link_attr from blog_links t1 join blog_link_groups t2 on t1.link_group_id = t2.id where 1 = 1 and t1.is_active = 1 and t2.is_active = 1 with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_LOV -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_lov as select t1.lov_name as lov_name ,t1.display_seq as display_seq ,t1.return_value as return_value ,t1.display_message as display_message ,apex_lang.message( t1.display_message ) as display_value from blog_list_of_values t1 where 1 = 1 and t1.is_active = 1 with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_POSTS_TAGS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_post_tags as with q1 as( select t2.post_id as post_id ,t2.tag_id as tag_id ,t2.display_seq as display_seq ,t1.tag as tag ,greatest( t1.changed_on ,t2.changed_on ) as changed_on -- Generate tag URL ,blog_url.get_tag( p_tag_id => t1.id ) as tag_url -- Generate HTML for tags used in APEX reports ,xmlelement( "span" ,xmlattributes( 't-Icon fa fa-tag' as "class" ,'true' as "aria-hidden" ) ) as tag_icon ,xmlelement( "span" ,xmlattributes( 't-Button-label' as "class" ) ,t1.tag ) as tag_label -- Tag CSS class ,'t-Button t-Button--icon t-Button--large t-Button--noUI t-Button--iconLeft' as tag_class from blog_tags t1 join blog_post_tags t2 on t1.id = t2.tag_id where 1 = 1 and t1.is_active = 1 and t2.is_active = 1 ) select q1.post_id as post_id ,q1.tag_id as tag_id ,q1.display_seq as display_seq ,q1.tag as tag ,q1.changed_on as changed_on ,q1.tag_url as tag_url -- Generate HTML for tags used in APEX reports ,xmlelement( "a" ,xmlattributes( q1.tag_url as "href" ,'blog-search--tags' as "class" ) ,q1.tag ) as tag_html1 ,xmlelement( "a" ,xmlattributes( q1.tag_url as "href" ,q1.tag_class as "class" ,'tag' as "rel" ) ,q1.tag_icon ,q1.tag_label ) as tag_html2 ,xmlelement( "span" ,xmlattributes( q1.tag_class as "class" ) ,q1.tag_icon ,q1.tag_label ) as tag_html3 from q1 with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_ALL_CATEGORIES -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_all_categories as select t1.id as id ,t1.row_version as row_version ,t1.created_on as created_on ,lower(t1.created_by) as created_by ,t1.changed_on as changed_on ,lower(t1.changed_by) as changed_by ,t1.is_active as is_active ,t1.display_seq as display_seq ,t1.title as title ,t1.title_unique as title_unique ,t1.notes as notes ,( select lkp.display_value from blog_v_lov lkp where lkp.lov_name = 'IS_ACTIVE' and to_number( lkp.return_value ) = t1.is_active ) as category_status_text ,( select count(1) from blog_posts lkp where lkp.category_id = t1.id ) as posts_count ,case when exists( select 1 from blog_posts lkp where lkp.category_id = t1.id ) then 'U' else 'UD' end as allowed_row_operation from blog_categories t1 where 1 = 1 / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_ALL_COMMENTS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_all_comments as with q1 as( select t1.id ,t1.row_version ,t1.created_on ,t1.created_by ,t1.changed_on ,t1.changed_by ,t1.is_active ,t1.post_id ,t1.parent_id ,( select lkp.title from blog_posts lkp where 1 = 1 and lkp.id = t1.post_id )as post_title ,t1.body_html ,t1.comment_by ,t1.ctx_search ,t1.rowid as ctx_rid ,apex_escape.striphtml( p_string => t1.body_html ) as ctx_search_text ,case when ( select count(1) from blog_comment_flags f11 where f11.flag = 'MODERATE' and f11.comment_id = t1.id ) > 0 then 'MODERATE' when t1.is_active = 1 then 'ENABLED' else 'DISABLED' end as comment_status_code ,case when ( select count(1) from blog_comment_flags f12 where f12.flag = 'NEW' and f12.comment_id = t1.id ) > 0 then 'NEW' when ( select count(1) from blog_comment_flags f13 where f13.flag = 'UNREAD' and f13.comment_id = t1.id ) > 0 then 'UNREAD' when t1.parent_id is not null then 'REPLY' else 'READ' end as comment_flag_code from blog_comments t1 ) select q1.id as id ,q1.row_version as row_version ,q1.created_on as created_on ,lower( q1.created_by ) as created_by ,q1.changed_on as changed_on ,lower( q1.changed_by ) as changed_by ,q1.is_active as is_active ,q1.post_id as post_id ,q1.parent_id as parent_id ,q1.post_title as post_title ,q1.body_html as body_html ,q1.comment_by as comment_by ,q1.ctx_search as ctx_search ,q1.ctx_rid as ctx_rid ,q1.comment_status_code as comment_status_code ,q1.comment_flag_code as comment_flag_code ,case when q1.comment_flag_code in( 'NEW', 'UNREAD' ) then 'true' else 'false' end as data_unread ,( select lov1.display_value from blog_v_lov lov1 where lov1.lov_name = 'COMMENT_STATUS' and lov1.return_value = q1.comment_status_code ) as comment_status_text ,( select lov2.display_value from blog_v_lov lov2 where lov2.lov_name = 'COMMENT_FLAG' and lov2.return_value = q1.comment_flag_code ) as comment_flag_text ,case q1.comment_status_code when 'MODERATE' then 'fa-exclamation-circle u-warning-text' when 'ENABLED' then 'fa-check-circle u-success-text' else 'fa-minus-circle u-danger-text' end as comment_status_icon ,case q1.comment_flag_code when 'REPLY' then 'fa-send-o' when 'NEW' then 'fa-envelope-arrow-down' when 'UNREAD' then 'fa-envelope-o' else 'fa-envelope-open-o' end as comment_flag_icon ,substr( q1.ctx_search_text, 1 , 128 ) || case when length( q1.ctx_search_text ) > 128 then ' ...' end as search_desc ,xmlserialize( content xmlforest( q1.comment_by as "commented_by" ,q1.ctx_search_text as "comment" ) ) as ctx_datastore from q1 where 1 = 1 / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_ALL_POSTS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_all_posts as with q1 as( select t1.id as id ,t1.category_id as category_id ,t1.blogger_id as blogger_id ,t1.row_version as row_version ,t1.created_on as created_on ,t1.created_by as created_by ,t1.changed_on as changed_on ,t1.changed_by as changed_by ,t3.blogger_name as blogger_name ,t3.email as blogger_email ,t2.title as category_title ,t1.title as title ,t1.post_desc as post_desc ,t1.first_paragraph as first_paragraph ,t1.body_html as body_html ,t1.body_length as body_length ,t1.published_on as published_on ,t1.notes as notes ,t1.ctx_search as ctx_search ,t1.rowid as ctx_rid ,case t1.is_active * t2.is_active * t3.is_active when 1 then t1.published_on end as published_display ,case when t3.is_active = 0 then 'BLOGGER_DISABLED' when t2.is_active = 0 then 'CATEGORY_DISABLED' when t1.is_active = 0 then 'DRAFT' when t1.published_on > localtimestamp then 'SCHEDULED' else 'PUBLISHED' end as post_status_code from blog_posts t1 join blog_categories t2 on t1.category_id = t2.id join blog_bloggers t3 on t1.blogger_id = t3.id where 1 = 1 ) select q1.id as id ,q1.category_id as category_id ,q1.blogger_id as blogger_id ,q1.row_version as row_version ,q1.created_on as created_on ,lower( q1.created_by ) as created_by ,q1.changed_on as changed_on ,lower( q1.changed_by ) as changed_by ,q1.blogger_name as blogger_name ,q1.blogger_email as blogger_email ,q1.category_title as category_title ,q1.title as title ,q1.post_desc as post_desc ,q1.first_paragraph as first_paragraph ,q1.body_html as body_html ,q1.body_length as body_length ,q1.published_on as published_on ,q1.notes as notes ,q1.published_display as published_display ,q1.post_status_code as post_status_code ,q1.ctx_search as ctx_search ,q1.ctx_rid as ctx_rid ,case q1.post_status_code when 'BLOGGER_DISABLED' then 'fa-stop-circle u-danger-text' when 'CATEGORY_DISABLED'then 'fa-minus-circle u-danger-text' when 'DRAFT' then 'fa-pause-circle u-warning-text' when 'SCHEDULED' then 'fa-clock-o u-info-text' when 'PUBLISHED' then 'fa-check-circle u-success-text' else 'fa-question-circle' end as post_status_icon -- Workaround for IR detail view ,to_char( q1.published_on ,( select blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'P0_BLOG_POST_DATE_FORMAT' ) from dual ) ) as detail_view_published ,( select listagg( tags.tag_id, ':' ) within group( order by tags.display_seq ) as tag_ids from blog_v_all_post_tags tags where 1 = 1 and tags.post_id = q1.id ) as tag_id ,( select listagg( tags.tag, ', ' ) within group( order by tags.display_seq ) as tags from blog_v_all_post_tags tags where 1 = 1 and tags.post_id = q1.id and tags.is_active * tags.tag_is_active = 1 ) as visible_tags ,( select listagg( tags.tag, ', ' ) within group( order by tags.display_seq ) as tags from blog_v_all_post_tags tags where 1 = 1 and tags.post_id = q1.id and tags.is_active * tags.tag_is_active = 0 ) as hidden_tags ,( select count(1) as cnt from blog_comments co where 1 = 1 and co.post_id = q1.id ) as comments_cnt ,( select count(1) as cnt from blog_comments co where 1 = 1 and co.is_active = 1 and co.post_id = q1.id ) as published_comments_cnt ,( select count(1) as cnt from blog_comments co where 1 = 1 and co.post_id = q1.id and exists( select 1 from blog_comment_flags x1 where 1 = 1 and x1.flag in( 'NEW', 'UNREAD' ) and x1.comment_id = co.id ) ) as unread_comments_cnt ,( select count(1) as cnt from blog_comments co where 1 = 1 and co.post_id = q1.id and exists( select 1 from blog_comment_flags x1 where 1 = 1 and x1.flag = 'MODERATE' and x1.comment_id = co.id ) ) as moderate_comments_cnt ,( select count(1) as cnt from blog_comments co where 1 = 1 and co.post_id = q1.id and co.is_active = 0 and not exists( select 1 from blog_comment_flags x1 where 1 = 1 and x1.flag = 'MODERATE' and x1.comment_id = co.id ) ) as disabled_comments_cnt ,( select lov.display_value from blog_v_lov lov where 1 = 1 and lov.lov_name = 'POST_STATUS' and lov.return_value = q1.post_status_code ) as post_status_txt -- Post tags for admin app page 11 IR detail view ,( select xmlserialize( content xmlagg( lkp1.tag_html3 order by lkp1.display_seq ) ) from blog_v_post_tags lkp1 where 1 = 1 and lkp1.post_id = q1.id ) as tags_html ,apex_escape.striphtml( p_string => q1.first_paragraph ) as search_desc -- XML for text index user datastore ,xmlserialize( content xmlforest( q1.blogger_name as "author" ,q1.title as "title" ,q1.category_title as "category" ,q1.post_desc as "description" --,q1.notes as "notes" ,apex_escape.striphtml( p_string => q1.body_html ) as "post" ,( select xmlagg( xmlforest( tags.tag as "tag" ) ) from blog_v_all_post_tags tags where 1 = 1 and tags.post_id = q1.id and tags.is_active * tags.tag_is_active = 1 ) as "tags" ) ) as ctx_datastore from q1 where 1 = 1 / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_FORM_POSTS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_form_posts as select t1.id as id ,t1.row_version as row_version ,t1.blogger_id as blogger_id ,t1.category_id as category_id ,t1.first_paragraph as first_paragraph ,t1.is_active as is_active ,t1.post_desc as post_desc ,( select lkp.title from blog_categories lkp where 1 = 1 and lkp.id = t1.category_id ) as category_title ,( select listagg( lkp.tag, ',' ) within group( order by lkp.display_seq ) from blog_v_all_post_tags lkp where 1 = 1 and lkp.post_id = t1.id ) as tags ,t1.published_on as published_on ,t1.title as title ,t1.body_html as body_html ,t1.notes as notes from blog_posts t1 where 1 = 1 / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_POSTS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_posts as with q1 as( select t1.id as post_id ,t3.id as category_id ,t2.id as blogger_id ,t2.blogger_name as blogger_name ,t1.title as post_title ,t3.title as category_title ,t1.post_desc as post_desc ,t1.first_paragraph as first_paragraph ,t1.body_html as body_html ,t1.published_on as published_on ,t1.ctx_search as ctx_search ,t1.changed_on as changed_on ,t1.archive_year as archive_year ,t3.display_seq as category_seq from blog_posts t1 join blog_bloggers t2 on t1.blogger_id = t2.id join blog_categories t3 on t1.category_id = t3.id where 1 = 1 and t1.is_active = 1 and t2.is_active = 1 and t3.is_active = 1 and t1.published_on <= current_timestamp ) select q1.post_id as post_id ,q1.category_id as category_id ,q1.blogger_id as blogger_id ,q1.blogger_name as blogger_name ,q1.post_title as post_title ,q1.category_title as category_title ,q1.post_desc as post_desc ,q1.first_paragraph as first_paragraph ,q1.body_html as body_html ,q1.published_on as published_on ,q1.ctx_search as ctx_search ,q1.changed_on as changed_on ,q1.archive_year as archive_year ,q1.category_seq as category_seq -- Generate post URL ,blog_url.get_post( p_post_id => q1.post_id ) as post_url -- Generate category URL ,blog_url.get_category( p_category_id => q1.category_id ) as category_url -- Aggregate tag HTML for post ,( select xmlserialize( content xmlagg( lkp_tag.tag_html1 order by lkp_tag.display_seq ) as varchar2(4000) ) as tags_html from blog_v_post_tags lkp_tag where 1 = 1 and lkp_tag.post_id = q1.post_id ) as tags_html1 ,( select xmlserialize( content xmlagg( lkp_tag.tag_html2 order by lkp_tag.display_seq ) ) as tags_html from blog_v_post_tags lkp_tag where 1 = 1 and lkp_tag.post_id = q1.post_id ) as tags_html2 -- Fetch next post id and title ,( select json_object( 'post_id' : lkp_next.post_id ,'post_title' : lkp_next.post_title ) as post from q1 lkp_next where 1 = 1 and lkp_next.published_on > q1.published_on order by lkp_next.published_on asc fetch first 1 rows only ) as next_post -- Fetch previous post id and title ,( select json_object( 'post_id' : lkp_prev.post_id ,'post_title' : lkp_prev.post_title ) as post from q1 lkp_prev where 1 = 1 and lkp_prev.published_on < q1.published_on order by lkp_prev.published_on desc fetch first 1 rows only ) as prev_post from q1 where 1 = 1 with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_SETTINGS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_settings as select t1.id as id ,t1.row_version as row_version ,t1.changed_on as changed_on ,lower(t1.changed_by) as changed_by ,t1.is_nullable as is_nullable ,t1.display_seq as display_seq ,t1.attribute_name as attribute_name ,apex_lang.message( p_name => t1.attribute_message ) as attribute_desc ,t1.attribute_value as attribute_value ,t1.data_type as data_type ,t1.int_min as int_min ,t1.int_max as int_max ,t1.help_message as help_message ,( select lov.display_value from blog_v_lov lov where lov.lov_name = 'YES_NO' and to_number( lov.return_value ) = ( t1.is_nullable - 1 ) * -1 ) as value_required -- HTML in query because IG removes HTML from column HTM expression in control break column -- Control break is sorted and attribute data-sort-order gives correct order ,apex_string.format( p_message => '%s' ,p0 => lpad( min( t1.display_seq ) over( partition by t1.attribute_group_message ), 5, '0' ) ,p1 => apex_lang.message( p_name => t1.attribute_group_message ) ) as attribute_group_html from blog_settings t1 where 1 = 1 and t1.attribute_group_message != 'INTERNAL' with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_ARCHIVE_YEAR -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_archive_year as select v1.archive_year as archive_year ,count(1) as post_count ,max( v1.changed_on ) as changed_on ,blog_url.get_archive( p_archive_id => v1.archive_year ) as archive_url ,feat.show_post_count as show_post_count ,case feat.show_post_count when 'INCLUDE' then count(1) end as list_badge ,apex_string.format( p_message => 'data-item-id="%s"' ,p0 => v1.archive_year ) as list_attr from blog_v_posts v1 cross join( select apex_application_admin.get_build_option_status( p_application_id => sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_ID' ) ,p_build_option_name => 'BLOG_FEATURE_ARCHIVE_POST_COUNT' ) as show_post_count from dual ) feat where 1 = 1 group by v1.archive_year ,feat.show_post_count with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_CATEGORIES -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_categories as select v1.category_id as category_id ,v1.category_title as category_title ,v1.category_seq as display_seq ,count(1) as posts_count -- if category is changed, trigger tickles text index and post changes ,max( v1.changed_on ) as changed_on ,blog_url.get_category( p_category_id => v1.category_id ) as category_url ,feat.show_post_count as show_post_count ,case feat.show_post_count when 'INCLUDE' then count(1) end as list_badge ,apex_string.format( p_message => 'data-item-id="%s"' ,p0 => v1.category_id ) as list_attr from blog_v_posts v1 cross join( select apex_application_admin.get_build_option_status( p_application_id => sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_ID' ) ,p_build_option_name => 'BLOG_FEATURE_CATEGORY_POST_COUNT' ) as show_post_count from dual ) feat where 1 = 1 group by v1.category_id ,v1.category_title ,v1.category_seq ,feat.show_post_count with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_COMMENTS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_comments as select t1.id as comment_id ,t1.post_id as post_id ,t1.parent_id as parent_id ,t1.created_on as created_on ,t1.comment_by as comment_by ,( select post_title from blog_v_posts lkp where 1 = 1 and lkp.post_id = t1.post_id ) as post_title -- Generate post URL ,blog_url.get_post( p_post_id => t1.post_id ) as post_url ,t1.body_html as comment_body ,t1.ctx_search as ctx_search ,apex_string.get_initials( p_str => t1.comment_by ) as user_icon ,apex_string.format( p_message => 'u-color-%s' ,p0 => ora_hash( lower( t1.comment_by ), 44 ) + 1 ) as icon_modifier from blog_comments t1 where 1 = 1 and t1.is_active = 1 and not exists( select 1 from blog_comment_flags x1 where 1 = 1 and x1.comment_id = t1.id and x1.flag = 'MODERATE' ) with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_POSTS_LAST20 -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_posts_last20 as select rownum as display_seq , q1.post_id as post_id , q1.published_on as published_on , q1.blogger_name as blogger_name , q1.post_title as post_title , q1.post_desc as post_desc , q1.category_title as category_title , q1.post_url as post_url , q1.body_html as body_html , q1.absolute_url as absolute_url , apex_string.format( p_message => 'data-item-id="%s"' ,p0 => q1.post_id ) as list_attr from ( select --+ first_rows(20) v1.post_id , v1.published_on , v1.blogger_name , v1.post_title , v1.post_desc , v1.category_title , v1.post_url , v1.body_html , blog_url.get_post( p_post_id => v1.post_id , p_canonical => 'YES' ) as absolute_url from blog_v_posts v1 order by v1.published_on desc ) q1 where 1 = 1 and rownum <= 20 with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for View BLOG_V_TAGS -------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view blog_v_tags as select v1.tag_id as tag_id ,v1.tag as tag ,v1.tag_url as tag_url ,count( 1 ) as posts_count -- if tag is changed, trigger tickles text index and post changes ,max( v2.changed_on ) as changed_on ,width_bucket( count( 1 ) ,min( count( 1 ) ) over() ,max( count( 1 ) ) over() ,7 ) as tag_bucket ,feat.show_post_count as show_post_count ,case feat.show_post_count when 'INCLUDE' then count(1) end as list_badge from blog_v_post_tags v1 join blog_v_posts v2 on v1.post_id = v2.post_id -- Get feature tag post count status cross join( select apex_application_admin.get_build_option_status( p_application_id => sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_ID' ) ,p_build_option_name => 'BLOG_FEATURE_TAG_CLOUD_POST_COUNT' ) as show_post_count from dual ) feat where 1 = 1 group by v1.tag_id ,v1.tag ,v1.tag_url ,feat.show_post_count with read only / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_BLOGGERS_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_BLOGGERS_TRG" before insert or update on blog_bloggers for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_CATEGORIES_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_CATEGORIES_TRG" before insert or update on blog_categories for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_COMMENTS_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_COMMENTS_TRG" before insert or update on blog_comments for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); -- tickle text index :new.ctx_search := 'X'; end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_COMMENT_FLAGS_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "BLOG_COMMENT_FLAGS_TRG" before insert or update on blog_comment_flags for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_COMMENT_SUBSCRIBERS_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_COMMENT_SUBSCRIBERS_TRG" before insert or update on blog_comment_subscribers for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_DYNAMIC_CONTENT_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_DYNAMIC_CONTENT_TRG" before insert or update on blog_dynamic_content for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_FEATURES_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_FEATURES_TRG" before insert or update on blog_features for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_FILES_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_FILES_TRG" before insert or update on blog_files for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); :new.file_size := sys.dbms_lob.getlength( :new.blob_content ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_INIT_ITEMS_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_INIT_ITEMS_TRG" before insert or update on blog_init_items for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_LINKS_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_LINKS_TRG" before insert or update on blog_links for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_LINK_GROUPS_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_LINK_GROUPS_TRG" before insert or update on blog_link_groups for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_LIST_OF_VALUES_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_LIST_OF_VALUES_TRG" before insert or update on blog_list_of_values for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_POSTS_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_POSTS_TRG" before insert or update on blog_posts for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id , to_number( to_char( sys_extract_utc( localtimestamp ), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISSFF6' ) ) ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); -- tickle text index :new.ctx_search := 'X'; end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_POST_TAGS_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_POST_TAGS_TRG" before insert or update on blog_post_tags for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_POST_UDS_CATEGORIES_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_POST_UDS_CATEGORIES_TRG" after update on blog_categories for each row begin -- if category is changed, update blog_posts table text index column update blog_posts t1 set ctx_search = ctx_search where 1 = 1 and :new.title_unique != :old.title_unique and t1.category_id = :new.id ; end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_POST_UDS_POST_TAGS_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_POST_UDS_POST_TAGS_TRG" for insert or update or delete on blog_post_tags compound trigger t_post_id apex_t_number; after each row is begin -- if tag is removed from post, save post id for after statement handling if deleting then apex_string.push( t_post_id, :old.post_id ); else -- if updating or inserting post tag, update blog_posts table text index column update blog_posts t1 set ctx_search = ctx_search where 1 = 1 and t1.id = :new.post_id ; end if; end after each row; after statement is begin -- handle removed tags and update blog_posts table text index column update blog_posts t1 set ctx_search = ctx_search where 1 = 1 and exists( select 1 from table( t_post_id ) x1 where 1 = 1 and x1.column_value = t1.id ) ; end after statement; end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_POST_UDS_TAGS_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_POST_UDS_TAGS_TRG" after update on blog_tags for each row begin if :new.tag_unique != :old.tag_unique or :new.is_active != :old.is_active then -- if tag is changed, update blog_posts table text index column update blog_posts t1 set ctx_search = ctx_search where 1 = 1 and exists( select 1 from blog_post_tags x1 where 1 = 1 and x1.post_id = t1.id and x1.tag_id = :new.id ) ; end if; end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_SETTINGS_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_SETTINGS_TRG" before insert or update on blog_settings for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_SUBSCRIBERS_EMAIL_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_SUBSCRIBERS_EMAIL_TRG" before insert or update on blog_subscribers_email for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Trigger BLOG_TAGS_TRG -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE TRIGGER "BLOG_TAGS_TRG" before insert or update on blog_tags for each row begin if inserting then :new.id := coalesce( :new.id, blog_seq.nextval ); :new.row_version := coalesce( :new.row_version, 1 ); :new.created_on := coalesce( :new.created_on, localtimestamp ); :new.created_by := coalesce( :new.created_by ,sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); elsif updating then :new.row_version := :old.row_version + 1; end if; :new.changed_on := localtimestamp; :new.changed_by := coalesce( sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'PROXY_USER' ) ,sys_context( 'USERENV', 'SESSION_USER' ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- Create text index preferences for index BLOG_COMMENTS_CTX -------------------------------------------------------- begin ctx_ddl.create_preference( preference_name => 'BLOG_COMMENTS_UDS' ,object_name => 'USER_DATASTORE' ); ctx_ddl.set_attribute( preference_name => 'BLOG_COMMENTS_UDS' ,attribute_name => 'OUTPUT_TYPE' ,attribute_value => 'CLOB' ); ctx_ddl.set_attribute( preference_name => 'BLOG_COMMENTS_UDS' ,attribute_name => 'PROCEDURE' ,attribute_value => apex_string.format( p_message => '%s.BLOG_CTX.GENERATE_COMMENT_DATASTORE' ,p0 => sys_context( 'USERENV', 'CURRENT_SCHEMA' ) ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- Create text index BLOG_COMMENTS_CTX -------------------------------------------------------- create index blog_comments_ctx on blog_comments( ctx_search ) indextype is ctxsys.context parameters( 'datastore blog_comments_uds lexer ctxsys.default_lexer section group ctxsys.auto_section_group stoplist ctxsys.empty_stoplist filter ctxsys.null_filter sync (on commit)' ); -------------------------------------------------------- -- Create text index preferences for index BLOG_POSTS_CTX -------------------------------------------------------- begin ctx_ddl.create_preference( preference_name => 'BLOG_POSTS_UDS' ,object_name => 'USER_DATASTORE' ); ctx_ddl.set_attribute( preference_name => 'BLOG_POSTS_UDS' ,attribute_name => 'OUTPUT_TYPE' ,attribute_value => 'CLOB' ); ctx_ddl.set_attribute( preference_name => 'BLOG_POSTS_UDS' ,attribute_name => 'PROCEDURE' ,attribute_value => apex_string.format( p_message => '%s.BLOG_CTX.GENERATE_POST_DATASTORE' ,p0 => sys_context( 'USERENV', 'CURRENT_SCHEMA' ) ) ); end; / -------------------------------------------------------- -- Create text index BLOG_POSTS_CTX -------------------------------------------------------- create index blog_posts_ctx on blog_posts( ctx_search ) indextype is ctxsys.context parameters( 'datastore blog_posts_uds lexer ctxsys.default_lexer section group ctxsys.auto_section_group stoplist ctxsys.empty_stoplist filter ctxsys.null_filter sync (on commit)' ); create or replace package body "BLOG_CTX" as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private constants and variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private procedures and functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global procedures and functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure generate_post_datastore( rid in rowid, tlob in out nocopy clob ) as begin select ctx_datastore into tlob from blog_v_all_posts v1 where 1 = 1 and v1.ctx_rid = rid ; end generate_post_datastore; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure generate_comment_datastore( rid in rowid, tlob in out nocopy clob ) as begin select ctx_datastore into tlob from blog_v_all_comments v1 where 1 = 1 and v1.ctx_rid = rid ; end generate_comment_datastore; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_post_search( p_search in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as l_xml varchar2(32767) := '' || '#NORMAL#' || '#WILDCARD#' || '#FUZZY#' || '' ; l_search varchar2(32767); l_tokens apex_t_varchar2; function generate_query( p_feature in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as l_token varchar2(32767); l_query varchar2(32767); l_within apex_t_varchar2; begin for i in 1 .. l_tokens.count loop l_token := trim( l_tokens(i) ); if l_token = 'or' then l_query := rtrim( l_query, 'and' ); l_query := rtrim( l_query, 'or' ); l_query := l_query || 'or'; elsif l_token is not null and l_token not in( 'and', ':' ) then l_within := apex_string.split( l_token, ':' ); if l_within.count() = 2 then l_query := apex_string.format( p_message => case p_feature when 'FUZZY' then ' %s fuzzy({%s}) within {%s} and' when 'WILDCARD' then ' %s {%s}%% within {%s} and' else ' %s {%s} within {%s} and' end ,p0 => l_query ,p1 => l_within(2) ,p2 => l_within(1) ) ; else l_query := apex_string.format( p_message => case p_feature when 'FUZZY' then ' %s fuzzy({%s}) and' when 'WILDCARD' then ' %s {%s}%% and' else ' %s {%s} and' end ,p0 => l_query ,p1 => l_token ) ; end if; end if; end loop; l_query := rtrim( l_query, 'and' ); l_query := rtrim( l_query, 'or' ); return trim( l_query ); end generate_query; begin if substr( p_search, 1, 8 ) = 'ORATEXT:' then l_search := trim( substr( apex_escape.striphtml( p_search ), 9 ) ); else apex_debug.info( p_message => 'User search string: %s' ,p0 => p_search ); -- remove special characters; irrelevant for full text search l_search := apex_escape.striphtml( p_search ); l_search := regexp_replace( l_search, '[<>{}/()*%&!$?.,;\+#]', ' '); l_search := regexp_replace( l_search, '(^[:]+|[:]+$|\s+[:]+|[:]+\s+|[:][:]+)', ' ' ); l_search := trim( lower( l_search ) ); apex_debug.info( p_message => 'User search string after cleanup: %s' ,p0 => l_search ); l_tokens := apex_string.split( l_search, ' ' ); l_search := generate_query( 'NORMAL' ); if l_search is not null then l_search := replace( l_xml, '#NORMAL#', l_search ); l_search := replace( l_search, '#WILDCARD#', generate_query( 'WILDCARD' ) ); l_search := replace( l_search, '#FUZZY#', generate_query( 'FUZZY' ) ); end if; end if; l_search := case when l_search is null then '{ }' else l_search end ; apex_debug.info( p_message => 'Function get_post_search returns: %s' ,p0 => l_search ); return l_search; end get_post_search; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_CTX"; / create or replace package body "BLOG_UTIL" as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private constants and variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_mime_default constant varchar2(40) := 'application/octet'; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private procedures and functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global functions and procedures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure raise_http_error( p_error_code in number ) as begin -- output HTTP status owa_util.status_line( p_error_code ); -- stop APEX apex_application.stop_apex_engine; exception when others then raise; end raise_http_error; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function apex_error_handler( p_error in apex_error.t_error ) return apex_error.t_error_result as l_genereric_error constant varchar2(255) := 'BLOG_GENERIC_ERROR'; l_result apex_error.t_error_result; l_reference_id pls_integer; l_constraint_name varchar2(255); l_err_mesg varchar2(32700); begin -- This function must be used to ensure initialization is compatible -- with future changes to t_error_result. l_result := apex_error.init_error_result( p_error => p_error ) ; -- If it's an internal error raised by APEX, like an invalid statement or -- code which can't be executed, the error text might contain security sensitive -- information. To avoid this security problem we can rewrite the error to -- a generic error message and log the original error message for further -- investigation by the help desk. if p_error.is_internal_error then if not p_error.is_common_runtime_error then -- Change the message to the generic error message which doesn't expose -- any sensitive information. l_result.message := apex_lang.message( p_name => l_genereric_error ) ; l_result.additional_info := null; end if; else -- If it's a constraint violation like -- -- -) ORA-02292 ORA-02291 ORA-02290 ORA-02091 ORA-00001: unique constraint violated -- -) : transaction rolled back (-> can hide a deferred constraint) -- -) : check constraint violated -- -) : integrity constraint violated - parent key not found -- -) : integrity constraint violated - child record found -- -- we try to get a friendly error message from our constraint lookup configuration. -- If we don't find the constraint in our lookup table we fallback to -- the original ORA error message. if p_error.ora_sqlcode in (-1, -2091, -2290, -2291, -2292) then l_constraint_name := apex_error.extract_constraint_name( p_error => p_error ) ; l_err_mesg := apex_lang.message( p_name => l_constraint_name ) ; -- not every constraint has to be in our lookup table if not l_err_mesg = l_constraint_name then l_result.message := l_err_mesg; l_result.additional_info := null; end if; end if; -- If an ORA error has been raised, for example a raise_application_error(-20xxx, '...') -- in a table trigger or in a PL/SQL package called by a process and we -- haven't found the error in our lookup table, then we just want to see -- the actual error text and not the full error stack with all the ORA error numbers. if p_error.ora_sqlcode is not null and l_result.message = p_error.message then l_result.message := apex_error.get_first_ora_error_text ( p_error => p_error ) ; l_result.additional_info := null; end if; -- If no associated page item/tabular form column has been set, we can use -- apex_error.auto_set_associated_item to automatically guess the affected -- error field by examine the ORA error for constraint names or column names. if l_result.page_item_name is null and l_result.column_alias is null then apex_error.auto_set_associated_item ( p_error => p_error ,p_error_result => l_result ); end if; end if; return l_result; end apex_error_handler; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function int_to_vc2( p_value in number ) return varchar2 as begin -- convert number to string without decimals return to_char( p_value, 'fm99999999999999999999999999999999999999' ); end int_to_vc2; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_attribute_value( p_attribute_name in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as l_value blog_settings.attribute_value%type; begin -- raise no data found error if parameter p_attribute_name is null if p_attribute_name is null then raise no_data_found; end if; -- fetch and return value from settings table select attribute_value into l_value from blog_settings where attribute_name = p_attribute_name ; apex_debug.info( p_message => 'Fetch attribute %s return: %s' ,p0 => p_attribute_name ,p1 => l_value ); -- return attribute value return l_value; -- Handle error cases exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => 'Error: %s %s( %s => %s )' ,p0 => sqlerrm ,p1 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) ,p2 => 'p_attribute_name' ,p3 => coalesce( p_attribute_name, '(null)' ) ); raise; end get_attribute_value; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure initialize_items( p_app_id in varchar2 ) as l_app_id blog_v_init_items.application_id%type; type item_value_r is record( item_name blog_v_init_items.item_name%type, item_value blog_v_init_items.attribute_value%type ); type items_t is table of item_value_r; l_init_items items_t; begin apex_debug.enter( p_routine_name => 'blog_util.initialize_items' , p_name01 => 'p_app_id' , p_value01 => p_app_id ); -- raise no data found error if parameter p_app_id_name is null if p_app_id is null then raise no_data_found; end if; -- conver application id string to number l_app_id := to_number( p_app_id ); -- fetch items and values that session state need to be set select v1.item_name , v1.attribute_value bulk collect into l_init_items from blog_v_init_items v1 where 1 = 1 and v1.application_id = l_app_id and ( v1.attribute_value != v1.session_value or( v1.attribute_value is null and v1.session_value is not null ) or( v1.attribute_value is not null and v1.session_value is null ) ) ; for i in 1 .. l_init_items.count loop -- set item session state. do not commit. apex_util.set_session_state( p_name => l_init_items(i).item_name , p_value => l_init_items(i).item_value , p_commit => false ); end loop; exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => 'Error: %s. %s( %s => %s )' ,p0 => sqlerrm ,p1 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) ,p2 => 'p_app_id' ,p3 => coalesce( p_app_id, '(null)' ) ); raise; end initialize_items; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure get_post_details( p_post_id in varchar2, p_post_title out nocopy varchar2, p_post_desc out nocopy varchar2, p_post_category out nocopy varchar2, p_post_author out nocopy varchar2, p_post_published out nocopy varchar2, p_post_modified out nocopy varchar2, p_next_post_id out nocopy varchar2, p_next_post_title out nocopy varchar2, p_prev_post_id out nocopy varchar2, p_prev_post_title out nocopy varchar2 ) as l_next_post_id number; l_prev_post_id number; l_post_id blog_v_posts.post_id%type; l_published_on blog_v_posts.published_on%type; l_changed_on blog_v_posts.changed_on%type; begin -- raise no data found error if parameter p_post_id is null if p_post_id is null then raise no_data_found; end if; -- conver post id string to number l_post_id := to_number( p_post_id ); -- fetch post title and description by post id -- also fetch prev and next post id and title select v1.post_title , v1.post_desc , v1.category_title , v1.blogger_name , v1.published_on , v1.changed_on , v1.next_post.post_id , v1.next_post.post_title , v1.prev_post.post_id , v1.prev_post.post_title into p_post_title , p_post_desc , p_post_category , p_post_author , l_published_on , l_changed_on , l_next_post_id , p_next_post_title , l_prev_post_id , p_prev_post_title from blog_v_posts v1 where 1 = 1 and post_id = l_post_id ; p_next_post_id := int_to_vc2( l_next_post_id ); p_prev_post_id := int_to_vc2( l_prev_post_id ); -- Get post published and modified UTC time p_post_published := to_char( sys_extract_utc( l_published_on ) , g_iso_8601_date , g_nls_date_lang ) ; p_post_modified := to_char( sys_extract_utc( l_changed_on ) , g_iso_8601_date , g_nls_date_lang ) ; -- handle errors exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => 'Error: %s %s( %s => %s )' , p0 => sqlerrm , p1 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) , p2 => 'p_post_id' , p3 => coalesce( p_post_id, '(null)' ) ); -- show http error raise_http_error( 404 ); raise; end get_post_details; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_category_title( p_category_id in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as l_category_id blog_v_categories.category_id%type; l_category_name blog_v_categories.category_title%type; begin -- raise no data found error if parameter p_category_id is null if p_category_id is null then raise no_data_found; end if; -- conver category id string to number l_category_id := to_number( p_category_id ); -- fetch category name select v1.category_title into l_category_name from blog_v_categories v1 where v1.category_id = l_category_id ; -- return category name return l_category_name; -- handle errors exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => 'Error: %s %s( %s => %s, %s => %s )' , p0 => sqlerrm , p1 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) , p2 => 'p_category_id' , p3 => coalesce( p_category_id, '(null)' ) ); -- show http error raise_http_error( 404 ); raise; end get_category_title; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_tag( p_tag_id in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as l_tag_id blog_v_tags.tag_id%type; l_tag_name blog_v_tags.tag%type; begin -- raise no data found error if parameter p_tag_id is null if p_tag_id is null then raise no_data_found; end if; -- conver tag id string to number l_tag_id := to_number( p_tag_id ); -- fetch tag name select t1.tag into l_tag_name from blog_v_tags t1 where 1 = 1 and t1.tag_id = l_tag_id ; -- return category name return l_tag_name; -- handle errors exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => 'Error: %s %s( %s => %s )' , p0 => sqlerrm , p1 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) , p2 => 'p_tag_id' , p3 => coalesce( p_tag_id, '(null)' ) ); -- show http error raise_http_error( 404 ); raise; end get_tag; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure download_file ( p_blob_content in out nocopy blob, p_mime_type in varchar2, p_header_names in apex_t_varchar2, p_header_values in apex_t_varchar2, p_charset in varchar2 default null ) as begin -- init HTTP buffer --sys.htp.flush; --sys.htp.init; -- open HTTP header sys.owa_util.mime_header( ccontent_type => coalesce ( p_mime_type, c_mime_default ) , bclose_header => false , ccharset => p_charset ); apex_debug.info( p_message => 'Set response headers' ); -- set response headers for i in 1 .. p_header_names.count loop apex_debug.info( p_message => 'Header name: %s , header value: %s' , p0 => p_header_names(i) , p1 => p_header_values(i) ); if p_header_values(i) is not null then -- output HTTP header sys.htp.p( apex_string.format( p_message => '%s: %s' , p0 => p_header_names(i) , p1 => p_header_values(i) ) ); else apex_debug.info( p_message => 'Header %s value is null. Header not set' , p0 => p_header_names(i) ); end if; end loop; -- close HTTP header sys.owa_util.http_header_close; -- output file sys.wpg_docload.download_file ( p_blob_content ); -- handle errors exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => '%s Error: %s' , p0 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) , p1 => sqlerrm ); -- show http error raise_http_error( 400 ); raise; end download_file; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure download_file ( p_file_name in varchar2 ) as l_last_modified varchar2(256); l_file_t blog_v_files%rowtype; l_header_names apex_t_varchar2; l_header_values apex_t_varchar2; begin -- fetch file select * into l_file_t from blog_v_files t1 where 1 = 1 --and t1.is_download = 0 and t1.file_name = p_file_name ; l_last_modified := to_char( sys_extract_utc( l_file_t.changed_on ) , g_rfc_2822_date , g_nls_date_lang ) ; apex_debug.info( p_message => 'File name: %s, file size: %s, mime type: %s, charset: %s, last modified: %s' , p0 => l_file_t.file_name , p1 => l_file_t.file_size , p2 => l_file_t.mime_type , p3 => l_file_t.file_charset , p4 => l_last_modified ); -- Compare request If-Modified-Since header to Last-Modified -- If values are equal then set status header and exit from procedure if sys.owa_util.get_cgi_env( 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' ) = l_last_modified then sys.owa_util.status_line( 304 ); apex_debug.info( p_message => 'File not sent. If-Modified-Since: %s' , p0 => l_last_modified ); return; end if; -- Add Last-Modified header apex_string.push( p_table => l_header_names , p_value => 'Last-Modified' ); apex_string.push( p_table => l_header_values , p_value => l_last_modified ); -- Add Cache-Control header apex_string.push( p_table => l_header_names , p_value => 'Cache-Control' ); apex_string.push( p_table => l_header_values , p_value => apex_string.format( p_message => 'max-age=%s' , p0 => case l_file_t.is_download when 1 then get_attribute_value( 'G_MAX_AGE_DOWNLOAD' ) else get_attribute_value( 'G_MAX_AGE_FILE' ) end ) ); -- add Content-Disposition header apex_string.push( p_table => l_header_names , p_value => 'Content-Disposition' ); apex_string.push( p_table => l_header_values , p_value => apex_string.format( p_message => '%s; filename="%s"' , p0 => case l_file_t.is_download when 1 then 'attachment' else 'inline' end , p1 => l_file_t.file_name ) ); -- download file download_file( p_blob_content => l_file_t.blob_content , p_mime_type => l_file_t.mime_type , p_header_names => l_header_names , p_header_values => l_header_values ); -- handle errors exception when no_data_found then apex_debug.error( p_message => 'Error: %s %s( %s => %s )' , p0 => sqlerrm , p1 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) , p2 => 'p_file_name' , p3 => coalesce( p_file_name, '(null)' ) ); raise_http_error( 404 ); when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => 'Error: %s %s( %s => %s )' , p0 => sqlerrm , p1 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) , p2 => 'p_file_name' , p3 => coalesce( p_file_name, '(null)' ) ); raise_http_error( 400 ); raise; end download_file; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure redirect_search( p_value in varchar2, p_app_id in varchar2 default null, p_page_id in varchar2 default 'SEARCH', p_session in varchar2 default null ) as begin -- Get search page URL and redirect apex_util.redirect_url ( apex_page.get_url( p_application => p_app_id , p_page => p_page_id , p_session => p_session , p_items => 'P4_SEARCH' , p_values => p_value , p_plain_url => true ) ); end redirect_search; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_UTIL"; / create or replace package body "BLOG_CM" as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private constants and variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private procedures and functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function next_seq( p_max in number ) return number as begin return ceil( coalesce( p_max + 1, 1 ) / 10 ) * 10; end next_seq; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure add_tag_to_post( p_post_id in number, p_tag_id in number, p_display_seq in number ) as begin -- merge tag merge into blog_post_tags t1 using dual on ( t1.post_id = p_post_id and t1.tag_id = p_tag_id ) when matched then -- update display sequence if it changed update set t1.display_seq = p_display_seq where t1.display_seq != p_display_seq -- insert post id, tag id and display sequency to table when not matched then insert ( is_active, post_id, tag_id, display_seq ) values ( 1, p_post_id, p_tag_id, p_display_seq ) ; end add_tag_to_post; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure cleanup_post_tags( p_post_id in number, p_tag_tab in apex_t_number ) as begin -- delete relationship from tags that aren't belong to post anymore delete from blog_post_tags t1 where 1 = 1 and post_id = p_post_id and not exists( select 1 from table( p_tag_tab ) x1 where 1 = 1 and x1.column_value = t1.tag_id ); end cleanup_post_tags; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure add_blogger( p_app_id in varchar2, p_username in varchar2, p_user_id out nocopy number, p_name out nocopy varchar2 ) as l_max blog_bloggers.display_seq%type; l_email blog_bloggers.email%type; l_app_id apex_applications.application_id%type; l_authz apex_applications.authorization_scheme%type; begin -- convert application id string to number l_app_id := to_number( p_app_id ); -- fetch application authorization scheme name. select authorization_scheme into l_authz from apex_applications where 1 = 1 and application_id = l_app_id ; apex_debug.info( 'Check is user in group: %s.', l_authz ); -- verify user is authorized if apex_authorization.is_authorized( l_authz ) then -- if user is authorized add user to blog_bloggers table apex_debug.info( 'User %s is authorized and added to bloggers.', p_username ); -- fetch next display_seq select max( t1.display_seq ) as display_seq into l_max from blog_bloggers t1 ; l_max := next_seq( l_max ); -- get APEX user email l_email := apex_util.get_email( p_username => p_username ); -- get APEX user first and last name for blogger name p_name := apex_string.format( p_message => '%s %s' , p0 => apex_util.get_first_name( p_username => p_username ) , p1 => apex_util.get_last_name( p_username => p_username ) ); -- add new blogger insert into blog_bloggers ( is_active, publish_desc, display_seq, apex_username, blogger_name, email ) values ( 1, 0, l_max, p_username, p_name, l_email ) returning id into p_user_id ; else apex_debug.info( 'User %s is not authorized.', p_username ); end if; end add_blogger; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global functions and procedures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure post_authentication as l_group_names apex_t_varchar2; l_user_name apex_workspace_apex_users.user_name%type; begin l_user_name := sys_context( 'APEX$SESSION', 'APP_USER' ); -- collect user groups to PL/SQL table for c1 in( select distinct g.group_name from apex_workspace_groups g left join apex_workspace_group_groups gg on g.group_name = gg.grantee_name left join apex_workspace_group_users gu on g.group_name = gu.group_name and gu.user_name = l_user_name left join apex_workspace_apex_users u on gu.user_name = u.user_name and u.account_locked = 'No' and u.user_name = l_user_name start with u.user_name = l_user_name connect by nocycle prior gg.group_name = g.group_name ) loop apex_string.push( l_group_names, c1.group_name ); end loop; -- Enable user groups apex_authorization.enable_dynamic_groups ( p_group_names => l_group_names ); exception when others then apex_debug.error( 'Unhandled post authentication procedure error: %s: ', sqlerrm ); raise; end post_authentication; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure get_blogger_details( p_app_id in varchar2, p_username in varchar2, p_user_id out nocopy number, p_name out nocopy varchar2 ) as begin apex_debug.info( 'Fetch user id and name for username: %s', p_username ); -- fetch user id and name select id ,blogger_name into p_user_id, p_name from blog_bloggers where apex_username = p_username ; -- if user not found, try add user exception when no_data_found then apex_debug.info( 'User %s not found from bloggers.', p_username ); add_blogger( p_app_id => p_app_id , p_username => p_username , p_user_id => p_user_id , p_name => p_name ); end get_blogger_details; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_category_seq return varchar2 as l_max_seq blog_v_all_categories.display_seq%type; l_next_seq varchar2(256); begin -- fetch max category display sequence select max( v1.display_seq ) as display_seq into l_max_seq from blog_v_all_categories v1 ; -- get next category display sequence l_next_seq := blog_util.int_to_vc2( next_seq( l_max_seq ) ); -- return next category display sequence return l_next_seq; end get_category_seq; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_link_grp_seq return varchar2 as l_max_seq blog_v_all_link_groups.display_seq%type; l_next_seq varchar2(256); begin -- fetch max link group display sequence select max( v1.display_seq ) as display_seq into l_max_seq from blog_v_all_link_groups v1 ; -- get next link group display sequence l_next_seq := blog_util.int_to_vc2( next_seq( l_max_seq ) ); -- return next link group display sequence return l_next_seq; end get_link_grp_seq; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_modal_page_seq return varchar2 as l_max_seq blog_v_all_dynamic_content.display_seq%type; l_next_seq varchar2(256); begin -- fetch max link group display sequence select max( v1.display_seq ) as display_seq into l_max_seq from blog_v_all_dynamic_content v1 ; -- get next link group display sequence l_next_seq := blog_util.int_to_vc2( next_seq( l_max_seq ) ); -- return next link group display sequence return l_next_seq; end get_modal_page_seq; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_link_seq( p_link_group_id in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as l_link_group_id number; l_max_seq blog_v_all_links.display_seq%type; l_next_seq varchar2(256); begin -- conver link group id string to number l_link_group_id := to_number( p_link_group_id ); -- fetch max link display sequence select max( v1.display_seq ) as display_seq into l_max_seq from blog_v_all_links v1 where 1 = 1 and link_group_id = l_link_group_id ; -- get next link display sequence l_next_seq := blog_util.int_to_vc2( next_seq( l_max_seq ) ); -- return next link display sequence return l_next_seq; end get_link_seq; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function request_to_post_status( p_request in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as begin -- conver APEX request to post status (blog_posts.is_active) return case p_request when 'CREATE' then '1' when 'SAVE' then '1' when 'SAVE_AND_PUBLISH' then '1' else '0' end; end request_to_post_status; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function remove_whitespace( p_string in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as begin -- remove whitespace characters from string return trim( regexp_replace( p_string, '\s+', ' ' ) ); end remove_whitespace; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_first_paragraph( p_body_html in clob ) return varchar2 as l_first_p clob; l_first_p_start number; l_first_p_end number; l_length number; l_next_p number; l_cnt number; begin l_cnt := 1; l_next_p := 1; -- get first opening and closing tag positions l_first_p_start := instr( p_body_html, '

' ); l_first_p_end := instr( p_body_html, '

', l_first_p_start ) + 4; -- check if there nested tags while l_next_p > 0 loop l_cnt := l_cnt + 1; -- get string length between opening and closing tag l_length := l_first_p_end - l_first_p_start; -- select contect between opening and closing tag l_first_p := substr( p_body_html, l_first_p_start, l_length ); -- check if there is more opening tags inside selection l_next_p := instr( l_first_p, ' 0 then -- if another opening tag found, find next closing tag l_first_p_end := instr( p_body_html, '

', 1, l_cnt ) + 4; end if; l_first_p := null; end loop; -- post must have at least one paragraph if l_first_p_start > 0 and l_first_p_end > 0 then l_length := l_first_p_end - l_first_p_start; -- get first paragraph l_first_p := substr( p_body_html, l_first_p_start, l_length ); -- remove whitespace l_first_p := remove_whitespace( l_first_p ); end if; return l_first_p; end get_first_paragraph; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function file_exists( p_file_name in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as l_file_exists varchar2(6); l_file_names apex_t_varchar2; begin -- Get file names l_file_names := apex_string.split ( p_str => p_file_name ,p_sep => ':' ); -- check if any of files already exists select case when count(1) = 0 then 'NO' else 'YES' end as file_exists into l_file_exists from blog_v_all_files t1 where 1 = 1 and exists( select 1 from apex_application_temp_files x1 join table( l_file_names ) x2 on x1.name = x2.column_value where 1 = 1 and x1.filename = t1.file_name ) ; return l_file_exists; end file_exists; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure merge_files( p_file_name in varchar2 ) as l_file_names apex_t_varchar2; begin -- Get file names l_file_names := apex_string.split ( p_str => p_file_name ,p_sep => ':' ); -- insert new files and overwrite existing merge into blog_files t1 using ( select t2.id as id ,t2.is_active as is_active ,t2.is_download as is_download ,t1.filename as file_name ,t2.file_desc as file_desc ,t1.mime_type as mime_type ,t1.blob_content as blob_content from apex_application_temp_files t1 left join blog_v_all_files t2 on t1.filename = t2.file_name where 1 = 1 and exists( select 1 from table( l_file_names ) x1 where 1 = 1 and x1.column_value = t1.name ) ) new_files on ( t1.id = new_files.id ) when matched then update set t1.blob_content = new_files.blob_content when not matched then insert ( is_active ,is_download ,file_name ,mime_type ,blob_content ,file_desc ) values ( coalesce( new_files.is_active, 1) ,coalesce( new_files.is_download, 0 ) ,new_files.file_name ,new_files.mime_type ,new_files.blob_content ,new_files.file_desc ); -- cleanup. delete files from temp table. delete from apex_application_temp_files t1 where 1 = 1 and exists( select 1 from table( l_file_names ) x1 where 1 = 1 and x1.column_value = t1.name ); end merge_files; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure add_category( p_category_title in varchar2, p_category_id out nocopy number ) as l_next_seq number; l_title varchar2(512); l_title_unique varchar2(512); begin -- remove whitespace from category title l_title := remove_whitespace( p_category_title ); l_title_unique := upper( l_title ); -- check if category already exists and fetch id begin select v1.id into p_category_id from blog_v_all_categories v1 where 1 = 1 and v1.title_unique = l_title_unique ; -- if category not exists insert and return id exception when no_data_found then -- get next sequence value l_next_seq := get_category_seq; -- insert category and return id for out parameter. insert into blog_categories ( is_active, display_seq, title ) values ( 1, l_next_seq, l_title ) returning id into p_category_id ; end; -- fetch category id if it was inserted in other session but not commited exception when dup_val_on_index then select v1.id into p_category_id from blog_v_all_categories v1 where 1 = 1 and v1.title_unique = l_title_unique ; end add_category; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure remove_unused_categories as begin -- cleanup categories that aren't linked to any post delete from blog_categories t1 where 1 = 1 and not exists( select 1 from blog_posts x1 where 1 = 1 and x1.category_id = t1.id ); end remove_unused_categories; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure resequence_categories as begin -- update categories display_seq if it different than new merge into blog_categories t1 using ( select id ,row_number() over( order by display_seq, created_on ) * 10 as new_display_seq from blog_categories where 1 = 1 ) v1 on ( t1.id = v1.id ) when matched then update set t1.display_seq = v1.new_display_seq where t1.display_seq != v1.new_display_seq ; end resequence_categories; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure add_tag( p_tag in varchar2, p_tag_id out nocopy number ) as l_value varchar2(256); begin p_tag_id := null; l_value := remove_whitespace( p_tag ); -- if tag is not null then fetch id if l_value is not null then begin select id into p_tag_id from blog_v_all_tags where 1 = 1 and tag_unique = upper( l_value ) ; -- if tag not exists insert and return id exception when no_data_found then insert into blog_tags ( is_active, tag ) values ( 1, l_value ) returning id into p_tag_id ; end; end if; end add_tag; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure add_post_tags( p_post_id in varchar2, p_tags in varchar2, p_sep in varchar2 default ',' ) as l_post_id number; l_tag_id number; l_display_seq number; l_tag_tab apex_t_varchar2; l_tag_id_tab apex_t_number; begin l_post_id := to_number( p_post_id ); -- split tags string to table and loop all values l_tag_tab := apex_string.split( p_str => p_tags ,p_sep => p_sep ); for i in 1 .. l_tag_tab.count loop -- add tag to repository and return id add_tag( p_tag => l_tag_tab(i) ,p_tag_id => l_tag_id ); -- if the tag has been added or is already in the repository -- create relationships to post if l_tag_id is not null then -- collect tag id to table. -- table is used at end of procedure -- for checking relationships that should be removed apex_string.push( l_tag_id_tab, l_tag_id ); -- get table record count for tag display sequence l_display_seq:= l_tag_id_tab.count * 10; -- add tag relationships to post add_tag_to_post( p_post_id => l_post_id ,p_tag_id => l_tag_id ,p_display_seq => l_display_seq ); end if; end loop; -- delete removed tags relationships cleanup_post_tags( p_post_id => l_post_id ,p_tag_tab => l_tag_id_tab ); end add_post_tags; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure remove_unused_tags as begin -- cleanup tags that aren't linked to any post delete from blog_tags t1 where 1 = 1 and not exists( select 1 from blog_post_tags x1 where 1 = 1 and x1.tag_id = t1.id ); end remove_unused_tags; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure resequence_tags( p_post_id in varchar2 ) as l_post_id number; begin l_post_id := to_number( p_post_id ); -- update post tags display_seq if it different than new merge into blog_post_tags t1 using ( select id ,row_number() over( order by display_seq, created_on ) * 10 as new_display_seq from blog_post_tags where 1 = 1 and post_id = l_post_id ) v1 on ( t1.id = v1.id ) when matched then update set t1.display_seq = v1.new_display_seq where t1.display_seq != v1.new_display_seq ; end resequence_tags; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function is_integer( p_value in varchar2, p_min in number, p_max in number, p_err_mesg in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as l_value number; l_err_mesg varchar2(32700); begin if p_value is not null then -- prepare validation error message for exception handler l_err_mesg := apex_lang.message( p_name => p_err_mesg ,p0 => p_min ,p1 => p_max ); l_value := to_number( p_value ); -- check value is integer and between range if round( l_value ) = l_value and l_value between p_min and p_max then -- if validation passes, clear error meassage l_err_mesg := null; end if; end if; return l_err_mesg; exception when invalid_number or value_error then -- return error message return l_err_mesg; end is_integer; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function is_url( p_value in varchar2, p_err_mesg in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as l_err_mesg varchar2(32700); begin if not regexp_like(p_value, '^https?\:\/\/.*$') then -- if validation fails prepare error message l_err_mesg := p_err_mesg; end if; return l_err_mesg; end is_url; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function is_date_format( p_value in varchar2, p_err_mesg in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as l_err_mesg varchar2(32700); invalid_date_format exception; pragma exception_init(invalid_date_format, -1821); begin -- prepare validation error message l_err_mesg := p_err_mesg; -- try convert timestamp to string if to_char( sysdate, p_value ) is not null then -- if validation passes, clear error meassage l_err_mesg := null; end if; return l_err_mesg; exception when invalid_date_format then -- return error message return l_err_mesg; end is_date_format; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure update_feature( p_app_id in number, p_build_option_id in number, p_build_status in varchar2 ) as begin -- update build option value apex_application_admin.set_build_option_status( p_application_id => p_app_id ,p_id => p_build_option_id ,p_build_status => upper( p_build_status ) ); end update_feature; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure update_text_messages( p_attribute_name in varchar2 default null ) as begin for c1 in( select t1.translation_entry_id , t2.attribute_value from apex_application_translations t1 join blog_settings t2 on t1.translatable_message = t2.attribute_name where 1 = 1 and exists( select 1 from blog_settings x1 where 1 = 1 and x1.attribute_name in( 'G_PUB_APP_ID', 'G_ADMIN_APP_ID' ) and to_number( x1.attribute_value ) = t1.application_id ) and( p_attribute_name is null or t2.attribute_name = p_attribute_name ) order by 1 ) loop apex_lang.update_message ( p_id => c1.translation_entry_id , p_message_text => c1.attribute_value ); end loop; end update_text_messages; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure resequence_link_groups as begin -- update link groups display_seq if it different than new merge into blog_link_groups t1 using ( select id ,row_number() over( order by display_seq, created_on ) * 10 as new_display_seq from blog_link_groups where 1 = 1 ) v1 on ( t1.id = v1.id ) when matched then update set t1.display_seq = v1.new_display_seq where t1.display_seq != v1.new_display_seq ; end resequence_link_groups; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure resequence_links( p_link_group_id in varchar2 ) as l_link_group_id number; begin -- convert link group id to number l_link_group_id := to_number( p_link_group_id ); -- update links display_seq if it different than new merge into blog_links t1 using ( select id ,row_number() over( order by display_seq, created_on ) * 10 as new_display_seq from blog_links where 1 = 1 and link_group_id = l_link_group_id ) v1 on ( t1.id = v1.id ) when matched then update set t1.display_seq = v1.new_display_seq where t1.display_seq != v1.new_display_seq ; end resequence_links; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure resequence_dynamic_content as begin -- update dynamic content seq if it different than new merge into blog_dynamic_content t1 using ( select id ,row_number() over( order by display_seq, created_on ) * 10 as new_display_seq from blog_dynamic_content where 1 = 1 ) v1 on ( t1.id = v1.id ) when matched then update set t1.display_seq = v1.new_display_seq where t1.display_seq != v1.new_display_seq ; end resequence_dynamic_content; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_CM"; / create or replace package body "BLOG_PLUGIN" as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private constants and variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private procedures and functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function to_html_entities( p_number in number ) return varchar2 as l_string varchar2(4000); l_result varchar2(4000); begin l_string := blog_util.int_to_vc2( p_number ); for i in 1 .. length( l_string ) loop l_result := apex_string.format( p_message => '%s&#%s' ,p0 => l_result ,p1 => ascii( substr( l_string, i, 1 ) ) ) ; end loop; return l_result; end to_html_entities; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global procedures and functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure render_math_question_field( p_item in apex_plugin.t_item, p_plugin in apex_plugin.t_plugin, p_param in apex_plugin.t_item_render_param, p_result in out nocopy apex_plugin.t_item_render_result ) as l_name varchar2(256); begin if apex_application.g_debug then apex_plugin_util.debug_page_item ( p_plugin => p_plugin ,p_page_item => p_item ); end if; l_name := apex_plugin.get_input_name_for_page_item(false); if not ( p_param.is_readonly or p_param.is_printer_friendly ) then sys.htp.p( ' p_item ,p_name => l_name ,p_default_class => 'text_field apex-item-text' ) || 'value="">' ); if p_item.icon_css_classes is not null then sys.htp.p('' ); end if; apex_json.initialize_clob_output; apex_json.open_object; apex_json.write( 'itemId', p_item.name ); apex_json.write( 'ajaxIdentifier', apex_plugin.get_ajax_identifier ); apex_json.close_object; apex_javascript.add_onload_code ( p_code => apex_string.format( p_message => 'blog.plugin.mathQuestionField.getQuestion(%s)' ,p0 => apex_json.get_clob_output ) ); -- Tell APEX that this textarea is navigable p_result.is_navigable := true; end if; end render_math_question_field; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure ajax_math_question_field( p_item in apex_plugin.t_item, p_plugin in apex_plugin.t_plugin, p_param in apex_plugin.t_item_ajax_param, p_result in out nocopy apex_plugin.t_item_ajax_result ) as l_err varchar2(4000); l_min number; l_max number; l_num_1 number; l_num_2 number; l_tab apex_t_varchar2; begin l_min := to_number( p_item.attribute_01 ); l_max := to_number( p_item.attribute_02 ); l_num_1 := round( sys.dbms_random.value( l_min, l_max ) ); l_min := to_number( p_item.attribute_03 ); l_max := to_number( p_item.attribute_04 ); l_num_2 := round( sys.dbms_random.value( l_min, l_max ) ); -- set correct answer to item session state apex_util.set_session_state( p_name => p_item.attribute_05 ,p_value => blog_util.int_to_vc2( l_num_1 + l_num_2 ) ,p_commit => false ); -- Write header for the output apex_plugin_util.print_json_http_header; -- Write output apex_json.open_object; apex_json.write( 'label' ,apex_string.format( p_message => '%s %s &#%s %s&#%s' ,p0 => p_item.plain_label ,p1 => to_html_entities( l_num_1 ) ,p2 => ascii('+') ,p3 => to_html_entities( l_num_2 ) ,p4 => ascii('?') ) ); apex_json.close_all; exception when others then apex_debug.error( 'ajax_math_question_field error: %s', sqlerrm ); l_err := apex_lang.message( p_name => p_plugin.attribute_02 ,p0 => p_item.plain_label ); raise_application_error( -20002 , l_err ); raise; end ajax_math_question_field; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure validate_math_question_field( p_item in apex_plugin.t_item, p_plugin in apex_plugin.t_plugin, p_param in apex_plugin.t_item_validation_param, p_result in out nocopy apex_plugin.t_item_validation_result ) as l_answer varchar2(4000); l_value varchar2(4000); l_result boolean; begin if p_param.value is not null then l_value := v(p_item.attribute_05); l_answer := p_param.value; -- Check is answer correct l_result := case when l_value = l_answer then true else false end; else l_result := false; end if; if not l_result then p_result.message := apex_lang.message( p_name => p_plugin.attribute_01 ,p0 => p_item.plain_label ); if p_result.message = apex_escape.html( upper( p_plugin.attribute_01 ) ) then p_result.message := p_plugin.attribute_01; end if; end if; end validate_math_question_field; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_PLUGIN"; / create or replace package body "BLOG_URL" as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private constants and variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- json for pages and items c_page_and_items constant json_object_t := json_object_t( '{ "post": {"page": "POST", "items": "P2_POST_ID"}, "category": {"page": "CATEGORY", "items": "P14_CATEGORY_ID"}, "archive": {"page": "ARCHIVES", "items": "P15_ARCHIVE_ID"}, "tag": {"page": "TAG", "items": "P6_TAG_ID"}, "unsubscribe": {"page": "POST", "items": "P2_POST_ID,P2_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"} }' ); -- cache rss and atom url g_rss_url varchar2(1024); g_atom_url varchar2(1024); -- cache canonical host url g_canonical_host_url varchar2(1024); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private procedures and functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global procedures and functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_canonical_host return varchar2 as begin -- get canonical host from blog settings or use APEX provided value -- cache value to package private variable if g_canonical_host_url is null then g_canonical_host_url := blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_CANONICAL_HOST' ); -- if host not found from settings, use APEX provided value if g_canonical_host_url is null then g_canonical_host_url := apex_util.host_url(); end if; -- remove trailing slash g_canonical_host_url := rtrim( g_canonical_host_url, '/' ); end if; return g_canonical_host_url; end get_canonical_host; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_tab( p_page in varchar2, p_application in varchar2 default null, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2 as l_url varchar2(4000); begin return case p_canonical when 'YES' then get_canonical_host end || apex_page.get_url( p_application => p_application , p_page => p_page , p_session => '' , p_plain_url => true ) ; end get_tab; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_post( p_post_id in number, p_application in varchar2 default null, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2 as l_post_id varchar2(256); begin l_post_id := blog_util.int_to_vc2( p_post_id ); return get_post( p_post_id => l_post_id , p_application => p_application , p_canonical => p_canonical ) ; end get_post; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_post( p_post_id in varchar2, p_application in varchar2 default null, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2 as l_json json_object_t; begin l_json := c_page_and_items.get_object( 'post' ); return case p_canonical when 'YES' then get_canonical_host end || apex_page.get_url( p_application => p_application , p_page => l_json.get_string( 'page' ) , p_session => '' , p_items => l_json.get_string( 'items' ) , p_values => p_post_id , p_plain_url => true ) ; end get_post; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_category( p_category_id in number, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2 as l_category_id varchar2(256); begin l_category_id := blog_util.int_to_vc2( p_category_id ); return get_category( p_category_id => l_category_id , p_canonical => p_canonical ) ; end get_category; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_category( p_category_id in varchar2, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2 as l_json json_object_t; begin l_json := c_page_and_items.get_object( 'category' ); return case p_canonical when 'YES' then get_canonical_host end || apex_page.get_url( p_page => l_json.get_string( 'page' ) , p_session => '' , p_items => l_json.get_string( 'items' ) , p_values => p_category_id , p_plain_url => true ) ; end get_category; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_archive( p_archive_id in number, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2 as l_archive_id varchar2(256); begin l_archive_id := blog_util.int_to_vc2( p_archive_id ); return get_archive( p_archive_id => l_archive_id , p_canonical => p_canonical ) ; end get_archive; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_archive( p_archive_id in varchar2, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2 as l_json json_object_t; begin l_json := c_page_and_items.get_object( 'archive' ); return case p_canonical when 'YES' then get_canonical_host end || apex_page.get_url( p_page => l_json.get_string( 'page' ) , p_session => '' , p_items => l_json.get_string( 'items' ) , p_values => p_archive_id , p_plain_url => true ) ; end get_archive; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_tag( p_tag_id in number, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2 as l_tag_id varchar2(256); begin l_tag_id := blog_util.int_to_vc2( p_tag_id ); return get_tag( p_tag_id => l_tag_id , p_canonical => p_canonical ) ; end get_tag; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_tag( p_tag_id in varchar2, p_canonical in varchar2 default 'NO' ) return varchar2 as l_json json_object_t; begin l_json := c_page_and_items.get_object( 'tag' ); return case p_canonical when 'YES' then get_canonical_host end || apex_page.get_url( p_page => l_json.get_string( 'page' ) , p_session => '' , p_items => l_json.get_string( 'items' ) , p_values => p_tag_id , p_plain_url => true ) ; end get_tag; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_dynamic_page( p_content_id in number ) return varchar2 as l_content_id varchar(256); begin l_content_id := blog_util.int_to_vc2( p_content_id ); return apex_page.get_url( p_page => 'information' , p_request => l_content_id ) ; end get_dynamic_page; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_process( p_application in varchar2 default null, p_process in varchar2 default null ) return varchar2 as l_request varchar2(256); begin l_request := apex_string.format( p_message => 'application_process=%s' , p0 => p_process ) ; return get_canonical_host || apex_page.get_url( p_application => p_application , p_page => 'pgm' , p_session => '' , p_request => l_request , p_plain_url => true ) ; end get_process; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_unsubscribe( p_application in varchar2, p_post_id in varchar2, p_subscription_id in number ) return varchar2 as l_url varchar2(4000); l_subs_id varchar2(256); l_json json_object_t; begin l_json := c_page_and_items.get_object( 'unsubscribe' ); l_subs_id := blog_util.int_to_vc2( p_subscription_id ); l_url := apex_page.get_url( p_application => p_application , p_page => l_json.get_string( 'page' ) , p_session => '' , p_items => l_json.get_string( 'items' ) , p_values => p_post_id || ',' || l_subs_id , p_plain_url => true ) ; return get_canonical_host || l_url; end get_unsubscribe; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_rss( p_application in varchar2 default null ) return varchar2 as begin -- get rss url from blog settings or use default value -- cache value to package private variable if g_rss_url is null then -- Fetch RSS URL override from settings g_rss_url := blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_RSS_URL' ); -- If there isn't override custruct URL if g_rss_url is null then g_rss_url := get_process( p_application => p_application , p_process => 'rss.xml' ) ; end if; end if; return g_rss_url; end get_rss; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_atom( p_application in varchar2 default null ) return varchar2 as begin -- cache value to package private variable if g_atom_url is null then g_atom_url := get_process( p_application => p_application , p_process => 'atom.xml' ) ; end if; return g_atom_url; end get_atom; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_rss_xsl( p_application in varchar2 default null ) return varchar2 as l_xsl_url varchar2(4000); begin -- Fetch XSL URL override from settings l_xsl_url := blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_RSS_XSL_URL' ); -- If there isn't override use default XSL if l_xsl_url is null then l_xsl_url := get_process( p_application => p_application , p_process => 'rss.xsl' ) ; end if; return l_xsl_url; end get_rss_xsl; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_sitemap_index( p_application in varchar2 default null ) return varchar2 as l_sitemap_url varchar2(4000); begin l_sitemap_url := get_process( p_application => p_application , p_process => 'sitemap-index.xml' ) ; return l_sitemap_url; end get_sitemap_index; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_URL"; / create or replace package body "BLOG_COMM" as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private constants and variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_whitelist_tags constant varchar2(256) := ',,,,,,,'; c_code_block_html constant varchar2(256) := '
'; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private procedures and functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure remove_ascii( p_string in out nocopy varchar2 ) as begin -- remove unwanted ascii codes for i in 0 .. 31 loop if i != 10 then p_string := trim( replace( p_string, chr(i) ) ); end if; end loop; end remove_ascii; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure remove_anchor( p_string in out nocopy varchar2 ) as begin -- remove anchor tags p_string := regexp_replace( p_string, ']*>(.*?)<\/a>', '', 1, 0, 'i' ); end remove_anchor; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure escape_html( p_string in out nocopy varchar2 ) as l_hasmark constant varchar(10) := '#HashMark#'; begin -- change all hash marks so we can escape those -- after calling apex_escape.html_whitelist -- escape of hash marks needed to prevent APEX substitutions p_string := replace( p_string, '#', l_hasmark ); -- escape comment html p_string := apex_escape.html_whitelist( p_html => p_string ,p_whitelist_tags => c_whitelist_tags ); -- escape hash marks p_string := replace( p_string, l_hasmark, '#' ); end escape_html; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure build_code_tab( p_comment in out nocopy varchar2, p_code_tab in out nocopy apex_t_varchar2 ) as l_code varchar2(32700); l_code_cnt pls_integer := 0; l_start_pos pls_integer := 0; l_end_pos pls_integer := 0; begin -- check code open tag count l_code_cnt := regexp_count( p_comment, '\', 1, 'i' ); -- process code tags if open and close count match ( pre check is for valid HTML ) if l_code_cnt = regexp_count( p_comment, '\<\/code\>', 1, 'i' ) then -- collect content inside code tags to collection for i in 1 .. l_code_cnt loop l_code := null; -- get code start and end position l_start_pos := instr( lower( p_comment ), '' ); l_end_pos := instr( lower( p_comment ), '' ); l_code := trim( substr( p_comment, l_start_pos + 6, l_end_pos - l_start_pos - 6 ) ); l_code := trim( trim( both chr(10) from l_code ) ); -- store code tag content to collection and wrap it to pre tag having class apex_string.push( p_table => p_code_tab ,p_value => apex_string.format( p_message => c_code_block_html ,p0 => l_code ) ); -- substitude handled code tag p_comment := apex_string.format( p_message => '%s%s#BLOG_COMMENT_CODE%s#%s%s' ,p0 => rtrim( substr( p_comment, 1, l_start_pos - 1 ), chr(10) ) ,p1 => chr(10) ,p2 => i ,p3 => chr(10) ,p4 => ltrim( substr( p_comment, l_end_pos + 7 ), chr(10) ) ) ; end loop; end if; end build_code_tab; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure build_comment_html( p_comment in out nocopy varchar2 ) as l_temp varchar2(32700); l_code_row number; l_code_tab apex_t_varchar2; l_comment_tab apex_t_varchar2; begin -- process code tags build_code_tab( p_comment => p_comment ,p_code_tab => l_code_tab ); -- split comment to collection by new line character l_comment_tab := apex_string.split( p_comment, chr(10) ); -- comment is stored to collection -- start building comment with prober html tags p_comment := null; -- Format comment for i in 1 .. l_comment_tab.count loop l_temp := trim( l_comment_tab(i) ); -- check if row is code block if regexp_like( l_temp, '^#BLOG_COMMENT_CODE[0-9]+\#$' ) then -- get code block row number l_code_row := regexp_substr( l_temp, '[0-9]+' ); -- close p tag, insert code block -- and open p tag again for text p_comment := apex_string.format( p_message => '%s


' ,p0 => p_comment ,p1 => l_code_tab( l_code_row ) ) ; else -- append text if row is not empty if l_temp is not null then -- if we are in first row if p_comment is null then p_comment := l_temp; else -- check if p tag is opened, then insert br for new line p_comment := apex_string.format( p_message => '%s%s%s' ,p0 => p_comment ,p1 => case when not substr( p_comment, length( p_comment ) - 2 ) = '

' then '
' -- br element backlash needed because comment is validated as XML end ,p2 => l_temp ) ; end if; end if; end if; end loop; -- wrap comment to p tag. p_comment := apex_string.format( '


', p_comment ); -- there might be empty p, if comment e.g. ends code tag, remove that p_comment := replace( p_comment, '

' ); end build_comment_html; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global functions and procedures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function format_comment( p_comment in varchar2, p_remove_anchors in boolean default false ) return varchar2 as l_comment varchar2(32700); begin l_comment := p_comment; -- remove unwanted ascii codes remove_ascii( p_string => l_comment ); -- remove all anchors if p_remove_anchors then remove_anchor( p_string => l_comment ); end if; -- escape HTML escape_html( p_string => l_comment ); -- build comment HTML build_comment_html( p_comment => l_comment ); apex_debug.info( 'Formatted comment: %s', l_comment ); -- return comment return l_comment; end format_comment; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function validate_comment( p_comment in varchar2, p_max_length in number default 4000 ) return varchar2 as l_xml xmltype; l_result varchar2(32700); l_err_mesg varchar2(32700); xml_parsing_failed exception; pragma exception_init( xml_parsing_failed, -31011 ); begin -- check formatted comment length if lengthb( p_comment ) > p_max_length then -- set error message l_err_mesg := 'BLOG_VALIDATION_ERR_COMMENT_LENGTH'; else -- check HTML is valid -- TO DO see item 1 from package specs begin l_xml := xmltype.createxml( apex_string.format( p_message => '%s' ,p0 => p_comment ) ); exception when xml_parsing_failed then -- set error message l_err_mesg := 'BLOG_VALIDATION_ERR_COMMENT_HTML'; end; end if; if l_err_mesg is not null then -- prepare return validation error message l_result := apex_lang.message( p_name => l_err_mesg ); end if; -- return validation result -- if validation fails we return error message stored to variable return l_result; end validate_comment; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function is_email( p_email in varchar2, p_err_mesg in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as l_err_mesg varchar2(32700); begin -- TO DO see item 3 from package specs -- do some basic check for email address if not regexp_like( p_email, '^.*\@.*\..*$' ) then -- if validation fails prepare error message l_err_mesg := p_err_mesg; end if; return l_err_mesg; end is_email; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure flag_comment( p_comment_id in varchar2, p_flags in varchar2 ) as l_flags apex_t_varchar2; begin l_flags := apex_string.split( p_flags, ':' ); for i in 1 .. l_flags.count loop begin insert into blog_comment_flags( comment_id, flag ) values( p_comment_id, l_flags(i) ) ; exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; end loop; end flag_comment; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure unflag_comment( p_comment_id in varchar2, p_flags in varchar2 ) as l_flags apex_t_varchar2; begin l_flags := apex_string.split( p_flags, ':' ); for i in 1 .. l_flags.count loop delete from blog_comment_flags where 1 = 1 and comment_id = p_comment_id and flag = l_flags(i) ; end loop; end unflag_comment; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure new_comment_notify( p_post_id in varchar2, p_app_name in varchar2, p_email_template in varchar2 ) as l_post_id number; l_app_email varchar2(4000); begin l_post_id := to_number( p_post_id ); -- fetch application email address l_app_email := blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_APP_EMAIL' ); -- if application email address is not set, exit from procedure if l_app_email is null then apex_debug.info( 'application email address is not set' ); return; end if; -- get values for APEX email template -- send notify email if blog email address is set -- and blogger has set email for c1 in( select v1.blogger_email ,json_object ( 'APP_NAME' value p_app_name ,'BLOGGER_NAME' value v1.blogger_name ,'POST_TITLE' value v1.title ,'POST_LINK' value blog_url.get_post( p_post_id => v1.id ,p_canonical => 'YES' ) ) as placeholders from blog_v_all_posts v1 where 1 = 1 and v1.id = l_post_id and v1.blogger_email is not null ) loop apex_debug.info( 'Send email to: %s from: %s template: %s placeholders: %s' ,c1.blogger_email ,l_app_email ,p_email_template ,c1.placeholders ); -- send notify email apex_mail.send ( p_to => c1.blogger_email ,p_from => l_app_email ,p_template_static_id => p_email_template ,p_placeholders => c1.placeholders ); end loop; end new_comment_notify; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure reply_notify( p_app_id in varchar2, p_app_name in varchar2, p_post_id in varchar2, p_email_template in varchar2 ) as l_watch_end date; l_post_id number; l_watch_months number; l_app_email varchar2(4000); begin l_post_id := to_number( p_post_id ); -- fetch application email address l_app_email := blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_APP_EMAIL' ); -- if application email address is not set, exit from procedure if l_app_email is null then apex_debug.info( 'application email address is not set' ); return; end if; -- fetch comment watch expires l_watch_months := to_number( blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_COMMENT_WATCH_MONTHS' ) ) * -1 ; l_watch_end := add_months( trunc( sysdate ), l_watch_months ); -- send notify users that have subscribed to replies to comment for c1 in( select t2.email ,json_object ( 'APP_NAME' value p_app_name ,'POST_TITLE' value v1.title ,'POST_LINK' value blog_url.get_post( p_application => p_app_id ,p_post_id => p_post_id ,p_canonical => 'YES' ) ,'UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK' value blog_url.get_unsubscribe( p_application => p_app_id ,p_post_id => p_post_id ,p_subscription_id => t1.id ) ) as placeholders from blog_comment_subscribers t1 join blog_subscribers_email t2 on t1.email_id = t2.id join blog_v_all_posts v1 on t1.post_id = v1.id where 1 = 1 and t1.is_active * t2.is_active * case v1.post_status_code when 'PUBLISHED' then 1 else 0 end = 1 and v1.id = l_post_id -- send notification if subscription is created less than months ago specified in settings and t1.subscription_date > l_watch_end ) loop apex_debug.info( 'Send email to: %s from: %s template: %s placeholders: %s' ,c1.email ,l_app_email ,p_email_template ,c1.placeholders ); -- send notify email apex_mail.send ( p_from => l_app_email ,p_to => c1.email ,p_template_static_id => p_email_template ,p_placeholders => c1.placeholders ); end loop; end reply_notify; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure subscribe( p_post_id in varchar2, p_email in varchar2 ) as l_email varchar2(256); l_post_id number; l_email_id number; begin l_email := trim( lower( p_email ) ); l_post_id := to_number( p_post_id ); -- subscribe user to get notify on reply to comment if p_email is not null and p_post_id is not null then -- check if email address already exists and fetch id begin select id into l_email_id from blog_subscribers_email where 1 = 1 and email = l_email ; -- if email address not exists, insert and return id exception when no_data_found then insert into blog_subscribers_email( email, is_active ) values ( l_email, 1 ) returning id into l_email_id ; end; -- insert post to email relation begin insert into blog_comment_subscribers( post_id, email_id, subscription_date, is_active ) values ( p_post_id, l_email_id, trunc( sysdate ), 1 ) ; -- if subscription already exists update subscription exception when dup_val_on_index then update blog_comment_subscribers set subscription_date = trunc( sysdate ) where 1 = 1 and is_active = 1 and post_id = p_post_id and email_id = l_email_id ; end; end if; end subscribe; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure unsubscribe( p_subscription_id in varchar2 ) as begin -- remove user subscribtion to get notify from replies delete from blog_comment_subscribers where 1 = 1 and id = p_subscription_id ; end unsubscribe; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_COMM"; / create or replace package body "BLOG_HTML" as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private constants and variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_link_canonical_template constant varchar2(64) := ''; c_link_alternate_template constant varchar2(64) := ''; g_link_canonical varchar2(1024); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private procedures and functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global functions and procedures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_robots_noindex_meta return varchar2 as begin return ''; end get_robots_noindex_meta; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_page_canonical_link return varchar2 as begin return g_link_canonical; end get_page_canonical_link; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure set_tab_canonical_link( p_page in varchar2, p_url out nocopy varchar2 ) as begin -- generate canonical link for tab if p_page is not null then p_url := blog_url.get_tab( p_page => p_page , p_canonical => 'YES' ) ; g_link_canonical := apex_string.format( p_message => c_link_canonical_template , p0 => p_url ) ; else -- if p_page is not defined apex_debug.warn( 'Canonical link tag not generated for tab.' ); g_link_canonical := get_robots_noindex_meta; end if; end set_tab_canonical_link; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure set_post_canonical_link( p_post_id in varchar2, p_url out nocopy varchar2 ) as begin -- generate canonical link for post if p_post_id is not null then p_url := blog_url.get_post( p_post_id => p_post_id , p_canonical => 'YES' ) ; g_link_canonical := apex_string.format( p_message => c_link_canonical_template , p0 => p_url ) ; else apex_debug.warn( 'Canonical link tag not generated for post.' ); g_link_canonical := get_robots_noindex_meta; end if; end set_post_canonical_link; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure set_category_canonical_link( p_category_id in varchar2, p_url out nocopy varchar2 ) as begin -- generate canonical link for category if p_category_id is not null then p_url := blog_url.get_category( p_category_id => p_category_id , p_canonical => 'YES' ) ; g_link_canonical := apex_string.format( p_message => c_link_canonical_template , p0 => p_url ) ; else apex_debug.warn( 'Canonical link tag not generated for category.' ); g_link_canonical := get_robots_noindex_meta; end if; end set_category_canonical_link; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure set_archive_canonical_link( p_archive_id in varchar2, p_url out nocopy varchar2 ) as begin -- generate canonical link for archives if p_archive_id is not null then p_url := blog_url.get_archive( p_archive_id => p_archive_id , p_canonical => 'YES' ) ; g_link_canonical := apex_string.format( p_message => c_link_canonical_template , p0 => p_url ) ; else apex_debug.warn( 'Canonical link tag not generated for archive.' ); g_link_canonical := get_robots_noindex_meta; end if; end set_archive_canonical_link; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure set_tag_canonical_link( p_tag_id in varchar2, p_url out nocopy varchar2 ) as begin -- generate canonical link for tags if p_tag_id is not null then p_url := blog_url.get_tag( p_tag_id => p_tag_id , p_canonical => 'YES' ) ; g_link_canonical := apex_string.format( p_message => c_link_canonical_template , p0 => p_url ) ; else apex_debug.warn( 'Canonical link tag not generated for tag.' ); g_link_canonical := get_robots_noindex_meta; end if; end set_tag_canonical_link; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_rss_anchor( p_app_name in varchar2, p_message in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as l_rss_url varchar2(4000); l_rss_title varchar2(4000); l_rss_anchor varchar2(4000); begin -- get rss title l_rss_title := apex_lang.message( p_name => p_message , p0 => p_app_name ) ; -- get rss url l_rss_url := blog_url.get_rss; -- generate RSS anchor l_rss_anchor := apex_string.format( p_message => '' || '' || '' , p0 => l_rss_url , p1 => apex_escape.html_attribute( l_rss_title ) , p2 => blog_util.g_mime_rss , p3 => 't-Button t-Button--noLabel t-Button--icon t-Button--link' , p4 => 'fa fa-rss-square fa-3x fa-lg u-color-8-text' ) ; -- return generated HTML return l_rss_anchor; end get_rss_anchor; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_rss_link( p_app_id in varchar2, p_app_name in varchar2, p_message in varchar2, p_build_option in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as l_app_id number; l_rss_url varchar2(4000); l_rss_title varchar2(4000); begin l_app_id := to_number( p_app_id ); -- check build option should HTML generated if apex_application_admin.get_build_option_status( p_application_id => l_app_id , p_build_option_name => p_build_option ) = apex_application_admin.c_build_option_status_include then -- get rss url l_rss_url := blog_url.get_rss; -- generate link for RSS l_rss_title := apex_lang.message( p_name => p_message , p0 => p_app_name ); -- generate HTML l_rss_url := apex_string.format( p_message => c_link_alternate_template , p0 => l_rss_url , p1 => apex_escape.html_attribute( p_string => l_rss_title ) , p2 => blog_util.g_mime_rss ) ; end if; -- return generated HTML return l_rss_url; end get_rss_link; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_atom_link( p_app_id in varchar2, p_app_name in varchar2, p_message in varchar2, p_build_option in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as l_app_id number; l_atom_url varchar2(4000); l_atom_title varchar2(4000); begin l_app_id := to_number( p_app_id ); -- check build option should HTML generated if apex_application_admin.get_build_option_status( p_application_id => l_app_id , p_build_option_name => p_build_option ) = apex_application_admin.c_build_option_status_include then -- get atom url l_atom_url := blog_url.get_atom; -- generate link for atom l_atom_title := apex_lang.message( p_name => p_message , p0 => p_app_name ); -- generate HTML l_atom_url := apex_string.format( p_message => c_link_alternate_template , p0 => l_atom_url , p1 => apex_escape.html_attribute( p_string => l_atom_title ) , p2 => blog_util.g_mime_atom ) ; end if; -- return generated HTML return l_atom_url; end get_atom_link; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_HTML"; / create or replace package body "BLOG_XML" as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private constants and variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_mime_xml constant varchar2(40) := 'application/xml'; c_char_set constant varchar2(5) := 'UTF-8'; c_headers constant apex_t_varchar2 := apex_t_varchar2( 'Cache-Control', 'Content-Disposition', 'Last-Modified' ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private procedures and functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global functions and procedures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure rss( p_app_name in varchar2, p_app_desc in varchar2 ) as l_xml xmltype; l_rss blob; l_lang varchar2(256); l_app_id varchar2(256); l_rss_url varchar2(4000); l_xsl_url varchar2(4000); l_home_url varchar2(4000); l_app_name varchar2(4000); l_app_desc varchar2(4000); l_cache_control varchar2(256); l_last_modified varchar2(256); l_max_published timestamp; l_rss_version constant varchar2(5) := '2.0'; begin l_lang := apex_application.g_browser_language; -- RSS feed URL l_rss_url := blog_url.get_rss; -- blog name l_app_name := coalesce( p_app_name ,blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'BLOG_APP_NAME' ) ); -- rss feed description l_app_desc := coalesce( p_app_desc ,blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'BLOG_APP_DESC' ) ); -- blog home page absulute URL l_home_url := blog_url.get_tab( p_page => 'HOME' ,p_canonical => 'YES' ); -- rss transformations (XSLT) l_xsl_url := blog_url.get_rss_xsl; -- generate RSS select xmlserialize( content xmlconcat( case when l_xsl_url is not null then xmlpi( "xml-stylesheet", apex_string.format( p_message => 'type="text/xsl" href="%s" media="screen"' ,p0 => l_xsl_url ) ) end, xmlelement( "rss", xmlattributes( l_rss_version as "version" ,'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/' as "xmlns:dc" ,'http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/' as "xmlns:content" ,'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' as "xmlns:atom" ) ,xmlelement( "channel" ,xmlelement( "atom:link" ,xmlattributes( 'self' as "rel" ,l_rss_url as "href" ,blog_util.g_mime_rss as "type" ) ) ,xmlforest( l_app_name as "title" ,l_home_url as "link" ,l_app_desc as "description" ,l_lang as "language" ) ,xmlagg( xmlelement( "item" ,xmlelement( "title", posts.post_title ) ,xmlelement( "dc:creator", posts.blogger_name ) ,xmlelement( "category", posts.category_title ) ,xmlelement( "link", posts.absolute_url ) ,xmlelement( "description", posts.post_desc ) ,xmlelement( "content:encoded", xmlcdata( posts.body_html ) ) ,xmlelement( "pubDate", to_char( sys_extract_utc( posts.published_on ) ,blog_util.g_rfc_2822_date ,blog_util.g_nls_date_lang ) ) ,xmlelement( "guid", xmlattributes( 'false' as "isPermaLink" ), posts.post_id ) ) order by posts.published_on desc ) ) ) ) as blob encoding c_char_set indent size = 2 ) ,max( posts.published_on ) as max_published into l_rss, l_max_published from blog_v_posts_last20 posts ; l_cache_control := apex_string.format( p_message => 'max-age=%s' ,p0 => blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_MAX_AGE_RSS' ) ) ; l_last_modified := to_char( sys_extract_utc( l_max_published ) ,blog_util.g_rfc_2822_date ,blog_util.g_nls_date_lang ) ; blog_util.download_file( p_blob_content => l_rss ,p_mime_type => c_mime_xml ,p_header_names => c_headers ,p_header_values => apex_t_varchar2( l_cache_control, 'inline; filename="rss.xml"', l_last_modified ) ,p_charset => c_char_set ); -- handle errors exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => '%s Error: %s' ,p0 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) ,p1 => sqlerrm ); -- show http error blog_util.raise_http_error( 500 ); raise; end rss; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure atom( p_app_name in varchar2, p_app_desc in varchar2 ) as l_xml xmltype; l_atom blob; l_app_id varchar2(256); l_atom_url varchar2(4000); l_home_url varchar2(4000); l_app_name varchar2(4000); l_app_desc varchar2(4000); l_cache_control varchar2(256); l_last_modified varchar2(256); l_max_published timestamp; begin -- atom feed URL l_atom_url := blog_url.get_atom; -- blog name l_app_name := coalesce( p_app_name ,blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'BLOG_APP_NAME' ) ); -- atom feed description l_app_desc := coalesce( p_app_desc ,blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'BLOG_APP_DESC' ) ); -- blog home page absulute URL l_home_url := blog_url.get_tab( p_page => 'HOME' ,p_canonical => 'YES' ); -- generate atom feed select xmlserialize( content xmlelement( "feed", xmlattributes( 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' as "xmlns" ) ,xmlelement( "link" ,xmlattributes( 'self' as "rel" ,l_atom_url as "href" ,blog_util.g_mime_atom as "type" ) ) ,xmlforest( l_app_name as "title" ,l_app_desc as "subtitle" ,l_atom_url as "id" ,to_char( sys_extract_utc( max( posts.published_on ) ) ,blog_util.g_iso_8601_date ,blog_util.g_nls_date_lang ) as "updated" ) ,xmlagg( xmlelement( "entry" ,xmlelement( "title", posts.post_title ) ,xmlelement( "author" ,xmlelement( "name", posts.blogger_name ) ) ,xmlelement( "category" ,xmlattributes( posts.category_title as "label" ,posts.category_title as "term" ) ) ,xmlelement( "link" ,xmlattributes( posts.absolute_url as "href" ) ) ,xmlelement( "summary", posts.post_desc ) ,xmlelement( "content" ,xmlattributes( 'html' as "type" ) ,xmlcdata( posts.body_html ) ) ,xmlelement( "updated", to_char( sys_extract_utc( posts.published_on ) ,blog_util.g_iso_8601_date ,blog_util.g_nls_date_lang ) ) ,xmlelement( "id", posts.absolute_url ) ) order by posts.published_on desc ) ) as blob encoding c_char_set indent size = 2 ) ,max( posts.published_on ) as max_published into l_atom, l_max_published from blog_v_posts_last20 posts ; l_cache_control := apex_string.format( p_message => 'max-age=%s' ,p0 => blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_MAX_AGE_RSS' ) ) ; l_last_modified := to_char( sys_extract_utc( l_max_published ) ,blog_util.g_rfc_2822_date ,blog_util.g_nls_date_lang ) ; blog_util.download_file( p_blob_content => l_atom ,p_mime_type => c_mime_xml ,p_header_names => c_headers ,p_header_values => apex_t_varchar2( l_cache_control, 'inline; filename="atom.xml"', l_last_modified ) ,p_charset => c_char_set ); -- handle errors exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => '%s Error: %s' ,p0 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) ,p1 => sqlerrm ); -- show http error blog_util.raise_http_error( 500 ); raise; end atom; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure rss_xsl( p_css_file in varchar2 ) as l_xml xmltype; l_xsl blob; l_css_url varchar2(1024); l_cache_control varchar2(256); begin -- Generate relaive URL for CSS file if p_css_file not like 'http%' then l_css_url := apex_util.host_url( 'APEX_PATH' ); l_css_url := substr( l_css_url, instr( l_css_url, '/', 1, 3 ) ); end if; l_css_url := l_css_url || p_css_file; l_xml := xmltype( apex_string.format( p_message => ' <xsl:value-of select="title" />

' ,p0 => apex_application.g_browser_language ,p1 => l_css_url ) ) ; select xmlserialize( content l_xml as blob encoding c_char_set indent size = 2 ) xsl into l_xsl from dual ; l_cache_control := apex_string.format( p_message => 'max-age=%s' ,p0 => blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_MAX_AGE_RSS_XSL' ) ) ; blog_util.download_file( p_blob_content => l_xsl ,p_mime_type => c_mime_xml ,p_header_names => c_headers ,p_header_values => apex_t_varchar2( l_cache_control, 'inline; filename="rss.xsl"', null ) ,p_charset => c_char_set ); -- handle errors exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => '%s Error: %s' ,p0 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) ,p1 => sqlerrm ); -- show http error blog_util.raise_http_error( 500 ); raise; end rss_xsl; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure sitemap_index( p_app_id in varchar2, p_app_page_id in varchar2, p_process_name in varchar2 ) as l_url varchar2(4000); l_xml blob; l_cache_control varchar2(256); l_build_option constant varchar2(256) := 'BLOG_FEATURE_SITEMAP'; begin -- get url to call sitemaps process l_url := blog_url.get_process; select xmlserialize( document xmlelement( "sitemapindex", xmlattributes( 'http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9' as "xmlns" ), ( xmlagg( xmlelement( "sitemap" ,xmlelement( "loc", l_url || t1.process_name ) ) order by t1.execution_sequence ) ) ) as blob encoding c_char_set indent size = 2 ) into l_xml from apex_application_page_proc t1 where 1 = 1 and t1.process_name != p_process_name and t1.application_id = p_app_id and t1.page_id = p_app_page_id and t1.build_option = l_build_option ; l_cache_control := apex_string.format( p_message => 'max-age=%s' ,p0 => blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_MAX_AGE_SITEMAP' ) ) ; blog_util.download_file( p_blob_content => l_xml ,p_mime_type => c_mime_xml ,p_header_names => c_headers ,p_header_values => apex_t_varchar2( l_cache_control, 'inline; filename="sitemap-index.xml"', null ) ,p_charset => c_char_set ); -- handle errors exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => '%s Error: %s' ,p0 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) ,p1 => sqlerrm ); -- show http error blog_util.raise_http_error( 500 ); raise; end sitemap_index; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure sitemap_main( p_app_id in varchar2, p_page_group in varchar2 ) as l_xml blob; l_cache_control varchar2(256); begin select xmlserialize( document xmlelement( "urlset", xmlattributes( 'http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9' as "xmlns" ), ( xmlagg( xmlelement( "url" ,xmlelement( "loc", blog_url.get_tab( p_page => v1.page_alias ,p_canonical => 'YES' ) ) ) order by v1.page_id ) ) ) as blob encoding c_char_set indent size = 2 ) into l_xml from apex_application_pages v1 where 1 = 1 and v1.application_id = p_app_id and v1.page_group = p_page_group and case when v1.build_option is null then apex_application_admin.c_build_option_status_include else apex_application_admin.get_build_option_status( p_application_id => p_app_id ,p_build_option_name => v1.build_option ) end = apex_application_admin.c_build_option_status_include ; l_cache_control := apex_string.format( p_message => 'max-age=%s' ,p0 => blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_MAX_AGE_SITEMAP' ) ) ; blog_util.download_file( p_blob_content => l_xml ,p_mime_type => c_mime_xml ,p_header_names => c_headers ,p_header_values => apex_t_varchar2( l_cache_control, 'inline; filename="sitemap-main.xml"', null ) ,p_charset => c_char_set ); -- handle errors exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => '%s Error: %s' ,p0 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) ,p1 => sqlerrm ); -- show http error blog_util.raise_http_error( 500 ); raise; end sitemap_main; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure sitemap_posts as l_xml blob; l_cache_control varchar2(256); begin select xmlserialize( document xmlelement( "urlset", xmlattributes('http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9' as "xmlns"), ( xmlagg( xmlelement( "url" ,xmlelement( "loc", blog_url.get_post( p_post_id => posts.post_id ,p_canonical => 'YES' ) ) ,xmlelement( "lastmod", to_char( sys_extract_utc( greatest( posts.published_on, posts.changed_on ) ) ,blog_util.g_iso_8601_date ) ) ) order by posts.published_on desc ) ) ) as blob encoding c_char_set indent size = 2 ) into l_xml from blog_v_posts posts ; l_cache_control := apex_string.format( p_message => 'max-age=%s' ,p0 => blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_MAX_AGE_SITEMAP' ) ) ; blog_util.download_file( p_blob_content => l_xml ,p_mime_type => c_mime_xml ,p_header_names => c_headers ,p_header_values => apex_t_varchar2( l_cache_control, 'inline; filename="sitemap-posts.xml"', null ) ,p_charset => c_char_set ); -- handle errors exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => '%s Error: %s' ,p0 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) ,p1 => sqlerrm ); -- show http error blog_util.raise_http_error( 500 ); raise; end sitemap_posts; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure sitemap_categories as l_xml blob; l_cache_control varchar2(256); begin select xmlserialize( document xmlelement( "urlset", xmlattributes('http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9' as "xmlns"), ( xmlagg( xmlelement( "url" ,xmlelement( "loc", blog_url.get_category( p_category_id => cat.category_id ,p_canonical => 'YES' ) ) ,xmlelement( "lastmod", to_char( sys_extract_utc( cat.changed_on ) ,blog_util.g_iso_8601_date ) ) ) order by cat.display_seq desc ) ) ) as blob encoding c_char_set indent size = 2 ) into l_xml from blog_v_categories cat ; l_cache_control := apex_string.format( p_message => 'max-age=%s' ,p0 => blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_MAX_AGE_SITEMAP' ) ) ; blog_util.download_file( p_blob_content => l_xml ,p_mime_type => c_mime_xml ,p_header_names => c_headers ,p_header_values => apex_t_varchar2( l_cache_control, 'inline; filename="sitemap-categories.xml"', null ) ,p_charset => c_char_set ); -- handle errors exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => '%s Error: %s' ,p0 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) ,p1 => sqlerrm ); -- show http error blog_util.raise_http_error( 500 ); raise; end sitemap_categories; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure sitemap_archives as l_xml blob; l_cache_control varchar2(256); begin select xmlserialize( document xmlelement( "urlset", xmlattributes('http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9' as "xmlns"), ( xmlagg( xmlelement( "url" ,xmlelement( "loc", blog_url.get_archive( p_archive_id => arc.archive_year ,p_canonical => 'YES' ) ) ,xmlelement( "lastmod", to_char( sys_extract_utc( arc.changed_on ) ,blog_util.g_iso_8601_date ) ) ) order by arc.archive_year desc ) ) ) as blob encoding c_char_set indent size = 2 ) into l_xml from blog_v_archive_year arc ; l_cache_control := apex_string.format( p_message => 'max-age=%s' ,p0 => blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_MAX_AGE_SITEMAP' ) ) ; blog_util.download_file( p_blob_content => l_xml ,p_mime_type => c_mime_xml ,p_header_names => c_headers ,p_header_values => apex_t_varchar2( l_cache_control, 'inline; filename="sitemap-archives.xml"', null ) ,p_charset => c_char_set ); -- handle errors exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => '%s Error: %s' ,p0 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) ,p1 => sqlerrm ); -- show http error blog_util.raise_http_error( 500 ); raise; end sitemap_archives; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure sitemap_tags as l_xml blob; l_cache_control varchar2(256); begin select xmlserialize( document xmlelement( "urlset", xmlattributes('http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9' as "xmlns"), ( xmlagg( xmlelement( "url" ,xmlelement( "loc", blog_url.get_tag( p_tag_id => tags.tag_id ,p_canonical => 'YES' ) ) ,xmlelement( "lastmod", to_char( sys_extract_utc( tags.changed_on ) ,blog_util.g_iso_8601_date ) ) ) order by tags.changed_on ) ) ) as blob encoding c_char_set indent size = 2 ) into l_xml from blog_v_tags tags ; l_cache_control := apex_string.format( p_message => 'max-age=%s' ,p0 => blog_util.get_attribute_value( 'G_MAX_AGE_SITEMAP' ) ) ; blog_util.download_file( p_blob_content => l_xml ,p_mime_type => c_mime_xml ,p_header_names => c_headers ,p_header_values => apex_t_varchar2( l_cache_control, 'inline; filename="sitemap-tags.xml"', null ) ,p_charset => c_char_set ); -- handle errors exception when others then apex_debug.error( p_message => '%s Error: %s' ,p0 => utl_call_stack.concatenate_subprogram(utl_call_stack.subprogram(1)) ,p1 => sqlerrm ); -- show http error blog_util.raise_http_error( 500 ); raise; end sitemap_tags; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end "BLOG_XML"; / -------------------------------------------------------- --DDL for Foreign Keys -------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE "BLOG_COMMENTS" ADD CONSTRAINT "BLOG_COMMENTS_FK1" FOREIGN KEY ("POST_ID") REFERENCES "BLOG_POSTS" ("ID") ENABLE; ALTER TABLE "BLOG_COMMENTS" ADD CONSTRAINT "BLOG_COMMENTS_FK2" FOREIGN KEY ("PARENT_ID") REFERENCES "BLOG_COMMENTS" ("ID") ENABLE; ALTER TABLE "BLOG_COMMENT_FLAGS" ADD CONSTRAINT "BLOG_COMMENT_FLAGS_FK1" FOREIGN KEY ("COMMENT_ID") REFERENCES "BLOG_COMMENTS" ("ID") ON DELETE CASCADE ENABLE; ALTER TABLE "BLOG_COMMENT_SUBSCRIBERS" ADD CONSTRAINT "BLOG_COMMENT_SUBSCRIBERS_FK1" FOREIGN KEY ("POST_ID") REFERENCES "BLOG_POSTS" ("ID") ON DELETE CASCADE ENABLE; ALTER TABLE "BLOG_COMMENT_SUBSCRIBERS" ADD CONSTRAINT "BLOG_COMMENT_SUBSCRIBERS_FK2" FOREIGN KEY ("EMAIL_ID") REFERENCES "BLOG_SUBSCRIBERS_EMAIL" ("ID") ON DELETE CASCADE ENABLE; ALTER TABLE "BLOG_FEATURES" ADD CONSTRAINT "BLOG_FEATURES_FK1" FOREIGN KEY ("BUILD_OPTION_PARENT") REFERENCES "BLOG_FEATURES" ("BUILD_OPTION_NAME") ENABLE; ALTER TABLE "BLOG_INIT_ITEMS" ADD CONSTRAINT "BLOG_INIT_ITEMS_FK1" FOREIGN KEY ("ITEM_NAME") REFERENCES "BLOG_SETTINGS" ("ATTRIBUTE_NAME") ENABLE; ALTER TABLE "BLOG_LINKS" ADD CONSTRAINT "BLOG_LINKS_FK1" FOREIGN KEY ("LINK_GROUP_ID") REFERENCES "BLOG_LINK_GROUPS" ("ID") ON DELETE CASCADE ENABLE; ALTER TABLE "BLOG_POSTS" ADD CONSTRAINT "BLOG_POSTS_FK1" FOREIGN KEY ("BLOGGER_ID") REFERENCES "BLOG_BLOGGERS" ("ID") ENABLE; ALTER TABLE "BLOG_POSTS" ADD CONSTRAINT "BLOG_POSTS_FK2" FOREIGN KEY ("CATEGORY_ID") REFERENCES "BLOG_CATEGORIES" ("ID") ENABLE; ALTER TABLE "BLOG_POST_TAGS" ADD CONSTRAINT "BLOG_POST_TAGS_FK1" FOREIGN KEY ("POST_ID") REFERENCES "BLOG_POSTS" ("ID") ON DELETE CASCADE ENABLE; ALTER TABLE "BLOG_POST_TAGS" ADD CONSTRAINT "BLOG_POST_TAGS_FK2" FOREIGN KEY ("TAG_ID") REFERENCES "BLOG_TAGS" ("ID") ENABLE;